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S10.E16: Suspicious Minds

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IIRC, and I might not, Shannon said something in her TH like, "Why wouldn't he just take an hour and go to my doctor?" and I yelled out, "Bitch, he doesn't have to go to your doctor!"


People nag at me about various doctors and treatments all the time and even though I secretly don't give a fuck, I try to act interested for politeness sake. Sometimes I get pressured by well-meaning people into saying I would call or even go, especially if someone "made calls for me."


Then I might make an excuse to get out of it. And then I might forget which excuse I gave at which time to which person because everyone who has WebMD now thinks they're a damn expert. These are all things I have done while sick, so I guess it's not a stretch for me that everything has seemed so convoluted.


Let alone I don't even see the motive for this theoretical long con. Vicki is in love with him, so he doesn't need her pity to keep him around. Even more striking to me is that we've never even seen Brooks treat Vicki poorly, whereas we've seen every other actual husband have their bad moments with their wives, some worse than others (I'm looking at you, David).


Having said all that, LOL, this is also a good point:


Another red flag that it's possible Brooks doesn't have cancer, in addition to the lack of micro managing his treatment the above poster pointed out, is the fact that she's not crying and screaming, "Why meeee! Why does MY boyfirend have to have cancer? This is so hard on MEEEEEE!!!! How will I cope? What if he dies and I"M all alone?? I'm already an orphan since my mom died - did you know my mom died?" If she thought for a second Brooks life was at risk it would be all about her just like she made it all about her when there was a possibility Brianna had cancer. She would be talking 24/7 about the possibility of being left all alone.


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I don't think the cancer is manufactured for the show at all. I think these ladies have to hang out together for the show, and that's why it's an issue. In real life, Vicki would probably never speak to them, but she has too, and Meghan is taking 100% advantage of the fact Vicki has to be around her to drill her about Brooks.  


I like the Housewives because for the most part it feels real most of the time. Exceptions include Gretchen who did seem to really try hard and make stuff up just to be interesting on the show, and Aviva also seemed to do this a lot. 


If they DO ever make stuff up for the show, these would be my suggestions:

1) Heather and Terry decide to adopt shelter dogs and they contemplate having their children get involved in some type of charity

2) Tamra asks Brooks to get involved in CUT cancer, and Brooks and Eddie work out a new workout for people recovering from cancer with Brooks as the spokesman

3) Tamras step grandkids and Shannon's kids get together often and become friends

4) Ryan moves the the OC and shows care and love towards his step daughters and is involved in their lives


Since I can't see Vicki doing anything good for anyone for any reason except to manipulate people she could no longer be on the show. However, Brooks can be on the show, because he is good at pretending to care about people. 

Edited by bravofan27
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I disagree, in her blog, Vicki says that she had to talk Brooks into sharing his cancer diagnosis on camera because he did NOT want to.



I have repeated too many "interesting stories" that my ex-husband told me.  Sometimes as I'd start a story, he'd stop me saying, "Don't tell them that!"  It turns out that each story was a complete fabrication (on his part).  My take on this is that poor Brooks convinced Vicki that he had cancer.  He didn't expect her to put his "little white lie" on national television. This was their private cross to bear.  When Vicki is trying to talk him into "sharing his cancer diagnosis on camera," what's a pathological liar to do?

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I don't think the cancer is manufactured for the show at all. I think these have to hang out together for the show, and that's why it's an issue. In real life, Vicki would probably never speak to them, but she has too, and Meghan is taking 100% advantage of it. 


I like the Housewives because for the most part it feels real most of the time. Exceptions include Gretchen who did seem to really try hard and make stuff up just to be interesting on the show, and Aviva also seemed to do this a lot. 


If they DO ever make stuff up for the show, these would be my suggestions:

1) Heather and Terry decide to adopt shelter dogs and they contemplate having their children get involved in some type of charity

2) Tamra asks Brooks to get involved in CUT cancer, and Brooks and Eddie work out a new workout for people recovering from cancer with Brooks as the spokesman

3) Tamras step grandkids and Shannon's kids get together often and become friends

4) Ryan moves the the OC and shows care and love towards his step daughters and is involved in their lives


Since I can't see Vicki doing anything good for anyone for any reason except to manipulate people she could no longer be on the show. However, Brooks can be on the show, because he is good at pretending to care about people.

The whole post is brilliant bravofan27! It would be great to see your suggestions on RHOC :-) Especially love the last sentence, lol!

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That reminds me; doesn't Brooks have his own apartment, paid for by Vicki?

He did but then he moved into Vickie's McMansion with all the amenities.   Probably around the same time he told her his cancer was back. Hmmmm.  I wonder what his motivation could possibly be???? Especially since I've long believed he initiated this relationship from a trailer in Mississippi. 


But, this entire does he or doesn't he have cancer IS manufactured drama. Mehgan stalking Brooks. Heather, a doctor's wife, suggesting that a woman share her boyfriend's medical records with a bunch of people that barely know him? Tamra bringing in a psychic and asking for information about someone who isn't there? All of those things were manufactured for the sake of drama and confrontation. It doesn't matter how they reacted or overreacted, the fact that this has been going on as long as it has disproves Heather's comments about things being "real, raw, and disturbing."  I mean sure, if she means that it is real shitty that these women would go at their supposed friend in this way. And if raw refers to just how totally beat up Vicki seems to be by all of this coming from her coworkers/friends, then yes. And if disturbing means that these women have convinced 66% of WWHL's viewing audience that they have every right to demand a total stranger share his medical records with the public, then sure she is correct; that is some totally disturbing shit right there.


ETA: I NEVER liked Heather from the beginning and her treatment of Shannon last year made me dislike her even more. So, maybe that is why I think she needs to take a seat and a huge drink of Shut the hell up from an ice cold glass of nobody cares.

I don't disagree about the manufactured drama but I don't think it's production manufacturing it; I think there are women on every HW franchise that take it upon themselves to create extra drama - either by building on something that's going on or rarely, just make up shit like Aviva did. 


Maybe Tamra doubted Crooks from the start so she brings in her stupid psychic guy to put the idea out there.  Then Meghan takes the bait.  The women start comparing notes [shannon's doctor recommendation, etc] and  they're off...    


Of course that doesn't mean Crooks isn't lying about his health, but I do think there are hw's that manufacture drama - they don't need production to do it for them. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
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Then, he wanted to become a state trooper or cop, or something.  That was too hard, because he had to take a test, and pass a physical (well, we now know he wouldn't have passed the physical because he was abusing his body with steroids at the time).


