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Past Seasons Chit Chat

Way Wes Jr

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To All the Zings I've Loved Before (paraphrased):


"Hey, Joe, how does it feel to be the old guy in the house? Oh, sorry, didn't see you there ... Boogie."


"We have a ghost in the Big Brother house. It's pale and it floats. Oh wait, it's just ... Andy."


"Hey, Frankie! That's a nice tan, but I'm amazed you get any sun at all with all the time you spend in ... your sister's shadow."

"Hey, Cody! You're such a nice guy. You haven't made any enemies at all, except for maybe ... Christine's husband."

  • Love 7


"Rachel, every other word out of your mouth is the F-word…'Fiancé'!"

"Kahlia, you write a sex blog.  But in the house you seem more interested in after-sex activities…like eating and sleeping!"

"Jordan, I know why Jeff hasn't proposed yet.  He knows you have trouble answering questions!"  (Jordan DR: "Wait, what?")

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 5

I wasn't sure where to put this. Didn't seem to go in the Live Feed thread, and not exactly for the Episode thread. More just an opinion. So here goes:

The first season I watched was Season 3, because everybody was talking about it. And it WAS a good season.

The next one I watched was the one with Janelle, Kaysar, Yvette, Maggie, etc. That was also good. I didn't like that Maggie won.

Then All-Stars. Although interesting, it was a train wreck of egos.

Not again until I half-watched last season. I could NOT stand Paul. I understood they'd brought him back, but I couldn't understand why. That mofo was annoying as hell. Josh didn't bother me because he was just a dumb...meatball. But I was glad he won over the asshole, just so Paul didn't win.

So this is the first complete season I've watched since All-Stars. And followed the live feeds. And I'm pretty much enjoying it.

The reason being...for so many of these shows there are complaints about how folks want 'real people' cast. Not returnees, no celebrities, no stunt-casting, no famewhores (I hate that term), and I feel we've come as close as we're gonna get to that this season. What an interesting mix. I'm about to watch last night's episode, and looking forward to it.

Yeah, this is our first "completely new people who have never met" cast since S12.  S17 comes close, but of course the twins were twins.

We've actually only been this "pure" five times:  S2, S3, S10, S12 and this season.  (And S1, but that wasn't the same game.) S15 would almost qualify, since Elissa had never played before, but still…Rachel's sister is Rachel's sister.  Even without personal experience, she knew more than the average HG would.  So,  nice to see it like this again, I agree.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Halting Hex said:

It turned out he was HIV+.  I forget the details, whether he'd had one test before entering or if the producers re-did the screening or whatever, but he talked about it a few years later.  2015 or so, IIRC.

IIRC (and I very well may not be) a couple of days or so after the season started, a (current? former?) love interest of ED popped positive on an HIV test.  Production was contacted, ED was pulled into the DR, and he chose to leave the game at that time - reportedly to take care of his friend, although I’m pretty damn certain getting himself tested too was an off-the-charts level of urgency as well.  Result was ED was HIV+ as well, which ED disclosed a year or two later.

Edited by Nashville
Repetitive repetition.
On 9/21/2015 at 10:17 AM, Petunia13 said:

There's entire forum for it.

It's at the top of your screen. I was wondering why no one posts in it. No one knows its there or looked on the page for it.

Is this still true?  I can't find anything other than this thread for past seasons.  I'm rewatching and would love to find old threads.  Thanks!

9 hours ago, lasu said:

Is this still true?  I can't find anything other than this thread for past seasons.  I'm rewatching and would love to find old threads.  Thanks!

P.tv used to allow forums to have subfolders/subsections like “Past Seasons”, “Characters”, etc.  There were some technical problems stemming from that capacity, though, so a few months back the P.tv sysadmins “flattened” all the folders.  All the forum threads in a respective show’s subfolders got dumped back into the show’s one single forum; all the BB “Past Seasons” threads, for example, were moved back under the umbrella of the overall “Big Brother” forum.  

All the old message threads are all still there, but you might have to scroll back a HELLUVA long way to find them - and when you do, there’s zero semblance of order or organization.

1 hour ago, Lisin said:

FYI you can actually sort the threads by title name instead of last date posted which will kinda sorta put them in chron order since alphabetically they'll go in episode name order. There's a little "Sort by" button thingy on the right side of the main forum page. 

