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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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What show am I watching?


Better yet, what the bloody hell show does Ron believe he's writing for? 


The direction they're giving the kid actor playing Jake, or maybe it's the lack thereof, is just past deplorable at this point, imho. What are they even telling him to do? Act like he just woke up from a midday nap?


I don't think the little boy has any clue what's expected of him so he just falls back on staring at people blankly and stroking that damn motorcycle. But then again that's pretty much how Steve B. went through his scenes for over a decade so...


Why is Dillon being even more annoying than usual trying to prod Tracy into taking Luke back? When did he suddenly become Luke's "champion" when he is incredibly guilty of having done some stupid and cruel shit to the woman he claims to "love"? GTFO with that nonsense you little useless prat.


And really with Laura at the end? Really?


This show is just lost, imo, lost and pointless.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 6

Why is Dillon being even more annoying than usual trying to prod Tracy into taking Luke back? When did he suddenly become Luke's "champion" when he is incredibly guilty of having done some stupid and cruel shit to the woman he claims to "love"? GTFO with that nonsense you little useless prat.


I assume to stay in Lulu's good graces to further the obviously-coming-soon storyline of the two of them falling into bed together.  

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This could apply to various things he's said or done, could you be more specific?

He knows about how psycho Helena is, he knows Robin revived her, he knows about Little Jake, he knows about Faison, he knows about Victor, he knows he hasn't spoken to Robin in nearly a YEAR, but his concern is Danny and Sam's relationship with Jake? How many more things will Patrick know before anyone holds him accountable? When will Ron be held accountable for his writing choices? When will KMc stop getting the blame for this?

That's what I mean by Patrick is a dumb fuck, in short. ;)

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 6
When will KMc stop getting the blame for this?


I don't blame her. But the character is needed for anything going forward. Say Patrick is ever allowed to grow a brain and connect the dots.


Then? Not much. Because he can't "find" Robin unless/until KMc returns. In that respect, I do think it's poor planning on the part of TMFIC. And I don't think RC cares or can be bothered.


Hence why, if KMc cannot commit for an arc because of her directing (and yay  for her!), have a TEMP recast and wrap this shit up.

  • Love 7

Why are all the men on the show rocking the John Beradino combover? Poor JT has especially (imo) lost all hotness, between the hair and the non-personality Patrick is exhibiting.


Can poor Valerie get to say something besides soothing Dante? How bout even a little, "well I wish you hadn't jumped to conclusions so soon but I know you didn't mean to hurt me on purpose?" She looked very pretty today. As did Lulu actually. These friggin GH men aren't good enough for the women.


I have a feeling that was Luke and Lulu's last scene. Jeez, I know it's a recast but they could have put something more into that scene.


I liked Paul's line where he asked Tracy if Luke ever made her breakfast. Assembly Line Dillon was annoying me again today.


Um, why the hell is Carly not beelining her way to Elizabeth and instead asking STRANGER Big Jake to confirm that it was really Jake? Also, you know she was just upset mostly cause joss no longer had Jason DNA in her.


I was mostly bored today, which is actually a compliment because I thought I was going to be infuriated. I liked Laura and Nikolas, GF and TC still have a nice chemistry.


Oh, and I really hope they do not have Jordan imply she will out his affair with Valerie if Dante doesn't go get Sonny tomorrow. Why, WHY must they take this annoying, dumb, pointless "grr Sonny" tack with Jordan? And my other fear is Jordan doesn't imply that, but Dante refuses and she fires him (eventually) and he goes to work for Sonny, which I refuse to stop being paranoid about sorry! Basically, Sonny ruins everything, ugh.


Speaking of, no Dante, it was not thanks to Carly Lulu knows about the kiss. It's because of your dumb father who can't keep his mouth or his trigger finger closed.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 8

Cameron.  Did she at least have a line where she said, "Cameron was so surprised, but so happy to see Jake again."?  Or does Cameron no longer exist?

Nope, she just said little Jake was feeling a bit overwhelmed. No specific mention of either brother getting along well or not well with Jake. Cam only seems to get mentioned in reference to Emma or Spencer, except for the moment when Lucky asked Aiden if he was having fun with Cam. Two writing errors/fails re: the kids in my opinion (or three if you count Liz not mentioning a Cam-Jake reunion) - Lucky not seeing Cam and now Laura saying his "two sons".

