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Green Arrow In Comics


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Isn't there some kind of understanding that the comics can't resemble the TV stars too closely?  I don't know what the reasoning behind that could possibly be.


I have no links regarding this, I just remember reading it at some point.


The Green Arrow comics would have to pay a royalty to the actors to use the likenesses of the TV characters. 


But this is the Arrow TV show comic so this is based on the appearances of the characters in the show and since these were planned and produced to start during S1 I assume that those license agreements would have been included in the initial contracts with the actors.


The only explanation I can come up with for the art work is the speed that these are produced.

Yeah, Felicity looks like Felicity in that panel. I want to see what Diggle looks like, because boy oh boy he didn't look anything like Digg in the first issue. One of the comments on Twitter (or maybe it was Tumblr) said they made Digg look like a senior citizen, LOL!


Curious as to what's going on in that panel, because I don't think Felicity would turn away when Oliver is getting dressed. It just seems like she's gotten so used to him being half-dressed that it wouldn't even register to her (that's how it comes across to me on TV anyway).

Oliver Jumps From A Plane In These Exclusive ‘Arrow: Season 2.5′ Pages
by alex zalben 9/12/2014


Synopsis of Chapter 2:

Oliver acts fast to prevent Roy from plummeting to his death! Plus: Caleb Green is approached by a mysterious stranger…
Edited by tv echo

I don't mind a parachute arrow, I can take that more easily than Oliver fixing his own dislocated arm when Diggle is standing right beside him and Felicity is freaking out at the sight of blood instead of helping.  (There's already going to be an excess of testosterone in the lair, this fiction is too much.)


Diggle's comment about Lyla's pregnancy sounds like the panel was written by a man.  Usually the first trimester is throwing up, the their is "I'm a beached whale and I hate that I can't see my feet" but the second trimester is the full-of-energy-nesting one.

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I don't mind a parachute arrow, I can take that more easily than Oliver fixing his own dislocated arm when Diggle is standing right beside him and Felicity is freaking out at the sight of blood instead of helping.  (There's already going to be an excess of testosterone in the lair, this fiction is too much.)


Diggle's comment about Lyla's pregnancy sounds like the panel was written by a man.  Usually the first trimester is throwing up, the their is "I'm a beached whale and I hate that I can't see my feet" but the second trimester is the full-of-energy-nesting one.

isn't the second trimester the one with all the cravings and occasional mood swings? i can see how a partner would think it was far harder than the first one, when s/he is the one that needs to go out and buy all of those stuff and deal with it.

FYI I'm a woman. :-P

Edited by foreverevolving
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It looks like Oliver is back to a recurve bow, which should make purist SA happy.  I'm interested to see how Batman and Lex Luthor play in.

I kept wondering who that man in the t-shirt was until I realized it was Diggle.


isn't the second trimester the one with all the cravings and occasional mood swings? i can see how a partner would think it was far harder than the first one, when s/he is the one that needs to go out and buy all of those stuff and deal with it.

My food cravings were first trimester (that is when the embryo is most susceptible to being made ill by bad foods so it's also the worst nausea time). Second trimester he got off easy because I had the energy to do it all myself.

We're talking about the crotch image that SmallScreenDiva posted.  


@SmallScreenDiva - Do you know what issue that image came from?  It looks like the artwork for the GA title but it's not from 17-34.    I just looked and I couldn't find any preview scans for GA #35 which we think is where Malcolm might show up...I don't know if it was ever confirmed that the person with Black Hair was Malcolm.

Right but the articles is guessing that's Merlyn it doesn't say that it is him. Also, I could have sworn I read a recent article that implied they were creating a brand new villain for the comics.

We're talking about the crotch image that SmallScreenDiva posted.  


@SmallScreenDiva - Do you know what issue that image came from?  It looks like the artwork for the GA title but it's not from 17-34.    I just looked and I couldn't find any preview scans for GA #35 which we think is where Malcolm might show up...I don't know if it was ever confirmed that the person with Black Hair was Malcolm.


Sorry for the late reply, folks; I didn't see the question earlier. Per SmoakAndArrow on Tumblr: That is the cover of Green Arrow #37. Here's the description: Blood will be shed when Green Arrow faces off against the assassin known as Merlyn!


So yeah, looks like that's Malcolm.

That's where I get confused, there's mentions of it but I don't know if it's been explicitly stated. I do know that even back under Jeff Lemire there was talk of Tommy coming back (he's not dead in the comics, he was in a coma after the explosion).

This is all I could find on the wiki

Tommy Merlyn appeared in The New 52 (a reboot of the DC Comics universe) in Green Arrow #0. Five years ago, Tommy was Ollie Queen's best friend. During a hostage crisis on a Pacific Ocean oil rig with a villain named "Iron Eagle", Merlyn was caught in an explosion. Fast forward to the present day, Tommy, branded as the "Mystery Patient", awoke.[15]

In Batman Incorporated #4 (2012), Merlyn (Arthur King) appears in the employ of Talia al Ghul, as part of the League of Assassins, and battles the members of Batman, Inc.[16]

During the Forever Evil storyline, Merlyn is among the villains recruited by the Crime Syndicate of America to join the Secret Society of Super Villains.[17]

It links them in the same description but at the same time doesn't make sense (to me).

Beyond this, I can't find any information on Merlyn or Tommy or Arthur King. I see people online say that Tommy is Merlyn in the comics so it has to come from somewhere I just can't find it. It's like the comments about Oliver/Naomi having a FWB relationship, I can't find any mention of it online, so I have no idea.

Maybe ill go check scans_daily see if there's anything up there.

ETA: nothing anout Tommy/Arthur on scans_daily but the comments are cracking me uo. 75 comments on GA#1 90% are "where's the beard?", "what happened to the facial hair?" No wonder people keep asking SA about the goatee in every FB Q&A.

Edited by Morrigan2575

*smacks head ... of course, damnit! I keep forgetting GA is in its own world. I read Merlyn and just automatically thought Malcolm. So, yeah, no clue who that character might be. Actually, when I first saw the page, I thought, "What the hell is Hawkeye doing with GA?" Because that costume kinda resembles Clint's in Avengers.

They said that some of this stuff will show up in S3 but I don't think you'll be confused if you don't read it.

This Brother Blood is interesting, I can't tell if the Brother Blood that showed up in #2 is Seabastian Blood and Caleb is the new Blood that will take over (eventually). Or if this is a post 2.22 story and a new Brother Blood is already in the mask. I think it's the first one, why else give us that background about Caleb? Too much info on the character not to play a real role in S3.

ETA: Just to clarify im not saying Sebastian is still alive but I feel that Caleb's part of the story might be a flashback to pre 2.22.

Edited by Morrigan2575

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