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A Case Of The Mondays: Vent Your Work Spleen Here

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20 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Am I petty? I have a school bag that has a bunch of teacher stuff. I leave my bag on my desk when I have to go downstairs to teach in another room. I went to teach another class in another floor, and when I came back, the teacher who was teaching a class in the room where my bag and desk are said "I'm sorry, but I saw the gummy bears in your bag and I ate them." First of all the gummy bears were inside my bag, and he said "yeah but I was at your bag, saw the gummy bears, and I just ate them." I'm livid. I know it's over gummy bears, but just the entitlement he felt to go into my bag to get gummy bears is just beyond. I'm still stewing about this.

For the record, that is obnoxious of your co-worker!!  He had no right to rifle through your bag and help himself to your property without permission!  That is not a good sign of character and quite frankly, he shouldn't be teaching children! 

Reporting it?  They were just gummy bears not cash or something of value.  I'd have chewed him out in private and warned him not to pull that again!  He had no right to do it.  Just consider this a learning experience to not leave anything out of your sight and certainly not wherever he happens to be. 


The nerve of some entitled creeps like him just astounds! 

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Many years ago there was a guy relatively new to my office who was working late one evening, was hungry, went through the office refrigerator, and ate the second half of a lunch another co-worker had purchased that day; she was planning to eat it the next day for lunch. The next day when she discovered her lunch was gone, he freely admitted to taking it.  He saw nothing wrong with this; according to him, anything left in the refrigerator was open season.  He was set right on this by EVERYONE in the office.  

Oh, another thing - the woman whose lunch he stole was 6 months pregnant.  If you're going to steal someone's lunch, I urge you not to steal from a pregnant woman.  I've rarely seen anyone so enraged!  When he brought her the lunch he purchased to replace the stolen one, this woman who never used bad language told him, "Don't ever do it again, fuckhead."  

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On 2/10/2023 at 1:32 PM, Lady Whistleup said:

Am I petty? I have a school bag that has a bunch of teacher stuff. I leave my bag on my desk when I have to go downstairs to teach in another room. I went to teach another class in another floor, and when I came back, the teacher who was teaching a class in the room where my bag and desk are said "I'm sorry, but I saw the gummy bears in your bag and I ate them." First of all the gummy bears were inside my bag, and he said "yeah but I was at your bag, saw the gummy bears, and I just ate them." I'm livid. I know it's over gummy bears, but just the entitlement he felt to go into my bag to get gummy bears is just beyond. I'm still stewing about this.

It's too bad that those gummy bears weren't the Haribo sugar free ones that were made famous by Amazon reviews in the early 2010's and to my surprise didn't get pulled by the company until a few years ago....

While Being Horrible And Hilarious At The Same Time, These 20 Reviews Of Haribo Gummy Bears On Amazon Are Leaving People In Tears Of Laughter

Edited by Jaded
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Had a fourth employer call today who seemed like he wanted to make me an offer. (I had interviewed there almost a month ago.) He asked if I had still been looking for work, and it felt good to say that I had already signed an offer elsewhere. He apologized for taking so long to get back to me LOL.

Anyway that job would have only been a last resort job. The PTO was abysmal (none until you’ve worked there six months and a week of PTO after that 🤯 until you’ve been there a year I think it was) and I don’t think I could have worked like that. I’m not even someone who takes tons of time off. It sounded stressful just thinking about it. I’m very grateful that I was able to get enough offers to call the shots this time and not have to accept the first thing I got. 

I’m just waiting on my new employer to tell me the background check cleared. For some reason, even though I have no kind of criminal record, waiting for the news that everything cleared gives me anxiety. (I just had to fill out SSN and my addresses over the last seven years.) I think it’s just the waiting (they told me yesterday they were starting it) and wanting everything to go through smoothly that stresses me out. 

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This is a small and petty thing. I know, I KNOW I shouldn't grumble, but dammit, I was on a roll! I didn't make the threshold of working at least 50 hours on pro bono work, so didn't get the paper heart this year. I have three since I joined. Clearly not the year I was hired, because these hearts go out in February, and I was hired in August. But I got it for my second and third year, but not for 2022. Boo! Hiss!