That’s right, and I had forgotten about that little bit of functionality.  One of the pitfalls of oldfartism; hang around long enough, and you forget the stuff you once knew but never use.  ;)



(now where did I leave my teeth, dadgummit....)

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 4

Cool, thanks!

I read Miss Alli's old recaps on the TWoP archive for season two.  I've watched all of these before - I made my first ever post in the Big Brother 2 forum back on Mighty Big TV!  I've rewatched 2, 3, 4, and am about a third of the way through season 5.  So far, I've remembered the winner for each one, and the final two for all but season 4 (for some reason I remembered Jun having beat out Jee).  I remember the final two for season 5, but not much else about the order.  Season two I could even remember the order of evictions.  

  • Love 1

Caught up on all my shows during surgery recovery, so finally had time to return to BB.  Sped through S6.  I wanted  Ivette to win, I didn’t like Maggie. Probably because she conned Howie to putting up James and Sarah.

 IDK if it was editing but the show definitely wanted me to like Janelles group the most and obviously America liked Janelle a lot to give her two prizes.

did Janelle and Michael stat together off camera?

didnt seem like there was much new to the show other than the upstairs HOH room.

started S7, all stars, a little over half-way through  Did none of the people watch S2?  I can't believe that Will wasn't nominated immediately and consistently until he was out.  Seriously, the S6 group, for all they were the underdogs of S6, sure can't handle being in power, they are incredibly stupid with how they let themselves get talked into putting up "floaters". 

And why call them "floaters" just because they didn't come in with a pre-made 4 person alliance?  Ok, sure maybe you could call George a floater, but the others actually could win challenges (and actually even George won two - though one was almost a gimme).

Will is just 100 IQ points above the rest of the house.  I don't like him, but I can't deny his ability to manipulate and lie with a straight face. Why anyone believes him (except for Boogie) escapes me, if they had seen his season.  They all deserve to loose and Will deserves to win because they are just letting him.

Other thoughts so far:  The beginning of Otev!! And Slop!  I had wondered if they stopped the PB&J because of allergies, but maybe they really wanted to make it as unappealing as possible.  Make people essentially fast for a week.

I thought S7 a bit early for an allstars, but I guess Survivor did it at S8. so not much earlier.  I do object a little bit that it was so dependent on "america's vote" because it led to too many S6 players.  I think if it was a tad more equal, maybe Will wouldn't have been able to just run roughshod over everyone.  maybe not though.

Edited by Hanahope
On 8/24/2018 at 9:13 PM, Halting Hex said:

[S20] is our first "completely new people who have never met" cast since S12.  S17 comes close, but of course the twins were twins.

We've actually only been this "pure" five times:  S2, S3, S10, S12 and this season.  (And S1, but that wasn't the same game.) S15 would almost qualify, since Elissa had never played before, but still…Rachel's sister is Rachel's sister. 

And, once again, Old Know-It-All over here knows absolutely nothing.  (But I do bullshit the bullshit with impressive conviction, don't I?)

S16 had no returning players, nor anybody who had met before.  Yes, SparkleGlitter Frankie Grande was a "celebrity" (to an extent) and was the half-brother of the legitimately famous (although not as much as she would soon become) Ariana, but he came in with no pre-existing game experience or outside-the-game connections to his fellow HGs, just as with everybody else.  So as far as "purity" goes, that season qualifies. Oy.

(S16 also IMO qualifies as duller-than-dirt, which is all the excuse I can muster for my misplaced certainty.  Perhaps I somehow thought that Lipless Hayden Voss [S16] was actually Hayden Moss [S12], just in a clever disguise?  But seriously, I goofed and I goofed big-time.  Ugh.)

So that's actually six "pure" seasons of "strangers in a house" that we've had, seven if you count the differently-formatted S1.  S2, S3, S10, S12, S16, and S20.  No "OMG, it's Christie Murphy!" moments such as disqualify this season from joining that list.  And again I go with "Ugh".  My bad.

(Not that any of you caught me.  But still.)

On 6/23/2019 at 2:04 PM, Hanahope said:

did [S6] Janelle and Michael stay together off camera?

Not for very long; the next summer, in All-Stars, she had a different boyfriend (Cleveland Browns tackle Ross Verba).  It was never mentioned on-air (as opposed to when she dumped her pre-House boyfriend in a DR in S6), but it was one of the reasons why Will's pursuit of her as part of "Operation Double-Date" was pretty sketchy.  Whereas Boogie was single (and he and Erika had already had one date [and a secret alliance agreement] before the season started), not only was Janelle involved, but Will had already begun seeing his now-wife, Erin Brodie.  

