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..and I'll just add, did Kourtney know this was one big publicity stunt when she told People mag about how proud she is of him for getting help? Because if she was in in it then well shes just as bad as Kim when it comes having any bit of self respect. I guess neither of them care if he ends up hurting himself or someone else as a result of his alcohol binges? Those poor kids will be so proud one day.

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..and I'll just add, did Kourtney know this was one big publicity stunt when she told People mag about how proud she is of him for getting help?


I'm glad you mentioned that because it crossed my mind too.


You know, it's reached the point with this entire family that every time they do something for the cameras to capture or to make a headline -- no matter how mundane it may seem -- it begs the question of whether it's for real, the show or for money/publicity. Off the top of my head, the only thing I can think of recently that has seemed for real is Bruce's car accident.


And fans wonder why haters hate on this family.

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Scott Disick's officially ditched rehab in Costa Rica ... so he can spend quality time at the local nightclubs.


Disick was spotted hanging near the bar in a club called Rouge on Saturday night. Sporting a black tee and ball cap ... Scott seemed like he was trying to keep a low profile -- but hanging with a big bodyguard in purple ain't exactly inconspicuous.


Witnesses tell us he also hit up a spot called Vertigo.


TMZ broke the story ... Scott bailed on the Costa Rican rehab program after less than a week. He's coming back to the states, and already has club gigs booked back here. 


Update: After we posted our story, Scott posted (and then deleted) a photo touting his upcoming appearance at 1OAK in Las Vegas.



Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2015/03/23/scott-disick-nightclub-costa-rica-photo/#ixzz3VGlyx2Zj


The facility released a press statement and confirmed he was there - it's said no reputable facility would do either of those things. Especially for someone who reportedly left the facility after 12 hours and spent the rest of the time partying in Costa Rican clubs. Sheesh. What won't this family do for money. Disgusting, and the facility too.

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I don't get it either. And the facility that's publicizing that Scott was there and bolted? What kind of publicity is that? Yeah, everyone wants to pay a bunch of money to fail at rehab. This story gets progressively worse.


You know, Kris H and Lamar are looking like geniuses for getting out of this family. I know Lamar's exit was less than graceful, and that he has his own issues, but at least they're not being exploited for the family coffers.

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A couple of questions.  Isn't it pretty well established that all of this Scott "irresponsible/addiction/bettering himself" storyline is basically all fake at this point?  I thought there had been enough quotes in the press (or at least in the local NY area press) from people that know Scott and the Disick family that say that all of this stuff we've seen with Scott in recent years has just been for storyline because otherwise he and Kourtney basically have no storyline?  Ironically enough, I find Scott and Kourtney quite likeable when they are just being themselves.  We had a season or 2 of that.  I guess that wasn't exciting enough for KJ.


And truth be told, I'm more appalled at the rehab facility than the Kardashian family.  I'm not surprised that they would stoop this low.  Or maybe they've just done so much at this point that nothing really surprises me.  A rehab facility however....that's a whole different can of worms. 

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Scott is not a Kardashian or a Jenner. He has no duty or allegiance to Kris Jenner other than through his contract. He is a willing and eager passenger on the Kardashian gravy train. Whether his addiction is fake, exaggerated or exploited, this is the image of himself that he allows and encourages to be portrayed even though he is the father of three young children who will eventually become aware of his behavior and his reputation. Even professional actors can have a difficult time with the public being unable to separate them from the characters or roles they play, and in this case, Scott is in front of the cameras supposedly living out his real life. Where is his self respect? Where is his consideration for his children?

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Eh, I like Scott.  He knows the family is a joke and they suck.  Everyone has to make money somehow, and at least he gets to be around his kids.  That said, I do not expect him to live to 40.

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Scott thinks of rehab as a spa retreat.


Scott Disick Opens Up About His Rehab Stay: 'I Plan to Go Back'

Scott Disick's rehab stint went exactly according to plan, despite speculation that he bailed early on his treatment.


The reality star first made headlines when he checked into a Costa Rican rehab facility in mid-March. He later made headlines again when left after only a week. It turns out, though, Scott only intended to be there for a week anyway.


The reality star opened up exclusively to PEOPLE about his stay at the Rhythmia Life Advancement Center, saying that he plans to return again.


