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Kim Kardashian Thomas Humphries West

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I think the point is that Bruce specifically said that Kim encouraged him when he most needed it. This is what she told him privately. The publicity spin is what all the Kardashians/Jenners do. There is no separation between public and private lives with this family so who the hell knows what any of them really think or feel when the cameras are off? This formula has earned all of them millions so why should they change now?

Right.  Bruce is just as capable of putting on a show for the public as any of them.  This is why whatever people think of the realness of the interview, there's always and always will be a credibility gap.  Because there is with ALL of them.  Even those things in their lives that ARE real are still melded into the public sphere with them, but they're mixed and matched with straight-up fakery so much that the only way out might be if someday one of them writes a tell all book straight out admitting to what was fake--and then MAYBE a few people might believe some of the real things are real.  Or maybe not.


I do think it's probably a family rule that they'll go out of their way to make Kim look good in the press whenever possible--and this probably extends to Kanye as well as long as those two are married.  Kim's "the brand" and even if the others have all clawed out their niches in ancillary ways, you don't sully the brand.  So of course Kanye and Kim were Bruce's rock.  What else would EVER be said in public?

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Why is Kim the one who is giving interviews? Out of everyone in the family how did she become the family spokesperson?


Well if she is the one most ok with it, it makes sense if Bruce would appoint her the one. Plus she's the one the press knows and wants to hear from for these interviews. The other daughter nobody had even seen before until last night. People were probably wondering where she came from, because the only daughters Bruce is ever with are the ones with names that start with 'K'.


Paparazzi are parked outside his house, they got Kim leaving today. Guess she spent the night.


Edited by Artsda
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Well if she is the one most ok with it, it makes sense if Bruce would appoint her the one. Plus she's the one the press knows and wants to hear from for these interviews. The other daughter nobody had even seen before until last night. People were probably wondering where she came from, because the only daughters Bruce is ever with are the ones with names that start with 'K'.


Paparazzi are parked outside his house, they got Kim leaving today. Guess she spent the night.


I'll bet it's the first time she's spent the night at his house. I guess she couldn't get tickets to the WhitehouseCorrespondence Dinner.

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Well if she is the one most ok with it, it makes sense if Bruce would appoint her the one.

Unless her publicly being declared "the one most ok with it" is Bruce simply contributing his part to protecting the Kardashian brand.


That's the rub here.  You can't really trust anything ANY of them say as totally sincere.

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And I'm sure she didn't call the papz to let them know she was leaving, oh no, not Kimmy.

They're camped out there trying to get pics of Bruce in dresses even when he's alone. The paparazzi would have been there, they don't need to call them.

Edited by Artsda
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They're camped out there trying to get pics of Bruce in dresses even when he's alone. The paparazzi would have been there, they don't need to call them.

I'm rarely to never on the side of the paps, but you can hardly blame them for sticking like glue to someone who just put themselves on TV as part of a 2 hour long tell all special.  Even if he wasn't already a former Kardashian-by-marriage.

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I'm rarely to never on the side of the paps, but you can hardly blame them for sticking like glue to someone who just put themselves on TV as part of a 2 hour long tell all special.  Even if he wasn't already a former Kardashian-by-marriage.

The interview got ratings higher than KUWTK shows ever did, pics will be even in more demand.

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Why is Kim the one who is giving interviews? Out of everyone in the family how did she become the family spokesperson?

Why did the world follow Michael Jackson when Tito was the leader among the brothers.

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Why did the world follow Michael Jackson when Tito was the leader among the brothers.

Because Michael was the one with all the talent. The same can't be said for Kim, in fact, the only one in that family with talent is Bruce.

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Because Michael was the one with all the talent. The same can't be said for Kim, in fact, the only one in that family with talent is Bruce.

Kim made the porno which sparked the franchise, Bruce (who ABC had on exclusive) the world's greatest athlete in 1976, the other potential spokespersons have done what exactly?

Edited by Raja
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Kim made the porno which sparked the franchise, Bruce (who ABC had on exclusive) the world's greatest athlete in 1976, the other potential spokespersons have done what exactly?

Getting peed on is a talent? 

