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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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16 hours ago, Perkie said:

Jason asking Sonny to meet him at the hospital...isn't Sonny still under house arrest?

Yes.  I had the impression Jason was asking Sonny to remove the monitor and sneak into the hospital.  

After making a big deal about Sonny not being able to leave his mansion, if he gets a Heather Webber Pass, I will be officially "I Don't Even" with this show.

With the Brothers Bakers, all hail retroactive justification. Let's see Valentin and Olivia apply it to everyone else.

  • Love 3

For the first time in a very long time, I actually re-watched a minute of the show - Laura throwing shade at Anna was pretty awesome.

Michelle Stafford turned in a good performance yesterday.  Where has this Nina been?

I was going to type something about how disgustingly vile the character Franco is - but y'all pretty much have captured it. 

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, NutmegsDad said:

After making a big deal about Sonny not being able to leave his mansion, if he gets a Heather Webber Pass, I will be officially "I Don't Even" with this show.

I think this is part of the "plan" Jason has. Maybe he thinks Sonny breaking his house arrest will lure out Olivia J. Though I'll crack up if it's an "oops, we forgot!" on the part of the writers. That wouldn't be unusual!

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

RC didn't have any real interest in"reforming" Franco, he just wanted the audience to stop complaining about him being a kidnapping, rapist SERIAL KILLER. 

Let's not give RC all the blame there! Jelly are doing the exact same thing. Worse actually imo.

11 hours ago, mybabyaidan said:

I couldn't make it through the Liz stuff today.  Her voice reaches an octave that hurts my ears when she cries or pleas or begs.


2 hours ago, sunnyface said:

For the first time in a very long time, I actually re-watched a minute of the show - Laura throwing shade at Anna was pretty awesome.

That was awesome. I am SO over Anna.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4
52 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:
15 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

RC didn't have any real interest in"reforming" Franco, he just wanted the audience to stop complaining about him being a kidnapping, rapist SERIAL KILLER. 

Let's not give RC all the blame there! Jelly are doing the exact same thing. Worse actually imo

Jelly are garbage writers who should have been left in the unemployment line when Y&R fired them.  BUT, they're basically writing Franco in character. The problem is that he's a gross, shitty character - and that's on RC because RC decided to reboot the character and when that didn't work , he gave VicTodd Franco a clean slate tumor. RC then proceeded to smear that clean slate with filth because he didn't have any actual interest in a "redeemed" Franco.

Jelly are just terrible writers who write every character badly.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 5

For the first time in a very long time, I actually re-watched a minute of the show - Laura throwing shade at Anna was pretty awesome.

I was kind of annoyed.  Laura and Lulu were sweet as pie when they first showed up, unannounced, looking for information.  Anna gave them the info they wanted, then Laura proceeds to tear a strip off of her. 

Whatever happened to Nik's return, anyway?  There was that one phone call that Ava took, implying it was Nik, or did I just imagine that?

  • Love 2
11 minutes ago, ciarra said:

I was kind of annoyed.  Laura and Lulu were sweet as pie when they first showed up, unannounced, looking for information.  Anna gave them the info they wanted, then Laura proceeds to tear a strip off of her. 

I was kind of annoyed, too. Anna even served them tea/coffee, and they have the nerve to get shirty with her. News flash, Laura: Anna can feel anything she wants about Valentin. You have no say in the matter.

  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, ciarra said:

I was kind of annoyed.  Laura and Lulu were sweet as pie when they first showed up, unannounced, looking for information.  Anna gave them the info they wanted, then Laura proceeds to tear a strip off of her. 


Really, I just want to know who gave ER the "crazy eyes" direction.  And if that's her acting choice, someone needs to take her aside and suggest it's not the best look for someone who's trying to be conveyed as the 'good guy' in this situation.

  • Love 3
12 hours ago, dr. gailey said:

I thought it was sweet that Jason called Sam, honey. She calls him pet names all the time. This wasn't surprising to me as Steve's, Jason used to make her dinner and served her tea on silver trays.

But that's her, not him. And I don't think Jason making her dinner and serving her tea is indicative that he would call her "honey". It indicates he has the same kind of affection for her, but serving tea was the way Jason would show that stuff instead of saying stuff like "honey".

