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S10.E01: Dare to Dream

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Okay everyone, this is an episode thread. Let's keep the discussion on what happened in the episode, sneak peek of next week's episode, and episode related topics aka videos, articles, etc. etc. Unless someone like Sam Finglass is mentioned in the episode please try not to bring her up in the discussion. Off topic posts or discussion may be hidden or ask to be edited by the posters at the discretion of the mods. Thank you.

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I know almost nothing about 'real' stunting/tumbling, non-pom/dance cheerleading, so I had no idea who Cami is outside of this board and her five minutes on this show. I thought there would be more focus on her if she was a big cheer superstar, but maybe since she bombed so badly, they were actually generous and didn't focus on her as a superstar who blew it. She may be the most amazing stunter ever, but she was clearly not a dancer. I also think she's pretty, but Cami is no Abigail Klein. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all, but I thought she was cute and overly made up at best. I would never peg her as a beauty, especially without all that eyeliner and bleached hair everywhere.


I think Vivian is mentally ill. Even when she auditioned the first year, the fact that she wanted to do that idiotic Tin Man dance had me questioning her sanity. Then she just showed her true colors by the following season. That girl is definitely off. 

I don't think Vivian is mentally ill. I think she's just self-centered and fake. If anything, she has delusions of grandeur and narcissistic personality. She's beautiful and she's a good hip hop dancer. She's a terrible actress.


From her first minutes on her first season, she rang really, really fake and sketchy to me. She had fabricated a big Cinderella story for herself, but there were holes - we were so poor we only had hot dogs and cereal, and were homeless, but we could afford dance lessons and costumes! (My gut reaction translation - she and her mom grifted and lived with relatives, but found somebody to pay for 'dreams'). All the "I could NEVER afford this stuff" and the whole Tin Man thing looked to me like attempts to get freebies from the show and brand new Kitty Carter choreography - btw - she could also afford Kitty's prep classes, hmmm.


I think Kitty, Kelli and Judy saw right through her, but she started to grow on them. She started to grow on me, too. Then she came back 10x worse with all her preening, fan talk, lyrical dancing, injuries, and The Poem. When Kelli thinks a girl is trying to make a name for herself as an individual, instead of being a team player, it's a dead sentence. All that plus not being able to kick, Bye, Viv. 

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Finally had a chance to watch this episode.  I don't know how you all remember the names with each face so easily.  I'd have to re-watch with a notebook to remember who's who...LOL :)


I really wanted former KC Cheerleader girl to come back better than ever.  I thought she had the right personality to be a DCC and would be perfect at public appearances.  I sure was hoping her dancing would have improved.


I want to like Auto Parts Amy, but it killed me to hear them say she had short little legs.  She'll never make it if her legs don't look right in the uniform.  I'd hate for them to bring her in to TC and then get axed at cameos.  She seems to really want this.


I felt so bad for Puke Girl. I couldn't imagine how awful she must have felt.  Poor thing :(


I was super impressed with the engineers.  We need more smart girls!!!!!  I can't stand the "I'm-pretty-buy-me-something-sparkly" types.  I totally rooting for the math queens.  I am this/close to trying to find out from the spoiler threads if they make it or not.


Anyone else feel like Christina is the new Miranda?  I saw that she kept the brown hair they gave her in last year's makeovers.


I'll be interested to see which vets return.  I really didn't think Breelan should have made the squad last season.  I'll be interested to see if she comes back.


I cannot believe that London Girl made it through.  Her kicks were terrible and it's obvious she has no flexibility.  For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone would audition for this team if they can't kick or do a jump split.  It's not like you can suddenly get flexible in a month's time.  You've either got it or you don't.


There were some great dancers, but I can't remember their names at this point.  I'm sure the next episode will help with that.  Finals, interviews & introducing the new TCCs is my favorite part of the show.  I *really* hope they make sure to show us ALL of the TCCs and not just a select few.

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I cannot believe that London Girl made it through. Her kicks were terrible and it's obvious she has no flexibility. For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone would audition for this team if they can't kick or do a jump split. It's not like you can suddenly get flexible in a month's time. You've either got it or you don't.

Colby? She's a yoga teacher and super flexible! But that cheesy face she makes when she dances is beyond annoying

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I cannot believe that London Girl made it through.  Her kicks were terrible and it's obvious she has no flexibility.  For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone would audition for this team if they can't kick or do a jump split.  It's not like you can suddenly get flexible in a month's time.  You've either got it or you don't.



