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S10.E14: A Storm Is Coming

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In Briana's defense, I'm wondering if the Ryan she knows now is the Ryan she knew when they were online dating. He might not have been as creepy back then (assuming, of course, that his behavior is attributable to PTSD and not to his being an asshole).


I'm beginning to question the PTSD because in the comment sections of a lot of the articles about him, there are several comments from people who claim they knew or know him and that he's always been a raging, abusive asshole.  In fact, enlisting was probably the best thing for him since he loves to fight and can take out his aggression on the enemies.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 3

I'm beginning to question the PTSD because in the comment sections of a lot of the articles about him, there are several anonymous comments from people who claim they knew or know him and that he's always been a raging, abusive psycho.  In fact, enlisting was probably the best thing he could do, since he loves to fight and can take out his aggression on the enemies.

Believe it or not, that's not exactly the personality type that the military wants.

  • Love 9

I'm beginning to question the PTSD because in the comment sections of a lot of the articles about him, there are several anonymous comments from people who claim they knew or know him and that he's always been a raging, abusive psycho.  In fact, enlisting was probably the best thing he could do, since he loves to fight and can take out his aggression on the enemies.

Where are you reading this? I would like to see where people that claimed to know him before or since he joined the Marines that say he was always like this. I admit, I have trouble with anyone that claims first hand knowledge and then refuses to use their own names and don't give specifics but instead make generalizations. IMO, after his very public blow up on the show, had he always been like this there would have been legit reports/articles about him and this sort of behavior or at the very least bloggers that give specific instances where he lost it on someone and there has been nothing.

I totally agree, but taking out his aggression on a terrorist instead of a sweet lady who put her feet on the couch, is a little easier to swallow.

Had Ryan displayed out of control behavior he would have been cut by the Marines long ago and especially after he lost it on the show. YET, he was in fact not cut and is still a Marine so I think these "commenters" may have been lying about knowing him.

  • Love 1
Believe it or not, that's not exactly the personality type that the military wants


True.  That's the kind they kick out. 


I hope that some don't have the impression that military personnel are violent and aggressive.  That's the minority, and not the majority.  It's just like the civilian world.  Most people are normal. 

  • Love 6

Where are you reading this? I would like to see where people that claimed to know him before or since he joined the Marines that say he was always like this. I admit, I have trouble with anyone that claims first hand knowledge and then refuses to use their own names and don't give specifics but instead make generalizations. IMO, after his very public blow up on the show, had he always been like this there would have been legit reports/articles about him and this sort of behavior or at the very least bloggers that give specific instances where he lost it on someone and there has been nothing.

Had Ryan displayed out of control behavior he would have been cut by the Marines long ago and especially after he lost it on the show. YET, he was in fact not cut and is still a Marine so I think these "commenters" may have been lying about knowing him.

I've been to so many sites, I can't remember them all, but here's one - http://www.realitytea.com/2013/08/12/vicki-gunvalson-son-in-law-ryan-culberson-has-a-prior-record-for-domestic-violence/

  • Love 1

I seriously doubt the military would force someone to leave based on a reality show appearance, no matter how disasterous. He had a DV charge that didn't get him ousted.


I haven't seen the comments and I can't say whether or not they are true, but serious question: why would anyone who knows him comment on his behavior and leave a real name? He's clearly not someone anyone wants to confront. Remaining anonymous makes the most sense and is probably safer since he appears to be unstable.

He had a "Restraining Order" against him, he was never accused of DV. He kept calling and sending messages to an old GF, she never said that he hit her or that he threatened physical harm to her though.


And YES, The Military would cut him if his behavior on the show was the same as his behavior "on duty", especially if he had a history of aggressive behavior towards anyone, Military or not.


ETA, it was labeled a DV but she made no claims of physical abuse in her petition to the court. She claimed he harassed her and stalked her. Which is bad enough but not to the level of physical violence IMO.



Kick him out? Probably not. Office Hours with some sort of punishment. Possible.  

Would they put someone that they felt was out of control/aggressive in the position as a Marine Recruiter though as they did with Ryan?

Edited by WireWrap

He had a "Restraining Order" against him, he was never accused of DV. He kept calling and sending messages to an old GF, she never said that he hit her or that he threatened physical harm to her though.


And YES, The Military would cut him if his behavior on the show was the same as his behavior "on duty", especially if he had a history of aggressive behavior towards anyone, Military or not.



Would they put someone that they felt was out of control/aggressive in the position as a Marine Recruiter though as they did with Ryan?

Do we know he is a recruiter?

