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Well, on the show Ronny said that the state was filled with white people, and Iowa is 90% white. I'm not sure that's the same demo as other midwestern states as MO or WI.


Ah, I misread your original post - I missed that you were talking the ethnic breakdown. That's actually probably accurate for the state overall. When you talk about our cities (Des Moines, Cedar Rapids, Iowa City, etc), that 90% figure is not accurate, but when you take into account the more rural areas, yes.


My family is a bit of an anomaly here though - we have white, African-American, Pakistani, and Filipino representation, as well as Roman Catholics, Muslims, evangelical Christians, and the odd secular humanist.

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I loved all the Iowa stuff, particularly all the convoluted "to lose is to win and to win is to lose" logic.  I need to find a reason to use, "It's like the alphabet:  numbers don't mean shit, people," in real life - that was too good.  Also wonderful was Trevor responding to Rubio's comment about his boots.


I think I like the Black History Month segments, but on both so far, I feel the execution isn't quite as good as the idea.  Here, the sketch was a little hit-or-miss for me, but I really like that they brought up the border states issue, as well as the fact that proclaiming that you're freeing slaves in states that have seceded from your country isn't exactly a sure thing.  Whenever I hear the blanket statement "Lincoln freed the slaves," I always think, "Yeah, weeeeellllllll...", so I like that they talked about the caveats.

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Okay, so it's the day after the Iowa Caucus and the most entertaining part of the show is how the guest who wrote a book about jihad laughs?  I'm out.  Perhaps I'll revisit if there's a particularly compelling guest or a noteworthy event but I just don't think this show is going to do it for me anymore.


Crossing fingers for Samantha Bee's Full Frontal...

The piece on Iowa was very good political satire and captured the media ricidulouslessness on the nose. And I only watch one news program regularly, so I don't think one had to be a news junkie to appreciate the criticism.

Jordan didn't point it out, but this isn't a winner take all state, which makes it even weirder. Everyone basically has the same number of delegates, but Cruz lost even though he 'won.' And Jeb sucks.

Edited by ganesh

The thing that heartens me most is that amongst people casting republican votes in IA, more than 70% of them didn't vote for Trump. Now, I think any of the R field will be easy to beat in the general, so that isn't my point. I just think the vote total proves my ongoing theory that Trump has an Audience, not Voters.


Hey, TDS, if you're going to show a green screen of Jordan in IA in February, try using a cityscape that isn't all leafy-green trees!


I gasped when Jessica said in that 'flashback' that Lincoln 'didn't have authority' to free slaves in the confederacy, since it was out of his jurisdiction. THAT'S SOME FILTHY REBEL TALK THERE! The whole of the US was still his jurisdiction during the war, whether the South liked it or not. If the confederacy had won, that would be a different story; the union would have dissolved. But fighting in and of itself did not dissolution make.


The thing I like best about Ron is his delivery/timing. Sometimes it's not the text of the line, it's the delivery. He's very good.

  • Love 2

I gasped when Jessica said in that 'flashback' that Lincoln 'didn't have authority' to free slaves in the confederacy, since it was out of his jurisdiction. THAT'S SOME FILTHY REBEL TALK THERE! The whole of the US was still his jurisdiction during the war, whether the South liked it or not. If the confederacy had won, that would be a different story; the union would have dissolved. But fighting in and of itself did not dissolution make.

Thanks for bringing that up. I thought it was a very strange comment.


I loved the whole Iowa caucus segment. Trevor's takedown of Rubio suggesting his black hair and boots did him in was great. I also loved Jordan's part in explaining the winners and losers.


Cruz is so disgusting. He turns my stomach. Have you seen the video of him trying to kiss his daughter? Yeah, he sure looks well-loved.

  • Love 2

I gasped when Jessica said in that 'flashback' that Lincoln 'didn't have authority' to free slaves in the confederacy, since it was out of his jurisdiction. THAT'S SOME FILTHY REBEL TALK THERE! The whole of the US was still his jurisdiction during the war, whether the South liked it or not. If the confederacy had won, that would be a different story; the union would have dissolved. But fighting in and of itself did not dissolution make.