I disagree. If you work on it everyday, you can absolutely improve on flexibility..especially in an entire month. Only speaking from experience, but I guess not everyone is the same.

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What do you mean looks between candidates? I'm watching it now so I'm wondering what to look for

I put my response in the former DCC thread. Sorry for confusion.

Edited by DCCFAN71
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For the life of me, I can't understand why anyone would audition for this team if they can't kick or do a jump split.


I really think there are still some girls who think it's a waste of time to spend a year (or however long) preparing for the audition. They look at some of the girls who do that and get cut anyway, and decide it's not worth the effort. No point investing so much time, money, and energy in doing they job if they haven't actually got the job yet, right? Instead, they'll show up at auditions, just oozing POTENTIAL and Kelli, Charlotte, and Judy will recognize that talent and put them through to training camp. I think those girls figure once they get to training camp, THEN they'll really bust their butts to make the team.


I also think a lot of the "fails" we see are women auditioning as a bucket-list thing. They have no intention of actually being on the team, but want to give it a shot so they can say they did. And maybe get on tv for two seconds.

Edited by sleepyjean
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It's well known in the Dallas area that the heavy set girls who have no chance are recruited to be on the show just so they can have the one segment of "What were they thinking?!?!"  I think that's pretty crappy.

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It's well known in the Dallas area that the heavy set girls who have no chance are recruited to be on the show just so they can have the one segment of "What were they thinking?!?!" I think that's pretty crappy.

While that is shady and just plain not nice, if said heavyset girls are naive enough to think they are what the DCC are looking for, I have a hard time feeling that sorry for them, especially since the show has been airing for going on ten years. I myself am not a small person, and even if I did have some dance moves, I would never in a million years be naive enough to put myself in that position. So basically some of these girls who try out are either attention seekers and know what they're signing up for, or they're just plain delusional.

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It's well known in the Dallas area that the heavy set girls who have no chance are recruited to be on the show just so they can have the one segment of "What were they thinking?!?!" I think that's pretty crappy.

Where do the find them? In in the mall? Just walking around? Honestly a lot of those girls who look extremly heavy and out of place on the show probably really aren't all that heavy when compared to the regular population - so they go up to "almost attractive" large breasted women (cause that always seems to be the common characteristic) with long hair who need to loose about 20 pounds and hand them a business card asking them to tryout? That IS pretty cruel.

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I know almost nothing about 'real' stunting/tumbling, non-pom/dance cheerleading, so I had no idea who Cami is outside of this board and her five minutes on this show. I thought there would be more focus on her if she was a big cheer superstar, but maybe since she bombed so badly, they were actually generous and didn't focus on her as a superstar who blew it.

yes, I think they were being generous. They showed her in a brief clip but no intro, did not show her personal introduction which she would have listed her titles/accomplishments. I wonder if they filmed a bigger segment in anticipation of making finals and then chose not to use it? That would be the right play if they want her to come back and try again.
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When they show the girls that would never make the team (heavy, bad dancers) why do they always seem to put them in groups together?

I noticed that the group Cami was in seemed all weak. they showed everyone listed as "no" except 1 listed as "yes" to go into semis and I assume Cami was the "yes". hard to know with editing if that was indeed the sheet for that group.

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Looked up Amy Leonall on FB and most of her page is public...she posted a lot more about the process than I thought they were allowed! lol She seems super sweet though and I didn't realize she was BFF with Sarah Gourley!


Found Holly Marie's youtube channel where she's posted some of her dance videos! Only a couple are more recent but man is she good! Excited to see more of her next week, just the clips they show of her solo...wow!  Link below to her page, it's public:



Edited by LaurenBrook
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I'm stupidly happy this show is back! I thought the first episode fit pretty well into the MTT premiere episode formula, so it was fun but had nothing too surprising (except for that poor girl puking--and they did show her kicking with a new group, so I'm glad they gave her another chance).  I hope that the introductions to various girls actually continues throughout the whole season, rather than tapering off after the third episode like last season.  I loved Auto Amy last season, but I agree with others that her "tearful" desperation feels like a bit much.  At the same time, right when I was thinking that as I watched her, I was kind of impressed when she said she'd tried 4 times and this shows not to give up on your dreams.  And then I was like, go girl!  Her hard work and determination to dream were two of the things I really liked about her last year, so it was nice to see that she really hadn't given up and was getting further with her goals.

