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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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1 minute ago, backhometome said:

I dont think they were OTT but it did seem more Kelly/Kim which was cute. 

Yeah, and just to clarify, I'm not saying they shouldn't be this way. There's no reason for it to be anything else. I'm just saying it should have been more Jason/Robin because that's where the history and the bond is.

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9 minutes ago, ulkis said:
11 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Robin said she was "proud" of Sonny?  For what?

Refraining from killing people, of course. I love how Sonny's friends and family act like he deserves a party for not giving in to his violent impulses.

I thought it was for not throwing himself off the bridge after Morgan's death.

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Sam? Jason is not a cop. He's not a fire fighter or part of a search and rescue crew. He's not a soldier and he's not living with a life altering disease or condition. So STOP prattling on about 'living in the moment' and 'Jason being taken away at any moment' like he's something GOOD. He's a fucking serial killer. He killed people for money and power and just because he felt like it. He did it many, MANY times and never stopped until someone stopped HIM. He ruined lives, he betrayed people who trusted him and cared about him, he stole his nephew and ALWAYS acted like he was better than everyone else. You sound like a deluded fucking moron when you talk, especially when you talk about the virtues of Jason Morgan.

But it doesn't surprise me that Sam is the one picking up Carly's mantra and babbling that garbage back to Carly. Of course she's going to urge Carly to set aside legitimate reasons for not being with Sonny to go and be with him. That's what these stupid mob wives DO. Sacrifice themselves for the good of their man. The man who NEVER sacrifices for the woman. Sonny whines and whines about what HE wants and has ass kissers GALORE assure him that he deserves all the good things in life. I guess Sam is no longer super concerned about the danger anymore. I guess Jason isn't either. Good. Both were absolute cowardly hypocrites strutting like their life wasn't slathered in the blood of Jason's victims.

Heaven forbid Sam or Carly to have a conversation about THEIR personal sacrifice and how they've given up pretty much THEIR life in order to support the man who destroys lives for a living. Or that they felt the cost was too high, or that there was regret in their choices.

Nope. Just do what HE wants. Act like he's a saint. Mewl at his amazingness. Urge other women to do the same.  Shut up Sam. Shut up GH.

  • Love 13
2 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I could watch Mo and KMc recite a dictionary. I love their chem.

Ugh, I hate that I agree with this. MB and KMc are great together. But Robin should be one of the few people who can call Sonny out and not have him act all aggrieved about it and play his "Why can't you just let it go?" whiny pout. But no, instead she says she's proud of him for not killing himself when he thought he might have killed one of his sons. FFS.

  • Love 5
6 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Ugh, I hate that I agree with this. MB and KMc are great together. But Robin should be one of the few people who can call Sonny out and not have him act all aggrieved about it and play his "Why can't you just let it go?" whiny pout. But no, instead she says she's proud of him for not killing himself when he thought he might have killed one of his sons. FFS.

No, he's been whiny with her, too. One of my fave lines he ever had was, "Why is everyone acting like they're just getting to know me???!" 

  • Love 3

FV is bound and determined that those pets of his get tied permanently to the show and now we have Nina Cassadine!  Gross.  Poor old Nik and Spencer Cassadine are OUT the door and we now have Valentine, Charlotte and Nina Cassadine.  WTF?!

So, it's okay for multiple killer Sonny, Ava, Sam, Luke, Alexis, Julian, and Jason to have children, but Valentine is a killer that has to give up Charlotte?!  Jelly, FV and Varni have turned this show into a cartoon.

Naxie have been together for three years and Nathan is still a block of wood.  Damn.

Bobbie looked really good.  Dear Bobbie, Carly rode your husband like a dog and you still want to defend her ass?!  Please.

Michael and Nelle have no chemistry.

Andre is just so stiff and not in a good way!... but he has chemistry with Anna.

Carly's sudden no mob BS is just that, BS.  

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

Not me. I want Lulu to lose and lose big. She's unbearable.

I find that my own gut reaction is to be pro-Lulu regardless of how she acts here, simply because the writers seem to always go out of their way to make her look wrong even when she's in the right (see: craptastic Dante cheating story where everybody blamed her instead of her SOB husband).  I think it's the same kneejerk reaction that causes me to automatically hate anything Franco does on principle, simply because I'm resentful of the fact that the writers are so hamfistedly attempting to manipulate me into liking him.  Plus I'm always going to be Team Anyone but Nina.

  • Love 10
41 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Hee. I love Stone. I missed OGJason today, too. Billy was horrendous in that scene with KMc. He's been great in past scenes with her, but he was completely out of it in this epi. 

It did crack me up though when he was like, "well, that's too bad so sad about Maxie's wedding, let's go to the metro court so I can talk with you, Robin, a person I actually give a crap about."

4 minutes ago, magnolia11 said:

I find that my own gut reaction is to be pro-Lulu regardless of how she acts here, simply because the writers seem to always go out of their way to make her look wrong even when she's in the right (see: craptastic Dante cheating story where everybody blamed her instead of her SOB husband).

