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S06.E12: Face Off

Tara Ariano

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Since Jo actually wrote a song called "Untaxed Income," it is safe to assume he is being paid under the table for whatever it is that he is doing.  He knows that going back to court will mean signing documents stating he earns "X" amount of money, which could come back and bite him in the ass if he has filed tax returns that did not disclose all of his income.  Or, if he understates his income to the court, Kail will call him on it.  So he wants to stay as far away as possible from a court of law.



That don't make no sense. lol   Jo has been to court before and had to do all that is required for formalizing a child support agreement. If he earned money under the table back then, it surely wasn't an issue.


Kail wouldn't hesitate to put him his business out on social media.



his house was only around 160k

Wow that is cheap. If the guys earn roughly $30 a year for this show, depending on taxes that need to be paid, that is still some good money that could have been saved and used towards buying a house. Assuming Jo used his income from his job to pay his apartment rent, never touched his MTV money, and put a big hunk of that money towards his house, that would be doable.

Edited by GreatKazu
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Kail is undoubtedly aware of his tax-free income, as he was probably doing the same when they were together.  So their conversations in front of the camera are awkward because neither of them wants to say the truth.

This is why I think it is a storyline cooked up between the two.  From my experience with friends who deal with actual dead beat dads, that is one of the harder things to prove in family court and if she can prove it then she certainly won't be getting an increase because the IRS steps in and takes their cut from Jo or he goes to jail.  It works great for a storyline on TV but in reality going to court over unreported income actually screws both of them.  They better come with some answers at this reunion.

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This is why I think it is a storyline cooked up between the two.  From my experience with friends who deal with actual dead beat dads, that is one of the harder things to prove in family court and if she can prove it then she certainly won't be getting an increase because the IRS steps in and takes their cut from Jo or he goes to jail.  It works great for a storyline on TV but in reality going to court over unreported income actually screws both of them.  They better come with some answers at this reunion.

I think people are forgetting Jo has gone to court before. There is a child support agreement in place. Jo knows what is required to show in court because he did this before. If he received income from a written song, that was reported long ago.

  • Love 2

I think people are forgetting Jo has gone to court before. There is a child support agreement in place. Jo knows what is required to show in court because he did this before. If he received income from a written song, that was reported long ago.

Which adds yet another mystery to the whole ordeal.  Both have gone to court more than once and over child support at least once.  Then you have Kail being adamant that she doesn't want to change the visitation schedule or the time Jo spends with Isaac but somehow its OK for Jo to take him to school?  How did that come about?

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Which adds yet another mystery to the whole ordeal.  Both have gone to court more than once and over child support at least once.  Then you have Kail being adamant that she doesn't want to change the visitation schedule or the time Jo spends with Isaac but somehow its OK for Jo to take him to school?  How did that come about?

Kail was adamant about not wanting to change the schedule because she thought that was Jo's reason for moving closer. She later realized he wasn't about wanting to do that.  Remember, there was that scene where they both sat down at Kail's home on the porch and had quite a good conversation. No drama.  That may have been the time where Jo asked her if it was alright for him to be able to pick up Isaac for school and other times as well. Kail likely gave him her approval. Of course Javi then had that shit attack over Jo being there. Later in the scene where she talked to Sterling, she said her big worry was that Jo was going to want to change up their agreement. She told her she realized she was wrong. That is when she mentions it being Javi's idea that Kail and Jo go to court and how she felt somewhat suffocated as to what to do. I think Kail offered Jo the chance to spend extra time with Isaac, but Javi is in her ear telling her shit and Kail is getting all riled up.

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Kail was adamant about not wanting to change the schedule because she thought that was Jo's reason for moving closer. She later realized he wasn't about wanting to do that.  Remember, there was that scene where they both sat down at Kail's home on the porch and had quite a good conversation. No drama.  That may have been the time where Jo asked her if it was alright for him to be able to pick up Isaac for school and other times as well. Kail likely gave him her approval. Of course Javi then had that shit attack over Jo being there. Later in the scene where she talked to Sterling, she said her big worry was that Jo was going to want to change up their agreement. She told her she realized she was wrong. That is when she mentions it being Javi's idea that Kail and Jo go to court and how she felt somewhat suffocated as to what to do. I think Kail offered Jo the chance to spend extra time with Isaac, but Javi is in her ear telling her shit and Kail is getting all riled up.

