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Lindsay desperately needs therapy. She was bullied for not being feminine-looking enough to the point where she sobs about it years later, but she thinks getting bigger and bigger implants (when the surgeon already thinks they're too big) is the solution? Seriously, her boob job is already so ridiculous and sagging down that if she goes any bigger, she will probably need to go back under the knife to fix them every 5 years or so. And it's not like having mondo boob implants will make her look more feminine. I dunno, I don't get it. She is clearly a total emotional wreck with no insight or self-awareness.

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True I thought when she said at first on the preview that she was going to see a surgeon about her breasts, I thought for a reduction! She needs a reduction! LIke a lot of women who keep going bigger and bigger she needs therapy.  Its totally different when you are flat chested and get implants. This is crazy and she is mentally ill. Its sad actually.

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Didn’t watch the show- but Lindsay has a lot of mental and emotional work to do before making any major life change.  Moving to Vegas, having a child, changing jobs, meeting her Dad, plastic surgery are all life changes.  I know her Dad abandoned her, supposedly for her height - which indicates he’s either a classless jerk or has his own mental issues.  She needs to understand how to love herself as is. Which we can all see isn’t the case right now. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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I honestly didn't realize you could have a boob job & be that saggy. Haven't seen this yet but was already wondering why she'd want one to begin with but thought maybe she wanted them to 'stand up' a bit more. I hope the appt for wanting bigger was just for the show because that's crazy; she's already busting out of every top she wears. And there's no way that's going to create any balance with slim hips so that theory is ridiculous. If she was serious I hope the dr or Krista talked her out of it.

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21 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

I honestly didn't realize you could have a boob job & be that saggy. Haven't seen this yet but was already wondering why she'd want one to begin with but thought maybe she wanted them to 'stand up' a bit more. I hope the appt for wanting bigger was just for the show because that's crazy; she's already busting out of every top she wears. And there's no way that's going to create any balance with slim hips so that theory is ridiculous. If she was serious I hope the dr or Krista talked her out of it.

The skin is getting dragged down by the sheer weight of her implants, so naturally she wants to go bigger and heavier! She cray, y'all.

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43 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

I honestly didn't realize you could have a boob job & be that saggy. Haven't seen this yet but was already wondering why she'd want one to begin with but thought maybe she wanted them to 'stand up' a bit more. I hope the appt for wanting bigger was just for the show because that's crazy; she's already busting out of every top she wears. And there's no way that's going to create any balance with slim hips so that theory is ridiculous. If she was serious I hope the dr or Krista talked her out of it.

Edited by ClareWalks
Double post booooo

Finally saw this & felt bad for Lindsay but she's still crazy if she does get bigger boobs. I think if she does anything a correction with a smaller implant would be more flattering to her. Maybe Krista's 'life coaching' can be helpful.

Alicia & that dating coach - it was pretty fortunate they found some guys in that bar already mic'd up for her. So she's supposed to go up to random men & announce her virginity... that'll work well for her to not get hurt again.

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I saw tonight's episode and I definitely think Lindsey is on the verge of being an alcoholic. Even if she isn't drinking every day, getting wasted several times a week indicates some kind of a problem. It's not like she just has one drink and stops with just that. 

I think the Coco storyline with her boyfriend about wanting to date other guys was probably staged. I don't think she had any intention of giving him up, they just needed something for the show.

Why did Katia and Julie decide that Julie would be the one to get pregnant? That woman seriously still has an obsessive eating disorder. She might not be able to eat enough to sustain the pregnancy that they are spending thousands of dollars on. Crazy. Speaking of crazy, I hope we don't see Linsdsey pregnant because I strongly suspect this was an accidental pregnancy. Seeing her drinking the way she does while not knowing she is pregnant would be hard to watch. 

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I don’t know what to think of this show. I just erased what I was going to say about the producers and it was not nice. I’m 61 years old and in my early 20’s (a long, long time ago) had a female roommate that was at least 6’3”, maybe taller. We never measured her. Good grief. Was it unusual that she was tall? Sure. However, no one gawked when we went out together or traveled. We shopped for clothing at the same stores, hell, we borrowed each other clothes (tbh, I borrowed her clothes). She had men waiting in line to date her. She was fun and a great person too. No height drama, ever. I realize the women on this show are a little taller than she was, but they are portrayed as freaks, IMO. It’s very dramatic, overdone, and focuses on the negative. 

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On 10/23/2017 at 2:39 AM, AntAnn said:

I don’t know what to think of this show. I just erased what I was going to say about the producers and it was not nice.