ETA, They really would try  quite a few things before they kicked him out. On the low end he may have had these events noted in his SRB, which could slow his promotions. If his behavior was bad enough he could get Office Hours, in which he could lose, rank, privileges or Pay. They would also potentially send him to anger management. I have seen it done. If it continued and he showed long term aggressive behavior  they could board him out. That would be a last ditch thing.

I have seen people get Office Hours for things that wives did, like write bad checks, or by keeping their base housing  dirty. I absolutely believe stuff went on behind the scenes, because the Marines would not like that sort of behavior being on TV.    

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 8

Does Taylor Armstrong (BH) have a bachelors?

Based on skimming some, probably unreliable, sources, it doesn't look good for the RHBH ladies!

Taylor, the grifter, multiple aliases, no education beyond high school that I can find...will the real Taylor stand up?!

Looks like Adrienne, Camille (AKA woman of misused big words, pernicious anyone?) and Joyce are all college graduates...

Lisa VP went to some type of drama school, not sure of the specifics or age at the time.

Most of the ladies took acting classes but I'm not seeing college education listed on their Bios...

Marissa Zanuck has her Real Estate license but I can't find college info

  • Love 1

I seriously doubt the military would force someone to leave based on a reality show appearance, no matter how disasterous. He had a DV charge (that seems like a specific instance of poor behavior to me, but YMMV) that didn't get him ousted.


I haven't seen the comments and I can't say whether or not they are true, but serious question: why would anyone who knows him comment on his behavior and leave a real name? He's clearly not someone anyone wants to confront. Remaining anonymous makes the most sense and is probably safer since he appears to be unstable.

Meghans seems to have time to follow up on people who leave comments on blogs.  Let's put her on the story.

  • Love 10
I don't really have a dog in this fight though. I do think Ryan is a jerk though.




At the risk of sounding like my mother, I say, " Oh, Brianna.  That fellow is bad news."



It's also interesting/funny to me how Brianna always brushed off her mother until she was all alone in the middle of nowhere, and then she realized that she actually needed her.


Saw the car scene again. Brianna says "ugh" twice. "Ugh, you wanna give me a car?! Ugh!" Bet she didn't return it to the dealership later!

  • Love 3

Do we know he is a recruiter?

ETA, They really would try  quite a few things before they kicked him out. On the low end he may have had these events noted in his SRB, which could slow his promotions. If his behavior was bad enough he could get Office Hours, in which he could lose, rank, privileges or Pay. They would also potentially send him to anger management. I have seen it done. If it continued and he showed long term aggressive behavior  they could board him out. That would be a last ditch thing.

I have seen people get Office Hours for things that wives did, like write bad checks, or by keeping their base housing  dirty. I asolutely believe stuff went on behind the scenes, because the Marines would not like that sort of behavior being on TV.    

IMO, they would have cut him if there was any truth behind these allegations of aggressive behavior, because of how embarrassed the Marines were over what he did on the show, NOT give him a position where he is THE face/representative of the Marine Core.


He did threaten the requesting party: http://news.lalate.com/2013/08/19/ryan-culberson-restraining-order-documents-strike-rhoc-exclusive/

We can split hairs over this. There's no explicit "I'm going to kill/hurt you" from him, but this is pretty threatening behavior where I come from. I don't really have a dog in this fight though. I do think Ryan is a jerk though.


You did see where she says that all this occurred AFTER HE broke up with her? LOL AND that she claimed he threatened to hurt guys she was dancing with but she never said he threatened to hurt her in this article. I did try the link to the actual paperwork and it will not link up.

  • Love 1

IMO, they would have cut him if there was any truth behind these allegations of aggressive behavior, because of how embarrassed the Marines were over what he did on the show, NOT give him a position where he is THE face/representative of the Marine Core.



Yeah, it is definitely tough getting the recruiting job and you need a pretty spotless record. Honestly , I think it would be tough to give that job to someone with PTSD. Where did you see that he is a recruiter?


HAve we seen him in uniform this season? Does anyone  remember what he was wearing? 

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 3

Based on skimming some, probably unreliable, sources, it doesn't look good for the RHBH ladies!

Taylor, the grifter, multiple aliases, no education beyond high school that I can find...will the real Taylor stand up?!

Looks like Adrienne, Camille (AKA woman of misused big words, pernicious anyone?) and Joyce are all college graduates...

Lisa VP went to some type of drama school, not sure of the specifics or age at the time.

Most of the ladies took acting classes but I'm not seeing college education listed on their Bios...

