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Since a soap opera is nothing without spoilers, I figured that I should start a thread where they can be posted and discussed as much as possible.


  One such spoiler is that the impending bisexual love triangle will involve Nicole, Zende and the new guy Christian, who's a bisexual designer.  At first, it seems like Christian has the hots for Nicole, but it's Zende he really wants-and vice versa. I have my doubts about this storyline. Knowing these writers and the way they've treated LGBT characters, chances are Christian will either be treated like a saint, ala Maya or a non-entity, like Caroline and her two moms.

  • Love 3

I dunno about it being Hope. In what universe is she "worldly, sophisticated, confident and artistic"? Could living in Europe for a couple of years have changed her that much? Maybe it's a recast Ivy but I hope not since the one we had/have was/is perfect, AFAIC.


Whatever, I hope they don't waste another woman on Zende. Sorry, TPTB, that ship ain't ever gonna sail. And we know it won't be Wyatt until she's passed through Liam first. Odds are Liam will have his hands full with Steffy and his likely baby mama Quinn. So, I'm putting my money on Thomas.

  • Love 2

I dunno about it being Hope. In what universe is she "worldly, sophisticated, confident and artistic"? Could living in Europe for a couple of years have changed her that much? Maybe it's a recast Ivy but I hope not since the one we had/have was/is perfect, AFAIC.

I like Ivy, but the actress is wasted on this show. I hope AB was written out because she had a film deal.

As for Hope, the time away could do some good. If Caroline can fall over a balcony and wake up with a new personality, I can buy Hope being more worldly in the year or so since she left the show.

  • Love 3

Our long national nightmare is OVER!


Source: http://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/topic/9278812/1/



Wed and Thurs, April 6-7, 2016
Aaron D. Spears returns as Justin Barber
More here:
Newspaper soaps column preview
(via courierjournal.net/soaps)

B&B for Week of April 4th:
Siblings agree to keep a secret in order to save a marriage.

Spoilers from www.theTVwatercooler.com

Monday (April 4)
Liam demands answers from Quinn.
Wyatt and Steffy celebrate their new life as newlyweds.
Katie plays on Brooke's guilt when she is caught in the act.

Wednesday (April 6)
Bill reaches out to Justin to help find Liam.
Liam is accidentally reunited with a loved one.

Thursday (April 7)
Bill brings Steffy on board regarding Liam's disappearance.

Friday (April 8)
Wyatt and Liam manage to turn the tables on Quinn.

Twitter spoilers

Brooke catches Katie drinking again. #BoldandBeautiful

Bill gets Justin to search for Liam, while Wyatt surprises Quinn at the cabin and comes face to face with Liam! #BoldandBeautiful

Liam's memory comes flooding back;
Bill and Steffy exchange ideas about Liam;
Wyatt and Liam team up against Quinn.
Online Profile

  • Love 7

Considering that Quinn made the comment that she doesn't think she'll be seeing Deacon again I figured that meant he was going to be coming back but at this point I have no idea what they will do with him if he does. You would never know that the character has a past history on this show with how he has been isolated with just Quinn.

Thing is, I would be okay with him written out because his only big tie is one I hope TIIC never revisit, but being thrown under the bus to prop sorry ass Liam? At least when Darla was killed off (reported as a budget cut to help pay for Jack Wagner's salary), her death actually made an impact.

Apart from Stephanie's demise, pretty much every character death has served only to get some other characters laid, including Phoebe's. I still can't believe they went there, given Hunter Tylo's own personal tragedy the year before, and all it amounted to was an excuse for Rick and Steffy to bang.

But yeah, like you, I'm lost too. Unless Hope is returning soon, what else can they do? The current staff acts like baby Raya is Rick's first turn at parenting, Bridget and Amber are gone and no one with a pair of eyes and more than two brain cells will buy original recipe Breacon as the rebound relationship that it was. Maybe he'll hook up with Steffy after this all blows over, which would have the benefit of seeing Hope, Brooke and $Bill's heads simultaneously explode.

Hey, I gotta find the silver linings somewhere.

Edited by Anna Yolei
  • Love 3

Wyatt and Liam manage to turn the tables on Quinn.


Wyatt and Liam team up against Quinn.


This is at least giving me hope that Wyatt isn't going to be completely thrown under the bus with this story.  By being the one to find Liam and work with him, Liam won't assume he was in league with Quinn.  I've always liked their relationship as brothers, regardless of everything else.

  • Love 4

Oh, this is cute. They shot two different reactions to Wyatt finding Liam and the actors don't know which will air.


Friday, April 8th is when Liam fully downloads and processes his memories and what this means for him and 'Eve'.


The Wyatt/Liam bromance has had its moments, but Wyatt is only brotherly when he's got the girl he wants (usually Liam's) and can lord it over Liam. Yes, Liam can be smug but he is bro of the year to infinity to me for not pressing charges against Quinn for attempted murder to spare Wyatt.  Wyatt owed Liam more than swallowing Quinn's bull story.