Actually, he decided against the California Highway Patrol because he got pulled over one night and decided he didn't want to be one of "those guys." 


I'm wondering what the heck is up with his fiance - is she a black widow?


Also, I can't deal with this cancer story anymore.  Vicki created her perfect Trojan horse with this one, but still - to have anyone suggest showing medical records to "prove" that you're telling the truth?  Whoever heard of such a thing?  My stepfather was diagnosed with stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma in his throat when I was in college.  His doctor told him flat out that his prognosis wasn't good.  He was self employed and couldn't afford to take time off work so he didn't miss a day during the entire course of his treatment.  Did he look sick?  Yes, but only to those who knew him.  Others just commented that he lost weight.  Bottom line is, like others have mentioned, cancer doesn't hit everyone the same way.  For anyone to dare to say that someone isn't sick is, well, sick.


I hate Bravo for manufacturing this storyline in such a way that, if we DO find out Brooks has cancer, we are going to be happy.  I mean, really?  I miss the family van days... 

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Also, I can't deal with this cancer story anymore.  Vicki created her perfect Trojan horse with this one, but still - to have anyone suggest showing medical records to "prove" that you're telling the truth?  Whoever heard of such a thing?  My stepfather was diagnosed with stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma in his throat when I was in college.  His doctor told him flat out that his prognosis wasn't good.  He was self employed and couldn't afford to take time off work so he didn't miss a day during the entire course of his treatment.  Did he look sick?  Yes, but only to those who knew him.  Others just commented that he lost weight.  Bottom line is, like others have mentioned, cancer doesn't hit everyone the same way.  For anyone to dare to say that someone isn't sick is, well, sick.


I hate Bravo for manufacturing this storyline in such a way that, if we DO find out Brooks has cancer, we are going to be happy.  I mean, really?  I miss the family van days... 

The only ones that "manufactured" this storyline, IMO, are Vicki and Brooks. They both have more than enough experience on this show to know that it would become fodder for the show. They did NOT have to share/talk about his cancer on camera at all but chose to even knowing the other HWs and production would talk about it. They are paid to talk about it, question it, gossip about it, ect. it is their job and if they don't do their job, they get demoted to FOH or worse yet, fired.


And I can't blame the others for asking question due to the conflicting comments both Vicki and Brooks have said to them. V/B tell 1 person something then say something very different to the next HW and so on and so forth, until it is just like the "phone game". Finally, the others get together and share what they were each told and find out, they were all told something different. Vicki tells 1 she goes with Brooks to his Dr.'s appointments, the tells another she doesn't do the Dr.'s but goes to the chemo treatments and yet we hear Vicki say ON camera that she doesn't go to chemo with him because she can't handle seeing him get sick/vomit (when she was leaving for award and Disney early in the season). Brooks says he has been getting chemo for 6 months, 1 a month then we hear he quit chemo after his third chemo treatment. Add to this confusion, Brooks was giving interviews during filming with yet another, slightly different account of his cancer/treatments.

Bottom line for me is that Vicki and Brooks chose to use his cancer as their storyline on a REALITY SHOW, no one forced them to do so, they did this with their eyes open and experience under their belts.


Meghan is still a twit that has gone too far, IMO, though. LOL

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I think Vicki reaction to everything this season is a bit too over the top. I think she's lied about quite a bit and it's all unraveling before her eyes and she's in a panic over it. Like at the party with Tamra, I think Vicki just made that stuff up about Jim and his marriage. The way she glanced at the camera when she said it, the look of fear when she heard Tamra yelling. Vicki thought she was untouchable but is finding out she's not as popular as she once was and noone is just believing the shit she spews now like they've done in the past.

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 I also don't think Heather is saying he should release his medical information to the "public", just to their group. He could let Terry look at a blood work report and then have him tell the rest that Brooks is not lying and for all of them to STHU and end it there. 


I completely disagree that he should release anything to "their group" or to anyone else.  It's not their business!!!


If someone I knew said they had cancer, it would never cross my mind not to believe them.  And if there was glaring evidence right in front of my face that they were lying, I would shrug my shoulders and move on with my life.  I just can't imagine giving it more than a minutes' thought, and I certainly wouldn't feel that I was owed any kind of explanation or proof.  If someone is lying about having cancer, it's their problem not mine.  They barely know Brooks, and it's not as though he's asking them to sit at his bedside or give him money.


These HW's do not have any right to play judge & jury.  Brooks doesn't have to satisfy their curiosity or prove anything to them.  It's his battle with cancer.  Or his lie.  Either way, their suspicions about it don't entitle them to a damn thing. 


As a viewer, I really dislike this storyline.  It makes me feel ill when they go on & on about it.  This is not entertaining.  It's tedious and insensitive.  If Brooks does have cancer, I wish him well, as I would anyone.  If he's been lying, I really don't care.  

Edited by DebbieM4
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If someone I knew said they had cancer, it would never cross my mind not to believe them.



I truly don't care about any difficulties or rewards of Brooks Ayers.  If someone I knew to be a person who lied about EVERYTHING, it would more than cross my mind not to believe them.  My ex-husband moved only 15 miles away when he dumped us decades ago.  The people in his new city believed he graduated from a good university in southern Cal. (if you get my drift), that he played baseball there, that he served as a medical officer in Vietnam...and so many more things that were FAR from true.  We knew about his lies in our family/our city, but learned about his "upper class" life and lies much later. He could tell me he lost an arm and even if I saw it, I'd think there was some trickery involved.  He was also a very smooth talker, a flirt, and a deadbeat (for a short time).  I know my Brooks Ayers!

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I truly don't care about any difficulties or rewards of Brooks Ayers.  If someone I knew to be a person who lied about EVERYTHING, it would more than cross my mind not to believe them.  My ex-husband moved only 15 miles away when he dumped us decades ago.  The people in his new city believed he graduated from a good university in southern Cal. (if you get my drift), that he played baseball there, that he served as a medical officer in Vietnam...and so many more things that were FAR from true.  We knew about his lies in our family/our city, but learned about his "upper class" life and lies much later. He could tell me he lost an arm and even if I saw it, I'd think there was some trickery involved.  He was also a very smooth talker, a flirt, and a deadbeat (for a short time).  I know my Brooks Ayers!