Marissa Zanuck has her Real Estate license but I can't find college info

To be honest, Gretchen didn't do Baylor any favors. When I heard her ignoramus ass went to Baylor I vowed no kid I was related to would go there because she seems dumber than a box of rocks.

  • Love 6

IMO, they would have cut him if there was any truth behind these allegations of aggressive behavior, because of how embarrassed the Marines were over what he did on the show, NOT give him a position where he is THE face/representative of the Marine Core.


You did see where she says that all this occurred AFTER HE broke up with her? LOL AND that she claimed he threatened to hurt guys she was dancing with but she never said he threatened to hurt her in this article. I did try the link to the actual paperwork and it will not link up.


People don't file restraining orders to be catty, they file them because they fear the person.  Rachel legitimately feared him.


His response to her filing is just ridiculous, and brings back memories of him lying about Judy cussing him out, antagonizing him, and drinking red wine. 



On July 27, Culberson filed his Declaration in Opposition to the Application for Restraining Order. The only words in bold face in Ryan’s declaration is the statement  “I broke up with her” adding “she did not break up with me”. Culberson claims that she “would constantly contact me wanting to get back together.”


Yeah, she wanted to get back with him so badly that she filed a restraining order to keep him away from her.  I guess we can add compulsive liar to the list.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 14

I read the interesting and factual (in some parts) article presented.  Since the person writing the article is a "reflexologist," my prejudice gets in the way.

Hi Former Nun,

The writer of the blog, Jaclyn Dixon a 30-year old woman, mentions that she is not a nurse or doctor and has "some minor medical education" right in the first paragraph. Jaclyn's husband suffered from non-hodgkins lymphoma, the same cancer Brooks has and took the same path for treatment, Resveratrol, and is now in remission. Brooks also mentioned his naturopath physician was also a survivor of NHL and found a cure using Resveratrol.

That makes Jaclyn's right to have a blog opinion a hell of a lot more relevant than Meghan King Edmonds' right to dictate what Brooks' choice of cancer treatment should be. What medical training or experience with non-hodgkins lymphoma does Meghan possess to proclaim in a video interview that Brooks doesn't have cancer?

Meghan's attack on Brooks is based solely on her hatred of Vicki and lust for a story arc that will earn her another orange!!! It has nothing to do with her caring about his cancer treatment...she's anti his cancer treatment the opposite of what she professes. Furthermore, she accuses his girl friend Vicki, of being a con-artist that she's going to bring to justice?!? I find Meghan morally corrupt!

Meghan should ZIP IT when it comes to dictating other people's cancer treatments. Her uneducated recommendations come from a place of stupidity, bitterness, jealously and hate.

  • Love 10

Yeah, it is definitely tough getting the recruiting job and you need a pretty spotless record. Honestly , I think it would be tough to give that job to someone with PTSD. Where did you see that he is a recruiter?


HAve we seen him in uniform this season? Does anyone  remember what he was wearing? 

Here is a story about Toys for Tots in OK. City from last year.  http://www.news9.com/story/27421080/okc-toys-for-tots-in-need-of-donations


Who does these drives for the Marines? Someone up thread said that he was a Recruiter in OK now.


I think that we both have different interpretations of this. Only those two know the truth. I am more inclined to believe the requesting party based on his behavior that I saw on the show. Like I said before, I don't feel that strongly about this and I don't feel inclined to have a receipt battle here (brings back nightmares from the RHNY Bethenny thread and her stans *shudders*). Ryan is bad news bears as far as I'm concerned. YMMV

Well, to be fair, Kelly B. *did* go to Columbia's School of General Studies....I agree that Gretchen is dumber than a box of rocks.

I agree it is not worth arguing about. I think my soft spot for Ryan is because of his 4 tours of duty in Afghanistan and the fact that he has PTSD. I would rather think his anger issues stem from that and not that he is just an a$$hole to begin with. As I said before, had Ryan ever exhibited this sort of behavior before joining the Marines and his first combat tour we would have heard about it by now.

  • Love 2

Ummm...ok, native Texan here so maybe a little jaded regarding tornado safety, but I have no idea what Brianna was talking about. They were gonna sit in their shelter for the entire time there was a tornado warning? Or else, go out to eat downtown? What?!? We will either be excessively safe or just go out and say, eff it?

Native North Texan here, too and that was a ridiculous reaction to a tornado warning.  We have a "Family SAFE" room, or shall I say a big steel box 8'x8' in our master closet, and we have yet to spend any time in it.  We made sure that the two of us and three dogs could fit in there if a tornado actually hit the house but that is the extent of it.  Springtime storms have you on guard but you don't react the way they did.  I have been part of two tornadoes in my lifetime and I still don't think I would chose that ground shelter WITH Vicki during an F5 tornado.