I loved the other Amy, and I like her blonde hair. Though I agree the cameras didn't show her doing anything especially impressive, I could see that she has technical skills, and her videos from college dancing showed precision in her moves and good showmanship.  I definitely did not think she looked heavy in the middle or thighs, as someone mentioned upthread.  I also liked Kat, but I find her dark brows a little distracting with that blonde hair.  I'm not sure she really did the leg up-spin thing we saw so often.  Editing determines what we see (and don't see), and I caught several moments of repeated footage in this first episode (including of the DCC dancing, and I'm like, really, y'all don't have enough of a variety of footage of DCC after 10 years that you have to show the exact same clip within 10 seconds, and like 3 or 4 times in an episode?)


Oiy, Christina and Taylor.  I didn't care for either when they auditioned last season, though I am sure they are both sweet girls and it's clear they work hard.  Christina seems so mousy, I don't love her dance style, she was clueless about kick technique, and she was so very, very tanned, except for her armpit.  Not feeling it.  I also don't think she was cut "only" because of her injury.  She got all kinds of critiques in TC last year:  "pastel" dancing, knocking herself off balance, looking awkward, plus shitty kicks.  As for Taylor, I thought she looked way better dancing in this episode than she did in her fan vote video, as I recall, but those kicks are crazy.  Regarding the debate upthread about why try out if you can't kick vs you can work on it and improve during training camp, here are my thoughts.  If you can't kick, like Taylor, don't even bother to try out.  Mackenzie Lee is our standard golden girl for showing that you can improve over a summer, but she'd been working at it already, and then was seeing a PT regularly.  Plus, Mackenzie's kicks were way prettier to begin with, kicking with straighter legs and more pointed toes than Taylor's bent-knee ugly kicks.  Taylor said she's not the most flexible person (duh), but she thinks she has "what it takes" to get them up there, and I was like, so why haven't you done that in the past 12 months?  What will be different in a summer that you couldn't do in a year?  

I'm very curious to see the cut vets next week and what all goes down, because I seriously can't understand cutting Jasmine and taking Taylor into TC. Breelan and Ashley P, OK, yeah.


I was so gratified to hear Jay be the one to say that Colby was too skinny!! I am not feeling her at all, and remember being shocked at her popularity during the fan vote in the spring.  I don't like her looks or her dancing, and then I heard her speak and thought, what kind of Texas British accent is that?  Then I read the posts here and see that she only lived abroad a few years as an adult, and I realize she has the Gwen Paltrow fake English accent thing going, which does not endear her to me at all.  With the clip they showed of her dancing in semis, it's hard to believe they took her into finals.  She was just bouncing, not seeming to dance, and making a kind of scary looking smile.  I think she was my least favorite of the episode.


Can't wait for finals!  

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I guess I'm in the minority, but I don't understand why so many people are shocked that Jay said Colby was too skinny. It's clear that she is. So was Jinelle. Some people are thin and don't have natural curves (or enough fat to give them some kind of femininity) and those women are prime examples. 

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I guess I'm in the minority, but I don't understand why so many people are shocked that Jay said Colby was too skinny. It's clear that she is. So was Jinelle. Some people are thin and don't have natural curves (or enough fat to give them some kind of femininity) and those women are prime examples. 

Lucky for Jinelle, she has big boobs to balance out her skinny frame. 

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I'm finally back in the country! The first thing I did was download the CMT app to watch this episode. Since I didn't remain spoiler free, it was interesting to see the girls who would eventually make it and those who got cut.


Auto Amy is really desperate. I'm sure she could have set a wedding date since I've seen some DCC's get married while still on the team. I wish they focused on more girls, but I understand that they're limited in time. Colby looks so old! How did she make it into finals? Who did she pay? Taylor's kicks are horrible and she has a horrible shape. Courtney is cute. There was one girl who really stood out to me, but I can't remember her name. She had dark hair and just seemed like an all around great package.


I'm just so happy that I finally get to see the training camp play out.

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I like Christina. She has a big smile and seems a genuinely nice person. She was injured last year and I think it's cool she's giving it another go this year.


Gotta ask, did anyone else notice that Taylor's freestyle routine was exactly the same as last year? Wouldn't you think she'd shake it up a bit? After all, they've seen her numerous years in a row. I'd shake it up a bit instead of doing the same thing. Of course, we did see her the full 90 seconds, but every time I did see her, it was the same moves as last year.