Well, yes, me too.  But I was referring to people in general.  For a habitual liar, of course I would have my doubts.  But my point was that I wouldn't go on a massive detective hunt to determine if anyone was or wasn't lying, and I just wouldn't give it a whole lot of thought.  It's ridiculous to me that it's such a huge topic on this show, and Meghan in particular has taken it to a seriously insane level.


The average person would not lie about having cancer.  Someone who lies easily and often of course might lie about  it.   Brooks may or may not be lying.  He may or may not have cancer.  Either way, it's his business - not theirs -  and I can't imagine why they're so invested in this.  They all have lives that need tending to, so they'd be better off putting their energies there.

Edited by DebbieM4
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I truly don't care about any difficulties or rewards of Brooks Ayers.  If someone I knew to be a person who lied about EVERYTHING, it would more than cross my mind not to believe them.  My ex-husband moved only 15 miles away when he dumped us decades ago.  The people in his new city believed he graduated from a good university in southern Cal. (if you get my drift), that he played baseball there, that he served as a medical officer in Vietnam...and so many more things that were FAR from true.  We knew about his lies in our family/our city, but learned about his "upper class" life and lies much later. He could tell me he lost an arm and even if I saw it, I'd think there was some trickery involved.  He was also a very smooth talker, a flirt, and a deadbeat (for a short time).  I know my Brooks Ayers!

How is Brooks such a known liar? Because an ex girlfriend said so? Because yeah, an ex girlfriend has never been known to stretch the facts. Because he was behind on child support? That's a big club with both men and women. Because he has been caught not telling the complete truth? I think every single person can be called a liar at some point. Especially if someone was going through their past with a fine tooth comb.

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How is Brooks such a known liar? Because an ex girlfriend said so? Because yeah, an ex girlfriend has never been known to stretch the facts. Because he was behind on child support? That's a big club with both men and women. Because he has been caught not telling the complete truth? I think every single person can be called a liar at some point. Especially if someone was going through their past with a fine tooth comb.

Brooks biggest ALLEGED lies:


Telling the mother of his fourth child he had had a vasectomy.

Denying and later admitting he and Vicki had been involved while she was married to Donn.  (Since 2007)  I think he apologized to Briana for the same.

I am thinking giving the interview and talking about exploring Shannon's holistic doctors and then telling her he had two flat tires on the way to the doctor's office. I only put this in the lie department because he has later said that Shannon is out of line for Brooks failing to see her referrals. 


I don't think Brooks necessarily lies (except the vasectomy-that is pretty cut and dried) I think he says stuff to spare others' feelings.  I don't think he is lying about the cancer but I do think he is giving just enough misdirection to keep he and Vicki in the spotlight.


I think Tamra has been equally if not more so duplicitous, then again, she is a principle on the show-not a support cast member.

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Brooks biggest ALLEGED lies:


Telling the mother of his fourth child he had had a vasectomy.

Denying and later admitting he and Vicki had been involved while she was married to Donn.  (Since 2007)  I think he apologized to Briana for the same.

I am thinking giving the interview and talking about exploring Shannon's holistic doctors and then telling her he had two flat tires on the way to the doctor's office. I only put this in the lie department because he has later said that Shannon is out of line for Brooks failing to see her referrals. 


I don't think Brooks necessarily lies (except the vasectomy-that is pretty cut and dried) I think he says stuff to spare others' feelings.  I don't think he is lying about the cancer but I do think he is giving just enough misdirection to keep he and Vicki in the spotlight.


I think Tamra has been equally if not more so duplicitous, then again, she is a principle on the show-not a support cast member.

Well your list isn't very long and I'm not sure I even buy the vasectomy lie. It's never made any sense to me unless it had to do with not wearing condoms and even then I don't get it. One can say the ex has other examples of Brooks lying, but who is to say she is not lying? Wow an adulterous couple lying about their affair, hmm yep only Brooks and Vicki are guilty of that. Now if we were talking about Tamra lying, that I buy. Or would one just say Tamra mixes things up and they're not outright lies? What difference does it make if the person is a principle of the show or a supporting cast member? I didn't know that was a lie loophole.
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I think Vicki reaction to everything this season is a bit too over the top. I think she's lied about quite a bit and it's all unraveling before her eyes and she's in a panic over it. Like at the party with Tamra, I think Vicki just made that stuff up about Jim and his marriage. The way she glanced at the camera when she said it, the look of fear when she heard Tamra yelling. Vicki thought she was untouchable but is finding out she's not as popular as she once was and noone is just believing the shit she spews now like they've done in the past.

Was Vicki ever really that popular? I always preferred Jeana over Vicki and I always felt like V managed to stick around the whole time because she just never let go. I never really thought that she was all that interesting or enjoyable to watch. I just don't think she ever had a big fanbase. Maybe I'm wrong.

  • Love 6

Well your list isn't very long and I'm not sure I even buy the vasectomy lie. It's never made any sense to me unless it had to do with not wearing condoms and even then I don't get it. One can say the ex has other examples of Brooks lying, but who is to say she is not lying? Wow an adulterous couple lying about their affair, hmm yep only Brooks and Vicki are guilty of that. Now if we were talking about Tamra lying, that I buy. Or would one just say Tamra mixes things up and they're not outright lies? What difference does it make if the person is a principle of the show or a supporting cast member? I didn't know that was a lie loophole.

I am not the one saying Brooks is such a liar, I simply took the time to list his ALLEGED lies -I did it this time in CAPS and bold.  I was not saying they are bona fide lies.  I am iffy about the girlfriend because I can't imagine a man lying about that sort of thing three months into the relationship.  I could see on a one night stand.  To me, it is just as likely the mother told Brooks she was using birth control.  That is just me.


I also don't think it matters if every married couple lies about having an affair-it is still a lie and it hurts people.  That one be it Vicki, Tamra,, David the lies hurt and it does set the stage for trust issues in the future.


I mention Tamra being a cast member only because her excuse is always she is putting on a act and to do so and be the star she has to lie.  Grneyedldy you are being so unfair to Tamra, she believes in Jesus now so it is okay of she lies because she can be forgiven.  Apparently, Brooks who has long proclaimed his love of the Baby Jesus is not given the same pass as Tamra.  

Edited by zoeysmom
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I hate Bravo for manufacturing this storyline in such a way that, if we DO find out Brooks has cancer, we are going to be happy.  I mean, really?  I miss the family van days...