Since both Ross (an All-Pro) and Erin were more successful than Will and Janelle (Erin had won the $1,000,000 prize on For Love or Money twice, so she had made 4x what Will did as far as these shows go), that made "Winelle" reluctant to commit to the showmance, apart from the moral considerations.  In the end, it was Janelle's thought that Will was blowing smoke up her ass that led to her evicting him at F4…in the aired episodes this was portrayed as Erika's convincing Janelle that Will was using her in the game (and there certainly was that aspect, too), but there was also a personal component as well.

(I didn't know until just researching this that Erin is the daughter of former NFL star quarterback John Brodie, of San Francisco 49ers fame.  [John is in the College Football Hall of Fame, but not the NFL's, even though he did win the MVP in 1970.]  I'd only known about her sister, Diane, who married a less-successful QB, Chris Chandler.  [Chris, while mocked as "Crystal Chandelier" for his frequent injuries, did lead the 1998 Atlanta Falcons to the Super Bowl, something John never accomplished for the 49ers, who had to wait for Joe Montana before they started winning titles.]  Of course, there was the incident where John [who played before giant salaries] got caught selling his "expertise" to a betting tip service, claiming he had "inside information" because of Diane's marriage to Chris.  [There was no evidence that Chris had actually given his father-in-law any such information, or he would have been suspended by the NFL.] So I guess that Erin is actually the less-scandalous sister, despite the sexually-manipulative aspects of For Love or Money and the fact that Will spent a summer walking to the edge of cheating on her on the Live Feeds.  Huh.)

Janelle married Jess DeSanto in 2010.  (She even referred to herself as "DeSanto" a time or two during BB14.)  Will and Erin married in 2015.  I could look up whatever happened to Michael, but I'm bored and lazy.  (Sorry.)

Oh, okay, another search has yet to kill me…Michael appeared on Millionaire Match-Maker in 2011 (episode 5.01), saying that he'd gone back to Dubai (where he went to high school) and started an animation and visual-effects company and was now worth over $10,000,000.  Here's his casting video.  Apparently the date went nicely enough, but nothing spectacular.  I have no idea of his current relationship status.

(But between Ross and Michael, Jess DeSanto better be making some $$.  Or he's probably getting a few choruses of "I could have been married to…" if there's ever any stress in his and Janelle's marriage, I'd imagine.)  

  • Love 2

Courtesy of a look at the Angela thread, I just got a squint at BB15 Amanda's new Twitter handle:  "Amanda Almora, Jr."

Um, does our Demanda understand that even if she did marry Chicago Cubs outfielder Albert Almora, Jr. (did she and Mike Zachman divorce?  I haven't been following), that would only make her "Amanda Almora"?  The "Jr" part of "Almora, Jr." refers to Albert being named after his father…it's not transferable by marriage.  FFS.

I mean, down the road, Kate Middleton won't be "Queen Catherine V".  William gets to keep his number.

(Yes, this annoys me more than it should.  Nice to know Amanda hasn't lost her touch, I suppose.)

  • LOL 1
  • Love 2
On 6/28/2019 at 8:58 AM, Halting Hex said:

But between Ross and Michael, Jess DeSanto better be making some $$.  Or he's probably getting a few choruses of "I could have been married to…" if there's ever any stress in his and Janelle's marriage, I'd imagine.)  

I first saw Janelle in the recent TAR and it was obvious she had work done.  Then I see her in BB6 and 7 and have to wonder, WHY?  She's beautiful, she did not need work done.  Her lips  especially now just look awful.  

31 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

I first saw Janelle in the recent TAR and it was obvious she had work done.  Then I see her in BB6 and 7 and have to wonder, WHY?  She's beautiful, she did not need work done.  Her lips  especially now just look awful.  

I don't disagree with your baseline premise here, but All Stars / BB7 aired thirteen years ago. In the "ladies who live and try to work in Hollywood' universe, that's more like 30 years. The constant desire to try to stay ahead of the clock is pretty common.

  • Love 1

Finished S7 over the weekend.  I was still flabergasted that the hamsters kept Will in for so long.  They really must not have watched his season if they believed a single word he said to them.  Janelle finally gets a clue and votes him out, but then fails at the critical time to win any of the final challenges, handing the win to Boogie (who was definitely just a Will follower, but smart enough to take Erika to the finals, knowing that Janelle was possibly the only one who could beat him).  Of course, I knew Boogie won the moment he won the final HOH, because I know NicoleF was the first woman to win against a man.