I would think it would be near impossible to repeat the same steps during the freestyle portion of tryouts. I assume they have a different song each year that they dance to and each song has different beats etc...

She sounds so desperate it's kind of sad.

She really did. I mean when you can't even set your wedding date because you are more concerned about making the DCC?!!?

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That's funny and he spent way to much time editing that!

A-it's a picture of Kathryn Dunn

B-it's got Jennifer's (group leader this year) name

I noticed that the season it aired! IMO, K&J were shocked because it was a picture of Jennifer Kathyrn NOT Kathryn Dunn (photo shopped) and they were shocked that the judge said "she just didn't do it for me". They would not have been shocked if that were truly a picture of Kathrynn Dunn. Don't get me wrong I like Kathrynn Dunn but K&J have made their opinions of her loud and clear.

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I would think it would be near impossible to repeat the same steps during the freestyle portion of tryouts. I assume they have a different song each year that they dance to and each song has different beats etc...

I wouldn't think it would be too difficult. We know the girls practice moves to use during the freestyle audition. Take a look at Taylor's performance. There's the exact same slow slide into the middle splits with that wide-eyed expression on her face. There's the same flip of her hair with the "O" shaped mouth and wide-eyed expression of surprise she did last year. She's even wearing the same outfit. If I didn't know I was watching the S10 premier, I would have thought I was watching the S9 premier.  If she did anything different, the camera only caught her when she did the exact same moves as last year. Quite a feat of filming! :) lol

Edited by Kaedee
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When they show the girls that would never make the team (heavy, bad dancers) why do they always seem to put them in groups together?

I imagine MOST of the people who audition for this show are weak.  Approximately 400 people auditioned. I bet for every one that's decent, there are four or five mediocre ones (can't dance, out of shape, not very cute, etc.) I have no trouble believing they'd have many groups that are nothing but duds, one right after another.


Auto Amy is really desperate. I'm sure she could have set a wedding date since I've seen some DCC's get married while still on the team.

The veterans know the schedule months in advance.  Amy doesn't. We know from prior seasons this this team often has rehearsals, mandatory activities, and appearances on weekdays and weekends too. Scheduing your wedding (and honeymoon!)  and hoping that there's no conflict  or that you can get the time off would be a gamble. I can't see Kelli going out of her way to accommodate any one dancer's personal schedule. Especially a rookie. Not even for a wedding. That's not how she rolls. DCC first. Everything else second.


I would think it would be near impossible to repeat the same steps during the freestyle portion of tryouts. I assume they have a different song each year that they dance to and each song has different beats etc..

Many of the girls choreograph and rehearse their "freestyle" dance well in advance. It's entirely possible Christina did the same dance in different years.

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There was a girl auditioning who I swear was Chandler (the poor girl with the huge grin who someone said looked like a grandma and then Kelli said danced like a chicken) from last season.  She had on a grey top & shorts with blue/green accents and was in the first 5 dancers I think.  Did anyone else notice her?

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I wonder if Auto Amy regrets leaving her automotive job to move to Dallas, and I wonder where the fiancé is located?

Like the girl who said she's going to have a cheeseburger if she didn't make it.

Christina made it sound like only her injury kept her off the team.

Too many similar names- Courtney and Kayleigh and another K I can't remember. Too much!

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There was a girl auditioning who I swear was Chandler (the poor girl with the huge grin who someone said looked like a grandma and then Kelli said danced like a chicken) from last season.  She had on a grey top & shorts with blue/green accents and was in the first 5 dancers I think.  Did anyone else notice her?


I did, but that wasn't Chandler. That girl wasn't so..grandma-y.

Also, I'm sure Auto Amy had another outfit to audition in. She auditioned for AAIA in the same outfit she auditioned for DCC in.

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I noticed that the group Cami was in seemed all weak. they showed everyone listed as "no" except 1 listed as "yes" to go into semis and I assume Cami was the "yes". hard to know with editing if that was indeed the sheet for that group.

*Puts on my tinfoil hat* Kelli said something this first episode about them receiving applications all year. They also scout at competitions and good repertoire with college teams. Plus, there are girls who were Jr. DCC, in various prep classes (Kitty Carter, Michelle Keys, etc). We know some very talented candidates are given passes past prelims straight to finals (Kelsi Reich, Sarah Gourley, Sydney Durso, etc.)


So my conspiracy theory is that all the girls just don't show up at auditions and get a number according to when they arrive. So some of the groups of five are already grouped or flagged as to girls they want to pay attention to, and some are grouped together as terrible, but filmable, and everything in between. BTW- if all this is already common knowledge and i'm just now figuring it out, pat me on the head and smile.