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Getting peed on is a talent? 

Well until everyone is willing to make their sex  tapes public, the willingness to let others see it is

Edited by Raja
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Famewhore-itis is not a talent, there is no skill involved. Now parlaying a sex tape release into a multi-million dollar business may be, but that's due more to Kris than Kim imo.

But then we again come back to what "talent" does anyone else in the extended clan have which makes them a better candidate to be interviewed by the press when Bruce was locked up in an exclusive? The rest of them have fame whored their way to the reality stardom, minus the porno, just as much as Kim. In the Jackson clan's case Michael may have been the elephant in talent and popularity of his brothers until Janet emerged.but Jermaine was a co lead singer in the Jackson 5 days and had solo funk/pop hits after his marriage and leaving the group. Tito had talent as evidenced by his guitar solo on Hearbreak Hotel, renamed This Place Hotel to appease the Elvis estate, which may be the template Jacksons labeled song which pointed to the Michael Jackson solo albums since Tito was the only brother included on that particular cut.

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And back to the thread and why always Kim? The same reason why always Michael when the rest of his clan also had major league talent and musical careers while he was a hall of famer. Why Kim when the entire clan are fame whores? Because she was the one who actually showed herself having penetrative sex on film

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If Ray J had made a sex tape with a random girl called Kim Smith, no matter how beautiful she may have been, there would have been no multimillion dollar payday. It was the Kardashian name that made it a hot commodity. But not just any Kardashian. I doubt that Kourtney or Khloe’s participation would have drawn the same big bucks if they had shared the screen with Ray J.  Kim had the name and an exceptional beauty and that combination is what Kris soullessly and shamelessly parlayed into the empire that each and every one of them has benefited from handsomely. Kim was and is the big star, the big draw, the media magnet in this family.  All the rest of them are along for the profitable ride and they should have no complaints.

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I guess I've been trying to figure this out for a long time, but why is Robert Kardashian the famous one in the OJ defense team? He wasn't even the best lawyer. Was he famous for reasons other than the OJ trial?Were the Kardashians a big name in Hollywood before the tape? I can't think of a reason other than Kris being married to Bruce Jenner... But to be honest, I am 27 and I only know of Bruce because of the show. 


I've only started watching the show recently and I find Kim the least interesting character in the family. I don't dislike her but I find the focus on her in the media to be a bit of a mystery. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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I guess I've been trying to figure this out for a long time, but why is Robert Kardashian the famous one in the OJ defense team? He wasn't even the best lawyer. Was he famous for reasons other than the OJ trial?Were the Kardashians a big name in Hollywood before the tape? I can't think of a reason other than Kris being married to Bruce Jenner... But to be honest, I am 27 and I only know of Bruce because of the show.

I've only started watching the show recently and I find Kim the least interesting character in the family. I don't dislike her but I find the focus on her in the media to be a bit of a mystery.

I think it was because he read OJs suicide note and was his spokesperson in the days following the murder.

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I guess I've been trying to figure this out for a long time, but why is Robert Kardashian the famous one in the OJ defense team? He wasn't even the best lawyer. Was he famous for reasons other than the OJ trial?Were the Kardashians a big name in Hollywood before the tape? I can't think of a reason other than Kris being married to Bruce Jenner... But to be honest, I am 27 and I only know of Bruce because of the show. 


I've only started watching the show recently and I find Kim the least interesting character in the family. I don't dislike her but I find the focus on her in the media to be a bit of a mystery. 

He wasn't the famous one from the defense team that was Johnnie Cochran whose law firm retains the name and advertises as such years after his death. Robert Shapiro would have been a wingman when Cochran took over the lead. Kardashian was a family friend attorney who was first there and got criminal defense attorney Shapiro on the case.


edit to add:

And in the years that have followed many suspect using attorney client privilege Kardashain removed material evidence of the murders and that is where his fame or infamy came from.

Edited by Raja
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To add, OJ stayed at Kardashian's house after the murder and Kardashian is the one who may or may not have had the bag of bloody clothes and knife. He also read the letter to the media. At that point he was acting like a family friend, not part of the legal team. I think he was more infamous than famous as far as the trial was concerned. 

