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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Yahoooooo  Eddie Main sighting!!!!!  All though "there goes my baby" will probably be sadly prophetic.  Why does Dante (DZ) never perform, he has a background in performing?

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So someone finally gives a speech about Robin...but only as a cover for lies and deceit.  Way to honor your friend, Liz.  And how would she know Robin has been living happily in Paris?  Did she send you a Christmas card from her cell?


Sorry, show, but you can't act like Spencer's antics, his calling people townie, are hilarious for a year plus and then try and backtrack with a teary "The More You Know" bonding session with his ghost mom.  Doesn't work like that.


Doesn't Nikolas want the secret kept?  Why was he pushing Liz to spill, why did she have to swear him to secrecy?


The Eddie Maine performance was kinda fun.

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Did Prince Nik say why he wants ELQ?  Boredom?

He whined about his life being in ruins the last few years (hence, it's Britt and Liz's fault) so he's taking control of his life or some such garbage.


I know. It was basically, "My life sucks, so I'm going to make everyone else's suck, too." Ugh. He's terrible on so many levels.


I can't believe nobody called juvie or something on Spencer. He tried to kill those kids. Instead it's, 'oh, let's take him home to calm down.'


No that this excuses what Spencer did, but the sandbags were nowhere near Emma and Cam. The blocking and camera angles were the worst. 


Is Sabrina a nurse again? Did they forget Sabrina doesn't work for GH and isn't a nurse?


Sabrina didn't lose her license, so she is still a nurse. She's just not working at GH right now.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Why does Dante (DZ) never perform, he has a background in performing?


He sang "Having My Baby" (with ER/Lulu) at karaoke at the Floating Rib once.  I think I'm still traumatized (by the song itself and the performance).  I love the guy, but singing isn't his forte.

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Where did half the room go? Dante and Lulu? Valerie? Molly? TJ? 

Valerie, Dante and Lulu took Spencer back to Wyndemere. Valerie stayed there to keep an eye on him (even though they are giving him a little "space"), and I assume Dante and Lulu went home rather than return to the NB.

No clue about Molly and TJ.

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I wish that Jason had a Robin flashback when LIz was talking about J&R.


I thought that Liz couldn't get any worse than she was during Niz but she is now leading the list of horrible people.

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So someone finally gives a speech about Robin...but only as a cover for lies and deceit. Way to honor your friend, Liz. And how would she know Robin has been living happily in Paris? Did she send you a Christmas card from her cell?

For her to tell that story about Jason and Robin for her own selfish gains was the most disgusting thing that happened in this episode.

And for her to say Robin is happily in Paris? For Anna to nod her head "yes"? Patrick and his douchetastic fake tears? I'm so absolutely sick of these characters.

Robin is a prisoner while Sam/Patrick play house with their children and Liz fucks Jason.



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So wait, Nikolas never actually bothered to check out Spencer's face? We could have been spared all that if Nik had just bothered to see that Spencer had a friggin scab under there??? This makes his behavior even more sociopathic!


lol at ghost Courtney hovering over Nik and Spencer. They should have had NL's Emily come and shove her out of the way.


Stupidest plan ever, Liz. Stupidest plan ever. Jason is not fucking worth it.


Lucy's black and white dress was nice.


Not only does DZ escape performing every year he also escaped the cheesefest gathering at the end! Maybe those Stavros scenes were a sort of "get out of 10 Nurses' Ball for free" pass.


Can TJ please not look at Jordan and Shawn making out. Maybe he's wondering where the hell Molly went.


Wow Duke. You REALLY want to kill yourself some Jordan. JEEZ. And he complained that ANNA dropped the ball on defeating Julian Jerome.


I tried watching the Spencer scenes yesterday. I couldn't.

He sang "Having My Baby" (with ER/Lulu) at karaoke at the Floating Rib once.  I think I'm still traumatized (by the song itself and the performance).  I love the guy, but singing isn't his forte.


He could dance though! Background dancer for Brad, heh.

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Wow, between people leaving due to personal drama/proposals and what I assume is people leaving to get away from all the drama, there where what 15 people left in the audience for Lucy to address? 


