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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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4 minutes ago, Syndicate said:

After all of this long-running nonsense about Nathan's paternity and Liesl's long-running obsession with Faison, he's Nathan's father? There are times when retcons really don't work, and this is one of those times. Any chance that Liesl is lying and STILL covering up, for some reason, who Nathan's father is?

I think she is, but I bet the show doesn't want us to think she's lying.

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Maxie's histrionics are so over the top. Yes, Faison is evil and his place on her child's family tree is disturbing, but this freakout that his genes are tainted is ridiculous. Having a child is ALWAYS a gamble, no matter what the parents are like, and I find it insulting that Maxie is sneering at Nathan's gene pool and presuming it's inferior when Nathan is a totally upstanding guy. If anything, Maxie should worry about what kind of influence she's passing on to her child (genetic or learned) considering her LONG laundry list of misdeeds. 

Everything Sam/Drew/Jason just feels like we're treading water and getting nowhere. A whole episode devoted to trying and failing to marry was pointless (and made them look dumb, too). 

Oh, great, Carly gets to work herself up over an out of context comment from Joss to Oscar. I understand her worrying about Joss since she's a minor, but this is just another example of Carly having nothing to do but meddle in everyone else's lives. It's kind of pathetic that she's one of the female leads and yet she has no real story of her own and only exists to stir up shit between other people.

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FH rocked today.  She makes Sonny/Jason a little more bearable. 

Even LW was pretty awesome today - playing the mother of a teen-age daughter.

Even Maxie/Lulu didn't bother me or Commissioner Ashford.

I guess if the alternative is watching the paint dry these past couple of weeks with Drew/Sam or watching another years-old leftover plot that is moving at a less glacial pace - then I welcome the Faison plot.

Edited by sunnyface
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20 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I might have missed it because Oscar/Joss usually puts me to sleep, but what is this ball she was all hopped up about/he invited her to?

Please tell me you noticed Oscar's hairflip though.

Laura to Liz, both in tee-hee-hee mode: Love can just surprise you, can't it?

Me: throws stuff.

Sonny: [Anna] knows more than she's saying.

Me: and she doesn't have to tell youuuuu.

Er, these responses are said in my head. Most of the time, heh. 

41 minutes ago, Linny said:

If anything, Maxie should worry about what kind of influence she's passing on to her child (genetic or learned) considering her LONG laundry list of misdeeds. 

Didn't Maxie almost bleed out or something giving birth to Georgie? Maybe they should cross that hurdle first.

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I wrote this in the spoiler thread, but since it’s aired, I’ll repeat it here. Maxie getting all worked up about Faison is so dumb. Nelle’s baby will also have a homicidal maniac for a grandfather, and you don’t see her whining about it.

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6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I wrote this in the spoiler thread, but since it’s aired, I’ll repeat it here. Maxie getting all worked up about Faison is so dumb. Nelle’s baby will also have a homicidal maniac for a grandfather, and you don’t see her whining about it.

And I also just realized that not only will be baby get genes from Dr. O and Faison, but Nina is related to this baby, too. Ugh.

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6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Nelle’s baby will also have a homicidal maniac for a grandfather, and you don’t see her whining about it.

Who are you talking about here, Sonny or John Durant? Did Durant turn out to be homicidal? I know he got a Guza special, but I don't remember him going kill crazy.

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1 minute ago, LexieLily said:

And I also just realized that not only will be baby get genes from Dr. O and Faison, but Nina is related to this baby, too. Ugh.

As is Donna Mills, who drugged her own daughter so she'd lose her baby.

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20 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

As is Donna Mills, who drugged her own daughter so she'd lose her baby.

Granted, I don't know much about Felicia and Frisco, but surely they can't be worse than Nathan's gene pool.

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I wasn't exactly clamoring for it when they were dropping the anvils but I would take Griffin as Anna's unknown son with Duke (or Robert!)any day over Anna having a son with Faison.

Edited by LexieLily
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2 minutes ago, LillyB said:

Snarly has a Kardasian butt in that red dress. Did GH use their stylist? Even though Sam's top wasn't totally black, it was still ugly.

LW is hippy and some clothes accentuate that more than others.

