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I FEAR They're Too Dumb to Survive

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A snark thread to discuss plot holes, character stupidity, and general dumbassery that makes these idiots too dumb to survive.

And I'll go first:


As of E2 the power is flashing on and off, so put all your phones and battery chargers and such on the charger and leave them there, so that you always have a full charge. You never know when the next charge will be your last.


The utilities are showing signs of being inconsistent ... so fill all the fucking bath tubs and every other damned container with fresh water while you can. Even in a non-zombie apocalypse scenario, that is standard disaster preparedness. And everything points to this being a disaster. But NO ONE will tell Alicia, the smart kid, anything like that.


You meet the ONLY person who has his shit together, pimple faced Tobias, at the school and he tells you to get food because every other place of value will already have been looted (Maddie: I have food. [Fuck You]). LISTEN TO THE FUCKING NERD. Take ALL the food from the school, don't leave it behind because you're freaked out over killing Artie. He's a damned black man, they all die on these shows, Get over it. Get the damned food. And anything else of value in the school.


This isn't a fucking church, you don't have to burn every damned candle in the whole house. When the power goes off in my house (and it goes off a LOT) I have one candle in the room I am in and one in the bathroom. Think practical, not ambiance.


The lady across the street was going to have a party. If LA is anything like MY family there is enough food over there to feed an army, with a doggie bag for everyone to take home to boot (our rule of thumb when planning a party is to figure how many people your going to have, add three, then double it). You better raid that place ASAP.


OK, I've used up my limit of F-Bombs and swear words for one post, your turn.

  • Love 15

Why leave any loaded gun just lying on the ground? Even if its not the ZA, guns are dangerous and a loaded gun is the most dangerous. Put a towel or sheet or blanket at least over your front door if the front door is mostly glass. If you see cops loading their cars with water, perhaps you should do the same. Dont ever leave behind useful items including food, drugs (whatever kind of drug it is. You might have the mistaken impression that LSD is only good for tripping out but you would be wrong. micro doses of LSD are excellent treatment for migraines for example). TALK out loud to each other about what you are observing, how you are feeling and what you think might be the wisest course of action. Talk to everyone about it, even the junkie on the sofa, even the 8 year old kid trying to escape zombie clown. If you dont have one yet, get and protect a dog because a dog could save your life one day.

  • Love 11

I can't enjoy the show because these people are literally too stupid to survive.  The blonde woman just wants to sit in the house and wait on the guy even tho she has two kids depending on her?  All of them seem so slow at analyzing any and every situation, and no it is not because I have seen YWD and know what is coming it is because I pay attention to what the heck is going on.  When society starts breaking down, grab water , food, and batteries, fill tubs and make sure you have some weapons ready to go.

  • Love 6

The absolute dumbness of the characters is one issue that has kept me from enjoying the show. The writers seem to want to take the stupid side of teenagers and amp up that dumbness; teenagers don't pay attention to mom/dad no matter what, adults don't pay attention to what a teenager is saying no matter what. GEESH does stupidity reign supreme in the Fear The Walking Dead" world.

  • Love 3

My own personal favorite display of dumb on this show (so far) has to be the one where Madison makes sure to 'say hi' to Artie after they've raided the food pantry and drugs locker.  Not to mention standing there and letting him get within kissing distance when she had to have seen the blood on his back and it took him way too long to shtamble to them, all the while not uttering a word.  And then, of course, after all that work, NOT taking the food anyways.  Just D.U.M.B all around in that sequence.


Other notable instances would be the 'who gives a shit?' reaction to Travis telling her his church observations, but then her own over-concerned 'a tragedy happened here!' display when she saw it herself - both trips made to the church with no weapons (for defense) at all.  Then the whole not saying anything to Alicia as to what's really going on;  Madison's (and everyone elses) mute button seems to be jammed in the "ON" position, on that whole subject.  And, going to the desert.  Not where in the desert, just go to the desert! 