I blame BM though. I think it's him throwing out all the "honeys" and "buddys" and fistbumps.

18 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Really, I just want to know who gave ER the "crazy eyes" direction.  And if that's her acting choice, someone needs to take her aside and suggest it's not the best look for someone who's trying to be conveyed as the 'good guy' in this situation.

I think those are just the way ER's eyes are.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, TeeVee329 said:

I really wish Laura (and Kevin) were getting some kind of story outside of Lulu's Charlotte insanity or, in Laura's case, propping up Liz and Franco's relationship.  Whatever happened to that whole thing of Laura joining the hospital board?

Exactly. Laura and Kevin's relationship is one of the few things that is working on this show so why it isn't being highlighted is unclear to me. (Laura/Kevin didn't even get a mention on Christmas or NYE and I refuse to believe that a newly-minted couple that had just said ILY wouldn't be spending at least part of the holiday together. We just had to see Lulu strong-arm her mom into going to Wyndemere instead). She got the job on the board, like you said, and they made a point of having Lucy interject herself into Laura and Kevin's conversation that day so I thought that was going to be a thing, Laura and Kevin having chances now to interact at the hospital, juggling their personal and new professional relationship, with perhaps an occasional interference by Lucy. Except it's not a thing and the only mention we have gotten of Laura being on the board is when she was at the hospital to chat with Liz about Liz dating Franco. Which, WHY?

I just wish Kevin and Laura got to have a real relationship that wasn't all about her family drama. They already did that with Cassadines Island and Nikolas and Kevin almost died for following her to Greece. Let's do something else now. Kevin has so much history, even peripheral history with Laura, that TPTB could explore.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 9
1 hour ago, ulkis said:

But that's her, not him. And I don't think Jason making her dinner and serving her tea is indicative that he would call her "honey". It indicates he has the same kind of affection for her, but serving tea was the way Jason would show that stuff instead of saying stuff like "honey".

I blame BM though. I think it's him throwing out all the "honeys" and "buddys" and fistbumps.

I think I'm beginning to realize I saw JaSam, individually and together, a lot differently than some. They were never this lovey-dovey "aw baby, sweetie" affectionate couple to me. Most of their time was spent dealing with mobsters or psychos who were after them for whatever reason.

Now, after time and a recast, they want to turn JaSam into this Brady Bunch family unit. And while some of it *may* be in-character for Sam (she always wanted a family, yes, but I think that was also about having a mother/father/siblings, as well), it becomes boring, especially when you give a character everything they wanted. They've done that with Sam and Jason. So what's next for the characters? Just dealing with other people's problems?

  • Love 7

In what universe is NINA able to make Anna cry?

Valentin shut down Lulu at the first mention of family therapy. I'm confused. He was all to willing to spill the truth that Lulu was Charlotte's bio-mom but is doing nothing to facilitate a relationship between them. (Lulu isn't helping, but the point still stands). Is there something Valentin is afraid would come out in family therapy that he doesn't want Lulu or Charlotte to know? I assume DNA tests would be run again. Maybe those would yield different results this time. And of course Lulu had to ruin her mature attitude today by going scorched-earth at the end, again, but a part of me understands. In her mind, Valentin is dangling her daughter in front of her but at the same time actively keeping her away.

I'm not even bothering with Nelle because her whole story is so stupid. If Nelle's bio-dad is Frank Benson who adopted Carly, it's just a lucky coincidence that she was a match for Josslyn.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 3

These fuckin' writers.  After all these months of dragging the Nelle story out, this is what they do?  In one episode, have Carly bring up her adopted parents for the first time in forever and then have Nelle react darkly to Carly's badmouthing of Frank Benson?  That's some piss poor story building.

And Carly and Bobbie sharing a laugh about Carly destroying Tony's life gave me a #rageembolism

Who do we think Bobbie called?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

I kind of feel bad that Michael is trying so hard to connect with Nelle. He's going to be really hurt when the truth about her comes out. Michael may be boring, but he's largely inoffensive, and I prefer to see him happy.

Bobbie rolling her eyes at the mention of Nelle--wow, how very me. 