Kelli made a comment that one of the girls was 'highly recommended' from the dance world, so she knew to look for her. I think some might be really pretty from application photos, so they make sure they watch them to notice if they have the dance skill, etc.

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Like the girl who said she's going to have a cheeseburger if she didn't make it. !

I know! too funny, there is so much in this episode I may actually make it until ep2 on Thursday!
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The veterans know the schedule months in advance. Amy doesn't. We know from prior seasons this this team often has rehearsals, mandatory activities, and appearances on weekdays and weekends too. Scheduing your wedding (and honeymoon!) and hoping that there's no conflict or that you can get the time off would be a gamble. I can't see Kelli going out of her way to accommodate any one dancer's personal schedule. Especially a rookie. Not even for a wedding. That's not how she rolls. DCC first. Everything else second.

I think Kelli is clear in MTT season 9 at training camp "If you want to be on this team, you need to embrace the schedule. If you have a conflict, I am sorry, goodbye. There are no exceptions". They just have too many girls and too much to get done to worry about an individual schedule. I agree Amy probably did not want to risk putting money down or wasting time with planning if she made TC and just had to reschedule. I would wait it out as well, cause judging by her video she need to spend her time practicing not wedding planning! I have my fingers crossed for her, though.

Edited by mardo4
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Like the girl who said she's going to have a cheeseburger if she didn't make it.

Christina made it sound like only her injury kept her off the team.

I also liked the girl who said she'd have a burger if she didn't make semis. That was cute. :D


Officially, Christina was cut because of her injury.  Yes, they said a few times that she looked too pastel when she danced. But she wasn't cut for dancing pastel; her termination papers came because of the injury and her not being able to show she could kick. We don't know that dancing pastel would have cause her to not make the team. Lots of girls who've gotten the same critique have ended up making the team. A couple I can think of off the top of my head are Emily Claire and Ashley Marie in S7.

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I also liked the girl who said she'd have a burger if she didn't make semis. That was cute. :D


Officially, Christina was cut because of her injury.  Yes, they said a few times that she looked too pastel when she danced. But she wasn't cut for dancing pastel; her termination papers came because of the injury and her not being able to show she could kick. We don't know that dancing pastel would have cause her to not make the team. Lots of girls who've gotten the same critique have ended up making the team. A couple I can think of off the top of my head are Emily Claire and Ashley Marie in S7.


What does dancing "pastel" mean?  Not standing out? I remember Kelli saying that Mallory was pastel.

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What does dancing "pastel" mean?  Not standing out? I remember Kelli saying that Mallory was pastel.

I looked it up and an entry in Urban Dictionary came up, but I doubt this is it :) "when something is so amazing you have to use a more colorful word to describe it.   did you see that dance move? it was so pastel."

Edited by ByTor
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For those who already know who makes the team... 

LOVE this pic of the rookies! Gorgeous group! They all look a million times better than their cameos :-P https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10100529561726209&set=a.745641322009.2180498.35800660&type=1&theater


Looks like Bess is wearing a knee brace? :-/ Hope she's not severely injured. I also think Holly's hair color looks SO much prettier here. Not such a harsh red!

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The list of "pastel" dancers includes Melissa R, Natalie, Abigail, Melissa K, Jordan K, Ashley M, Emily C - it is a very esteemed list as these girls all made the squad.  I remember Justine helping Melissa K and Nicole H helped Abigail, and I think Natalie.  I remember Melissa R videotaping someone so they could see what they needed to be doing.

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I know almost nothing about 'real' stunting/tumbling, non-pom/dance cheerleading, so I had no idea who Cami is outside of this board and her five minutes on this show. I thought there would be more focus on her if she was a big cheer superstar, but maybe since she bombed so badly, they were actually generous and didn't focus on her as a superstar who blew it. She may be the most amazing stunter ever, but she was clearly not a dancer. I also think she's pretty, but Cami is no Abigail Klein. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all, but I thought she was cute and overly made up at best. I would never peg her as a beauty, especially without all that eyeliner and bleached hair everywhere.


I don't think Vivian is mentally ill. I think she's just self-centered and fake. If anything, she has delusions of grandeur and narcissistic personality. She's beautiful and she's a good hip hop dancer. She's a terrible actress.