I thought it was a pretty poor All Stars, primarily because it allowed America to vote on the contestants.  That allowed too much emphasis on S6, the most recent season in people's mind, and going in with a presumed 4 person alliance helped Will manipulate them, by saying that everyone else would ally against them, which was the furthest thing from the truth.

Onto S8 and the 'infamous' Evil Dick.  I've heard about him a bit, from general reading, so color me a bit surprised that I actually like him.  He's very assertive and confronts problems head on rather than let them fester, which I think is great. But its clear he cares about Danielle and isn't doing mean stuff for the sake of just being mean.  Get on his bad side, like Jen, Kail, Zach, Mike and he'll go for you, but otherwise, he appears to be a very decent guy. I appreciated how he talked things out with Jemeka after he made the 'starving african children' comment.  It really must be hard for the majority of black contestants to be so isolated in the house, not having others like them, with similar culture and/or background.  How refreshing would it be for BB to have a season with maybe 5 or 6 black players?  Or at least a real minority of white players.  Seriously.

And omg, whoever hires Jen as a Nanny, I hope they watched this season and fire her ass/never hire her again.  I'd hate to really see how she cares for kids given how she acts here inthe House, almost sociopathic.  And Amber, is it even possible for you not to cry about anything????  I like Kail as well, but she really made a bad move in getting on Dick's bad side, and Mike and Zach did themselves no favors sticking with her when it was clear they were going down.  I do have to laugh that as often as Kail and Jen get on the block, so far, as of episode 13, they're still in it.

Oh, the first Hide and Seek Veto!  They didn't tear the house apart too much back then.  I loved hiding the veto in the bucket of slop, that was very smart!

They picked a great America's player in Eric.  I can see him going a long ways.  

I had to chuckle that the first two out were part of the twist, the one's part of the group, not the "enemies".  Dustin is definitely more likable than Joe, that was clear on the first day when Joe couldn't wait to show how much of a villian he could be.  I did like Carol a bit more than Jessica, but mostly because I can't stand Jessica's voice.   I assume that was probably the reason America first wanted Jessica out, until they got to see how horrible Jen and Kail were.

9 hours ago, Machiabelly said:

You will never appreciate the Evil Dick hate without the feeds. His edit was hands down the most divorced from reality in this shows history.

the next several episodes I watched yesterday definitely start to show a different side to him.  The way he was laying into Eric.  I know Eric was lying (because he was America's player), but Dick was definitely going a bit overboard.

I felt so bad for Jemeka after that veto comp, especially giving up the right to compete for HOH.  I hate those types of comps.

Jen reminds me a lot of Will, except she's not quite as adept at manipulation.  I didn't like Will either.  But I appreciate that neither of them let it bother them to be on the block, or eat slop.

13 hours ago, Machiabelly said:

You will never appreciate the Evil Dick hate without the feeds. His edit was hands down the most divorced from reality in this shows history.

Richard certainly got a far-too-friendly edit, but even with the "tender apology" scenes with Daniele and his "rock" guitar theme, his crimes were not entirely whitewashed.  His two most violent incidents aired (S4's Scott Weintraub, ejected for throwing a chair in an empty room, must have boggled at the kid gloves Donato received), as did one of his most blatant cheats.  So it wasn't 100% censored, thankfully.

Which is not to say there wasn't copious covering-up.  In Week 2, when they try to make Jen a "bad" person for "intimidating" Amber pre-Veto by saying she'd better not throw it to let Dickless/Danielllllllllle win (and Dickhead of course screams at her, etc, etc.), what they managed to omit was that the Donatos benefited from not one, not two, but three cheats in their favor.

1)  Dicksmell had specifically requested the curling veto in advance, telling the producers (via the back yard cams) that Daniele was skilled at the sport.

2)  Daniele cheated throughout the competition.  You're supposed to throw the "stone" by holding the handle (that's what it's there for, after all), but Dani was soooooo frustrated by her "small hands" that she kept putting them on the stone itself.  Production let it go.  And…

3)  Amber threw the comp in the final round, anyway.  (Probably with DR encouragement.)  Otherwise the "great" storyline would have crashed and burned in Week Two.  Damn it.

