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S31: Jeremy Collins

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Really?  We've had one roaming free in our neighborhood since about March.  Its usual roost is the tree on the property line between my neighbor and I.  :)

That's a lucky chook then. I keep chickens and they are preyed on by neighboring cats, who try to break in through the wire, etc; friends have had theirs killed by dogs, and foxes. No jungle cats in my neighborhood luckily.

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That's a lucky chook then. I keep chickens and they are preyed on by neighboring cats, who try to break in through the wire, etc; friends have had theirs killed by dogs, and foxes. No jungle cats in my neighborhood luckily.


This is one badass feral chicken.  A couple of the neighborhood cats tried having a go at her a couple of times early on, but she put them in their place.  Now she eats the food out of their outside dishes when she takes a mind to, while they just watch and plaintively miaow.  I've gotten fond of her - enough that I'm thinking of building her a small coop to get her out of the weather in winter.  :)

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To assuage you worries about Juicy J, Juicy J was shown caught and in the cage the next episode.


I wouldn't say he has Kim's level of control since I don't remember anybody seriously targeting Kim for the whole game. 

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This is one badass feral chicken.  A couple of the neighborhood cats tried having a go at her a couple of times early on, but she put them in their place.  Now she eats the food out of their outside dishes when she takes a mind to, while they just watch and plaintively miaow.  I've gotten fond of her - enough that I'm thinking of building her a small coop to get her out of the weather in winter.  :)


That sounds nice. My girls freerange during the day when I'm at home. Most of the ones who have died have not been badly attacked - their hearts go, from fear or shock, and they just keel over. Very sad. Most people don't realise that a backyard chook can live for ten, eleven years, easily, and the odd one lives to twenty! But six to seven is reasonable for most of them.


Anyway, way off topic! Jeremy is an okay guy in my book. I just get upset about the fate of the chickens in the show pretty well every season, as I am so fond of my chooks. Also, that people think they need the rooster for eggs (gar) and kill one of the chickens instead.

Edited by violet and green
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Has anyone ever said they need the rooster for eggs?  That would be incredibly stupid.  Though I kind of wish I didn't bother ovulating without men around.  


I'm surprised when they keep the rooster because they are loud and ornery.  Though I guess they don't sleep much.  

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I wouldn't say he has Kim's level of control since I don't remember anybody seriously targeting Kim for the whole game. 


So far I would say Jeremy has not been seriously targeted.  Troyzan did try to mobilize against Kim at one point, though far too late and very ineffectually.  He was saying the right things, though.  He was a jerk, especially at challenges when he belatedly noticed he had lost the game, and a sucky juror, but at least Troyzan did not go gentle into that good night.

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So far I would say Jeremy has not been seriously targeted.


I agree. We haven't even heard one person besides Ciera even acknowledge that he's a threat. Of course that could be editing, but it's all we have to go on so I have to assume no one is really worried (yet, at least) about Jeremy.

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Has anyone ever said they need the rooster for eggs?  That would be incredibly stupid.  Though I kind of wish I didn't bother ovulating without men around.  


I'm surprised when they keep the rooster because they are loud and ornery.  Though I guess they don't sleep much.  


Well, most of them are city folk, after all....  ;>

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I like Jeremy just fine. He is a bit boring in how completely he is dominating this game. It is almost Kim levels of control. He is quiet, calm, thinking and listening to what others are saying. There are no histrionics. I have no problem with his wanting to provide for Val. If I played Survivor, I would be talking about providing for my husband and child, I don't see that as sexist. I see it as wanting to care for someone who I love.

I agree. People had such a fit in his season because he was so worried about Val. Isn't the woman a Boston cop? If he was a sexist idiot who coddles and controls his wife, she'd have a different job. This season he's said he wants to make Val's life easier. That can be as simple as financially enabling her to have a longer maternity leave. I think it's endearing that he talks about her so much, and I love that she's decidedly not a bathing suit model.

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Well, most of them are city folk, after all....  ;>

So am I but I know the eggs in my frig aren't going to hatch into chicks and I know why.  ; )

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I agree. People had such a fit in his season because he was so worried about Val. Isn't the woman a Boston cop? If he was a sexist idiot who coddles and controls his wife, she'd have a different job. This season he's said he wants to make Val's life easier. That can be as simple as financially enabling her to have a longer maternity leave. I think it's endearing that he talks about her so much, and I love that she's decidedly not a bathing suit model.