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I can't believe Sam and Drew didn't realize that she was still married to Jason. If your marriage was not valid, then neither was your divorce!

The Maxie/Nathan/Faison drama over the baby is just . . . I'd be more worried about the psycho abducting the child then it turning into some international maniac. Nathan is not his parents. In fact, he can stand being a tinsy bit like them. 

I don't remember what else happened. I was asleep with my eyes wide open. 

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On ‎1‎/‎3‎/‎2018 at 9:02 PM, Perkie said:

Is it just me or was there a wee bit of heat between Curtis and Alexis today?  Piqued my interested until I remember that Curtis was dating Jordan.  

I had to laugh when Jordan was throwing her weight around with Anna.  "You're running an op in my town".  Uh honey, Cassandra's running drugs in your town.  You're not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to stuff going on under your nose.  

I didn't understand the closing scene with Finn telling Anna that he killed Cassandra.  That would have been more powerful if we hadn't seen Cassandra lying on the floor at the house and only seen Anna show up and find Finn high as a kite.  

Curtis has chemistry with everyone, male and female, except Jordan.  So obviously Jordan/Curtis should be a thing.  I think NLG has the same gift, going back to her character of Julia on SB.  The old pros tend to have the gift to create chemistry that doesn't naturally exist.  

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On ‎1‎/‎4‎/‎2018 at 3:19 PM, BlancheDevoreaux said:

Both cousin and brother-in-law.

Soaps are so screwy with how they do families. You have Molly and Kristina who are both sisters and cousins.  Danny and Scout are both siblings and cousins (though, to be fair, Sam thought it was the same guy). Dante's brother and mom are both Quartermains but they have no relation to each other.  Bobbie is Lulu's aunt and the mother Maxie's cousin who donated her heart, but no actual relation to Maxie.  Michael and Morgan are half siblings.  Morgan and Kristina are half siblings.  Kristina and Michael have no blood relation but consider themselves half siblings.  Molly is cousins with Morgan, her sister's half sibling.  Julian and Sonny each have a child by the same woman. Sonny also has a child by Julian's sister.   It's all very weird.  People have multiple relations to others on this show and I can't imagine that any other city actually has this many situations like this and if they do, I highly doubt it is in the upper society of that city like these dorks on GH are supposed to be.

Yes, soaps are always somewhat incestuous with relationships.  To your list I would add, Kristina's and Molly's sister had a baby who was their niece, but also Kristina's sister, and Molly's cousin.

Sometimes I get distracted by this topic.  The episode in which Carly was telling Sam about how she wronged Jax by marrying him because her heart was always Sonny's, I was thinking of Sam's response, "Yeah, banged both and would have chosen Jax".  So Sam has had sex with two of Carly's husbands.  Then I realize they've both been with Jason, and then I wanted to stop thinking about it.

Then there's the show's flirtation with Kiki and Griffin.  And while parent and child having sex with the same person is soap staple, please let's not go there again.  

I will say that there's worse, and that was As the World Turns.  I watched that show for years before I figured out the relationships.  They seemed like a family of polygamists.  Daughter marrying the brother of her biological mom.  Other than the Snyders, most of the adult sibling were all half siblings with family trees that were actually wreaths.  It was a great show, but oh so confusing.  I believe Another World was pretty confusing, too.

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2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I wrote this in the spoiler thread, but since it’s aired, I’ll repeat it here. Maxie getting all worked up about Faison is so dumb. Nelle’s baby will also have a homicidal maniac for a grandfather, and you don’t see her whining about it.

It is so stupid. Nathan is the son of Faison and Dr. O and yet Maxie is not worried that Nathan inherited their sociopathic genes and will turn out evil, Why should this unnamed baby any different especially if the child is well-loved and taken care of.

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I ff'd most of the Sonny/Jason/Spinelli action, but caught a scene that cracked me up.  Spinelli taking Nathan and Maxie's devastation and making it about himself, and Jason talking about his regret of not immediately accepting Danny when they thought he was Franco's.

Spinelli sputtering, "These are vastly different circumstances".

Sonny, reclining in his comfy chair, hand motions and mumbling, "Eh,  it's kind of close".

