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A Case Of The Mondays: Vent Your Work Spleen Here

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On 5/31/2018 at 12:44 AM, BookWoman56 said:

There were some onboarding glitches, such as new badge not working, some software not having been installed on her computer

These are beyond your control and sadly, happen at nearly every company. I'd bet cash money that your friend has experienced this at a previous job too.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Hero said:

Has anyone ever cried at work? Happened to me today and i'm so embarrassed. I was just having a bad day and I was venting to my co worker about my boss, and the tears just came out. I feel incredibly stupid. 

I have cried MANY times at work. I cry when I get frustrated or angry, so any time in the past when I tried to talk to bosses about my concerns/grievances, I cried and felt like a complete fool.

I was crying from misery within six months of being at my last job. I should've taken that as a sign to get the hell out instead of staying another almost three years.

3 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

These are beyond your control and sadly, happen at nearly every company. I'd bet cash money that your friend has experienced this at a previous job too.

Yes, she has experienced much worse, as I have. All the glitches got resolved today, and when one of my colleagues had apologized yesterday about the problems, my friend laughed and emphasized that she had previously had similar experiences and that given this was a week with a holiday, our manager having been out of office all last week, etc., no surprises about the glitches. I shared with her that when I was doing contract work several years ago at a major organization, I also started during a holiday week. It happened to be Thanksgiving week, and so my manager and most of the team were out of the office the entire week, and I had no computer access at all my first three days there. So I had to sit around and read hard copies of documents that were in binders on my desk, left there by the previous occupant.  It will take a while for her to get fully up to speed on the job, but as expected, my other colleagues have commented that she is catching on to stuff way faster than previous new hire. Assuming everything goes well, it's a positive for both of us, because my manager is grateful to get someone extremely qualified and who does not have a meltdown every 10 minutes (which previous new hire did multiple times), and my friend gets a job that will give her expertise in a different industry and with comparable pay to her previous position. 

Edited by BookWoman56
  • Love 5

I heard from another co worker that the lady I'm filling in for might not be coming back. My boss hasn't said anything to me. I feel like I'm  getting tricked into this position that I don't want. 

My boss has been very sneaky about everything. She doesn't want to hire anyone from the outside because she is scared that they would challenge her.

She's driving me crazy and I don't know how much longer I can handle it. I come home in a bad mood and wake up dreading to go to work. 

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 I've been in my workplace for quite a few years now and have seen some doozy managers come and go and all I can say is that I've managed to endure some while enjoyed working with others. However; I can think of a few former managers that I'd be turning in my notice if they ever came back! You have my sympathies.

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41 minutes ago, Blergh said:



 I've been in my workplace for quite a few years now and have seen some doozy managers come and go and all I can say is that I've managed to endure some while enjoyed working with others. However; I can think of a few former managers that I'd be turning in my notice if they ever came back! You have my sympathies.

Thank you! I just hate how I feel like she is tricking me into staying in that position. She has a history of not telling people the truth about things, so it will benefit her. 

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You don’t have to accept the position if you don’t want to bother with her.  At the very least see if you can wrangle a raise to make it worth your while.  


When end I first began as an AP at my station, our news show was about 2 hours in length plus an 11am show to write for.  Then I became an editor and the AM show became longer (4hours) and I was also expected to edit a half hour entertainment format show that followed it.  Eventually I went to HR and brought up that my duties had grown so much during my short tenure that I thought I was ready for a raise.  He agreed and I got it!

he also praised me for not demanding a raise just because a person at a rival station was getting that amount.  Seems many people make that mistake.  You have to prove you deserve it in a sensible manner.

  • Love 6
47 minutes ago, magicdog said:

You don’t have to accept the position if you don’t want to bother with her.  At the very least see if you can wrangle a raise to make it worth your while.  


When end I first began as an AP at my station, our news show was about 2 hours in length plus an 11am show to write for.  Then I became an editor and the AM show became longer (4hours) and I was also expected to edit a half hour entertainment format show that followed it.  Eventually I went to HR and brought up that my duties had grown so much during my short tenure that I thought I was ready for a raise.  He agreed and I got it!

he also praised me for not demanding a raise just because a person at a rival station was getting that amount.  Seems many people make that mistake.  You have to prove you deserve it in a sensible manner.

Even a raise wouldn't tempt me to stay in that position. She's a terrible person. I'm just waiting for her to bring up the topic about me staying in this position. I know she knows more than she is telling me. 

What I find maddening is that she is very secretive about things that she shouldn't be secretive about. She plays mind games and it sucks. 

My co worker tells me that I'm too young to get stuck in a position that I hate. She's encouraging me to find another job. 

