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S04.E01: Can't Let Go

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Hilarious. Never stop writing for this show.


Edited to add: Should have said writing reviews for this show, but I wish this author actually was writing for the show with the way some of these storylines are going.

Edited by Soup333
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I don't know if it's weirder that they actually tried to mask what they had done to organ donation or that they tried to blame it on menopause.

Right?? I was like...she's on supplements for menopause, which is usually soy pills, but whatever. And that somehow gave her a brain aneurysm?? It's like they took a swipe at organ donation, THE CHANGE, and holistic medicine all at once!

And how about the speech Scarlet had to give to get us that ridiculous info? I swear, they're not even trying to write this show well anymore. So go big or go home. If Rayna and Juliet don't get into some Dynasty-style cat fight this season, I'll be disappointed.

That new "best friend" of Juliette's is giving me bad, bad vibes. Like the lady that ultimately killed Selena bad vibes. How did she not know who Rayna was? Ha!

I really enjoyed the "don't you know who I am" look Rayna gave her there. Edited by madam magpie
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I don't know if it's weirder that they actually tried to mask what they had done to organ donation or that they tried to blame it on menopause.

So true! And funny.

God I love Nashville but it really does roll out the same old crap time after time e.g. Will still not being able to deal with his sexuality, Scarlett still not being able to deal with Gunnar, and Juliet still not being able to deal with being Juliet. Why don't these characters ever evolve?

That being said, I think the D/R scenes were good although I fear their happiness may be short lived as I think Bev will die. I would prefer her to walk off into the sunset rather than have everyone moping about an essentially awful character for the whole of season 4. But the writers don't want Deacon - or anyone else - to be happy.

Loved Rayna googling herself, maybe a little paranoid but her label does appear to be a shambles.

I don't like where Juliet is but Hayden Panettiere is portraying her so well.

Layla/Luke/Jeff - whatever.

I hope Daphne acts out some more given the circumstances she's in. You'd think there would be more discussion about her dad being in prison. It's only been a month.

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Right?? I was like...she's on supplements for menopause, which is usually soy pills, but whatever. And that somehow gave her a brain aneurysm?? It's like they took a swipe at organ donation, THE CHANGE, and holistic medicine all at once!

And how about the speech Scarlet had to give to get us that ridiculous info? I swear, they're not even trying to write this show well anymore. So go big or go home. If Rayna and Juliet don't get into some Dynasty-style cat fight this season, I'll be disappointed.

All I could think of was back in season 2 when Deacon was apparently so keenly aware of the precise instant his sister conceived Scarlett. ("I was pregnant!" "Not yet you weren't. You and I both know that.")

So he has this bizarre working knowledge of his sister's cycle and her menopausal remedies. He also sings lullabies about her comatose pretty face.

What is this show?

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And how about the speech Scarlet had to give to get us that ridiculous info? I swear, they're not even trying to write this show well anymore. So go big or go home. If Rayna and Juliet don't get into some Dynasty-style cat fight this season, I'll be disappointed.


I'm down with this if they fall into a pool while fighting. 

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Right?? I was like...she's on supplements for menopause, which is usually soy pills, but whatever. And that somehow gave her a brain aneurysm?? It's like they took a swipe at organ donation, THE CHANGE, and holistic medicine all at once!


Could she have been taking estrogen? That does increase the risk of blood clots. Seemed an odd way to go though when they could have had her taking a blood thinner or something like it.

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Could she have been taking estrogen? That does increase the risk of blood clots. Seemed an odd way to go though when they could have had her taking a blood thinner or something like it.


I think estrogen is a prescription drug, not a supplement, which is what I thought they said...but I can't swear to that, and I'm definitely not watching this again to find out. Then again, I doubt the people who come up with these story lines would have even considered that. Then again, it seems realistic that someone would remember to tell the doctors about drugs, but not supplements. Then again, I have no idea what anyone is thinking!