I don't blame her. But the character is needed for anything going forward. Say Patrick is ever allowed to grow a brain and connect the dots.

Then? Not much. Because he can't "find" Robin unless/until KMc returns. In that respect, I do think it's poor planning on the part of TMFIC. And I don't think RC cares or can be bothered.

Hence why, if KMc cannot commit for an arc because of her directing (and yay for her!), have a TEMP recast and wrap this shit up.

This isn't about Patrick finding Robin (for me at least; I don't want his fake ass anywhere near her). It's about the character not being dumb. There's a difference.

This isn't about Patrick finding Robin (for me at least; I don't want his fake ass anywhere near her). It's about the character not being dumb. There's a difference.


Trouble is, everyone on this shit show under Ron is dumb as hell. Everyone is massively out of character to shove square pegs into round holes. I wish - even if they had shitty days themselves - we had the fired script writers back.


They knew who these characters were.

  • Love 9

Trouble is, everyone on this shit show under Ron is dumb as hell. Everyone is massively out of character to shove square pegs into round holes. I wish - even if they had shitty days themselves - we had the fired script writers back.

They knew who these characters were.

This is why, no matter how much I can't stand Geary, I'm glad he bitched to the press. Let it all out, TG!

  • Love 3

I'm not understanding why Dante needed to apologize to Val for the mess they're in. Last time I checked she was a very willing participant in the whole fucking-my-cousin's-husband thing. It takes two to tango and all that jazz. They're both equally responsible for what happened.  


This Dead Now Alive Jake thing continues to be laughably ridiculous. Liez and Jakeson offer up vague explanations and Patrick and Carly just accept it. Just like that. 


I hope Laura eviscerates Nik and Liez. 

  • Love 2

I'm not understanding why Dante needed to apologize to Val for the mess they're in. Last time I checked she was a very willing participant in the whole fucking-my-cousin's-husband thing. It takes two to tango and all that jazz. They're both equally responsible for what happened.  


From his perspective, he led her on. There's also the less gallant motivation of not doing/saying anything that might cause her to run off and tell Lulu.

  • Love 1

From his perspective, he led her on. There's also the less gallant motivation of not doing/saying anything that might cause her to run off and tell Lulu.


The thing is, it stands to reason that Lulu would 'come after' Val either way. My husband jumped to the wrong conclusion about me but you were absolutely willing to jump into bed with him, cousin. I would have words with you. OR Before I could sit down and tell him that this wasn't working and we could amicably split because there's a child in the question, you happily jumped into bed with him. I take issue with that.


The fact is, Valerie is in the wrong here as well. She's been drooling over her cousin's husband from jump so she's definitely not innocent and she was happy to be his 'way to get over Lulu' in a situation that wasn't any of her business in the first place. She (and Dante) can say 'but we thought Lulu was being unfaithful' all they want. That means absolutely nothing. What's that saying? Oh yeah, two wrongs don't make a right.


Valerie interfered in the marriage. Period. There is no 'get out of jail free' card with this and she's earned anything Lulu wants to fire at her for it.

  • Love 11

Someone please explain to me like I'm Morgan:

How can they bring back dead baby Jake to Liz because it is important that she knows her dead son never actually died even though she mourned him when he died during surgery with Patrick and Robin, BUT -

It isn't a good idea to tell Monica or Sam that Jason is alive because his family thinks he is dead and have already mourned him. WTF?

Head explodes.

Edited by PilatesFun
  • Love 14

The thing is, it stands to reason that Lulu would 'come after' Val either way. My husband jumped to the wrong conclusion about me but you were absolutely willing to jump into bed with him, cousin. I would have words with you.


While Lulu is well within her rights to call Valerie out, she better not lay on any "I thought we were BFF cousins, totes besties gal pals, how could you betray me!" guilt trips because...no.  Lulu has treated her like an annoyance she got stuck dealing with from minute one.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

While Lulu is well within her rights to call Valerie out, she better not lay on any "I thought we were BFF cousins, totes besties gal pals, how could you betray me!" guilt trips because...no.  Lulu has treated her like an annoyance she got stuck dealing with from minute one.


