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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Poor Sonny, he hasn't gotten any nookie since the crypt sex mess and a man gets horny. Of course he turns to Carly because since Olivia turned him down there really isn't an appropriate woman available. So until he hooks up with The Nina, it seems that he is stuck with Snarly. I think that the fairly unattached women are Anna, Sam (been there, done that) and maybe Maxie.

Sabrina has no flaws, no personality, and no future.



It's too bad that they didn't pull in Ellie into a bigger plot instead of hooking up Sabrina with a brain surgeon. Ellie should have hooked up with Michael at one point when she first came to PC and re-entered PC with a copy of the recording of Sonny murdering AJ after Spin died in a car crash in Portland.  Then again, Ellie didn't want to pop out children - anathema to RC and his depiction of the female species.





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BTW, I cannot believe that they revealed that even Julian doesn't know who Fluke is. They couldn't have left him thinking it was Luke, which would've been okay although the smart thing would be to have him know it's Eckert and not reveal it to anyone - no, even Julian can't know! That sheer, blithering plot-driven incompetence would be one thing by itself, but the fact that he has no name for him at all? Like, he has no codename, like "the Balkan" or "Proteus" from AMC? Nothing? They just stand around, two adults, calling him "Our Boss"? Over and over? "Our Boss?" Really? Really?


This just leads me to believe Ron hasn't decide WHO Fluke really is yet. I think he is still deciding depending on how he wants the story to go. This supports the idea of stories just meandering off any which way. A good writer knows the ending before he gets there, he doesn't write a whole plot story "on the fly". I think that is part of why Julian was so disconnected in that scene WdV seemed to phone that scene in I think b/c he doesn't know what kind of motivation to have about a non-identity. How is he supposed to know how he feels about.....no one? Since I have little connection to history the who means little to me, but I'd like to think they have a who in mind, but with this writing I'm feeling like they don't so it even makes it hard for me to follow.

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This just leads me to believe Ron hasn't decide WHO Fluke really is yet. I think he is still deciding depending on how he wants the story to go. This supports the idea of stories just meandering off any which way. A good writer knows the ending before he gets there, he doesn't write a whole plot story "on the fly".… Since I have little connection to history the who means little to me, but I'd like to think they have a who in mind, but with this writing I'm feeling like they don't so it even makes it hard for me to follow.


Who? … I've been thinking about something related to this . . . 


I'm willing to bet that I'm not the only one who spent way too many hours in front of the TV the last few days watching the Dr. Who marathon on BBCAmerica. And one thing I often found myself marveling at was how they managed to maintain continuity and include important plot points over several seasons, and sometimes even a change of lead actor, while the guys at GH can't keep a story straight for 3 months without "fixing" it on Twitter.


I think we're supposed to think that Julian's reveal about Fake Luke was forward movement in the story, reassuring us that it wouldn't be backburnered until TG's return. But we all know that we won't hear anything else about it for another month or so. 

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 And one thing I often found myself marveling at was how they managed to maintain continuity and include important plot points over several seasons, and sometimes even a change of lead actor, while the guys at GH can't keep a story straight for 3 months without "fixing" it on Twitter


Eh, to be fair, that's kinda apples and oranges, given the very different number of episodes the shows produce and the number of characters.


Not that that excuses what a mess this Fluke storyline has become.  I get that Tony Geary's leave mucked things up, but there's has to have been a better gap filler than what we're getting.  I still maintain the biggest mistake was the winky-winky, talking down way that "Wouldn't you like to know?" scene between Fluke and Luke was shot.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Tony being ill certainly hurt the Fluke story but I think the bulk of the blame lies with Ron and Frank. Ron it seems, maybe with approval from Tony, was determined to make Fluke=Bill. But far to many people guessed that and Ron cannot stand it when what he thinks is clever and original is spoiled as soon as it gets out of the gate.  Ron then needed to come up with an alternative, but he did not have one and still does not have one. In many ways we, on this board and others have hurt the story. Every time one of us throws out a plausible theory: Anthony Z, Damien Smith , Old School Franco or any one else Ron has to scrap it because his ego only allows for him to be seen as a genius.