This is more of a personal pet peeve than anything, but from the "kids these days!" files, Alicia walking down the middle of the road with her ear buds in and paying attention to nothing but her phone - how she heard/knew about the kids on the bikes, enough to turn and look at them before they passed her, defies reality.  That kind of idiocy almost deserves consequence (ie, getting hit by a vehicle or some such).



Dumb characters made dumber by dumb writing.

  • Love 4

Travis telling Nick to cut it out when Nick was trying to find out if, oh I don't know, if the news on the radio was reporting something about the dead not staying dead and like eating people.


Waiting for some dude when you have two kids to protect.  This made me hate Madison even more and I didn't think that was possible.


Oh and how about when the kid that told you this all was going to happen before it happened - listen to every thing he says.  When he says "You should take some food" take some damn food.  He knows what he's talking about.


The daughter is an annoying little a-hole in my book, but I still think it is baffling that they do not tell her what is going on.  Maybe they all secretly want her to be eaten too?

  • Love 4

If you dont have one yet, get and protect a dog because a dog could save your life one day.

I question the wisdom of acquiring a dog during the zombie apocalypse.  First, it's another mouth to feed.  Second, unless it's extremely well trained I imagine it will bark at every zombie it sees.  Not really handy if you're trying to stay quiet.


As for Tobias leaving the food, I'm going with the notion that he was scared shitless after being attacked by Artie and just wanted to get the fuck out of there rather than take the extra minute to retrieve the food.

The water thing bugs me too.  I mean, even if it were *just* an earthquake or a fire or a tornado or ebola I would think everyone has watched enough reality tv or had a kooky neighbor so they would think about hunkering down and making sure that they were hoarding and stockpiling water.  And possibly ammunition.  Lordy.


Also, I have kids and I sure as shit would tell them as much as I thought they could handle about what was happening.  Most kids can tell when things are getting real.  And my kids are younger than these stupid teenagers.  Furthermore, having been around actual modern teenagers and A LOT they are so tech saavy and conspiracy theory oriented (sometimes) that they would be the ones organizing the food/water/ammo hoarding.  I know this is a reset so we're theoretically a few years in the past (so you can pick either 2003 technology where there wasn't quite as much social media or 2010 when there really, really was) but the lack of communication and information is seriously ridiculous. 


I am enjoying the show, but this kind of stupid stuff annoys.

  • Love 1

Oh. I'm sure I'm going to attract the hate for this post ... but


I question the wisdom of acquiring a dog during the zombie apocalypse. 


I'd gather up all the dogs I could get, and the bigger the dog the better. Dogs could eat walker flesh, and then humans could eat the dogs. I'd raise dogs like cattle in a ZA. Pigs would be even better for this, but finding pigs in LA would be tough.

  • Love 1


Waiting for some dude when you have two kids to protect.  This made me hate Madison even more and I didn't think that was possible.


I'll give her a break for that, simply because they may be her kids, but they aren't helpless children and one is detoxing. Detoxing him at home sounds more sensible than in a vehicle. The nameless location in The Desert may be a refuge but getting there is likely high-risk, especially if she has to stop because her junkie son is vomiting or crapping his pants. On that ground alone,  she was super-dumb not to think that his problem was everybody's problem once they were on the road. However, it won't get any better once a critical mass starts to leave the city and all roads gridlock. Of course, no matter whether she stays or travels, she earned no points for not stocking up on food, WATER(!!!) potential weapons and useful equipment when the opportunity presented itself. All hell is breaking loose on the streets for reasons directly and indirectly related to the ZA, so I think she was better off staying in her home, unfortunately that seems to be happenstance and she's still doing a piss poor job of readying herself otherwise. Too bad Matt was a doomed plot point, his house was much better constructed for surviving than her own. 

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 2

Travis telling Nick to cut it out when Nick was trying to find out if, oh I don't know, if the news on the radio was reporting something about the dead not staying dead and like eating people.


I didn't quite get this one.  Why would Travis be so concerned about Nick trying to find info on the airwaves?  All I got from that was Travis being peeved because he was trying to listen to sports talk radio and Nick prevented that by repeatedly screwing with the dial.

