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Rhodes Scholar Reporting the News Show Discussion

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My prediction - it will come out that the Trump people paid people to attend the inauguration, just so they can say it is the BIGGEST ever, or the Russians will hack all the TV coverage and insert some type of optical effect to make the crowd look bigger. 

I will be joining John Lewis in boycotting the event.  I will watch Rachel and Lawrence that night cover what I am sure will be the most incoherent and narcissistic inaugural address in the history of the nation, as they start the countdown.  1461 days - Will America Survive?

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I'm seeing commercials with Rach going on about the wonders of Greta.  This is ALL kinds of wrong & makes me wanna barf.  I'd rather pour bleach in my eyes than look at Greta's hideous mug, or stab my eardrums than listen to a peep of her Fox bullshit.  Why oh why, Rach, are you pushing that horrible woman?  Are the big shots at NBCUniversal forcing you to?

I absolutely hate that Rachel/Greta commercial.  And I wish that Ari Melber or Joy Reed had gotten that 6pm time slot.  BUT, I've watched Greta all week.  I never watched her on Fox so can't compare to that but she is being very reasonable on MSNBC.   She had John McCain and Reince Priebus on her first show.  They gave her the same doubletalk they give the Sunday talk show hosts.  I don't blame her for that.  Next day Jason Chaffetz showed what a douchebag he is.  Since then she's had on mainly Democrats.  I think she's been asking some very good, pointed questions.  Sometimes better than Rachel does in her interviews.  And I will say again, I absolutely hate that Rachel/Greta commercial.  It makes Rachel look like an NBC tool and doesn't do Greta any favors.  (I hope this isn't too off topic, since Rachel did that gushing introduction to Greta on her show)

  • Love 2

I assume Rachel and most of the MSNBC crowd will be covering the inauguration.  But it has to be something that most of them are not looking forward to conveying to the American public.  This is, after all, what we celebrate as "the peaceful transfer of power", but there is no mistaking their distaste and apprehension about what this particular transfer means.  Remember all those claims of Trump throughout the summer that Hillary "would be under investigation from her first day"?  Karma's a nasty woman, isn't she, Donald? 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, SierraMist said:

I absolutely hate that Rachel/Greta commercial.  And I wish that Ari Melber or Joy Reed had gotten that 6pm time slot.  BUT, I've watched Greta all week.  I never watched her on Fox so can't compare to that but she is being very reasonable on MSNBC.   She had John McCain and Reince Priebus on her first show.  They gave her the same doubletalk they give the Sunday talk show hosts.  I don't blame her for that.  Next day Jason Chaffetz showed what a douchebag he is.  Since then she's had on mainly Democrats.  I think she's been asking some very good, pointed questions.  Sometimes better than Rachel does in her interviews.  And I will say again, I absolutely hate that Rachel/Greta commercial.  It makes Rachel look like an NBC tool and doesn't do Greta any favors.  (I hope this isn't too off topic, since Rachel did that gushing introduction to Greta on her show)

Thanks for the report.  I'd still rather stick dull needles in my eyes than watch Greta.  Let's see if her ratings suck, as I predict they will.  The Bloomberg show that was on before stunk.  So maybe the expectations are pretty low .

Idk, watching Rach be all palsy-walsy with super right-winger Greta still makes me wanna hurl.  Make no mistake.  Greta is a super right-winger.  Oh, Rach, if you start pitching Trump steaks & water, I'll know the Trump orange pods have taken you over.  

What's next, Rach?  Cozy instagram selfies of you, Greta & Smellyanne on an all-girls' spa vacay at Canyon Ranch?  Ugh, I can't.

Thankfully, I've NEVER heard any Greta love from my gurl Joy Reid -- the ONLY one on TV I've ever heard say she's not an Ivanka fan.

  • Love 5
On 1/13/2017 at 8:56 AM, kassygreene said:

Dammit NBC!  Mr. Brotman is about the only reason I would watch any Jan 20 coverage.  You can't fast-forward to get to the bits you want to hear, there aren't visual cues.


