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S10.E02: Dance Your Heart Out


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I just posted this as a spoiler in the episode 1 thread, in relation to questions about whether the show was airing tonight or tomorrow night, but because it comes from the CMT sneak peek for episode 2, I think it more properly belongs here.  Apparently, Kitty Carter says to someone (Taylor, I think): 

"God grabbed your crack, and went BOOM!"

 For me, this might be the strangest thing she's ever said on TV (which is saying something), and I can't wait to find out the fuller context for that remark!

Edited by M1977G
  • Love 1

Jasmine, Breelan, and Ashley's solos were TERRIBLE!

Breelan's costume was atrocious.

Ashley had gained weight and looked really soft.

Well, all I can say is I forgive you k&j. whatever you decide/d is all understandable by what was presented in this episode.

Poor Amy Simone. I really like her but she should have prepared her girls a little better for all that shaking and bouncing

double-sided tape. Every dancer and model's friend. I'm sad Auto Amy didn't know about it before the solo :( Edited by mardo4
  • Love 5

Apparently, Kitty Carter says to someone (Taylor, I think): 

"God grabbed your crack, and went BOOM!"

 For me, this might be the strangest thing she's ever said on TV (which is saying something), and I can't wait to find out the fuller context for that remark!

I am so glad you posted this... Because there is so much în this episode I almost forgot about this! Hee Hee

  • Love 2

Ugh , that part where they were discussing Breelan on the big screen and Melissa was all " my heart breaks for her" or something along those lines annoyed me. Breelan should have known that wasn't going to fly. Same with Jasmine and Ashley, I honestly think that Jasmine figured she was a shoe in being a 3 year vet so she didn't have to go all out.

  • Love 4

Folks, I'm already mega sick of Courtney. I saw her, seemed like every 5 minutes explaining something or saying something. 


Also Colby and the fan vote. Am embarrased by it.I had to laugh,though, when the the judges were discussing who the three fan picks were.  Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to allow fans to vote--more of a friend and family lobby than a real vote. Colby reminds me of a cross between Nina from an earlier season and Vampira.

Edited by Dopeydwarf
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Always hard watching the vet cuts (and in this case, Danielle's reaction), even when legit.  Felt so bad for them.

poor Danielle was almost cut one season and now her rookie buddy won't be there this season. That would be hard. I do wonder if Kelli gets fed up w vets showing up out of shape or ill-prepared. and maybe they just didn't think with so many vets retiring that k&j would be as critical?

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Well, now we know how Fake Accent Colby made it in to training camp.  UGH!  She was the Fan Favorite???  She must know a lot of people who know a lot of people.  I can't STAND that fake accent that comes & goes.  I think she's all wrong for the team.  I think if she hadn't been FF, she would have been cut.  Even K, J & Charlotte were joking about her Botox.  Fake, fake, fake, fake, fake!


My heart broke for Car Parts Amy.  That wardrobe malfunction and low kicks did her in.  I hope she was able to audition for another team.  At least she can set her wedding date now.


50 Yard Line Kelsey showed her true colors at the end.  She walked away from the interview instead of handling it with grace.  K's big concern was being an ambassador risk.  I think that showed she made the right decision.  I really was hoping she could "wow" the judges and have a great interview this time.  I think it's pretty common knowledge that Jerry Jones is the owner & GM of the team.  I think if they had said "who owns the Cowboys?", she would have answered correctly.  Saying "general manager" threw her off.  However, you've got to be prepared to answer anything and think on your feet.


I really, really wanted Kansas City to rock it.  She would be a terrific DCC ambassador.  So sad that her dancing doesn't mesh with DCC.


I have to say, I'm not surprised Breelan was cut.  I don't think she should have made the team last season.  She KNOWS what they expect and showed up to auditions out of shape.  I'm wondering if they had issues with her during the season?


Ashley Pro...oh, no!  I was so happy when she made the squad last year.  When they were criticizing her solo, I couldn't blame her for pulling up short on her tumbling.  She didn't want to accidentally kick someone and it can be hard to judge distance when you're in a different environment that what you practiced.  However, she really did blow it on the field.  You could read how unsure she was all over her face.  I would think that being a vet, she'd know better and at least cover well.  Sorry to see her go.  She seemed like a really sweet girl.


