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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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If they're remotely sane (ha) the carbonic snow mention was more than a cute nod from whoever wrote yesterday (Chris Van Etten?) and Obvious Alias Hamilton Finn is in fact an obvious alias, for another Cassadine. That would be one of the only things I could imagine making Michael Easton's umpteenth role remotely palatable - keeping him out of scrubs and lab coats, in weird outfits like yesterday's and scheming in the darkness.


If he turns out to be Valentin Cassadine, I wouldn't hate that. Well, I wouldn't hate it in theory. In execution, I assume it will turn out to be all kinds of stupid and eventually they'll make him Nina's schmoopy or whatever.

  • Love 9

I am legit embarrassed by my soap. It's not soapy; it's cringe inducing and I feel badly for the actors and the audience


Same. And yet I won't lie I enjoyed the hell outta the nonsense that was yesterday's ep. Sometimes I just embrace the farce and it entertains me.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 6

The other - have Julian, in desperation over his ridiculous scheme to get rid of the magazine, turn to a proven powerhouse to emerge as Crimson's rival - Lucy. Yes, you heard me, ulkis, it's Lucy! She can launch some sort of magazine/blog/whatever as an accessory of her new cosmetics empire (or revive Deception) and maybe hire Lulu as her major domo, though I'm not sure Lulu is necessarily right for that world anymore. Then we can slowly begin the process of phasing Nina the fuck off the show!


Yes to all of this.  Except, instead of hiring Lulu, you have Lucy bring in one of her daughters to work beside her.  This canvas needs another non-Kiki young female.


As for the carbonic snow mention, I assume it was just that.  And is that really something Monica would be doing research on?  What is her specialty supposed to be again?

  • Love 3


 Ron's GH was absolutely this bad last year but in a different way - this thing just feels off-brand, like a corpse they're propping up. Like Weekend at Bernie's.


Somewhere, Ron is watching Courtroom Boobs and is jealously seething why he couldn't write such genius.


As for Ava, I greatly enjoyed her scenes with Julian the other day. I really like him sticking up for her. And still love all of their inappropriateness.

  • Love 4

Incidentally, there's two things which could salvage the manic slapstick that is the ongoing Crimson debacle. One is firing and replacing Robert Watkins as Dillion [sic]. The other - have Julian, in desperation over his ridiculous scheme to get rid of the magazine, turn to a proven powerhouse to emerge as Crimson's rival - Lucy. Yes, you heard me, ulkis, it's Lucy! She can launch some sort of magazine/blog/whatever as an accessory of her new cosmetics empire (or revive Deception) and maybe hire Lulu as her major domo, though I'm not sure Lulu is necessarily right for that world anymore. Then we can slowly begin the process of phasing Nina the fuck off the show!


I'm sorry, I didn't read the rest of what you wrote because of the screeching sound that started ringing in my ears as soon as a I read the name "Lucy."


But whatever, it would be fine, as long as more than Nina and Dillon died. Or replaced, whatever.


Paul and Ava have stopped humping. For now. What does Ava do? She whines about how hard the thug life is, gets into fights with Sonny over that unnecessary baby, and cry's because her stupid daughter is the latest person to get a cap popped in their ass. And makes faces.


liar! All she does is fight with Sonny over that $%$&ing baby.

  • Love 6

I'm sorry, I didn't read the rest of what you wrote because of the screeching sound that started ringing in my ears as soon as a I read the name "Lucy."


Bye, sinner.


They still need to kill that baby. Just kill it! That kicks shit off. Avery and Kiki. I guess both is too much so I'll settle for offing the baby and sending Kiki off to parts unknown to escape her family.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

Incidentally, there's two things which could salvage the manic slapstick that is the ongoing Crimson debacle. One is firing and replacing Robert Watkins as Dillion [sic].


speaking of him, I wonder what the heck the plan for him was, besides helping facilitate a Dante/Valerie affair. That couldn't have been all. Could it? I suppose it could have been. 

Bye, sinner.


They still need to kill that baby. Just kill it! That kicks shit off. Avery and Kiki. I guess both is too much so I'll settle for offing the baby and sending Kiki off to parts unknown to escape her family.


Kill Kiki off, send Avery down the lake/river in a basket for safety. It will be Morgan's idea. "She'll get to see the world at an early age!"

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

speaking of him, I wonder what the heck the plan for him was, besides helping facilitate a Dante/Valerie affair. That couldn't have been all. Could it? I suppose it could have been.


