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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Except that the devil he knows got him put in prison and raped last time, not for killing Claudia, but for going along with their absurd cover up.  This instance is an even more cut and dry self defense case, and he has a non-mob adjacent witness in Rosalie to support that.  Add in that he has a brother on the PCPD, and it's just absurd that he didn't think twice about calling in Sonny to hide things versus calling in Dante to do things the right way.  If anything is going to get him made an example of or treated harsher for the second offense, it would be the second offense of going along with his idiot father's lying and covering, when it was made explicitly clear to him last time that his punishment was for the cover up, not for braining Claudia.  Yes, this is tied to Sonny's business, but it doesn't involve Sonny doing anything illegal until the exact moment that Sonny starts going into cover up mode instead of letting the police handle it.  If the devil you know gets you thrown into prison and raped, then how much worse could the devil you don't know be?  Add in that it's not the devil he doesn't know - it's his brother, and he knows, from last time, exactly how that devil would handle things.  Dante bent over backwards to help Michael while still doing the right thing last time. 

It's one of those "Fool me once shame on you..."  type of things. Michael gets what he deserves with the fallout from this. 

Also it seems they're going to try and give Rosie another godawful reason to stick around PC, being attached to Michael, which to me is just a dreadful decision. She is the Latina Kiki, she has no redeeming qualities and it was bad enough watching the actress poorly act her way around set with Michelle, but now they're trying to keep her around by making her a potential mate for another Corinthos? How fantastic, because it isn't as if there aren't enough unnecessary newbies on this show already while many classic, veteran characters get passed over on a regular basis.

You totally nailed it with the Latina Kiki thing! 

I understand where you are coming from with the noobs vs vets thing, but I'm tired of everyone in town losing to the Corinthos clan. Throw a new character I don't care about under the bus. 


Sonny judging Alexis' choice of bed mates (because he's shared the sheets with some real winners himself, including two women in the mob) and Julian for targeting a family member (wasn't he just trying to off Julian's sister?) was the height of hypocrisy.

I so wanted Alexis to give him one of her legendary verbal smack downs. He should not speak of dignity. 





I wonder how far Sonny "I don't hurt women" Corinthos is willing to go to get information out of Jordan.

He lays one finger on her weave and it's all over for him. She ain't got time for his shit, and she'll let him know in no uncertain terms. 

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That stupid phone call between Anna & Robin was pathetic. Anna's suppose to be a super spy. Robin is suppose to be a brilliant MD, smart enough to make serums to cure polonium poisoning & bring people back to life. YET, she isn't smart enough to give her husband or mother a freaking clue that she is being held against her will. Her mother nor husband go to Paris to talk yo her in person. The dumbest part is Hells, supposedly giving her access to a cell in order to talk to her mom. Fuck off with that dumb shit Ron. You just continue to prove that you are a FuckwitDouchcanoeAssholeHack being paid to write. You need to be keeping your sorry ass off twitter & message boards & learn how to write a damn story with continuity & no dropped beats.


As a straight female I have to say Jordan's butt looked really good in that skirt today.



This, a thousand times this. I actually said , "Damn!". VA was truly working that skirt. Please free Jordan form the albatross that is Shaun from around her neck.I could by it if she were only using him for his body & sex.


Maxie/Morgan didn't bother me. I thin k they played off each other well.  Maybe, I'm tainted because I know  KSt/BBr & BC/KT hang out from KSt's insta-gram page. She & BB also hang out with RP, sometimes with the baby. I think they're little girl is lucky getting to be held & played with by BBr & RP (makes my ovaries quiver).



How does Anna not know that Duke is still working for Sonny after all this time? She like every other female is being made to look like an idiot.


Somebody please feed BH a high calorie well balanced meal. Seeing her individual rib bones in her chest is distracting & makes me want to get her a dietitian consult.


KaKa needs to die.


Sonny needs to have all this shit to blow up in his face & be sent away. If he does, get his hands on Jordan, I want her to have no qualms in bringing his ass down along with everyone else. He needs to go down for AJs murder & being a mob boss.


I also want a pink & purple Pegasus since pony's bring Disney Princesses.  

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If he does, I want Nik gone and Jake back from the dead. Fair trade. Oh and take your kid with you. If I have to watch kid love stories, I'm watching the Quartermaine/Webber kid luuurrvvee Robin's kid.