Wordy McWord.  Whether it was Bravo or Vicki/Brooks, I wish the manufactured crap would stop.  One of Vicki's strengths is that she doesn't need no stinking storyline.  She brings the crazy to mundane situations which is what makes her entertaining (although unlikeable).  Family van, "gifting" Brianna with a Mercedes that Brianna had to pay for, crashing her son's college party.  That to me is entertaining.  Wondering if a grifter is faking a cancer diagnosis....not so much.


Was Vicki ever really that popular? I always preferred Jeana over Vicki and I always felt like V managed to stick around the whole time because she just never let go. I never really thought that she was all that interesting or enjoyable to watch. I just don't think she ever had a big fanbase. Maybe I'm wrong.

I liked Jeana more but Vicki brought the nuttiness and was very quotable.  I found her interesting to watch because who acts like that?  FAAAAAAMILY VAAAAAN!!!!

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I am not the one saying Brooks is such a liar, I simply took the time to list his ALLEGED lies -I did it this time in CAPS and bold.  I was not saying they are bona fide lies.  I am iffy about the girlfriend because I can't imagine a man lying about that sort of thing three months into the relationship.  I could see on a one night stand.  To me, it is just as likely the mother told Brooks she was using birth control.  That is just me.


I also don't think it matters if every married couple lies about having an affair-it is still a lie and it hurts people.  That one be it Vicki, Tamra,, David the lies hurt and it does set the stage for trust issues in the future.


I mention Tamra being a cast member only because her excuse is always she is putting on a act and to do so and be the star she has to lie.  Grneyedldy you are being so unfair to Tamra, she believes in Jesus now so it is okay of she lies because she can be forgiven.  Apparently, Brooks who has long proclaimed his love of the Baby Jesus is not given the same pass as Tamra

Gotcha on Brooks. ITA about the girlfriend. My point about the affair was that unfortunately that is a common lie, but still doesn't make every word out of a person's mouth a lie. As for the bolded.......:-D
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Wordy McWord.  Whether it was Bravo or Vicki/Brooks, I wish the manufactured crap would stop.  One of Vicki's strengths is that she doesn't need no stinking storyline.  She brings the crazy to mundane situations which is what makes her entertaining (although unlikeable).  Family van, "gifting" Brianna with a Mercedes that Brianna had to pay for, crashing her son's college party.  That to me is entertaining.  Wondering if a grifter is faking a cancer diagnosis....not so much.


I liked Jeana more but Vicki brought the nuttiness and was very quotable.  I found her interesting to watch because who acts like that?  FAAAAAAMILY VAAAAAN!!!!




Gotcha on Brooks. ITA about the girlfriend. My point about the affair was that unfortunately that is a common lie, but still doesn't make every word out of a person's mouth a lie. As for the bolded.......:-D

I agree about the affair because a huge component of an affair is dishonesty by omission.  I think there are many people who have met and later become a couple who may have not untangled from their previous relationship and I certainly don't consider them untruthful based on their romantic relationships.  So I agree.


Sometimes it is stupid things say, Brooks rhymes with Crooks.  (An entire blogsite refers to him as such.)


I think the word liar is too strong a word for Brooks.  I think he is he may overstate or be overzealous in his opinions or statements.  When he first met Michael he expressed his love for him and Michael was a little taken back.  This is a guy who was on the card a day plan.  I know a perfectly delightful man who is on his third or fourth wife and he does a card a day-and it somehow works for that couple.  The way it was presented by production and commented on by Tamra, Brooks card a day came off a overzealous as in trying too hard.  Of course these are cards going to a woman whose husband called her a c&nt on TV and failed to keep her love tank filled.  So she needed lots of affirmation.


I thought Brooks was at his very best when he asked Meghan what her motivation was and continued with he was worried next step would be Meghan contacting his kids or parents on Twitter.  That was the time for Meghan to ask or set forth her perceived inconsistencies in what had been presented by Brooks or set forth of Brooks behalf.  Instead it went right back to the middle school caliber of discussion.

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Shannon's face looked so nervous when Pope Francis Meghan was talking about reaching out to Brooks' ex out of concern I wondered if she reeled in her beef because she realized Meghan could really go the distance in terms of exposing more embarrassing details of The Affair, and Shannon likes to do that herself (oksorrythatwasreallyshadyofme).

Still, it seems like not bringing up the woman's name, even though it's common knowledge among them, is something everyone has agreed upon. CSI Justice Pope could jeopardize that.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Conspirizing again, but Shannon's face looked so nervous when Pope Francis Meghan was talking about reaching out to Brooks' ex out concern I wondered if she reeled in her beef with Meghan because she realized Meghan could really go the distance in terms of exposing more embarrassing details of The Affair, and Shannon likes to do that herself (oksorrythatwasreallyshadyofme).

Still, it seems like not bringing up the woman's name, even though it's common knowledge among them, is something everyone has agreed upon. Meghan could jeopardize that.

Fortunately for Shannon, Meghan has found something weaker than her (Shannon's) backbone -Brooks cancer storyline.  I don't doubt for a minute that if Meghan had not been distracted by Vicki, she would have dug up and exposed everything she could about David's affair just for spite and to prove that Shannon deserved to be cheated on-in the name of Justice -she's that shallow with NO self-awareness, imo.  Good thing Vicki distracted her;  that surely would have sent Shannon over the edge.



Does someone need to explain to Meghan that the OC in the title does NOT stand for obsessive compulsive?  -Heather too, while they're at it.




edited for grammar

Edited by AnitaKnight
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I thought Brooks was at his very best when he asked Meghan what her motivation was and continued with he was worried next step would be Meghan contacting his kids or parents on Twitter.  That was the time for Meghan to ask or set forth her perceived inconsistencies in what had been presented by Brooks or set forth of Brooks behalf.  Instead it went right back to the middle school caliber of discussion.



It was incredibly middle school when Vicki told Meghan she should go back to school and become an oncologist and Meghan said, "Maybe I will" with a smirk. I have twice wanted to slap her face this season and I really do not get that invested in people on reality TV. She is just insufferable.

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For their paychecks?  Because it's production-driven?  Because this is "reality TV," but not real life--and sometimes I forget?


If we're going to assume/acknowledge that reality TV is production-driven, then there's really no point in discussing how good or awful each of the housewives are, what we think of their real-life marriages or children or careers or motivations or actions because it's "not real".  I think we can either approach it as scripted drama with people playing roles or we can approach it as reality (with a grain of salt - which is how I see it.)


