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1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

The difficulty with him directing is that the director works full time prepping in the weeks before they actually shoot the episode.  Since SA is doing so much work on the show right now and is in so many scenes,  he couldn't have the time to prep properly. The actors who direct episodes of their shows have two light episodes.

Maybe if at some point Oliver takes a seat a bit further back SA will have time to direct.

Being given a producer's credit is something that many actors get even if they don't do much actual producing.

SPN arranged for the episodes Jensen Ackles directed to be the first filmed of the season even if it wasn't necessarily the first episode of the season, that way he could prep and plan at the end of his hiatus. Maybe they could do that for SA.

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5 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

SPN arranged for the episodes Jensen Ackles directed to be the first filmed of the season even if it wasn't necessarily the first episode of the season, that way he could prep and plan at the end of his hiatus. Maybe they could do that for SA.

If he wants it bad enough, they could find a way.  Maybe he'll want it bad enough next year.  

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Well if we are to believe Stephen they already made him a directing gig offer and therefore would have presumably arranged things to make it work with his schedule, like directing an episode early on or what not. But he had no desire to put in more hours then he already puts into the show and is at least content with his status quo. 

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2 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Well if we are to believe Stephen they already made him a directing gig offer and therefore would have presumably arranged things to make it work with his schedule, like directing an episode early on or what not. But he had no desire to put in more hours then he already puts into the show and is at least content with his status quo. 

Yeah, he's been good with not adding more work but if he's not going to be snatched up as the next movie action hero, he might reconsider in the future.  

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Video posted by jbuffyangel - DR panel on Mar. 26 at HVFF-Chicago (no spoilers transcribed below, but video includes spoilery info if you watch it - see Spoilers Only thread for my transcriptions of spoilery comments)...

-- DR: "You know what I like about Diggle and always have is that everyone on the show is exceptional in the sense that Felicity's probably, you know, one of the top smartest - top five smartest people on the planet - female power, girls rule, right? - um, Oliver Queen, along with maybe Bruce Wayne, top three fighters on the planet, right? And then there's John Diggle. And what I like about John Diggle is that this is just a guy who's born in the Glades, inner city of Starling City, and, um, just wanted to better himself. So he joined the military. And he wanted to better his community and became this guy who fought crime. And he's just a regular guy, joined the military, became a service man. And he's - what I like about him, I think, people can kinda identify with him is because he's probably the most reachable in that sense. His [success?-unintelligible word] is that anybody can be John Diggle, as opposed to Felicity. I mean, you can't really be that, you can't be Oliver Queen, you can't reach that. But anyone can service their community, can service their country. And, um, and that's what really appealed to me about John Diggle."

-- DR: "John Diggle's now part of the DC Universe in the comic books because of the fans! They demanded it. It's true, it's true... Everyone just really dug into Diggle as soon as he came across the screen and DC listened and put him into the - into the canon. You know, there was always this talk about John Diggle and John Stewart mythos kinda being combined and, uh, is this guy really John Stewart. I mean, this was put to rest a couple seasons ago. But I think, in the wisdom of the creators of the show and the writers - which I was kinda sad about when I just kinda found out, 'oh, I'm not John Stewart, ahh,' but as I just continued to play John Diggle, this is an original character and, um, never existed before, right? So 10 years, 15 years from now, when this is redone, there'll be someone else playing John Diggle and it started here... It feels a little better now that I'm sorta sinking into a new mythos being created for this new character."

-- DR: "I remember when, at the beginning of the season, everyone went like, 'oh, what can we expect for Season 5?' And we're like, 'it's a return to basics, kinda street level crime, we get back to that thing we had in Season 1, Season 2.' Um, 'cause Season 3 and Season 4 kinda left some of that dynamic. We kinda went off into magic and superpowers. And, you know, that's - they're writing a long, long story, so some of that's to be expected. But, you know, the fans kinda had a reaction to that. So when we said Season 5's going be a return to basics and street level crime, we hope we did that. Did we do that? (Some fans cheer and clap)  Kind of a spatter, a splatter of applause. Yeah, well, you know."