"The funny thing is, a lot of people were under the impression that I was going to this rehab facility in Costa Rica for a month, when the truth was, I was going for a week for one treatment that they have there," he said. "I'm not done. I plan to go back to this place."


"It's an amazing place," he continued. "It's beautiful and I love it, but I wasn't able to spend three or four weeks there right now. I never planned on it, and everyone keeps telling me that I dropped out early.


"I wanted to actually Instagram or tweet a photo of my tickets that showed that I never intended to stay any longer than I stayed … I'm a work in progress and anything that I can do to better myself, I'm trying."


Disick called the rehab center "very therapeutic" and said he went to this specific facility because one of its treatments specializes in using an African root called Ibogaine.


"It kind of resets the receptors in your brain and kind of helps you kind of remember and look at your childhood and gain knowledge on what's gone wrong that makes you want to either drink or do drugs or whatever it may be that compensates for what you're not getting," he said.


The treatment, he said, has helped him him.


"It helped my dramatically to see some of the things that have troubled me in the past, but I'm not done," he stressed. "I plan to go back and I hope it helps me even more to get to a point where I'm fully cured of some of things that I struggle with."


On Friday night, "Lord Disick" faced his struggles head-on as he hosted a party at Las Vegas's 1 OAK Nightclub. Although he was surrounded but booze, Disick didn't partake, sticking only to Red Bull and water. And at dinner earlier in the evening at Stack, Disick again sipped Fiji water while his seven friends all imbibed on alcoholic drinks.


Staying sober in Vegas can be a difficult feat, so maybe this particular treatment is working for the Keeping Up With The Kardashians star.


"It does work and I've been [to Rhythmia] twice," he said. "I'll go back when I want to and get some more treatments. And, listen, I really love it and I think it helped me. Obviously I'm not a perfect human being yet, but maybe down the road I'll be pretty close to it."


Edited by Artsda
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I wonder what kind of business arrangement Scott & this place have? He's giving interviews about them, they're confirming he was there, that pretty much screams "endorsement" to me.

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1Oak is owned by Scott's BFF Scott Sartiano. So I don't consider this one blowing it off, but probably them wanting him to realize promoting 1Oak party isn't what he needs in his life right now. 


Wonder who or what got through to him between yesterday's posting the photo promoting the event and tonight? 

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1Oak is owned by Scott's BFF Scott Sartiano. 



Well, that explains why the Kardashians seem to be on repeat there. I wonder if that will continue now that Kourtney & Scott are done?

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There's always TAO at Palazzo that Kim frequents and even Brody ended up with a DJ job there. The family seems to just go back and forth between TAO and 1Oak.


I just don't think he really is gong to go to rehab though. If he lasted a few hours, a week and again a few hours the 3 times he's done it. I don't see how a 4th time will be any different. He has to really want help and not going because his friends want him too or to try and get Kourtney back.

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Wonder who or what got through to him between yesterday's posting the photo promoting the event and tonight? 

Maybe he continues to be a coward and realized the nastiness he's getting on-line is mild compared to what he might get in person.  He's been getting ripped a new one on Instagram but when he posted promoting the Vegas gig, it was ugly and vicious. Just the fact that he deleted the photo promoting it made me wonder if he might consider backing out. I think he needs to fully hit rock bottom, unfortunately,before he gets the reality check he needs and decides he needs rehab. I knew a guy several years ago who wouldnt even admit he had a drinking problem much less thought he needed any type of help until he endangered his 4 year old daughter.  It took a near tragedy to shake him up.

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His quote about the rehab/spa place and how they use an African root to make you remember and release childhood trauma makes me think this guy would be such an easy mark for the Scientologists, who I'm sure would love to get their hands on all the K money.

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Maybe he continues to be a coward and realized the nastiness he's getting on-line is mild compared to what he might get in person.

But if those people are paying to see him at 1Oak would they be paying to tell him to go home to his kids? I don't think the drunk clubbers in Vegas on a summer weekend paying to see him would care to go attack him in person in the club. 


I don't think he came to this conclusion to postpone on his own. Maybe even Scott S. convinced & made him do it and released the press release to make it seem like it was Scott D's idea.