I think that in discussing a show of this type, we have to pretty much suspend disbelief and just go with what we see on the show.  With heavy doses of media coverage, of course, as well as tweets and things of that nature.  If we chalk it all up to scripted TV masquerading as real life, then these discussions are pointless.  Is Heather that materialistic, or is that the role she was hired to play?  I think she's pretty close to what we see in her real life, and I don't think it's any different for the others.


I know a few Housewives (and I also have a close friend who was asked to be a HW, did some filming, & got very far in the process until she turned it down).   I know for sure that these shows are a lot more "real" than many people think.  Yes, production sometimes nudges them in certain directions, but what unfolds builds on what's actually happening.  They're not actresses playing roles - not even close.  I'm quite sure that all  of the personalities we see are pretty close to the way they are in real life.  Also - As the Brooks stuff was unfolding, they were also filming hours & hours of other things, not knowing what was going to be the "big story".  The producers take what they're given, and put shows together.  I'm sure there's lots more footage of the Beador marriage, Heather's house angst, Tamra/Ryan/Eddie, etc, and lots of things we'll never see.  Without everyone doubting that Brooks had cancer, there would have been plenty of other things for them to use and focus on.  


So getting back to my comment, which you are responding to - I had said that I don't understand why they're all so invested in whether Brooks has cancer or not.  I don't believe it's because production told them to be.  I think it's because they're nosy and gossipy, and there's a gang mentality.  I happen to like a couple of these HW's, but every one of them is shallow, and I find it despicable that they've made Brooks' cancer/no cancer such a big issue.  If the HW's hadn't made such a big deal about this, production certainly had a lot of other things they could have used.  That's why they hire drama-inducing, big-personality women who can be counted on to provide good reality TV all on their own.  And on every franchise they have provided some golden moments just by being who they are in real life.


(Sorry if all of that was a bit redundant.  I edited as best as I could, but I'm going thru some medication adjustments and having trouble focusing!)

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 8

Wordy McWord. Whether it was Bravo or Vicki/Brooks, I wish the manufactured crap would stop. One of Vicki's strengths is that she doesn't need no stinking storyline. She brings the crazy to mundane situations which is what makes her entertaining (although unlikeable). Family van, "gifting" Brianna with a Mercedes that Brianna had to pay for, crashing her son's college party. That to me is entertaining. Wondering if a grifter is faking a cancer diagnosis....not so much.

I liked Jeana more but Vicki brought the nuttiness and was very quotable. I found her interesting to watch because who acts like that? FAAAAAAMILY VAAAAAN!!!!

I agree that her crazy one liners and freakouts have been entertaining. Vicki during the early years was entertaining because of her ridiculousness and insane jealousy of women like Laurie because she wanted that Rolex & she wanted to be pampered. And who can forget her getting bonked in the head by a football or tripping while accepting her fake award? But, as the cast changed and the focus of the show moved on to manufactured storylines and stupid fights, she became less of an interesting character (IMO). She makes a lot of money off of this show but she doesn't make anywhere near as much as NeNe, Bethenny, etc. She hasn't gotten a spin-off like so many others. She may be the OG but the success of this show definitely doesn't depend on her. This Brooks cancer nonsense is such a turn off. A Vicki focused season is so boring. I've been an OC viewer from the first episode and this season is one of the worst. Granted, Megan plays a huge role in it too.

  • Love 8

Didn't the producers learn from the NJ show that everyone got tired of hearing about cancer (excuse me they said "the cancer") as a storyline?  


If Brooks has cancer, then he's got every right to do whatever treatment he wants.  If he doesn't, then it will be found out at some point, and he's the one who will look bad.  If these idiots had supported him all the way, he would be the only one looking bad.  If he doesn't have cancer, this doesn't really exonerate their bad actions.  If he does have cancer, and he gets worse, then they look extremely bad.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.


The only thing I can figure is that none of them have anything going on in their lives that is remotely interesting, so they had to resort to this storyline.

  • Love 5

I have to say, if Vicki is off the show next season I'll have no interest in it. I guess that she is the OG does mean something to me, and although I like Shannon I'm not really interested in any of the other ladies. Their story lines have been dull and that's why so much has revolved around Brooks and the stupid cancer questions. This season has bored me and will likely be my last, which means I'll no longer be watching any of the RH franchises.

  • Love 3


 Also - As the Brooks stuff was unfolding, they were also filming hours & hours of other things, not knowing what was going to be the "big story".  The producers take what they're given, and put shows together.  I'm sure there's lots more footage of the Beador marriage, Heather's house angst, Tamra/Ryan/Eddie, etc, and lots of things we'll never see.  Without everyone doubting that Brooks had cancer, there would have been plenty of other things for them to use and focus on.  


So getting back to my comment, which you are responding to - I had said that I don't understand why they're all so invested in whether Brooks has cancer or not.  I don't believe it's because production told them to be.  I think it's because they're nosy and gossipy, and there's a gang mentality.  I happen to like a couple of these HW's, but every one of them is shallow, and I find it despicable that they've made Brooks' cancer/no cancer such a big issue.  If the HW's hadn't made such a big deal about this, production certainly had a lot of other things they could have used.  That's why they hire drama-inducing, big-personality women who can be counted on to provide good reality TV all on their own.  And on every franchise they have provided some golden moments just by being who they are in real life.


(Sorry if all of that was a bit redundant.  I edited as best as I could, but I'm going thru some medication adjustments and having trouble focusing!)

How many of us enjoy the lost footage episode more than the regular season? From what I have seen just here alone, most viewers. LOL


That said, IMO, Brooks intentionally told multiple stories about his cancer/treatments to each of the HWs, varying them just enough to make them wonder/question him and then when they got together, they all compared notes, so to speak, and found something was off, way off. Even if we remove Meghan's overzealous pursuit of "truth and Justice' we already had Eddie questioning Brooks's claims in the very first episode.


ITA, I don't think production is controlling or forcing any HW to question Brooks/Vicki but IMO, they, Vicki/Brooks, are the ones doing that themselves. I will go one step further and say they are doing so to garner a sympathetic storyline for Vicki, without this she would have NO storyline at all and would face limited camera time, a possible reduction in her paycheck or the very real possibility of a demotion to FOH this season or next.


Also, no one knows how production will splice/edit the show until they get to see the final edited copy right before filming, so I doubt that anyone spent most of their camera time discussing Brooks/cancer, it is what production chose to be the focus.