I now understand it is the local affiliate who has employed Mr. Brotman - NBC4, aka WRC.   I may continue to #StandWithJohnLewis

Edited by kassygreene
eliminating redundancy
  • Love 1

"Wax Ike".  That was totally creepy and totally hysterical.  And my first thought when I saw one-third size Bess Truman strapped into the back seat was, "very useful for the car pool lane!" 

I thought "Wax Ike" was "Wax Gerald Ford".  Those are horrible wax figures, and of all the things my parents did not do, I have to thank them for not taking me to the wax president museum on trips to Gettysburg when I was a child.  I am sure I would still be having nightmares.  (Seriously, the Wax Obama looked nothing like Barack Obama!) 

On 1/16/2017 at 9:15 AM, M. Darcy said:

I honestly think he has no idea.  Not only who John Lewis is but what a great district he lives in. 

Here is Eugene Robinson's answer to that point:  https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/trump-has-absolutely-no-idea-what-black-america-looks-like/2017/01/16/1f94f604-dc2d-11e6-ad42-f3375f271c9c_story.html?hpid=hp_no-name_opinion-card-e%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.e0a1df3b893a

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, jjj said:

"Wax Ike".  That was totally creepy and totally hysterical.  And my first thought when I saw one-third size Bess Truman strapped into the back seat was, "very useful for the car pool lane!" 

I thought "Wax Ike" was "Wax Gerald Ford".  Those are horrible wax figures, and of all the things my parents did not do, I have to thank them for not taking me to the wax president museum on trips to Gettysburg when I was a child.  I am sure I would still be having nightmares.  (Seriously, the Wax Obama looked nothing like Barack Obama!) 

I think the worst was Bill Clinton.  It looked nothing like Bill.  

When she put Wax Ike onscreen, Mr ebk and looked at each other and had no idea who it was.  From straight on, it was somewhat recognizable, but looking at it sitting there - no way.

I loved the whole thing!


But without the pardon from President Pence.

Ah, but if things go according to plan (my plan, inside my head) there will be no President Pence, just as there was no President Agnew.  Pence goes first, Trump somehow manages to accidentally appoint someone who is not a threat to life on the planet as the replacement VP, THEN Trump goes.  All by the end of February at the latest in my plan, inside my  head.  I wasn't a big fan of Gerald Ford at the time, but he seemed to be a fundamentally decent person, and he had a cool wife, so boy howdy, would I ever be thrilled to have someone like him occupying the White House at this point.  Except, as you say,  without the presidential pardon. 

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, stormy said:

Re last night's show.  I love when Rachel compares all kinds of stuff going on now with Nixon's second term.  Boy I hope this ends the same way sooner rather than later.

Then we get Mike Pence, who is really really good at hiding his evil-ness. And him being president might make it easier for people to re-elect him.

I'm hoping/thinking that Americans will get so sick of Trump being part of their daily lives for 5 1/2 years that they won't give him a second term. (There's something to be said for "No Drama Obama.")

  • Love 5
On 1/14/2017 at 2:42 PM, SierraMist said:

I absolutely hate that Rachel/Greta commercial.  And I wish that Ari Melber or Joy Reed had gotten that 6pm time slot.  BUT, I've watched Greta all week.  I never watched her on Fox so can't compare to that but she is being very reasonable on MSNBC.   She had John McCain and Reince Priebus on her first show.  They gave her the same doubletalk they give the Sunday talk show hosts.  I don't blame her for that.  Next day Jason Chaffetz showed what a douchebag he is.  Since then she's had on mainly Democrats.  I think she's been asking some very good, pointed questions.  Sometimes better than Rachel does in her interviews.  And I will say again, I absolutely hate that Rachel/Greta commercial.  It makes Rachel look like an NBC tool and doesn't do Greta any favors.  (I hope this isn't too off topic, since Rachel did that gushing introduction to Greta on her show)

She is friends with Greta and her husband. She mentioned how cool they were to hang out with on this podcast she did with Ezra Klein, this was like early last year when I listened to it. She also talked about Shepard Smith I think his name is, as someone she liked from FOX. So unlike the pimping of Brian Williams that she was doing that seemed like it was just for her boss, she actually does have a personal relationship with Greta and Greta's husband. 