Last week I asked if anyone thinks Christina is the new Miranda.  Always in the finals, never makes the team.  I saw some re-runs of season 6 and she was also in the finals that year as well.  4 years and still hasn't made the team.  She needs to do something to have some power & flexibility or just hang it up.


Did Rhythmic Gymnast make it to training camp?  By the end, I couldn't tell some of them apart.  Right now, the rest are just a sea of faces.  Will need to see more (or re-watch this episode) to comment further.  

  • Love 4


ETA...really surprised Jasmine thought she could get by with that solo and apparently she didn't visit Kitty Carter

I don't know about Jasmine visiting Kitty or not, but she was told her rookie year that she needs to take serious technique classes from Kitty and others around Dallas.  I actually don't think she thought she could get away with her solo--the look on her face when she talked about her audition suggested to me she knew that she really hadn't rocked it, and she was scared of getting cut.  I'm so sad, because I love Jasmine!  She was never the best dancer, but she is a fun performer and seemed like a sweet lady, and a great team member and ambassador.  I never like seeing vets cut, but she's the only one of the three cut this year I will miss.  Ashley P seems so sweet and is beautiful, but I never really liked her dancing, and she always looks so scared.  I suspect that, tumbling stumble aside, her solo was not amazing.  It's not her fault that she doesn't have a large dance background, but she looked like a worse dancer than last year and I don't quite get that.  Whoever said that they thought Breelan performed poorly in part because she knew she didn't look her best is probably right.  It's hard to put your whole self out there when you know you could or have done better, and/or when you think what you're offering doesn't measure up.  I think that was a big problem for Ashely P, too, and certainly part of Veronica's performance problems last year at auditions and TC.


I'll have to watch it again to absorb it all, but this episode was so fun to me.  The second of the season is always one of my favorites.  I always love the solos, and wish they would devote twice the time to showing them. Loved rookie Megan even more than I did in the last episode, and I hope we see more of her this season.  I enjoyed being "introduced" to rookie Holly, who seems like an amazing dancer and a sweet small-town girl, but seriously, I'm over Colby and her short segment did nothing to win me over.  Funny that Judy put a bunch of question marks about her.  My favorite laugh out loud moment, besides Kitty talking about God making Taylor's crack going boom, was when they asked the one girl to finish the sentence, "Ask not what your country can do for you," and she said something like, "ask what you can do for yourself," and THEN stated that Uncle Sam said it.  Um, honey, Uncle Sam was not created to encourage Americans to be self-centered, and a far better answer in this case would have been, "I don't know."  That said, it was unfortunate but not shocking that 50-yard line Kelsey still didn't know shit about football, and I agree that her lack of composure at the end of the episode reinforced the idea that she might not be the best spokesperson or ambassador for the DCC or Cowboys.  


I tried to dismiss Neal McCoy's potential creep factor last season and read it as enthusiasm, but I agree, he has a certain creep factor.  Or maybe it's a lack of proper filter.  Either way, Kelli may appreciate his honesty, but I think he could keep some of that stuff to himself.

  • Love 5

Wow did ashley and Breelan look heavy. Their faces both looked beautiful, especially breelan - but clearly they were both noticeably out of shape compared to last year. I was still surprised how insincere Melissa seemed to be about fighting for her - almost gave me the impression that there was more behind her not making the team than just how she looked at the audition.

That last girl invited in - w/ the black hair and no eyebrows, she looks like she's 14 and does not have a DCC look at all. I don't understand that one at all. She also sounded pretty full of herself. I wonder why she wasn't featured at all till this point?

The fan vote results were very odd, not just Colby winning, but the other two runners up - I agree that they may be wondering if it was a bad idea. And remember the first one may have triggered Vivians ego trip ;).

Colby looks a lot older than 31. I find it hard to believe that that is her age.

Danielle and Paige both looked great. Danielle seemed so upset about Jasmine - I felt bad.