Or maybe Val wants to stay home with the kids. I know women who are working who would prefer to stay home but work because the family needs the money or they want the financial security in retirement that comes from having two working parents. We don't know what they want as a family and what decisions they have made that they would like to do differently if they had some more breathing room financially.


They both seem to be happy with their dynamic. I don't have a problem with a spouse wanting to protect the person they love, regardless of gender. I expect that. I would be annoyed if I had to do anything that would hurt my husband even in the context of playing a game like Survivor. I have no problem screwing him over in Settlers of Catan but sending him to exile where he might not have food, shelter, or fire would bother me. I don't see that as sexist, I see it as being protective of a loved one.

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To assuage you worries about Juicy J, Juicy J was shown caught and in the cage the next episode.


I assumed that they showed that scene out of chronological order, not caring that they'd given her escape away in secret scenes.  But yeah, maybe they caught her.

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I don't see Jeremy being sexist.  He underestimated Kelly but is there any indication it's because of her gender?  It could be because of any number of things-- her hair color, her size, her personality, her actions...

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I was thinking about the 'misogynist is a synonym for sexist' idea.  I think 'sexist' is mostly used as an adjective that refers to attitudes or behaviors, but 'misogynist' is a noun that only means one thing-- someone with a deep hatred for women.  If Jeremy did underestimate Kelly because she's a woman, that would be a sexist attitude but wouldn't make him a misogynist.  


It'd be like calling Kass a philanthropist for helping Spencer that day. 

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I was thinking about the 'misogynist is a synonym for sexist' idea.  I think 'sexist' is mostly used as an adjective that refers to attitudes or behaviors, but 'misogynist' is a noun that only means one thing-- someone with a deep hatred for women.  If Jeremy did underestimate Kelly because she's a woman, that would be a sexist attitude but wouldn't make him a misogynist.  


I agree with all of this.


I don't see any evidence at all that Jeremy is a misogynist. Frankly I think men who are misogynists are few and far between (thank goodness), but men who have some sexist ideas/attitudes, those are a dime a dozen.

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Jeremy needs to teach a class to all perspective alpha male Survivor contestants.  Tell them how to form an alliance, get people to do your bidding and do whatever you say even if it isn't in their best interest, how to avoid being seen as a physical threat even when you are one of the biggest, buffest guys there, covering your tracks when you double cross your alliance, and ultimately, how the heck to get people to not vote for you despite being a huge threat.  Maybe it is editing, maybe they really aren't seeing Jeremy as the threat that we are.  


Jeremy played his idol on Stephen, which could have backfired on him.  Another vote his alliance wasn't in on.  Stephen was a shield for him like Joe, like Spencer.  He double crossed his alliance last week to go along with Stephen's plan to vote off Kelly.  He uses the idol that no one knew he had.  He basically proved Ciera's point in that moment about what a threat he is.  And the second vote rolls around, the perfect opportunity to blindside Jeremy since he thought Joe was going, and still no votes come his way! 

Edited by LadyChatts
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It continues to just stump me that everyone is sleeping on Jeremy. I'm starting to wonder if maybe he actually isn't as much of a shoe-in to win as I think. Maybe he just really doesn't appear to being doing much, which could hurt him at the finals.


I'm interested to see how he responds to Stephen going. Obviously he had hinged his game on Stephen being there for him to easily beat. He still has Kimmi though and I suspect Spencer will actually just go back to him now. And he has Tasha. He's probably still completely fine.

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I'm still picking Jeremy for the Final 2. Now, there is a slight hiccup with Stephen gone but he still has that HII. It isn't a guarantee since he could be voted out with it in his pocket but I don't think that will happen. It would help his game if he could win II. Did he ever win one in SJD? Also, it is helpful that no one has even thought that he's a threat which I think is kind of odd. He may be built like a brick house but maybe he isn't the athletic threat to the other people out there.

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Everyone on the island (it wasn't actually an island that season) was fighting for the love of JT!