I didn't take it to mean, "Hey, what's Lincoln trying to pull? He's not allowed to do that!" More that the Emancipation Prclamation wouldn't have much immediate effect because was being applied to Confederate states that didn't consider themselves part of the U.S. The Confederacy wasn't going to curse Lincoln for making the Proclamation and then begrudgingly free their slaves. They were going to go, "Yeah, right - you're not MY president!" and ignore it. So, while Lincoln was within his legal rights to make the Proclamation, it couldn't practically do much in terms of actually freeing anyone in the Confederacy until the Union army came through and took control of an area.

I know it was supposed to be a critique of the system, but what scares me about Jordan Klepper's Iowa piece, is that the logic of why third is good and first is bad totally made sense to me. I obviously read way too much political news/analysis.


The Black History Month segment was more informative than funny, and I agree the statement that Lincoln had no jurisdiction was a really weird thing to say. 

Edited by Sesquipedalia

I'm not a fan of the Black History bits.  I never was much of a fan when the show did stuff like when Jon was the host either.  I tune in to the TDS for a jab at what is happening.  Not sketch comedy that looks like it was pulled from the so-so pile of SNL.  I think there are plenty of ways to tie Black History into what is going on right now.  That's probably not a popular opinion but so far the second segments seem lazy thin and almost a throw away.  If the interview is weak or the first segment is as well I feel the whole show is a waste.  I was really underwhelmed for the most part with Monday's entire show. 


I did like last night's bit with the caucus.  I think this is the first time when the best thing about Jordan Klepper was not simply Trevor pronouncing his name.

I know it was supposed to be a critique of the system, but what scares me about Jordan Klepper's Iowa piece, is that the logic of why third is good and first is bad totally made sense to me.


It's nearly exactly what was said on the news. No one wins all the delegates for "winning" outright, so placing well is 'winning'. Not to mention the whole system is a mockery of one person, one vote. 

Repeating the entire bit was a little hokey to me, but I LOVED the jokes about Groundhog Day and what Americans would think if people in Africa followed a tradition like that.


The stuff about Carson leaving Iowa and flying halfway across the country for fresh clothes (or was that "fresh clothes?") killed me.  I like that "everyone hates Ted Cruz" is one of the undisputed facts of the election, and I got a kick out of Trump potentially being the first "millennial" president.


The porn story was my favorite Black History Month bit so far - even though it wasn't really history, it was much more well-done and seemed "finished," whereas the Selma piece and the Emancipation Proclamation piece both felt kind of halfhearted.  Poor Roy realizing he'd been sent out on yet another racism story, and I laughed at the one porn star who was changing the industry one Black penis at a time.  And seriously - I know it's porn and everything, but some of those titles were just horrific.

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I liked the Groundhog Day bit and that Trevor just kept going.


Cruz really is slimy. Trump is as well. I wonder if the show will talk about his saying about Obama visiting a mosque, "Maybe he feels comfortable there... So that's his decision, it's fine." Trump's douchebag way of bringing something up then stepping back claiming impartiality is so transparent yet seems to appeal to many. Basically, "I'm just saying..." What a shit.


I've never seen Hannibal Buress in anything or doing standup, but I wasn't impressed. Is he funny?

He's great on Broad City. 


I wouldn't doubt if Cruz got his people to tell voters that Carson quit so they should vote for him. I don't think the bump in potential voters to Cruz would have been enough to take him past Trump. I mean, I think Cruz would have won anyway. Even though actually winning doesn't matter.


The porn piece was good. I've read other pieces about it. I'm ok with anyone wanting to do porn, but when you're "my parents" wouldn't like it as an excuse to not work with a black guy. That's where you draw that line?

I'm surprised there isn't a union. If you're getting passed over for jobs because you are black, that has to violate federal anti-discriminatory laws.

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The porn piece was good, but it left out the fact that a lot of women won't do interracial scenes because the genre promotes racism. Go ahead, find me interracial porn that doesn't promote ugly stereotypes. You'll have better luck finding porn that promotes feminism and gender equality. My point is that many women in the industry don't draw the line at sex with black men, they draw the line at what those scenes promote (hint: it's not togetherness).

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There is some IR porn that doesn't fall into the stereotypes, but the piece was only sticking (heh) with straight, vanilla-ish type porn with strictly male-female pairings. One could argue that that entire 'genre' is fundamentally built on stereotypes and fairly limited as it is. So this is a symptom of a larger problem.