Wow.  They don't consider that a dog with blood on it could possibly be rabid or have any kind of infection.  They all go across the street, instead of leaving someone behind to guard the house, keep lookout, and/or wait for Travis.  And they didn't even bother to shut the door when they sneak out.  Wow.


Agreed.  But I liked the fact that they didn't shut the patio door after letting Fido in, more.  I could be misremembering, but I'm pretty sure they didn't show the door being slid shut again, nor them re-opening it to escape over to Susan & Patrick's when they saw 'Robert' out on the curb.


Travis was sooo dumb in this new episode.  Not believing the zombies are dead and against killing them.  And then not killing the Susan zombie, just for safety's sake alone.

  • Love 3

So we learned more about Madison's terrible parenting skills tonight - Travis is a massive 'bleeding heart' - and patrolling/clearing out cul-de-sac's is extremely important to the military in ZA situations;


- Madson is fine with pushing a door shut and keeping it that way when it suits her, but she's apparently never taught that to her children.  Seriously, woman.  Not only did you let Nick open the patio door to let Fido in, but you never should have let him look behind the curtain in the first place!  None of you knew what was out there.  A normal living person would have knocked/banged and said or shouted stuff.  She should have been smacking his ass down for even thinking about looking, letting alone opening the door.  And then he didn't shut and lock it again after letting the Dog in.  Neither did Madison or Alicia.  *bangs head on wall in frustrating fashion*


And Alicia, jesus.  Didn't shut the door after running to the neighbors.  Didn't shut the door(s) running from the 'neighbor'.


Then there was the 'shining the flashlights out the windows' stuff.  *bangs head harder on the wall*


- Travis.  'They're just sick' and 'I'm against guns'.  Travis just submitted his resume to be the leading-edge professor of the new course on the syllabus; Zombie Bait 101.


- The military is really more focused on a smallish suburb rather than the greater Los Angeles area or the government?  And if that's not the case, they are 'covering all the bases', just how fricking big is the militarized force in the greater LA area!?

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
  • Love 5

I liked how Daniel racked the non existent slide on the break action, over under shotgun twice, (miraculously causing it to make a pump action sound effect) once before each of the 2 shots at the walker.

Then the next morning he (along with the writers) seems to understand that it is a break action, not a pump action as he correctly teaches Chris how to use it.

  • Love 10

I liked how Daniel racked the non existent slide on the break action, over under shotgun twice, (miraculously causing it to make a pump action sound effect) once before each of the 2 shots at the walker.

Then the next morning he (along with the writers) seems to understand that it is a break action, not a pump action as he correctly teaches Chris how to use it.


These writers, man.  These writers.  *shakes head*

  • Love 1

Wow.  They don't consider that a dog with blood on it could possibly be rabid or have any kind of infection.  They all go across the street, instead of leaving someone behind to guard the house, keep lookout, and/or wait for Travis.  And they didn't even bother to shut the door when they sneak out.  Wow.


Then there was the 'shining the flashlights out the windows' stuff.  *bangs head harder on the wall*


I was trying to give them a chance, but I'm starting to agree that they are too dumb to survive. The flashlight on the windows/lights on and playing monopoly after they saw a Walker roaming was especially dumb. Augh.

  • Love 3

There is no way in hell that a GSD would not be attacking the crap out of the shambling neighbor if it was close to the house.  But when it comes to the door with blood on it the dog then begins to bark?  God they even write bad for DOGS.


Speaking of stupid, if you had a GSD and there was something outside ravishing people don't you think someone would be like "Hey, where's the dog?  We should get the dog inside so it doesn't get eaten and/or for protection."



  • Love 1

Tee hee hee, happy to see some familiar names here!  Yes, these people are too stupid to live.  I'm on the side of the zombies for this one.  For the moment.  I don't like this Travis flip-flop BS either.  He KNEW they weren't just "sick people" (rip Hershel's barn) when he rammed and ran over the drug dealer in his truck over and over.  UGH

And I get that they're newbies to this, and there's no zombie lore in their universe, I think we all get that -- but JHC that's not an excuse for them to be acting so brain dead before they even become..  err, brain dead.