Oh my god, I'm still laughing, when Jeremy played the idol for Stephen, then Stephen turned to Jeremy and said something to the effect of (and of course I'm exaggerating here) 'I will always love you'.  And then it didn't work out at the end.  But they tried!!!  Just like Stephen tried with JT!

Edited by pennben
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This is from the Spencer thread but it's about Jeremy so I brought it here.


Jeremy is going to need to use his idol well and win some ICs to make it to FTC. Even if he makes it, his foolishly blindsiding the entire tribe to save freaking Fishbach with the idol will hurt him with the jury.

In the past 3 weeks he has gone from a likable, loyal guy, who was playing a brilliant under the radar game, to a disloyal (except to Fishbach) bumbling fool who hasn't done squat in challenges either.

IMO, Jeremy has gone from the overwhelming favorite to having almost zero chance of winning. Only Kimmi and Abi have less of a chance than he does now.


I am really hoping your assessment is right! 


But I think Jeremy has a great chance still. I believe there's a pretty solid chance Spencer could go back to working with him now. Hell, I think there's a solid chance Joe and Keith could, too. He definitely still has Tasha and Kimmi and most likely always will no matter what happens. And he still has an idol which seemingly no one even suspects. 

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it wasn't in his interest to go against the numbers.  And indeed, now the ally he went so far to save is still gone, one idol is wasted, and the man who has been in the center of every vote he's been a part of is now left out of strategy and has lost control of an alliance he used to be completely on top of.  The last three votes have been IMO disastrous for Jeremy.


It was in his interest to go against the numbers. He backstabs  Stephen and Kimmi  that's two votes he loses going forward. With Ciera, Kelley and Abi all guaranteed to never work with him long term, and the fact that he backstabbed the person closest to him , his prospects going forward would've been a lot worse then they are now.  At least , he got to show his loyalty and he got rid of someone coming after him.


Hell he hasn't even lost anybody that he didn't want to yet. Tasha and Kimmi are still with him. And while Spencer may have been working against him last boot, Spence was also working hard to keep him safe. So I'd assume that Spencer hasn't turned on him yet either.


Whether by design or not, the last three votes have helped him. The Kelly boot broke up a potential alliance forming against him, I already talked about the Ciera boot and the Stephen boot while not by his choice pretty much freed him up from the albatross that was hurricane Stephen.

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It was in his interest to go against the numbers. He backstabs  Stephen and Kimmi  that's two votes he loses going forward. With Ciera, Kelley and Abi all guaranteed to never work with him long term, and the fact that he backstabbed the person closest to him , his prospects going forward would've been a lot worse then they are now.  At least , he got to show his loyalty and he got rid of someone coming after him.


Hell he hasn't even lost anybody that he didn't want to yet. Tasha and Kimmi are still with him. And while Spencer may have been working against him last boot, Spence was also working hard to keep him safe. So I'd assume that Spencer hasn't turned on him yet either.


I think we have to see how it shakes out to make the call.  I do get what you're saying about not wanting to vote out Stephen--he was absolutely right to argue against the move.  It was a bad move for him; any big move was a bad move for him, really.  But when Spencer (and Tasha?) wouldn't budge, I'm not surprised they assumed he'd go along with it, that's all I'm saying.  It was a bit of a rock and a hard place situation for Jeremy--that he created himself by voting out Kelly Wigelsworth, though.  Like I say, big moves are bad for Jeremy.


I don't know how you can say he hasn't lost anyone he didn't want to, when he lost Stephen, though.  We have to see if he's lost Spencer or not.  (If not, the more fool Spencer.)  In any case, the man to whom people came when they wanted to talk about the votes has now been left out of the decision-making process.  He used to have total control.  Maybe he can get it back!  We'll see.

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This is from the Spencer thread but it's about Jeremy so I brought it here.

I am really hoping your assessment is right!

But I think Jeremy has a great chance still. I believe there's a pretty solid chance Spencer could go back to working with him now. Hell, I think there's a solid chance Joe and Keith could, too. He definitely still has Tasha and Kimmi and most likely always will no matter what happens. And he still has an idol which seemingly no one even suspects.

I wouldn't be shocked if Tasha tries to oust Jeremy next week. She is too smart and ruthless (and I mean that as a compliment) to go down with the ship without at least trying to make a move.