But this is yet another reason why they need to go to court.  I have already stated that Kail can revoke those privileges at any time but let's look at the other side of the coin.  If Jo does go to court later on to change visitation, he can bring up the fact that Kail has already given him more time on her own which would pretty much inform a judge that more time is reasonable.  They both need to stop doing these things out of court because it will bite both of them later on.

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I think Kail realizes that unless she wants Jo to go for 50/50 custody she better loosen the reigns a little bit and let him do things like take Isaac to school and soccer practice. I actually think it's an ideal arrangement because Isaac gets the consistency of being in one household during the school week, but he also gets to see his Dad. If they could just get their child support mess straightened out, everyone could go home happy.

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I think Kail realizes that unless she wants Jo to go for 50/50 custody she better loosen the reigns a little bit and let him do things like take Isaac to school and soccer practice. I actually think it's an ideal arrangement because Isaac gets the consistency of being in one household during the school week, but he also gets to see his Dad. If they could just get their child support mess straightened out, everyone could go home happy.

Remove Javi from that situation and it could possibly be smooth sailing. I do agree Kail and Jo have an ideal arrangement because it benefits Isaac's needs, not the needs of Jo and Kail, which is what I think Jo's main concern is in all of this and why he isn't rattling the cage with changing up the visitation schedule.


Another thought that could possibly explain Jo's job status is, he may be on unemployment. Maybe the company he worked for closed down or down-sized.

Edited by GreatKazu
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??? I have a small gig in child support contempt court and many of my clients are paying arrears from when their partners were on aid. The difference is that the mother can forgive back support if she wasn't on aid but if she was, she can't forgive any back support, as it's paid back to the state. That's only if there's arrears, tho.

The poster I answered asked about repaying financial assistance . The poster didn't ask about child support/cs arrears while on assistance. It was specifically about repaying the aid itself (housing assistance, etc). I've never heard of it having to be repaid, and .gov FAQ states as much.

I think we might have been talking about two different things.

Edited by Scorpiosunshine

Remove Javi from that situation and it could possibly be smooth sailing. I do agree Kail and Jo have an ideal arrangement because it benefits Isaac's needs, not the needs of Jo and Kail, which is what I think Jo's main concern is in all of this and why he isn't rattling the cage with changing up the visitation schedule.


Another thought that could possibly explain Jo's job status is, he may be on unemployment. Maybe the company he worked for closed down or down-sized.

We all know that Kail can certainly be a jerk with or without Javi, but you're so right about the possibility of "smooth sailing" without Javi in the picture. No, it's not always been that way, but I think Javi intentionally rattles the cage (while Kail prefers rattling heads ) more than calming things down. He's insecure to the point where Jo and Kail having a conversation on the front porch--as well as surrounded by cameras, in broad daylight -- angers him.

I know that it isn't always roses and rainbows being a stepparent (been there, loved it, sometimes it was HARD), but never would I have attempted to forbid conversations between two people who will always share a son and always be his parents, no matter if his father and I were married or not. Javi would do well to keep that in mind.

Jo and Kail will need to communicate for a long time, and while they should respect their partners, Kail and Jo's parenting of Isaac trumps Javi's insecurities and his need to throw down commands--commands which won't stop Kail from cheating, IF that's what he is afraid of/ what she wants to do.

Moving on to Leah for a second:

The more I think about her the more she irritates me. She has one of the best fathers of the franchise for her girlses, a man who is steady, responsible, a good father--no, not perfect...but rock solid and wanting the best for the girlses. Corey truly wants the best for them! He wants them to have a shot at a good life. Naturally, Leah goes out of her way to try to make him look like the bad guy.

Has she looked around at the alternatives? If only she were as quick to throw herself under the bus as she is Corey. (If the rumors are true, if those two did hook up, ughhh; I don't even want to think about it, lol!

  • Love 8

Don't forget. Kail claims it's written in the custody order that Jo can''t make decisions on cutting Isaacs hair until he gets with her.  She told that on twitter when the episode about his haircut aired. 