IMO, Jen should have stuck to her guns and thrown Amber's colluding ass right up there as a renom.  Yes, she later rationalized her caving and backdooring Joe by telling Kail that the only two people she didn't want to see win the prize were Dickless and Joe and she ended up with both of them up there against each other, but come on.  Grodner wasn't putting her thumb so massively on the scales (to the extent that even Amber and Jameka later called it out on BBAD, joining with Jen in a bitch session despite their ostracizing the Jenius for large periods of time) to benefit Joe, ffs.  Jen should have put Amber up, taken her vote away from Richard, taken Dustin's vote away (because Dustin would save Amber in this case, but he hardly could wait to evict Joe) and gotten Dickhead out of there post-hasty.  Dustin/Kail/Zach/Mike and Jameka would do it, with Jen holding the tie-break;  even if Nick flipped out of the "Mrs. Robinson" alliance to support Daniele and Joe and Jessica yielded to pressure from Producer's Player amERICa [even though they'd all saved Amber over Carol the week before], Jen still would have achieved her goal.  Ah, shitfuck.

Yes, Jen would have gotten blowback for backdooring Amber (she's a mom!) right after Amber had survived the block in Week 1, but she should have put on her big-girl panties and dealt.  It was bad enough that Kail had gotten potential ally Carol booted in Week 1 with her "you two were the first to fall in the HoH, so I'm just being neutral" bullshit. (In reality, Kail wanted Amber gone because she saw her as a threat to her desired "house mother" position.  [Clearly, Kail didn't know Waaaaaahmber yet.]  Her error was in not choosing a safer pawn.)  But now Jen really needed to go full-out to break up the Donatos, no "well, at least I got rid of Joe" half-measures allowed.  She thought she still had a chance during that lovely BBAD session where she was drunk and using the chesspieces for strategy, but Zach rightly didn't trust Nick to stay loyal to the "blue team" and the whole plan went to shit.  And so 19 days of combined HoH  (Jen & Kail shared the bed the whole time, because Kail was married and couldn't sleep alone) went for naught…grrr.

(BTW, Big Brother After Dark premiered that season.  The very first episode began with Amber in the storage room, gushing to Dustin about how the casting psychiatrist loved her so much and thought she was "perfect" for the show.  Clearly, Waaaaaaaahmber missed what the psychiatrist was really saying about her, lol.)

Ah, memories.  Just so you know, S8 is the only season (aside from S1, which wasn't the same game) that I refuse to keep on my computer.  Trashy S9 (which I actually love), Racist S15, Sexist S16, and the Double-Dose of Bobblebeard in S18/19 all survive, but this shit is FLUSHED!  (From my computer, if not from my memories.)

Enjoy the fun!

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Love 1

I don't think they showed Dick burning Jen with a cigarette or dumping a glass of iced tea over the head on the episodes. Those were just a couple of the most blatant ways things he did to bully her. Wasn't there also something about raping her corpse? I started out not liking her at all because of her crying over her photo but it didn't take long into the season while reading the live feeds thread that I overwhelmingly began to support her.

From Reddit:  When Dick would threaten to rape the female HGs, when he'd tell Jen he was going to squeeze her neck so hard her bones would snap, and other assorted stuff, all of that was never shown on the actual TV show. 

Edited by Scout Finch
16 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

I don't think they showed Dick burning Jen with a cigarette or dumping a glass of iced tea over the head on the episodes. Those were just a couple of the most blatant ways things he did to bully her.

I was trying not to spoil Hanahope by going farther into the season (although I guess she's seen the tea by now?) but IIRC both of those incidents made air.  (The part where Richard admitted that his claim of "accident" for the cigarette was bullshit and he was burning Jen deliberately, not so much, though.)

And we can't forget his threat to "choke [Jen] to death with my cock" if she didn't drop in the Week 5 HoH against Daniele, for example.  Or his upcoming threats to rape a couple of the male HGs, including one where he'd make [him] bleed to death out his ass, for example.  Those stayed on the cutting room floor.

22 minutes ago, Scout Finch said:

Wasn't there also something about raping [Jen's] corpse?

Nah, that was Carol.  Much later in the season, someone asked him what he would do if he was stranded on a desert island with Carol (whom he'd known for 12 days, 2 months before), and Donato "joked" that he would kill her, cut off her head, and rape her corpse.