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I wouldn't be shocked if Tasha tries to oust Jeremy next week. She is too smart and ruthless (and I mean that as a compliment) to go down with the ship without at least trying to make a move.


That would be a dumb move on her part. She'll probably make sure that Jeremy is ahead of her in the pecking order, but she has to know that once he goes, she's done , the others have no use for her. Now Kimmi on the other hand...

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I don't normally tear up at the family visit but dang, seeing Val and her telling Jeremy he was having a son got me going.  It was great seeing Val again.  I wonder if she would ever do this again down the road?  It'd be interesting to see how she would fare without Jeremy.  She looked like she was showing to me, but that could be because I knew she was pregnant.  I wonder if anyone else noticed (especially someone like Kimmi, whose had children).


Also, Jeremy escapes again!  Wonder if he's in any real danger of going or if this women's alliance will end as quick as it began.  Tasha did tell him and Spencer about it, so they know.  Why they didn't try and keep the men in the game, I don't know.  At this point, the only person I think could possibly, maybe beat him is Wentworth.  But I think he's definitely got one of the best shots.  He's still got the idol (would probably feel better having two-I just do not understand why playing that idol on Stephen was a good move in his eyes) and he might be a threat in the IC.  But Keith and Spencer have now won against Joe, and Abi came very close.  So there's no guarantee he'll have the security.

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Also, Jeremy escapes again! Wonder if he's in any real danger of going or if this women's alliance will end as quick as it began.

I doubt Jeremy is in any real danger - for the next TC or two, anyway.

For the all-female alliance to have any chance of succeeding:

  • The females need one more male eviction at the very very least at the next TC, else the male/female numbers will be even again.
  • An additional male eviction beyond that would be extremely beneficial, simply for security's sake.
The all-female alliance needs Tasha to accomplish this, and Tasha is universally known to be tight with Jeremy. Antagonizing Tasha by targeting her primary game buddy would be counterproductive in the extreme (creating a three-man-plus-Tasha vote against three women), so if they're smart I'd expect to see Keith/Spencer as their next two primary targets.

ETA: Expansion, plus responding to a memo from the Office of Redundant Redundancy.

Edited by Nashville
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From the latest ep thread:

I think Jeremy is getting way too much credit in this game, and he certainly seems to get a lot of confessionals.

I'm starting to wonder about this. I'm thinking maybe the fact that Jeremy isn't getting targeted isn't because the players are blind to his amazing gameplay and is instead because he just isn't really playing that great. 


But Jeremy is getting a very good edit so I still think there's a very good chance he wins. 

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Well earned victory!  I guess I don't believe that Jeremy bringing out the sob story of his pregnant wife swayed the jury that much.  Tasha was not winning, and I believe Spencer tanked his own game.  Jeremy played it right, and if he didn't, someone else screwed up so he didn't have to look bad (like Spencer arguing at the last TC before the final one).  I normally wouldn't have liked his attitude towards Kimmi (it was petty) but in his case, I believe it was heat of the moment.  He stuck up for her, and it must have been like a slap in the face.  I believe Jeremy's played a great game all season, to not even be targeted until the final 6, to have people that are saying you will win if people don't get you, to be able to flip flop between alliance members and not have the target turn to you, to be able to dictate votes, form bonds, and put alliances together from day 1, on top of being a nice guy who knows how to play the social game.  He learned from last time.  His little girls are too cute, and I loved how excited they were when he won.  Also loved that he joked with Jeff that of course Val was holding onto the check.  Not the most exciting, nail biting outcome, but of the final 3 we got, glad he pulled it off.  Of course if Spencer had won, I don't know if they would have shown him to be such an entitled little jerk tonight.

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With a 10-0 sweep, Jeremy's definitely got to be considered one of the top tier players. I don't think he got that sweep because Val's pregnant either. I do think the way he revealed the pregnancy provided another demonstration of exactly how deliberate, controlled, and strategic his game play was. It would have been totally forgiveable for him to have blurted out the news of Val's pregnancy at the family visit to persuade Kelley to take him on the reward or for him to have let the news slip in the disappointment afterwards. But he didn't. He kept it until the moment of maximum impact. It wasn't a plea for sympathy; it was a demonstration of his strategic chops.