I felt really bad for 50 yard Kelsey - she really is a beauty. Would those mistakes alone really keep her out of TC?, or is there likely something else that's an issue too? She certainly has a good look IMO. She was really upset at the end - couldn't even put on a positive face for the cameras - kind of made her seem like a more geniune person to me, but maybe the DCC don't like that type of thing.

Courtney is really starting to get on my nerves - they keep showing her in every orher scene, and the more footage I see of her the more I think she doesn't look like a DCC and the more I think she's overconfident (like she thinks she has this in the bag).

Looking forward to next week's episode already - love this show.

  • Love 2

. I just think she knows how to play to the camera and provide a quick sound bite. But yes, I too am on Courtney overload.


She needs to take lessons from Brittney Schram - that girl knew what to say and when, and she could play to the camera better than anyone.


I think some of the veterans lean up for the calendar shoot and then they come back, start eating carbs and gain weight right before auditions.   

  • Love 4

I wonder if it's Madeline who wears the wrong color practice outfit to TC. She says something in the previews like  "it won't happen again".


*Surprised Danielle was the first one called for TC. Just 3 years ago she wasn't originally chosen but then Kelli changed her mind.

*Colby admitted she probably wouldn't have made it to TC without the fan vote.

*Kelsey needs to bone up on her Cowboys knowledge or not audition again.

*Didn't Rockford Amy say she was retiring from dancing after not making it to TC? Yet she auditioned for the DMD, DSIG, and AAIA. She just seems so desperate. Maybe she'll make the AAIA.


The fan vote IMO is so phony. You know it's mostly family and friends that are voting.

Edited by MrsEVH
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I'm annoyed because, last week, if you watched the first episode on cmt.com, there was a preview for last night's episode that showed the black lady judge (I forget her name) saying to someone in panel interviews, "I don't think you want to be a dcc" and then a shot of Breelan in panel interviews saying something like "it's just so stressful" -- where was that last night?!?!

  • Love 2

I'm annoyed because, last week, if you watched the first episode on cmt.com, there was a preview for last night's episode that showed the black lady judge (I forget her name) saying to someone in panel interviews, "I don't think you want to be a dcc" and then a shot of Breelan in panel interviews saying something like "it's just so stressful" -- where was that last night?!?!

I never saw that. When was that said at the end of last weeks show?

As I just said, if you watched the first episode online, it was a preview at the end.  I don't know how else to say it.

YUP! I remember this too and was looking forward to seeing it (in a sick way lol), to see who she was talking to! The way they edited it, I don't think it was Breelan, they wanted it to look like it was her...but still why not tease it and then not follow through with showing it?? Weird.

*Hollllyyyyyyy Marieeee!! Love her!!! She proved last night why she is a star... "she was the best of the day"....so happy for her!! The only sad part is that I'm sure since she's so good they won't show her like at all during training camp :-P 


*Also love Megan C...WOW! She is so gorgeous and a beautiful dancer.  I would love to see her whole solo too.  Just has such a poise and maturity while seeming humble. But again, probably won't see much of her either from now on :-P


*Oh Colby...I believe that she is 31 and just looks older because she is SO THIN.  Ladies, even just a LITTLE fat keeps the wrinkles away (without botox!!) and keeps you youthful.  I'm 30 and I still get asked if I'm getting ready to head off to college soon LOL 


*Poor Madeline.  I think she is so fun to watch dance and has a cute personality but like Neil and Kelli said...not sure even a makeover can give her the DCC look.  I hope she gets a chance at one though! With better eyebrows and lighter hair I think she'd be a lot prettier. 

And I am like 99% sure from next week's clip that she is the one who wears the wrong shorts the first night and gets majorly called out...


*Surprised that Simone was so weak.  I really thought she'd be a killer dancer but she honestly was so meh.  Gorgeous though!


*They really didn't show much of the veterans at ALL!  I reallllly wonder just how upset Jasmine was.  She had NO "exit interview".  We know from that IG post earlier in the year that she is not a fan of the CMT cameras....I wonder if she refused to give them anything to use.  Probably best to do that then get a poor edit that makes you look bad.  But I mean, they showed Danielle sobbing but Jasmine just walking out...not hugging Danielle, not crying as she left, etc.  Eh, good for her.  I know she had a poor showing that day but she was one of my favorites so I'm still bummed.  Didn't realize Breelan and Ashley P had gained weight.  I think Ash is built more like Alex Hermes and they are just thicker but Breelan was so skinny in years past that hers was more of a shock.  She had an ugly leotard LAST year too for her solo. Girl, get it together. 