On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 11:42 AM, NutmegsDad said:
  • Newbie Publisher Guy - why is he so interested in finding Faison, and he's a publisher guy
  • Valentin  - He's not really a Cassadine, and the DNA match will prove Nathan and Valentin are a match, but everyone will assume because of the Cassadine blood. KG will put on her best OHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCK face.
  • Nicholas - Who's not really dead, but waiting to look like Peter Capaldi.
  • Andre - But it won't happen, because that would be too interesting out of left field.
  • Thomas - Who's not really dead, but they want to have a showdown with Aunt Stella belittling the cringing Faison before her.
  • Franco - Someone suggested it below, because of Reasons.
  • Dr. Bensch - Because he has interest in the Charles Street project, and there's that creepiness factor they backed off from Lauren
  • Drew/Jason - Because, why the hell not to keep them relevant to the storyline why Faison would target them, and that would fuck up the ELQ shares
  • Sonny - Because Sonny's the "hero", and this show will fuck with decades of history to make him front and center with ANY storyline.

"I hate you, I despise you, you should be in jail, -- lemme have the Turkey Club Sandwich, hold the mustard and tomato -- you are an evil person who should pay for his crimes, -- and a Coke with lemon. Oh, and your sister is horrible, too."

I've obviously been more checked out than usual, because I really don't know about this Octavian person, but I am not here for yet another poorly written character, poorly acted.  The two most over used villains in history have to be Helena Cassadine, and Faison.  I don't care about these stories and I never have.  Not saying I want more mob action, but Helena and Faison are pure FF material for me.  I just googled today to figure out what Faison's nationality is, and I was surprised he was Danish.  I always thought the accent was a bad try at Russian, but google says the actor is from Greenland.  

Just so many bad decisions.  Making Tree the recent centerpiece of a big SL, and here he's now the son of a despised character, but one with endless chemistry.  Faison will take one look at him and deny paternity.  Although I do enjoy the schadenfreude of Faison, like Luke, having a straight arrow, law-abiding son.  

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On ‎1‎/‎5‎/‎2018 at 3:22 PM, CPP83 said:

So Detective  Driftwood is now Faison's son for no reason I can grasp other than the show didn't care enough to be original or believable as usual. This show hasn't given out reasonable paternity results in quite some time now.

Is there some reason they're acting like he has some sort of genetic defect/s that he could pass on to the baby?

Sure he's an evil sack of unstable terror, but both his kids, while not perfect, aren't exactly out there hunting young damsels in the dark of night to feast upon their supple flesh so...perhaps chill out a bit and just chalk this unwanted but unimportant news up to having a crappy sperm donor who has absolutely no affect on your  real life and offspring?

Oh sorry, I was thinking logically for a minute there, gotta stop doing that with this show.

How many times are Sam and Drew going to drag out their bland "ILY"s over and over again? Do they fall asleep every time so they forget they've already had this same tired ass conversation?

They are so lethargic and boring and pathetically repetitive in all their scenes it seems.

Drew is on repeat constantly feeling the need/desperation to ask Sam if she's happy/does she truly love him/want him/ and oh my god he can't remember WHO HE IS! and Sam blinks and smiles and/or gets teary and offers him the most basic and frankly pointless reassurances because he doesn't appear to be listening for she has repeated the same pitiful lines countless times already.

They bore me immensely.

And of course Sam wants to rush off and get married now, after letting Jason kiss her without resistance and then failing to tell Drew, because of course. I see a shit-storm of stupid on the horizon.

Also, Sam,  Jason is still your legal husband because he never actuay divorced you himself so maybe get on top of that first before you and Drew skip out to the courthouse.

The stupid...it burns.

And speaking of stupid...Sonny. And Jason. And Spin who will never apparently evolve into a real human being. I would call them the Three Stooges but that's giving them far more credit than they deserve because at least the Three Stooges were entertaining and funny.

Too bad Ava's gallery didn't have a giant stone statue that Nelle could have pushed over onto Carly.

Studies have shown that psychopaths can be traced to having psychopathic behaviors at a very young age, and sometimes while in an ideal household.  It suggests the possibility that there are born psychopaths.  If there's a genetic link, it simply means that Britt and Nathan dodged the bullet.  It doesn't mean the bullet's not lurking in the genes.  I've avoided the belief that people can be "born bad", but some of these behaviors, manifested at very young ages, is compelling.  Killing the family pet, attempting to kill your siblings or parents, has occurred in homes considered emotionally healthy.  There's also evidence which suggests that intensive and early intervention can evolve a child from psychopathy. 