  • Love 5

Do we know he is a recruiter?

ETA, They really would try  quite a few things before they kicked him out. On the low end he may have had these events noted in his SRB, which could slow his promotions. If his behavior was bad enough he could get Office Hours, in which he could lose, rank, privileges or Pay. They would also potentially send him to anger management. I have seen it done. If it continued and he showed long term aggressive behavior  they could board him out. That would be a last ditch thing.

I have seen people get Office Hours for things that wives did, like write bad checks, or by keeping their base housing  dirty. I asolutely believe stuff went on behind the scenes, because the Marines would not like that sort of behavior being on TV.

Absolutely these off hours incidents can get you in big trouble in the military. Personal life is considered fair play. Even your spouse & family need to toe the line. You can be discharged based on behavior off the clock. Absolutely, bad checks, not paying alimony, will have an impact on your evaluations and can potentially get you kicked out. Yes, bad behavior on a reality show can and may be used against you!

My husband went to college on a full ROTC scholarship back in the mid 1980s, he was an Officer upon college graduation. The army paid his tuition in full. He was a Lieutenant O1, O2 and Captain in the the Army, O3, and got out after 6 years active and was "on call" inactive for the next 4 years. His base was one of the few virtually untapped as the Gulf war began. He got out because he wanted to work in Business in his Major and we decided moving around every 2, 4 years wasn't for us. It was the best leadership experience he could have ever asked for at a young age. Where else can a 22 year old lead 30+ something year old, experienced Sargeants? Respect, working as a team, strong leadership skills learned in the military have carried him very far as an Executive business leader, currently in a Fortune 50 company. He got hired initially out of the Army in IT at a company that was number 2, Fortune 500.

Everything he did in the military, including after hours mattered. I was encouraged to attend and mentor other wives, going to Balls and the Officers Club. Your personal behavior, including your spouse was a big deal! The stories I heard about misbehaving were noticed and all recorded. I witnessed men being kicked out just for having affairs. I don't know if this has softened up in the last few years...but in the 80/90s, It was still like the 1950s. At the time it seemed "segregated". But, not by culture or race, but by pure rank. It seemed so odd to us, as we didn't have much contact with the military growing up. We didn't grow up anywhere near a military town. My father was in WW2, 2 decades before I was born and my husbands dad was in Korea.

As far as making friends, you hung around with mostly people of your rank, maybe a few up or down and people that got to the base when you did. Most of my husbands friends all graduated from college the same year and became LTs and started working on Post in the same time frame. So, I hung around with the LT or Captains girlfriends or wives at that time. We did everything together. A recruiter, if that's what Ryan does, is much more isolated. Commanding Officers liked leadership qualities and people who behaved calmly and exhibited confidence, not arrogance. Arrogance and hot headed attitudes get people killed. Bottom line, Ryan needs to display calm because any further televised outbursts will get him in trouble.

  • Love 8

Here is a story about Toys for Tots in OK. City from last year.  http://www.news9.com/story/27421080/okc-toys-for-tots-in-need-of-donations


Who does these drives for the Marines? Someone up thread said that he was a Recruiter in OK now.



The Marine Corps Reserve. It is their program. If there is no local one a Marine Corps detachment, Recruiter or even a vet  can do it.

 For some reason people think it's done by recruiters. That's not the norm though.

 That may be why someone assumed Ryan is a Recruiter

ETA again. The  Drop off contact in OKC is Ryan, and the location is

 Armed Forces Reserve Center

5316 S Douglas Blvd

Oklahoma City, OK  


Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 1

I'm beginning to question the PTSD because in the comment sections of a lot of the articles about him, there are several comments from people who claim they knew or know him and that he's always been a raging, abusive asshole.  In fact, enlisting was probably the best thing for him, since he loves to fight and can take out his aggression on the enemies.



Personally, I think reading those gossip sites is a waste of time.  They're not credible and the comments are usually ridiculous.


Believe it or not, that's not exactly the personality type that the military wants.




If Ryan "had a record" for domestic violence, he probably wouldn't have passed the screening to join the Marines.  That article plays with words and doesn't offer up any facts or proof.   Even if the part about a restraining order is true, that does not equate to a "record for domestic violence."   Restraining orders are issued for other reasons, excessive phone calls, texting, unannounced visits, etc.

  • Love 3

Personally, I think reading those gossip sites is a waste of time.  They're not credible and the comments are usually ridiculous.