Jo's house cost $186,000. Looks like Taxes are around 1,300.00.

She also mentioned it was in their custody agreement that he was to consult her first after he moved in with Vee into their new apartment (not the apartment he originally had before). This was when people took to her page to slam her and ask her why it was okay for her to allow Big Poopi to move in with her, but if Jo moves in with Vee, it is a problem.

  • Love 6

I wonder why Leah (and people like her) enjoy living like slobs? Yes, cleaning and laundry sucks but the alternative is living in filth. Why is she okay with this? She would hate living with me. I clean my kitchen everyday and vacuum the floor every day.

Marry me? I won't even make you buy your own ring with TeenMom money .

I'm the exact same way (I vacuum every other day, mop daily, clean kitchen daily, etc) and I tidy up as I leave a room - so if I'm going to bed? I fluff the couch pillows and pick up anything I may have brought into the living room with me.

I understand that others won't have the same 'standards' - but holy shit! If I was going to be on TV my shit would be SPOTLESS.

Kail's house looks decent. Jo's as well.

Chelsea's looks cleaned up.

Corey's looks clean.

Shit, even JENELLE'S house looks cleaned up compared to LEAH's.

Leah's looks like what I picture when people tell me they "don't want to live in a museum and like that their house is 'lived in'". What they don't understand is that I don't live in a museum, either. I lay on the couch. I throw the pillows on the ground. I just pick them up when I'm done.

  • Love 9

Moving on to Leah for a second:

The more I think about her the more she irritates me. She has one of the best fathers of the franchise for her girlses, a man who is steady, responsible, a good father--no, not perfect...but rock solid and wanting the best for the girlses. Corey truly wants the best for them! He wants them to have a shot at a good life. Naturally, Leah goes out of her way to try to make him look like the bad guy.

Has she looked around at the alternatives? If only she were as quick to throw herself under the bus as she is Corey. (If the rumors are true, if those two did hook up, ughhh; I don't even want to think about it, lol!


I think Leah is INSANELY jealous of Corey.  He had the audacity to leave her (what?  It was just one little affair: ON THE EVE OF THEIR WEDDING) and find someone ten times better than her.  He lives in a nice house on a lot of land, has a supportive family and is stable.  Everything Leah wishes she had.  I don't think she'll EVER get over him leaving her (not over HIM, but over him leaving her.  Big difference.)

She also mentioned it was in their custody agreement that he was to consult her first after he moved in with Vee into their new apartment (not the apartment he originally had before). This was when people took to her page to slam her and ask her why it was okay for her to allow Big Poopi to move in with her, but if Jo moves in with Vee, it is a problem.


Don't be silly.  Everyone knows rules don't apply to our Kail!  She makes the rules, she doesn't follow them. 

Edited by lezlers
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Don't forget. Kail claims it's written in the custody order that Jo can''t make decisions on cutting Isaacs hair until he gets with her. She told that on twitter when the episode about his haircut aired. .

That is hilarious. Where I live blow dry bars are the big thing and when you go in they show you a bunch of pictures to see what style you want, i.e., sleek and straight, beachy waves, barrel curls etc. I can picture something similar with Kail where she has an approved portfolio of white boy haircuts for Jo to select from.

  • Love 7

This was when people took to her page to slam her and ask her why it was okay for her to allow Big Poopi to move in with her, but if Jo moves in with Vee, it is a problem.

"Big Poopi" ; hahaha!!


Marry me? I won't even make you buy your own ring with TeenMom money .

I'm the exact same way (I vacuum every other day, mop daily, clean kitchen daily, etc) and I tidy up as I leave a room - so if I'm going to bed? I fluff the couch pillows and pick up anything I may have brought into the living room with me.

I understand that others won't have the same 'standards' - but holy shit! If I was going to be on TV my shit would be SPOTLESS.

Kail's house looks decent. Jo's as well.

Chelsea's looks cleaned up.

Corey's looks clean.

Shit, even JENELLE'S house looks cleaned up compared to LEAH's.