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To add, OJ stayed at Kardashian's house after the murder and Kardashian is the one who may or may not have had the bag of bloody clothes and knife. He also read the letter to the media. At that point he was acting like a family friend, not part of the legal team. I think he was more infamous than famous as far as the trial was concerned.

He wasnt even a practicing attorney when the murder happened. He renewed his law license in order to be a part of the defense team and to give him attorney client privilege with OJ. He was the the murder scene at the same time OJ arrived and because the cops were stupid they allowed him to take possession of OJs garment bag and suitcase ( OJ had been in Chicago) and I don't think it was ever seen again. Rumor has always been that the knife and bloody clothing was in those bags.

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The Royal baby is here! and Its a GIRL! If y'all haven't heard Duchess Kate gave birth to a baby girl this morning UK time. I bet Kim and Kris are doing an evil rain dance to plot out how to get the attention back on Kim and princess Kanye. Everyone is talking about Bruce and his major life change and no one is talking about the West's. I can't belive that Kanye is down with Kim taking the lazy way out of having a second child by getting a surragote to carry their baby, granted he wasn't around much if at all for Kim during her pregnancy with North. But still IF there truly is NOTHING medically wrong with Kim and her ability to get pregnat and she's just vain about losing her figure during and after child birth then Jeez I feel SO bad for North as she gets older. 

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Toddlers watching boxing?

no toddlers saying we are worthy and allowed at such an event that you peons are not.Now bow down to the princess.

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At the time Kim's sex tape came out. It was an idea she stole from her former boss/friend Paris Hilton whose tape came out and made her more infamous. So not even that clever concept anyhow at the time for some reason if was scandalous or exciting for a normalish good girl to have a forbidden secret sex tape leaked. Se concept behind the Girls Gone Wild craze that happened just before that. Good girls doing porn "oh my gosh! Yay" and some people for some reason get super excited and spend buckets of dough. Incidently the creator of Girls Gone Wild Joe Francis is friends with Paris and Kim. He probably gave them the inspiration.

As to why Kim is still famous. She's go to an opening of an envelope, fame whores constantly, has reality shows, and many tabloid magazines and paps are on her speed dial or the take.

Edited by Petunia13
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I think Kim is more famous because she's just prettier than Paris Hilton (or was at the time) and her family is savvier about being in the public eye. If it isn't Kim, it is Khloe etc. I only started watching the show recently but I remember being bewildered by everything Kardashian related at the drug-store or the grocery. Even if I didn't know what was happening on the show, I was pretty familiar with the names and faces. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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Kim had the name and an exceptional beauty and that combination is what Kris soullessly and shamelessly parlayed into the empire that each and every one of them has benefited from handsomely. Kim was and is the big star, the big draw, the media magnet in this family.  All the rest of them are along for the profitable ride and they should have no complaints.

Exceptional beauty?  I'd say it was more being a shameless exhibitionist.  It was the willingness to hang it all out there. It helped that she was overblown in her looks. That's different again from being beautiful.  Kendall is beautiful. Possibly even exceptionally beautiful. But you couldn't establish an empire around Kendall (I'm deliberately disregarding her age at the time this all started and acting as if we could use the current Kendall back then), because beauty isn't what was leveraged to make Kim the launching pad for the empire that she was.  


The name was indeed part of it.  Having a giant ass, hanging your tits out, and energetically fucking some minor celebrity on video only gets you initial notice. People continuing to watch takes c combination of shamelessly using your name, a driven harpy of a mother exploiting every last aspect of the situation, and that previously mentioned exhibitionism/total lack of shame.

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Obviously individual perceptions differ. I think the "original" Kim had great bone structure, beautiful facial features, and a lovely figure -- a look that she has unfortunately tampered with, exaggerated and pretty much ruined via cosmetic surgery.  On the other hand, I just see Kendall as an attractive young girl with a body type suited for modeling. To me, her face is a tiny bit chubby for a model but she’s doing well at it, so I’m happy for her. I definitely believe that Kris and Kim blatantly engineered the Ray J sex tape to copy Paris Hilton’s infamous and money-making “leaked” tape, but I do not agree that exhibitionism and physical beauty are mutually exclusive. Some exhibitionists are good looking and some are not. People can admire, envy, hate, be jealous of, puzzled or disgusted by the Kardashians but it can’t be denied that their immense success is beyond what even Kris could have imagined when she first put Kim out there for public consumption.

