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"The View": Week of 8/3/15

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Mo 8/3: Stacy London, Rachel Platten
Tu 8/4: Nancy Grace, guest co-host Kelly Osbourne
We 8/5: Big Sean
Th 8/6: D.L. Hughley, Ashley Monroe
Fr 8/7: Lea DeLaria

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Yikes, their political discussions are so stupid. Whoopi says it's easy to run for president, go ahead and enter the race, anyone! Michelle and Raven don't know what Biden does as  Vice President. Why can't they educate themselves about what he does? I would be embarrassed to show my ignorance the way they do. Nicolle, as usual, gets her nasty jabs in about Hillary. Thank goodness I won't be subjecting myself to this when they go on their long break next week.:)

Edited by Kenz
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Raven asked a question which was ignored with everyone talking over each other.   But she didn't ask it very well, so nobody understood. 


Here it is -  presidents can only serve two terms. What about VP'S?

If Biden runs, and doesn't get the nomination - can he be added to the ticket as Hillary's VP?   Or is he also limited to two terms as VP?   


Whoopi and Nicolle were just saying "sure , sure, anyone can run, yeah, the more the merrier", without understanding what she was asking. 

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Raven cracked me up with one thing she said -  


When they talked about the "poop emoji", and someone trying to take it down because, i don't know, kids use it to bully?   raven retorted that Fisher -price needs to stop making toy guns. WTF?   Where has she been?

 This started a whole new conversation about toy guns being mistaken for real ones.   But why did she go there?   And - FP doesn't make toy guns, anyway - haven't for a long time.  


But it had nothing to do with some stupid emoji.  Was she just trying to state a position that she thought would resonate with moms in the audience?  


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Re: the whole bit with Rachel Platten and her Fight Song: I felt really bad for the "other" family that got invited to sit in the front row at the show to basically be ignored.  It got even better (read worse) when Rachel performed the song and they were actually moved into the 2nd row where it was much easier for them to be ignored.  Jeesh. 

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Nicolle, as usual, gets her nasty jabs in about Hillary.


Have you seen MJ lately?  It's a three hour show with roughly the first 30 minutes repeated at the top of the third hour, anyways, it's 1/3 Trump love, 1/3 Hillary hate and the other 1/3 a repeat and some news and entertainment.  Nicolle comes by it honestly beyond being a Republican.

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I missed hot topics... wasnt able to record them either.... are they worth watching?

Are you new, Roger?  Have you met The View? 


hee, sorry, couldn't resist ;)



Tu 8/4: Nancy Grace, guest co-host Kelly Osbourne

Oh God, I just noticed this.  Really, show?  I am now convinced that they are totally going out of their way to annoy 90% of their audience.  Because most people either hate one of the above or both.  The 2nd one is especially funny because she is her Mummy's stand-in over on The Talk.

Edited by Cementhead
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Raven asked a question which was ignored with everyone talking over each other.   But she didn't ask it very well, so nobody understood. 


Here it is -  presidents can only serve two terms. What about VP'S?

If Biden runs, and doesn't get the nomination - can he be added to the ticket as Hillary's VP?   Or is he also limited to two terms as VP?   

If he's eligible to run for Pres, he can certainly serve as VP again.  Just in case I checked the Constitution and the 22nd amendment only limits the Pres to 2 terms.  It says nothing about VP (unless the VP has served in the capacity of Pres).


Raven cracked me up with one thing she said -  


When they talked about the "poop emoji", and someone trying to take it down because, i don't know, kids use it to bully?   raven retorted that Fisher -price needs to stop making toy guns. WTF?   Where has she been?

 This started a whole new conversation about toy guns being mistaken for real ones.   But why did she go there?   And - FP doesn't make toy guns, anyway - haven't for a long time.  


But it had nothing to do with some stupid emoji.  Was she just trying to state a position that she thought would resonate with moms in the audience?  


