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Green Arrow In Comics


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5 minutes ago, Chaser said:

I hope for those who are looking forward to this series that the writing is better than that snippet.

Cause that right there is bad fan fiction. 

You know what, though? Comics are illustrated fanfiction. Technically, fanfiction are stories written by people who use characters and settings that don't belong to them. Comic characters are owned by DC/Marvel/etc who hire writers to create their own series of stories with those characters.

The only difference is that comics are written by men, illustrated by men, and targeted to men. So they are acceptable. 

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Just now, wonderwall said:

ohhh okay, that makes sense.

But yeah I agree with @Chaser hopefully for comic fans the writing is much better than that. Because that was honestly cringeworthy almost hilarious levels of terrible

It is being written by Geoff Jones who is now is charge of the DC movie-verse and helped get Arrow/Flash/SG off the ground. Though not like we are allowed to get a much better writers for even Arrow/Flash/Supergirl.

1 minute ago, Primal Slayer said:

It is being written by Geoff Jones who is now is charge of the DC movie-verse and helped get Arrow/Flash/SG off the ground. Though not like we are allowed to get a much better writers for even Arrow/Flash/Supergirl.

Well no, it's not being written by Geoff Johns. It's being written by Benjamin Percy who was responsible for Oliver getting Werewolf Aids in the last run of comics. I did enjoy the art though which is by Otto Schmidt.


4 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

No Rebirth #1 is different from GA Rebirth, the preview is from Rebirth, main book.

Ohhh do you mind linking me this? I'm curious now. And I'm confused again. You said that was from Rebirth #1.

And to be fair, it doesn't really matter who wrote it. Good writers are capable of writing bad things at times. And this was simply bad. So again, hopefully he puts more effort into this.

Edited by wonderwall
3 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Ohhh do you mind linking me this? I'm curious now.



5 minutes ago, wonderwall said:

Ohhh do you mind linking me this? I'm curious now. And I'm confused again. You said that was from Rebirth #1.

And to be fair, it doesn't really matter who wrote it. Good writers are capable of writing bad things at times. And this was simply bad. So again, hopefully he puts more effort into this.

He's been getting praise for it from outlets who reviewed it so he must be doing something right.

6 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

oh so the PREVIEW was written by Geoff Johns but the actual comic run is going to be written by Ben Percy is what I'm getting... And it's not solely about GA. It's about all the characters in the DC Universe. Got it. 

Still I'm wary of Ben Percy. Again, hope you get what you want out of the comics and hope it's better than the cheesiness of that first page. Not a good first impression imo.

Edited by wonderwall
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So what's happening is everybody is living their new lives and get the memories of their old ones back? Or just some of the memories? Or just some of the emotions? Isn't Dinah married to someone else on the new stories (though he died - but not really)? And before the 2011 reboot, didn't Dinah finally have enough of her cheating murderer Ollie? So now she will get all the feels but none of the knowledge? 

Edited by tarotx
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8 hours ago, tarotx said:

So what's happening is everybody is living their new lives and get the memories of their old ones back? Or just some of the memories? Or just some of the emotions? Isn't Dinah married to someone else on the new stories (though he died - though not really)? And before the 2011 reboot, didn't Dinah finally have enough of her cheating murderer Ollie? So now she will get all the feels but none of the knowledge? 

From what I understand, they are bringing back certain things from the pre52 that they felt were missing,  mostly the heritage when it comes to multiple Robins and the romances while removing things that tore down that heritage like replacing Helena Bertinelli with Helena Wayne.  It is mildly interesting,  but I'm still not sure I'm going to give it a chance. 

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9 hours ago, dtissagirl said:

This is peak Geoff Johns, though. I've been reading the guy off and on for years now, and I cannot think of a cheesiest comic book writer when it comes to relationships, romantic or otherwise. He legit embraces the cheese.

I enjoyed GJ's scripts when he wrote for Smallville, he did seem to write most female characters well (Lana is ALWAYS the exception to the rule).  I liked that he didn't seem to be afraid of romance or feelings but my issue with that comic page is it comes out of no where.  They had all these New52 comics and nobody was shown to feel this way.  I hate the attempt to not call it what it is, it's a reboot that retcons the past.  Maybe it only retcons or "fixes" things that apply to romance or legacy but why not own that? 