Oh. I'm sure I'm going to attract the hate for this post ... but



I'd gather up all the dogs I could get, and the bigger the dog the better. Dogs could eat walker flesh, and then humans could eat the dogs. I'd raise dogs like cattle in a ZA. Pigs would be even better for this, but finding pigs in LA would be tough.


Get out of here. Now.....


Man, that's just wrong - but logical actually. Except for one thing. I can see the ZA disease being similar to Mad cow. Once you eat the contaminated flesh, you get sick. So dogs eating human flesh would be carriers of the virus but not affected themselves. Once a human eats the dog, they ingest the virus, it's in their bloodstream and boom, they are infected.


There is no way in hell that a GSD would not be attacking the crap out of the shambling neighbor if it was close to the house.  But when it comes to the door with blood on it the dog then begins to bark?  God they even write bad for DOGS.


Speaking of stupid, if you had a GSD and there was something outside ravishing people don't you think someone would be like "Hey, where's the dog?  We should get the dog inside so it doesn't get eaten and/or for protection."




Mine loves strangers, but barks at most noises and anyone who dares to walk along the sidewalk in front of the house. It is just not done in her world. And if another dog passes by, there is hell to pay.


I get angry when selfish humans forget the dog. So angry. It happened in the movie Signs -

the asshole reverend and the kids hole up in a house, because the aliens are out there, while leaving their two GSDs chained up outside. So now you've prevented the dogs from running away because you chained the. Then like five minutes later, the kid is like "the dogs"!"I hated them with the force of 1000 suns for that. First, don't chain up your dogs, second you are an asshole human that disregards animals and deserve to die.

  • Love 4

Get out of here. Now.....


Man, that's just wrong - but logical actually. Except for one thing. I can see the ZA disease being similar to Mad cow. Once you eat the contaminated flesh, you get sick. So dogs eating human flesh would be carriers of the virus but not affected themselves. Once a human eats the dog, they ingest the virus, it's in their bloodstream and boom, they are infected.



Mine loves strangers, but barks at most noises and anyone who dares to walk along the sidewalk in front of the house. It is just not done in her world. And if another dog passes by, there is hell to pay.


I get angry when selfish humans forget the dog. So angry. It happened in the movie Signs -

the asshole reverend and the kids hole up in a house, because the aliens are out there, while leaving their two GSDs chained up outside. So now you've prevented the dogs from running away because you chained the. Then like five minutes later, the kid is like "the dogs"!"I hated them with the force of 1000 suns for that. First, don't chain up your dogs, second you are an asshole human that disregards animals and deserve to die.

Mine too, but when he senses something is "off", like the drunk next door he goes into Sargent Slaughter mode.  Dogs wouldn't need to be told the zombies are dead and dangerous.  They would know.  Make no mistake your dog would fight to the death if he thought you were in danger.  That is the GSD nature.


Now I'm confused after reading some of the other threads.  Was it their dog, or a neighbors dog?  I thought it was their dog.

  • Love 2

Mine too, but when he senses something is "off", like the drunk next door he goes into Sargent Slaughter mode.  Dogs wouldn't need to be told the zombies are dead and dangerous.  They would know.  Make no mistake your dog would fight to the death if he thought you were in danger.  That is the GSD nature.


Now I'm confused after reading some of the other threads.  Was it their dog, or a neighbors dog?  I thought it was their dog.


I'm pretty sure it was the neighbours' dog - IMO, Madison only told the soldier "their" dog was buried there so they wouldn't all be quarantined.

  • Love 2

Travis is going to be the next Governor - he is just demented and similarly arrogant.  Gun control during a full out collapse of society while trying to protect ones family is a hoot.  I was hoping Madison was going to turn and bury the ball peen in his noggin.  If she really wanted to protect her family, that would have been the best move.  Second strike to druggie Nickie.  I'd catch up with AsianSusan Goldberg.  (OK, her last name isn't Goldberg)


Didn't Nick steal those duds from the old man in the hospital?  They must be great cloths.