  • Love 3
That said, IMO, Brooks intentionally told multiple stories about his cancer/treatments to each of the HWs, varying them just enough to make them wonder/question him and then when they got together, they all compared notes, so to speak, and found something was off, way off.



This is the kind of thing that doesn't usually work with "real" friends.  Most of us would empathize with one of our associates who was diagnosed with cancer...and we would probably discuss it with each other.  I think Brooks was counting on the very loose association/friendship of the various women.  He didn't expect them to compare notes.

  • Love 2

How many of us enjoy the lost footage episode more than the regular season? From what I have seen just here alone, most viewers. LOL


That said, IMO, Brooks intentionally told multiple stories about his cancer/treatments to each of the HWs, varying them just enough to make them wonder/question him and then when they got together, they all compared notes, so to speak, and found something was off, way off. Even if we remove Meghan's overzealous pursuit of "truth and Justice' we already had Eddie questioning Brooks's claims in the very first episode.


ITA, I don't think production is controlling or forcing any HW to question Brooks/Vicki but IMO, they, Vicki/Brooks, are the ones doing that themselves. I will go one step further and say they are doing so to garner a sympathetic storyline for Vicki, without this she would have NO storyline at all and would face limited camera time, a possible reduction in her paycheck or the very real possibility of a demotion to FOH this season or next.


Also, no one knows how production will splice/edit the show until they get to see the final edited copy right before filming, so I doubt that anyone spent most of their camera time discussing Brooks/cancer, it is what production chose to be the focus.

Agree with exception of the intent to garner sympathy for Vicks.  I could be wrong though... 

  • Love 1


The only thing I can figure is that none of them have anything going on in their lives that is remotely interesting, so they had to resort to this storyline.

I disagree. I think production focuses on whatever it thinks will bring the BIG drama each season, not on the HWs as individuals. We use to see much more of each HWs personal life/family but they, production, started to leave those scenes on the cutting room floor after the first big dramatic scene. With the first table flip, TeresaG, first wig tug/pull, Sheere, production saw a spike in ratings and the original HW show format changed forever. Each season, on each of the HW shows, we have seen less and less of the individual HW/family/life and more and more gatherings of 3 or more HW talking/gossiping/fighting in forced settings.



This is the kind of thing that doesn't usually work with "real" friends.  Most of us would empathize with one of our associates who was diagnosed with cancer...and we would probably discuss it with each other.  I think Brooks was counting on the very loose association/friendship of the various women.  He didn't expect them to compare notes.

I think Brooks counted on the women comparing notes and counted on them questioning him/Vicki. Without them doing so, Vicki could have faced either demotion or being fired, she was already threatened with loosing her job because she was unwilling to have Brooks appear on camera. I get the feeling that he, Brooks, is enjoying the backlash Bravo is getting from this season of "does he/doesn't he". LOL

Agree with exception of the intent to garner sympathy for Vicks.  I could be wrong though... 

IMO, it was a ploy to get viewers on Vicki/Brooks side.



If Brooks has cancer, then he's got every right to do whatever treatment he wants.  If he doesn't, then it will be found out at some point, and he's the one who will look bad.  If these idiots had supported him all the way, he would be the only one looking bad.  If he doesn't have cancer, this doesn't really exonerate their bad actions.  If he does have cancer, and he gets worse, then they look extremely bad.  Stupid, stupid, stupid.



Exactly.  They all look ridiculous no matter what the truth is.

  • Love 4

She makes a lot of money off of this show but she doesn't make anywhere near as much as NeNe, Bethenny, etc. She hasn't gotten a spin-off like so many others. She may be the OG but the success of this show definitely doesn't depend on her. 


I don't particularly care how much she makes off the show but my sentiments are pretty similar to the quote below:

I have to say, if Vicki is off the show next season I'll have no interest in it. I guess that she is the OG does mean something to me, and although I like Shannon I'm not really interested in any of the other ladies. Their story lines have been dull and that's why so much has revolved around Brooks and the stupid cancer questions. This season has bored me and will likely be my last, which means I'll no longer be watching any of the RH franchises.

I barely keep up with this show now since they got rid of Jeana and Laurie plus added idiots like Tamra and Gretchen.  With the "storylines" and other boring castmates, I don't think I would ever watch this show again if Vicki was axed.

  • Love 2

If we're going to assume/acknowledge that reality TV is production-driven, then there's really no point in discussing how good or awful each of the housewives are, what we think of their real-life marriages or children or careers or motivations or actions because it's "not real".  I think we can either approach it as scripted drama with people playing roles or we can approach it as reality (with a grain of salt - which is how I see it.)


I think that in discussing a show of this type, we have to pretty much suspend disbelief and just go with what we see on the show.  With heavy doses of media coverage, of course, as well as tweets and things of that nature.  If we chalk it all up to scripted TV masquerading as real life, then these discussions are pointless.  Is Heather that materialistic, or is that the role she was hired to play?  I think she's pretty close to what we see in her real life, and I don't think it's any different for the others.


I know a few Housewives (and I also have a close friend who was asked to be a HW, did some filming, & got very far in the process until she turned it down).   I know for sure that these shows are a lot more "real" than many people think.  Yes, production sometimes nudges them in certain directions, but what unfolds builds on what's actually happening.  They're not actresses playing roles - not even close.  I'm quite sure that all  of the personalities we see are pretty close to the way they are in real life.  Also - As the Brooks stuff was unfolding, they were also filming hours & hours of other things, not knowing what was going to be the "big story".  The producers take what they're given, and put shows together.  I'm sure there's lots more footage of the Beador marriage, Heather's house angst, Tamra/Ryan/Eddie, etc, and lots of things we'll never see.  Without everyone doubting that Brooks had cancer, there would have been plenty of other things for them to use and focus on.  


So getting back to my comment, which you are responding to - I had said that I don't understand why they're all so invested in whether Brooks has cancer or not.  I don't believe it's because production told them to be.  I think it's because they're nosy and gossipy, and there's a gang mentality.  I happen to like a couple of these HW's, but every one of them is shallow, and I find it despicable that they've made Brooks' cancer/no cancer such a big issue.  If the HW's hadn't made such a big deal about this, production certainly had a lot of other things they could have used.  That's why they hire drama-inducing, big-personality women who can be counted on to provide good reality TV all on their own.  And on every franchise they have provided some golden moments just by being who they are in real life.