Edited by madam magpie
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Deacon exposited that the supplements thinned her blood so that the bleed was worse. I don't know enough to say whether that might be even close to accurate, but I'm guessing the writers didn't get too worked up about research.

I can’t believe it’s only occurring to me now, but Avery decides to go back to Nashville to fight for his dreams and work on his marriage, so ... he moves in with his mopey beanpole of a best friend and his gay bestie? How is that the adult decision?

His daughter already has a home! That’s baby-ready! And it’s in a frickin’ palace. With its own nanny, I think! Did Juliette go on tour and take the only key? How is moving four people into Gunnar’s little two bedroom (I’m guessing) apartment going to help, unless the point is so the boys can sing “I’m Gonna Wash That Girl Right Outta My Hair” to Cadence in three-part harmony.

Poor Will! He finally works his way out of the closet, and his friends want him to live in an actual closet.

Layla and Juliette touring together makes no sense – isn’t Jeff transitioning Layla out of the country genre? And I laughed out loud when Not!Jeff said that Jeff was working on making Juliette the new face of Chanel. Hahahahaha! No.

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I can’t believe it’s only occurring to me now, but Avery decides to go back to Nashville to fight for his dreams and work on his marriage, so ... he moves in with his mopey beanpole of a best friend and his gay bestie? How is that the adult decision?

His daughter already has a home! That’s baby-ready! And it’s in a frickin’ palace. With its own nanny, I think! Did Juliette go on tour and take the only key? How is moving four people into Gunnar’s little two bedroom (I’m guessing) apartment going to help, unless the point is so the boys can sing “I’m Gonna Wash That Girl Right Outta My Hair” to Cadence in three-part harmony.

I didn't mind Avery moving in with Gunnar and Will. Gunnar has a house, and I doubt Avery is seeing it as a permanent situation. He may be hoping to work things out with Juliette, but he took Cadence out of that house for a reason. He has no reason to think the situation has changed. What happens if Juliette comes back to Nashville for a few days and throws another snow globe? For me, the adult decision would be for Avery to not move back in with Cadence until Juliette has gotten help and shown she can be a mother to her child.
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Okay... I have a cerebral aneurysm and have also had pulmonary embolism so I know what I've gone through. The aneurysm takes a while to develop--not minutes during surgery being performed for something else. Mine was so large that the neurosurgeon estimated it had been in my brain for years. It was repaired by filling it with tiny platinum coils to redirect the blood flow and decrease the chance that it will burst, which is probably what happened with Bev.


Pulmonary embolism (in my case caused by deep vein thrombosis as he result of a broken leg and weeks in a cast) is a different story. I had 20 minutes to live when my husband got me to the trauma center and spent several days in ICU on oxygen and with Heparin (blood thinner) being pumped into my veins. Then I had to take Warfarin for a year to keep my blood thin and also have a vein filter to keep any future clots from getting to my lungs. I was taking estrogen (hormone replacement therapy) before the clots and was immediately taken off them--they can be a trigger.


So, that's what I know about the two conditions. More than anyone probably wanted to know, but it sounded to me like the writers got them mixed up.

Edited by CruiseDiva
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I think estrogen is a prescription drug, not a supplement, which is what I thought they said...but I can't swear to that, and I'm definitely not watching this again to find out. Then again, I doubt the people who come up with these story lines would have even considered that. Then again, it seems realistic that someone would remember to tell the doctors about drugs, but not supplements. Then again, I have no idea what anyone is thinking!


LOL!!! Estrogen is a prescription, but not really a drug, just a hormone replacement. I don't remember either what Scarlett called it - I'll brave the rewatch because I actually thought this ep was fairly tight as far as Nashville goes. That said, the medical stuff is totally a mess - is anyone advising them on this stuff? She could have easily had a stroke just from the surgery alone, no need to throw menopause in there.