5 hours ago, Keepitmoving said:

She is friends with Greta and her husband. She mentioned how cool they were to hang out with on this podcast she did with Ezra Klein, this was like early last year when I listened to it. She also talked about Shepard Smith I think his name is, as someone she liked from FOX. So unlike the pimping of Brian Williams that she was doing that seemed like it was just for her boss, she actually does have a personal relationship with Greta and Greta's husband. 

I was more OK with this before I read on the Leah Remini thread that Greta is a Scientologist. Really, Rachel? REALLY?

  • Love 2

Ah, but if things go according to plan (my plan, inside my head) there will be no President Pence, just as there was no President Agnew. 

I am convinced that Pence and Ryan have a plan to impeach Trump and then after Pence is President, then Ryan will be VP.  And if they don't, they are even stupider than I ever thought. 

  • Love 9

Well, Rach is pretty much implying, if they stand by & do nothing, while Trump takes away all Russian sanctions & just does whatever will please Putin & is clearly handing us over to Putin, it will be all too obvious EVERYTHING in that golden showers report is true & Putin is indeed blackmailing Trump.

Wait, Rach is implying that, right? Or am I reading too much into her side-eyed snarky looks into the cam that I love & continue to watch her for.

  • Love 2
56 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Well, Rach is pretty much implying, if they stand by & do nothing, while Trump takes away all Russian sanctions & just does whatever will please Putin & is clearly handing us over to Putin, it will be all too obvious EVERYTHING in that golden showers report is true & Putin is indeed blackmailing Trump.

Wait, Rach is implying that, right? Or am I reading too much into her side-eyed snarky looks into the cam that I love & continue to watch her for.

Implying..that's what she said flat out IMO and I'm right there with her.  That and waiting to see if Trump withdraws the troops that Obama just put in place to stand guard and protect our NATO allies from Russia per their request that we send them protection.  When she was talking about our troops being deployed, I thought to myself before she even said it, that can't Trump just call them all back? I know Obama knows this, so I guess if Trump does call them back, it'll just be another clear message of fuck you to our allies and that he's Putin's bitch. Cut to Rachel last statement of the segment confirming exactly, it's your move Trump.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

Well, Rach is pretty much implying, if they stand by & do nothing, while Trump takes away all Russian sanctions & just does whatever will please Putin & is clearly handing us over to Putin, it will be all too obvious EVERYTHING in that golden showers report is true & Putin is indeed blackmailing Trump.

Wait, Rach is implying that, right? Or am I reading too much into her side-eyed snarky looks into the cam that I love & continue to watch her for.

I also think this is what she is saying.  And it was not much of a stretch to image someone ELSE in that grainy Russian video with the prostitutes.  And another implication was in her focusing on Spiro Agnew and his eviction (resignation) from the Vice Presidency months after the second Nixon inauguration.  A reminder that there had been an administration where *both* of the inaugurated persons left in disgrace. 

We should be glad that an old-school member of the armed forces like General Mattis is in place -- he will either be a good check on idiocy like taking those troops out of the border countries, or he will resign and raise alarms.

This certainly has put Nixon in the news a lot lately -- and I have a feeling his family is glad he is about to be deposed as the most problematic recent president.  (I always liked Julie Nixon and David Eisenhower, though President Nixon really was a crook.)  And Agnew's prosecutor just died, so reminders of Agnew's disgrace are again in the news:  http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/george-beall-attorney-led-spiro-agnew-prosecution-dies-44836365

Edited by jjj
  • Love 3

You'd think Trump would be . . . uh, too "smart" to be with prostitutes in a hotel in Russia & that ANY American would automatically know to be suspicious of how they could be under surveillance -- let alone a supposed billionaire who is ripe to be blackmailed.  And especially someone who, as Rach so smartly showed, has been speaking publicly for the past 20 years about his interest in running for President.