And Billy Miller did more acting and gave better performance than KA has since she hit puberty.

The jokes are endless.

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I don't believe RC has any real loyalty to Jason/Sam. (They certainly bored me to death for years.) But I am sure he will play that angle heavy in whatever results. They're not going to keep a new star islanded with one actress, though. I am fairly positive they have no intention of doing anything serious with Becky Herbst.

Edited by jsbt
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I don't believe RC has any real loyalty to Jason/Sam. (They certainly bored me to death for years.) But I am sure he will play that angle heavy in whatever results. They're not going to keep a new star islanded with one actress, though. I am fairly positive they have no intention of doing anything serious with Becky Herbst.

Ron doesn't have any loyalty to anyone it seems. But I think it's clear, at least so far, that it's about JaSam. With the seekrit and the near misses and the memories, and the plotty mcplotpoint in Sam/Patrick and Liz/Jason.

And poor Becky ain't getting the spotlight.

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I don't believe RC has any real loyalty to Jason/Sam. (They certainly bored me to death for years.) But I am sure he will play that angle heavy in whatever results. They're not going to keep a new star islanded with one actress, though. I am fairly positive they have no intention of doing anything serious with Becky Herbst.


I agree. I feel bad for Liason fans. That pairing is the longest cocktease ever.

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I think I said before, I'd love to see BH opposite BM. I think they could be good together.  But I have less than zero interest in watching Liz play roadkill on the JaSam highway.  Been there. Done that. 

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I was most interested in Miller and Kimberly McCullough, but oh well! (mimes closing a shade to end my Fake Frank Valentini "Skipe" call since we can't afford real Skype on GH, beep boop beep)

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I think I said before, I'd love to see BH opposite BM. I think they could be good together. But I have less than zero interest in watching Liz play roadkill on the JaSam highway. Been there. Done that.

I'm so over Sam v. Liz, too.

I was most interested in Miller and Kimberly McCullough, but oh well! (mimes closing a shade to end my Fake Frank Valentini "Skipe" call since we can't afford real Skype on GH, beep boop beep)

Oh, man. Me tooooo. Sigh.

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Of all the OOC shit they have written into Carly, I still cannot get over how much she handwaved away Todd conspiring to keep Danny away from Sam and Jason. She said she'd go to the mat with Jason for him???? IN WHAT UNIVERSE??? Ron missed the biggest aspect of Carly's personality right then and there. It has been the longest character trait she has had. Never in a million years would she have done anything of the sort.

On the up side, at least this way we won't be treated to a scene where Carly brays about how terribly terribly WRONG it is for a child to be taken from his father...

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I don't believe RC has any real loyalty to Jason/Sam. (They certainly bored me to death for years.) But I am sure he will play that angle heavy in whatever results. They're not going to keep a new star islanded with one actress, though. I am fairly positive they have no intention of doing anything serious with Becky Herbst.


RC may not. But the network may. So who knows. And now that Jason is played by someone of whom I have no doubt was chosen by not just Mark Teschner but RC/FV, I can EASILY see "their" Jason resuming the JaSam "throne", so to speak.

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I don't understand why anyone isn't even *mentioning* what happened last time Sonny and Carly covered up Michael killing someone.  It hasn't even come up in conversation, which is just so annoying.  It's one thing to have them discuss it and decide (stupidly) that this time is different and it'll be alright.  It's something completely different (and stupider) to have everyone just seemingly forget about it, and it's really insulting to the audience.  And it seems dangerous for Michael's mental health - surely somewhere in that big head of his it'll have to be rattling around how badly this worked out last time.  


ETA: To be clear, I mean why any of the characters aren't mentioning it - I know we're all mentioning the hell out of it!  

Edited by Turtle
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RC may not. But the network may. So who knows. And now that Jason is played by someone of whom I have no doubt was chosen by not just Mark Teschner but RC/FV, I can EASILY see "their" Jason resuming the JaSam "throne", so to speak.


Brian Frons and his gospel are gone. I don't think anyone at the network now has any idea who Jason and Sam are. Sonny and the mob, maybe.

Edited by jsbt
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I'll give Patrick a pass on not recognizing his work, since he believes he did it on someone who is now dead. But I do begrudge the writers insulting the intelligence of the audience (and Patrick) by not having him say something like, "The only other brain I've seen with this much damage was Jason's."


