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Green Arrow In Comics

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Thanks, Velocity23!


I wasn't sure where to post this, but since this article is about DC Comics references in the "Sara" episode...

Arrow: Easter Eggs and DC Comics References in "Sara"

By Russ Burlingame  10/15/2014



And Sara appears in the Arrow comics...

NYCC: Marc Guggenheim on Arrow 2.5, and Black Canary's Ties to the Suicide Squad

By Russ Burlingame  10/11/2014


Edited by tv echo
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I continue to be unimpressed by the graphics, especially Diggle and Felicity, Oliver too. Fakanary on the other hand actually looks good, and even better than the actress she's sketched upon.

meh. i will continue to not buy the comics and just get my fix through the internet. nothing so far about Arrow 2.5 has proven to me that i should spend my money on it.

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I think the Arrow Season 2.5 comics prove that Laurel Lance is a character that works a lot better on paper than on screen.

She's well written just not well acted. and hence where i say: if they had just recasted to a better actress they would have not had to deal with alot of the issues they are currently facing.

Many shows reacast a main character between shooting the pilot and airing it, they recast and reshot all the scenes the actor was on. Charmed did it with Phoebe. that's the best example I have off the top of my head. I watched the unaired pilot - actually went online to look for it (way back a little under a decade ago). let's just say: smart move.

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I swear, it's a new shitty artist every issue.


Yeah, that happens with low priority books like this. It's something I didn't notice too much as a kid, but now it's just glaring, when art fluctuates that much between issues. Especially now, when a lot of people wait and but TPB versions of comic books. Usually it's a combination of guys you've never heard of, who Marvel, DC or whoever can use on the cheap, to push a book out quickly.


Then you've got those guys who have let their work deteriorate hugely, to meet deadlines. Guys like Mark Bagley and John Romita Jr, who used to be good, but now draw complete trash. I almost prefer perfectionists like John Cassaday, who take so long that the books they work on are delayed for months. And I think I would prefer that than to see crummy filler artists.


In these panels, Oliver looks like a Rob Liefeld reject. Wonder if he has any feet?

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Sad to hear about Romita, he did the art for Uncanny X-Men back in the day, I really enjoyed his work.

Andrea Sorentino is a wonderful artist, his replacement on GA comics is decent but generic. One of the BoP issues (the Zero Year tie in) had 3 different artist in one issue it was so jarring.

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Just read the latest 2.5 and I gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed. Again. Not only are they too short for anything to really happen but the drawing is pretty amateurish. 

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Just read the latest 2.5 and I gotta say, I'm pretty disappointed. Again. Not only are they too short for anything to really happen but the drawing is pretty amateurish. 

They're bi-weekly comics, a monthly title provides 32 @ $2.99 or 48 pages @ $3.99 (DC prices). With the digital 2.5 comics it looks like you're getting a 48 page comic divided into 3 parts and released every other week for $2.97 instead of $3.99.  

Edited by Morrigan2575
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They're bi-weekly comics, a monthly title provides 32 @ $2.99 or 48 pages @ $3.99 (DC prices). With the digital 2.5 comics it looks like you're getting a 48 page comic divided into 3 parts and released every other week for $2.97 instead of $3.99.  


I know. I just wish they were a little longer each time, that's all. It takes me less than five minutes to read it and every time I think 'Oh, that's it?' I bought into the hype I suppose.

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The comics so far have been kinda…okay…I guess. I don't know. I tend to forget they exist until I see comments and then I remember to check them out. 


The Diggle and Laurel interaction was weird. 

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The Diggle and Laurel interaction was weird. 


It was weird for me in that I thought we'd get to see how she became friendly with these people, but she's giving Diggle comforting shoulder touches, so...I guess not. But months later she's still at the point with Felicity where Felicity's asking her if they're friends? IDK

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I didn't get it either. Them bonding over coma people and her touching his shoulder to tell him to go find Oliver? I can't see that on the show. 


If she has been hanging out in the Foundry helping out the Team (which is not really the impression I got on the show), why is Felicity questioning if they are friends? Has she been bonding with Diggle, but not with Felicity? And if so, why?

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So I found this interesting fact:


Apparently in the comics, Oliver and Dinah's marriage in the comics happens after the adoption of the Comic Code in 1954 banning any sexual relationships unless the characters are married which questions the legitimacy of this union. Did they marry off Oliver and Dinah because of the code? Or did they marry them off because that seemed like a legitimate step in Oliver and Dinah's relationship? The fact that Oliver still cheats on Dinah after getting married makes me think it's the former.


This is just another rebuttal against the comic canon argument. I see no reason why the writers have to follow canon on the show...

Edited by wonderwall
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Oh wow. I thought she went to prison, at least I assumed she did given the last time we saw her she was in handcuffs at the Police station. Unless I missed something, how did she get out?! Interesting. I wonder if this means she'll be back this season too.

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So does this put huntress back on the suspect list for "who killed Sara?"


Can't be Helena…because Cannon!!

Lol, couldn't resist.


Question for anyone who has read this weeks comic, was it any good? Was it all Laurel? Was buying them, but they are such a tease and last one they rehashed stuff I saw on screen….boring!!

Edited by Genki
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Oliver looks......... terrible? He looks like a 40 something year old dude. 


Hey now, being 40-something and looking terrible do not go hand-in-hand!!!




My issue is that he looks like a bug with a smooshed face, a hairy, out-of-control unibrow that's grown onto his forehead, and an overbite from hell.

Edited by apinknightmare
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Hey now, being 40-something and looking terrible do not go hand-in-hand!!!



My issue is that he looks like a bug with a smooshed face, a hairy, out-of-control unibrow that's grown onto his forehead, and an overbite from hell.

Oh I didn't mean for it to sound that way :p I meant he looked terrible AND he looked older than he's supposed to be. :p My bad

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You know, I thought about picking up this issue, because Felicity!, but the more of the art I see, the more I think I'll be okay without it.


Because this is very accurate:

My issue is that he looks like a bug with a smooshed face, a hairy, out-of-control unibrow that's grown onto his forehead, and an overbite from hell.

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