If Ryan "had a record" for domestic violence, he probably wouldn't have passed the screening to join the Marines.  That article plays with words and doesn't offer up any facts or proof.   Even if the part about a restraining order is true, that does not equate to a "record for domestic violence."   Restraining orders are issued for other reasons, excessive phone calls, texting, unannounced visits, etc.

You  would be surprised at what you can  get in with on a waiver

  • Love 4

Has she seriously commented on people's comments on her Bravo blog? *slow clap* I chuckle at the thought.

Yes, she has, I've seen it and her sister has chimed in. She used to comment on articles when she was on on the Resale Royalty Show on the Style network. I'm pretty sure she had family/college buddies commenting on the articles.

This is why I didn't care for Meghan from day 1. I knew she had already decided her storyline and knew how to needle Shannon. That original phone call was a deliberate set up, IMO.

  • Love 8

You  would be surprised at what you can  get in with on a waiver

We have a friend that filed a DV restraint against her now ex husband, who was also a friend, and we knew for a fact that he did NOT do what she claimed. He was out of state at the time and there were witness's, including my husband, that testified to that fact. Long story short, she was awarded a restraining order anyway and then several years later coped to the fact that she lied on her paperwork and lied in court to the Judge. Sadly, when anyone runs a background check on her ex, it still shows up and it is too costly for him to have it removed.

Yes, she has, I've seen it and her sister has chimed in. She used to comment on articles when she was on on the Resale Royalty Show on the Style network. I'm pretty sure she had family/college buddies commenting on the articles.

This is why I didn't care for Meghan from day 1. I knew she had already decided her storyline and knew how to needle Shannon. That original phone call was a deliberate set up, IMO.

She is the JillZ of the OC! LOL

  • Love 3


We have a friend that filed a DV restraint against her now ex husband, who was also a friend, and we knew for a fact that he did NOT do what she claimed. He was out of state at the time and there were witness's, including my husband, that testified to that fact. Long story short, she was awarded a restraining order anyway and then several years later coped to the fact that she lied on her paperwork and lied in court to the Judge. Sadly, when anyone runs a background check on her ex, it still shows up and it is too costly for him to have it removed.

Yikes. Yes that can happen. If Ryan actually is a recruiter, they would do a more serious background check and The restraining order could hurt. If it exists.

  • Love 3

Usually there are. But, are they right near OKC? Is there even a big base there? IS Tinker AFB big? He could be part of some sort of small detachment.

And I have to say this, but Brianna is an upper class girl from the OC. She may feel she is above the other wives.

Or the other wives don't like her or her jerk husband. I have a hard time recalling that Briana was once my favorite OC kid
  • Love 6

Has she seriously commented on people's comments on her Bravo blog? *slow clap* I chuckle at the thought.

Oh it's better than that-in the St. Louis paper they did a story on the show and of course Jim and his part.  Meghan and her sister argues with other posters about Jim and how Meghan was portrayed.  So coming up Monday, Meghan claims to be really good at scouring the net and found comments in a blog from an ex-girlfriend of Brooks and had a friend who lived in the same town and tracked her down and got her phone number and sent her a text.  To me Meghan is a first. 

  • Love 9

Or the other wives don't like her or her jerk husband. I have a hard time recalling that Briana was once my favorite OC kid

What a fall for Brianna. She was the mature, responsible OC teen. She seemed so with it, focused on going to college, managing Vicki...then she lost her cool when Brooks entered the picture and she met Ryan. Remember Andy Cohen commenting that Brianna was the mature adult as compared to all the OC ladies? My, things have deteriorated. I truly hope Vicki & Brooks are kaput, finished done for real!!

  • Love 4

In the episode, she stays in a hotel. Very calmy, in her TH, she states that whenever she goes to visit her mom she stays in a hotel to avoid conflict.

Geesh! The way she lost it when Brianna tried to calmly do the same exact thing!


Yes, I remember that my impression that Vicki and her mother didn't get along very well, at least at first. Her mom criticized her a lot and I remember Vicki saying that she didn't feel her mom loved her or something to that extent. They definitely got along better in recent seasons. But that is interesting, she probably gave the idea to Brianna about staying in a hotel. Was Vicki's mom hurt that she stayed in a hotel? From my memories of the 1st season, Vicki's mom didn't really seem to like her so she would have probably been happy to have her in a hotel.


In any case, my feeling is that Ryan is the one who really hates Brooks, and if Ryan is someone that freaks out having someone in the house that is going to disrespect the furniture, I can see him in no way allowing his family around a man that he finds unworthy. It's too bad that Brianna married someone that hates Brooks. If Brianna married a guy that liked Brooks, this would be a much more happy story. 