Leah's looks like what I picture when people tell me they "don't want to live in a museum and like that their house is 'lived in'". What they don't understand is that I don't live in a museum, either. I lay on the couch. I throw the pillows on the ground. I just pick them up when I'm done.


Add me in to this group of posters. I do the same things. ( Even though I'm huge about keeping things clean and tidy, I don't make my guests feel uncomfortable or anything. They're free to make themselves at home, and I'll happily clean. )

There's nothing wrong if people don't want to go to that extreme, as long as it is within reason. I'm funny about eating food prepared by people whose homes I've never visited, just for that reason--is it clean? How clean?

The problem with Leah's house (and car) is that it seemed to be unkempt to the point of being unacceptable-- not because OF the kids, but because she HAS kids. At least give the kids a clean, tidy place to live! Won't anybody think about the kids!? ;)

The house looked so different when they showed it after Leah moved out; even though they didn't show much, I noticed it before Jeremy even mentioned it.

I think Leah is INSANELY jealous of Corey.  He had the audacity to leave her (what?  It was just one little affair: ON THE EVE OF THEIR WEDDING) and find someone ten times better than her.  He lives in a nice house on a lot of land, has a supportive family and is stable.  Everything Leah wishes she had. I don't think she'll EVER get over him leaving her (not over HIM, but over him leaving her. Big difference.)

Yes! All of this^^

Remember, he dared ask for time to think things through. A person on this show actually wanted time to put thought into a relationship, guys! No, that wasn't good enough and it wasn't fast enough, so she went back to Germy. Then, when her perfect fairytale with Germy didn't "beat" Corey , I think that was the straw that broke Leah's nose. No one disses Pill Princess of Possum Holler**, and no one out fairy-tales her fairy tale.

**Ftr, I joke and kid, but I am a huge proponent of harm reduction and advocating for drug reform/helping addicts/etc. My problems with Leah go way beyond her simply using.**

  • Love 9

"Big Poopi" ; hahaha!!

Add me in to this group of posters. I do the same things. ( Even though I'm huge about keeping things clean and tidy, I don't make my guests feel uncomfortable or anything. They're free to make themselves at home, and I'll happily clean. )

There's nothing wrong if people don't want to go to that extreme, as long as it is within reason. I'm funny about eating food prepared by people whose homes I've never visited, just for that reason--is it clean? How clean?

The problem with Leah's house (and car) is that it seemed to be unkempt to the point of being unacceptable-- not because OF the kids, but because she HAS kids. At least give the kids a clean, tidy place to live! Won't anybody think about the kids!? ;)

The house looked so different when they showed it after Leah moved out; even though they didn't show much, I noticed it before Jeremy even mentioned it.

Yes! All of this^^

Remember, he dared ask for time to think things through. A person on this show actually wanted time to put thought into a relationship, guys! No, that wasn't good enough and it wasn't fast enough, so she went back to Germy. Then, when her perfect fairytale with Germy didn't "beat" Corey , I think that was the straw that broke Leah's nose. No one disses Pill Princess of Possum Holler**, and no one out fairy-tales her fairy tale.

**Ftr, I joke and kid, but I am a huge proponent of harm reduction and advocating for drug reform/helping addicts/etc. My problems with Leah go way beyond her simply using.**

The Pill Princess of Possum Holler?!!!

BAHAHAHAHA! You must be a fan of Dlisted? That is something MichaelK would write.

Leah really is the purtiest possum in the whole trailer park. Such a delicate, demure swamp flower.

  • Love 4

The Pill Princess of Possum Holler?!!!

BAHAHAHAHA! You must be a fan of Dlisted? That is something MichaelK would write.

Leah really is the purtiest possum in the whole trailer park. Such a delicate, demure swamp flower.

I loves me some D-Listed. Michael K is amazing. Some of his nicknames for celebs make me actually laugh out loud. Much love to that dude and his site.....and the ex boyfriend who first got me reading it!