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I still think Connie Britton acts like she's on ambien 90% of the time, but I'm excited for a storyline that has nothing to do with Rayna's romantic life. The soapy elements are fun, but a lot of us got into this show for behind the scenes shenanigans in the music industry. And a reluctant friendship between Juliette and Rayna. Glad the writers remembered their original premise.

I like Kevin, but he was so, so wrong about that beard. Bring it back, Will!

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Loved Rayna trying to help Juliette.  And the look she gave that little hanger-on, claiming to be Juliette's best friend.  Hee!

That look was awesome.  I have a feeling Juliette will have an on stage breakdown...probably during the song Crazy.  I really hope not, though.  I was hoping she was starting to hit bottom when she called Rayna....maybe she didn't remember calling her? Blackouts?  More likely, she was in denial....


I am looking forward to 3 men and Cadence...I so hope they sing to her.  


I already am sick of Gunner and Scarlett. I want them to be friends. Just friends. *sigh* 


I missed this show. I am a little ashamed at how much I'm glad it's back. 

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All I could think of was back in season 2 when Deacon was apparently so keenly aware of the precise instant his sister conceived Scarlett. ("I was pregnant!" "Not yet you weren't. You and I both know that.")

So he has this bizarre working knowledge of his sister's cycle and her menopausal remedies. He also sings lullabies about her comatose pretty face.

What is this show?

Perhaps the real reason for his alcohol abuse is sibling love.


I'm down with this if they fall into a pool while fighting. 

If they break out the big old shoulder pads prior to this happening I will love them always.


God I love Nashville but it really does roll out the same old crap time after time e.g. Will still not being able to deal with his sexuality, Scarlett still not being able to deal with Gunnar, and Juliet still not being able to deal with being Juliet. Why don't these characters ever evolve?

Why start now?

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With Bev having an aneurysm because she didn’t tell the doctors about supplements she was taking for menopause, it shifts the blame for her problems back to Bev the lying liar who lies.  As we know, Bev is always the worst. 


CruiseDiva thanks for explaining the differences between an aneurysm and a stroke.  This show always gets the medicine wrong.  This is one of the shows I cannot watch with Dr. Muffyn because he scoffs so much we can’t get through it. 


The saga of Gunnar and Scarlett bothers me.  If she has decided that their relationship does not work and chooses to move on, then you move on.  They are turning Gunnar into creepy ex-boyfriend who feels entitled to her regardless of her feelings.  Should she go back to him because he’s mopey?  Then again, there is ridiculous conceit of her living with Dr. Dull without them having said “I love you”.


ETA:  John Ramos, do not take back what you said about Gunnar's hair!  It's hideous.  Are they trying to completely destroy his appeal? 

Edited by Muffyn
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The saga of Gunnar and Scarlett bothers me.  If she has decided that their relationship does not work and chooses to move on, then you move on.  They are turning Gunnar into creepy ex-boyfriend who feels entitled to her regardless of her feelings.  Should she go back to him because he’s mopey?  Then again, there is ridiculous conceit of her living with Dr. Dull without them having said “I love you”.


Seems she moved in with Dr. Dull right after she and Gunnar kissed at the hospital. Maybe in an effort to "get over" the kiss? Seems strange that she would move when her mother was in a coma and Deacon is at Rayna's recovering from the transplant. That just seems like a lot of deal with all at once.

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I actually thought it was a pretty solid premiere, for Nashville. Sets up some long arcs and reignites some character issues. Although I was hoping that Bev was dead. I guess she'll end up being the block for Deacon and Rayna this season, as there's nothing she'd like better than to spike that wedding. It's going to be annoying, because D&R together actually feels solid and organic. And if done right, Rayna and HWY65 could be an interesting storyline. Here's hoping.

I didn't really miss Jeff the Misogynist and Worst Businessman Ever. And without him I don't know why Layla is still there, except to have someone Juliet can punch down to. But with Teddy in jail, we don't have to deal with the MILF prostitute! Bright spot will be Cadence her three daddies.