In terms of Tamra helping Ryan, that is really her business. Unless it's causing them financial hardship, then Tamra should be able to do whatever she wants. I think that she and Vicki are so competitive with one another, that Tamra would have sold her right arm to have her granddaughter close by. Vicki would love to have her grandkids near her, but Tamra was the one that pulled it off. I got to say, Tamra is good at keeping up with Vicki and surpassing her. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 6

You  would be surprised at what you can  get in with on a waiver


Not arguing with you here just adding to the conversation. 


One of my sons in the Army is a Paralegal attached to an MP Brigade. I texted him out of curiosity and in the Army, (not the Marines, I don't know anything about the Marines) having a restraining order doesn't hurt you that much. He said if you are active duty when you get the restraining order against you, they would write up and article 15 for discipline but it won't get you kicked out and it won't necessarily keep you from getting in.  A conviction in court however, will keep you out or get you kicked out because when you have a conviction, you cannot be in possession of a weapon. 


I don't know how the Marines are, but it would seem that like you said, a restraining order wouldn't have kept Ryan out and if he was already in it would have gotten him some discipline. 

  • Love 5

Not arguing with you here just adding to the conversation. 


One of my sons in the Army is a Paralegal attached to an MP Brigade. I texted him out of curiosity and in the Army, (not the Marines, I don't know anything about the Marines) having a restraining order doesn't hurt you that much. He said if you are active duty when you get the restraining order against you, they would write up and article 15 for discipline but it won't get you kicked out and it won't necessarily keep you from getting in.  A conviction in court however, will keep you out or get you kicked out because when you have a conviction, you cannot be in possession of a weapon. 


I don't know how the Marines are, but it would seem that like you said, a restraining order wouldn't have kept Ryan out and if he was already in it would have gotten him some discipline. 

Sounds similar to the Marines. Yes. I only think it would have really hurt him in if tried to be a recruiter, DI etc... They have higher standards. The discipline part, I think I was only appling to his behavior on RHOC. I think he might possibly have been disciplined for that.   To clarify. Owning a firearm is also not the same as  just being in the MIlitary. I, as a Marine, never owned a firearm. I only used them in the line of duty, at specific times in specific places.   The weapons Ryan used in Afghanistan would go back to the armory and not home

Edited by JennyMominFL
  • Love 3

Yes, I remember that my impression that Vicki and her mother didn't get along very well, at least at first. Her mom criticized her a lot and I remember Vicki saying that she didn't feel her mom loved her or something to that extent. They definitely got along better in recent seasons. But that is interesting, she probably gave the idea to Brianna about staying in a hotel. Was Vicki's mom hurt that she stayed in a hotel? From my memories of the 1st season, Vicki's mom didn't really seem to like her so she would have probably been happy to have her in a hotel.


In any case, my feeling is that Ryan is the one who really hates Brooks, and if Ryan is someone that freaks out having someone in the house that is going to disrespect the furniture, I can see him in no way allowing his family around a man that he finds unworthy. It's too bad that Brianna married someone that hates Brooks. If Brianna married a guy that liked Brooks, this would be a much more happy story. 


In terms of Tamra helping Ryan, that is really her business. Unless it's causing them financial hardship, then Tamra should be able to do whatever she wants. I think that she and Vicki are so competitive with one another, that Tamra would have sold her right arm to have her granddaughter close by. Vicki would love to have her grandkids near her, but Tamra was the one that pulled it off. I got to say, Tamra is good at keeping up with Vicki and surpassing her. 

They just ran the OC 100th episode special.  First scenes with Briana she interrupts Lauri and Vicki prattling on bragging about her test score and her HS grades.  Vicki asks her to stop and said, "I am trying to make money here."   I think Briana has had issues for a very long time about someone else getting her mom's attention.  She also looked a lot healthier and happier with Colby. 


Ryan Vieth on the other hand apologized about his behavior as a 21 year old and remarked how far he has come.  This was two years ago. . . where exactly has he gone?  I am at a loss with that man.  Ryan probably has a one year lease so come next April he will be out looking for a new situation.  I think moving in with Tamra and Eddie would be perfect-Tamra's oldest daughter's bedroom is available.

  • Love 2

What? LOL Briana did not ask for anything, a new SUV, housekeeper, babysitter...well anything. Posters here thought Vicki could have hired a housekeeper instead of buying Briana a new car because she, Briana, looks tired/worn out. LOL

We don't know what Briana has or has not asked for. A $50,000 car seems like an odd gift to give just out of the blue. Especially when she is already driving a Mercedes SUV. I have a feeling Briana knows all too well how to drop the right hints to get what she wants out of her mother.