I SAID it was petty. 😜

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Last week the director of another team tried to cover up his failure to schedule a really important task by claiming that the task is my team's responsibility. After I presented several pieces of documentation showing that (a) this type of task has always been performed by his team for projects on which our two teams collaborate, and (b) it was explicitly assigned to his team during quarterly planning more than a month ago, he accused me of being unproductive and not a team player. Our company has a pretty tolerant culture and nobody would have thought less of him if he had just admitted the mistake and set about fixing it. But some people always default to bullshitting when things get hard. 🙄

Edited by chocolatine
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Ok what do you do with this: I have a co-worker that I'm friendly with and he is constantly asking for money. 

The month before last he asked for $400. He paid it back, but then promptly asked for $500.

He paid back the $500 a few days ago, and asked me for $500 again. This time I said that I couldn't because I have to pay a mortgage and bills.

The first time it was child support, the second time IRS back taxes, this tme it's to help his dad pay for a divorce lawyer?

I see him every day so it's awkward to say no.

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I would tell him I was happy to be able to help when it seemed like a one-time emergency, and I appreciate he repaid promptly as agreed, but then it happened again and now again -- I'm not equipped to or comfortable with acting as a bank and he'll need to make other arrangements since this turns out to be an ongoing need and it would alter our working dynamic.

(I mean, you don't owe him anything more than "No", but since you're friendly with him, I'd lay it out for him.)

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1 hour ago, Lady Whistleup said:

Ok what do you do with this: I have a co-worker that I'm friendly with and he is constantly asking for money. 

The month before last he asked for $400. He paid it back, but then promptly asked for $500.

He paid back the $500 a few days ago, and asked me for $500 again. This time I said that I couldn't because I have to pay a mortgage and bills.

The first time it was child support, the second time IRS back taxes, this tme it's to help his dad pay for a divorce lawyer?

I see him every day so it's awkward to say no.

"I appreciate you repaying me so quickly the previous times; however, loaning money isn't something we're* comfortable with me doing on an ongoing basis and will no longer be doing. Please don't ask me again". If he persists take it to HR. It's completely inappropriate for the workplace.

Phrasing it as if you have a partner or someone you share finances with (even if you don't) implies it wasn't just your decision.

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In addition to what @Bastet and @theredhead77 said, I would even go so far as to not leave your purse and phone unattended at work. If someone feels so entitled to your money that they ask for a loan every month, I wouldn't put it past them to "borrow" your checkbook or use the Venmo app on your phone, and justify that as being OK because they always pay you back.

Edited by chocolatine
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3 hours ago, Lady Whistleup said:

The month before last he asked for $400. He paid it back, but then promptly asked for $500.

He paid back the $500 a few days ago, and asked me for $500 again.

Can he even really say he's paying you back, if he asks for it again within days?  In reality, he borrowed $400 two months ago that he has just now paid back, along with the other $100.

I would just say, I helped you out the first time because it seemed like an emergency, but I'm no longer in a place financially where I can do that.

Is it possible you already have an HR policy in place that addresses this?  You could always drop a note in HR's ear that they need to send out a refresher.

Chances are he's hitting up more people than just you.  He might even be basically borrowing money from multiple people and using it to pay off the first person, and so on.  :-/

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20 minutes ago, Jane Tuesday said:

Chances are he's hitting up more people than just you.  He might even be basically borrowing money from multiple people and using it to pay off the first person, and so on.  :-/

This is what I thought - he's running a mini Ponzi scheme.  Child support is a regular obligation, not an unexpected expense like suddenly having a large car repair bill.  Why is he unable to pay his child support?  And back taxes?  My suspicious mind wonders whether he has a drug or gambling problem, which is why he needs cash regularly.  And what's your recourse if you continue to loan him large sums of money when it's been months and he's not paid you back?  Do you have a signed IOU from him?  He could say whatever sum you gave him was a gift or deny that you gave him anything if there's no paper trail.  

As the others have suggested, I would tell him that you cannot act as a bank for him, that you cannot loan him money again.  If he's your friend, I realize that will be difficult to do, but the best thing would be to stop it now.  There are free budgeting and money management resources online.  Suggest he look at www.mint.com or consumer.gov which provide info about making a budget.  Or mymoney.gov has budgeting worksheets and other resources to help manage your finances.  

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I can’t imagine someone asking for such large sums from a coworker, and repeatedly. It’s not I left my wallet upstairs can you spot me for a sandwich. I also suspect a gambling or drug problem, and this is more concerning than just worrying about how to say no politely. 

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This has been one helluva week!  

There was a water main break outside the station so toilets and sinks weren't functioning!  They brought out port o' potties (ick!) until things were back up;  until they went down again!  I wasn't sure what I'd find each night in my email!!  

