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S02.E04: Episode 4

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I wonder if they are going to give Samantha the same edit as they did on the season with Chris... basically non-existent. The previews made it seem that way with basically her face buried in Joe's every time they were shown and not giving her any of her own screen time. Given what a total sociopath he seems to be which could show poor judgement on her part, it would be kind of hilarious. But I suppose in fairness one of the markers of a sociopath is being able to blend in and fool and manipulate people.

Edited by GracieK
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At least Joe has given Ian (Princetonian from Kaitlyn's season) a little validation.  All the guys were saying how funny Joe was and he shows up here and his whole comic repertoire seems to be passing gas.



ETA:  "Jeff," corrected to "Joe" per Wonald's suggestion.  My only excuse is I'm over thirty.

Edited by JudyObscure
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In a universe in which most of the fellows refer to adult women as "girls." referring to men as "boys" seems perfectly appropriate to me.



AMEN to this. I am constantly irked by show hosts who introduce "the girls and the guys." The heck with that. Until "girls" are "women," those BOYS are "boys." This goes for this franchise, too, where the MEN/BOYS talk about all the "girls" on the show. I am refreshed when one of the MEN talk about the WOMAN he wants to date. Doesn't happen often, but I give whomever says that big points for maturity.


GAH! This opened the scab (heh) on one of my gigantic pet peeves!


Who is Jeff? Probst?



I think Judy means "Joe." And yes, Ian was sure correct about the "bodily function" jokes that all the GUYS (or boys) thought were so hilarious on Kaitlyn's season.

Edited by saber5055
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I always found Joe to be kind of non-existent on the Bachelorette and I find him to be the same here.  Even when he's being all devious and sociopathic, he just comes across as boring and ignorable.  Possibly because he's involved with Juelia, who I don't care about, right now; according to previews, his next love connection is with Samantha, who I also don't care about.

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"Gals" is antiquated. It defaults to girls.



But Bugs, an antiquated "gal" should be a woman, not a girl!


Isn't Juelia the one who went on the horse-riding (and I think, target-shooting) date with Chris Soules? That she spoke up and volunteered to go with (I've forgotten who it was) who had the horse-riding date card, sort of invited herself, tells me she likes to go horseback riding. Nothing wrong with that!

I think they need to do something to mix things up. Watching most of the cast sit around like bumps on a log (as my mom used to say), is really dull. We also know who each of these people are giving their rose to. Maybe make a time when they cannot give their rose to an existing partner or make them go on random dates. I know most of you like this way better than Bachelor Pad, but at least BP had games and other activities besides sitting around.


I don't even know if any of these so called established couples have a connection. We don't really see any romance once they couple up. For all we know, they have been told by production to pretend to couple up for a few weeks so other people can be featured. Not saying that's true, but I'm not seeing much romance there.


Still hoping for my girl Clare to find someone and I'm a straight woman so I don't really get a vote, but I would take her over not too intelligent and weepy Ashley I, crazy Ashley S, dull Jade and really dull and average looking Juelia. And outside of Ashley I who is what 27 or 28? The age differences towards any of them is not really drastic. Now a 22 year old and a 40 year old, that would be drastic. 

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I like Joshua, but that drug talk really concerns me. He brought it up so casually like it was a good topic of conversation with strangers. He did it twice not noticing that his audience was uncomfortable. I wish someone from those bothered groups had said something to him. They just clammed up while judging him. He and Tenley were sweet together though. I felt their attraction to each other and wonder how far things went with them. 

Edited by comosedice
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I don't even know if any of these so called established couples have a connection. We don't really see any romance once they couple up. For all we know, they have been told by production to pretend to couple up for a few weeks so other people can be featured. Not saying that's true, but I'm not seeing much romance there.


This season I get the impression most of the "couples" just agreed to be a couple so they could stay on the show and avoid the drama. I see little if any spark between any of them. Dan and Ashley seem like friends hanging out. Carly and her guy just sit around and snark on people and Jade and Tanner (is that his name) just look bored most of the time.