It does not help that they film these women's talking heads with them on teeny-tiny chairs with a the camera pointed upward from the floor. Yes, we get it, they are tall. 

  • Love 6

I find it bizarre that the show keeps making Hailey and Bryan do these birth classes and consultations. Yes, she's pregnant, and yes, that can make labor...more interesting, I guess, maybe? But poor Hailey is basically staring down the barrel of a C-section that she doesn't want, that goes against her dream of natural delivery, and the show is setting up these scenarios to pretend that she is going to have a nice uncomplicated birth (which is very unlikely with placenta previa). It's starting to just seem MEAN. Speaking of mean, looks like her asshole dad will show up next week, whee.

Coco is lucky Will took her back. I would date the hell out of Will if I were single.

Julie is screwed re: her weight. Pregnancy doesn't just make you temporarily fat and lah di dah you bounce back. It stretches out the skin and most women NEVER spring back, having a permanent little FUPA. It expands the hips. It makes the breasts enormous, then when they deflate it can be really bad (especially if you breastfeed for any length of time). It permanently changes your body. That Crossfit chick who was squatting over 100 lb was a NUTJOB. As a personal trainer, I would never ever in a billion years allow a client to do that shit while pregnant. I don't care if they're in amazing shape beforehand. What's wrong with doing bodyweight exercises?! Lifting heavy weights can cause all kinds of issues with a pregnancy. It can make the placenta detach, for god's sake. You'd have to be an idiot to keep deadlifting 200 lb and shit when you're 9 months pregnant just because you're so terrified of fully giving over your body to the process of pregnancy.

  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

Julie is screwed re: her weight. Pregnancy doesn't just make you temporarily fat and lah di dah you bounce back. It stretches out the skin and most women NEVER spring back, having a permanent little FUPA. It expands the hips. It makes the breasts enormous, then when they deflate it can be really bad (especially if you breastfeed for any length of time). It permanently changes your body.

This. Julie is also over 40, which increases the risk of "not bouncing back". I still don't get why chill, zen Katya is not the one carrying the child. She seems very level headed about all of this, and way more relaxed. She also doesn't appear to be carrying around the baggage of years of eating issues. I very much disliked Cross Fit mom, with her kid left in the corner on a blanket, and her unrealistic view of what is safe during pregnancy. 

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On 10/27/2017 at 0:51 PM, cpcathy said:

I'm also confused as to why Katya is not carrying the baby. She just didn't seem "interested." I feel awful for Julie and her body issues.

Haleigh's dad next week. I will be recording and fast forward for sure. Hate. Him.

Katya is not having the baby because she has said in a previous season that she has no desire to be pregnant or have that feeling of carrying a child which I totally get. She said she would do it if Julie absolutely could not but I guess they finally decided that Julie would do it.  I agree with everyone else in saying they shouldn’t be having a kid in the first place.

  • Love 6
8 minutes ago, cpcathy said:

I was REALLY under the weather and totally forgot to record this. Was Haleigh's dad as obnoxious as usual?

I missed Cletus the Fetus!


1) Haleigh and Bryan visited LA; her parents spent the entire dinner trying to talk them into moving back. They don't want to. The parents persisted. Bryan finally said the stress of this is bad for the baby. The dad made fun of Bryan's height. And...scene.

2) Lindsay's mom visited and she took her to Thunder from Down Under and Lindsay got dry-humped on the stage by a performer. She looked more manly than he did.

3) Julie is not pregnant after all. Considering that if she is 40, her odds of an individual IUI working are about 5% per cycle, then yeeeeaaaaaaah. They'll try again. Their name for their hypothetical baby is Zoey the Zygote, which is hella lame, and I submit for their consideration Cletus the Fetus, or Juliembryo.

4) No Coco.

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Lindsay seems to have a good mom who really cares & gives good advice. I hope she's listening & that mom is helping her with the baby.

Also glad Julie isn't preg; she's got way too many food/weight issues right now. I agree there's nothing between them. I think I read here they are a 'fake' couple for the show but not sure.

I think Haleigh's dad is really enjoying the bad guy role; hoping that's all it is & he's not so awful.  Her mom seems caring & I understand her concern reg. the risks & wanting to be close to help out.

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Julie claims she isn't on a diet, it's a lifestyle.  Well, if your lifestyle consist of exercising a minimum of 2 hours every day, weighing every morsel of food you consume, and eating 12 eggs a day and some vegetables, it may be the reason your periods are irregular.  It also may not be a lifestyle conducive to a healthy pregnancy.

