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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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You know, reading the above, it makes me realize that it's kinda bananas Helena didn't mention Lucky at all.  Yes, yes, he's not on the show, but if Helena came to view Liz as something of an adversary, it would be because of her relationship with the Spencers via Lucky.  And her games with Liz and her children were often intended to hurt Lucky as well (faking Jake's death, mucking with Aidan's paternity, etc.).


I meant to say in my post that Liz's connection to Helena is rooted in her relationships with Lucky and Nik.  


As for the people who were there for the will reading, why did any of them show up?  They had to know it was going to be a mind fuck.  Why give her that last grasp of power (or what they think is her last grasp, since we all KNOW that there's no way she's actually dead)?  I can see Nik going, and, maybe, Alexis.  Everyone else should have said "fuck that," and never given it another thought. 

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I just...Rebecca Budig character knows Nik tried to murder her, she knows he feels zero remorse, she's had nightmares that he's going to try to kill her again - and she's struggling with feelings for him? That's fucking gross.

Why on earth would I care about her?

Yes, it's a thing that can be fixed but there's not any indication that the writers are planning to move her away from this

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 7

She wants the shares in her name, so they can't be taken from Nik.  Then she's supposed to doublecross him and hand them over to Tracy.


Yeah, I fell asleep just reading this. It's all so damned dull.


With that said, Nasty Nik needs to SUFFER. So if useless Hayden can do that, I'd tolerate her for 2.5 seconds. In the end, though, I think we all know that she won't be able to do that to her Attempted Murderer hubby because of wuv, and it'll be vomit central.


Never got why Nik wanted ELQ and still don't. But he STOLE THE COMPANY, so if somehow anyone can grind Nik into mulch and get it back, then do it.


It's all just an epic pile of failed shit. Hayden, Nasty Nik, all of it.


And Nik/Hayden forever sucks, just as an aside.

  • Love 3

Because they'd be no story if they hadn't? ;)


True.  I guess it's just like the whole insanity of the people of Port Charles continuing to show up for big events (especially ones that involve Sonny or the Cassadines).  It seems like a no-brainer to beg off and stay home in your sweats with some popcorn, waiting for the special news reports to start whenever the inevitable hostage situation/bomb/shooting happens, but then there'd be no story.  


Griffin: I can learn about him through your memories.

Anna: He was murdered.

Damn, Anna. Maybe start with his favorite breakfast cereal.


He loved a good ball of yarn, a saucer of milk, and a warm basket of laundry. 

  • Love 17

I went back and watched Maxie/Griffin to give them another look and I still got nothing. She might as well have been in a scene with Nathan because I saw no difference. Sigh. I'm trying, I swear. I want to like these characters. Blah.


I think Griffin is more attractive, but yeah, there would really be no difference there. The upside would be maybe Maxie would get more scenes with Anna instead of freaking O.


Plus maybe then Nathan would be then killed off on a stake-out and I could get more Maxie and Dante scenes. Sorry Nathan! And plus someone has to go besides friggin recurring Duke from a year ago, this is ridiculous.

  • Love 2
Everyone else should have said "fuck that," and never given it another thought.


Gonna inject some RL logic where it doesn't belong, and here goes: Scott, as Helena's executor, has a legal obligation to give everyone their bequests, so not showing up to the reading wouldn't prevent that. And dramatically it's easier to have everyone in one place so he doesn't have to run around town.


That said, people don't have to GAF about their bequests. Everyone's acting as if what they're getting is so out of character. It's HELENA. She lived to screw with people's lives. Most of them are victims of that, more than once. Gah.

  • Love 6

I think Griffin is more attractive, but yeah, there would really be no difference there. The upside would be maybe Maxie would get more scenes with Anna instead of freaking O.

Plus maybe then Nathan would be then killed off on a stake-out and I could get more Maxie and Dante scenes. Sorry Nathan! And plus someone has to go besides friggin recurring Duke from a year ago, this is ridiculous.

Griffin's hair is becoming SO distracting, though. Does this show not believe in haircuts? What is this? I'm being so real right now.

I kinda like Nathan and Dante scenes. *hides*

  • Love 3

Griffin's hair is becoming SO distracting, though. Does this show not believe in haircuts? What is this? I'm being so real right now.

I kinda like Nathan and Dante scenes. *hides*


I like them too but he can make a new friend. Look, I'd volunteer for Valerie to die by throwing herself in front of a bullet meant for him while they sing a touching duet about the rain, but I don't think that is happening.


You think you have to hide? I think Griffin looks better with the long hair than the short hair in his photo, although a trim probably wouldn't hurt.