Many of the cast members are Tweeting to "address" some of the things we are seeing on the show.  As they are also seeing what happens for the first time, alongside the audience, most didn't know how they were going to be final-edited and how their conversations were going to be "presented" to viewers. 


Josh for example, has been trying to put that entire drug conversation into context.  This isn't a spoiler, though maybe it belongs in the media thread.  


"Josh may be a raging druggie" is something he's addressing on Twitter, so the information is out there and coming directly from the contestants.  

I think they need to do something to mix things up. Watching most of the cast sit around like bumps on a log (as my mom used to say), is really dull. We also know who each of these people are giving their rose to. Maybe make a time when they cannot give their rose to an existing partner or make them go on random dates. I know most of you like this way better than Bachelor Pad, but at least BP had games and other activities besides sitting around.


I don't even know if any of these so called established couples have a connection. We don't really see any romance once they couple up. For all we know, they have been told by production to pretend to couple up for a few weeks so other people can be featured. Not saying that's true, but I'm not seeing much romance there.


Still hoping for my girl Clare to find someone and I'm a straight woman so I don't really get a vote, but I would take her over not too intelligent and weepy Ashley I, crazy Ashley S, dull Jade and really dull and average looking Juelia. And outside of Ashley I who is what 27 or 28? The age differences towards any of them is not really drastic. Now a 22 year old and a 40 year old, that would be drastic. 

What exactly is the point of this show?   Shouldn't at least someone have immunity or something?   Why does Mikey refer to "power couples"?    What power do they have, exactly?     All you have to do is make a pact to couple up.   And then what?   I mean, I enjoy them acting like asses,  but I need a point to get to.


Didn't CW or somesuch do an even sleazier version of this called "Paradise Hotel"  about 10 years ago? 

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I still think age was not the reason but the excuse for Jared backing off of Clare.  Clare and Jared both would be wise to take time off from romance hunting and focus on other things.  The world is a big place.   It might be beneficial for them to open their horizons. But not together, obviously.



I tend to agree with this.  I just think that Clare is scary and wants something immediately that isn't going to happen.  Personally I would run like crazy.  What is puzzling is the shift to Ashley I except that he didn't want to leave the show I guess.  Otherwise that is really out of the frying pan into the fire in terms of people not being able to let things be normal.

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I just think that Clare is scary and wants something immediately that isn't going to happen.  Personally I would run like crazy.



All BIP is, is a couple of weeks on the beach hanging out and maybe going on a "date" somewhere to jump into different water and eat different food in a different location. Then the show is over and it's all "Buh-bye." I don't see the big deal about "teaming up" with someone while there, it's not like you are going to marry that person or even date that person any more than being picked on TB or TBette means you are going to marry that person. (Or even date that person IRL!)


It's all superficial. And it's all for OUR viewing pleasure! I like to remember that when I'm snarking. And let's face it, this show is snarkalicious.

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Well, I for one don't care if they are there for love, but they should at least be there for my entertainment! I admit I was a little bored with this last year and compared it unfavorably to Bachelor Pad, which was even cheesier but with more antics. My fellow posters however convinced me that this show was better because there is more drama; but I'm not really seeing it this time around. So we get to watch Kirk and Carly, Tanner and Jade, and Ashley S and Dan sit around and make snotty comments to people. I want fighting, power plays, partners being split up, the works. Real love, not so much.

  • Love 4



Tee hee hee!  Yeah I'm on the fence about Jared.  The thing that still bugs me the most about him is the conversation he had with Claire about her being 6, 7 years older than he and that would be an issue.  He knew her age before he asked her on the date so why is it a problem now.   While I agree the picking food out of the teeth is totally gross I guess Claire seemed to find it cute *shrug* and maybe that was her downfall. 


That's bad enough on its own.  Who does that ? and on a first date when you're maybe trying to hook someone.  My guess is that during their unseen time together she got somewhat clingy (as she did with her BIP partner last year)  after her dramatic reaction to the bungee jump and because she does seem so desperate to have someone.  While Ashley I. is like glue with him, too, maybe he just minds it more in someone older.  8 years is actually quite a bit at his age, for a serious relationship, which is what I think Clare was hoping for. 