Carly described Frank Benson as sad and bitter. Hmm, who does that remind me of? Can't believe Nelle has been in town for six months and they're only NOW establishing that connection. The writers take so long to connect the dots that by the time they're done, I no longer care about the complete picture.

Lulu actually impressed me with her maturity today. She tried to make peace, but when Valentin rejected that, she had every right to be upset.

I know the Sonny/Jason stuff was an act, but it still bugged me to hear Sam say she would never ask Jason to "give up all of this." Give up WHAT, Sam? Working for Sonny doesn't come with three weeks vacation and access to the company car, for fuck's sake. 

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

I think I'm beginning to realize I saw JaSam, individually and together, a lot differently than some. They were never this lovey-dovey "aw baby, sweetie" affectionate couple to me. Most of their time was spent dealing with mobsters or psychos who were after them for whatever reason.

Now, after time and a recast, they want to turn JaSam into this Brady Bunch family unit. And while some of it *may* be in-character for Sam (she always wanted a family, yes, but I think that was also about having a mother/father/siblings, as well), it becomes boring, especially when you give a character everything they wanted. They've done that with Sam and Jason. So what's next for the characters? Just dealing with other people's problems?

JaSam was supposed to be the adventure couple and the show did not want Liason, because they saw picket fences and children.   Jake Doe was very affectionate when paired with Elizabeth and now the show has gone back to that phase with JaSam.

Now Lulu wants to share joint custody of Charlotte?  Valentine should have withheld the truth that Lulu even had a child, until Charlotte was sixty years old!

  • Love 1
4 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

It just sucks because I'm with Nelle in the sense that Carly's world DOES deserve to come crashing down around her.  And it sucks that Michael and Nelle are so drippy and boring because her actually being torn between him and this revenge scheme would be good soap.

It's not a bad story, it's just bad storytelling.

The problem was they killed Morgan off in the middle of this story. Whatever Nelle could do to her is no where near as bad as Morgan being killed. I suppose they could have made Nelle responsible for that, but that would be taking her way over the line. (Just kidding, they could give Nelle a great excuse like Olivia made her do it!)

  • Love 5
25 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

If Nelle's bio-dad is Frank Benson who adopted Carly, it's just a lucky coincidence that she was a match for Josslyn.

So, here's my theory.  Frank leaves Virginia and Carly when she's three, creates another family, fathering Nelle.  Then, somehow, he hears that first daughter Carly's baby needs a kidney and to make it up to first daughter Carly, sells second daughter's kidney to her.  Would that be enough for Nelle to resent Carly enough to want to burn it all to the ground.  

  • Love 1
14 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

It just sucks because I'm with Nelle in the sense that Carly's world DOES deserve to come crashing down around her. 

I haven't seen today's ep yet, but while I agree with the quote, I don't think Carly's world should come crashing down around her because of something that happened 30 years ago. Carly has done plenty in the present day that merits vengeance, acting as Avery's mother being a prime example.

7 minutes ago, Perkie said:

So, here's my theory.  Frank leaves Virginia and Carly when she's three, creates another family, fathering Nelle.  Then, somehow, he hears that first daughter Carly's baby needs a kidney and to make it up to first daughter Carly, sells second daughter's kidney to her.

Aren't both Frank and Virginia supposed to be dead for ages? Or is Frank being alive a retcon? (Again, I haven't seen today's ep yet.)

6 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Is finding out Sonny "slept with another woman" really supposed to destroy Carly more than losing her son?

Especially since Sonny and Carly were estranged, and Carly was pretty mad at Sonny anyway. I can see Carly being really angry that Sonny and Nelle slept together, but destroyed? No way.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Aren't both Frank and Virginia supposed to be dead for ages?

Carly and Bobbie are looking through old photos for Joss' family project (that would be one wacky family tree!!).  Blah, blah, blah, Frank Benson left when I was three, Virginia raised me, we had a good life, I treated her like crap, hey mom remember when I came to town and ruined your marriage, good times, good times, Virginia died, don't know what happend to Frank. 

Nelle reacts to the name Frank Benson, especially when Carly is all, meh, don't remember her, he was a sad little man who left us, don't care what happened to him.  

So my assumption is that Frank is Nelle's bio father who was briefly Carly's adopte father before he left them.  