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The fact that he immediately booked another gig and posted it on Instagram really makes me feel that his BFF who owns 1Oak, probably cancelled that for him, trying to force him to go to rehab.  All these sources say that Kourtney and his friends feel he's really messing up and needs to go to rehab.  I don't think he would have cancelled it on his own. 

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Yup, I think Scott Sartiano pulled the Vegas 1Oak plug for Scott's own sake. Probably told him no more until you get help. 


Radar's saying E! will pull his contract on the show soon.



Spotted in Long Island CVS. So he still hasn't gone home to LA.


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There are reports that he might get his own spinoff show on Bravo.  They are trying to put together some Entourage type show, which would mean that Scott doesn't need to slow it down, on the contrary, his "work" would be the party.  I hope it's false because this just crosses a line.  We've all witnessed what happens when Scott drinks too much.  It's not entertaining, it's not pleasant, it's not fun.  We've watched him punch a mirror, shove money down a person's mouth, land in the hospital from a pill/alcohol combo. 


Andy Cohen, you are worse than Kris Jenner and Ryan Seacrest combined.  I didn't think that was possible. 

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Okay, in this one he's holding a microphone.  Does that mean he sings?





He screams out things like "How ya doin' Vegas?" & "Are you ready to party?", then he sprays everyone with a shaken up bottle of champagne. He also takes some selfies with people. Seriously, that's basically what he does. And he gets paid $50,000 to do it. Now, don't you feel stupid for your career choices?

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He screams out things like "How ya doin' Vegas?" & "Are you ready to party?", then he sprays everyone with a shaken up bottle of champagne. He also takes some selfies with people. Seriously, that's basically what he does. And he gets paid $50,000 to do it. Now, don't you feel stupid for your career choices?

Well, I'm just going to go look at my student loan balance and cry for awhile...

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He screams out things like "How ya doin' Vegas?" & "Are you ready to party?", then he sprays everyone with a shaken up bottle of champagne. He also takes some selfies with people. Seriously, that's basically what he does. And he gets paid $50,000 to do it. Now, don't you feel stupid for your career choices?

But remember, his Kardashian connections got him there. Without the K family, the bouncers would've been tossing him out for bad behavior long ago. Edited by nexxie
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He screams out things like "How ya doin' Vegas?" & "Are you ready to party?", then he sprays everyone with a shaken up bottle of champagne. He also takes some selfies with people. Seriously, that's basically what he does. And he gets paid $50,000 to do it. Now, don't you feel stupid for your career choices?

A couple of months ago TMZ Live did a story about how some fans who spent a small fortune for VIP at one of Scott's club appearances basically got treated like crap from him, that he barely spoke or made eye contact with them and the rest of the evening he was extremely drunk, then later of course the fans complained about how it wasnt worth the extra money they spent. One of the reporters looked at the camera and said "here's a lesson kids, do not spend a lot of money next time you want to meet a useless reality star", Heh.

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When people SAY they're going to see Scott Disick how do they "sell it" to their friends anyway?  What do they even lead people to believe they're going to see?

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It always amuses me whenever I click on an article about any Kardashian or anyone connected to them and every other comment is "who cares about these people"? "Why do you post endless stories about them" Um so do the people who supposedly dont care (but take the time to click on these articles) realize that the more you read these articles they will never go away? Hits =  money for these sites. SMH. Anyway,I would hope its getting to the point someone in Scott's camp is helping him realize these club gigs are not helping him right now.

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Why does he keep blowing off these appearances? He just made the gig last week, what changed in a week? And the article says that "Disick's people just informed them he would NOT be there", does he have people other than Kris?

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Scott is back in LA 


From the way it sounds, the house they were living in is owned only by Kourtney? That seems kind of strange to me, I know they weren't legally married, but they were in a long term relationship with kids, didn't he contribute any money to were they lived?

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Last week Radar spoke with someone from the real estate site Trulia that said all the property/houses they lived in together were joint ventures with  both their names on the deeds except this bachelor pad/ now new home that he bought last year.  The rep they spoke to said when they saw he had only his name on the deed it made some people suspicious.

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I've read a number of articles that said that he bought the house to flip it, who knows if it's true or not, but if he paid for half the house they lived in, how are they going to handle that now?

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