Thrown into this was Tony getting ill. Frank could have stepped in, filmed the reveal and brought that character onto the screen while "Luke" was still held hostage. But it seems the only one more enamored with Ron's genius then Ron is Frank and so we have this mess

Edited by Fylaki
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He gets camp, a wtf from everyone, and attention. And I'm positive he still kinda hates Roger Howarth. I've learned he gets toys and when he gets bored, he throws them to the side. Rewatch AJ's return in 2012. SK was amazing in those scenes. A few months later, you can see Ron get bored with him and toss him aside. This has happened with RH as well.

I feel sorry for New Jason.

Tony being ill certainly hurt the Fluke story but I think the bulk of the blame lies with Ron and Frank. Ron it seems, maybe with approval from Tony, was determined to make Fluke=Bill. But far to many people guessed that and Ron cannot stand it when what he thinks is clever and original is spoiled as soon as it gets out of the gate.  Ron then needed to come up with an alternative, but he did not have one and still does not have one. In many ways we, on this board and others have hurt the story. Every time one of us throws out a plausible theory: Anthony Z, Damien Smith , Old School Franco or any one else Ron has to scrap it because his ego only allows for him to be seen as a genius.


Thrown into this was Tony getting ill. Frank could have stepped in, filmed the reveal and brought that character onto the screen while "Luke" was still held hostage. But it seems the only one more enamored with Ron's genius then Ron is Frank and so we have this mess


And to me that is the stupidist thing ever. A story teller should be invested more in the story not his own ego . He should enjoy the story playing out the way he conceived it as more enjoyable than tricking everyone. To me he could have made Julian knowing who Fluke is all along a kind of twist instead of who Fluke actually is. It was almost more interesting to know Julian has known all along than to know who Fluke is.

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The moment I heard RH was playing Franco, I immediately thought they would end up de Franco-ing him and turn him into someone else. I was certain of it, in fact, because turning a serial killer, would be rapist and rape enabling psycho into an actual central character seemed so implausible (and still is). I have to give props to FV/RC for, uh, sticking to their guns? and not being predictable? even if, if there was one frikkin time to be predictable it was this one!

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Ron doesn't hate Roger Howarth at all. He's forced him on us as Franco for over a year just because he couldn't accept not being able to showcase him as Todd. This has all been about giving us more of Ron's Roger Howarth Show and making us like it, until just now.


His (and Frank's, I suppose) devotion to the OLTL stars has deeply damaged them on the show. I think it's debatable whether or not they have finally, grudgingly begun to give up on Franco or Silas based on the current stories - I think the odds are 50/50 right now - but the reason we got here is because they, like Rick Astley, were never gonna give RH up or let him down.


I also have seen no evidence yet that Ron has changed the identity of Fluke at all. While it's possible that Ron started out not knowing who it was - he's done it before - the story Tony Geary has told the press re: their discussion about it, and the clues that were there from Day 1 suggest otherwise to me. Could he do it? Yes, maybe. But I'm not seeing it. I think it was, is and always will be Bill Eckert. That doesn't excuse the endless, boring development of the storyline, but that's a different issue.


Just because we're sitting here speculating does not mean Ron is drawing out that story because of that. Ron draws out stories for ages because he feels like it and because of their scheduling issues.

Edited by jsbt
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I don't see where Ron has tossed RH aside, really.  He's in the thick of the Sonny killed AJ story, and he seems likely to be heading to a pairing with Ron's shiny new toy, Nina.


Yeah.  It seems like they are heading into Nina being right in the thick of it too and IMO - why are either of these characters a part of this? 


I'm glad AJ and Sean Kanan were completely tossed aside to give Sonny his millionth woe is me but not really story (and the millionth reason for Carly and Sonny to screw) and storylines for new characters (and actors) I could give two shits about.


Yeah, still bitter.

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The moment I heard RH was playing Franco, I immediately thought they would end up de Franco-ing him and turn him into someone else. I was certain of it, in fact, because turning a serial killer, would be rapist and rape enabling psycho into an actual central character seemed so implausible (and still is). I have to give props to FV/RC for, uh, sticking to their guns? and not being predictable? even if, if there was one frikkin time to be predictable it was this one!