(Sorry if all of that was a bit redundant.  I edited as best as I could, but I'm going thru some medication adjustments and having trouble focusing!)

I believe you are on the right track about hours and hours of filming.  I think the producers took the cancer story and ran with it. I can't believe no one spoke of the infidelity in the Beador marriage.  That is what folks would be talking about in real life. I posted on the Vicki thread a denial by Briana about her ever saying Brooks didn't look sick.  I posted on the media thread an interview from this week, of Tamra and Shannon saying regardless of the psychic comments, the women were suspect of Brooks' claims and they both attested to Vicki's intelligence. I am left with the conclusion Brooks, with a little help from Vicki wanted his cancer to be the storyline.  Not to be insensitive but there is only so much you can garner in the way of attention from an 83 year old parent dying of natural causes.  Vicki wants to be the center of attention and if she can't get it honestly she will take the victim route.


Since this is called "Suspicious Minds", Vicki has behaved horribly throughout the season.  First it was taking on Meghan about being a gold digger, then Heather about spending hard working Terry's money, three slights to Shannon and of course calling Meghan names and trying to bring her down in front of her husband. Vicki doesn't support the other women's endeavors except to sometimes show up, snore, argue or try and settle a score and leave early.  I think the Vicki sympathy meter has run its course.  I honestly believe between Tamra and Vicki if there isn't a big blow up it is not a party.  Vicki knew at Shannon's party she screwed up repeating the Jim/Brooks conversation.  I don't think she told Brooks she told Tamra about the conversation between Jim and Brooks..  So instead of Brooks hanging out with Terry, Christian, Jim and Eddie having a good time he is again relegated to chick time and arguing or walking out.  There was no reason for Vicki to say that to Tamra, just as there is no reason for Vicki to feel satisfied Jim and Meghan left Tamra's party.

  • Love 6

As far as my opinion - very distasteful to make Brooks the subject of this season. As well as the Beador marriage and their dragging their kids into it. Or Heather and her husbands Taj Mahal. Or Vicki replaying her learning of the loss of her mother.

I want to see some fun.

As far as Brooks - the truth will emerge I guess. Perhaps he has won this battle with NHL. But not many can run around visiting tons of doctors and have it covered by their insurance or able to afford that luxury.

Especially people not qualified to be covered by insurance.

Edited by maggiemae
  • Love 3

But, this entire does he or doesn't he have cancer IS manufactured drama. Mehgan stalking Brooks. Heather, a doctor's wife, suggesting that a woman share her boyfriend's medical records with a bunch of people that barely know him? Tamra bringing in a psychic and asking for information about someone who isn't there? All of those things were manufactured for the sake of drama and confrontation. It doesn't matter how they reacted or overreacted, the fact that this has been going on as long as it has disproves Heather's comments about things being "real, raw, and disturbing."  I mean sure, if she means that it is real shitty that these women would go at their supposed friend in this way. And if raw refers to just how totally beat up Vicki seems to be by all of this coming from her coworkers/friends, then yes. And if disturbing means that these women have convinced 66% of WWHL's viewing audience that they have every right to demand a total stranger share his medical records with the public, then sure she is correct; that is some totally disturbing shit right there.


ETA: I NEVER liked Heather from the beginning and her treatment of Shannon last year made me dislike her even more. So, maybe that is why I think she needs to take a seat and a huge drink of Shut the hell up from an ice cold glass of nobody cares.


I realize we're not seeing a tightly scripted show here.  But is it completely manufactured?  See, this is the kinda stuff I'd just as soon not try to pick apart.  I just wanna be entertained.  BUT when things start to make absolutely no sense, I lose interest fast.  I think the first mistake here was to make the whole season about this Brooks storyline, when he's always been such an unpleasant, slimy, unlikable character.  OK, I get it, he's the only storyline Vicks has left to give.  She played out her mother dying.  And her kids are elsewhere, even tho they both had their shot this season.  


So what else has Vicks got to give the producers?  Keep in mind, these guys are giving Vicks a million buckaroos.  They wanna get their money's worth outta her.  And it ain't gonna be watching her sell insurance or go woop it up at an insurance convention cuz that's boring as shit -- unless Vicks wants to give us what Lauri was accusing her of.  And who knows, maybe Vicks might be desperate enough to go there.


Look, I go back to Alex McCord's recaps, as to what goes on with these Housewives shows.  Nobody else really gives the inside scoop as she did.  She said producers get heavily involved with cast members.  They "guide" them & heavily manipulate them.  These producers very much set up situations & then let them sorta happen or "flow".


Idk, when stuff starts making no sense, I get antsy.  The convo between Shannon & Vicks?  I was bothered by it.  Vicks made no sense.  She threw up her hands & said to Shannon to go talk to Brooks.  Er, huh?  I didn't get it.  She was acting very, very weird.  And btw, did she actually say Shannon had "dranken" the Kool-Aid?  Ugh.  And what about Shannon?  She stumbled over her words & said she didn't even know what she wanted from Vicks.  She looked ill at ease & confused about what was going on in that scene.  It didn't seem like she lost track of her thoughts.  It looked like she forgot what she was supposed to do in that scene.  It felt strange and off.


And then we have Meghan going after Brooks, trying to "out" him on whether he has cancer.  I mean, every time I see this shit now, I scream at my TV for the woman to get a job or do some charity work -- or just do something worthwhile with her time, and stop concentrating so much on this bullshit (which has nothing to do with her).  Sheesh, this woman has been soooo freakin' unlikable all season.  Now she's just an outright lunatic.  OK, so even if he doesn't have cancer, I still think she's an asshole & I really hope this is her only season.  She's a horrible woman & I don't wanna watch her.  I think I can't stand her even worse than Aviva.


And the last thing on here that's driving me absolutely insane is how all these broads agree with each other, that it's so wonderful & sensible to casually show strangers your medical records, to prove the state of your health.  This is a clear & outrageous & completely ridiculous invasion of privacy, which NOBODY (even a slimy character like Brooks) should be subjected to.  And yeah, Heather, as a doctor's wife, should know this.  And yet, not only doesn't she know this, she seems to be the one leading the pack of 'em, for him to show his private medical records.  WTF?


