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S06.E06: No Stone Unturned

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With all signs pointing to Lesli as the tormentor in the hoodie, the PLLs are on a mission to get concrete proof before bringing their findings to the police. But as the girls ramp up their investigation, “A’s” threats escalate. Meanwhile, a friend of Emily’s makes her a surprising offer, and Spencer is pressured by her family to make an important decision.




I'm really interested in seeing how Charles will plan his birthday party. I wish we get to see him in the black hoodie cake tasting and casting Djs and brainstorming birthday activities with the minions. With all the French themes going on I imagine it would be a little like Blair Waldorf.

Oh the fun to be had!

Edited by raytch
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What was the point of letting the parents and the cops know about A?

Why didn't Ali's dad go to the police and tell them that whoever kidnapped the girls has to be connected to the son he disowned 16 years ago. God! I Know he's a major douche but he needs to grow some balls.

 I can only assume the point of letting the parents and cops know was to prove the incompetence of Rosewood's police and parental units.  Emily's mom is the only one kind of making sense, in trying to get her kid to see a therapist.  But they're all pretty ineffective.  People complain about the show's inconsistencies, but I'd say terrible parents and police have been a constant.  That's something, I guess.


As for Ali's dad, ITA he's a major douche, and I think we don't yet know the half of it.  I'm guessing he hasn't revealed all to the police because he's done more than he's admitted to his kids, and has been involved in criminal activity that he doesn't want outed.  I was convinced that Spencer's Mom had killed Jessica DiL, but don't remember why I didn't suspect Mr. DiLaurentis.  He and the Mrs seem to lack conscience, and she cheated on him at least once--maybe he killed her to keep their multitude of secrets?  Or he knows "Charles" did it and is afraid to tell because then all his skeletons will fall out of the closet?


Awesome head waving and beeping.  I heart Hanna and Spencer.

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I love how despite being dead wrong about A a dozen times or so, Spencer is still so sure she's right about Lesli this time around. You'd think after all the false alarms and wrongly accused, she'd maybe be a little gun-shy about pointing the finger at someone so soon. But nope, she hops right on that Lesli is A train.

Edited by SadieT
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I miss this show! This week hasn't been the same without it. Now, didn't Hanna ask for space just last episode? What the heck is Caleb doing in her house early in the morning? I'd be annoyed as hell too.


I find the fact that Emily apparently shuts down at the mention of Alison the most interesting thing about that clip (sorry, Sara). I wonder if they're going to adress Emison ever again or Sara standing in for Alison.


I love how despite being dead wrong about A a dozen times or so, Spencer is still so sure she's right about Lesli this time around. You'd think after all the false alarms and wrongly accused, she'd maybe be a little gunshy about pointing the finger at someone so soon. But nope, she hops right on that Lesli is A train.



I have a headcanon that deep, deep down Spencer knows the one most likely to be making her life a nightmare is her sister which is why she's always so quick to jump from one suspect to the next but when she was in a position to confront Melissa she was willing to take all her excuses at face value.

Edited by cuddlingcrowley
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  On 7/9/2015 at 8:00 PM, cuddlingcrowley said:

I have a headcanon that deep, deep down Spencer knows the one most likely to being making her life a nightmare is her sister which is why she's always so quick to jump from one suspect to the next but when she was in a position to confront Melissa she was willing to take all her excuses at face value.

But Melissa only buried Bethany alive! She's not a monster!

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Ha, well there goes my theory that it was a symbolic gesture indicating that Emily was ready to move on from her past love to Sara. Don't get me wrong - I am not here for any Emily/Sara romance but I thought the Passing of the Flannel Shirt had more meaning. Apparently it was Emily saying, "Hey, Caleb totally bends over backwards to help us by hacking into all kinds of stuff, making up jobs for emancipated minor applicants, and letting us borrow his clothes when we're cold. I took this from his place but you can have it because I totally take him and his kindness for granted. Rather than return his shirt, I will give it away. Imagine his surprise when you show up for your first day of work wearing the boss's clothes! But there won't be any kind of sexual harassment complaint since you are clearly a lesbian who is meant to be with me."


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Oh let me see if you're okay, since you just got hit by a car, Sara, but first let me ignore your bleeding all over everything and make you look at this picture. Good job, em.

Emily. Is. So. Stupid.

I wanted Kol to kiss Spencer for sure, I was yelling at my tv. Toby is stupid. But not as stupid as freaking Emily.

Hahah Hanna.

Edited by Watt
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That shirt Ezra was wearing was hilarious. It was so bad, it was distracting. Aria, if he's the only one you can talk to, trust and confide him, then go get him back. 