But clearly, Trump is a lecherous fool who has hit on women he's attracted to countless times (despite being married) -- and we know he grabs women by the pussy when he wants 'em.  So why does he or lyin' Putin think the golden showers report is hard to believe?  It ain't.  Rach seems to love reporting on Trump's denials of his excessive use of Russian prostitutes.  Her reaction shots are delish.  Her reaction to Putin saying "Russian prostitutes are the best" was pure gold.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 6

Rachel keeps comparing this inauguration to Nixon's 2nd in 1973, even pointing out how LBJ died two days later, ending any celebrations as the country entered a period of official mourning.  Now George H.W. Bush is in intensive care.  Is Rachel responsible for this? Discuss!

I think the dossier on Trump may have been looked at more seriously if it had not included the golden shower details.   It seems everyone focused on those salacious allegations and ignored the rest of it, especially the stuff about his business dealings with the Russians.  To me that's more important than the sex stuff.  C'mon, we all knew the guy was a perv, that's not exactly breaking news.     

  • Love 7

Okay, scary moment on the show this evening, when Rachel introduced a segment saying, "Nuclear codes! Appointees needed for the National Security Council! Should we be worried?"  And then the camera cut to Shawn Brimley, an expert and former member of the National Security Council, and he looked like Night of the Living Dead:  like he had been crying and not slept for many days.  And he said, no, it is not as concerning as it sounds.  But yeah, we should worry.  Just looking at him made me worry.  I'm sure he is a perfectly lovely person, and gave an informed interview.

  • Love 3


ell, Rach is pretty much implying, if they stand by & do nothing, while Trump takes away all Russian sanctions & just does whatever will please Putin & is clearly handing us over to Putin, it will be all too obvious EVERYTHING in that golden showers report is true & Putin is indeed blackmailing Trump.

Wait, Rach is implying that, right? Or am I reading too much into her side-eyed snarky looks into the cam that I love & continue to watch her for.

Implying..that's what she said flat out IMO and I'm right there with her.  That and waiting to see if Trump withdraws the troops that Obama just put in place to stand guard and protect our NATO allies from Russia per their request that we send them protection.  When she was talking about our troops being deployed, I thought to myself before she even said it, that can't Trump just call them all back? I know Obama knows this, so I guess if Trump does call them back, it'll just be another clear message of fuck you to our allies and that he's Putin's bitch. Cut to Rachel last statement of the segment confirming exactly, it's your move Trump.


I've  been saying this from day one.  There was just too much that fell on the truth side of the line with regard to what we know about Trump & Putin.  Chuck Todd was blasting the head of Buzzfeed over printing the dossier, and I tweeted at him "you are going to be real sorry when this story ends up being true".  It was way more than the prostitute stuff, that was what got the media's attention and disdain, instead of paying attention to the real story. 

If there was nothing to it, why is Trump continually siding with Russia over the US? Who does that?  Story on NPR last night about the celebrations in Russia this weekend for the inauguration, that a coin in being minted IN RUSSIA, to commemorate the inauguration, etc.  For a couple people who swear they don't know each other, and that they've done nothing wrong, they couldn't act more guilty if they carried around signs saying "YES WE DID". 

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, Calvada said:

I think the dossier on Trump may have been looked at more seriously if it had not included the golden shower details.   It seems everyone focused on those salacious allegations and ignored the rest of it, especially the stuff about his business dealings with the Russians.  To me that's more important than the sex stuff.  C'mon, we all knew the guy was a perv, that's not exactly breaking news.     