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In between all the bad angst of Genes! Genes! Genes!,  I thought Maxie had a legitimate fear with the idea that Faison might kidnap the baby and raise him/as an experiment of an uber mensch  (I was no doubt influenced last night's episode of All In The Mind which has an interview with a woman named Maude whose father did that and physically and mentally abused her till she escaped at 18).

I'm also impressed that Maxie took steps to contact everyone to keep them from spilling the beans.

3 hours ago, LillyB said:

Hey, if Dante can be a decent person despite who his father is, Nathan shouldn't have to worry.

When Dante was saying how much better Sonny is than Faison because he has a code of honour,  I had to mute the TV.

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48 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

In between all the bad angst of Genes! Genes! Genes!,  I thought Maxie had a legitimate fear with the idea that Faison might kidnap the baby and raise him/as an experiment of an uber mensch  (I was no doubt influenced last night's episode of All In The Mind which has an interview with a woman named Maude whose father did that and physically and mentally abused her till she escaped at 18).

Faison did exactly that to baby Ben/Rocco when he thought he was Britt's child. Or Dr. O kidnapped Ben and presented him to Faison, I'm not sure.

Edited by LexieLily
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15 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Dr. O gave him to Faison. And then I think they made Robin babysit him.

Dr. O gave Ben to Faison because he was a boy child. But she didn't want to let Faison have his own son??

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Mothering instinct?  She knew Faison wouldn't be a good father and she didn't want that to happen to her own child.

If anyone is interested in genes vs upbringing in sociopathy, I recommend James Fallon's The Psychopath Inside.  Fallon is a neuropsychologist who was studying the brains of psychopathic criminals  When he needed more members inf the control group, he used some members of his own family, and found his own brain resembled those of his psychopathic subjects. He writes about how being raised in a loving environment can lessen the effect of the genes.  And that Lizzie Border is on his family tree, along with other people Faison might have things in common with..

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3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

Yes, soaps are always somewhat incestuous with relationships.  To your list I would add, Kristina's and Molly's sister had a baby who was their niece, but also Kristina's sister, and Molly's cousin.

Sometimes I get distracted by this topic.  The episode in which Carly was telling Sam about how she wronged Jax by marrying him because her heart was always Sonny's, I was thinking of Sam's response, "Yeah, banged both and would have chosen Jax".  So Sam has had sex with two of Carly's husbands.  Then I realize they've both been with Jason, and then I wanted to stop thinking about it.

Then there's the show's flirtation with Kiki and Griffin.  And while parent and child having sex with the same person is soap staple, please let's not go there again.  

I will say that there's worse, and that was As the World Turns.  I watched that show for years before I figured out the relationships.  They seemed like a family of polygamists.  Daughter marrying the brother of her biological mom.  Other than the Snyders, most of the adult sibling were all half siblings with family trees that were actually wreaths.  It was a great show, but oh so confusing.  I believe Another World was pretty confusing, too.


I will say, I thought that GH was pretty good at not making the families incestious, because they could develope completely new, unrelated characters and intergrate into the canvas without making them turn out th be related. Jason, Carly and Sonny changes all that when they started having multiple kids with multiple characters. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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I just adore that pink sweater that Maxie has been wearing for days.  I would love to know where it was found.

I've seen speculation, but is KS pregnant in real life?  She was doing a lot of belly touching in the last few days, and I can't remember if she did that with her own pregnancy.

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15 minutes ago, Ambrosefolly said:

I will say, I thought that GH was pretty good at not making the families incestious, because they could develope completely new, unrelated characters and intergrate into the canvas without making them turn out th be related. Jason, Carly and Sonny changes all that when they started having multiple kids with multiple characters. 

Ron didn't help . . . after he came along everyone ended up attached to the Jeromes somehow.