I do not have a hero in this mess yet.  At least I got to root for RickGrimes from the get go.  Daniel seems to be the closest thing to a survivor as I have seen.

Dog have been shown eating walkers (I believe the hitchhiker episode) with no ill effects. And if it was bad for them, dogs are smart enough not to eat walker. And everyone is already infected with the walker virus/fungus/microbe, so eating more wouldn't matter. You have to die or get bitten with magical walker teeth to activate it. I'm sure if people were hungry enough, we'd have plenty of volunteers to eat it and try it out.

Get out of here. Now.....


Man, that's just wrong - but logical actually. Except for one thing. I can see the ZA disease being similar to Mad cow. Once you eat the contaminated flesh, you get sick. So dogs eating human flesh would be carriers of the virus but not affected themselves. Once a human eats the dog, they ingest the virus, it's in their bloodstream and boom, they are infected.


Oh, I knew I'd draw the hate, dog owners are sick twisted fu, er, I mean, dog owners are a unique breed. They love their beasts and expect the rest of the world to feel the same.


As far as dog flesh being contaminated, from watching TWD, we know that in this world ...

Dogs have been shown eating walkers before, I think the hitchhiker episode. If eating walker flesh was bad for dogs, then there wouldn't be any dogs on TWD.

And everyone is already infected with the walker virus/microbe/fungus, so eating walker fed dog wouldn't expose people to anything they don't already have. Besides, once people got hungry enough, they be line up to sample my General Tso's dog.


And I'd finally get to use my new cookbook

How To Wok Your Dog.

  • Love 5

Dog have been shown eating walkers (I believe the hitchhiker episode) with no ill effects. And if it was bad for them, dogs are smart enough not to eat walker. And everyone is already infected with the walker virus/fungus/microbe, so eating more wouldn't matter. You have to die or get bitten with magical walker teeth to activate it. I'm sure if people were hungry enough, we'd have plenty of volunteers to eat it and try it out.


Oh, I knew I'd draw the hate, dog owners are sick twisted fu, er, I mean, dog owners are a unique breed. They love their beasts and expect the rest of the world to feel the same.


As far as dog flesh being contaminated, from watching TWD, we know that in this world ...

Dogs have been shown eating walkers before, I think the hitchhiker episode. If eating walker flesh was bad for dogs, then there wouldn't be any dogs on TWD.

And everyone is already infected with the walker virus/microbe/fungus, so eating walker fed dog wouldn't expose people to anything they don't already have. Besides, once people got hungry enough, they be line up to sample my General Tso's dog.


Wait, didn't I tell you to get out...??


Kidding!! I hope you know I was just teasing you. Yeah, dog owners are sick twisted breeds. I'm one of them and proud of it! Honestly, there are enough stories that I read on a daily basis that reaffirms to me - Dogs (and animals) are good. Humans are not. Always save the dog. Forget the humans. Let's fact it, we are a shitty species.


Good point about how the virus effects each other. I actually remember commenting on that in a WD episode:

CDB had BBQed up some GSD and were chomping away on it, and I'm like, contaminated? But we all know that the virus is airborne now, so doesn't matter.


And I'd finally get to use my new cookbook

How To Wok Your Dog.


God help me, I laughed so hard at this.

  • Love 2

Oh, I knew I'd draw the hate, dog owners are sick twisted fu, er, I mean, dog owners are a unique breed. They love their beasts and expect the rest of the world to feel the same.


I'm just an animal lover, but I don't expect the rest of the world to be the same.  As a matter of fact, I don't give a flying fuck about the rest of the world, and would probably sacrifice much of humanity for someone else's dog.  :-) 


Hey, somebody's got to feed the critters, and since that's me already, opting for human flesh after I've looted all the Petsmarts isn't much of a stretch.  ;-)

Edited by walnutqueen
  • Love 2

Gah!  Count me among the group that thinks these people are too stupid to live.  These people don't live in some quaint little town in middle America.  What LA suburbanite would leave their patio door open at night with no one in the house during normal times.  These idiots leave the door open at night during a blackout with crazy infected people roaming the neighborhood. 