From her first minutes on her first season, she rang really, really fake and sketchy to me. She had fabricated a big Cinderella story for herself, but there were holes - we were so poor we only had hot dogs and cereal, and were homeless, but we could afford dance lessons and costumes! (My gut reaction translation - she and her mom grifted and lived with relatives, but found somebody to pay for 'dreams'). All the "I could NEVER afford this stuff" and the whole Tin Man thing looked to me like attempts to get freebies from the show and brand new Kitty Carter choreography - btw - she could also afford Kitty's prep classes, hmmm.


I think Kitty, Kelli and Judy saw right through her, but she started to grow on them. She started to grow on me, too. Then she came back 10x worse with all her preening, fan talk, lyrical dancing, injuries, and The Poem. When Kelli thinks a girl is trying to make a name for herself as an individual, instead of being a team player, it's a dead sentence. All that plus not being able to kick, Bye, Viv. 



LOL yup. And could afford to be a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma too. Because you know, poverty. I don't buy her "We're so pooooorrrr" thing at all. 

Edited by Italian Ice
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Sneak peek for episode 2!

**Not being rude**

What does Vivian or her "I'm so poor" story have to do with season 10 of the first episode? The story of being poor was 2 seasons ago. That needs to go in former seasons so the current episode thread doesn't get clogged up with tangents from former seasons.

Edited by Dancer.Lyfe
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People are delusional...and aspirational. Just as hundreds of tone deaf individuals flock to American Idol for their chances to be the next singing superstar, I believe many of the weak dancers or out of shape girls who have auditioned truly believe in making it. The granny from season 6 or 7 seemed to be on the bucket list group though --just doing it for fun.

I wish they would have an episode of the vets getting ready for finals...it may be more revealing about how well they pick up the choreo, etc. this season in particular it may be helpfully revealing.

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I wish they would have an episode of the vets getting ready for finals...it may be more revealing about how well they pick up the choreo, etc. this season in particular it may be helpfully revealing.

That would be such a neat episode to watch

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Sneak peek for episode 2!


Love Kitty Carter! She is so brutally honest and it's hilarious. Telling Colby to eat a sandwich - lol...

Kat does seem to have some pretty good dance skills - and she does have a great figure. Maybe she's gonna win me over when I wasnt a fan before. Whoever that was that Kitty was saying had on Granny panties was heavy - I don't get how K & J can tell some of the vets over the years that they needed to lose weight when they invited someone that thick to finals.

Edited by MyFavShows
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I think it is hand props only, no chairs, trees, dressers, carts, horses!!!


Written test: A test on general knowledge about the Dallas Cowboys Organization, the Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders history, the National Football League, current events, and dance terminology.

Perform a ninety second individual talent presentation, (e.g. – singing, dancing, dramatic interpretation). This will be your opportunity to impress the judges with your creativity and talent. All finalists will be responsible for emailing their music at the appropriate time.  In addition, please bring a CD backup to the final audition. You may wear whatever costume design you wish to enhance and complement your performance. If your talent is singing, make sure there are no lead vocals on your musical accompaniment track.  Please note: hand-held props only; do not incorporate the use of a chair in your choreography.

Perform the dance combination and kickline taught previously at Semis in groups of 5 for the judges panel.

Judges retire to make selection for DCC Summer Training Camp Candidates.

Announce Training Camp Candidates.

Training Camp Candidates stay for a brief meeting with Director, Kelli McGonagill Finglass.

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The comment about Mia doing the choreography this year makes me wonder how much of the DCC choreography Judy actually does herself anymore? Does she even demonstrate any of it herself when she's teaching anymore?  In the last episode we heard her talk the girls through the kickline, but it has me thinking. Have we ever seen her actually dancing on the show? Or does she always do it from a chair, Abby Lee Miller style? Granted, she's 50-something now, but it seems she is more like the assistant director than the choreographer. And does Charlotte actually have anything to do with the DCC after training camp is announced?




Perform a ninety second individual talent presentation, (e.g. – singing, dancing, dramatic interpretation).


I don't think we've seen anyone NOT choose dance except for Jordan Daigle.  If I recall correctly, she showed up at Kitty's finals prep session and when it was time for everyone to show their talent presentation, Kitty acted like Jordan was a loser for singing. For some reason I remember the little pink dress Jordan was wearing. Kitty reacted as if she was offended. Her attitude was almost like "how dare you NOT dance??? If you don't dance, you are a LOSER and you'll never make the team."

Edited by sleepyjean
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