They started out by discussing a gun emoji and whether or not it was being used to threaten people, but this devolved into poop jokes and the brilliant insight that guns can be painted purple.

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One, of many things, I don't like about Raven is that she seems to want to not look at her co-hosts, and her basic look is that she's either totally bored or totally pissed. If she's not personally involved in the issue, she just zones out, rather than paying attention. And if she's going to be on this show, especially during an election year, she's needs to educate herself on politics, or she's not going to say much next season.

Speaking of Raven's look, she could be a very pretty woman, but this half shaved, weird color hair does her no favors. YMMV, but I have never seen anyone look good in purple, blue or pink hair.

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Retailers just got fined for selling toy guns, so that's why Raven went there.  Wal Mart and Amazon had to pay like $300,000, so I'm sure they are on the verge of bankruptcy now.  I can see her point, the gun culture is out of control really, why worry about an emoji.  I just saw some pics of friends at a bachelor party where they all played paintball, and they are all decked out in crazy military garb.  And I can see how something like that could be fun, but when you consider the culture and have like Republicans seemingly wanting even more wars, it's kinda fucked up and pathetic to have grown men playing war games.  Or like killing a lion to make yourself feel like a man.  It's just a really weird culture/hobby to me.


I think the shaved side of the head look is so over.

Edited by Morbs
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Retailers just got fined for selling toy guns, so that's why Raven went there.


I get that.  She should have had her facts straight though, before calling out a toy company (fisher price)  that doesn't make guns.  


And the issue has been more those paintball and BB guns (pellet guns)  that by law, have bright orange tips,   But the criminals paint over the orange tip to make it look real.   It's not really that children are taking purple and green super soakers  and spray-painting them silver. 

Edited by backformore
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BACKFORMORE, ON 03 AUG 2015 - 1:56 PM, SAID:

Raven asked a question which was ignored with everyone talking over each other.   But she didn't ask it very well, so nobody understood.

Here it is -  presidents can only serve two terms. What about VP'S?

If Biden runs, and doesn't get the nomination - can he be added to the ticket as Hillary's VP?   Or is he also limited to two terms as VP?  

If he's eligible to run for Pres, he can certainly serve as VP again.  Just in case I checked the Constitution and the 22nd amendment only limits the Pres to 2 terms.  It says nothing about VP (unless the VP has served in the capacity of Pres).

As a card-carrying member of DraftBiden2016, I have to say, there's no way Joe would run on a ticket with Hillary Clinton. It may make sense with any other couple of contenders, say, Dick Cheney as VP for Jeb Bush, but there is no love lost between Biden and Clinton - in fact, we think of Joe as the anti-Hillary. Bush/Cheney? Perfectly constitutional. (Also delusional.)

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Are you new, Roger?  Have you met The View? 


hee, sorry, couldn't resist ;)


Oh God, I just noticed this.  Really, show?  I am now convinced that they are totally going out of their way to annoy 90% of their audience.  Because most people either hate one of the above or both.  The 2nd one is especially funny because she is her Mummy's stand-in over on The Talk.

heheheh...... that made me giggle... it threw me for a second.... you got me

I have no idea why Nancy Grace is still on TV.... she is a vile person

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I get that.  She should have had her facts straight though, before calling out a toy company (fisher price)  that doesn't make guns.  

Facts?  Surely you jest, backformore.  We don't need no stinkin' facts!

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Why did Rosie keep apologing to Kelly about being offended by Kelly's offensive toilet cleaning comment? And, honestly, Raven is just shit simple.

I think someone told her she over-reacted, but I don't think so.

I don't remember Raven saying anything remotely intelligent!

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Well, Kelly O's remark about latinos cleaning Trump's toilets is gonna come back to haunt her. Not a good move. 

That made me wince.  A more accurate, and diplomatic, way to get her point out would be that Trump's golf courses, hotels and properties employ hundreds of Latin Americans.   