  • Love 3

The Wyatt/Liam bromance has had its moments, but Wyatt is only brotherly when he's got the girl he wants (usually Liam's) and can lord it over Liam. Yes, Liam can be smug but he is bro of the year to infinity to me for not pressing charges against Quinn for attempted murder to spare Wyatt.  Wyatt owed Liam more than swallowing Quinn's bull story.


Oh, I don't disagree with any of this!  I just vastly prefer it when they're on the same side, or at least getting along, because like DB and SC's bro-chemistry.  But then, I think DB and SC - though neither are Meryl Streep - each have nice chemistry with basically everyone, so it's no surprise I like them together.


I just figured the show would go immediately to "Liam, Bill, and all of BellA assume Wyatt was in league with Quinn", especially after teh surveillance video nonsense.  And Wyatt may be guilty of a lot of things, including being gullible, thirsty, and a moron about his mother, but he's not guilty of helping her kidnap Liam.  So I'm glad it looks like they won't be going there.

  • Love 3

Oh, I don't disagree with any of this!  I just vastly prefer it when they're on the same side, or at least getting along, because like DB and SC's bro-chemistry.  But then, I think DB and SC - though neither are Meryl Streep - each have nice chemistry with basically everyone, so it's no surprise I like them together.


I just figured the show would go immediately to "Liam, Bill, and all of BellA assume Wyatt was in league with Quinn", especially after teh surveillance video nonsense.  And Wyatt may be guilty of a lot of things, including being gullible, thirsty, and a moron about his mother, but he's not guilty of helping her kidnap Liam.  So I'm glad it looks like they won't be going there.

He's guilty of helping Liam stay kidnapped because he was so desperate to marry his third Liam Leftover. Telling Charlie to keep mum was all kinds of wrong and he knows it, which is why he then rushed Steffy down the aisle. Wyatt needs to pay for that a bit and I really, really, really want it to come out. If he told Bill, that would have triggered a search. If he told Steffy, she would have definitely launched a search and he knew it, which is why he pushed her to get married so fast. 

  • Love 3

SerialScoop.com Spoilers

* Brooke and Bill are disappointed to discover Katie's hidden stash of booze.

* Ridge and Caroline's happy life is on the verge of unraveling when someone threatens to expose their secret.

* Bill is on the hunt for Quinn so she may not be free for long.

* An unexpected person becomes Quinn's knight in shinning armor freeing her from her confinement.

* Nicole feels utterly betrayed after Sasha reveals that she and Zende are in love.

* Steffy and Liam reunite.

Source: http://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/topic/9279672/1/

  • Love 1

SerialScoop.com Spoilers

* Brooke and Bill are disappointed to discover Katie's hidden stash of booze.

* Ridge and Caroline's happy life is on the verge of unraveling when someone threatens to expose their secret.

* Bill is on the hunt for Quinn so she may not be free for long.

* An unexpected person becomes Quinn's knight in shinning armor freeing her from her confinement.

* Nicole feels utterly betrayed after Sasha reveals that she and Zende are in love.

* Steffy and Liam reunite.

Source: http://daytimeroyaltyonline.com/topic/9279672/1/

*eye roll *chugs wine*

  • Love 2

It will be interesting to see how it plays out. If she is locked in the cabin, Deacon may come to confront her and then Quinn knocks him out or something and then escapes (if only it was possible to break glass). Although with how the writers have made a point of showing Deacon still caring about her I can see him going from confronting her and wanting her head to feeling sorry for her and trying to help her. Although Deacon may want to help her to save his own ass since he is knee deep in what she has done. He might wish he had stayed "dead." Nothing is going to surprise me.

Augh.  I could almost deal with the rest of this if it meant we wouldn't get Steffy and Liam back together, buuuut...it was probably inevitable, the way it was set up.  Can't he at least spend a month or two just getting his head on straight or something, maybe with Ivy's help, while Steffy gets to bust out her "conflicted bee" face?


(OTOH...this also appears to indicate that Wyatt isn't going to be blamed at all in any of this, which was a real concern of mine for a while.  That part is actually somewhat welcome--that means it's all rightly falling on Quinn.  But that also means that Quinn's either got to go on the run or have one hell of a get-out-of-jail-free card...one that probably takes about nine months to manifest.)


I'm at least curious about the Quinn aspect, though.  It definitely sounds like she's going to be locked up in her cabin, and if so that means only two people are likely to come to her assistance--willing or otherwise: Deacon or Bill.

  • Love 1

As for Quinn, if pregnancy ends up from all this...ugh. I hated this plot the last time I saw it on ATWT when Emily shot Paul off a cliff and used the kid to try and drive a wedge between him and Meg and everyone in town treated her with kid gloves. But as the show writers put in the script (thankfully) Quinn is not insane, but a sociopath.

I wished RS had been cast as Felicia or some other character who isn't a rapist, because she's gonna have one hell of a hole to dig out of, not unlike the one Adam Newman was in until TIIC recast the role.