Edited by Perkie

Nina: I see what you did thaaarrr, talking in Latin, but I looked it up, yaaah-aah-aah ahh. 

Why? Why does MSt do this? 

Damn it, it would be hilarious to see Nina/Dante/Valentin/Lulu all in therapy, with the other three jabbering away while Dante sat in the corner pretending he was totally issue-free, until the therapist asked him about his family, heh.

Okay, music guy, maybe he could have quieted it down a notch during the Bobbie scenes so I could hear what everyone was saying.

Okay, that was a horrible hoodie Michael was wearing. Did he fish it out out of Morgan's clothes?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4

Lulu actually has a more legitimate claim for custody now, I would think, if she can prove to the courts that she was willing to work with Valentin for shared custody and family therapy visits, and Valentin said no and took away even shared custody from her - that he is denying her access to her daughter.

Edited by LexieLily
  • Love 2

I'm so tired of this damn embryo. Cancel her.

LOL that Anna cried because Nina called her shallow. How pathetic. Also, LOL at the "access denied" that flashed across her computer screen. That's not how that works, Jelly. If the WSB didn't want unauthorized people to have access to Valentin's file why was she able to access it so easily?

So after six months of being on the show we finally find out that Nelly is (probably) related to Frank Benson, a character who hasn't been mentioned in 400 years. Yet we still don't know what Carly supposedly did to upset her or what her plans are. Whatever. Someone please throw this dumbass in the trash so we can move on. What a huge waste of time this is.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 10

Jasam has always been lovey dovey to me. Their first date was Sam bringing a baby home and Jason rolling with it and saying he would help raise it. They ended up cuddling on the couch. They were also domesticated cause they raised demon Michael for years. His ass spent more time with Jasam than his own parents.

The Stone Cold thing and them playing it up only came about because of Spinelli. Jasam thrived on danger but behind closed doors Jason was the biggest sap ever when it came to Sam. So it doesn't surprise me that this version would call her pet names after having been hit by a car and having another brain surgery after being put in an egg for a couple of years.

Lulu should just kill Quasimodo and Ginger Bitch.

Nelle can die. That trick gets too much screentime.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, LexieLily said:

In what universe is NINA able to make Anna cry?

Valentin shut down Lulu at the first mention of family therapy. I'm confused. He was all to willing to spill the truth that Lulu was Charlotte's bio-mom but is doing nothing to facilitate a relationship between them. (Lulu isn't helping, but the point still stands). Is there something Valentin is afraid would come out in family therapy that he doesn't want Lulu or Charlotte to know? I assume DNA tests would be run again. Maybe those would yield different results this time. And of course Lulu had to ruin her mature attitude today by going scorched-earth at the end, again, but a part of me understands. In her mind, Valentin is dangling her daughter in front of her but at the same time actively keeping her away.

I'm not even bothering with Nelle because her whole story is so stupid. If Nelle's bio-dad is Frank Benson who adopted Carly, it's just a lucky coincidence that she was a match for Josslyn.

Perhaps it's because Lulu told Charlotte about being her mother and it did damage. Lulu is not acting in the best interests of her child and has forced her will on every situation.  Now that she is ready to do what everyone suggested from the get go, Valentin is not.  Lulu needs to parenting classes or something.  She can't just snap her fingers after doing something she shouldn't have and expect Valentin to agree.  Plus, he did offer up front, but she refused and then went and told Charlotte about being her mother. If she was serious about co-parenting, she and Valentin should have done that together.

And Perhaps Anna's tears come from guilt.  I have to rewatch. People were distracting me during the show.

4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

This reminded me that I don't miss Nikolas one bit.

Nik will return when Hayden and Finn get serious, engaged, walk down the aisle....something

Edited by CookieBud
  • Love 1
2 minutes ago, backhometome said:

JaSam always seemed affectionate to me. Depends on what you mean by it really. They always kissed/hugged. The pet names which I dont see that often seem more like a BM thing than a Jason thing. Southern gentleman. Always helping her with her coat and pulling chairs out.  