Well, the cousin, in italics, was meant to be sarcastic. I know they have absolutely no familial relationship and the fact that they are cousins is only relevant because that's how Valerie got shoved into Dante's orbit in the first place. Plus, in Valerie talking about her dead Mom constantly (or so I gather from everyone here) the same familial connection is basically her only characterization. Dead Mom, related to Lulu, wants Dante = Valerie

  • Love 5

Someone please explain to me like I'm Morgan:

How can they bring back dead baby Jake to Liz because it is important that she knows her dead son never actually died even though she mourned him when he died during surgery with Patrick and Robin, BUT -

It isn't a good idea to tell Monica or Sam that Jason is alive because his family thinks he is dead and have already mourned him. WTF?

Head explodes.


I guess, if they bring this up at all, Liz will say Jake is a child who still needs to be reared, and Jason is a grown man.


But they will just say "Helena" and leave it at that.


While Lulu is well within her rights to call Valerie out, she better not lay on any "I thought we were BFF cousins, totes besties gal pals, how could you betray me!" guilt trips because...no.  Lulu has treated her like an annoyance she got stuck dealing with from minute one.


I am just waiting for the day when Valerie is finally allowed to kinda get pissed at Dante's bullshit.

Just wait until Joss hits 18, she'll find a way to get Jason's DNA inside her.


I knew someone was gonna make that joke. ;) I brydog-ed my way into that one.

  • Love 2

That's what I mean by Patrick is a dumb fuck, in short. ;)

Ah, okay. I thought maybe you were talking about Patrick talking like Robin and Lucky bailed on parenting the kids/being partners to the two of them, and they are moving on. Nice crapping on two legacy characters, again, Show. I will really laugh when Sam eventually dumps him.

  • Love 1

Ah, okay. I thought maybe you were talking about Patrick talking like Robin and Lucky bailed on parenting the kids/being partners to the two of them, and they are moving on. Nice crapping on two legacy characters, again, Show. I will really laugh when Sam eventually dumps him.


It will probably happen off-screen. "Oh, yeah, Patrick, I dumped him. What's he doing now? I don't know, maybe giving Kiki advice about her love life*"


*Because poor Patrick is about significant as Silas these days.

  • Love 2

Ah, okay. I thought maybe you were talking about Patrick talking like Robin and Lucky bailed on parenting the kids/being partners to the two of them, and they are moving on. Nice crapping on two legacy characters, again, Show. I will really laugh when Sam eventually dumps him.

I mean, that's part of it, too. Patrick is the victim who just has no.idea.whatsoever why Robin would ~leave him~ and he just has to fuck Sam and give Emma a new shiny mommy.

Not that I would/could ever expect this show to do things that make logical (hah!) sense or anything, but now that the precious Jake has been given new life, Cameron must be due for a growth spurt when he returns yes? 


Just in keeping with the character's birth year he should be a pre-teen at least by now.


Also, maybe it's just me but Val's "sad face" when she must, yet again, remember that she bedded a married man who was never "hers" to start with makes me want/wish that Helena would shove her ass over face off a parapet.

  • Love 1

Someone please explain to me like I'm Morgan:

How can they bring back dead baby Jake to Liz because it is important that she knows her dead son never actually died even though she mourned him when he died during surgery with Patrick and Robin, BUT -

It isn't a good idea to tell Monica or Sam that Jason is alive because his family thinks he is dead and have already mourned him. WTF?

Head explodes.


Liez is a lying ass selfish ass fuckbag who just refuses to ever stop being a lying ass selfish ass fuckbag. I hope sociopath Dead Now Alive Jake burns down the house with her inside.

I liked today's episode for the most part. Believe me, no one is more surprised than I am.


I liked Carly's first few minutes of absorbing the news that Jake is alive. Once she started talking about Jason missing out, blah blah blah, it got stupid, but then it got okay again when it dawned on Carly that Joss's kidney was anonymous. I liked her running through various scenarios.


Liz not wanting to know how Jake returned seems pretty logical to me. I don't think I'd want to dig too deeply, either, especially knowing Helena is involved. Maybe in a couple of months, when the initial shock has worn off and a routine has been established.


Richard Burgi can make pancakes for me anytime. Rowr. 