I feel obligated to stay because I promised to stay until the lady came back.

Now that I've heard that she might not, and my boss isn't saying anything, I don't know what to do.

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4 hours ago, Hero said:

I heard from another co worker that the lady I'm filling in for might not be coming back. My boss hasn't said anything to me. I feel like I'm  getting tricked into this position that I don't want. 

My boss has been very sneaky about everything. She doesn't want to hire anyone from the outside because she is scared that they would challenge her.

She's driving me crazy and I don't know how much longer I can handle it. I come home in a bad mood and wake up dreading to go to work. 

Real talk here, @Hero. Listen to what you are telling us. Going to a job you hate is not worth it. I know it's incredibly hard to extricate yourself from a job that you depend on for income, so start looking for something else or tell your boss that after the original agreed-upon date, you will be returning to your original duties.

Please take my experienced advice--dreading going to work and being angry when you leave mean you are in a bad situation. It's not your fault. You deserve a job that you don't hate. Very few people love their work, but plenty don't hate it (so I hear).

You are loyal, which is a wonderful trait, but this workplace doesn't deserve it, and they have shown you that. You provide a service for them, and in return, get a paycheck. You owe them nothing more.

I sympathize with you so deeply. Please put yourself first. You are worth it.

  • Love 10

You don’t have to name who told you.  Just be vague.  

I sympathize since I too have a sociopath for a boss who goes out of her way to make me miserable.  Before she had any power over me it was tolerable.  Then she began her campaign.  She’s made many other of my coworkers quit due to her poisonous ways and when I find a better place to go (unless this monster is ousted) I’m out.

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Real talk here, @Hero. Listen to what you are telling us. Going to a job you hate is not worth it. I know it's incredibly hard to extricate yourself from a job that you depend on for income, so start looking for something else or tell your boss that after the original agreed-upon date, you will be returning to your original duties.

Please take my experienced advice--dreading going to work and being angry when you leave mean you are in a bad situation. It's not your fault. You deserve a job that you don't hate. Very few people love their work, but plenty don't hate it (so I hear).

You are loyal, which is a wonderful trait, but this workplace doesn't deserve it, and they have shown you that. You provide a service for them, and in return, get a paycheck. You owe them nothing more.

I sympathize with you so deeply. Please put yourself first. You are worth it.

Thank you for that! It's hard to think that about myself because I never think it. I put myself down a lot and it is catching  up to me. 

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I want to write about what's been happening the past couple of weeks about my job hunting situation, but I'm afraid if I type it all out, I'll jinx myself...

Ah, fuck it. If it's meant to be, it will happen.

I've had a few interviews and a few possibilities.

A firm I applied for directly has bore some fruit. I had the initial interview with the HR/Support Staff manager and the senior legal assistant in the office where the position would be last Wednesday. It went well; they informed me that they were interviewing a lot of candidates, so it would take about two weeks before they contacted me about the next steps, which would be interviewing with the attorneys in the practice groups.  Then on Thursday morning, I received an email, asking what my availability was for Tuesday, June 5, to meet with the attorneys. I had the interview today, and just like with the last firm, there were two extra attorneys that weren't on the list! If I'd known, I could have read up on their bios! But UNLIKE the last firm, there was no tension; and not a single partner gave me THE LOOK. Because I'm tailor-made for this firm. That is, there wasn't a single question/scenario that I couldn't answer, and I didn't stumble.  The last attorney, who works out of the DC office, interviewed me via video conferencing, and that also went well. I spent about two hours in interviews.  The only snafu was that I thought I'd fucked up in writing my skills. One of the partners asked what "Engine" meant. I just about DIED. Clearly, somehow, "Internet Search" disappeared. It's supposed to be "internet search engines." I apologized for it because I'm ANAL and I can't understand how that happened. Then the DC attorney informed me my resume had phrases that were repeated; i.e. "legal services legal services." And we realized it was all Indeed.com's FAULT! I applied to them via that site, and the way it uploaded my resume, caused it to virtually "shake it up" so when they printed it, my resume came out all jumbled.

First, I'm glad I didn't fuck it up, and I want them to know I wasn't lazy and overlooked such a mistake; two, when I got home, the first thing I did was send my point of contact a clean copy of my resume, references and letters of recommendations, explaining what the attorneys told me, and asked her to please circulate the clean copies so they could review it again. What makes me feel better is that the "engine" word intrigued the attorney and he wanted to know if that was a new e-discovery format!

The second thing I did was email all the attorneys who interviewed me.