Then everything else just seemed to fall apart regarding a huge local news story caught on cellphone.  It showed a kid getting thrown down by a school police officer.  The night it ran, it was looped (shown over and over) and by the next morning, it was deemed our viewers needed to see this only once and to add file video of exteriors of the school near where this happened.  Once again nightside showed it and looped it, but the AM show isn't allowed so heaven forbid a producer cues up that same video without checking guess who has to reedit everything?  Nothing new, since we've been forbidden from showing stuff that they used to exploit (like gunshots at the One October shooting or 9/11 stuff).  

Then the producers kept falling behind on stacking the show.  Don't know why.  The 7am in particular seems to be a problem for them.  I typically take my lunch break at 6am but often I have to work it just to keep my edit partner from falling behind because of their incompetence!  I even heard from directors who tell me that some of these producers don't seem to know what they're doing and THEY have to guide them along!!  This has been going on for months!!  

Then there's the producer who works from home - in Michigan!  I mentioned here that over 2 years ago I lost my previous partner because the bosses insisted that everyone work in the office again and no more working from home and she was happy doing just that.  When they refused, she quit.  Now we have a producer who is in another state and half the time seems to have video problems!  He would send me messages like the video isn't clear for him to see something, or he is assigned to write a script but waits forever to get to it (sometimes 10 minutes before air!!).  I know he's on CST but he shouldn't be editing on it!!  My partner and I have told our immediate supervisor about this but somehow WE are supposed to change how WE do our work!!!  If I bothered to tell him about how late the bunch are in getting the 7am show ready in time so I can eat in peace, he'd probably tell me to eat earlier!!  

Why are these fools running things????

It's never good when fixed plumbing is the highlight of your week!

Edited by magicdog
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I talked to my recruiter today, and he said they haven't got any assignments in that need my skill set and would pay me the wages I deserve. He told me that there are six people they want to send on appropriate assignments, and I'm one of them. He says we are the company's top performers. Granted that's nice to know, but maybe he's blowing smoke up my ass.

Money isn't an issue yet, but I am getting bored and antsy. I have looked for permanent employment, which is completely draining. I did see one job ad that stated the following (and I'm paraphrasing).

"If I have over 10.000 emails in my inbox, you better have 0."

"If my desk is covered with files and paperwork, your desk better be clutter free."

"If I have 100 phone messages to answer, you better be answering them."

That job sounds like a nightmare.

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9 hours ago, Bookish Jen said:

I did see one job ad that stated the following (and I'm paraphrasing).

"If I have over 10.000 emails in my inbox, you better have 0."

"If my desk is covered with files and paperwork, your desk better be clutter free."

"If I have 100 phone messages to answer, you better be answering them."

That job sounds like a nightmare.

Apparently someone didn't get the memo about how hard it is to find good workers lately.  Would love to see the fool who placed that ad!

Edited by magicdog
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14 hours ago, magicdog said:

Apparently someone didn't get the memo about how hard it is to find good workers lately.  Would love to see the fool who placed that ad!

Exactly. I'm sure I'm not the only one who saw that want ad and was completely offended.

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I have no respect for people who have 10k unread emails in their inbox. It takes only a few minutes to set up a couple of rules. The majority of work emails are calendar invites, auto-notifications, and other stuff that doesn't need to be read and can safely bypass the inbox and go directly to a designated folder.

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My laptop and other equipment for my new job is on the way, and I start on Monday. It’ll be almost three months since my layoff by the time I start. I still feel a bit stressed by my recent experience really. Part of me wanted to keep interviewing up until the first day of the job because of the stories I hear of rescinded offers and layoffs. But the interviews I backed out of were an initial interview and for the one nonprofit job I interviewed for where they were supposed to call me for another interview and never did. I still don’t know what that’s about other than a slow HR director who takes a long time to do things (I had a connection at the organization who mentioned this), but hey, you snooze you lose. :) I think if I had later stage interviews or ones for better paying jobs booked I would have kept going. 

I also have a four-month probationary period at New Job so here’s hoping I can survive. I will be doing everything I can to ensure I make it. I can’t lose a job again.

Finally I won’t go into this too much since it’s more a topic for chit-chat but I’m still tight on money with a move coming. I won’t get a paycheck from the job until the 15th, as they pay the 15th and 30th of every month. So I have to hang in another three weeks and my mom is going to help me. Being laid off threw off some progress I was making unfortunately and I hate being out of work and needing my mom’s help as a principle and the stigma of being a adult and needing family help in our society. 