On the plus side, the show seems to back my idea that the average dog isn't much use during a zombie apocalypse.  As I mentioned earlier, its barking would likely attract a zombie.  And zombie versus German Shepherd went pretty much the way I expected.  Sure a dog that size would tear a normal human to pieces.  However a dog doesn't know that it has to go for the head to stop a zombie.  I imagine while it's gnawing on the walker's leg, it's getting bit as well.  It's just a matter of time before the dog bleeds out.

Edited by maczero

Gah!  Count me among the group that thinks these people are too stupid to live.  These people don't live in some quaint little town in middle America.  What LA suburbanite would leave their patio door open at night with no one in the house during normal times.  These idiots leave the door open at night during a blackout with crazy infected people roaming the neighborhood. 

I don't even leave the door open during the day, because I HATE bugs getting into the house.  Even if I'm just ducking out to the deck to check on the grill, the patio door is closed.


And, it occurred to me... during a blackout & riot situation, I'm not sure breaking into your neighbor's house is a good idea, especially when you know they have a gun.

Also, I cut the characters a little slack for not wanting to kill every zombie they encounter.  This early in the apocalypse, you don't really know if the undead are incurable.  Your neighbors may still have your lawnmower or Tupperware.... if possible, wait a few days before braining them.

Edited by erikdepressant
  • Love 4

I was trying to give them a chance, but I'm starting to agree that they are too dumb to survive. The flashlight on the windows/lights on and playing monopoly after they saw a Walker roaming was especially dumb. Augh.


I knew they were too stupid to live the moment Madison said, "If something was wrong, we'd know about it. The authorities would tell us." and the kid didn't slap her upside the head. Because, really, you dumb broad? Half the time in situations like this the authorities are the ones who make the wheels come off in the first place, and you're thinking they're going to be informing the public? Clearly she has never read The Stand. :-P

  • Love 5


I knew they were too stupid to live the moment Madison said, "If something was wrong, we'd know about it. The authorities would tell us." and the kid didn't slap her upside the head. Because, really, you dumb broad? Half the time in situations like this the authorities are the ones who make the wheels come off in the first place, and you're thinking they're going to be informing the public? Clearly she has never read The Stand. :-P

I swear that line was so dumb as delivered that the writer must have meant for it to be said with sarcasm - as a guidance counselor's attempt to bond with the teenager while also minimizing his fears ...

  • Love 1

I swear that line was so dumb as delivered that the writer must have meant for it to be said with sarcasm - as a guidance counselor's attempt to bond with the teenager while also minimizing his fears ...


I don't know, teachers work for the government, are in unions, etc., and may be most susceptible to having faith that the big daddy government will take care of us...  I think the show is setting up a pretty mean spirited government response to the "little guys".  

Edited by ChipBach
  • Love 1

These writers, man.  These writers.  *shakes head


Yes.  Yes, this.  This is just bonkers.  One of the many things that makes TWD so great is the enormous attention to detail that the writers pay.  Things like, if you fire a gun inside a tank, you're going to be bleeding from your ear drums and have a fucker of a headache for a while.  People might do things on that show that drive you crazy, but they do the kinds of things that people do in real life that drive you crazy.  But this show?  So far I've seen one, and only one, completely true moment on the show.  That was when Madison brought out the Monopoly board and the kids were like "are you serious?" but then both immediately called out their game pieces.  Yeah, that's pretty much how that would be happening in my house. If we can't have Monopoly, we don't want to be part of your revolution.

(With apologies to Emma Goldman.)


Don't even get me started on the latest instance of contrived stupidity on this show, like going across the street to get a gun and then leaving the ammo behind. Oh and don't run out the front door and then go down the sides of the houses to get back in yours - no, by all means, go through the Crazy Grapevine Maze.  Twice.