Gunnar/Scarlett bring out the worst in each other, particularly Gunnar, so they're harder for me to root for. How is it that he's so great and mature with the guys and a needy stalkeresque you must love me! adolescent in any of his romantic relationships? With Scarlett it's particularly bad but he wasn't that great with Zoe either.

A couple of nice songs in there too! Missed that!

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Seems she moved in with Dr. Dull right after she and Gunnar kissed at the hospital. Maybe in an effort to "get over" the kiss? Seems strange that she would move when her mother was in a coma and Deacon is at Rayna's recovering from the transplant. That just seems like a lot of deal with all at once.


She moved in with the good doctor before the surgeries. I don't know if it was in the finale or the episode before when he asked her.

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I didn't mind Avery moving in with Gunnar and Will. Gunnar has a house, and I doubt Avery is seeing it as a permanent situation. He may be hoping to work things out with Juliette, but he took Cadence out of that house for a reason. He has no reason to think the situation has changed. What happens if Juliette comes back to Nashville for a few days and throws another snow globe? For me, the adult decision would be for Avery to not move back in with Cadence until Juliette has gotten help and shown she can be a mother to her child.


You make a good point.

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I thought Teddy went on the run at the end of the season, but I have seen people say he is in jail.  Maybe I was not watching closely enough.

It was easy to miss with all the other storylines in the finale, but basically Teddy refused to cooperate in gathering evidence that would implicate Rayna's sister, so he lost his immunity deal and was led away in handcuffs.


In the very last scene at the hospital, when the doctor comes out to tell Rayna he has bad news, the waiting room television flashes a story that Mayor Teddy has been arrested. Rayna and her daughters missed it because they weren't looking at the TV at that moment.

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It was easy to miss with all the other storylines in the finale, but basically Teddy refused to cooperate in gathering evidence that would implicate Rayna's sister, so he lost his immunity deal and was led away in handcuffs.


In the very last scene at the hospital, when the doctor comes out to tell Rayna he has bad news, the waiting room television flashes a story that Mayor Teddy has been arrested. Rayna and her daughters missed it because they weren't looking at the TV at that moment.

That's right, thank you for the memory refresher.   With all that went on in the last episode, Teddy's goings on were low on my list.

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I would totally stop watching this show if it weren't for Juliette Barnes. I realized towards the end of the episode that she spent ninety percent of the show just sitting in a chair hurling insults - so great

As opposed to a certain other wide-eyed, over-acted character.

Edited by mooses
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Late for this one.  I have to admit I'm glad it's back.  It's so soapy and silly, but damn, if the majority of these actors aren't charming enough to counter it.


Not surprised that the "complication" from last season was Beverly, and Deacon is fine.  Feeling guilty (this is Deacon after-all.  He wouldn't be Deacon without some self-loathing), but healthy enough.  I am surprised that Bev is still alive, but I have to think something is going to happen.  If not "surprisingly" dying, she will cause some kind of shit when she wakes up.


No surprise, Juliette is becoming even worse.  Being on "top of the world" is making her ego even better, and she's still not making any effort with Avery or her child.  Lovely.  But I have to think this all being set-up for her to hit rock bottom, and that will be ugly.


That said, I feel bad that while I dislike her trashing Rayna like she did, I love her bitching out Layla.  Because Layla really is a moron is she thinks Jeff will pick her over the person that gets him the most money.  Get it together, Layla.


Glad that Will is still with Kevin after coming out, but I hope he figures things out soon.  I get their will be issues being out in the open like this after years of being in the closet, but let him have some moments of happiness, please.


Gunnar/Scarlett continue to annoy me, and I just feel bad for Caleb, because when this is all said and done, he's is totally going to get his heart broken.


I don't care how convoluted it is: Three Nashville Men and a Baby is the greatest, and the show better not screw it up.  Just the idea of Avery, Gunnar, and Will rooming together cracks me up, but a baby too?!  Don't drop the ball, Nashville!