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Congrats, @Cloud9Shopper! I know it's been quite a journey. I hope you absolutely love it.

I know it's a blow to your pride to get help from your mom, but try not to let it get you down. Nobody has to know if you don't tell them. Besides, they don't know your situation, how you might help your mom later, etc. If somebody judges you, screw 'em.

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I went back to work today after my layoff, finally. I am still feeling a bit anxious about the whole thing. My new job is frontline customer support/service and there are a lot of metrics in this job, like average call handling time, scheduled lunch and breaks (I previously had the freedom to choose my lunchtime since my old jobs weren’t coverage based like this), average time for live chats, and satisfaction percentages you have to meet for how you’re scored. I’ve never really had a heavy metrics-based position like this before and am worried about meeting everything once I’m handling customers.

I think I’m still messed up a bit from my layoff and losing my last job (that I enjoyed) for no real reason. I’m definitely worried about failing in another job and having to go back on unemployment when PA’s system is so archaic and confusing. (I’m pretty sure I messed up something in filing my final claim last night and it got flagged again so who knows if and when I’ll ever see that last payment, and of course they don’t email back or answer the phone. By the time they address it I’ll probably just feel like taking the L.) 

Oh and my first paycheck will be mailed to me so I will have to wait even longer for money. It's probably going to be a few weeks until I feel comfortable again. Right now I am still afraid and stressed. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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Day 2 at work was a little bit better. I had to do some back and forth to get some time off for previously scheduled appointments and to be able to attend a Good Friday service. (I’m Catholic and we do not have evening Good Friday services like Protestant religions, and no I’m not interested in not attending a Catholic church or foregoing service attendance to work.) I got an exception for one of the doctor’s appointments but had to reschedule a dentist appointment and the other doctor’s appointment. I guess it’s good I got the exceptions at all since I’m not supposed to be taking any time off during my probationary period. The other two appointments had to be rescheduled since they were for days no one is allowed to be off, and I was asked to reschedule one of the reschedules.

The stricter attendance expectations will definitely take some getting used to. I’m used to just requesting time and getting it approved but once my probationary period is over I’ll still have those days or weeks where time off isn’t allowed, or maybe not be allowed to take any time off if too many people request it before me. 

I’m still not sure it’s going to be a good long-term job but I’ll keep trying to make it work. 

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19 hours ago, theredhead77 said:


28 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Does anyone happen to know when "onboarding" became a term?  Did it have to do with the rise of "teams" in workplaces?

In the 70’s. 😁


No clue what happened when posting this! 🤷🏼‍♀️

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4 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Does anyone happen to know when "onboarding" became a term?  Did it have to do with the rise of "teams" in workplaces?

It's been around for many years in the context of new hires, and I've also more recently heard it in the context of "onboarding" new clients.

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On 2/27/2022 at 7:03 PM, chocolatine said:

Tech people, I swear to God!

Our company is fully remote, so we have a "random" Slack channel for non-work related water cooler chat. Needless to say (or at least I thought so), the topics in that channel should still be work-appropriate. Well, one of the company's best DevOps engineers saw it fit to post a photo of an old British book about penile injuries yesterday. Most of our coworkers don't check Slack over the weekend, but there were still several reactions as to how inappropriate the post was. As an engineering director, I was completely horrified - not because I was offended by the post, but because it would be a total nightmare if this guy got fired and we had to find someone to replace him in this job market. I happen to be good friends with this guy's director, so I PM-ed him immediately. He made the engineer delete the offending post, and he and I are crossing our fingers that, of the handful of people who saw it before it was deleted, nobody was offended enough to report it to HR.

This is a really smart guy, and he almost got himself fired in the dumbest way. (I guess he still could get fired, but I really hope not.)

Quoting my own post from a year ago because we had yet another bizarre outburst in a company-wide Slack channel today. A guy who is a software engineer posted that AI is going to replace everyone's job except software engineers by 2030, according to "experts." This is not only completely false, but also pretty insensitive, considering that the majority of our company's employees are *not* software engineers.

I run the company's machine learning team, i.e. I'm an actual AI expert, so I called him out asking to quote his sources. He quoted - I kid you not - a segment from Last Week Tonight. I told him that he shouldn't get his expertise from comedians and instead talk to my team if he has any questions or concerns about the latest developments in AI. He said he trusts John Oliver more than us (all of whom have advanced degrees and many years of experience in the field), and that Oliver does more research than we do. 🤯

I took screen shots and sent them to the guy's department VP. This isn't the first time he has said something unhinged in a public Slack channel, but the first time in a company-wide one, insinuating that 80% of our coworkers will be made obsolete in the near future. I really hope he gets fired for this.