  • Love 3

I also CANNOT with Nikolas.  Am I supposed to feel bad for him that Helena cut him off and now "the Quartermaine onslaught" want THEIR family company back that HE stole from THEM?



I want to see Nikolas behind the counter at Kelly's. The Quartermaines all come in to eat, and keep sending the food back.

 Who do I have to bribe?

  • Love 11

Gonna inject some RL logic where it doesn't belong, and here goes: Scott, as Helena's executor, has a legal obligation to give everyone their bequests, so not showing up to the reading wouldn't prevent that. And dramatically it's easier to have everyone in one place so he doesn't have to run around town.


That said, people don't have to GAF about their bequests. Everyone's acting as if what they're getting is so out of character. It's HELENA. She lived to screw with people's lives. Most of them are victims of that, more than once. Gah.


In real life, I'd expect at least one person to take the "Fuck her, I'm not showing up for her last big moment. Her lawyer can track me down later."  Them acting all surprised that this was another moment for her to mentally screw with them all is ridiculous.  Did they think this was going to be some quiet, paperwork only, meeting?  Hell, they should have thought there was a possibility they were walking into an ambush.  It's Helena.  Nothing is off the table. 

  • Love 5

I know Helena's evil reputation, but damn, giving the knife that killed her mother to Alexis was unspeakably cruel, IMO. I can't imagine even handling a knife that had killed one of my parents. Very gross, Show. And then for Alexis to not only handle it but waltz into Julian's office brandishing it at him like a pirate was beyond gross. These writers have to be brain-dead.

  • Love 2

The only thing I liked about this episode was Curtis. But then fucking Valerie showed up to ruin that. Sigh.


Val ruins everything because she's a stupid fucking loser. She needs to be shot, with the bullet going through her and hitting talking tree. They both die. Dr. O kills herself and her BFF Franco because Helena. Devastating. 

  • Love 3
I know Helena's evil reputation, but damn, giving the knife that killed her mother to Alexis was unspeakably cruel


I thought that was Helena at her finest. It was the only bequest that made any sense to me. The penny and leaving Nik nothing was petty (though Nik deserved it), and the key and empty envelope are just dumb, because the writers are never going to show any creativity there. An empty envelope = an empty womb? *rme* Did someone just read the Symbolism chapter in a lit-crit textbook?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 11

I love the length of his hair (much, much more than the short-haired pic). They just need to find a way to style it without using a full can of Crisco on it every day.

Yes. I don't want it super short, but I think it needs a trim 'cause it's kinda wild right now (which is why they probs think he needs a bottle of gel to slick it completely back). It got completely distracting when it was wet because he kept having to push it behind his ears.

Lawd. I'm discussing hair.

  • Love 5

Y'alls posts about Toonces the CatDaddyDewq have me WEAK, lol!!!

Are there actually ANY Nic/Hayden fans out there? Anywhere? Because all I see on the Internet is either bored indifference or spork your eye out revulsion. I don't think I've ever read a 'Oh, it's a Nic/Hayden day, I'm so HAPPY!' post. I'm sure I would've pointed, laughed, and mocked relentlessly if I had. Good times.

  • Love 5

I did LOL that Lauren said "Morgan" and not "Mom." Shriek about that, Ava. No, scratch that. Shut up, Ava.


Why do people keep indulging Morgan's whining? It's so boring. Suck it up, buttercup. You have bipolar disease. It can be managed, if you'd stop throwing yourself a pity party 24/7. Gah.


What is Salatino's Deli, and why is everyone suddenly hanging around outside of it? 


Why did Hayden give Valerie the stink eye when she saw her with Curtis? Not that I'm against it generally—Valerie needs more stink eye her way—but if this is more wimmins be jealousing, it needs to stop. 

  • Love 4

Why did Hayden give Valerie the stink eye when she saw her with Curtis? Not that I'm against it generally—Valerie needs more stink eye her way—but if this is more wimmins be jealousing, it needs to stop. 


Rebecca Budig has really been more annoying than ever this week.  I guess it really was just her occasional proximity to Tracy that made her semi-bearable.


A point I saw on Twitter in favor of the Griffin/Lucas Spec I Won't Let Die - the sons of Duke Lavery and Julian Jerome having an affair prior to learning of their mob bio dad's hatred of each other would be rather soapy.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3
the sons of Duke Lavery and Julian Jerome having an affair prior to learning of their mob bio dad's hatred of each other would be rather soapy.


Yes, because Frank did such a great job with Cole and Starr on OLTL. Oh, wait.


I despise "sins of the fathers visited on the sons" stories. They're boring, and the kids never have anything to do with the original conflict. Who cares if their parents hate each other? The kids are their own people.