Just a friendly joke, folks!  Like S16 Frankie joking that they should gang-rape Victoria and take "all three of her virginities" at once!  Boys being boys!  Rape jokes are funnnn!

(I mean, not S12 Lane-turns-out-to-be-a-serial-rapist fun, but still…)

One other thing you won't see on the show:  Jen wasn't a crazy stalker about Nick.  They'd actually been attracted to each other the first couple of days, then decided to separate pre-Feeds for game purposes.  They actually had a fun vibe and similar sense of humor, if the early days' press materials are to believed.


JEN (describing the "Alice in Wonderland" BB House):  It's just like my house, except without the personal shoppers.

NICK:  It's just like my house, except without all the hitting.

So when Jen would cast a questioning eye about Nick laying next to Daniele's tiny bed and holding hands and whispering for hours on end, that was more of a "really?  You're doing all this shit with to be 'undercover' with a 20-year-old?" than raging jealousy.  And Nick's return volley of flabbergasted expressions was more "Why are you acting so nuts? We agreed to this, remember?" than "get away from me, crazy lady!"  And Nick was definitely playing too hard, flirting with Joe by telling him he had a celebrity "Top 5" list of men he would have sex with.  (Is that why Jen backdoored and evicted Joe?  I doubt it, but…)

In the end, Nick broke up with Daniele post-show (even though fans had registered stars in their name! ["Nickele"] Oh, the humanity!), and dated Jen for a while.  That didn't work out, either, though.

Meantime, Dickhead, who was tangentially connected to Hollywood through his bar (he'd already dated three-time Survivor Jerri Manthey by now), was dropping hints about Jen being the "fun nanny" for her employer, Wheel of Fortune star Vanna White.  (Vanna, although married to an older man, has been outed in a book as enjoying the services of lesbian prostitutes.  Allegedly the same lady of the trade had also serviced Wings star Crystal Bernard.*)  It appears that Donato was claiming he knew about Jen being a "favored" employee of Vanna's without actually saying so, as TPTB at CBS would not enjoy the lawsuit that would come from one of the HGs saying "Hey, guys, Vanna's a DYKE!  Give me a 'V'!", even on the Feeds.  

This led to at least one awkward BBAD conversation by the pool (week 3, IIRC) where Dickless "consoled" Jen about her inability to achieve orgasm with a man and how she must be so fucked up and etc., and Jen just mostly ducked her head and "agreed" with what he said.  Classy fellow, our Richard. 

(And clearly not 100% accurate, as Jen and Nick did endure for a while, so if she was bisexual, it was likely not to the complete exclusion of men.  And there was YouTube video of Jen having rambunctious playful activity with her charge, Vanna's preteen daughter, Gigi, so her "duties" at Vanna's were likely not just confined to Vanna's boudoir, if indeed they ever even touched there.  But Dickhead didn't mind using anything he thought useful, apparently.)

*-the Crystal Bernard story is that she (allegedly) arrived at the bordello with her boyfriend, to make her first venture into f/f fun via the safety of a threesome.  But after a few kisses and caresses with the pro, she kicked the boyfriend out, and decided to fly with the bi she'd bought all by herself.  Hard luck, dude.  And so it goes…

  • Useful 2
2 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

(S4's Scott Weintraub, ejected for throwing a chair in an empty room, must have boggled at the kid gloves Donato received)

As I recall, from reading the live feeds, there was much more to it than just that. He had an ex in the house, and she'd had sex with another house guest.

BUT from the live feed reports (which were reported before the episode aired), it was also exposed that he had an STD. And before the chair throwing incident, the others were freaking out about it. Allison in particular, because she'd used the same toilet. BB had to ensure them that they weren't at risk.

The show that was broadcast made it seem as if the only reason he flipped out and threw chairs was because he found out his ex had sex with another guy. But before that, the house was already nuts when they found out he had an STD.

  • Useful 1

Well, you see, "America" was largely Dick's son, Vincent, who was rigging the online poll by using an auto-voter some of his tech friends had set up.  (Vincent also later sent one of his relations a coded HoH letter, where the first letter of a paragraph indicated which houseguest the Donatos should be wary of.  Dick and Daniele were captured discussing this on the feeds.)

Later, fans of Jen fought back and organized an auto-voter of their own.  Almost certainly not coincidentally, Jen then rose from the bottom of the CBS "favorite HG" polls all the way to the top.  Of course, by this point, the poll was anything but honest, as a battle of the cheaters is no guarantee of a true result.  Still, it was fun watching Eric get orders (direct from Julie Chen during a live show) to work against Daniele, I admit.