Edited by chocolatine
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On 2/28/2023 at 9:39 PM, theredhead77 said:

Did you mention those days off /scheduling conflicts during the onboarding or offer stage?

I did but I was told to talk to my direct supervisor. (The offer came from HR, not the hiring manager.)I only had the name of my boss’s boss when I got the offer and didn’t find out who my direct boss would be until the first day, so that’s the person I had to talk to. 

Either way it’s taken care of now. In past jobs I was just able to schedule PTO whenever but now there will be blackout days and weeks so I will just have to be more mindful. I’m going to try not to stay in this job too long, just enough to have it look OK on my resume before I look to get out of frontline customer support and back into a job with more autonomy. 

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12 hours ago, chocolatine said:

It's been around for many years in the context of new hires,

How many years?  The last new job I took was in the late 1990s, and I wasn't "on-boarded" for that one, or for any other job I've had.  I would just show up for work on the appointed day and probably fill out some paperwork for withholding that day at some point.

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3 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

How many years?  The last new job I took was in the late 1990s, and I wasn't "on-boarded" for that one, or for any other job I've had.  I would just show up for work on the appointed day and probably fill out some paperwork for withholding that day at some point.

I first heard it when I started a new job in 2012. I don't know how long it had been in use before then, because I only moved to the US in 2009 through an internal transfer when I was working for an international company.

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I think I've been "on-boarded" for every corporate job. I started working in "corporate America" in the early 2000s so I can only say the term has existed since then. I realize 1995 was just a couple of years ago but we're also 23 years into the 2000s.

A quick Google search says it has been around since the 70s but gained popularity in the last decade.

From Business Today


Origin: The word came into existence in the 1970s, but gained popularity in business circles only in the last decade. It began being used when companies started putting emphasis on preliminary training for new hires.


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I don't think we use the term onboarding at my place of work, or maybe some offices might use it and mine doesn't.  

Language constantly develops as we go along. New words creep in. Old words fade away. People start using old words in new ways. I think it's fascinating. It's like watching evolution as it happens. 

But I'm an outlier when it comes to embracing change. I change things up at work sometimes just for the sake of change. (This is why I only used my accounting degree to be an accountant for the first few years of my career. Everybody has a problem when the accountant starts getting creative.)

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I hadn't heard onboarding used a lot until a few years ago.  But in the old days companies had personnel departments, not HR.  Corporations now have so many more requirements before they can hire someone or actually have them start working.   I remember when you did not have to provide the citizenship/green card type of documentation.  Yes, that was a long time ago, but I'm that old.    In my first job I sat down at a typewriter and used a rotary dial phone.  Now everyone has to be trained on whatever computer system is used and be given a special company computer and phone and so on.  ...  So that's why they need a word for the laborious task of putting new hires to work.

I now work for myself, so that makes it easier for me. 

Edited by EtheltoTillie
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4 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Origin: The word came into existence in the 1970s, but gained popularity in business circles only in the last decade.

That sounds right to me.  We don't use it, and I hardly ever hear it, and only in the last several years.  So it was probably in fairly common use several years before that, since I tend to be behind the times when it comes to vernacular.

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5 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

I don't think we use the term onboarding at my place of work, or maybe some offices might use it and mine doesn't.  

Language constantly develops as we go along. New words creep in. Old words fade away. People start using old words in new ways. I think it's fascinating. It's like watching evolution as it happens. 

But I'm an outlier when it comes to embracing change. I change things up at work sometimes just for the sake of change. (This is why I only used my accounting degree to be an accountant for the first few years of my career.

Word. At the job I just left, new hires went through onboarding and people office out of our regional corporate office, one of our stores, or their home. We also had a customer onboarding process to ensure a smooth customer journey and positive customer experience. 


Everybody has a problem when the accountant starts getting creative.

Maybe not everybody. Based on mob movies, they don't seem to mind creativity in accounting as long as they have money.

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22 hours ago, chocolatine said:

He said he trusts John Oliver more than us (all of whom have advanced degrees and many years of experience in the field), and that Oliver does more research than we do. 🤯

How these idiots have jobs and get into management positions is beyond me!!

Damn, that's one stupid (and potentially dangerous) man!!!   

Here's hoping he gets fired.