I'm glad that Crystal moved out of the mess that is Lindsay's apartment.  Now she needs to move away from the mess that is Lindsay's life.

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4 minutes ago, walnutqueen said:

Julie claims she isn't on a diet, it's a lifestyle.  Well, if your lifestyle consist of exercising a minimum of 2 hours every day, weighing every morsel of food you consume, and eating 12 eggs a day and some vegetables, it may be the reason your periods are irregular.  It also may not be a lifestyle conducive to a healthy pregnancy.

Definitely not! When I got pregnant I was a bit of a health freak, but in the first trimester all I wanted to eat was McDonalds. The thought of everything else made me nauseous. I've since heard of a ton of women who that's happened to. Julie needs to let go of the food restrictions because not only will that not help her GET pregnant (generally women who are trying to conceive need to eat more fats), it won't help her feel good DURING her pregnancy.

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Definitely not! When I got pregnant I was a bit of a health freak, but in the first trimester all I wanted to eat was McDonalds. The thought of everything else made me nauseous.

I had a friend who was an extremely militant vegetarian, and had been for years. One day, while she was pregnant, she called me and asked me to guess what she was eating-  turns out it was a bucket of KFC!!!!   She said she couldn't fight the craving.  This went away after she gave birth, and to this day, she is strictly vegetarian.

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Poor choice of activities to do when Lindsey's mom came to visit..........Thunder Down Under with a lot of drinking?????? Very poor choice IMO

Did I miss something....Lindsey had a baby??? Who is the father? Was she still drinking like a fish? Last show she spent her last dollar on gambling so where is she living? I feel for that poor baby although I hope that Lindsey is putting the baby's needs first now.

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Alicia and Krista both continue to seem like really normal, well-adjusted people who have no business being on a TLC reality show except that they have an unusual physical feature. I like them both and hope things work out for them. It must have been had for Krista to move out, knowing Lindsay would probably take it badly, but I'm glad she was able to do it anyway. 

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3 hours ago, cpcathy said:

So glad we didn't get a whole hour of Haleigh in labor!

So this was the last episode? And Lindsay goes from having no job and gambling all her money to having a baby? How? Why?

I was wondering the same thing.  I have to admit- the only people I cared to watch on this show were Lindsay, her roommate, and the virgin lady. The rest are booooring IMO.

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So we're all left wondering if this is the cliffhanger to a new season...

...did Alicia find her 'one' & 'only'?

...is Julie pregnant? ...if so, will 'Zoey' be allergic to eggs? 

...how will Lindsay be able to afford booze, or clothes that don't fit now that Krista is gone?

...will Krista get her big break in comedy? (she should probably stick to life coaching)

...does Coco want to spread her, um, wings, again, with other men?

...will Haleigh's baby be wearing 3t size clothes by 6m old? ...will her dad buy anymore cute outfits for Bryan?

So many questions to be answered...

Edited by gonecrackers
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so my DVR cut off before the end, it sounds like... I think the last I saw, Julie and Katya were taking their second pregnancy test -- I sense from above it was still a NOT PREGNANT?  I have a visceral negative reaction to Julie. And a pretty opposite negative to Katya. Interesting couple, those two. A dozen eggs a day as a lifestyle choice? ODL, the dysfunction, it hurts!!

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If Lindsay would just use the useless boob job money on getting a large custom made wardrobe tailored to her specific body frame and got her roots professionally done and maybe straightened or loose curls it would do amazing WONDERS for her self esteem. Look at the beautiful Alicia. Her clothing cover the right areas and her hair looks so beautiful. Lindsay seems to think the road to self confidence is by dressing slutty to get men’s attention but it’s not the sexy attention she thinks she’s getting. She looks like a dirty slob.

Get some tailored clothing with the money being spent on more boob jobs and keep your hair the same shade. She also has a new baby so I hope she toned down the sexiness a bit now that she has a newborn on her hip.

ETA: Did anyone want to slap the mattress employee? I mean, quit telling Lindsay how big she is and going on and on about her stature. If it were me and I seen a tall lady like her I’d be smart enough to know that I’m pretty sure someone that tall has heard the “wow! You’re so tall”, “wow! You’re a big girl!”, “I never seen someone so big like you!”, “You’re huge!!!” enough in their lifetime so not be the 1,000,000,000+ 1 more to say the same shit. I’m sure they would like one fucking day to go by where they don’t have to deal with the captain fucking obvious types of the world.

Rant over.

Edited by Calm81
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