  • Love 7

Sounds similar to the Marines. Yes. I only think it would have really hurt him in if tried to be a recruiter, DI etc... They have higher standards. The discipline part, I think I was only appling to his behavior on RHOC. I think he might possibly have been disciplined for that.   To clarify. Owning a firearm is also not the same as  just being in the MIlitary. I, as a Marine, never owned a firearm. I only used them in the line of duty, at specific times in specific places.   The weapons Ryan used in Afghanistan would go back to the armory and not home


I understand that. But he said if you have a conviction, you can't be in possession of a firearm and would be discharged because of that. Being in possession doesn't necessarily mean owning. 


As far as being a recruiter, I agree there would and should be higher standards for that. Although some of the ones my kids have talked to lead me to believe they don't always hold up that higher standard. 

I really liked Brianna when the show first started.  She seemed like a normal teenage girl, relatively smart and not spoiled, unlike Kara Keough (Jeana's brat of a daughter) or the others -- Lynn Curtain's trainwreck spawns, Tammy Knickerbocker's daughters who thought that they would always have money to fall back on, and Lauri Waring-Petersen's eldest daughter, who was somehow born and survived without a brain in her head.


Something happened to Brianna after she got out of nursing school and Vicki and Donn divorced.  IMO, that something was Ryan.  I think she changed immensely after she and Ryan married.  She became bitter and angry about many things, primarily her mother.  Vicki isn't the best Mom in the world, but before Ryan, Brianna seemed to deal with her in a better way.  Also, Brianna absolutely hates and abhors Brooks, whom Vicki started dating around the same time as Brianna met Ryan, if I remember correctly.  


I don't much like Brianna any more because she just seems angry all the time.  


I also call bullshit on her not being able to make friends, or do things in Oklahoma because she doesn't have any family around.  She works two jobs - isn't there anyone at either of those jobs that she could become friends with?  Ryan is in the military - aren't there other military families or couples that they could spend time with?  


I don't know much about Oklahoma, but their house looked fairly new, in a new-ish development.  Aren't there other young families, etc. around?  


I think the reason Brianna has no friends is because Ryan is douchebag, and everyone but Brianna sees it, and no one wants to be around him.

I was raised by a narcissistic mother and I think Briana was too.  I think because Ryan is very assertive and doesn't seem to really care what anyone around him thinks Briana was in a way liberated by him.  Suddenly she wasn't under mom's thumb anymore and seeing how Ryan asserts himself showed her how to do it.  It can be incredibly oppressive being raised like that and intoxicating when you become free from it.  Problem is, she jumped from the fire to the frying pan.  

  • Love 7

I feel sorry for Brianna. Like many people, she never had a good example of how marriage can work if the parties are both sane and loving. Her mother is off-the-charts controlling and narcissistic, as well as obsessed with money and uses it as a weapon. Yes, Brianna jumped into a marriage...but it is not surprising. I think she felt it was one way to get her "freedom" and also just to show Icky that by eloping, there were some things that were not up to Icky to decide, declare, etc...deep down, she may have wanted an engagement period, showers and a big OC wedding...but Icky, combined with her choice of spouse, prevented that by being who they are. I am sure Ryan pushed for the elopement and it probably did not take much for her to agree. She also has a certain neediness gene, Imo...look who she comes from. She was likely flattered that he wanted to marry her ASAP. And Icky likely affected her self-esteem alomg the way too. So none of it surprises me at all. Nor does the way her marriage appears to us outsiders.

I think Brianna would have been better off if she and Ryan had been posted overseas, far, far away from Icky. At least for the first several years of the marriage, to give it a proper chance away from her influence. If she is coming every month, not all that much has changed.

  • Love 5

Please, give me 1 example of Briana using her kids to punish Vicki. Please give me 1 time Briana kept the kids from Vicki or refused to allow Vicki to visit her/kids in OK. I have yet to see Briana deny Vicki anything other than being around Brooks, so I don't know where people are seeing/hearing or even reading that this has happened. Was there an interview that Vicki gave where she made this claim against Briana or one that Briana gave where she stated she did this that I missed?

I have to ask. Why do you need things to always be verbatim? I mean is this how people live their lives? With no impressions, or intuition. Without weighing what we've seen of certain people's personalities, tendencies? Taking into account many different details that mold what we see in people? I get that you like to see ABSOLUTE conversations (maybe with closed caption for even more clarity) in order to form your opinions but the need to make others PROVE beyond a reasonable doubt their position of things is so exhausting. There's debating and hashing out opinions but I don't understand the need to interrogate as if we are in a court of law. Just sayin'

  • Love 5

I meant she withholds the children staying at Vicki's because Vicki has Brooks living with her.