They don't write something like that, but they will do this:


The writing is so freaking obvious, it's distracting. Pip is all, "His loved ones could stare at him in the face and not recognize him!" We get it, Ron!


How many writers worked on this one script?


I am fairly positive they have no intention of doing anything serious with Becky Herbst.

Liz hasn't had a serious story since she got raped as a 15-year-old. Jake's death was all about Jason and Luke, not his mother.

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I think they were finally going for it with Jason and Liz back in 2006(?), and as an admittedly somewhat lapsed viewer it seemed to me like they were beefing up her role again as a female lead for the first time in years. But I think that got put off and then scuttled by Frons/others very fast. She has never recovered, but her fanbase has kept her from being fired.

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Brian Frons and his gospel are gone. I don't think anyone at the network now has any idea who Jason and Sam are. Sonny and the mob, maybe.


They may be gone, but the mindset - that GH somehow NEEDS Jason - still lives on. So I'm not so sure the "supah-couple" JaSam thinking is dead, either.

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That stupid phone call between Anna & Robin was pathetic. Anna's suppose to be a super spy. Robin is suppose to be a brilliant MD, smart enough to make serums to cure polonium poisoning & bring people back to life. YET, she isn't smart enough to give her husband or mother a freaking clue that she is being held against her will. Her mother nor husband go to Paris to talk yo her in person. The dumbest part is Hells, supposedly giving her access to a cell in order to talk to her mom. Fuck off with that dumb shit Ron. You just continue to prove that you are a FuckwitDouchcanoeAssholeHack being paid to write. You need to be keeping your sorry ass off twitter & message boards & learn how to write a damn story with continuity & no dropped beats.



This, a thousand times this. I actually said , "Damn!". VA was truly working that skirt. Please free Jordan form the albatross that is Shaun from around her neck.I could by it if she were only using him for his body & sex.


Maxie/Morgan didn't bother me. I thin k they played off each other well.  Maybe, I'm tainted because I know  KSt/BBr & BC/KT hang out from KSt's insta-gram page. She & BB also hang out with RP, sometimes with the baby. I think they're little girl is lucky getting to be held & played with by BBr & RP (makes my ovaries quiver).



How does Anna not know that Duke is still working for Sonny after all this time? She like every other female is being made to look like an idiot.


Somebody please feed BH a high calorie well balanced meal. Seeing her individual rib bones in her chest is distracting & makes me want to get her a dietitian consult.


KaKa needs to die.


Sonny needs to have all this shit to blow up in his face & be sent away. If he does, get his hands on Jordan, I want her to have no qualms in bringing his ass down along with everyone else. He needs to go down for AJs murder & being a mob boss.


I also want a pink & purple Pegasus since pony's bring Disney Princesses.  



I have a feeling that Duke may have stopped working for Sonny offscreen because he wants a job as bartender at the Haunted Star.

I did love Jordan calling her out on the relationship, though.

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They may be gone, but the mindset - that GH somehow NEEDS Jason - still lives on. So I'm not so sure the "supah-couple" JaSam thinking is dead, either.


I'm not sure how they view it yet. It depends on whether Easton (and maybe Howarth too) are indeed goners. If they are, I don't think it's anything about Jason needing to live on but them deciding they need that big card of Jason to play. If Easton and Howarth are still here in 6 months, then yeah, I do think it's just them thinking GH needs Jason.

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It was inevitable that Jason would return someday. The question is what kind of Jason they have in mind. If it's the same old heroic mob hitman, loves-his-wife Jason it will be, I suspect, at least partly a network thing because I do not believe RC has much interest in that anymore than he did Steve Burton or Michael Easton on OLTL. But I suspect they have something a bit more complicated in mind. Whether they do it (or do it well) remains to be seen.


I think Billy Miller can be very overrated, but I also think he's talented. And I think he is the absolute wrong actor they could choose if they just wanted to recreate Steve Burton's "performance" as Jason Morgan.

Edited by jsbt
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How does Anna not know that Duke is still working for Sonny after all this time? She like every other female is being made to look like an idiot.


She does know, doesn't she?  Also, I thought Duke bowed out of Sonny's Gummy Bear mob last time we saw him.

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I can barely watch Liz because BH's chest is so scary looking. Her hair looked magnificent today though.


I loved the Morgan/Maxie scenes. I love Morgan any time really. Whatever. He made Ava breakfast again! I can't!