Poor Caleb, I kind of want him to not do anything for the girls at all and just not speak to Hannah at all until she makes contact. They want to call him for help but Hannah kept treating him bad. Until he figured out a way to shut her up.  I did love that and that Hannah's mom gave Caleb his own key. 


"Why am I beeping, I haven't even stolen anything yet?" That whole scene of Hannah and Spencer beeping and figuring out the chip was hilarious.


Toby's doing what in Rosewood? I like Dean. I prefer him over Toby. Go get Dean, Spencer! 


I've had enough of Sarah. Emily, leave her and her drama and go to Thailand! 

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Wait, so a piece of paper saying Charles donated organs isn't solid proof he's dead? I am so shocked.....shocked that they figured that out so quickly.


These girls need to go to the cops and show them the tracking devices in them.  Then go to the media and complain about how horrible the cops are so there is a lot of attention on them.  Then A will have a harder time getting to them.  And maybe some competent people will offer to help catch him/her/them.

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God Emily is getting on my nerves. She's ignoring her friends and being Aria levels of useless when it comes to finding out who A is, all because of some girl she hardly knows.

And is making out with traumatized blonde girls in bed her go to move? Sara's clearly in no shape for a romantic relationship, she needs more help than Emily can give her and I need her to get the hell off my tv screen.

Hanna was the highlight of the episode yet again.

Spencer needs to leave Toby for Dean.

Another boring filler episode. Getting tired of each season basically existing of a season premiere that follows up on last season's finale, then a bunch of filler episodes where nothing important happens, and then a "shocking" season finale. It's the same thing every half season. Did anyone other than Spencer and Hanna actually think Lesli had anything to do with A?

Oh I almost forgot....Charles is not dead! To absolutely no one's surprise.

Where was Ali this episode? Wasn't she supposed to be heading out to meet the others at the end of last episode? Or is she truly incapable of leaving her porch now.

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Nicole, Emily's friend from Haiti, is clearly up to no good.


First, the story of a thousand mile detour to Pennsylvania obviously doesn't make sense.  But, fine, this is PLL and we're used to that; apparently, we're supposed to take it on face value that Emily had to change her email address (?!?!?!!).


Secondly, and more importantly, Emily was extremely cagey about her friend and the circumstances under which she knew said friend... yet Nicole asks point blank, "Is Sara capable of returning your feelings?"


Well... how the shit did she know that the friend in question was Sara?  Shades of Nate's creepy and random knowledge about Maya.  

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Did Charles make Sara watch The Legend of Billie Jean over and over? That's all I see when I look at her. I'm waiting for her to say "Fair is fair!"


That Clark guy seems overly friendly. Run Aria.


I laughed at Ezra's reaction to the Aria doll with the knife through the eye. And Aria's explanation.


Mona is still awesome.

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  On 7/15/2015 at 1:27 AM, tldryolo said:

Secondly, and more importantly, Emily was extremely cagey about her friend and the circumstances under which she knew said friend... yet Nicole asks point blank, "Is Sara capable of returning your feelings?"


Well... how the shit did she know that the friend in question was Sara?  Shades of Nate's creepy and random knowledge about Maya.  


I was wondering the same thing, it was super weird.  Either she's A or there was a deleted scene/lines. But Emily just referred to her as "my friend" two seconds before that, and who uses that phrase if the other person knows the name?

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Hanna was on fire with her one-liners tonight.


I didn't even realize until now that Aria and Ezra are not together. Why did they break up again this time? Oh wait, I don't care.


Emiy is totally the Aria this season.


Hanna/Spencer is a fun detective unit but I'm getting a little tired of it. I miss Spemily, Hannily and Sparia.


Am I alone in thinking Sara hurt herself on purpose to keep Emily close and on the Leslie trail? For a second I even thought Emily might be catching on when she checked for the tracker but nope, just another notch on her bedpost.


Whyyyy are they not going to the police with everything? It could always be justified in previous seasons but makes no sense whatsoever now. FIne, if they want to keep the Charles stuff quiet. But the doll? The chips? The police could trace those back and maybe find A...


I missed Alison this episode.

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LOL, about the Caleb post up top..I was just making the typical Caleb has lesbian hair/fashion joke again. I don't think it's actually his. (Although it could be) 


Sarah is just Emily's therapy. That was spelled out. (And I thought Emily's friend said "Is your friend capable of sharing feelings?" I don't remember hearing Sarah, but I could be wrong.) Regardless, Emily can give her puppy/replacement for Ali back now. 