Edited by ulkis
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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

In between all the bad angst of Genes! Genes! Genes!,  I thought Maxie had a legitimate fear with the idea that Faison might kidnap the baby and raise him/as an experiment of an uber mensch 

Exactly. This should be the big fear, not that the baby will be a psychopath. Or, worry that the baby will be a psychopath because both of Nathan's parents are nut jobs, not just his father. 

I had to laugh when Lulu was talking to Maxie about how Charlotte may be a Cassadine, but she's a happy, loving little girl. So maybe lay off Valentin a bit, huh, Lulu?

Also LOL at Lulu lurking in the background in the PCPD, eavesdropping on Nathan and Dante talking about Faison. And then teaming up with Nathan? Way to get other people to do all the work.

1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

I'm also impressed that Maxie took steps to contact everyone to keep them from spilling the beans.

I liked her giving Sonny the business and not being intimidated.

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3 hours ago, ulkis said:

Dr. O gave him to Faison. And then I think they made Robin babysit him.

And recall that she was pissed that Britt hadn't named the baby after Caesar.  It's things like that that makes it unbelievable to me that she would have hesitated for a second to present Faison a male heir if she could have.  This retcon is so annoying.

Edited by TeeVee329
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When Dante was saying how much better Sonny is than Faison because he has a code of honour,  I had to mute the TV.

@statsgirl, his overall point right after he said that though was, "yeah, Sonny's not as bad as Faison, but I know how you feel about finding about your shitty, shitty dad." 

He wasn't trying to defend Sonny so much as prefacing it with "well, my crazy dad isn't quite as crazy as yours, but."

Edited by ulkis
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5 hours ago, ulkis said:

His overall point though was, "yeah, Sonny's not as bad as Faison, but I know how you feel about finding about your shitty, shitty dad." 

Which is just BULLSHIT. Because Mooby IS as bad; he's just pathetic and a wannabe as well.

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I had to laugh when Lulu was talking to Maxie about how Charlotte may be a Cassadine, but she's a happy, loving little girl. So maybe lay off Valentin a bit, huh, Lulu?

He did still kill her brother...

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2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Which is just BULLSHIT. Because Mooby IS as bad; he's just pathetic and a wannabe as well.

I don't like Sonny and all, and it's not a high bar, but he isn't as bad as Faison. imo. 

Edited by ulkis
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1 hour ago, drtslim said:

I had to laugh when Lulu was talking to Maxie about how Charlotte may be a Cassadine, but she's a happy, loving little girl. So maybe lay off Valentin a bit, huh, Lulu?

He did still kill her brother...

Which has nothing to do with Charlotte. Also, her father-in-law has killed many people, yet somehow deserves a "World's Best Grandpa" mug? I know the hypocrisy on this show will always run extremely high, but Lulu should at least give credit where credit is due. She can still hate him for killing Nik.

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29 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

And keep her daughter from her for seven years. Any good qualities Charlotte has were most likely nurtured by Claudette.

Oh yeah, I'm sure spicy bad girl Claudette - who also kept Lulu from her daughter and lied to various men about her paternity - was a greeeat role model.

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5 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Oh yeah, I'm sure spicy bad girl Claudette - who also kept Lulu from her daughter and lied to various men about her paternity - was a greeeat role model.

Was it ever confirmed, by someone that wasn't Valentin, that Claudette also knew Lulu was the biological mother of Charlotte? I don't ever remember that, though I blocked out most of Claudette's storyline.

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Claudette certainly knew she wasn't the kid's biological mother.

We've said her names too many times, I'm still worried the show will remember that dangling thread and bring her back someday. #shudder

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8 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Claudette certainly knew she wasn't the kid's biological mother.

We've said her names too many times, I'm still worried the show will remember that dangling thread and bring her back someday. #shudder

Casaandra has mentioned Claudette a few times. Wasn't Bree filming scenes or did I make that up?

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8 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Casaandra has mentioned Claudette a few times. Wasn't Bree filming scenes or did I make that up?

I think BW mentioned something about filming on her Twitter or IG. I really don't need to see JT and BW together. Claudette can stay dead. She's done her bit for the story.

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26 minutes ago, LillyB said:

One thing to be said about Sonny is that he never kidnapped Robin unlike Dr. O, Faison, Victor and Helena.

He did break into her house and shoot her that one time.  He also murdered/tried to murder various friends of hers.

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