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There's no doubt in my mind that Kim Kardashian was a beautiful woman. Do I like her lifestyle? No. Do I think she's a role model? Nope.   Do I like her style? No.  She does have a naturally beautiful which is now marred by excessive surgery. I even like her original figure. Not every beautiful woman has to be thin, tall, and statuesque which is Kendall's style of beauty. 


Yes, she's as famous as she is because she's a shameless exhibitionist.  Her route to fame was two fold though 1) the exhibitionism of the sex tape combined with 2) the fact that she was very pretty. 

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No selfies allowed this year.

Holy shit, I thought you were kidding, but no, it's true. Is it just me or is Anna Wintour slapping down Kimye hard? First she bans babies from NYFW after North makes a fuss, & now she bans selfies from the Met Gala when Kim is known as being selfie obsessed.  I think she's pissed after the fiasco of the Vogue cover, & she's taking it out on them. Good.

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Anna Wintour at the 2015 MET gala the theme this year is China 


Solange Knowles-I forget what her husband last name is... What in the Hell is she wearing?! Dare I say that I hope Kim's is better? and no more elevator fights with the brother in law this year...haha!


Gonna move this to Kardashians in the Media..  :)

Edited by carolinagirl81
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Holy shit, I thought you were kidding, but no, it's true. Is it just me or is Anna Wintour slapping down Kimye hard? First she bans babies from NYFW after North makes a fuss, & now she bans selfies from the Met Gala when Kim is known as being selfie obsessed.  I think she's pissed after the fiasco of the Vogue cover, & she's taking it out on them. Good.



I love that she did that. So glad

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Holy shit, I thought you were kidding, but no, it's true. Is it just me or is Anna Wintour slapping down Kimye hard? First she bans babies from NYFW after North makes a fuss, & now she bans selfies from the Met Gala when Kim is known as being selfie obsessed.  I think she's pissed after the fiasco of the Vogue cover, & she's taking it out on them. Good.

Interesting that AW is magically the boss of the Met Gala (I know she's the Chairwoman of the event but does that really mean it's "her" event?)


For something she banned, somehow there managed to still be a whole Met Gala Slideshow on E! as well as a few dozen other sites (the no-selfie rule most notably ignored by the whole K-clan, as well as by Lady Gaga, and Justin Beiber).  


I will admit I almost actually liked Kanye's shot of Kim and J. Lo together (despite both of them wearing outfits that made them look cheap).  I mean it's like Ass Central, all boiled down just to the essence of that.  It's Assrageous!



Edited by Kromm
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Interesting that AW is magically the boss of the Met Gala (I know she's the Chairwoman of the event but does that really mean it's "her" event?)

Pretty much I know she controls who gets in and what press is allowed inside.

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Amazon has her book rated at 2.6 with 55% of the reviews 1 star. I keep seeing this thing on MTV about how to get the book for free. It basically says go to the internet, print the pictures from there, put them in a book. That about sums it up, why would anyone pay for a book of selfies from her when every selfies she has ever taken is already out there for free?

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Of course she was pissed, all the really, REALLY cool kids were ringside.


God, it pains me to say this, but based on the Met pictures, Kim's in. Consider who was willing to pose and be photographed with her -- Lady Gaga, J Lo, etc. Do they like her? I have no idea. But it seems that she's accepted, at least for now. I don't think that's going to change as long as she's with Kanye or unless he really goes off the deep end. He's going to have to be the one to pull the plug on the relationship I think. My guess is that Kim -- or Kris -- is self-aware enough to know that without Kanye, she can kiss the Met Gala, Vogue and all the other high-end opportunities goodbye. I'm sure they could have been ringside if they wanted to be.


I think we're stuck with her, no matter what happens to the tv show, as long as Kanye keeps her around.


God that's annoying.

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