  • Love 6

I understand not believing dead people are coming back to life...but not understanding that the shit is hitting the fan at this point?  Travis was right about not leaving at night, but they should have been on the road at first light.  Electricity is going on and off - have all things hooked up to chargers constantly.  HAVE A BATTERY OPERATED RADIO ON AT ALL TIMES! Tell your children what is going on and what they need to do to survive (if you know).  At least they are keeping their children in view.  Take a shower while you can! 

  • Love 1

And, it occurred to me... during a blackout & riot situation, I'm not sure breaking into your neighbor's house is a good idea, especially when you know they have a gun.

Yeah that bothered me too.  How did they know Susan wouldn't have already had the gun ready to shoot would be looters?  Also, it was pretty immoral.  Since they considered Susan & Patrick Family friends, it seems pretty shitty to take away their means of protection during this chaos.  I mean wait until your neighbors are dead or you're pretty sure they've abandoned their home before you start jacking their shit.

Edited by maczero
  • Love 8

Man, that's just wrong - but logical actually. Except for one thing. I can see the ZA disease being similar to Mad cow. Once you eat the contaminated flesh, you get sick. So dogs eating human flesh would be carriers of the virus but not affected themselves. Once a human eats the dog, they ingest the virus, it's in their bloodstream and boom, they are infected.

Tainted meat!

As stupid as Travis is being, he did win a little love with his, Good morning, Susan."

Dog have been shown eating walkers (I believe the hitchhiker episode) with no ill effects. And if it was bad for them, dogs are smart enough not to eat walker. And everyone is already infected with the walker virus/fungus/microbe, so eating more wouldn't matter. You have to die or get bitten with magical walker teeth to activate it. I'm sure if people were hungry enough, we'd have plenty of volunteers to eat it and try it out.


I don't know if this is even relevant or not since they're different universes, but in one of the Resident Evil movies

the characters got swarmed by carrion birds who had been eating infected flesh, and they had contracted the virus as well.

. So I guess the disease being passed on that way depends on the show/movie.

This show needs to clarify its canon. As far as I know, walkers will eat animals, but animals do not revive. I don't know if animals are carriers, 

but that point is rendered moot since everyone is already infected according to the main series. At least everyone is already infected 2 months out.


I have to disagree that the writers are good at small details. I remember watching a Talking Dead where Kirkman(?) was on during season 2 and a question about trapped walkers in cars camp up. The question was along the lines of how did the walkers in cars die? Kirkman shrugged and was all, they starved to death, whatever.

Meanwhile, it'd already been shown on Walking Dead that towards the end, the military/police started killing civilians as early as the pilot.

So, the easiest, simplest answer that wouldn't insult the audience was the military gassed them or have that walkers broke the windows of the vehicles and bit them. Nope, starved to death or some BS. 

  • Love 1

Most of the idiocracy has already been posted, but the scene that got me was taking out the trash. I'm not chummy with my neighbors, but when I see them I say hi, and make small talk. And my neighborhood is a bit isolated, and our power goes out regularly. When it does I go outside and when I see someone I confirm that it is another outage, and we bitch about it together, etc. So when Travis is taking out the trash and sees the neighbor, it seemed utterly unrealistic that he didn't say something like 'crazy shit going on, eh Stanley?' or  'hey Giuseppe, anyone try to eat your brains last night?' . To say nothing to a neighbor given all the shit going down is utter bullshit.


I'm sad to say that everything wrong with TWD is amplified in FEAR. Characters acting in inexplicable ways solely to service the plot de jour is worse here than anything we saw in the mothership. A good show has good plots and interesting characters that we can relate to. Unfortunately the dipshits writing this show have let the success they experienced with TWD empower them and they've taken the worst of that show rammed it up our asses. Well F you. I'm in for the remaining 3 episodes (primarily because there isn't much else to watch at this time of year), but if things don't improve in a BIG way, I'm done with this crapfest. I have MUCH more respect for a show like Z Nation that doesn't take itself too seriously and isn't afraid to poke fun at itself, than I am for the douchebags writing this show who have inflated heads and egos such that they think we will accept whatever bullshit they put on my screen.

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