That's all I got for today.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I thought Duke went back in after Anna - did something and broke some promise to him. He had some dumb reason. "Well, if she's gonna do [whatever] I'm just goin' back into the mob!" It was so fucking stupid.

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It was inevitable that Jason would return someday. The question is what kind of Jason they have in mind. If it's the same old heroic mob hitman, loves-his-wife Jason it will be, I suspect, at least partly a network thing because I do not believe RC has much interest in that anymore than he did Steve Burton or Michael Easton on OLTL. But I suspect they have something a bit more complicated in mind. Whether they do it (or do it well) remains to be seen.


I think Billy Miller can be very overrated, but I also think he's talented. And I think he is the absolute wrong actor they could choose if they just wanted to recreate Steve Burton's "performance" as Jason Morgan.


Well, to be fair, Billy Miller did play a sociopath on All My Children before Y&R, so if he does play the "default" aspects of the Holy Hitman, I guess he is capable enough...

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She does know, doesn't she?  Also, I thought Duke bowed out of Sonny's Gummy Bear mob last time we saw him.


Yeah, I think he quit. I think. I mean, the guy's popped up twice since May, I can't  freaking remember lol.

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My gawd, she says some jaw-dropping things in that interview.  Yes, KA, screw the vets, it's Kiki, a core character (!!!!), the audience wants to see.


And independent of Michael?  I'll believe it when Kiki gets a job he didn't provide, finds a place to live he didn't provide, and doesn't turn his family members into her secret-keeping allies.

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It's one of those "Fool me once shame on you..."  type of things. Michael gets what he deserves with the fallout from this




I couldn't agree more, though he's a Corinthos/Benson hybrid and when do they ever learn from their mistakes? They just find other people to blame and hold accountable and pout and whine at will.



You totally nailed it with the Latina Kiki thing!

I understand where you are coming from with the noobs vs vets thing, but I'm tired of everyone in town losing to the Corinthos clan. Throw a new character I don't care about under the bus





I want them all thrown under the bus, please? Just make them all human speed bumps and finally serve a useful purpose. They can even make them rotating speed bumps so Sonny is the first and last bump that gets run over, and Kiki can be a close second.

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I thought Duke went back in after Anna - did something and broke some promise to him. He had some dumb reason. "Well, if she's gonna do [whatever] I'm just goin' back into the mob!" It was so fucking stupid.


I do remember he got pissed when she let Julian go, after Julian framed Ric.  But I also dimly recall a scene where he bowed out and he and Sonny had drinks and Duke eased his guilt about AJ, never mind that AJ was the first one to give Duke a chance when no one else did and they were partners for quite a while.

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I can barely watch Liz because BH's chest is so scary looking. Her hair looked magnificent today though.


I loved the Morgan/Maxie scenes. I love Morgan any time really. Whatever. He made Ava breakfast again! I can't!


That's all I got for today.


When Sonny finds out, he's gonna be all, "Morgan! Ava should be having breakfast in bed . . . in hell"

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My gawd, she says some jaw-dropping things in that interview.  Yes, KA, screw the vets, it's Kiki, a core character (!!!!), the audience wants to see.


Yeah, that ticked me of too.  When I think how hard TIIC fought for the 3 OLTL actors and how the one actor I gave a shit about (SK) was screwed - it makes me ragey.  None of them have been worth it.  That's partly the writing and that's also on the actors.  None of them were worth the shit that went on months ago.

Edited by ch1
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I thought Duke went back in after Anna - did something and broke some promise to him. He had some dumb reason. "Well, if she's gonna do [whatever] I'm just goin' back into the mob!" It was so fucking stupid.


Oh, that I remember, she let Julian off the hook for something. She said they needed him loose to catch The Boss and Duke got pissed.

Edited by ulkis
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And independent of Michael?  I'll believe it when Kiki gets a job he didn't provide, finds a place to live he didn't provide, and doesn't turn his family members into her secret-keeping allies.

If Michael doesn't get her a job or a place to live, Silas and Franco can't, either.


I'm in the STFU, Maxie, camp today. Argh. She was so obnoxious. Why is she so concerned about a first date? It's a first date, not a walk down the aisle. Though given Maxie's history, that could happen.


LOL that Sonny thinks losing him as a client is something Alexis would regret.

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LOL that Sonny thinks losing him as a client is something Alexis would regret.