Word. Though I have seen porn that is interracial and does not play on stereotypes, they are usually not marketed as interracial (if that makes sense).

  • Love 2

Chiming in late . . . when Roy was going on his assignment, did anybody else flash back to the Black Dynamite cartoon where Cream Corn starred in an x-rated interracial porno based off Willy Wonka & The Chocolate Factory? Or is it just me?


I would watch an entire show of Trevor doing his Ben Carson impersonation.

I prefer Jay Pharaoh's version on SNL, because he portrays Carson as a sleepy T-Rex.

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After TDS complimented Trump for his reasonableness and dignity in conceding to Ted Cruz on Tuesday night's show, I wish they'd gone after him harder on Wednesday's show for turning around and claiming Cruz stole the election. So much for being reasonable! A leopard doesn't change his spots.


Agreed that Roy's porn field piece was very funny. If they're going to do a black history month segment every day, I hope more of them are like this one and that we see fewer half-baked comedy sketches.

  • Love 3

I thought the Peyton Manning-Cam Newton story was great.  Pointing out how easy it is to create a certain narrative for a person by selecting what clips/images you show, Peyton Manning's Jenga spine, the non-classiness of football, Trevor as a kid in South Africa dodging the cops with the Ickey Shuffle, "Black people, I'm going to talk to the white people first, 'cause they're not used to waiting" - all good.


I would've rather had a piece on Obama's mosque visit and some of the Republican candidates subsequently being dicks about it, but I agree that the Chinese New Year/Black History Month piece was pretty good and a decent showing for Ronny.  I liked Ronny dissing February as an ideal month and trying to sell Trevor on May instead.

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I've been over the "there's not a racial component to the Cam-hate" for a while, so I'm glad they covered it too. *Especially* when they show Aaron Rodgers doing literally the same thing. 


Ronny's had 2 good pieces in a row with Iowa and the basketball. Now there's an example of 'political correctness' going too far. Clearly, no one intended the jerseys to be mean to anyone. For some reason I laughed the most when Ronny said, "we're not changing chinese new year because it's based on the moon." 

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I don't follow sports but thought Cam was delightful from what I saw. I hadn't really known who he was before. I can't believe people are hating on him for a bit of infectious joy.


The kerfluffle with the jerseys was silly. If there was indeed One Black Person in America to Run This By (a la the MLK Day gun sale), I don't think that person would have had a problem with it, and maybe wouldn't even make a connection:


"They want to give away this jersey in February."


  • Love 3

From two days ago: I hear people complaining about how Trevor laughs at his own jokes. But I think he generally laughed at repeating the Groundhogs Day story because it was fucking hilarious. And I loved how Roy went into full diaper baby mode when finding out the story he had to cover dealt with racism. Especially considering the people he was whining to were adult film superstars.


And I thought Ronny delivered his best TDS piece yet. And as far as DeMarcus Cousins is concerned, THE FUUUCK?!! The NBA has been marketing itself to Asia - and specifically to China- for a decade now. From staging season opening games, to teams printing out their nicknames in Chinese on their uniforms. Perhaps Cousins should learn more about why teams like his are doing these promotions before making a fool of himself.

  • Love 6

I thought the show was on fire last night.  Some ridiculous craziness with the debate.  Trump as the Jurassic Park T-Rex, lol, and attacking the audience because Jeb wasn't a big enough challenge.  All the entrance-fail stuff was hilarious - I especially liked Trevor's remark that the moderators forgetting about Kasich while they could see the empty podium shows that they weren't planning on asking him any questions.  And I laughed at Marco Rubio failing to prove that he wasn't a robot.


Jessica!  Great as always.  I know it's Fox News, but seriously - "You're performing for middle America, why would you bring race into it?"  WTF?  Loved Jessica's Knowlescon 1 excitement for the video and the performance, as well as her fantastic rebuttal to the idiots whining about having to think about race at the Superbowl.


Gillian Jacobs was fun.  She was so great talking about Hedy Lamarr, and I liked her and Trevor calling out Dan Harmon for a Community movie.