*Weird that they really didn't show Christina or Ashley Paige at all this week...must really have been over them.


*I don't mind Courtney.  SO FAR she seems sweet and just to really be enjoying the process. The camera likes her so she gets featured a lot.  As long as she doesn't get too self-centered or psycho, I'm a fan.  But we shall see...




*No love for Jenny Kat's solo this year? I know she got a Barbie but usually they gush all over her or show a clip at least...SO GLAD that Erica got major love for hers! it really was an incredible solo! (she put it on her public IG a couple of months ago)


Can't wait to rewatch it this weekend hehe

  • Love 4

Ahhhhhh!!!  Second show of the season is always so much fun!


*  Holly is just adorable in all ways!  Loved the little bit of her dancing that we got to see.

*  Why in the world is Colby trying out at age 31?  DCC is not something to start doing when you are in your 30s. Beyond the fact that I think she looks too thin and sinewy (not a flattering look), she looks completely botoxed up.  That ain't pretty.  I am sorry that she took up a space because of the fan vote and hopefully they will wash her out early.  I am not even going to mention the odd affected accent.

*  That Mormon girl ... yes McCoy is uber-creepy, but the man was correct in his assessment of her.  Why in the world would she do that to her hair??   Looks like she went bathing in ink.

*  I still am not feeling Kat at all.  Her dancing isn't that interesting and her look isn't anything special.  

*  Was it Mary in the yellow sheath dress for the interviews?  Whoever that was looked gorgeous and incredibly stylish. Speaking of Mary, I would love to see her solo in full.  It looked fun.

*  I really fail to see the appeal of Taylor.  She looks pretty thick, she applies her makeup with a trowel and her kicks are bad.  Why are they even wasting a space on her?

*  God knows these women are in FAR better shape than I am, but why in world would Breelan and Ashley P go into finals without looking as good as they possibly could???  The veterans are held to a higher standard than the rookies - they KNOW what is expected of DCC.  I think both girls are lovely, but geez,  I find it hard to feel bad for them since they torpedoed themselves.

*  Oh Jasmine :(  I agree with other posters that she probably was resting on her laurels.  That solo was pretty bad and not knowing the on-field dance is pretty unforgivable when you are a 3 year vet.

  • Love 4
She walked away from the interview instead of handling it with grace.


She walked away from the interview instead of bursting into tears and having her ugly cry memorialized and played again and again and again. It was a smart move, in my opinion.


Surprised Danielle was the first one called for TC. Just 3 years ago she wasn't originally chosen but then Kelli changed her mind.

Was she really first? Or just edited to look that way?


God I hate Kitty Carter.

I couldn't agree more. It is possible to be blunt and tough without crossing over into degrading and disparaging. She really enjoys insulting those girls. Telling Colby to eat a sandwich was in no way a constructive comment intended to improve her performance and her chance to make the team. It was just mean.

  • Love 4

*Poor Madeline.  I think she is so fun to watch dance and has a cute personality but like Neil and Kelli said...not sure even a makeover can give her the DCC look.  I hope she gets a chance at one though! With better eyebrows and lighter hair I think she'd be a lot prettier. 

And I am like 99% sure from next week's clip that she is the one who wears the wrong shorts the first night and gets majorly called out...




That was a blonde.

She walked away from the interview instead of bursting into tears and having her ugly cry memorialized and played again and again and again. It was a smart move, in my opinion.


Was she really first? Or just edited to look that way?


I couldn't agree more. It is possible to be blunt and tough without crossing over into degrading and disparaging. She really enjoys insulting those girls. Telling Colby to eat a sandwich was in no way a constructive comment intended to improve her performance and her chance to make the team. It was just mean.


I bet a lot of the girls don't like Kitty. They probably just put up with her because she helps them with their dancing.