  • Love 2

Yes. I don't want it super short, but I think it needs a trim 'cause it's kinda wild right now (which is why they probs think he needs a bottle of gel to slick it completely back). It got completely distracting when it was wet because he kept having to push it behind his ears.

Lawd. I'm discussing hair.

There's a lot of interesting hair on this show.

Speaking of it, I'm glad I don't like Morgan now cause that hair would be making me so sad.

  • Love 2

Yes, because Frank did such a great job with Cole and Starr on OLTL. Oh, wait.


I despise "sins of the fathers visited on the sons" stories. They're boring, and the kids never have anything to do with the original conflict. Who cares if their parents hate each other? The kids are their own people.


Well, it'd at least be a little interesting to see that kind of soap trope storyline play out with two gay characters.  And the bigger problem with Cole and Starr was making Starr a vanilla teen heroine as part of it.


I dunno, the rest of the show is so boring or infuriating, let me have my fun with The Spec I Won't Let Die!

  • Love 2

Wasn't Camilla the nun -- who lived at a nunnery in Canada -- Angus McKay's daughter? Which, in turn, made her Feline's sister? Which made things super awkward, as she was crazy in love with the greasy-furred kitty. And there was something weird about a place called L'Orlean. I couldn't stand Camilla or Feline, so I've mercifully blocked out any more details. I bet Francie might know...



The character was Camellia, played by Elizabeth Keifer.  I don't remember much else, except the actress ended up on Guiding Light.

You both have about covered it.  The "Secret of L'Orleans" rivaled the Jake is Jason reveal for how long it seemed to drag out.  And they kept repeating that phrase over and over. And poor Elizabeth Keifer. She cut her teeth on that thankless character.


The back story was that Young Duke and Camillia were in love, but right before they "did it," they learned they were half-brother and half-sister. Then the big secret occurred -- Camillia killed a man in self defense while fending off a rape. Then Camillia went into the nunnery, which led to many a "my sister the sister" jokes. It would have been a t-shirt slogan had the internet been more than ARPANET at the time. Camillia was still crazy in love with Duke when she showed up in Port Charles. And she was the fragile, nervous type that made her seem just crazy in general.


If I recall correctly, in the end, Duke's and Camillia's parentage had changed so often that they didn't turn out to be siblings or half-siblings. And Camillia went to Hollywood or Canada. Something like that.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 2

  It's Helena.  Nothing is off the table. 


For that reason, I'd be awfully suspicious of that portrait if I were Nik. I'd be checking it for a hidden camera and also making sure it wasn't made with paint that would give off toxic fumes designed to eventually kill me. 


What is Salatino's Deli, and why is everyone suddenly hanging around outside of it? 


I noticed that, too. Is it the newest incarnation of Sonny's "clean" business? The one that used to be the 4-table Italian restaurant that Michael managed for about a week before . . . things happened? 

  • Love 3

I really liked that Maxie noticed Griffin's scar. She's observant - that's been previously established and she'd have to be to be good at her job and I liked that she mentioned it because she's lived with hers for years and wouldn't think twice about mentioning it. I liked Maxie/Griffin and I would take them in a second instead of Maxie/Nate

  • Love 1

I liked the Anna/Griff scenes, but ffs stop pretending like Duke was some saint, Anna. Does she not know, or does she not care that he was going to have Jordan killed? It's kind of an insult for these two to be friends if Anna is going to be all "oh, he was pulled back in against his will, loyalty blah blah". Just STOP.


Line of the day goes to Curtis after Hayden mentioned poor Nik, he's going through a tough time:


What's wrong? Drawbridge down?


Hee. Insert my rant here about people being paired with the wrong people. And in case you've forgotten, Show, that's Valerie/Dillon, Hayden/Curtis, Maxie/Dante, and then mix up the rest.


Valerie/Dante...too soon guys, too soon. If you have to have Valerie be shown at the PCPD, have her have scenes with Nathan and do this dialogue with him. It would make much more sense. And Nathan being the uber nice guy that he is, could listen to her and have it not be all weird.


Did you see how fast Nik reacted when he knew he was getting sex? It's both creepy but kind of familiar just knowing he will never change.


There is not enough sanity in the world to watch this Morgan/Kiki crap. I did like the Ava scenes though, minus the brief yelling. I love when she admits her failings.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 5

I noticed that, too. Is it the newest incarnation of Sonny's "clean" business? The one that used to be the 4-table Italian restaurant that Michael managed for about a week before . . . things happened?

Can it be that stupid speakeasy. Which Sonny turned into a restaurant. It was under/behind Kelly's? Which the show used the set like 4 times. Had a shootout and it just seemed to disappear from the screen?