For those who could stand to watch Spinelli's entire song, I couldn't tell...was he seriously singing a love song to Maxie right in front of Ellie? Girl, he is so NOT worth your tears!! Ugh. 


I'm also confused by when Lucy introduced Sabrina and Epiphany both as nurses of GH. Was that just another big writing error, or was Sabrina re-instated and I missed that line? Also I guess she and Michael are now together since she took his hand and led him to the stage? It did amuse me that she didn't even seem to look in Patrick's direction as she did so. 


Another bit of confusion - that's Spencer's "horrible scar"? It looks like (in a normal childhood) he just fell maybe while running or riding a bike and has a scrape healing on on the side of his face!! Makeup department fail!!

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Sabrina didn't lose her license, so she is still a nurse. She's just not working at GH right now.


Yet she's in nearly every performance of the General Hospital Nurses Ball.

She's much better when she sings/performs, I don't want to mute the TV or change the channel - and then she talks....

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All I want to know is if Ned's number this year had another weird-ass Wally Kurth-with-random-hot-chick spoken word interlude like last time.

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Was Sam present when Liz was waxing poet about her supposed dead husband?


I don't know how I feel about Liz using Robin as a distraction. Robin should have been mentioned but not in the way Liz did. No one is exempted from her deception.

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Yet she's in nearly every performance of the General Hospital Nurses Ball.


On the one hand, most of the performers were non-staff (Lucy, Ned, Spinelli, Anna and Duke, etc.), which is how it's always been.


On the other, yes, she however should not been lumped in with the actual GH nurses.

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Do the writers get a raise every time a character says Patrick deserves to be happy? This is getting insane.



Every time it's said his ego grows ten whole sizes or something.


Sabrina got fired for nearly killing a baby and putting the mother's life at risk as well...how is she GH's greatest nurse still?


What a shock that Liz decided to keep her mouth shut so she could keep Jake all to herself...I could not be anymore bored or disinterested in this crap.

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All I want to know is if Ned's number this year had another weird-ass Wally Kurth-with-random-hot-chick spoken word interlude like last time.


I'm guessing no since his number this year was from the Queen catalog and not Meat Loaf.  Damn!

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What a shock that Liz decided to keep her mouth shut so she could keep Jake all to herself...I could not be anymore bored or disinterested in this crap.


And we all know what's coming next - lots of guilty looks from Liz and then her ending up pregnant right in time for the reveal.

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On Twitter, ABC SID thanked GH for acknowledging Robin. I just can't. I literally can't form proper words. I once again feel like I'm watching a different feed. Thanks for Liz using Robin's memory to cover a lie? Thanks for having Liz tell a story she wasn't even there for? Thanks for Liz straight up lying that Robin is happy in Paris so she can fuck Jason and Patrick can continuing screwing Sam without guilt? Thanks for Robin being a prisoner for years?

Stop. The. Madness.

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I'm guessing no since his number this year was from the Queen catalog and not Meat Loaf.  Damn!


No random lady. He did, however, drive up on the stage on a motorcycle. :/ He danced with Olivia though and that was cute.

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On Twitter, ABC SID thanked GH for acknowledging Robin. I just can't. I literally can't form proper words. I once again feel like I'm watching a different feed. Thanks for Liz using Robin's memory to cover a lie? Thanks for having Liz tell a story she wasn't even there for? Thanks for Liz straight up lying that Robin is happy in Paris so she can fuck Jason and Patrick can continuing screwing Sam without guilt? Thanks for Robin being a prisoner for years?

Stop. The. Madness.


What!? That was the Robin mention?!

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TeeVee329 - You make a good point, which takes my theory a little further: "compelling" drama of Jason literally being torn between his 'two families', not just the family of his late first born son v. Sam and Danny.  


I think I must have missed a scene - did Liz find out from Nik that Robin revived Helena? Do Nikolas and Liz genuinely think Robin is happily living in Paris? I could understand Liz believing that going off what she hears from Patrick, but I know Nikolas had Helena dragged away into exile and then recently was yelling at her on the phone. So I was thinking he knows more than Patrick. Now I'm just feeling confused.