I think, when Ron was still writing, the plan was for Dillon and Lulu to get together, at least for a while.  Now I dunno.  I had thought maybe Maxie, but then they chem tested her with Griffin.  There's also scary rumors about him

heading towards Kiki


Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2

Yeah, I'm fairly positive Ron's plan was NuDillon as Cheap Romantic Spoiler for Lante. I think they're still testing him with Maxie now but who knows. The guy is a dud and is barely serviceable with her, at Crimson and with Tracy and Paul, AFAIC.


Throwing hunks at Maxie never works and never has, not back when Frons and Guza tried doing it because Frons was deeply uncomfortable with Spinelli and not now. I don't see why putting her with Griffin Munro will be any more interesting than Nathan or all the dead dudes Maxie dated after Lucky, and I think Griffin's alright. They need idiosyncratic or uniquely opposite guys for her and while a Dillon could do it, this one doesn't cut it. I still think upper-crust semi-geeky Michael is her perfect foil.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

speaking of him, I wonder what the heck the plan for him was, besides helping facilitate a Dante/Valerie affair. That couldn't have been all. Could it? I suppose it could have been. 


Kill Kiki off, send Avery down the lake/river in a basket for safety. It will be Morgan's idea. "She'll get to see the world at an early age!"


That's too risky. What if the person who finds the baby realizes who she is and returns her to her owners? Nah, she needs to be killed for her own protection.


There's also scary rumors about him

heading towards Kiki



Fuck that shit. Kiki either needs to stay with Morgan or turn to women. Or die. 

  • Love 4

Point taken. I wasn't trying to rag on the lizard. I'm just ragging on GH's budget. Frank is going to be PISSED when it costs more than a $1.25/day to feed Mr. Ignatious. And Bryan is going to be pissed when he finds out he has to share a dressing room with him.

I was totally kidding! I swear I am not some crazy lizard lady. I only have experience with one, I'm not like a beardie crusader or anything ;)

  • Love 2

I don't think Dillon needs to be recast. I think RPW holds his own fine with the older actors, in fact, he holds his own with more experienced actors, far better than just about anyone else in the late twenties age group. That may not be saying much, but there it is. The problem with Dillon is the same problem with any new or returned character-they don't get much depth or personality. He also hasn't really had a WELL WRITTEN story. Who knows what the actor could do if he did? I blame the writing, mostly. I think the actor does quite well with what he's given. I think he holds back in scenes, but thus far, the material he's been given up until now has been pretty low key.

If  I'm  really being honest, I find this older, more mature Dillon far more tolerable. I kinda really didn't care much for SC's chipmunk on acid interpretation. And in truth, his Dillon was superficial and immature. I think if SC came back and played him the exact same way as people remembered, it would be irritating.


I love the lizard comments, and I realized last night what it all reminds me of. Austin Powers/Dr Evil and that hideous hairless cat. When ME was petting that lizard, it was like Dr Evil petting that cat.

If ME shows up later with a pinky ring, I'm done for.

But if he's a Cassadine, please can it not be all about the Spencers?  Because you know that means TG will be back. And I don't think anyone really wants that.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 8

What is Morgan gonna do with a baby? Nothing good! I would change the paternity to amp up the drama, but I'd still kill the kid. Ava doesn't need one, Morgan doesn't need one, Sonny definitely doesn't need one and it would be a harsh shock to the system considering none of these people ever lose much in these mob wars.

OMG, I think I've finally found a Morgan/Ava storyline that I'd appreciate (I almost wrote "tune in for," but let's not get crazy).  Morgan the Dad wants to take a one-year-old Avery to WrestleMania. Or some R-rated movie. Or feed her crazy stuff. Or some other dumb sh*t. And Ava is exasperated and exhausted, trying to keep well-intentioned Morgan from damaging or even killing his own kid. Maura would be in constant "what was I thinking?" mode. And Morgan would be all, "I KNOW what you were thinking! How about a li'l brother or sister for Avery?"  He'd be like Joey Tribiani.  But dumber.

  • Love 6

Maybe it's just that I got very little sleep but I've watched yesterday's middle segment three times and I still don't understand what this lawsuit is. I don't understand anything about this breastfeeding story at all. Were Jean and Shelly just really bored and decided to whip up a storyline from an issue of Cosmopolitan circa 1996? How are they paid like six figures for this?

  • Love 7

Maybe it's just that I got very little sleep but I've watched yesterday's middle segment three times and I still don't understand what this lawsuit is. I don't understand anything about this breastfeeding story at all. Were Jean and Shelly just really bored and decided to whip up a storyline from an issue of Cosmopolitan circa 1996? How are they paid like six figures for this?