Here's the instagram post where Rockford Amy  says she's hanging up her dance shoes and moving on with her life. As you can see others encourage her not to. Maybe that's why she continued to audition for other teams.

Her instagram is public so I'm assume it's OK to post.



The missing interview Breelan footage is in the Bonus Clips! That among others including Jasmine blowing her interview as well and some more Kitty Carter stuff.




Breelan didn't stand a chance after that.


Other notes:


- It seems to me that Jasmine was kind of going with the flow and wasn't as passionate as say the other veterans. At least that's how they edited it. 


- Taylor's voice is annoying.


- Danielle seems to be Kelli's favorite to me.


- I don't understand why all this "technique" is so important for the cheerleaders to have when 1) it'll likely only be showcased during Show Group and 2) the dance to the DCC style which isn't as "technical" as they'd like to make it seem.


-I couldn't even pay attention to Auto Amy's solo b/c I was terrified her boob was going to pop out.


- Courtney seems so eager, but I've already had enough.


- Not shocked Ashley Pro didn't make it back after seeing her audition


- I kind of understand why Airhead Kelsey didn't make it to TC once again. Since so many people watch the show, had she made the team, it would have been a running joke that some ditzy cheerleader didn't even know the Cowboys GM.


- None of the judges were fans of Colby..as expected.


-...bye Kitty. Stop making it a point to show how "critical" you are. No one remotely cares that you used to be a DCC..no one knows..and you definitely weren't on the team when it was as "elite" as it is now. 

  • Love 4

The missing interview Breelan footage is in the Bonus Clips! That among others including Jasmine blowing her interview as well and some more Kitty Carter stuff.




thank you!!! I didn't think Jasmine's was THAT bad...but again, what we've said a million times, vets are at a higher standard. 


Oh Breelan.  I don't know what else to say.

I actually think a lot of the girls DO like Kitty.  I have a feeling she is super harsh and mean on TV, like a Simon Cowell, but a lot kinder and more supportive in private.  Just a guess but I get that impression from her comments to some of them on social media, etc.  Or maybe she just has her favorites that she is nice to lol  Like, she LOVES Mary!!


What frustrates me with her is that some of her criticism IS helpful (like trying to get Kat and Taylor to make sharper movements, etc.) but some is just...dumb.  Telling Colby to eat a sandwich is in no way going to help her at this point. It'd have made a lot more sense to be like, "well, your dancing is fine but be aware the judges are probably going to think you are too thin for the squad and the uniform.  It might be to your benefit to put on some curves and come back next year."  Which would never happen because from Colby's IG, being skinny is part of who she is and what she does.

  • Love 1

Why the hell does Colby use that fake British accent when she even told she is originally from Texas and only moved to London after college?! No one who is born in the US suddenly acquires a British accent just from living over there for a few years. That's ridiculous and she sounds idiotic when she talks. 

 OT: Didn't Madonna "acquire" one after marrying Guy Richie?

  • Love 6

Just jumping in here because everyone has made some great posts and I can't respond to each one and not take up a WHOLE lot of space pontificating! lol


I think it's unfair to say Jasmine, Ashley's and Breelan's solos were horrible, in that we saw about 10 to 15 seconds of them. Ashley had an aborted maneuver because the girls were sitting so close to the dance floor and she was afraid she was going to hit them. She miscalculated. I don't think that alone would have ended her DCC career, but she also stumbled on the turf! She was never the strongest DCC and should have been pretty perfect in her auditions to keep her spot. I didn't think Ashley looked soft or like she'd gained weight - not like Breelan. Ashley's always had an atypical DCC body, and that's something I liked about her.


I don't know what Jasmine's full solo looked like: again, we got to see 5 to 8 seconds of her routine. That it confounded the judges was obvious, but what did her in as well, IMO, was her performance on the turf.


Breelan just looked pretty bad for a returning DCC. Her costume for her solo was too small, and she certainly looked like she'd put on weight, which people have been saying in the forums. Strangely enough, I think they might have brought her back (Jay saying he could work with her) except there were many other great rookie options.