Honestly, I'm so bored by Heather's usual phony-baloney set-up scenes now.  I'm even noticing how boring her hair & clothes are.  Boring, boring, boring.  Tasteful?  Sure, but just so fucking boring.  And if she does have any really good jewelry, we ain't seeing it.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 7

So is Meghan-going-after-Brooks a manufactured/scripted storyline?  I think producers are egging her on.  That's my theory.


I can make a comparison of Meghan going after Brooks.  Seems to me very similar to the way Tams went after Gretchen about going to Bass Lake & whether she was a gold-digger.  None of that stuff was any of Tams' business.  Maybe the audience wanted to know what the deal was with Gretch -- if she was cheating on Jeff & if she was a gold-digger, but there were never any definitive answers.  And it dragged on to the point nobody cared anymore.  Same thing could happen with this Brooks cancer storyline.  Except I want it to end ASAP & I'm just wondering if others are as uninterested in this storyline as I am. 

  • Love 10

I'm uninterested to the point that I fast-forwarded 75% of the episode. Blah. Two more episodes, or is Monday the finale? Don't know if I'll bother with the reunion, which they'll probably drag out to three hours.

Questions: Do we know for sure that Vicki now earns $1 million per season?

Is the production company for RHoOC the same as the one for RHoNY? Too lazy to "research" (TM Meghan) this myself, sorry. If the companies are different, the level and type of producer involvement in the stories may be different.

How much do you think the need to cut Katie Hamilton's scenes altered how this season played out? Some have mentioned we probably would have seen more of Katie interacting with Tamra because Katie is a devout Christian. Anyway, maybe this is the wrong thread but I want to talk about anything besides you know what.

Edited by RedHawk
  • Love 5

Honestly, I'm so bored by Heather's usual phony-baloney set-up scenes now.  I'm even noticing how boring her hair & clothes are.  Boring, boring, boring.  Tasteful?  Sure, but just so fucking boring.  And if she does have any really good jewelry, we ain't seeing it.

Indeed--and Madame Puppet needs to STAWP with the silliness about hawking the wrinkle cream with Miss Terry. As these country-ass rubes like to bark and squawk: "OWN IT." You're a sleazy carnival barker selling snake oil on a home shopping channel. You're no different from any OTHER sleazy carnival barker, so puh-leez stop acting as if somehow you are. Your big-lipped "friend" and fellow "actress" hawks diapers for grown folks to pee and poo poo in, and YOU are hawking some greasy glop in a jar. I'll stick with my La Mer, thank you very much. 

  • Love 9

I'm uninterested to the point that I fast-forwarded 75% of the episode. Blah. Two more episodes, or is Monday the finale? Don't know if I'll bother with the reunion, which they'll probably drag out to three hours.

Questions: Do we know for sure that Vicki now earns $1 million per season?

Is the production company for RHoOC the same as the one for RHoNY? Too lazy to "research" (TM Meghan) this myself, sorry. If the companies are different, the level and type of producer involvement in the stories may be different.

How much do you think the need to cut Katie Hamilton's scenes altered how this season played out? Some have mentioned we probably would have seen more of Katie interacting with Tamra because Katie is a devout Christian. Anyway, maybe this is the wrong thread but I want to talk about anything besides you know what.

Two more episodes and a two part Reunion.  I won't be surprised if it is bumped up to three because the ratings have been good and they are just waiting around to put  "Vanderpump Rules" in the time slot.


I am guessing Vicki makes at least $750,000.00.  Tamra's previous season contract was part of her court battle and she was making $600,000.00 ++++++.  We have had the obligatory party at Vicki's house, she has had family or legal drama, and she has had some bonus drama.  So I would say she is close to seven figures.


Evolution Media produces RHOBH and RHOC and these other fine shows:  http://evolutionusa.com/  Basically they have been reduced to RHOC, RHBH, Vanderpump Rules and Botched. Shed Media produces RHNYC. Just my opinion but the real producer of NY this past season was Bethenny Frankel.  She drove her storyline into the ground. 


I think Katie was in and out in January.  I don't think she even made it to Shannon's Bunco party.  She got hit hard with Josh relapsing and him filing for a divorce.  I think she will be at the finale-this year's finale is a baptism. 



So is Meghan-going-after-Brooks a manufactured/scripted storyline?  I think producers are egging her on.  That's my theory.


I can make a comparison of Meghan going after Brooks.  Seems to me very similar to the way Tams went after Gretchen about going to Bass Lake & whether she was a gold-digger.  None of that stuff was any of Tams' business.  Maybe the audience wanted to know what the deal was with Gretch -- if she was cheating on Jeff & if she was a gold-digger, but there were never any definitive answers.  And it dragged on to the point nobody cared anymore.  Same thing could happen with this Brooks cancer storyline.  Except I want it to end ASAP & I'm just wondering if others are as uninterested in this storyline as I am. 

Once I saw Briana's denying she ever said Brooks didn't look sick and her mother had misspoken, I realized Vicki and Brooks were inviting the others to question Brooks' storyline.  Add to that Brooks giving an interview to announce he had quit chemo (as of tomorrow) on March 20th.  Brooks last chemo treatment was on January 23rd.  Who goes to an informal birthday party and leads with, "as of tomorrow I am quitting chemo. . . "?  Quitting chemo would imply that he had recently had a regularly scheduled chemo treatment not "quitting" two months after the last treatment.


I am interested only to the degree that Vicki simply cannot create this storyline and then play victim.  It was Brooks who played these folks and Tamra, Shannon and Heather are all giving Vicki an out at this point until she refused to allow these women to present their concerns.  Both Tamra and Vicki leave big dollars and a majority of their income on the table if they don't get asked back.  Tamra obviously plays the game better than Vicki.


Obviously anyone looks like a piece of dung if out of the blue they question a cancer diagnosis.  That is simply not the case here.  Vicki and Brooks cannot make these statements about Brooks' condition and then cry foul when questioned.  I don't think a presentation of medical records was necessary but a straightforward response was certainly in order.


The alternative storyline is Tamra getting on board with the Lord.  Pick your poison.

  • Love 9
Look, I go back to Alex McCord's recaps, as to what goes on with these Housewives shows.  Nobody else really gives the inside scoop as she did.  She said producers get heavily involved with cast members.  They "guide" them & heavily manipulate them.  These producers very much set up situations & then let them sorta happen or "flow".



Thank you, ScoobieDoobs.  It's always interesting to receive "corrections" here when I voice a similar opinion.  Make a vow to watch "UnREAL" when it comes back on Lifetime.

Edited by Former Nun

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