Oh, and Nikolas being all 'Patrick is better to Sam and Danny than Jason ever was' doesn't surprise me because Nik was anti-Sonny and Jason, and probably blames Jason for Em's death (since she was murdered as revenge on Jason). Also because Patrick is a doctor, and was there at the beginning as a doctor and friend just before Danny got the cancer diagnosis. My reaction to that line about Patrick putting them first was, "Well yeah, it was his job." But I know that's not what Nik meant.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
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Today is the prime example of why I want Liez to be thrown in a wood chipper. Just nothing but raw sewage comes from her mouth. She is officially the most pathetic and desperate person on this show, which is quite the accomplishment. Fucking disgusting. I have no hope that Jason will do anything but maybe one day Robin will find out about her little speech and bitch slap her.And btw, her saying people in PC who do the right thing always end up miserable was just a bunch of bullshit coming from her. How about she take a look at her life and her choices and realize that she NEVER does the right thing and that's why she's always unhappy. Her life is just a serious of lies, deception, and poor selfish decisions.

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That's right Rick, Liz doesn't believe in lying.  Never has, but says looking out at the NB audience full of liars and cheats, she just realized it was time for her to win. And to win the very guy who, if his memory ever returns, can reel off a long list of her lies involving him and his.  Are we supposed to not remember her history,and be in her corner?

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Oh for Fuck's Sake.


If I had hair, I'd be pulling at it, tearing it out, after reading all the comments here about what Liz said regarding Robin.


But all I can say is FUCK YOU, you douchetasticratbastardpigofafuckwit "head writer." FUCK.YOU.*


*Sorry for "yelling" y'all...but it's all I am left with.

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I hate how Liz says Jason's name. "Jaaaayyy sssuunnn." He's not the fucking Sun.

Run, Billy Miller, Run. This is the punishment we get for Kelly Monaco having mega white hot chemistry with Billy Miller? Boring vanilla Liiiiieeeezzzzz?

We should just do a meetup and leave a gigantic bar tab, but charge it to ABC. Specifically, Ron with a note saying "fuck your plot points."

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What!? That was the Robin mention?!

Yep. She was about to spill that Jake is Jason, but then chickened out and told the story about Jason carrying Robin away at the NB. Then she said, "Jason's dead and Robin's living happily in Paris."

The entire speech was sick. I can't get over it.

I mean, is there still a debate as to whether Robin gets to be mad when she comes back? Seriously?

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Oh Liz. Bad Idea Jeans, honey.


This story would work better if Patrick was the one keeping the seekrit, and agonizing over his relationship with Sam and Liz's with Jason. But we know Patrick can't be the bad guy.


I will say that Liz/Nic did have nice co-conspirator chem. Their affair was sooooo sleazy, but they do work as friends. 


Was any one else amazed that she was able to crumple to floor in that dress?! 

Funny unrelated wardrobe story. I was in my sister's wedding this past October and I had industrial spanx on for the occasion. At the reception, I offered to hold the groom's stepmother's purse while they took a parents with the bride and groom shot. She grabbed her brush out of the bag for a quick touch up but dropped it. I literally could not bend down to pick it up for her and apologized that it was not physically possible for me to get down to the floor. 


So Liz's maneuverability may be the most impressive thing about the Nurses Ball.

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I hate how Liz says Jason's name. "Jaaaayyy sssuunnn." He's not the fucking Sun.

Run, Billy Miller, Run. This is the punishment we get for Kelly Monaco having mega white hot chemistry with Billy Miller? Boring vanilla Liiiiieeeezzzzz?


I think BM's chemistry is equal between Sam and Liz.

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On Twitter, ABC SID thanked GH for acknowledging Robin. I just can't. I literally can't form proper words. I once again feel like I'm watching a different feed. Thanks for Liz using Robin's memory to cover a lie? Thanks for having Liz tell a story she wasn't even there for? Thanks for Liz straight up lying that Robin is happy in Paris so she can fuck Jason and Patrick can continuing screwing Sam without guilt? Thanks for Robin being a prisoner for years?

Stop. The. Madness.