What happens when Sonny gets arrested or probably just questioned regarding AJ's murder?  Does he beg Alexis to rep him? Or, is Alexis being Sonny's attorney finally, finally over?  I do like them in scenes together even when he's a dick because they have acting chemistry if nothing else.  

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I still don't understand why there is a bar by the new front door.




In preparation for the inevitable time Sonny visits, finds Ava hidden there by Morgan and Kiki and he has to get his hand on some barware to throw about to show just how enraged he is over the whole thing.


For as we all know, all things point to Sonny at the end of the day.



What happens when Sonny gets arrested or probably just questioned regarding AJ's murder?  Does he beg Alexis to rep him? Or, is Alexis being Sonny's attorney finally, finally over?  I do like them in scenes together even when he's a dick because they have acting chemistry if nothing else.





Perhaps this is how Diane is unearthed from whatever day spa she's been hanging out in for the past few months.

Edited by CPP83
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Kiki lives at the brownstone/Frank Valentini Leftover Sets Puzzle Palace with Morgan.


...in exchange for renovating the brownstone for ELQ.  Hence, both her employment and her residence are Michael provided.

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My gawd, she says some jaw-dropping things in that interview.  Yes, KA, screw the vets, it's Kiki, a core character (!!!!), the audience wants to see.


And independent of Michael?  I'll believe it when Kiki gets a job he didn't provide, finds a place to live he didn't provide, and doesn't turn his family members into her secret-keeping allies.

I agree.  She isn't interested in the older characters coming back but she feels the writers should focus on core characters. like hers?  Is she kidding??  She's not a core character, and she hasn't left Michael's side in two years.  All she did was go from one brother to the next and now she's going back to the other again.  Also how is Kiki hitting her stride when she still has no job, no home, no friends, and no prospects?  All she does is keep secrets and butt into other people's business.  

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I'm going to be hopeful and I promise I'll eat my words if/when I'm wrong, but I think we are either getting a Sonny jail sentence or mental institution sentence unless Ron is faking us out. But there's too many things pointing in that direction, plus at the end of the day, I think viewers would tune in to see Sonny go to trial, get sentenced, and eventually return. We're never getting rid of him, sadly. (Though I like MB) But he needs a break and a reboot. Firing Alexis, who's saved his ass kind of sealed the deal in my head. I can see Soap Law ordering Alexis to testify. Which would be awesome.

If they wanted Jason Morgan as played by Steve Burton, they'd have played ball with Steve in 2012.

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My gawd, she says some jaw-dropping things in that interview.  Yes, KA, screw the vets, it's Kiki, a core character (!!!!), the audience wants to see.


And independent of Michael?  I'll believe it when Kiki gets a job he didn't provide, finds a place to live he didn't provide, and doesn't turn his family members into her secret-keeping allies.


Why should she stop at being independent of Michael?  How about being independent of General Hospital?  Or independent of a career she's not qualified for?  Or, say, independent of that giant growth she calls a head?

Which, btw, is obviously only being used as a carryall, since it's EMPTY.


It's wonderful to know that she's just as bad here as she was on OLTL.  Ron C. must have had a troll doll collection as a kid - I can think of no other reason for his attachment to this tuber.

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I'm going to be hopeful and I promise I'll eat my words if/when I'm wrong, but I think we are either getting a Sonny jail sentence or mental institution sentence





But that's already happened before to him, and with Ron in charge I can see him turning a Sonny stint in prison into the soap version of "Orange Is the New Black" and if he were to be institutionalized then it'd be a good excuse for him to plagiarize "American Horror Story", probably with Heather and Stavros thrown in for good measure.


There'll be bad wigs, singing and dancing, potentially more puppets, I shudder to even think about it.


I just see him turning it all into a huge, and very unfunny, joke and Sonny would still be Sonny except people might treat him even better than before due to his "ordeal".


Ron seems convinced that all he has to do to make people like the villain characters or the way they're being written is to stick them into more scenes, actually ruin perfectly fine characters just to give them a boost up, and give them more outs and ways to escape any real consequences or face any real backlash on the actual show itself because everyone should just accept that they're flawed, they've made mistakes but haven't we all? Or my personal favourtie, "It was the brain tumor's fault!".


It's that brand of bs that has given us a "redeemed" Franco, aka the SERIAL KILLER, Dr. EvO running a hospital despite being a crazed should be felon, and of course Sonny still sitting high and mighty which probably won't ever change.

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