I will not comment on the Dante/Valerie stuff for rage-blackout reasons.

  • Love 5

Not that I would/could ever expect this show to do things that make logical (hah!) sense or anything, but now that the precious Jake has been given new life, Cameron must be due for a growth spurt when he returns yes? 


Just in keeping with the character's birth year he should be a pre-teen at least by now.


Also, maybe it's just me but Val's "sad face" when she must, yet again, remember that she bedded a married man who was never "hers" to start with makes me want/wish that Helena would shove her ass over face off a parapet.

I think Cam is 11 now? The fire at Wyndemere was Spencer's 10th birthday, and my impression is Cam is a little older. Also, in the aftermath of the Niz affair, when Lucky had Cam and Jake in the park with him, he told the attorney lady Claire that Cam was 6.


Amen to Helena shoving Val off a parapet for her sad face right after telling Dante exactly what he wants to hear. You'd think she was a jilted teenager. I fully expect that sometime in the near future (even if it's only during a pregnancy scare), Val will make sure Lulu hears her say, "Dante, I really want you to be in the room when I GIVE BIRTH TO OUR CHILD, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE MY MOTHER DIDN"T LIVE TO SEE ME HAVE THIS BABY."

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 3
Liz not wanting to know how Jake returned seems pretty logical to me. I don't think I'd want to dig too deeply, either, especially knowing Helena is involved. Maybe in a couple of months, when the initial shock has worn off and a routine has been established.


The fact that Helena is involved is a big reason why people should be freaking out and asking all kinds of questions and running every test known to man.

  • Love 10

Am I the only one who mostly FF any and all Val, and Dante, But Lulu left town , after getting rid of Valerie because she acted like she wanted in Dante's pants. Val then snuck around, and saw something she decided was ? she went to Dante ,she told tales. She got what she wanted a roll in the hay with Dante. Then lo and behold she was wrong and now she is the victim. No NO no. Val went after Lulu's husband. she had sex with Dante in Lulu's bed. She is not the victim, neither is Dante. The person who was wronged was Lulu! Dante certainly is his sperm donors son. Guess the apple didn't fall far from the tree.

  • Love 3

The fact that Helena is involved is a big reason why people should be freaking out and asking all kinds of questions and running every test known to man.


Especially since she JUST, like a few months ago, had a brainwashed minion in Jake(son).  Who's to say she hasn't programmed Little Jake to put arsenic in Liz's morning coffee, just for fun?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

Carly going on and on and on about the magnificence of Jason makes me laugh that Ron tried to make it plausible that she would have gone to bat for Todd stealing Jason's son and giving it to Tea.


At least he got this part of her character right again. Carly may marry Sonny until the stars turn cold but she lives and breathes Jason and nothing and no one will ever change that.

  • Love 10
The fact that Helena is involved is a big reason why people should be freaking out and asking all kinds of questions and running every test known to man.


Lucky? Luke? Definitely. Too bad they don't really care. But I totally get Liz wanting to just enjoy having her son back for a while before trying to find out all the ugly details.

  • Love 1

Especially since she JUST, like a few months ago, had a brainwashed minion in Jake(son). Who's to say she hasn't programmed Little Jake to put arsenic in Liz's morning coffee, just for fun?

Stop teasing LeftPhalange

Everybody was always acting like it was normal or cute that he'd inherited Jason Morgan's temperament- which was the result of brain damage - and now they're just ignoring the fact that he's terrifyingly dead-eyed and has probably been brainwashed

  • Love 7

I liked Carly's first few minutes of absorbing the news that Jake is alive. Once she started talking about Jason missing out, blah blah blah, it got stupid, but then it got okay again when it dawned on Carly that Joss's kidney was anonymous. I liked her running through various scenarios.

If anything, at least Ron thought of that, after all, and remembered to address that very thing.  To think everyone thinks he doesn't think of things ahead of time.


Plus, it makes sense for Carly to worry.  Given all that Helena appears to know, she unquestionably knows that Carly and Josslyn are Spencers (even if Carly rarely acknowledges that branch of her family tree).  So Josslyn being used in some sick Helena plot through her new kidney isn't something Carly should necessarily brush off, since it'd mean two Spencers suffering, something Helena would enjoy.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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