As for Colby - one definitely can pick up an accent pretty fast when hearing it 24/7 for years.  Apparently Colby lived in London for several years before returning to TX, so its completely believable that she would pick up a London accent. The accent didn't take over her speech, so she's probably losing it now that she's back home.


I thought Auto Amy made it to TC!  Man, her solo had ME on the edge of my seat, and I wasn't even there watching it live. I felt so bad for her! Shades of Teri not being able to get out of her rip-off-pants, only worse. But I can see her not making it onto the team with her kicks and her short legs. So I'm glad they didn't take her to TC, only to cut her later.


I felt bad that Christine didn't make it to TC! I think she should have. From the little I saw she looked good, danced well. Guess Kelli (she can be fickle with who she likes) just wasn't into her this year.


Kelsey, Kelsey, Kelsey. Not knowing the answer to a very important Cowboys question. I think that pretty much shoots any further attempts to join the team. I can't believe she didn't learn everything about the Cowboys and DCC history before coming back this year! After her "50 yards" answer last year, she should have KNOWN they were gonna put the screws to her. I felt bad for her.


I haven't seen the edited clips on CMT, but plan on checking them out! 

Edited by Kaedee
  • Love 3

Hi All -

I was going to post about the deleted scenes on CMT.


So Jasmine messed up the interview, kind of, her solo was not a favorite with the judges and she messed up on the field. I do feel like she thought she was shoo- in being that she is vet. How do the vets not realize they are held to a higher standard over the rookies?

Ashley Pro wanted to be a DCC so much.  As did Breelan.  So then why do they come to auditions not bringing their A game?  I thought being a DCC would give them confidence?  I saw no evidence of confidence at the finals in either of them.  Breelan was heavy at the calendar shoot (you could see it in the pictures) and she messed up her interview.  Ashley has gained weight since she first auditioned and her dancing doesn't seem to have improved.  Why oh why do these girls not take dance classes or work with a vet or something to improve?

I keep thinking back at what we saw Caila doing the months before auditions.  Put in the work, it will pay off.  

I agree with whomever posted that Danielle is a Kelli favorite and I get it. Even though she has struggled a bit with weight in the past, I think Kelli likes that she keeps working hard and that she is from NY (not Texas)...it makes her different.

I am also sad that Ashley from KC did not make training camp.  She is a nice girl.  She's just stiff.  She said she worked on it but I guess it didn't make a difference.

I don't have a favorite right now but I have to say that I am not a Taylor nor a Christina fan.  Taylor looks cheap to me and Christina is just meh...in my opinion.

Wait - Christina didn't make it to training camp?

One more thing:

After Colby winning the fan vote, I wonder if the DCC group will rethink the fan vote.  It's obvious what is happening and I don't think this is what they intended when they created it.

  • Love 4

It's NOT Madeline who wears the wrong color shorts. There's a bonus clip of her on cmt where she's dancing with 3 others and you can see she's in pink & blue. Some blonde is wearing the wrong color outfit ( who could it be?).  Madeline seems stressed out on the first day of TC .I wonder if that's why she eventually gets cut.

The missing interview Breelan footage is in the Bonus Clips! That among others including Jasmine blowing her interview as well and some more Kitty Carter stuff.



 Thank you so much :)


I agree with caligirl50 about the fan vote. They need to get rid of it next year.

Edited by MrsEVH
  • Love 3

50 Yard Line Kelsey showed her true colors at the end.  She walked away from the interview instead of handling it with grace.  K's big concern was being an ambassador risk.  I think that showed she made the right decision.  I really was hoping she could "wow" the judges and have a great interview this time.  I think it's pretty common knowledge that Jerry Jones is the owner & GM of the team.  I think if they had said "who owns the Cowboys?", she would have answered correctly.  Saying "general manager" threw her off.  However, you've got to be prepared to answer anything and think on your feet.


I think you are a hundred percent correct. There are plenty of teams that have different GM's that are not the owner. That was the only question that they captured her messing up on.. I wonder if that was the only question and it just so happened that it was his daughter that asked it. I guarantee she knew who the owner was. But yes, saying "manager" threw her off. 

She did look pretty this year though!

Edited by Daledg
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