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For some reason I feel the need to defend Jo. I think he's in a bad place right now because he probably spent his life savings buying a house in DE so he can be closer to Issac and the second he moves there (he was very excited about moving, gave up a lot to be there, it was a huge decision) Kail and Javi pack up and move. He knows they have WAY more money than he and Vee do, hell if they can afford to buy another bigger house without selling their first one they definitely have enough money to hire attorneys and drag Jo into court over every little detail. So he's trying not to rock the boat. I'm sure he would LOVE to see Issac every day or even have 50% custody of him. But because he poured all his money into the fixer upper house and currently his only income is MTV.. he has to be careful. He probably can't afford an attorney. He's probably heard horror stories of going to court over child support without an attorney. I don't know where the $3000 a month figure comes from, probably something Kail stuck in his head from a previous episode but if Jeremy is on MTV and also works pipeline and only has to pay $1700 a month for Addy, I don't see any conceivable way Jo (whose only job is MTV) would pay $3000 a month for Issac! I think Jo is scared to death that he would be forced to pay some ungodly amount so he is trying to appease Kail any way he can. He's not arguing over the time he sees Issac, he's not pushing for anything. He knows Kail hated the 6 weeks in the summer thing so Jo (who has no job and can see issac whenever) is saying they can skip their six weeks in the summer (even though it would be great for him and issac) and will just stick to seeing him every other weekend. That makes no sense unless he's only doing it to keep Kail happy.


As for the graduation I totally give him a pass on that. Kail didn't tell him herself, didn't send him a text etc. She expected him to see some stupid sign at the school. How was he even to know what a "moving up ceremony was" I'm a mom of a 3 year old and I missed my daughter's daycare graduation from one age group to another because when they told me they were having a toddler graduation I had no clue what it was and didn't think to ask for time off work for it. So Jo may have seen the sign but had no clue it was something he was supposed to attend for Issac. The game.. who knows. It could go either way. I think Kail was just  looking for an excuse to threaten Jo with court. I think he's shaking in his boots because he realizes he made this big move all for Issac, may lose Vee over this, has a new baby coming and Kail and Javi can and will just pick up and move and run off to whatever state they choose and Jo might be stuck in DE and not see Issac again.

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He actually said he was happy to not do the 6 weeks in the summer because it was rough on him and by the time he got used to it, it was time to give him back.  Going from every other weekend to full-time for 6 weeks is a huge adjustment.  I don't think he agreed to not do it to appease Kail, I think he agreed to not doing because he didn't want to.

Edited by lezlers
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The poster I answered asked about repaying financial assistance . The poster didn't ask about child support/cs arrears while on assistance. It was specifically about repaying the aid itself (housing assistance, etc). I've never heard of it having to be repaid, and .gov FAQ states as much.

I think we might have been talking about two different things.


Scorpiosunshine, I cannot take anything on this board seriously because your avatar cracks me up EVERY TIME!  I am reading these posts and I glance over to see who wrote it and I see Leah as Cheeto and OMG!  I love it!!!

  • Love 5

The Pill Princess of Possum Holler?!!!

BAHAHAHAHA! You must be a fan of Dlisted? That is something MichaelK would write.

Leah really is the purtiest possum in the whole trailer park. Such a delicate, demure swamp flower.


I wish I could take credit for all that, but to be fair, another poster started in with "the holler" comments, and I just put my own spin on it. But... now I'm laughing at "swamp flower"! LOL ! I love this board ! :)


Scorpiosunshine, I cannot take anything on this board seriously because your avatar cracks me up EVERY TIME!  I am reading these posts and I glance over to see who wrote it and I see Leah as Cheeto and OMG!  I love it!!!

It cracks me up, too , hehe! I wish I wouldn't have had to crop and resize it, because it was much funnier before I did all that; I took a pic of Katy Perry in her Cheetoh costume from Halloween (not sure what year) and cloned in Leah's "nodding off with tongue out" face, lol. :)

  • Love 3

It cracks me up, too , hehe! I wish I wouldn't have had to crop and resize it, because it was much funnier before I did all that; I took a pic of Katy Perry in her Cheetoh costume from Halloween (not sure what year) and cloned in Leah's "nodding off with tongue out" face, lol. :)

Post it or a link to the full size one in Leah's thread for our entertainment pretty pretty please

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 It cracks me up, too , hehe! I wish I wouldn't have had to crop and resize it, because it was much funnier before I did all that; I took a pic of Katy Perry in her Cheetoh costume from Halloween (not sure what year) and cloned in Leah's "nodding off with tongue out" face, lol. :)

"It's my disguise so they don't catch me on the deercam y'all all!"