-- If he could have any superpower in the world, DR: "I'd have to have Xavier's power. Yeah, you have to have the ability to change the idiot's mind. I mean, can you imagine Diggle with Oliver - with Xavier's power?  'Oliver, don't.'  'Diggle, I'm going to do it.'  'Oliver, don't.'  'Okay.'  That's be great. I mean, Diggle would love that power."

-- On who's his fave superhero of all time, DR: "I have to go back to my childhood... It'd probably be the Hulk."

-- On who's his most hated villain of all time, DR initially said Darkseid, but then changed his answer to Galactus.

-- On what he would do if a villain invasion suddenly broke out and aliens poured into the HVFF convention center, DR: "I would get the two greatest detective minds on the planet - Bruce Wayne and Oliver Queen. Yeah, I think they would figure it out. I think the humans would figure it out. I wouldn't get any aliens. I wouldn't go after Superman. I wouldn't go after, you know, any Marvel mutant. I wouldn't go after a meta. I wouldn't go after Barry Allen, who's probably the most powerful because he can change time. But if Barry Allen had Oliver Queen's ability to fight crime, there would be no crime."

-- If he had to describe Diggle in one word, DR: "Committed. He's committed... He's the man you want in your corner."

Edited by tv echo
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9 hours ago, TrueMyth said:

Are you certain that MG didn't mean that it was hard to fit Thea into the narrative this season?  As in they couldn't think of a good storyline for her?

Smacks of poor writing, but I think that's how I understand his quote.

Maybe, but if they can't find a way to incorporate Thea into the narrative, then that still looks bad on MG's end, not Willa's. But then again, they seem to have a very difficult time writing for women. They gave Evelyn pretty much nothing until they came up with the Evelyn as the mole twist, and Felicity's only gotten her Helix plot a few episodes ago. 

Either way, it definitely sounds like Willa has confirmed that she didn't choose the episode reduction so that sucks. I tend to believe Willa's "it's up to them" over MG's "Well, we TRIED to get Willa for more episodes, but you know, shit happens. But we REALLY TRIED, REALLY!!". 

As for Bam Bam getting a producer's credit, I wouldn't be surprised. I have actually seen a lot of fans who love Bam Bam's directing. I don't personally get it since his directing style gives me literal nausea because it's so spinny and fast cut, but I guess that works for some people? He's an excellent fight coordinator, just not a good director for me. 

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Meh. I'm not gonna blame anyone about Willa's contract because we just don't know what happened to cause the reduction in episodes. It could be because the writers didn't know what to do with her which I don't believe because her becoming Moira was a compelling storyline... Or  it could've been BTS issues that Willa caused which - a reduction in episodes instead of full on firing her shows that the show doesn't want to let her go... Or it could be because of the newbies pushing her out. 

There's a reason why she went from being in every episode last season to just 14 this season... And the announcement was made really late too which makes me think this was a last minute/sloppy decision. 

The reason why Willa said it wasn't her choice in having more than 14 episodes is because it isn't her choice anymore. It's in the contract. Of which we don't know if she willingly signed or if it was forced upon her. 

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WH saying that it's not up to her seems to sound as if she's somewhat resentful of the 14 episode appearance, even though she's getting paid for all 23.  If it was for BTS reasons (someone earlier suggested rehab), that could make sense.


-- DR: "John Diggle's now part of the DC Universe in the comic books because of the fans! They demanded it. It's true, it's true... Everyone just really dug into Diggle as soon as he came across the screen and DC listened and put him into the - into the canon. You know, there was always this talk about John Diggle and John Stewart mythos kinda being combined and, uh, is this guy really John Stewart. I mean, this was put to rest a couple seasons ago. But I think, in the wisdom of the creators of the show and the writers - which I was kinda sad about when I just kinda found out, 'oh, I'm not John Stewart, ahh,' but as I just continued to play John Diggle, this is an original character and, um, never existed before, right? So 10 years, 15 years from now, when this is redone, there'll be someone else playing John Diggle and it started here... It feels a little better now that I'm sorta sinking into a new mythos being created for this new character."

