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2 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Don't they have sperm banks where Julie/Katya can go to make a selection in a clinical setting? Speed dating to find a donor has got to be contrived by TLC. 

That was a total setup, you go to a sperm bank and read the files to find the donor you want.  Katja said she wanted someone over 6 feet, and almost all those guys were 5-6 and under, not to mention weirdos.

That baby looked almost was big as Bryan, and it wasn't even born yet.

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I hope Lindsay is capable of taking care of this baby. So far she seems unstable and an alcoholic.  This baby could give her someone to love if she can overcome that.... or this baby could be toomuch for her. It's quite possible Grandma could end up raising this child. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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The speed dating for sperm thing - very contrived & very stupid.

Happy for Hayleigh, but am sure they'll be over dramatizing this pregnancy for a story line.

Lindsay could make a huge improvement in her life just by wearing clothes that actually fit. The other women in this show seem put together, so her height really shouldn't be an obstacle to dressing better. At the very least she could make sure her ass is covered & she's not THIS close to a nip slip most of the time.

Edited by gonecrackers
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Lindsay- her apt is a mess & so is she. I just hope she stopped drinking through the pregnancy. Her roommate seems too stable for her.

Coco professes love then wants to roam. Will seems strong enough not to put up with that BS (hopefully).

Edited by gonecrackers
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I wish they did not have Lindsay  on this show. I do not find it fun to watch  someones life fall apart on tv. I have already  seen Whitney  do it and I will not  watch  The Putnams  because  it looks like the entire  family  is going down  that road . The other women  are fine, I wish they had not brought  Lindsay back.

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Good for Will for standing up to Coco's "non-traditional" whackadoo idea.   The previous season she whined and complained non-stop about not finding a man to accept her for who she is.  Now she finds a nice, stable guy who seems to like her a lot and she wants an "open" relationship.  It's becoming evident that she is one of those women who will pass up a dozen nice guys to hook up with a loser.  Run, Will, run!  

Lindsay--oh, my.  Is there a bigger mess on TV than her (pun intended)?  She is filthy, unstable and drinks too much.  I can't imagine her roommate staying long.  And that phony laugh/giggle that she does after almost every sentence--makes me want to scream!  I hope she straightens up for her newborn's sake, but if not, I hope child protective services has her on their radar.  

Edited by 4leafclover
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I really appreciated Bryan talking about how lucky they are to even HAVE a baby in the first place. I went through infertility and was one of those folks who spent thousands of dollars. Did I have a "plan A" of a natural childbirth? Of course, I think most people do. But if you have placenta previa you suck it up and deal with the new reality of a C-section. They were so lucky to get pregnant, especially accidentally. I like that Bryan is focusing on the "yay, we did it!" and not on the "waaaah, I don't get the perfect fetishized birth experience" that seems to be a huge trend nowadays.

Speaking of babies, woof, Lindsay is a trainwreck. She can't even take care of herself, I don't know how she will be a mom. I could not live among all that filth. But the roommate was an idiot for moving in without even looking at the damn apartment first.

Coco is a moron. She reminds me of my ex who occasionally lamented monogamy, "I don't get to have sex with anyone else?" I finally had to remind him that he wasn't exactly swimming in poon before we met.

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We don't know yet if Lindsay drank while pregnant... she gave birth in real life  a few days ago. We haven't seen her announce her pregnancy on the show yet. 


However, I'm going to speculate that she drank at least until she found out she was pregnant 

Edited by mythoughtis
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I am assuming Lindsay gets pregnant right around the time of filming this...that she either got pregnant right before, or during the season's filming. This is based on how far along Haleigh is with her pregnancy, and knowing that her baby was born in March.

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Okay Coco..the world's oldest trade-off:Committed Relationship / monogamy VS single and get to play the field.   Pick one or the other like the rest of the world since the beginning of time. There are advantages and disadvantages to both lifestyles .  But You, Coco, think you are somehow special and get the advantages of both?  Fucking hilarious!!!

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She is so selfish.  ' you just aren't enough for me, so I want to play the field.  Just sit here in the corner and if I decide I want to play with you today, I'll come get you'. Either Will is the one, or he's not.   She's not 15-25. She's of an age where she  should know whether or not he's the one.  You don't date someone who's looking for a commitment if all you want is someone to go to a movie with. You don't say you want a relationship and go so far as to hire a matchmaker if you just want a dinner date. You do not tell a mature adult that after an exclusive period that you want to date around and think they should stay around for that. 

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17 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

She is so selfish.

Yup. Totally selfish. I kind of loved how Will shoved her giant legs and feet off his lap, and walked out. They've exchanged I love you's, and yet that isn't enough for Coco. There could be someone else out there! It's like she's completely forgotten the reception she received when she was dating in the past, no one was really that interested. Will seems nice, sane, and completely non-pulsed by her height. What is she thinking? She deserves to be left at the bowling alley. #teamwill

I feel bad for the 35 year old virgin, but it seems like it's more of her choice vs not having the chance to have sex. 