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While I agree the picking food out of the teeth is totally gross I guess Claire seemed to find it cute *shrug* and maybe that was her downfall.


This seems par for the course for Clare. IIRC, she's the baby of the family and probably connects being taken care off with love. During Juan Pablo's season, I believe she made a huge fuss about trying squid and getting attention for it from JP. It's cute for a little while, but I'd guess around the early 30s it starts getting old. Just my guess.


It makes sense to me that Jared would opt for Ashley I. She's immature and a drama queen and a bit spoiled, but she's basically harmless because she's shallow. And from what we can see, she does have strong family connections and appears to be liked (or at least not disliked) by the other women. Ashley I is a fun and silly fling. Clare has deeper issues.


I still hope Clare finds love. Just not sure BiP has the right guys for her.

  • Love 3

Tenley is annoying and stupid, I don´t understand how all those guys can willingly be around her. This is just my opinion of course, but she bugs me more than Ashley I and Lauren combined. She looks much older than she supposedly is and has been around the block too many times to be compared to a Disney princess anything. Her voice and the affected mannerisms seem like her act (very forced and all the time) and I don´t buy it.


I was starting to admire Clare and how she could keep her desperation classy and in check but that meltdown at the end was awful. Underneath all the pretty is a whole lot of crazy. Still better than Ashley I though, I don´t understand what Jarred is thinking with his choice this week.


Joe is just horrible inside and out, and he´s also kind of scary. When he scolded Jonathan I felt worse than ever watching these b-shows. When Jonathan was crying afterwards, that was crazier than Claire´s finest hour.

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Wait, saber! Are you saying that some of the people are not there for LOVE? have you been talking to Clare?



Touché, Backformore, I'm busted. Best post ever!


About Tenley:

Her voice and the affected mannerisms seem like her act (very forced and all the time) and I don´t buy it.



She was exactly the same way on Jake's season (it was Jake's, right?) so if it's an act, she's very accomplished at it. I say that's Tenley, 100 percent. I still remember being highly embarrassed for her (and me watching) when she did her "private dance" for Jake. (It was Jake, right?)


While I was somewhat disappointed last season in that BIP lacked BPad's competitions and outright maneuvering for best partner so as to stay to the very end, I do find BIP's lack of structure to be fun to watch. The "evil ones" don't really win anything except more time in the heat and humidity. This way a person can go, check out the people they were interested in meeting, find out they are closet abusers, druggies or public farters, then go home with nothing more than a good tan. IF they are lucky.


And we can come here and snark about them!

Edited by saber5055
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What exactly is the point of this show?   Shouldn't at least someone have immunity or something?   Why does Mikey refer to "power couples"?    What power do they have, exactly?     All you have to do is make a pact to couple up.   And then what?   I mean, I enjoy them acting like asses,  but I need a point to get to.


Didn't CW or somesuch do an even sleazier version of this called "Paradise Hotel"  about 10 years ago? 


Ah, yes. Paradise Hotel. One of the old TWOP threads that probably made Glark cry (sorry, Glark!)


I say that's Tenley, 100 percent.

You´re probably right, I´m just grasping at straws convincing myself that no-one could really function being so annoyingly sickly-sweet all the time (and blowing it up way more around guys she´s attracting). I do feel like this may have started as an act (not exactly deliberate though), maybe it became her thing when she was daddy´s princess in her youth and then a disney princess for work, and by now it´s just who she is. Not much of a personality, just an extremely "sweet" women with okay looks who is always the nicest one around. She seems more affected now than she was when she was on Jake´s season (I liked her then) but it could just be her age and the desperate way she talks about finding love while throwing herself on every guy who might want her.

While I was somewhat disappointed last season in that BIP lacked BPad's competitions and outright maneuvering for best partner so as to stay to the very end, I do find BIP's lack of structure to be fun to watch.


It's just the first episode that has no structure, After that: new person shows up with a date card; learns almost everyone has paired off; settles for the one "single" person; hopes to get a rose to see who shows up next week.

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