  • Love 1


Mon Apr 11

• Two manipulated and star-crossed lovers reunite on a romantic stretch of a Malibu beach.

• An unexpected person becomes Quinn's knight in shining armor and frees her from confinement.

Tue Apr 12

• Bill goes on the hunt for Quinn after learning what she did to Liam.

• Wyatt and Steffy make the startling realization that Liam believes Steffy is still his fiancée.

Wed Apr 13

• Sasha tells Nicole that she and Zende are in love and urges her to be happy for them.

• Steffy becomes furious when she learns that Wyatt kept something important about Quinn and Liam from her.

Thu Apr 14

• Ridge has a heated argument with a stranger in public, and Katie grows curious after witnessing it.

• Brooke and Bill become disappointed when they accidentally happen upon Katie's secret stash.

Fri Apr 15

• Ridge and Caroline's happy life begins to unravel when someone threatens to reveal their secret.

• Confronted by Bill and feeling betrayed by Brooke, Katie blames her drinking and her marital woes on her sister.


YAY! I'm so excited for another round of Brooke Bashing! NOT!

I don't even like Brooke, and I think the amount of abuse she's taken from Katie over Bill (who has become as spineless as his idiot son Liam) has long ago reached ridiculous levels. At what point does any woman on this show ever think "Hey, maybe Brooke isn't entirely the problem here"? As I typed that out, I realize the that, oddly, the only woman that's ever not entirely blamed Brookefor their man's cheating ways was Bridget, and she had far more justification for her anger and resentment than Strephanie, Taylor or Macy had.

  • Love 1


Mon Apr 11

• An unexpected person becomes Quinn's knight in shining armor and frees her from confinement.

My speculation that it's Liam can't be right, I doubt he'll leave his little reunion to go back to free Quinn. Bill, maybe? Because I seriously doubt that even if Deacon does come back it would be this soon. I guess I'll find out tonight! Edited by ByTor

Eh, I"ll go with Wyatt lets her go. She's still his mom and he'll hope that she will have 'calmed down' by now. Also he knows that there is a good chance Bill will do her bodily harm. The only way Dr. Hardon could help is if he's hiking nearby and his super hearing picks up Quinn's distress squawks.  It's happened before. Come to think of it that's how DImitri Merrick on AMC was introduced to the canvas, he found a screaming Natalie trapped in the well on his estate and rescued her, literally becoming her white knight. Hardon could become the Eve to  Quinn's Adam and heal her through the power of his psychotherapy powers and, uh, love.


I was going to say why wouldn't Liam think he and Steffy were still together but, yep, he dumped her before Quinn kidnapped him so his memory issues are conveniently wiping out his return home to find Wyffy all 'innocently' cozy in his bed.

  • Love 1

Sweet Mary Francis, Liam Staaaahhhhhhppppppp! (about the proposing, not about getting your life back in general)


Newspaper soaps column preview
(via courierjournal.net/soaps)


Week of April 18th
A sibling rivalry is reignited.


Spoilers from www.theTVwatercooler.com


Tues and Wed April 19 & 20
Anna Maria Horsford appears as Vivienne Avant.


Wed April 20
Obba Babatundé appears as Julius Avant.


Monday (April 18)
Will Ridge and Caroline dodge a bullet?


Tuesday (April 19)
Liam proposes to Steffy.


Wednesday (April 20)
Zende confronts Sasha about her conversation with Nicole.


Thursday (April 21)
Liam returns to Forrester Creations.


Friday (April 22)
Liam vows to get his life back from Wyatt.



twitter previews

Liam proposes to Steffy and is shocked when she reveals she is already married to Wyatt. #BoldandBeautiful


Vivienne confronts Sasha about Zende. Her approach is with love as she understands emotions are high with all. #BoldandBeautiful


Liam returns to Forrester Creations;
Katie requests a meeting with Brooke;
Liam vows to get his life back from Wyatt.


4/18, Ridge and Caroline's problem with Dr. Wolin remedies itself in the most unexpected way. #BoldandBeautiful


4/20, Sasha is caught off guard when Zende sets her straight about his feelings. #BoldandBeautiful


4/22, Ridge goes on the defensive when Katie tells him about her conversation with Dr. Wolin #BoldandBeautiful

Edited by TobinAlbers
  • Love 1

Tuesday (April 19)

Liam proposes to Steffy.

That's gotta be some kind of record. Getting two proposals in the span of six weeks, and one after the wedding no less, is a hat trick that even the original Golden Cooter herself never managed.

Does he never remember why they split up? Or what he thpught he saw shortly before passing out? I just recently watched that story with Ridge about 11 years back about his concussion after Nick cleaned his clock...it took him awhile to remember why he'd gotten concussed, but he did eventually get his memory back, and then some. But then, they still had a handful of writers that gave any kind of fucks about medical accuracy.

  • Love 3

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