Not sure when I'll hear back from them, as the point of contact was on a phone call when I was done, and the receptionist told me, they'd be in touch. I left feeling good. It's a good firm. Been around for over a 100 years, and they have an office in North and South Carolina, five in Virginia and D.C.

Then there's the long-term contract position with a small firm in DC that would last through the end of the year. IF they are happy with my work, it could become permanent. I was supposed to have a phone interview with the owner/partner last week, which was rescheduled, then canceled, because they were swamped with depositions. Understandable. They rescheduled for tomorrow morning. So far so good.

Then the local family law firm I applied to and interviewed with last month called. They liked me, and since my project ended, and they know I need to work, they offered to hire me on a contract basis, starting Monday. Just to see if we'll be a good fit. I wish the hourly rate were a little more, but I'm not knocking it. It's work. And more than the unemployment benefit amount by an extra $200.

So I could really use some job vibes? thoughts? I'd realllllllyyyyyyy appreciate it. Thanks!

I was also informed by my doctor's office that stress also affects the blood sugar levels, and it's an understatement to say I have been stressed. But it's coming down. Today was bad. Will go into more detail in the Chit-Chat thread.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 10
4 minutes ago, stewedsquash said:

@GHScorpiosRule   You are fantastic in life!

Thanks. I'm doing everything I can to market myself and hoping that something will land. And land soon! I want to be able to take a vacation; or just time off, and not worry that I won't be paid for the time I took off; there are places and people I want to visit, dammit! And then there's the stability and not having to ask my parents for financial assistance.

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WAHOO!!! The phone interview for the contract job that lasts through the end of the year went well enough, that they didn't require a face to face, and they want me to start on Friday! It pays more an hour than the local family law firm, and the latter was going to be a trial basis anyway. And the benefits weren't that great, but I considered it because, again, more money.

Boo, that the firm is so small that he doesn't use any electronic platforms for document reviews, but I'm an old hat at hard copy review, so no biggie; but the sticking point is, that he doesn't do enough where a fulltime position is an option. So, still holding out for a permanent job.

I heard back from one of the partners from the VA firm, and he said they'd be in touch after they finished interviewing other candidates. I checked what the salaries were for paralegals on glassdoor.com, where employees/former employees submit honest reviews, and most have been accurate; but the ones I saw, don't state what their position was, but they weren't paralegals, and what they said about how much vacation time and sick leave, contradicted what I was told. So maybe the average salary is also inaccurate. I know what I'll be asking for--the higher end of what legal secretaries get paid, and also will ask about raises/bonuses. This is assuming they make me an offer.

And THEN, I was thinking about this recruiter who I spoke with last month about a contract job, long-term, and realized she never got back to me, so I assumed they went with someone else. And lo and behold, she called me today! Asking if I was willing to go lower in what my salary requirements were. Of course, I was, because I gave her the highest number. I'm just glad I only had to file for unemployment for two weeks. Won't have to pay much back come tad filing time next year.

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When it rains, it pours! Just got an email from a firm, where I applied for a full-time Litigation Paralegal, asking for my availability this week for a phone interview! I told him all day tomorrow and during lunch hours on Friday. I'm hoping the contract job will let me start on Monday, but if they insist on Friday, then I can speak with this firm during my lunch break.

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Someone in one of the forums was talking about Googling oneself occasionally. It prompted me to do it. My search yielded my still-active bio page at my former company. I quit in August. You all know what kind of shitshow my job/company was, but that gives you a little more insight.

I immediately emailed the HR rep and told her to have the page taken down. I got an auto-reply that she was out this week; however, she responded earlier today that she would have the communications team take down the page. It's now removed.

Further, I had only approved my written bio be posted, not my photo, and as a non-broker, I had that right. My boss had gone behind my back and told the corporate marketing folks to post my photo. I hate that duplicitous, lying, narcissistic, unethical fuckwad and am so glad I never have to see him again.

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Should I worry? My recruitier called me back (FINALLY) after I called her this morning and left a voicemail asking the particulars for the start date, what time they wanted me there.

She called me back at 3. I had also emailed her, asking if I could start on Monday instead. She asked if I couldn’t work at least half a day? I explained about my eyes and how the doctor didn’t want me wearing my contacts through the weekend. And since this job will involve reviewing documents in hard copy, I wanted to be able to do the job. She said she’d call them and get back to me. 

I haven’t heard back. I called, left another voicemail saying okay I’ll go tomorrow. I left ANOTHER voicemail to another member of “the team,” asking for a callback. This was at 5:30.

I remember the days just two years ago, when the recruiter I had, would call back; or if they couldn’t, email me before the end of the day, if only to give me the status.