This. And not only is she already trying to mark her territory all over someone else's kid (even if Charlotte wasn't Lulu's, Nina is still moving way too fast here), now she's taken Maxie's wedding and Maxie's company. Which I know she didn't do it on purpose, but it's all been done by the writers to find this albatross a place on the show and I resent her for it. 

Although I don't think this is quite the same as the cheating story where she was the one who was played as the main antagonist. I do think she would act headstrong and rush into trying to take custody. I think she could act smarter, but I understand it.

Anyway. Yeah. The church was really nicely decorated. 

Jeez, Carly and Sonny have been on every day on the same set talking the same thing and there's more of it on whenever the next episode is. Give them a day off or several, show.

If Robin and Sonny had a one night stand, would that kill the Sonny/Carly relationship for Carly finally?

Jordan looked gorgeous. 

Forget coffee, the dress was probably already wet when Robin put the dress on top of wet Maxie.

Can Nathan shave his goatee for New Year's?

Really Nelle? She has to make up a whole elaborate story about how she hasn't mastered the child proof cap even though she's been taking the pills for years and they all just spilled all over the room? She couldn't just say "I went to get something for Sonny and I must have dropped a pill from my pocket?"

Her and Michael dancing together was so awkward.

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Really Nelle? She has to make up a whole elaborate story about how she hasn't mastered the child proof cap even though she's been taking the pills for years and they all just spilled all over the room? She couldn't just say "I went to get something for Sonny and I must have dropped a pill from my pocket?"


Nelly is stupid.

  • Love 4
19 minutes ago, ulkis said:

It did crack me up though when he was like, "well, that's too bad so sad about Maxie's wedding, let's go to the metro court so I can talk with you, Robin, a person I actually give a crap about."

His whole vibe in the scene was, "We done filming for today or nah?" But it did make me laugh when he didn't give a crap about the wedding and just wanted to hang out, I'll give you that.

  • Love 2
35 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Nina hijacking her brother's aborted wedding is pretty shitty.

Eh, it's not as if all the guests were there and the reception went on as planned. It did crack me up that Nina asked the minister—who was wearing a collar, in case we weren't sure who he was—if he was authorized to perform a wedding.

34 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Her and Michael dancing together was so awkward.

They looked like they'd just learned how to dance.

ETA: It also cracked me up that everyone was wishing one another a happy new year and there was no countdown at all. Couldn't you have gotten some interns to make confetti, Frank?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

How weird is it that Sam gave Carly a pep talk about living in the moment?

Every single time Carly and Sam have scenes like this I get the heebie jeebies.

2 hours ago, backhometome said:

Ugh Robin propping Sonny is the worst. I hate it. Makes me dislike her. 

Right! When she said she had to go see someone I was literally chanting, "please don't be Sonny!" while crossing my fingers. But I knew it would be. Sigh.

2 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

And the writers acted like Sam and Robin were besties and catching up. They were squeeing and hugging. 

I thought this was weird, too. But that might just because I really hate when Sam acts all squee-y.

2 hours ago, Linny said:

I can't bear to watch Sonny and Carly stand in his living room and have the same conversation for the twelfth time. 

I swear in the promo for Monday Carly was saying the exact same thing, ver-fucking-batim, that she said in this ep. I can't!

1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Anyway. Yeah. The church was really nicely decorated. 

It really was. I was surprised tbh.

BM did his gritted teeth, 'I wanna murder you' smile again today. I loled.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3

Is Nelle's plan to string Michael along until he falls for her than reveal that she's really his half sister/half aunt/half whatever and he'll be devestated?  Because I'm having a hard time following where the writers want me to go here.

Re Maxie:  So, I'm to beleive that 98 pound soaking wet Lulu managed to drag 98 pound dead to the world Maxie out of bed and into the shower?  Then wet Maxie thought it was a good idea to sit back on the bed and never at any time did she change out of the wet clothes.  Then Lulu decides to wrap her wedding dress around Maxie's wet body, because people do that all the time.  Then Robin brings her a cup of coffee and neurotic Maxie doesn't think twice about having the coffee directly over her wedding dress.  Sure.

  • Love 7
24 minutes ago, Perkie said:

neurotic Maxie doesn't think twice about having the coffee directly over her wedding dress.  Sure.

I laughed at Nathan's face when Maxie told him that she had ruined her dress and he looked over at the dress to see the brown stain and said "oh...." like she had had diarrhea. 

Why did Robin tell Nathan and Dante that Maxie had "a cold".  She's a doctor and should know the difference between a cold and the flu.

Is KMc pregnant in RL?

  • Love 2
39 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Is Nelle's plan to string Michael along until he falls for her than reveal that she's really his half sister/half aunt/half whatever and he'll be devestated?  Because I'm having a hard time following where the writers want me to go here.