Speaking of Kelly's, who is actually managing the restaurant? TJ is supposed to be a full time college student. Is Bobbie running the restaurant and the apartments? Why the hell couldn't Lulu and Rocco live there? Or why not have Val live there? Or why not have Dante leave his cursed loft and have him stay there? Or even have Jason stay there!

What about the stupid brownstone that Morgan, Michael and Kiki worked on? Or Patrick's and Robin's house? Why couldn't Liz rent it while her place is being rebuilt? Her family is familiar with it and it is in her own neighborhood. Her insurance should pay for adequate temporary housing.

Why do I put in more thought about this stuff than the paid writers do?

Edited by stlbf
  • Love 4

A point I saw on Twitter in favor of the Griffin/Lucas Spec I Won't Let Die - the sons of Duke Lavery and Julian Jerome having an affair prior to learning of their mob bio dad's hatred of each other would be rather soapy.


RC never really played the Julian/Duke/Anna history with Julian and Duke is dead now. I could enjoy Lucas/Griffin together but I am firmly against any Lucas/Griffin relationship that forces Anna to tolerate Alexis's pool boy

  • Love 2


Speaking of Kelly's, who is actually managing the restaurant? TJ is supposed to be a full time college student. Is Bobbie running the restaurant and the apartments? Why the hell couldn't Lulu and Rocco live there? Or why not have Val live there? Or why not have Dante leave his cursed loft and have him stay there? Or even have Jason stay there!

What about the stupid brownstone that Morgan, Michael and Kiki worked on? Or Patrick's and Robin's house? Why couldn't Liz rent it while her place is being rebuilt? Her family is familiar with it and it is in her own neighborhood.

Show just mentions places like the apartments and brownstone etc to give the impression of more sets. I'm convinced the sets are a shell game among the different stories. Even the large reception area of the hospital by the elevators seems to change. For example, I could swear that sometimes it has more colorful flashing "permanent" signs, and sometimes not.

  • Love 1

Show just mentions places like the apartments and brownstone etc to give the impression of more sets. I'm convinced the sets are a shell game among the different stories. Even the large reception area of the hospital by the elevators seems to change. For example, I could swear that sometimes it has more colorful flashing "permanent" signs, and sometimes not.

Maddeningly, we know these sets exist! They built the them. We spent months having to watch a sweaty Morgan "work" and rehab Bobbie's old brownstone. You'd think that Lucas would love to go back to his old home and take it over. They used the living room of Patrick and Robin's home all the time. It is just weird how some of these sets are used and then seemingly abandoned. Windermere is huge, but now Nik, Hayden, Liz, Laura, Lulu, Spencer, Cam, Jake, Aiden, Rocco and any residing staff and caretakers are now living there. Lulu and Rocco had been staying in Maxie's 2 bedroom and before that the stupid loft of Dante's. Why not Carly's empty house? Or almost empty house. Is Bobbie still there? Where is Val and hell, her police commissioner boss living at? And Curtis? And Andre? Most people can't afford to live month to month at the supposedly high end MetroCourt.

I wish that the writers would also remember that Lulu can talk to someone other than Maxie. Her mom, Liz and even Snarly have been women who have shaped Lulu's life. What the hell has Carly thought about cousin Val sleeping with Lulu's husband(Carly's off and on stepson)? Carly has been on both sides. She had an affair with her bio mother's husband. She has been cheated on, I think. Pretty sure Sonny cheated on her during one or more of their many marriages. Jax's rape was not cheating. No matter how much Snarly insisted it was.

I'm not saying that we need to see home sets every day, or even weekly. But just a mention that Lulu is moving into Carly's old house with her Aunt Bobbie or Laura. Just say that Liz is renting or buying the Scorpio-Drake home. Especially if they don't want to bring back her old house set. Have Val stay at Kelly's. Or wherever the hell Bobbie is hiding at now. Since Bobbie is the one other family member Val is allowed to talk too.

  • Love 5

Outdoor scenes I can handle. Just not with the crappy cameras, ala GL. That was terrible to watch.

Sets? If they don't want to deal with the Webber set, fine. Just have Liz buy Robin's house. Or even Dante and Lulu. Point being this: they have a ton of sets. They can pull a couple of them out every once in awhile. Repurpose them. Why build they new sets, only to abandon them?

  • Love 4

That's so weird that GL is getting mentions because when I was watching that scene with Anna and the doctor whose name I can't remember but is apparently Duke's son outside of a deli it reminded me of the outside scenes they used to have in front of Company on GL. Those were really the only scenes I watched today.  Looked to be a Morgan/Kiki and Hayden/Nik day, so I took a nap.  

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