And yeah, it's cheesy as hell and soooo fan fic-ish to bring back all the golden memories while ignoring all the little complicated things like why certain characters were not together.  It's a light switch or a magic wand.  It is a cheat but hey, fine, if it makes them happy, just let's not have conversations about how Arrow didn't do enough set up in its relationships.  The Rebirth feels a lot like on the Flash with Iris and Barry...stuff is going to happen because it's rebirth destiny! 

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DC finally realizes girls 6-12 exist in this plane of existence:

DC SUPER HERO GIRLS Expected To Earn $1 BILLION For Warner Bros.

Also, I don't know how spoiled you guys are for Rebirth, or if you don't care [because there ARE spoilers abound in the article below], but this is the first thing I read that made me want to actually pay real moneys for it:

Why DC UNIVERSE REBIRTH Is A Gutsy Work Of Comics Criticism

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Wally, bouncing around The New 52,

sees that Green Arrow and Black Canary aren’t together in this reality, and he mentions how wrong that is.

LMAO. Everyone's a shipper!

I will admit that the write-up is the first thing I've ever read that actually made me want to pick up a comic book (even though I probably won't). And the convo in the comments is really interesting, and hasn't devolved into nastiness like I'm used to seeing regarding comics continuity and such.

Edited by apinknightmare

It reads to me like DC just realized that the tone they've been cultivating in recent years isn't profitable anymore, so they're doing a hard reset and going in the opposite direction. I don't see why it's "brave" storytelling to change everything back to the way it used to be simply because your competitor is kicking your butt in sales the last year or two.

Edited by lemotomato
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I don't read comics, but just happened to be watch Late Night with Seth Myers and caught the interview with Geoff Johns (3rd guest) tonight. It was enjoyable he didn't spoil anything but he said that the relaunch is not a resetting of the characters, but rather a return to hope and inspiration.

He also talked about DC's initiative to make comics for everyone. He talked about going to the White House and working with Mattel to make stuff more marketable to girls. That the aisles will have pink, but other colors too. And how he wants girls to not just wear princess gowns but capes as well. He said the slogan is going to be "No Prince Charming required".

He also said he is working with Ben Affleck on the new Batman movie.

It was a pretty enjoyable interview and he gave 2 cute stories about his trainer & dog. I'm sure it will hit youtube or NBC at some point.

He did say he was a BIG fan of Flash. So I wonder what he'll think about the Flash finale.

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Probably not I'm just curious what his reaction to it was. If people are right and comic people are loving it, I'm curious if he loved it too. I imagine if I have been reading Flash since I was little kid and they recreated on screen an apparently big Flash comic event I would be excited.

For me its probably the equivalent of any Austen adaptation that manages to give me a bona fide Mr. Darcy. I haven't been reading it since I was 8, but its the only thing I can think of that I have followed from a youngish age.

Edited by kismet
4 minutes ago, dtissagirl said:

I think it might be because of the upcoming movie? I mean, Mera is huge too.

Also, is Donna Troy in the WW movie? Because also bigger than a lot of Bat family folk here.

i was wondering if this was tied to the movies.  Is Donna Troy the built woman all in black? I was trying to figure out who that was.

ETA: Kind of funny but Constantine's position makes him easier to spot than Supergirl, Black Canary and Green Arrow.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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17 minutes ago, Morrigan2575 said:

i was wondering if this was tied to the movies.  Is Donna Troy the built woman all in black? I was trying to figure out who that was.


From the TV characters, not counting Flash, the most predominant are Firestorm and Martian Manhunter both at the top, but also they're totally covered in lettering, so *shrug emoji*.

On ‎5‎/‎25‎/‎2016 at 8:58 AM, Morrigan2575 said:

i just expected Flash and Green Lantern to be more prominent than Aquaman 

I think it goes back to the Super Friends.  Wonder Woman, Superman, Batman, and Aquaman.  I didn't even know about the Flash or Green Lantern until much, much later.  So at least for kids that grew up in the 80's (who are probably now doing the art now) Aquaman is a bigger name. 

Edited by BkWurm1

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