So... No sleepovers at grandmas.  Even though I had a rocky relationship with my MIL and didn't really care for her husband, I still sent my 6 year old son to spend a few weeks to a month with them in Florida. My relationship with them was not his relationship with them and we lived far away and I wanted my son to feel connected to his grandparents growing up. Prior to that we lived closer and he would spend the day or weekend with her. He is her only grandson and gave her a lot of joy. 


so it is manipulation, she can only spend time with them in certain circumstances --not an obvious "you can't see your grandchildren" because Briana wants the break/help and the swag.


I don't know why Vicki chose to gift Briana a Tahoe. Maybe she and Ryan had expensive repairs on the Mercedes. Maybe people made some judgey remarks about it locally. Perhaps Vicks thought it would be a larger vehicle that the family would grow into allowing Briana to carpool with other families for kids sports, school and activities. It also has plenty of room for large shopping trips. It also has lots of room for suitcases in case Briana wants to drive back to the OC. I know that when Vicki had thought about it she mentioned it while she was on vacation because she wanted to cheer Briana up. Vicki can't buy her friends or a social life or a laid back affable husband.


That said, I think she should lighten up. Life sucks when you have to work a hard job like nursing while raising 2 toddlers and for some reason, can't make a friend or hire a nanny. Plus she has shit for energy without the thyroid and lives with Sgt. Inspector.

I'm so glad you did this because I can't with the obvious because I feel like a lot of us are very clear and it's not hard to understand what our points are regarding the Brianna/Vicki children thing. Our points are not confusing and I think we do a good job explaining what we mean, that it's based off of more than the footage in just one scene or episode. It's all the information we have about the players involved and interpreted as a whole. You know the kind of thing most people do from day to day when making decisions or coming to certain conclusions.

  • Love 3

I was very disappointed in Vicki's immature behavior when she went in to the storm shelter with little Troy. Vicki carried on needlessly which is a shame since that is supposed to be a safe place in the event of a tornado, Troy may think of it as a scary/bad place now because of her actions.


Vicki wanted to talk to Brianna off camera but failed at turning off the mic and I have to agree with Brianna about chemo and travel with Brooks after Vicki mentioned that he would be on a business trip, tell me again, what job does he have?  I thought being a leech would take up all of his time.  The car thing was ridic. Yes I am sure Brianna did not need it but she knows how her mother rolls so she was getting a car, no such thing as saying no.


Second hand embarrassment for Tamra during her talk with the Pasture/Pastor when she went on about the sex party, unreal. Kudooz to Eddie for plainly stating that he was not going to work his butt off to support a grown man and his family.  I thought he was going to flip out when Tamra confessed to giving Ryan $8000, (I thought it was $7000) just wait till he finds out she co-signed and will be paying the rent every month.


Meghan likes to hear herself talk, about anything.  I do feel for her regarding breast cancer but she doesn't have it, (probably was an infected sweat gland) so stop making it seem bigger than it was.  There was no follow up MRI or lumpectomy to schedule...just take the antibiotics and shut up. 


Shannon's kids were very sweet to make that dinner for her and David.  I loved the custom made designer dress story, that is what makes the allure of  the Housewives lives interesting. 





  • Love 7

Maybe it is hard to find a nice house for SIX(!!!) people, as Ryan now comes with a family. I mean Eddie is right, he's supporting another man's family. Ryan will never be able to afford that lifestyle.

So Vicki first said to Briana, "Brooks will be away on business during your visit." Then, after the blowout, "off-camera," she says, "he's going to a hotel." He isn't going anywhere on business! He has no job! She's so full of shit.

And THATS why Briana don't wanna go to the house. Because she knows Brooks isn't anywhere doing any work. She would have essentially kicked him out of the house. And Vicki SAYING he's away on work doesn't mean anyone with any sense would actually believe that.

  • Love 9

IMO, they would have cut him if there was any truth behind these allegations of aggressive behavior, because of how embarrassed the Marines were over what he did on the show, NOT give him a position where he is THE face/representative of the Marine Core.


You did see where she says that all this occurred AFTER HE broke up with her? LOL AND that she claimed he threatened to hurt guys she was dancing with but she never said he threatened to hurt her in this article. I did try the link to the actual paperwork and it will not link up.

And how on earth is this any better? I'm so confused right now.

  • Love 4

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