True, but in another sense, they did de-Franco him by basically erasing everything that made the character who he was.  Look, he inexplicably feels super bad about everything now!  Look, he has DVD's that prove he was just fooling around the whole time!  Look, he suddenly loves Carly, even though their interactions last time around were certainly not warm!  And that was all before the tumor and making him Heather's son.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Funniest/best lines of dialogue from Olivia and Ned probably ever:

"What did you do for fun when you were young?"

"My Aunt Monica."


Slightly amused that Olivia finds out from Coleman, instead of Dante/his colleagues, that her DIL is missing.


Shut up, Britt. You don't care about Lulu's welfare, and never did. Exhibit A: Withholding her child from birth, until you got caught. The only time she isn't an utter loser is in scenes with Nathan.


I find it impossible to feel sorry for Maxie. Also it is your fault you didn't show up for that hearing and you're not seeing baby Georgie on her first b-day.


Had to turn off what seemed like the beginning of Dante apologizing to Sonny (so he would help him).


"Right through that donor heart of hers" ? ....I hope Mac recovers and puts several holes in Levi. 


I suppose it's too much to hope for that Ava accidentally poisons Kiki, or herself instead via a dessert switcheroo. Kiki sucks SO much as a wife/gf and is too stupid to live anyway. I really felt bad for Michael, going to have dinner (and get poisoned) in the same apartment where his bio dad was murdered.

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This whole time we could have had AJ and Tracy rebuilding ELQ and trying to figure out who Fluke is and where is Luke.




Surely you jest Grrpants09, I mean letting the Qs not only remain relevant but actually risk winning the day and getting over on one of Ron's new little "pets"? Ron would rather eat his own hand.


Well nothing happened today, at least of any interest to me. So Coleman was brought back only to serve as Dante's anger management punching bag before being hauled off to jail, lovely.


Ron apparently can't seem to write for adult females, he always seems to turn them into catty, jealous, immature tweens fighting over a "man" or a "baby" because that's all women want in life and without one or the other they will never be fully fulfilled and complete. GTFO Ron.

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But SK is not fat, he's hunky. He's manly. I like a man who looks like a man.

Anyway, was Micheal saying that AJ's killer deserved to die a tease of things to come? I also never realized he hadn't seen AJ's death site since the murder. I thought AJ died in Sonny's office like Connie. And yes, I cheered when he called AJ his father.

I'm sure Coleman got pulled out of Ron's ass due to TG'S health, but I'm glad we can move this story along too. I did love Coleman giving no fucks about Felicia. Just like times are tough. Mac took my job. Bye Felicia!

But SK is not fat, he's hunky. He's manly. I like a man who looks like a man.

Anyway, was Micheal saying that AJ's killer deserved to die a tease of things to come? I also never realized he hadn't seen AJ's death site since the murder. I thought AJ died in Sonny's office like Connie. And yes, I cheered when he called AJ his father.

I'm sure Coleman got pulled out of Ron's ass due to TG'S health, but I'm glad we can move this story along too. I did love Coleman giving no fucks about Felicia. Just like times are tough. Mac took my job. Bye Felicia!

AJ died in the hospital but he was shot in the penthouse.

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I think Sonny and Ava dumped AJ's body in Ava's apartment to try and frame Julian, right?


No. AJ had gone to Ava's place to accuse her of killing Connie...he got in her face and told her he remembered that she was there. I can't remember why Sonny showed up there. But he saw AJ "manhandling" Ava and took out his gun and SHOT.AJ.IN.THE.CHEST. Even as AJ was telling him not to shoot, but NOT that Ava was the one who killed Connie. Julian walked in and found AJ lying there.

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I live in abject terror that Ron is going to try and spin her off in a new direction and pair her with Michael or - I'm trying to remember the other 50 people on this show all at once - I dunno, even Silas? or something? No, they wouldn't do that, that's insane.

so was bringing back the OLTL three as new characters. If Ron had enough of the Absolut he could do it lol.


What's sad is that there was a thing Teresa Castillo was good at - playing the lovable geek, fooling around the hospital with Felix as the ugly duckling who becomes something of a swan. But they wrecked any potential for the character the minute they made her over and presented her as the ultimate saint of Port Charles (which, admittedly, they had already been working .