Edited by EastCoast4Life
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Calling Child Protective Services on behalf of Lindsay's baby, just in case no one else could be bothered to do do so.

Wish I could call Coco's google eyes Will - he would've been muchly appreciated back in the day.  He seems so nice and NRML!

Does anyone care about the sperm donor search?  Because, I do not.

I am imagining Haleigh's creepy Dad's head exploding at the thought of any guy (especially a short one) impregnating his darling daughter.   Cue the dysfunctional family drama, STAT.

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Haleigh's friend was a bitch. I'm 5'11" and the last thing I liked to hear when I was single was short girls who demanded men over 6' tall. Thanks for taking away from the only men who are likely willing to date me, ladies. I don't get it, I wouldn't want to date a man a full foot taller than me. You'd break your neck trying to kiss him, even with heels on.

But the previews for next week show Haleigh looking into a home birth...sorry for the caps, but ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! She has placenta previa. She will almost certainly *require a scheduled* C-section, and if she does get the all-clear to go into labor she should definitely be in a hospital just in case. Home birth is the LAST THING this goddamn moron should be considering. I hope Bryan wins that argument. Again, we see how women wanting this perfect fetishized birth experience is putting babies' lives at risk. UGH. (Note: home birth is a fine option for totally healthy women with totally normal pregnancies. Haleigh's pregnancy is high risk and ESPECIALLY the "going into labor" part.)

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Am also not interested in the sperm donor couple-although I'm glad to see they finally went the sperm bank route. I suggest the soon to be pregnant mom lay off the wine. 

I laughed at the crib scene. All of us parents have been there, done that.

i have to admit I did enjoy the definition of the bases- since I never really knew either. If you've been as far as the virgin says she has, you aren't really holding out for religious reasons though. 

I'm really liking Krista.  If she can find  decent clothes( and she does), Lindsay has no excuse.  Lindsay is spoiled, immature, and unstable. 

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Alicia is probably my favorite at this point. Too bad she's surrounded by judgmental, ignorant jerks. Is it really that hard to comprehend that you can know you're a sexual person without having sex? Why should she even have to explain this? And it's fine if Adonis doesn't want to date someone who is abstinent, but his 180 from charming to condescending was almost scary. 

I feel bad for Krista but the terrible roommate hijinks are entertaining. Lindsay is the poster girl for Hot Mess. 

Haleigh is out of her damn mind with the crib and the home birth. "Our baby is not a backpack!" Well no doy, but your husband didn't have any spare giant babies handy to ease your irrational terror. I hope she starts to appreciate how patient and helpful he is, or parenting is going to ruin them. 

Katja and Julie zzzzzzz....

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I didn't like Alicia's friends, except for the one who could acknowledge she's not naive just because she's a virgin. The others seemed dim to me. Adonis showed how fake people can be just to get what they want. From what Alicia was saying, she's been through this before.

Oh Lindsay - she thinks Krista has similar taste in clothes as her. No, Krista has some good taste; that's the difference. Lindsay dresses like she just throws something on but her hair in the store was like she hadn't washed it in a week & just used a pony tail holder without looking in a mirror.

I think the home birth thing is a story line to have something to do with them. How could she possibly be considering that with her issues? It's completely impossible with placenta previa. Just being high risk & 'so worried' all the time about this baby tells me there's no way she ever considered it for real.

I also think Haleigh needs to keep looking for new friends; that girl she went shopping with was pretty obnoxious.

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After the most recent episode went off, I tried to think of one thing about Lindsay that I like.   Anything......Physical appearance, personality, attitude, lifestyle.....just anything.   I could not think of one thing positive to say about her.  Not one.   I can think of at least one positive thing about nearly all reality show 'stars' - even JimBob Duggar or Kate Gosselin or Matt Roloft - but Lindsay?  Forget it.  She has no positive attributes at all.   I cannot imagine being her room mate!

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48 minutes ago, TerryeW1 said:

but Lindsay?  Forget it.  She has no positive attributes at all. 

I agree. She is "fun," I guess, by a not-me's definition of "fun." I HATE drunks, so there's that.

Also why the hell is Haleigh shopping for maternity clothes in what appeared to be a local Farm & Fleet? GO ONLINE, idiot. Jesus. You can find extra tall maternity pants and extra tall shirts. And if she's willing to wear men's clothes, there's really no problem at all.

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I think the home birth Idea came from show's producers because she knows she is high risk and most likely needs a C-section and her and the baby can die. The show came up with this. Just like the show came up with speed dating for sperm donors and sent in 5 foot tall character actors.  If they really put in an ad they would have stated "looking to meet sperm donors over 6 feet 2". How stupid do they think we are?

 Also I think they found Krista to be on the show and made her move in with Lindsey. I worry about that dog hair never being picked up and Lindsay's baby, he is going to get asthma if he crawls around on the floor.