So take the "America's Player" voting with many grains of salt, IMO.  And if, as I understand it, you haven't finished Week 5 yet, you still have multiple instances of Alison Grodner/TPTB/the DR attempting to work Eric's game in their preferred direction ahead of you.  Oh, that was so much fun…

  • Love 1

Finished S8 with the expected disappointing finale.  I appreciated that it was admitted but for America’s player, Dustin would have stayed and Dick voted out, Results would have been far different.  It was hard routing for Zach at the end, but he played into them as well.

How did Dick survive several weeks without cigarettes? I was a little scared for Jen  there .  They make him wear a patch?

When did it become known Dick’s son cheated the voting? 

Did Eric and Jessica remain a couple?  I noticed they never said to the other houseguests that Eric earned extra money for playing for “America”.  

Will start S9 tomorrow 

5 hours ago, Hanahope said:

I appreciated that it was admitted but for America’s player, Dustin would have stayed and Dick voted out,

Yes, Eric went into the DR for a loooooooong time before coming out and proposing the "KanJewnatos" alliance to Jessica.  And he did NOT look happy on emerging, it was reported.  The common speculation was that Production was holding a gun to his America's Player $$$, but I don't know if Eric ever confirmed this.

And, to be fair, the only reason why Eric was still in the game in Week 6 was because when Daniele backdoored him onto the block in Week 5 (after the banner exposed him), he apparently got some top-level coaching from the DR on how to swing the LNC ("Late Night Crew") votes in his favor in defiance of the Donatos.  So, he had already benefited from the Production thumb he found so oppressive when it was pressing down on him.

Backing up a little…although Daniele had hung out with Eric/Jessica/Dustin/Amber/Jameka during their late-night Jen-bashing sessions (when Eric would make lovely remarks about Jen's "crusty panties" and call Zach a "sick child-fucker [and you thought Jameka accusing him of racism was Zach's low point!]), she never really fit in, both because she was bitter about Dustin orchestrating Nick's backdooring and because she was younger than the rest and not really very social.  And, likewise, Dick was too old for the twenty-somethings; he was tolerated, but when he targeted Eric, he lost the crowd.  (Remember that the banner had called out Amber as a "liar" as well [since she was Nick's "best friend" and yet kept silent about his impending backdoor] and Amber was pretty much in hysterics about that.  Well, Amber was pretty much in hysterics over the sun rising in the East, but this intensified things.) 

So, yes, originally Amber was thrilled to sign off on proving that, yes, Eric was the liar, not her, no way, she's a mom!  And besides, she always knew he was evil because he was Jewish and she heard that Jews had horns (no, I don't mean trumpets and no, I am not kidding), but once the DR outlined his campaign, Eric was able to talk her down off the ledge and spin her (and thus Dustin and Jameka as well) into keeping him and basically kicking the Donatos out of the popular group.  And so suddenly Daniele was embarrassed that she hadn't been able to keep Kail safe as a pawn and Dick was raging that Eric was still in the game, and the Donatos had, very weirdly, ended up on pretty much the same side as outcasts Jen and Zach.  (Zach had willingly turtled and submitted his game to Dick during Dick's Week 3 HoH; he was mostly concerned with trying to fix his social game and connect with Daniele and Jessica.)  Thus the stage was set for the madness that was Week 6…

Jessica won the HoH and nominated the Donatos.  Dick decided that he needed to fall on his sword and save Daniele, and so he set about terrorizing the HGs with the pots and pans which is SUCH GOOD FUN, right?  Well, except for the part they didn't show, the part where he was yelling homosexual slurs at Dustin (who was less than half Dick's age, 21 vs 44), and telling young Mr. Erikstrup that he would rape him and leave him to bleed to death out his ass.  Classy as ever.  Sigh.

But hope was not gone!  For lo and behold, when the Veto was revealed, it was a hybrid of "drink disgusting things" and "play croquet", two things at which Richard happened to be quite skilled.  Why, it's almost as if he'd been able to request this veto by talking to the back yard cameras…which of course the live feeders had in fact seen him do.  It's a much simpler game when you get to choose your own Veto, no?