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36 minutes ago, magicdog said:

How these idiots have jobs and get into management positions is beyond me!!

Damn, that's one stupid (and potentially dangerous) man!!!   

Here's hoping he gets fired.

That person is not a manager, but he is a senior-level individual contributor and has been with the company for many years. 

Most of the people I work with are great, and we have a pretty laid-back culture, but the flip side is that leadership can be slow to address poor performance or behavior issues when they do come up.

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First week of the new job is done. I won’t be able to say how things are really going for a while since the next few weeks are still training, but my initial impression is: Not the worst job ever, but being that it’s frontline customer service, which I thought I was done with, I’m going to keep building my skills after hours and on weekends and try not to stay too long. It’s tough when you’re unemployed and have to take a job you wouldn’t otherwise but it is what it is for now. 

I have never willingly left a job after less than a year (I was laid off twice through no fault of my own and fired once before the year mark), so if I need to take my freebie here, I’ll just deal with it. Besides my most recent layoff, I have tenures of three years and two of just about two years. So I’m confident it’ll be fine and I can just wave away the layoff and this job over time since call centers are a stopgap job for a lot of people. (One of the other layoffs and the firing was over 10 years ago so I don’t even mention them anymore.) 

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On 3/6/2023 at 4:47 PM, theredhead77 said:

Fuckerette? Nah.

"Dude. What the fuck, you fucking fucker?" is a gender-neutral sentence. 

My mother was quite fond is the term:  "Fuck-a-doo".  Gender neutral and could be used as a term of endearment with the right person.

My edit partner and I had a lengthy discussion with one of the EPs over some issues which keep cropping up and not being fully resolved.  Unfortunately I'm not sure if all of it made it to the producers' ears.  Some of this issues are still happening, although my partner and I have been handling it well when they improve other things. 

Plumbing still working as well, so no issues there at the moment!

While my partner and I were discussing a work issue, he heard a cackle in the distance and asked me who was that.  I told him it was Bitcheroo.  He said he had heard it before but had no idea!  I explained it's typical of unpleasant unsympathetic, superior thinking all knowing management types who try to act as if they identify with human beings or have a sense of humor.  I've known a few of them over the years.  

Edited by magicdog
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On 3/2/2023 at 1:45 AM, chocolatine said:

He said he trusts John Oliver more than us (all of whom have advanced degrees and many years of experience in the field), and that Oliver does more research than we do. 🤯

Mmm hmm. John Oliver is very convincing.

His full of shit, but sounded reasonable because it played on people's FEELINGS, segments on things that happen in my industry were cited by people as absolute, irrefutable facts.

It was very frustrating.

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8 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

Mmm hmm. John Oliver is very convincing.

His full of shit, but sounded reasonable because it played on people's FEELINGS, segments on things that happen in my industry were cited by people as absolute, irrefutable facts.

It was very frustrating.

It's the accent.

I'm also disappointed to learn that his segments are misleading. I wouldn't trust him over experts but I always had faith that the stories were researched and accurate.

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2 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I'm also disappointed to learn that his segments are misleading. I wouldn't trust him over experts but I always had faith that the stories were researched and accurate.

Those I've fact checked have been, but that's only a small percentage of stories as I've only done so on topics in which I had a particular interest (as a consumer/user/member of society, not as a professional).

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25 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

It's the accent.

I'm also disappointed to learn that his segments are misleading. I wouldn't trust him over experts but I always had faith that the stories were researched and accurate.

It's not that he didn't state facts in the story I'm talking about. It's that he stated facts as entertainment, meaning he presents the story in a way that plays on what would stir up feelings. There was no objective news angle to it.

It's fine. It's what he should do as an entertainer, as it is an entertainment program. 

It's just that he's super good at it, so people like the guy we're talking about in this topic literally believe him over actual experts. 

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The funny thing is, I ended up watching the segment in question, and it's actually mostly correct* in that there are many problems with current AI applications and that it's impossible to trust them until they can be made interpretable (something my team is currently working on). So I really don't know how the douche-bro engineer went from that segment to the conclusion that AI is going to replace most jobs by 2030.

BTW, he has not been fired for his outburst on the company-wide Slack channel, and has since made more disrespectful comments towards me and another female member of my team in other channels. I've taken screenshots of everything and made a formal complaint to HR; they are launching an investigation.

*I do completely agree with @JTMacc99 though that he spins the facts for entertainment/emotional manipulation and uses a lot of hyperbole. Plus, his own understanding of the subject matter is very superficial.

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