* I forgot to add that Trump takes enormous pride in telling the world that his properties are the most beautiful, well-maintained in existence.  I can't remember where I read it, but some outlet released statistics re: hundreds of Latin Americans worked for Trump Inc.  Aren't the employees largely responsible for the day-to-day excellence of any business?  

Edited by MatchaLove
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What did I just watch? Holy shit whatta mess. Kelly and Raven giggling and talking over everyone, Michelle's inappropriate interview with the boy band, Kelly making bad remarks, Rosie rambling about her topic and just a general crappy(er) show. While athletes should never swim in shit, Whoopi thinks two host countries should build for the Olympics. Right, because most countries have billions of dollars to invest for the facilities to sit empty. Topics all over the place and Nancy Grace too. I felt sorry for the doctor who should have whiplash from trying to answer everyone's questions. So much stupid today, it almost hurt.

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Ok, I'm confused. Michelle and Raven (at least I think that was Raven behind a mask, WTF?) interview One Direction, but they don't show it on the show? It's only available on the website? Wouldn't that have generated more viewer interest than whatever the heck Nancy Grace or that dr (aka "filler") were talking about?

Edited by Haleth
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And did you notice Whoopi kissing Kelly's ass about her parents, going overboard with complimenting clothing line etc?  On more than one occasion, Sharon Osbourne has flat-out called Whoopi and asshole (and other negative observations) on national television  :)


She was skating, lol.


And again with how natural and flawed you are and you're alone by choice.  You can't even talk about anything girlie (hair and m/u) without her reminding the audience that she doesn't enjoy it or need it.  It's fine Whoopi, nobody is forcing anything on you.  Personally, I wear minimal make-up on a daily basis but I'm still sort of obsessed with it.  I have a close friend who's a very high end make-up artist and whenever I have somewhere special to go, or she just wants to try something new on me….gotta say, it's transformative.  Loves it.  I'd have a full on face of glam everyday if I could just sit there have it applied.

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Don't remember if it was Rosie or Raven saying the Amy/Chuck Schumer news conference was different because they were talking about the need for laws concerning guns. WTF? No one has ever discussed the need for laws regarding gun ownership? Umm, OK. Then Raven starts to say something about having a problem with drivers licenses too but stops before explaining what the hell she's talking about. What a shitstorm.

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Pot calling Kettle.  I guess Kelly forgot how she got all bent out of shape with her former co host, Rancic, for the stuff she said about Zendaya.  Kelly must feel she's allowed to let stupidity fall out of that big mouth of hers.  

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This show was so unpleasant. When you add know-nothing, pompous Kelly and Raven with unfunny talky, talky Michelle, Whoopie, and top it off with one of the most obnoxious, icky people on earth, Nancy Grace, you've got a really bad show. Rosie is so lucky that she only has a few days left to go with this disaster.

Edited by Kenz
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Kelly Osbourne is such a trouble maker….this today….making stupid Fashion Police schtick a racial issue (which I think was absurd--it was NOTHING).  She threatened to quit and was enraged….and E! fired her ass on the spot.  Things one may say hanging out with your inner circle, are inappropriate in the world-at-large.  Dummy.  

Edited by MatchaLove
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I wonder if Sherri would be supportive of Kelly if Kelly had said that about blacks instead of Hispanics. Another thing Kelly said today was that her parents are the only married couple to be on a reality show that are still married. God, today's show was a mess.

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I wonder if Sherri would be supportive of Kelly if Kelly had said that about blacks instead of Hispanics. Another thing Kelly said today was that her parents are the only married couple to be on a reality show that are still married. God, today's show was a mess.

I watched that show for the pure shock & awe.  Ozzie was always drunk/high, Sharon was delusional & their pack of dogs crapped all over the house, including on expensive silk rugs, & no one thought they should do anything about it.  People that ignorant & their "get" should not be accorded celebrity status.  Just sayin'.