It’s not as ifI promised I would start tomorrow and am changing my mind at the last minute.

I hate that I’m questioning/second guessing myself.

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@GHScorpiosRule, I have found that people now don't respond as quickly as they should (as opposed to a few years ago).  Recruiter could be waiting to hear back from the department manager, too.  For my current job, old boss didn't even let the team know when I was starting (she was out of state - worked remote).  I got myself to new hire orientation, but beyond that they had zero clue what to do with me.  No equipment ordered, nothing.  It finally got all straightened out.

Hey, I'm guilty of that today.  I had a posse of folks at my desk on Monday, discussed issue, they were all fine with what happened.  Nope, two days later, request on what happened - because someone else not in discussion took it upon themselves to take action (wrong action) and now an account is overdrawn (not huge amount).   Then right before I was ready to leave for the day, asshole1 asks if he can call me to discuss.  No, I'm busy.  I have more of a full answer today, but I'm not sending it until ready to sign out.  I just do not have the patience to deal with him.  Plus this is the way this function has worked - since the system inception over 25 years ago.  Someone fucked up an account over 5 years ago, which caused this downstream impact.  No one checks balances apparently, so again, how is this my problem.   Another issue caused by a fuck up from last year, and we found a slight system bug.  Assholes went ahead with what they were doing anyhow, knowing that they'd need further corrections down the line.  Whatever, it's on you.

Today, one team member is out (scheduled).  Dip tells me oh not feeling well, and signs out right around lunchtime.  Ok, hubby probably got off work early, they're going out to lunch or running errands.  It's slow, and I really have zero fucks to give at this point.  (Also got yelled at by family member - again.  It's such a regular occurrence now, that I'm just irritated; I used to get all upset.  Now, it's like ehhh, whatever).

I'm just glad it's the weekend.  I put for another 3 or so days off in a week.  It's the only way I can stay sane.

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Thanks @hoosier80.

She called earlier today. I was so stressed my blood sugar was higher than it normally is in the morning! I guess I was spoiled by past recruiters from the same agency.

And I was left stewing as to email the family law firm that wanted me to work for them on a trial basis or not. 

The telephone interview went well. I’m hoping they’ll want to move forward. But if not, at least I have this contract.

Now to email family law firm.

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@hoosier80 You need some “me” time. If you can afford to go get a mani or pedi, massage or my personal favorite a reflexology foot massage. That ones pretty inexpensive. About $25 (inc tip) for a half hour and I feel like a new person afterwards. I swear it helps my overall well-being. If not,  just know I was wishing for you all these nice things and more. 

@GHScorpiosRule I was off of here for a bit and I’m delighted come back and see your posts with the positive changes going on for you. Actual job possibilities and choices.  It’s about time that you got a break. Please continue to take very good care of your eyes and rest them when possible. 

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After dealing with a psychotic verbally abusive manger for the past 8 months, I’m finally getting out. I tried making it work with the company because I’ve been here for over a year, but after being told if I attempted to transfer to a different branch, she would make sure to give me a bad reference, I found a new job at a different company, with much better hours. Putting my notice in was like a huge weight lifted off of my shoulders. I have 11 more shifts left and then I’m out of here. I intend on writing a very long email to HR letting them know how awful my current manager is, what a stench she is on their company, and how psychologically tormenting the past 9 months have been for my teammates and myself. I hope they take it seriously. 

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40 minutes ago, langway said:

I intend on writing a very long email to HR letting them know how awful my current manager is, what a stench she is on their company, and how psychologically tormenting the past 9 months have been for my teammates and myself. I hope they take it seriously.

It just depends on their sensibilities, and how those they report to respond if they do say, "Hey, there's a real issue here" (there are bad HR departments, and there are good but hamstrung HR departments, that can both lead to nothing changing), but it's great that you are going to put it on record and I'm sure your soon-to-be-former coworkers appreciate the effort, since you're now in a position to do what they can't.  Congratulations on the new job.

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I have about 14 hours left before I return to work from a week's vacation.  

A.  Do I check my emails tonight, or wait until tomorrow?

2.   I did check out the temp's Facebook page to see if she quit while I was away.  She didn't, and apparently she had an epiphany (or perhaps has a friend on this Forum??)  and removed all of the inappropriate comments she made during her first days at our office. 

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I find myself in a dilemma. I started my contract job today and it’s guaranteed till the end of the year; maybe January.

Then, a recruiter from the lazy ass recruiter’s office called (not the lazy ass) and emailed me about a temp to permanent opportunity. If the salary is right, do I go for it? Or stay with the contract (the commitment thing), because there’s no guarantee that the temp WILL  become permanent. If this was a direct hire, then I wouldn’t be conflicted.