So Dickless won the Veto and used it on Daniele, but he still expected to be voted out.  Which led to the one true moment of beauty in this cesspool of a season…Dick going to Jen and pleading for her to look out for Daniele after he was gone.  Of course, he had no idea the DR was about to have Eric make the issue entirely moot and that Daniele would be backdooring Jen out of the House the next week.  But it was nice for like a day or so.

Having survived being on the block against each other for a second time, it was now incumbent on our heroic father/daughter team to win the Week 7 HoH.  And win it Daniele did, with Jen, despite having studied the clues the HGs were given in advance more assiduously than anyone else, going out on the very first question! Some Jenius she is!

(Of course, Jen insisted that she had answered the true/false question correctly and somehow the wrong light lit up.  But BB would never do anything as underhanded as connect the wires to Jen's buttons incorrectly, right?  Right?)  And thus Jen found herself backdoored onto the block and clearly doomed.  In a fit of temper, she went to destroy Dick's cigs.  (Well, okay, she first had to clear it with the DR that she would be allowed to do so, but somehow that didn't make the broadcast episode, either.)

5 hours ago, Hanahope said:

How did Dick survive several weeks without cigarettes? I was a little scared for Jen  there .  They make him wear a patch?

Nah, rules don't apply to Richard.  Sure, Jen never got her clothes back after Dickless threw them over the roof in Week 3 (just "gamesmanship", you know) but the DR replaced the damaged cigarettes before Jen had a chance to draw breath.  That's why she started eating in violation of the slop restriction and drew the penalty vote.  Wasn't that shown on the broadcast?  I guess not.  Huh.

I do remember that they didn't air the argument before Dick burned her with his freshly-arrived replacement cig…Dickless and America's Skidmark were loudly excoriating Jen for being "selfish" in drawing the penalty, which was originally a penalty nomination for the upcoming Week 8, the thought being that knowing Jen would automatically be nominated might be a reason for the HGs to keep her in the game over poor helpless Jameka.  (Never mind that Jen would still have been eligible to play HoH, where Jameka was still barred from competing as part of the punishments she took on in the Week 5 Veto.  Because that would be logic, and there's no logic in "Wonderland"!)  So Jen was stuffing her fat face and sabotaging St. Jameka's game!  The bitch!

And so Dick was publicly reviling Jen while waving the cigarette that exemplified his Producer Puppy Preferential Treatment in her face, which is why she started grabbing at the cigarette.  Which is when he burned her, as he later admitted, on purpose.  Twice.  Oh, joy.

Of course, once Jen was gone, there was peace and joy in the House.  Sure, Dick cheated to win the Double Eviction HoH by putting a blue superball in Jameka's tube when only green balls were allowed, and sure, slowing down the video we saw Dick pocket a blue ball right at the start of the comp and then deliberately put it in Jameka's tube, so his "it must have bounced in there by accident!" claim was…not exactly true, but hey, what are you gonna do?  This was a live episode, they didn't have time to review the tapes, you know!

Heck, there wasn't even time for Dickhead to get his HoH basket, the one with the coded letter from Vincent telling him to target Eric.  By the time the Donatos got to read and decode the letter, Eric had already been tossed in the DE, so it was a moot point, anyway.  No harm, no foul, no reason to punish Dickface for something he didn't even do, right?  (The minor detail that since Dickie knew how to decode Vincent's letter, it was obvious that he and his spawn had planned their cheating long in advance, but never mind that…)

More to come later.  Even remembering all this shit is exhausting…

Edited by Halting Hex
  • Useful 4

Wow so much producer manipulation, even more than I could imagine.  I suppose they didn’t care that the Donatos were cheating in all sorts of ways, since the producers were as well.  Hard to believe that’s legal.  

It it did look to me that dick was purposefully trying to burn Jen when she tried to get his cigarette.  They didn’t show much as to why she started eating food, it looked like she was pissed at dick for taking her clothes, knew she was getting voted out so figured why not eat. 

Sounds like things were so bad that BB might have lost viewers despite the “drama” they created.  I started S9 and OMG this is terrible.  What did someone say ‘hey you thought S8 was bad, wait till you see this!’  Of course it’s in the winter, so they probably didn’t expect high ratings anyway.

 I did laugh that one of the twist couples got evicted immediately.  But they must have a buy back or return people this season because they are doubling the rate of evictions but it’s still 33 episodes.  I don’t recognize a single name so this must really be a forgettable seat.

gotta try to speed through this dreck so I can get to the I hear much better S10 with Dan G. 

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