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Does anyone else remember Sharon Osborne was on a show 1 or 2 years ago and she was asked about the View and she said everyone on the View, except Barbara, could go fuck themselves? Why are any of the Osbornes on The View to begin with?

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Does anyone else remember Sharon Osborne was on a show 1 or 2 years ago and she was asked about the View and she said everyone on the View, except Barbara, could go fuck themselves? Why are any of the Osbornes on The View to begin with?

Yes I do.  Her agent must be on high-hustle-mode for all that is upcoming for her.


I watched that show for the pure shock & awe.  Ozzie was always drunk/high, Sharon was delusional & their pack of dogs crapped all over the house, including on expensive silk rugs, & no one thought they should do anything about it.  People that ignorant & their "get" should not be accorded celebrity status.  Just sayin'.

Ozzie had totally fallen off the wagon during that period.  Omg, there was a scene where he was home alone and was trying to change the trash bag from under the sink.  It was a quarter of the episode.  Funny or tragic, lol...

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Making sparks:




Did you see where Sherri tweeted?


"cutting @KellyOsbourne a little slack, bc I've done it myself ... sometimes isht comes out of your mouth live that you didn't mean to say"

There's a difference to me, between something you didn't mean to say, and something coming out wrong.

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Kelly O's comment was tone deaf and bordering on inflammatory.  You'd think she'd know better. It's unfortunate that it detracts from Rosie's  point that delusional Trump maintains he has Latino support when the polls clearly show otherwise by large margins. "The blacks, the hispanics love me." Yeah, right. In your dreams, jerk. 


ETA: She does know better: http://www.mediaite.com/tv/i-whole-hearted-fcked-up-today-kelly-osbourne-apologizes-for-latino-comments/

Edited by merriebreeze
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It's unfortunate that it detracts from Rosie's  point that delusional Trump maintains he has latino support when the polls clearly show otherwise by large margins. "The blacks, the hispanics love me." Yeah, right. In your dreams, jerk.


Exactly.  How does Trump get away with saying things that are outright false?


I'm not going to call Kelly a racist but what she said tells me what she thinks of Latinos.  I'm just saying.....

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I am not going to miss Rosie spending what seems like hours trying to make her point!  It is painful!  Also not going to miss her Veronica Lake wig!  I tried watching yesterday and today's hot topics but couldn't make it through them.  So Thursday is both RP and NW's last day right, wow, wonder if the munchies will get better!?!

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I'm not going to call Kelly a racist either, although I do hate her enough to call her just about anything, but, I still think Rosie falling all over herself to apologize for her understandable reaction, was just weird. And, Whoopie's ass kissing of Kelly was too. It was almost like fear. What do they think Sharon is going to do to them?

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Somehow, Sharon Osborne has acquired a lot of clout & it's a mystery to me how that would happen!!??  She's almost always the first to speak on The Talk & gets away with talking smack about some pretty high-level personalities.  I don't get it!!!

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Exactly.  How does Trump get away with saying things that are outright false?


I'm not going to call Kelly a racist but what she said tells me what she thinks of Latinos.  I'm just saying.....

Ding, Ding, Ding…..

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Somehow, Sharon Osborne has acquired a lot of clout & it's a mystery to me how that would happen!!??  She's almost always the first to speak on The Talk & gets away with talking smack about some pretty high-level personalities.  I don't get it!!!

She's somehow one of those people who never seems to eat it.  The one everyone secretly hides behind and presses the smile.  She has totally trashed people on every late-night talk show, her own show, and random red-carpet appearances.  "Go Fuck Yourself Asshole"  should be Sharon Osbourne ™ 

Edited by MatchaLove
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Today was probably the worst show yet.  Might not even need the "probably" there.


I caught the end of the show since we watch the noon news and saw Rosie doing her big apology.  I was expecting that she went off on Kelly for something.  Then when I watched, I thought WTF warranted that apology.


Whoopi has been so weird recently and I was thinking how silly they all looked sitting up there. 


Lordy, it's almost over!

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