That's it! Javi is now Big Poopi.

And Dr. D could be Dr. Drewchebag

  • Love 3


It cracks me up, too , hehe! I wish I wouldn't have had to crop and resize it, because it was much funnier before I did all that; I took a pic of Katy Perry in her Cheetoh costume from Halloween (not sure what year) and cloned in Leah's "nodding off with tongue out" face, lol. :)

I just looked at it for the first time. That is friggin' hilarious!!



"It's my disguise so they don't catch me on the deercam y'all all!"



Leah better not nod off on the floor. Baby Adderall will go and munch on her mama.


Cheatincheetos, I still crack up every time I see your avatar.

  • Love 3

I think Miranda has every right to be included when Leah and Corey meet up. She is every bit involved in caring for those girls when Corey has them and she does a darn good job. She does not need to get snooty or attack Leah. All 3 need to be adults and work together to be the best parents they can be. When Leah was with Jeremy they all 4 met up and there was no problem. Now because Leah has no husband Corey is expected to leave his wife at home?

  • Love 8

I think Miranda has every right to be included when Leah and Corey meet up. She is every bit involved in caring for those girls when Corey has them and she does a darn good job. She does not need to get snooty or attack Leah. All 3 need to be adults and work together to be the best parents they can be. When Leah was with Jeremy they all 4 met up and there was no problem. Now because Leah has no husband Corey is expected to leave his wife at home?

IMO Jermy shouldn't have been there inserting himself in Cory and Leah's business either. Miranda and Jermy should have removed themselves from any discussions those two were having about the twins. I know they were there at the drop-offs but, those drop-offs turned into discussions about matters that concerned their children. I am all about defending step-parents and the role they play in their step-children's lives. They are there for not only the good but, the bad as well. But, as far as decisions that need to be made, Cory and Leah can discuss those matters, and then they can go home and discuss it with their respective partners who are active step-parents, not just the piece of ass for the next six months. What Leah should not do is discuss those matters with her mother and anyone else under the sun including her friends. I understand wanting to vent to girlfriends but, at the same time all that does is shame Cory and makes him look like a bad father. If there is one thing I learned many, many moons ago is, you never discuss your drama to people that are not directly involved in it. Leah ran to Muther Dawn one too many times and now, MD is all up in Leah's business.

  • Love 5

I think Miranda has every right to be included when Leah and Corey meet up. She is every bit involved in caring for those girls when Corey has them and she does a darn good job. She does not need to get snooty or attack Leah. All 3 need to be adults and work together to be the best parents they can be. When Leah was with Jeremy they all 4 met up and there was no problem. Now because Leah has no husband Corey is expected to leave his wife at home?



IMO Jermy shouldn't have been there inserting himself in Cory and Leah's business either. Miranda and Jermy should have removed themselves from any discussions those two were having about the twins. I know they were there at the drop-offs but, those drop-offs turned into discussions about matters that concerned their children. I am all about defending step-parents and the role they play in their step-children's lives. They are there for not only the good but, the bad as well. But, as far as decisions that need to be made, Cory and Leah can discuss those matters, and then they can go home and discuss it with their respective partners who are active step-parents, not just the piece of ass for the next six months. 


IMO, this is the problem- there has never been a discussion or understanding about step-parents. Both Jeremy and Miranda went to drop-offs, meetings and court dates and both Leah and Corey seemed ok with that.  But now that Leah hasn't got a guy, she wants to make it so that it is only parents despite the 4 year precedent of partners being there. 


Step-parents are either in or out at these meetings but Leah is just making up the rules to suit herself. If partners can come (as Jeremy did during their short-lived marriage) then Miranda is entitled to be there.  If Miranda isn't allowed to come then Leah has no right to drag along her next man of the month.  


Leah can't have it both ways and I hope that Corey points that out to her.  But even if he does, Leah will just run to Dawn or Chasity (I giggle every time I write that name!) and complain about how Corey doesn't respect/support/appreciate her and her Mother Of The Year parenting skills.  

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