Advice? Please?

55 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I find myself in a dilemma. I started my contract job today and it’s guaranteed till the end of the year; maybe January.

Then, a recruiter from the lazy ass recruiter’s office called (not the lazy ass) and emailed me about a temp to permanent opportunity. If the salary is right, do I go for it? Or stay with the contract (the commitment thing), because there’s no guarantee that the temp WILL  become permanent. If this was a direct hire, then I wouldn’t be conflicted.

Advice? Please?

With your current health issues, perhaps a short-term but stable project can help you de-stress about work and focus on getting healthy. 

  • Love 8
50 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

With your current health issues, perhaps a short-term but stable project can help you de-stress about work and focus on getting healthy. 

Thanks @theredhead77. That’s what I was thinking-this current assignment is guaranteed until the end of the year; the trial will be in January and based on the conversation I had with the two attorneys (it’s only two of them), they want me to assist at trial. We really all just...clicked. I have a good feeling about them and the work is just up my alley. Not to mention  when I complete three months on this job, I get a $400 bonus from the agency for completing 2000 hours of working through them. This can go right into my savings.

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13 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Thanks @theredhead77. That’s what I was thinking-this current assignment is guaranteed until the end of the year; the trial will be in January and based on the conversation I had with the two attorneys (it’s only two of them), they want me to assist at trial. We really all just...clicked. I have a good feeling about them and the work is just up my alley. Not to mention  when I complete three months on this job, I get a $400 bonus from the agency for completing 2000 hours of working through them. This can go right into my savings.

I think you have your answer. 

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One of the company owners son is an "intern" aka they sit in the office playing wii all day and stuffing his face in the kitchen (we have unlimited free food from kabobs, to Haagen Daz bars, taco bowls, chips, waffles, subs, fruit platters ect) for a paycheck.  Anyways he's a real piece of work he initiated conversation w me about something very random "type one diabetes is caused by eating and type two the children kind." I gently said type one is more often child onset and sometimes type 2 is caused by obesity and he blew a gasket how stupid I was and told me to shut up. I just walked away.  

Holy shit if he's having that level of a hissy fit over something so stupid imagine if he actually gets criticized or rebuked for anything serious. Affluentza much? 

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Where do you work that gives you free ice cream?!?

I work at an IT start up. Like I can't even list all the food we have we even have pies and cakes. But there's organic and healthy stuff too. I'm vegan so there's a few options for me like cous cous and frozen beans and corn and bananas. They ordered a bunch of vegetarian stuff for me this week (evol brand, Morningstar Farms, because they don't know the difference. One of the bitches I work with started eating it all to get my goat but I didn't say anything and wasn't going to eat it anyhow ?

we also have a bar that we only open on special times. I got the first sale so they had a bunch of champagne toasts the day after. My second sale they didn't tell anyone. 

Im interviewing Tuesday for a normal and very large established company and pretty excited. Startups can be horrible. My bosses stink and the other sales people are assholes. I am picked on for my dyslexia and being an introvert all the time. I've had time off requests denied. Everyone goofs around or acts like buffoons but I'm the weird one or jerk since I don't behave like some needy jackass and work. 

At the new job I can tell them I'm the sales leader of my organization (true) and also will be coming with a lot of leads and connections (different type of sales I'll be doing but some same clients like factories, utility companies, printers). 

  • Love 8
6 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

I work at an IT start up. Like I can't even list all the food we have we even have pies and cakes. But there's organic and healthy stuff too. I'm vegan so there's a few options for me like cous cous and frozen beans and corn and bananas. They ordered a bunch of vegetarian stuff for me this week (evol brand, Morningstar Farms, because they don't know the difference. One of the bitches I work with started eating it all to get my goat but I didn't say anything and wasn't going to eat it anyhow ?

we also have a bar that we only open on special times. I got the first sale so they had a bunch of champagne toasts the day after. My second sale they didn't tell anyone. 

Im interviewing Tuesday for a normal and very large established company and pretty excited. Startups can be horrible. My bosses stink and the other sales people are assholes. I am picked on for my dyslexia and being an introvert all the time. I've had time off requests denied. Everyone goofs around or acts like buffoons but I'm the weird one or jerk since I don't behave like some needy jackass and work. 

At the new job I can tell them I'm the sales leader of my organization (true) and also will be coming with a lot of leads and connections (different type of sales I'll be doing but some same clients like factories, utility companies, printers). 

Sounds like you work with a bunch of dudebros?

  • Love 2

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