That's how I see it, too. Yes, the pee scandal is funny, but it's hardly the most disturbing part of that dossier!  Focus!  I know there's a lot about Trumputin that is disturbing, but talk about his business with Russia, discuss his bankruptcies and how he might owe Russia money for bailing him out, talk about his goons and whether they met with Russia during the campaign and received information from Russia to help steal the election.  People will laugh about the peeing without the media's help.

  • Love 4

Rach needs to dig deeper into the Rick Perry story.  Yeah, it's strange & shocking he accepted the nom without knowing what the department he is being nominated for does.  Dig deeper, Rach.  The Times does today.  You need to also.

I'm sure she will.  


That's how I see it, too. Yes, the pee scandal is funny, but it's hardly the most disturbing part of that dossier!  Focus!  I know there's a lot about Trumputin that is disturbing, but talk about his business with Russia, discuss his bankruptcies and how he might owe Russia money for bailing him out, talk about his goons and whether they met with Russia during the campaign and received information from Russia to help steal the election.  People will laugh about the peeing without the media's help.

And now with the news coming out yesterday that several agencies have been looking into Russia funneling money to Trump and the MSM waking the fuck up and realizing what's happening...  Maybe that MI 6 agent isn't crazy after all. 

Ben Smith will have the last laugh.  

  • Love 3

Follow the money, eh?  One of the media/reporter comments which got under Trump's skin the most was Maureen Dowd calling him a "thousandaire".  I keep thinking about Ivanka traveling Jet Blue.  A supposed billionaire's daughter traveling like cattle -- like the rest of us peons?  Something doesn't smell right.

I just can't watch the inauguration.  I'd vomit.  Some swell entertainment promised tho, right?  I'll pass.  Poor Rach has to cover this & be upbeat?  Eek!

  • Love 3

The coverage today on CNN & MSNBC has been maddeningly awful & surpisingly lacking.

The confirmation hearings on slimy Steve Mnuchin & moron Rick Perry are going on & all the fools on both of these useless networks can do is show a shot of a plane & prattle on that Trump landed in DC or had lunch earlier.  Seriously,  WTF?  

I have higher expectations of you, Rach.  Please don't disappoint us.  The orange monster (& his master Putin) rules us starting tomorrow.  Life in hell begins.

  • Love 10

The confirmation hearings on slimy Steve Mnuchin & moron Rick Perry are going on & all the fools on both of these useless networks can do is show a shot of a plane & prattle on that Trump landed in DC or had lunch earlier.  Seriously,  WTF?  

They have an idiot "Breaking News" thing about Trump being at Arlington Cemetery.  That man shouldn't be allowed anywhere near that hallowed ground. "I like guys who don't get caught".  Fuck you. 

Rachel & Joy Reid will be our saviors the next four years. Rachel will get into the weeds on a story, and Joy will be what stands between us & bullshit. 

  • Love 13

They have an idiot "Breaking News" thing about Trump being at Arlington Cemetery.

As the daughter of a Vietnam Vet, when I saw that on TV just now, I just told off the tv screen.  I'm sure my Dad is going bonkers right now also.


Rachel & Joy Reid will be our saviors the next four years.

Don't forget lambchop!  Chris Hayes is great also. 

Rachel tweeted an update on Ike.  Ike has been picked up! 

  • Love 5

 I keep thinking about Ivanka traveling Jet Blue.  A supposed billionaire's daughter traveling like cattle -- like the rest of us peons?  Something doesn't smell right.

Yeah I forgot about that.  WTF.   I know Trump has that  plane but can't she hire a private jet to take her wherever she needs to go?

If I had their supposed fortune, you wouldn't see me anywhere near a commercial airline.  


Don't forget lambchop!  Chris Hayes is great also

He is but I get so frustrated with Thing 1 commercial and Thing 2 commercial, next up, commercial, later, commercial.  Just tell us!  Stop with the teasing.  I know it's the network, not him because Rachel does it as well but it is irritating as fuck.  That's why I usually record Rachel so I can ff thru the bs My Pillow or medication of the day commercials. 

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