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  1. Still have to catch up with my DVR, but popping in with an FYI - Steven Tyler has a country album; that's why he was on there singing country.
  2. So it appears Rob James-Collier is back to his fundraising for the Chiltern MS Centre. He released part 2 of his Downton Wars film. It's mostly him and Brandon Coyle running around with light sabers, but there are some pretty fun cameos by his co-workers. (Especially the ones by Michelle Dockery and Dame Maggie). If you haven't seen it, the link is here. (Apologies- I couldn't get the darn thing to just show the link)
  3. Okay, I may be crazy, but a couple episodes ago when Bianca came into say Taylor (that night she blackmailed her way into coming back to work) I could have sworn Taylor said to the person on the phone Just a minute Ernesto, there's someone at the door (or something like that). Is that possible? If so, could it then mean that the little girl is Ernesto's by someone else and he really is a crooked cop - and the killer?
  4. LOL - just posted the same thing in the Barrow thread. I'll go see if I can delete mine.
  5. Shipperx - I think that yours is the more popular opinion. Moseley is quickly becoming a favorite of many. Which is why my dislike is probably more unpopular....
  6. My take on the New Nice Thomas is that we're seeing him "Choose his own Path." That was the point of Baxter talking about what he could achieve if he used his powers for good rather than evil. Which is similar to what Dr. Clarkson said about his carving out the best life he can given the circumstances. It wouldn't surprise me if he slowly started morphing into a Carson type where he is the one who takes care of the house as his family (and eventually becomes Butler when the series ends.) Although personally, I'd love for him to get a love interest, the more realistic ending for his character will be to find happiness in the love of surrogate family. PS: I love Rose and Atticus together. They are sparkly. And I love the Bitchy Mary - Edith dynamic. It's fun.
  7. I hate the top button thing - but assume that's how they wore the jackets back then. As for the fluffiness...didn't I read somewhere that they were limiting food on the set because too many of the actors were grazing all day and putting on weight? Or am I misremembering?
  8. Molesley would be fine because Thomas by that point will have taken up with the confirmed bachelor from down the road.
  9. Now I could enjoy watching her think Charles was pining away after her only to discover he was coming to Downton for the *gasp* underbutler! Zoloftblob - that's interesting about Moseley. I've known writers who do things like that all the time, so the idea that Fellowes was annoyed at an actor for ruining his story and decided to be passive-aggressive about isn't such a far fetched theory. I think my problem with Moseley is that I'm supposed to like him and think he's amusing because of his woes. Only I don't think he's amusing. I'd rather the 2 or 3 minutes of his airtime go to someone else. So there's my other opinion - which I suspect isn't all that unpopular. If you've only got an hour - pare down the number of characters and tell the stories properly.
  10. All the servants strike it rich with their real estate investments. Mary never marries again. Edith never marries. Fifty years later, they're still at the Abbey living ala Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.
  11. I agree. I love him and love how he's shown such character growth. My next unpopular opinion is to ship him and Charles Blake. Cause that would just be the kind of full circle story I'd like - Bad boy blackmails Duke and fails; reformed bad boy gets rich guy. I still don't like Moseley - I don't know why. I feel like he's being pushed on me somewhat. I miss Alfred.
  12. Mostly lurker here, but I have to share my unpopular opinions. 1. I love Thomas Barrow. I love how they've added a layer of self-loathing and defensiveness to him. 2. I don't like Moseley. Just don't.
  13. Longtime lurker here. I have two possible theories regarding the whole Jeff/Layla hookup last week. One is that Layla finds herself pregnant with Jeff's baby - thus forcing a whole lot of choices OR the show is starting to line up suspects for a "who shot/killed" Jeff finale. If the latter, I'm betting on Rayna being found standing over the body in the final scene. Thoughts?
  14. Quick question. Have the Powells ever said their son died? I seem to remember them saying "I lost a child" and "he's gone" and "Evil took our child". Whoever suggested Ethan is really the long lost Powell heir might be on to something. Seems a bit odd they'd bring that story back up AND make Eleanor Dahlia's best friend.
  15. New poster - but love this show. Susan Lucci steals ever scene she's in. (Have you eaten anything? I had an aspirin this morning. Hee!) Still love Evelyn and as unpopular as it is, I love Carmen. I think she has the most room for growth, and thus has great story line potential. On the other hand, I could strangle Valentina. She is a brat. And now she's going to have a pool "man" to banter with. Ugh.
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