The writers seem to think this pairing is mint chocolate chip, but all I'm seeing is a big bowl of vanilla.

I continue to bummed that they're trying to split the difference instead of Nelle just being an actual scheming bad girl.  It just makes her so dull.  Why couldn't she have showed some claws with Bobbie in private today, at least?

ETA...it is insane to me that this is a soap opera without a scheming bad girl of any kind.  Even people like Nina are supposed to be misunderstood heroines.  SO BORRRING.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

RE: Robin

Loved seeing KMc again.  I thought she looked beautiful this time back. I didn't find Robin & Sam that OTT. Just because Robin did bring Jason back to life and lost her freedom due to that fact. So, I would think Sam would be elated every time she has a moment with Robin. Also, it always bothered me that Sam has never thanked(on screen) Robin personally for all she did for Jason.  I mean, c'mon, writers it's just a couple of sentences. 

Anyway, it is a bit strange that Carly and Robin haven't crossed paths this time around. Liked the Sonny & Robin scenes. Sonny in scenes with Alexis or Robin is the only Sonny I can stand.

And I know I might get flamed for this but I actually like Robin and Emma without Patrick.

Edited by rags
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, ulkis said:

It did crack me up though when he was like, "well, that's too bad so sad about Maxie's wedding, let's go to the metro court so I can talk with you, Robin, a person I actually give a crap about."

This. And not only is she already trying to mark her territory all over someone else's kid (even if Charlotte wasn't Lulu's, Nina is still moving way too fast here), now she's taken Maxie's wedding and Maxie's company. Which I know she didn't do it on purpose, but it's all been done by the writers to find this albatross a place on the show and I resent her for it. 

Although I don't think this is quite the same as the cheating story where she was the one who was played as the main antagonist. I do think she would act headstrong and rush into trying to take custody. I think she could act smarter, but I understand it.

Anyway. Yeah. The church was really nicely decorated. 

Jeez, Carly and Sonny have been on every day on the same set talking the same thing and there's more of it on whenever the next episode is. Give them a day off or several, show.

If Robin and Sonny had a one night stand, would that kill the Sonny/Carly relationship for Carly finally?

Jordan looked gorgeous. 

Forget coffee, the dress was probably already wet when Robin put the dress on top of wet Maxie.

Can Nathan shave his goatee for New Year's?

Really Nelle? She has to make up a whole elaborate story about how she hasn't mastered the child proof cap even though she's been taking the pills for years and they all just spilled all over the room? She couldn't just say "I went to get something for Sonny and I must have dropped a pill from my pocket?"

Her and Michael dancing together was so awkward.

This!  I, too, resent so many of FV's damned pets taking up contracts and air time!

  • Love 2
32 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

The writers seem to think this pairing is mint chocolate chip, but all I'm seeing is a big bowl of vanilla.

Imitation vanilla at that. I laughed when Nelle got that "I'll show you!" face after Bobbie left. Yes, spending NYE with Michael is certainly going to make Bobbie think twice about speaking her mind to Nelle. 

  • Love 5
49 minutes ago, rags said:

 I didn't find Robin & Sam that OTT. Just because Robin did bring Jason back to life and lost her freedom due to that fact. So, I would think Sam would be elated every time she has a moment with Robin.

Oh, of course. I think for me it was just watching them be all cuddly while Jason just stood there in a walking coma. And that's not how Jason would be around Robin, especially if he hasn't seen her in awhile.

2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

BM did his gritted teeth, 'I wanna murder you' smile again today. I loled.

He's so on/off for me. Some days it's OK and then others he looks like he hates the acting profession.

  • Love 3

Today's ep was a shaggy dog story. Endless little bits that went nowhere.

  • Sonny and Carly stalling out for the eleventieth time moaning why they can't be together because Sonny can't quit his violent career.
  • Andre interfering again between Jordan and Curtis, forgetting personal and professional borders.
  • Robin showing up for Maxie's wedding but using some of her precious time in PC time to drop in on Sonny to prop him lavishly.
Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1
10 hours ago, Asp Burger said:

I will say something about a recent show: Becky Herbst just rocked those scenes at the police station, especially the ones in which she was rightly pissed off at Franco. She is earning her keep in that story and that pairing, even though I do not love it.  

When Franco told her about Tom locking him in the dog crate in return, I was floored when she said that he deserved it.  Not only because it's true and that he did deserve it, but also because, just like I'd thought, Elizabeth clearly did not condone his actions and did not think of him as the hero as many people feared he'd been perceived.

  • Love 6
15 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

I don't get it. When Sam thought Danny had been stillborn because Jason sent someone to beat up McBain, she went completely scorched earth and filed for divorce. WTF is she insisting that Carly crawl back into Sonny's bed?

Because plot, and also reasons and fireworks with flung barware when Carly finds out the sikrit Sonny is keeping. 

Pod!GH is stupid on so many levels. Also, haven't watched in a couple of weeks, so maybe I should refrain from making comments. I need saving.

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