We have to give the blame partly to Lisa Lo Cicero for this one. She suggested it.

  • Love 4

Yeah, that whole bit with her forcefully pulling focus in an already ridiculous scene and then going Superstar really sums up every fucking thing about Michelle Stafford.


Wait! Felicia's the mayor! What is this? They stole the election! Anna knows it!


Both these random nobody cardboard villains - the old doctor guy we've never seen before and Shari Belafonte with a honeycomb on her head - are so pointless and stupid. Who wants to watch this?

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 7

I've thoroughly creeped out and intrigued a friend of mine by sending her screen caps and memes from yesterday's episode. We've been going back and forth since Steve Burton went to her soap, Y&R. She's been asking if we can trade him for Billy Miller. I finally agreed, but only if she took Michael Easton and let him play five characters. She agreed to keep Steve Burton for life. She said Michael Easton is the creepiest man she has ever seen, but Lizard is quite charming. #winning.

  • Love 3

Maybe it's just that I got very little sleep but I've watched yesterday's middle segment three times and I still don't understand what this lawsuit is. I don't understand anything about this breastfeeding story at all. Were Jean and Shelly just really bored and decided to whip up a storyline from an issue of Cosmopolitan circa 1996? How are they paid like six figures for this?

I only watched the first half before ff-ing to Iggy. But I think they said that Olivia was suing the city for injunctive relief for not enforcing the law. Which .... [head explodes].

  • Love 2

I've thoroughly creeped out and intrigued a friend of mine by sending her screen caps and memes from yesterday's episode. We've been going back and forth since Steve Burton went to her soap, Y&R. She's been asking if we can trade him for Billy Miller. I finally agreed, but only if she took Michael Easton and let him play five characters. She agreed to keep Steve Burton for life. She said Michael Easton is the creepiest man she has ever seen, but Lizard is quite charming. #winning.

Hahaha I love when YR/GH fans ask for a trade with Steve Burton and Billy Miller. It reminds me of the racial draft between Stacey Dash and Rachel Dolezal

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1


Michelle Stafford in her bra pointing at herself. none of you are getting off the hook! And for 10 dollars, you can buy Michelle Stafford in a bra pointing at herself on a mug!

On a totally, yep totally, unrelated note, when's your birthday, Ulkis? Edited by Francie
  • Love 5

Aww. That's OK.

I'm actually now imagining that Michael Eastin wanted a cat to be in the scene, so he could re-create the opening scene of the Godfather, with Marlon Brando as the true Don, Vito Corleone.

But then, Michael has a sneezing attack, as apparently he's allergic to cats.

They then try a dog. But he's allergic to that too. Sneezing and sneezing up and sneezing.

Then a bird. But apparently he's allergic to feathers too.

A rabbit? Nope, still too furry. ACHOO! ACHOO!

So, finally they wind up with a hairless, furless lizard. It was either that or a goldfish.


Well now I'm disappointed that we didn't get Dr. Michael Easton stroking a goldfish.  

  • Love 4

On a totally, yep totally, unrelated note, when's your birthday, Ulkis?

We should come together as a board and get Ulkis a quilt in that print.

I only watched the first half before ff-ing to Iggy. But I think they said that Olivia was suing the city for injunctive relief for not enforcing the law. Which .... [head explodes].

But Michael couldn't file a wrongful death suit against Sonny for murdering his father AJ when he'd been convicted of first degree murder? Fuck. This. Show. Needs. Moar. Lizard.
  • Love 4

On a totally, yep totally, unrelated note, when's your birthday, Ulkis?


I don't understand why everyone is so mad at me lately. Like, big whoop, I said Anna and Sonny should have sex and Lulu should run her hands though Dr Hamilton's hair. Was I the one who came up with a black wig for Maura West? Did I suggest Bryan Craig was a really good actor and should give more to d - 


Wait a second.


I just remembered my posts from 2014.



Edited by ulkis
  • Love 13

Really, Frank et. al?  The lizard's name is Roxy?

I imagine that, at the second of that reveal, Frank shouted "One Life to Live!" with the same conviction, tenacity, and verve as when Mel Gibson shouts "Freeedom!" in Braveheart.

Really, Frank et. al?  The lizard's name is Roxy?

I imagine that, at the second of that reveal, Frank shouted "One Life to Live!" with the same conviction, tenacity, and verve as when Mel Gibson shouts "Freeedom!" in Braveheart.

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