Glad that Teddy getting arrested is being addressed, and it is effecting Daphne like it should.  It would be nice for her to be a bit more front and center, after mainly being background to all of Maddie's drama last season.


I really hope there is follow up on Juliette's so called "Oscar buzz" for that Patsy Cline movie.  I know this show can't afford A-listers, but I really want to find some way to get a respectable actress that is believable as a fellow Oscar nominee, and have Juliette feud with her.  


Speaking of Juliette feuds, just throw all realism out the window and have this show crossover with The Muppets, so Juliette and Miss Piggy can go at it. 

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It amazes me that a baby can experience super-human growth in a month, while the adult characters are just as stunted as ever. #TVirony. Crib Cadence had reverted back to infanthood, though.

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A few things that I wish had happened during the month away - Avery should have changed that poor child's name.  Cadence is not a name.  Avery should have filed for divorce from Juliette based on abandonment.  The tabloids should have picked up on the fact that Juliette is a deadbeat Mom.  You can't tell me someone in Ohio where Avery was hanging out wouldn't have called in the tabloids to state that Juliette's baby Daddy and child were hiding out there.

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Not to defend the show's use of medicine, or of facts in general, because, Good Lord. But I don't remember anyone's saying that Beverly developed an aneurysm because of the supplements, or during the surgery. Aneurysms may be congenital, and they don't necessarily come with warning symptoms; they can rupture at any time. Beverly didn't tell anyone she was taking supplements, but she would have no way to know that an aneurysm was developing in her brain.

Was Avery "hiding out in Ohio," or was he having an extended visit with his baby daughter's grandparents while her mom was on tour? I'm not sure that the press could have picked up on abandonment issues after a month. I think the public face of Juliette's marriage is, so far, looking pretty normal. Well, maybe "famous people normal."

Edited by Sandman
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She flat-lined during the surgery - I would assume that's because of the aneurysm. And Scarlett pretty much insinuated that the menopause pills were the reason behind it.


I've now met two Cadence's since the J/A baby was born, both older than her. I think it's a lovely name.

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Was the toilet-upchuck scene supposed to suggest that Juliette is/might be pregnant again, and that's the reason she cryingly called Rayna? Maybe I'm reading into things too much because who knows if she's even seen Avery, let alone slept with him, in months.


How is Rayna speaking on her personal cell phone in a jet at 30,000 feet? Can that be done through wi-fi now?


Was Steven Tyler copping a feel of Juliette during the duet? I thought I saw just a hint of annoyance from her at him regarding that.

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Rayna was in a private jet, so I'm guessing whoever is paying can do pretty much whatever she wants in that situation...except maybe tamper with the smoke detector in the airplane's lavatory. Some international airlines even let the masses do it.

Edited by madam magpie
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I hope at some point the show addresses the fact that Teddy went to jail to protect Rayna and the girls.  He could easily have done as the prosecutor asked and helped send Tandy to jail.  Had he done so, it's quite likely that the government would have sought forfeiture of Lamar's ill-gotten gains, gains Rayna used to fund Highway 65.    Teddy is far from perfect, but he would do anything to protect his family.

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She flat-lined during the surgery - I would assume that's because of the aneurysm. And Scarlett pretty much insinuated that the menopause pills were the reason behind it.

What I meant was the aneurysm could have been present without symptoms well before the surgery and plausibly burst during the surgery -- it need not have developed suddenly.

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How is Rayna speaking on her personal cell phone in a jet at 30,000 feet? Can that be done through wi-fi now?



While I certainly don't have a private-jet lifestyle, I've had to take the university or state planes for work and they are small, don't fly as high as commercial jetliners, and we can use our phones on board. I've heard that some airlines are considering allowing cell use in flight soon, too. 

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There is no way that the government could have seized Rayna's money or business. Absolutely no way.