Seriously? I actually think Sabrina/Emma/Patrick singing "You're not alone" in front of the big ass Robin picture was less tacky than what happened today. That could have been a nice way to acknowledge Robin, but context is everything. Liz is cuckoo, but still, I wouldn't have minded her using the Robin/Jason story as a cover up so much if she had left the happy in France part out of it.
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Seriously? I actually think Sabrina/Emma/Patrick singing "You're not alone" in front of the big ass Robin picture was less tacky than what happened today. That could have been a nice way to acknowledge Robin, but context is everything. Liz is cuckoo, but still, I wouldn't have minded her using the Robin/Jason story as a cover up so much if she had left the happy in France part out of it.

I just think it's extremely rude to use a beautiful story about Jason and Robin just to stall on stage and be a liar. It wasn't a genuine sentiment coming from Liz. She doesn't actually care about Robin or Jason. She cares about getting her chance with him. That's what ruined the Robin mention.

On another note, Carly saying she was jealous of Robin was probs the most honest thing she's ever said.

Edited by HeatLifer
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I wish that Jason had a Robin flashback when LIz was talking about J&R.



That's what I was hoping for.  


I hate what the "writers" are doing to Liz, but I do have one small request.  When Carly inevitably finds out and starts frothing at the mouth that she was kept from her precious Jason for so long, I need at least one person to very calmly look her in the eye and tell her "it wasn't Liz's secret to tell." 

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That's what I was hoping for.

I hate what the "writers" are doing to Liz, but I do have one small request. When Carly inevitably finds out and starts frothing at the mouth that she was kept from her precious Jason for so long, I need at least one person to very calmly look her in the eye and tell her "it wasn't Liz's secret to tell."

LMAO. Right?

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And we all know what's coming next - lots of guilty looks from Liz and then her ending up pregnant right in time for the reveal.

Or Sam will be preggers with Patrick's kid…or both! Ugh, probably both. I hate Ron.

And, FFS! Enough with that fucking "You Are Not Alone" song! Maybe I want to be alone, Ron, ever think of that? Better than hearing that shitfest again.

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He sang "Having My Baby" (with ER/Lulu) at karaoke at the Floating Rib once.  I think I'm still traumatized (by the song itself and the performance).  I love the guy, but singing isn't his forte.


As in the Paul Anka song? Thank God I missed that. I hear that song and bile rises in my throat. *retch*

Edited by UYI
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Or Sam will be preggers with Patrick's kid…or both! Ugh, probably both. I hate Ron.

And, FFS! Enough with that fucking "You Are Not Alone" song! Maybe I want to be alone, Ron, ever think of that? Better than hearing that shitfest again.

I love how they play that song and Robin is alone. And a prisoner. But let's all hold hands and smile. :)

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It is official. I now hate Liz more than I hate Snarly.

But do you hate her enough to trade in your NULOCH card for a NULOLH one, or do you need both (I vote both)?

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Nikolas never actually bothered to check out Spencer's face? We could have been spared all that if Nik had just bothered to see that Spencer had a friggin scab under there??? This makes his behavior even more sociopathic!

I got the impression that the mask had been off before, but that Spencer had never looked in the mirror while it was off. It didn't seem like Spencer was still required to wear the mask 24/7 for healing reasons, but that he chose to keep it on because he thought he was hideous. Nik has been telling him that it wasn't that bad and he wasn't hideous looking, I thought, so I'd figured that Nik had seen it.

ETA: can someone remind me if Patrick and Anna even know that Robin is a prisoner? Or do people just think they *should*know? I don't pay much attention to it because I always felt like the show painted itself in to a corner and just had to let it go.

Edited by Turtle
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Patrick and Anna do not officially know Robin is a prisoner. But they have enough information to put it together. Just like Liz and Nik do.

Ron just tweeted that everyone thinks Robin is happy in Paris. Yeah, Ron, because telling everyone you're broken and then not contacting anyone for 8 months = happiness. But, hey, maybe Robin is happy she doesn't have to look at her douchey, cheater of an ex.

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Michael was a little too cordial to Carly for my taste.


THIS.  I didn't like Carly using Liz's speech to con a warm moment out of her son.  I hope he was mentally signing his name to documents buying the MetroCourt out from under her.

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THIS.  I didn't like Carly using Liz's speech to con a warm moment out of her son.  I hope he was mentally signing his name to documents buying the MetroCourt out from under her.

I don't buy that Carly told that JnR story to Michael unless it was after both Jase and Robin "died."

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