Virgin girl really messed up- I mean it's hard enough to find a man being a giant and now she is a giant virgin? She is not going to find anyone very easily.. Although this date was probably 100% staged, maybe she has someone already but we are going to see her date guys who either have an issue with her height or her virginity.  Then her actual boyfriend is going to appear. 

Edited by Bellalisa
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Totally agree with everything you said, Bellalisa. I think a LOT of this show is staged. I hate that I don't know what is real and what is not real, we know Haleigh is really pregnant, I guess??? LOL. I was even worried that her wedding was not real (by the way, caught that episode late at night a few weeks ago and she got married at the same place where I took my wedding photos!)

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That sperm donor thing was staged like a bad comedy. You know where they have a scene where the family is interviewing nannies and they get every horrible type character there is until they finally meet the perfect nanny. We've seen this concept done better in a million other shows.  They sent in all those guys for laughs and contrast. A short one, a one looking for a threesome,  a racist one, a dumb one, etc, then sent in the "perfect" one but he was going to Europe.  

LIndsey was definitely found to do the show and possibly needed a place to stay so they had her move in with Lindsey. They did not just randomly run into each other. I am also sure the date was staged. 

I think the idiot dad of Hayleigh was real.  I think their marriage is real. The biggest fights couples  have is putting together cribs, hanging wallpaper etc. If the camera was not there it would have been way way worse. That was real because that always happens. Do not try to put an IKEA together with your boyfriend or husband.  That was some ugly cheap looking crib!

She is NOT going to be looking for a homebirth- this is such a high risk problem she has and she knows it. The baby could die or be brain damaged. 

Is Lindsey finding any acting work?

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I saw her on a commercial  not to long ago .  I do not remember  what it was about just remember  her. After seeing  her on the show,  her being in a commercial  is NOT a way to get me to buy what you are  advertising  just the opposite,  truth be told.

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I like Alicia. I think she's smart, beautiful and seems very nice. That said, I want her to shut up about her virginity. I want to know more about other aspects of her life.

Please, Alicia, stop proclaiming, "I'm a virgin," especially on a first date. Wait until the situation makes it organic, just say you're waiting until marriage and move on. If it's accurate that 3% of the US population abstains until marriage that means there are 9,999,999 people out there just like you. You've probably met some, they're just more discreet about their status than you are.

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On 10/3/2017 at 10:55 PM, JocelynCavanaugh said:

Alicia is probably my favorite at this point. Too bad she's surrounded by judgmental, ignorant jerks. Is it really that hard to comprehend that you can know you're a sexual person without having sex? Why should she even have to explain this? And it's fine if Adonis doesn't want to date someone who is abstinent, but his 180 from charming to condescending was almost scary. 

I feel bad for Krista but the terrible roommate hijinks are entertaining. Lindsay is the poster girl for Hot Mess. 

Haleigh is out of her damn mind with the crib and the home birth. "Our baby is not a backpack!" Well no doy, but your husband didn't have any spare giant babies handy to ease your irrational terror. I hope she starts to appreciate how patient and helpful he is, or parenting is going to ruin them. 

Katja and Julie zzzzzzz....

Well, she has had sex. She just hasn't had intercourse. I was surprised that she is talking about her virginity the way she does, when in reality, she's a certain kind of a virgin, I guess. She has done everything but. In my mind, that's not so much a virgin. There are all kinds of sex besides the old in and out. 

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I was at the DMV last week, and it really wasn't that bad!

Anyway, how much of this episode was completely scripted! Ugh, what setups! I do hope the very tall guy comedian is real, it would be nice of Krista to date a tall dude who understands her.  The virginity talk is all fake, you wouldn't need to even bring it up until that time.

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28 minutes ago, cpcathy said:

I was at the DMV last week, and it really wasn't that bad!

Anyway, how much of this episode was completely scripted! Ugh, what setups! I do hope the very tall guy comedian is real, it would be nice of Krista to date a tall dude who understands her.  The virginity talk is all fake, you wouldn't need to even bring it up until that time.

I hope the tall guy comedian is real, too. He certainly seemed interested in Krista. Unless she's an exceptional actor, her reaction to him in her THs seemed very real.

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As a fellow apple-shaped lady, I don't understand how Lindsay thinks bigger boobs will fix the problem of narrow hips. Wouldn't they exaggerate it? She needs to look into hip implants and probably also inpatient therapy for whatever it is that makes her laugh nervously whenever she's not bursting into tears. 

I would hang out with Krista or Alicia. 

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Lindsay's body looks absolutely HORRIBLE. She has a puffy face, made worse by the booze, broad shoulders, giant implants, and extremely narrow hips. She looks very mannish. If she wants to be surgically enhanced she should be looking into the same kind of hip contouring that drag queen Trinity Taylor has gotten, so she looks less top-heavy.

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