[whisper] If they bring back the geeky girl I could picture her maybe working with Morgan. Toss Michael with Maxie. Give

Cue Card Cop Nathan to Anna. If Ron wants to have a "shocking" story he could pair Franco and Kiki and I can FF them.

Edited by ulkis
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Oh Ron. Is the line "He was way below average in the sack," really quotable?  Aside from being low brow, petty, and a back-handed insult to one's self ("I just married a guy who was below average in the sack -- who's the idiot in this situation?"), it's not clever. Not even remotely close.


I'd say it's one step below "I'm rubber and you're glue," but Ron's the paid writer with only one canceled show under his belt (so far), so he should know.

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Oh Ron. Is the line "He was way below average in the sack," really quotable?  Aside from being low brow, petty, and a back-handed insult to one's self ("I just married a guy who was below average in the sack -- who's the idiot in this situation?"), it's not clever. Not even remotely close.


I'd say it's one step below "I'm rubber and you're glue," but Ron's the paid writer with only one canceled show under his belt (so far), so he should know.


Oh but they AREN'T married, Ron made sure about 20477367 people said the marriage didn't get finished just to make sure we got it.


After Friday I read that second part as rubber glove somehow. I thought you meant that line was just one step above one rubber glove.heh

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No. AJ had gone to Ava's place to accuse her of killing Connie...he got in her face and told her he remembered that she was there. I can't remember why Sonny showed up there. But he saw AJ "manhandling" Ava and took out his gun and SHOT.AJ.IN.THE.CHEST. Even as AJ was telling him not to shoot, but NOT that Ava was the one who killed Connie. Julian walked in and found AJ lying there.



Sonny showed up because Sean was conveniently keeping an eye on Ava and told Sonny AJ was there. 


I still can't believe how stupid they have made Michael in this to make this work.  AJ told him that someone else was there the night he supposedly killed Connie.  Sonny told Michael that Ava said AJ wasn't sorry about killing Connie which Michael told him was a lie and they have never had Michael put two and two together with AJ being found shot in Ava's penthouse.  The stupidity that is involved to make these stories work is so annoying.

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No. AJ had gone to Ava's place to accuse her of killing Connie...he got in her face and told her he remembered that she was there. I can't remember why Sonny showed up there. But he saw AJ "manhandling" Ava and took out his gun and SHOT.AJ.IN.THE.CHEST. Even as AJ was telling him not to shoot, but NOT that Ava was the one who killed Connie. Julian walked in and found AJ lying there.


Oops, my bad!

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If I've learned anything from watching GH this short time it is that the dead never stay dead for long and Sonny never loses, so I believe you aren't far off the mark. I fully expected AJ to turn up alive somewhere, probably with Robin so the douchecannon can throw shade at her some more for putting one more person above his ass.

I would forget all the bad things I have said about Ron if when "Jason" comes back he is really a brainwashed AJ, thinking he is Jason, who is working for Victor. Maybe Victor "fooled" Robin some how and it has always been AJ she has been working on.....the fact that AJ died after she left town not withstanding and when all is said and done Jason is still as Dead as Dead can be and AJ is back as the top Q, even better and improved cause he has all of Jason's mob skills and Sonny is a walking dead man.

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I understand that there can be no villain on this show without someone behind them pulling the strings, but I cannot believe they have Ava and Julian prancing around doing OurBoss's bidding like whatever. Really, she's gonna take time out of her day to poison Michael? We all know that's not going to happen so what is the point of all this?

I had thought Ava was going to turn on Julian again - start working with Fluke to take over her brother's end of the organization and ice him. Instead she is literally going around planning dinner to kill her daughter's boyfriend for this kooky old anonymous twin. It's tiresome. To say nothing of the plot anvils that seem to suggest that Nina (who, BTW, has long since worn out her welcome, thanks, Michelle Stafford, for always taking it to 11) either a) will steal Ava's baby, b) is Kiki's real mother or c) and worst of all, both. I cannot stomach another baby/long-lost baby story but I fear we have at least two or three more coming.

Edited by jsbt
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