Actually, there is a way.  Forfeiture is being used more and more as a method of fighting crime by both the state and federal governments.  If the government  could establish that Lamar's assets were the proceeds of a crime, it could seek to have them forfeited.  The fact that Rayna is innocent of wrongdoing would not protect her because her father only had the legal right to leave her that which he owned.  The forfeiture "relates back" to the time that the crime was committed even if it does not take place until years later.  He would be viewed as not owning those assets at the time of his death; therefore, they are not part of his estate.  Think of it this way.  If a father stole a piece of art and left it to his children, the true owner could claim it years later.  (People are still claiming and getting back artworks stolen by the Nazis decades ago.)


Since Rayna claimed that she put everything she had into Highway 65, I am assuming she put her inheritance into it.  The government would have a right to every penny that was found to be criminal proceeds.  So, Teddy really did do her a huge favor by refusing to expose what Tandy and her father were up to.

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I like Kevin, but he was so, so wrong about that beard. Bring it back, Will!


Referring to Layla as "it" isn't very polite, I think.


Sorry, I had just been itching to make some kind of very clever joke involving the gay slang meaning of the word "beard" in relation to briefly bearded Will, but this is the best I could come up with. Plus, I completely agree with Kevin on this point.

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So do I. 


I thought Beverly's hair was growing back after being shaved for surgery but a month doesn't seem long enough for that much hair grow does it? i'm glad the show is back, but the only story i'm really interested in is Rayna and the H65 one. It would be fun if she decided to take her one remaining singer, Layla, run her up against Juliette and win. I am just so tired of Juliette and her issues at this point. 


I also note that Maddie continues to be the worst. Giving Daphne a pass for now, but Maddie is the worst. What is with these awesome parents bringing up horrible children? Julie Taylor, Grace Florrick and now Maddie "Clayborne" Ugh.

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i'm glad the show is back, but the only story i'm really interested in is Rayna and the H65 one. It would be fun if she decided to take her one remaining singer, Layla, run her up against Juliette and win. I am just so tired of Juliette and her issues at this point.

I also note that Maddie continues to be the worst. Giving Daphne a pass for now, but Maddie is the worst. What is with these awesome parents bringing up horrible children? Julie Taylor, Grace Florrick and now Maddie "Clayborne" Ugh.

I am delighted that Nashville is back but only because of about 50% of the stories - anything that Rayna is involved in basically although I could do with out all the Beverly related angst. The record label stuff is good, because trying to maintain that Rayna is running H65 well is farcical.

While I don't like what they are doing to Juliette, Hayden P can really pull it off.

Someone else said further up that Maddie is portrayed as a brat because the writers don't know how else to show teen issues and I agree with that.

Most of the problems with Nashille are writing related but the cast is so good that they redeem it, at least partly. I just zone out during or fast forward the dull.

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On a somewhat tangential note, I keep putting the title 'Can't Let Go' to weird music every single time I see it and I couldn't figure out why. Then I realised, to my horror that it was a line that that horrible person Karen Cartwright had once fixed for some songwriter who was stuck up in Smash. That gave me the chills, let me tell you. I need to scrub that association right out of my braid now. Hasn't realised it had made such an impression. 

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WAIT A DAMN MINUTE. How am I just now noticing this? Avery's trophy for soloist from the year is from Akron High School? First of all, no such place exists, and I would know because I live here. But for this, Nashville, you forever have my heart!


I loved that they included a picture of Jonathan Jackson, his brother Richard and his father Dr. Jackson.  Judging by the Lucky hair, it was a picture from around 1997, so JJ was 15 or so.  My room mate and I both squealed when we saw it.  Then again, we both have this secret theory that Lucky Spencer was kidnapped in 1999 and ran off to find "normal" people in Nashville, where he changed his name to Avery.


It works for us!  I do agree that JJ needs to trim up and stop looking so grunge.  Juliette is good with her I'm unhappy so everyone around me is going to be unhappy too. 

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