I wanted Kelley to win, but IMHO, there's no question that Jeremy earned and deserved it as well.

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I agree that by the time of FTC, Jeremy had it in the bag. The only thing his pregnant wife speech might have ensured was a unanimous victory. I never really thought Tasha would get votes, but I thought Spencer would get some. That is, until the final three tribals where Spencer basically talked himself out of second place. 

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Zuleikha, on 16 Dec 2015 - 9:15 PM, said:Zuleikha, on 16 Dec 2015 - 9:15 PM, said:

With a 10-0 sweep, Jeremy's definitely got to be considered one of the top tier players.


Yes!  I haven't sat down to think about it, but this has got to be in the top 5ish of Survivor performances.  Commanding.  I feel like his move to make sure that just in case Keith did have an idol, it would be Spencer going home, was just such a great synecdoche of his amazing play this season: so quiet, so subtle, so perfectly done.  (Also: absolutely hilarious, that has to be one of the funniest moments on Survivor ever.)  It wasn't the most exciting ending, but he fucking killed it out there and I am totally thrilled with the result.

Edited by KimberStormer
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I agree that Jeremy played great.  Making it especially excellent is the quality of the competition, and the twists and turns Survivor threw at the contestants this season.  The jury lived up to the play: first time ever IMO that has happened in a 100% all-star season. 

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I think it's interesting that people like Stephen and Spencer are considered "students of the game" and that's part of their narrative on the show, but Jeremy isn't considered to be one. In his pre-game for San Juan Del Sur, he talked about being a huge fan of the show, applying for 10 years to be on the show and even taking notes on it while watching it. He said that when he's in different situations he'll think to himself "How would I handle this if I was on Survivor?" That seems like a student of the game to me. I get that everyone on the show has the archetypes they fill and that there's not enough time in an episode or in a season to flesh people out and make them multidimensional, but knowing stuff like this would make players like Jeremy even more appealing. 

Edited by Miss Scarlet
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I am a fan of the game. I have seen pretty much every season. I didn't watch the beginning of Russell's last season or the end of Thailand. But I have not rewatched them all, I can't tell you all the winners off the top of my head. I don't remember all the tribe names. Honestly, there are folks on the internet that would probably think of me as a casual viewer.


Spencer and Stephen are in the Shirin, Max, Dan super fan category. They watch, rewatch, discuss all the strategy, game everything out. Jeremy and Joe watched the game, understand the strategy, and know the game but they don't strike me as obsessed with the game.

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I am normally the first one whose eyes roll so far into the back of her head when someone (usually a man) mentions "I made an extra human!" as a reason to give them prize money. But it didn't bother me so much with Jeremy. The main reason was likely that I don't like when a contestant (usually on Chopped) throws it out, when all contestants are pretty much equal -- as if it's some kind of advantage, or a reason to reward one person over the other. That wasn't the case here -- Jeremy was head and shoulders (to me) above Spencer and Tasha. It wasn't "We're all the same, but I'm a father, so give it to me!" It was -- as an astute person in the episode thread pointed out -- running up the score when I believe he'd clearly won the final tribal council. But it lacked the...arrogant desperation of contestants on other shows.


The second reason was that it was a stupid question and Spencer and Tasha's reasons were equally ridiculous. If Spencer and Tasha had gone for "I made X, Y, Z move that I didn't last time" or "I focused more on my physical game and won competitions" (in Spencer's case), then I agree Jeremy bringing up his pregnant wife is superfluous. But when the others are saying "This made me a better person" and "I learned so much about myself" as actual legitimate reasons to award money, I don't see any problem with "I'm doing this for my pregnant wife and son-to-be." That reason is irritating when everyone else is talking shop and the contestant decides to bring the personal into it. When it's just one big overshare, the pregnant wife is fair game, to me.


I also loved it because it was calculated. Again, spewing it out when one is desperate to win is one thing, but holding it like an ace in the hole and then just picking the perfect moment to reveal it at final tribal council is some serious strategy. That's just the ultimate mic drop, and I do respect it.