Anyone catch the freeze frame of the paper Mr. D had? 


Also, how the hell did Spencer not catch on about the meds? And Mona makes me suspicious because she could have told the girls right away when she handed over the documents. She's still clearly playing games. 

Edited by mercfan3
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Sara is still really boring to me and adds nothing go the show as far as I'm concerned. I feel like she brings the show down. Eh, this season started out so promising but I now find myself nodding off and possibly missing important plot points buried in between spencers drug induced Maddie from dance moms latest Sia video. But hey that's just me.

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  On 7/15/2015 at 2:35 AM, CloudySky said:

I missed Alison this episode.


Me too. But if she had been in the episode she'd probably just be gazing forlornly off her porch because she apparently can't step foot off the DiLaurentis property ever again.


I really want to see Alison interacting with the other girls and Emily actually helping her friends and not be so wrapped up in Sara. Maybe they'd actually get somewhere if the 5 of them were working together... with the assistance of Mona and Caleb because they clearly need the extra help if they keep falling for all these red herrings.  

Edited by SadieT
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I'm so tired of these random characters/actors being in a few eps and then disappearing and then another random character takes their place: Nate, Sara, those friends of the dead girl buried in Ali's grave (backyard), the new cop, the photog studio, CeeCee,

the garage/gas station do-gooder w/ the southern accent who use to be in Bones, smiley big mouth girl who was friends with Jenna last season, etc. The list goes on & on but those are just off the top of my head. Who cares about these people? They never lead to anything important, they just take time away from the already huge cast of "regular" characters.


Now we have this British or Aussie house building girl. With her and Lesli and Sara, enough already.

Edited by kat165
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Was Ezra wearing one of Aria's shirts? That navy thing with the wide, round neck and the tiny polka dots looks all kinds of wrong on Ezra, but it would be really cute on any of the girls.


The whole styling for Ezra this season has been shockingly horrendous. I can't quite figure out what's wrong but it's the same style of  shirt each week. The sleeves are too short maybe? The neckline too high or low? And it definitely gives him moobs. So distracting.

It was only a matter of time, Emily must have sex with every female she meets. The town of Rosewood must be some kind of haven for lesbians & apparently Emily is the welcoming committee. 


I'm still expecting to see dog bones when Ali's father digs up the grave.


Not a very interesting episode IMO, I feel like they're holding back on stuff to spring it all on us during the big summer finale, where we'll finally see A!!!!!! Yeah, right. Not the first time at that rodeo ABC.

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It was only a matter of time, Emily must have sex with every female she meets.


Errr, ok, so I am no fan of Sara (nor of Emily, really), but Emily gets romantically involved in the exact same ways and number of times that all the rest of the girls do. New characters on this show pretty much EXIST to be romantic entanglements - Lorenzo, Travis, Dean, Johnny, Andrew, that one dude on Aria's college trip, etc etc etc. It shouldn't be so remarkable that they treat the queer girl the same as the straight ones - although perhaps it is, just because most shows completely neuter LGBT characters... Anyway, friendly reminder that lots of us got lots of action in high school, even (and sometimes especially, sigh) with the straight girls.



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The card was from A, and it said something like: Dad,  I'm coming home for a birthday party to die for this year, specifically for you. Really the whole thing was a waste because no one really thought he was dead, right? So we get an Ali-free episode for a waste of time since we didn't even get to see what was in the grave. I thought we were going to get more in-depth on the girl's time being kidnapped, but honestly that whole thing is feeling like a letdown now too. Don't like Sarah, and Emily isn't getting any other way of us seeing her deal. Hanna is just pissed at Caleb, and I don't blame her, but it's boring tv. I've been done with Spencer's ridiculous storyline since it was brought up the first time. The only one this whole kidnapping storyline helped was Aria and Mona. Mona is being sneaky again, which I love; and Aria is at least participating again.


Edited by william0102
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I loved that Emily said "You're always safe in this house." Like when A's car crashed through said house? How are you even standing on your second floor right now anyway? Not that I don't think Sara/Clark/Random Friend, et al aren't up to no good.

Seeing Ezra and Caleb + the lack of Toby made me realize that the writers have no idea how to write these boys when they aren't with the girls. I will admit that I screamed "LIKE YOU DON'T KNOW YOU MADE IT" when Ezra spotted the Aria doll.

The paper that Mr. D had in the car was a list of doctors. Make of that what you will.

This whole episode was kind of boring. We found out that they were chipped and that Charles isn't dead, both of which we knew already. Lame.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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