Oh, sure. Jason bawled like a baby when Robin broke up with him. But the cutesy nicknames have never been his thing and I wish Sam would have at least giggled and said "honey?" or something like that to acknowledge that. I suppose they couldn't do that at first if BM ad-libbed it but they could have added something like that in since then. Although, I guess the scriptwriters don't watch the show most of the time. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Fellaway said:

So Sonny's word is worth something...  Except when he promises to not kill A.J.

So Sonny would do anything for Michael...  Except not kill A.J.

Is that my blood boiling?  Why, yes.  Yes, it is.

Did Ava say yesterday that Hammer had been killed?  When did that happen?

This is why I can't stomach Michael.  How can he forgive Sonny (or Carly) for what he did to AJ? I mean, he hung him on a meat hook.  I just can't.

  • Love 11

But I also think there's a reason some prefer NuJaSam over OGJaSam. There's clearly some things that didn't happen before that are happening now.

Tbh by the time SBu left in 2012 I HATED Jason so I prefer NuJasam. I still like early JaSam but he became such a dick to Sam in the end that I was done with him. I almost think of him as a new character lol. Its weird I know.

  • Love 3

I'm sorry for how shallow I am, but I can barely watch Lulu scenes anymore simply because ER's eyebrows are offensively ugly. That being said, I am now basically on her side on the whole Charlotte thing just because I have grown so very tired of Valentin.

The Anna/Nina scenes were unbearable. As were the Sonny/Jason/Sam scenes. 

Michael's outfit was so bad today. Michael is just SO boring and this whole thing now where he thinks his childhood was super awesome is enraging. And I'm super pissed that Nelle and Michael aren't siblings.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6
20 minutes ago, backhometome said:

Tbh by the time SBu left in 2012 I HATED Jason so I prefer NuJasam. I still like early JaSam but he became such a dick to Sam in the end that I was done with him. I almost think of him as a new character lol. Its weird I know.

No, I get it. I kinda wish he was a new character paired with Sam. A part of me believes the character of Jason should have been put to rest. He didn't necessarily need to be killed off, but there was nowhere else for him to go. 

  • Love 3

I go back and forth with Valentin, but I found it awesome when he rightly called Lulu out on only caring about her own feelings and needs and not Charlotte's.

Oh, and Sonny smugly telling Julian that his word actually means something?  Was that before or after you a.) killed A.J. despite promising Michael you wouldn't hurt him, and b.) went after Julian despite promising Carly you wouldn't?  Asshole.

Edited by Michel
  • Love 11
23 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm sorry for how shallow I am, but I can barely watch Lulu scenes anymore simply because ER's eyebrows are offensively ugly. That being said, I am now basically on her side on the whole Charlotte thing just because I have grown so very tired of Valentin.

The Anna/Nina scenes were unbearable. As were the Sonny/Jason/Sam scenes. 

Michael's outfit was so bad today. Michael is just SO boring and this whole thing now where he thinks his childhood was super awesome is enraging. And I'm super pissed that Nelle and Michael aren't siblings.

You don't have to choose between Lulu and Valentin. You can vote for the embryo to be removed by any means necessary. Any means. 

I want Nelly and Michael to have their bland fish sex (offscreen) and for Nelly to get knocked up. While pregnant it's revealed that she and Michael are siblings. She's so shocked and appalled that she goes into early labor and dies during the delivery. Immediately afterward it's revealed there was an error with the DNA test and they aren't related after all. Michael quickly forgets about her and moves on to his next useless love interest while the baby leaves town forever. Avery and DNAJ leave with her. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 6
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

this whole thing now where he thinks his childhood was super awesome is enraging.

As long as you don't count the kidnappings, shootings, murders, rape, and all that, Michael's childhood was a dream!

Michael's condescension that Nelle's dad probably didn't know about Orion wiping out all the animals to quench his blood lust was so odd. It made Michael seem like a real jerk, which I don't think was the intention.

Nelle can't accept a car from Carly to use when she's working for her? What an idiot.

That picture of Hunchback!Valentin will never not be funny. I'm surprised they didn't give him a lazy eye and warts.

The Sonny/Jason/Sam/Julian stuff was so bad.

Now the Nelle story kicks into gear? Zzzz. I don't think Carly's attitude toward Frank Benson was so out of line or harsh.

The music under the Nina/Valentin scene really was loud.

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