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I think it's interesting that people like Stephen and Spencer are considered "students of the game" and that's part of their narrative on the show, but Jeremy isn't considered to be one. In his pre-game for San Juan Del Sur, he talked about being a huge fan of the show, applying for 10 years to be on the show and even taking notes on it while watching it. He said that when he's in different situations he'll think to himself "How would I handle this if I was on Survivor?" That seems like a student of the game to me. I get that everyone on the show has the archetypes they fill and that there's not enough time in an episode or in a season to flesh people out and make them multidimensional, but I knowing stuff like this would make people like Jeremy even more appealing.

I think nerdy guys like Stephen and Spencer come off more like the stereotypical image of "students" than a cool guy like Jeremy.

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I think nerdy guys like Stephen and Spencer come off more like the stereotypical image of "students" than a cool guy like Jeremy.

Yeah, I get that and I know it's what the show is going for. But ultimately I think it discredits guys like Jeremy when the show tries to paint them as being so one-dimensional, even though the show think it's doing them a favour by portraying them as "cool" or "alpha" or whatever. 

Yeah, and the flip is the way Jeremy is overestimated as a physical threat and Spencer is underestimated as a physical threat.

Exactly!! As a viewer who watches an edited show, it's easy for this to happen. I wonder why more of the players don't come to some of these realizations though.

Edited by Miss Scarlet
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EW Interview




I know you’re a huge fan of this game and the result could not have been any better for you, but did you actually enjoy yourself out there while playing or was it just all business?


At the beginning I enjoyed myself and was just having fun. I let the chicken go. I let Juicy J go and I was like, “Yo, I’m just out here having fun.” I didn’t think I could win the game. From last season I was like, these people all see me as a threat. They see me as a physical threat and I’m not good at challenges so how can I do this? And then they’re voting me out because I have two kids and I’m a firefighter. So I’m like, I” can’t win this game. I’m just going to go out there and have fun and play reckless and do whatever I need to do.” And the further you get in the game, the tighter it gets. When you get down to the final six, seven, eight, you’re like, “Oh, man, it’s right there. I can make it to the end. This is crazy.” That’s when you really start to tighten up and the game’s not fun anymore. It’s really stressful.


The more he talks the more I realize just how brilliant he was at downplaying every single thing about him.  It actually makes a lot of sense that people would want to remove him from the game.  So he completely removed that idea from everyone's heads.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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From Jeremy's CarterMatt interview

Even with girls, I can hang with girls. I did the mommy-and-me classes.
That's an example of the type of unconscious sexist statement Jeremy makes that drives me crazy, but at the same time, I love picturing Jeremy in mommy-and-me classes and I love that he participated in them.
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To be honest, there is a part of me that wishes that Jeremy hadn't brought up his unborn son.  Primarily because I keep seeing all over social media how he won because of a sympathy vote, which I really don't believe to be the case at all.  He was winning this game at the final tribal with Spencer/Tasha, no question, in my mind.  I do appreciate that, in several interviews today, Spencer acknowledged that as the tribal wore on he knew he was going to lose prior to Jeremy making his statement.

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To be honest, there is a part of me that wishes that Jeremy hadn't brought up his unborn son. Primarily because I keep seeing all over social media how he won because of a sympathy vote, which I really don't believe to be the case at all. He was winning this game at the final tribal with Spencer/Tasha, no question, in my mind. I do appreciate that, in several interviews today, Spencer acknowledged that as the tribal wore on he knew he was going to lose prior to Jeremy making his statement.

Good point. It was clear Jeremy was going to win with playing the baby card.

BTW, how long before someone uses a fake baby story?

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Good point. It was clear Jeremy was going to win with playing the baby card.

BTW, how long before someone uses a fake baby story?


In 31 (almost 32) seasons of Survivor, with a dead granny story and countless "I swear on the life of my kids/SO/dead relative/beloved pet", I never even thought of someone making up a baby-on-the-way story.


I figured people would say Jeremy only won because of the expectant father angle, but I'm sure people who want to complain about the outcome would have found something to criticize his win over (whether it be he's a firefighter, working dad, needs the money more than Tasha/Spencer) but all they have to do is read interviews with jurors (and Spencer) to see that Jeremy had it coming before that.  I haven't made it through many interviews yet, but the one key fact I keep seeing is Spencer/Tasha were not well liked, and that many feel they got extremely lucky with their edit.  I wonder if TPTB have a 3rd time planned for them and that's why?

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