Edited by angora
  • Love 5

I'm so glad they played the entire entrance clip from the debate. I cannot possibly fathom what Carson was thinking. Surely, the producer/whomever told everyone, 'they're going to call your name, this is the order you're in, please walk out to the podium when you hear you're name.' The dude peeking around the corner and shooing Carson on stage was perfect. 


I'm just not getting the logic behind Rubio saying the same exact thing all the time. Maybe a long time ago when you didn't hear much about the candidates, but anyone interested in voting in the primaries probably has watched a decent amount of news/debates and had to have seen that speech before. I mean, flip it up once and a while. That and Trump shushing Bush just underscores what a farce the debates have been. 


As much as good of a rebuttal Jessica's piece was, would "middle america" even know that she was dressed like the BPP or even get the Malcom X dance formation? I was barely watching because I was making food, but it didn't even register for me. Even if it was obvious, I doubt the NFL cares. 

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As much as good of a rebuttal Jessica's piece was, would "middle america" even know that she was dressed like the BPP or even get the Malcom X dance formation? I was barely watching because I was making food, but it didn't even register for me. Even if it was obvious, I doubt the NFL cares. 


I haven't watched the episode yet but I did watch the half-time show and I totally missed the significance of the "X" formation -- I was too caught up in the significance of the prior formation: a giant arrow with Bey as the point.

Edited by dusang
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I cannot possibly fathom what Carson was thinking.


It looked like he didn't hear his name over the initial applause (get your hearing checked, dude).  And then he didn't want to walk out as someone else's name was called, and by then the whole thing was just spiraling out of control.  Well, he'll probably get to drop out soon.

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I'm just not getting the logic behind Rubio saying the same exact thing all the time. Maybe a long time ago when you didn't hear much about the candidates, but anyone interested in voting in the primaries probably has watched a decent amount of news/debates and had to have seen that speech before. I mean, flip it up once and a while. That and Trump shushing Bush just underscores what a farce the debates have been. 

I read an interesting piece about Rubio's battles with anxiety. As someone who knows a thing or two about that, I'd say, um, maybe not such a great idea to run for president?


I wonder if TDS' break (they're off next week) was planned around the primaries? The NH primary is tonight and I believe the next one is the SC GOP primary on the 20th. I'm really enjoying the election coverage. I also notice that they got rid of the "Indecision" branding.

  • Love 1
Crossing fingers for Samantha Bee's Full Frontal...



I was fine with how Noah was doing--it's a pleasant ten minutes or so (I don't watch the interviews) of my day four days a week--but then I just watched the clips from Monday's Full Frontal premier on YouTube. OMG, Sam Bee is so much better at political commentary. She's so hard-hitting. Why wasn't she made the new host of the Daily Show?

  • Love 3

Something seemed off about tonight's episode, and somewhat in other episodes.  The audience isn't responding to some of Trevor's more cutting jokes, like about waterboarding or Carly Fiorina.  I don't know if it's Trevor botching the joke timing, or if the audience is skewing younger and less politically savvy.  But there's lots of awkward silence.

I was fine with how Noah was doing--it's a pleasant ten minutes or so (I don't watch the interviews) of my day four days a week--but then I just watched the clips from Monday's Full Frontal premier on YouTube. OMG, Sam Bee is so much better at political commentary. She's so hard-hitting. Why wasn't she made the new host of the Daily Show?


Samantha's style was too bang-bang and a little over the top for the TDS hosting duties (not to mention she had to do interviews on each show). It needed someone with more nuance and detail, which Trevor has shown more than capable of. Samantha's new TBS show has been tailor made to fit her style perfectly.

  • Love 3

I am so disheartened and sickened by how so many people respond positively to Trump and the bile he spews. I know I'm not alone in being shocked that he's come so far, and now I fear that he's going to be the Repub nominee. If he is, I'm sure he's going to tone down his rhetoric in order to appeal to more moderates. He changes his spots so drastically and gets away with it. 



As for the Dems, I'm sure that the stuff with Albright and Steinem put off a bunch of NH people who went over to Bernie. I honestly don't know which candidate I prefer. I like both of them, though I think Hillary is more electable. And as Krugman said, Hillary has been attacked for decades and survived. The Repub attacks on Bernie haven't really begun, so if he becomes the nominee, I fear he will be wounded badly.

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