Yeah, I see his point about being sad he didn't get to be John Stewart but David, think of it this way ... a whole new DC Universe character was created based on you!  That's way better than being the 5th or 20th person to play an existing character on screen.

Edited by statsgirl
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4 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Maybe, but if they can't find a way to incorporate Thea into the narrative, then that still looks bad on MG's end, not Willa's. But then again, they seem to have a very difficult time writing for women.

Dinah gets more focus this season than Thea. Its bad that they cant give story to a core character that is also a masked vigilante(so its not like they struggle to include her in the main story) but they jump to give full focus and background screentime to a character that just joined the show. Same for Wild Dog. However in this show,new guest stars are treated like core characters and core characters are treated like new guest stars. 

Edited by theOAfc
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As far as I know, Dinah only got 1 episode of focus whereas for Thea we got:

  • Her growing kinship with Quentin
  • Oliver worrying about her
  • Thea getting to say goodbye to her parents in the crossover
  • Thea becoming more like Moira in order to protect Oliver
  • Thea covering Oliver's ass by legit being Mayor (while Oliver did god knows what)

I wouldn't say Dinah got more focus this season at all... I feel like people give her wayyy too much importance which is why it feels that she has more focus than Thea this season.

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Just for clarity, here's what Marc said about Willa's availability: “Everyone’s, like, ‘where’s Thea?’ Well, Willa’s [in] 14 out of 23 episodes this year. She’s not in all 23. That’s not her contract. So we’ve had to write around that.” 

And here's the tweet about what she said at the con this weekend:

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3 hours ago, wonderwall said:

As far as I know, Dinah only got 1 episode of focus whereas for Thea we got:

  • Her growing kinship with Quentin
  • Oliver worrying about her
  • Thea getting to say goodbye to her parents in the crossover
  • Thea becoming more like Moira in order to protect Oliver
  • Thea covering Oliver's ass by legit being Mayor (while Oliver did god knows what)

I wouldn't say Dinah got more focus this season at all... I feel like people give her wayyy too much importance which is why it feels that she has more focus than Thea this season.

She is in the show for 7 episodes and Thea is a regular. She gets plenty of focus for a guest star that just came into the show. 

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While that pic is adorable... I have to wonder are kids that young really obsessed with Arrow & it's characters, or is it more the parents?? Because I'm trying to think of myself at that age and I can't imagine 1. going to a fan fest or 2. being able to watch a show like Arrow.

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5 minutes ago, kismet said:

While that pic is adorable... I have to wonder are kids that young really obsessed with Arrow & it's characters, or is it more the parents?? Because I'm trying to think of myself at that age and I can't imagine 1. going to a fan fest or 2. being able to watch a show like Arrow.

HVFF is very kid-friendly. It's not as rowdy as bigger cons, and there are bounce houses and midway-type games, along with the usual toy booths and people dressed up in costumes found at most cons. I'd actually say the kids have more fun stuff to do than the grown ups.

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I dressed up as Supergirl when I was like 3 years old and I'm pretty sure I didn't know who that was at the time (even though Supergirl the movie came out the year I was born). I don't see an issue with it being more for the parents. Giving the kid a cute outfit is just a fun way to get them involved. Seems harmless to me.

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16 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

The girl looks like she's having fun. Isn't that all that matters to a parent? That a child have fun.

No not really. I think while it's great the girl is having fun, which is an important part of childhood and parenting - I do question if Arrow is really appropriate for a child that young. There is a lot of violence and mature topics in Arrow that I wouldn't want children that young to be exposed to on a weekly basis. Now maybe the girl has no idea what Arrow is really about or her parents edit out the violence, sex & mature content. Perhaps Arrow is just a cute show with a cute boy in green and cute girl in glasses, once you take out a good chunk of the show's material.

But I wonder what the show would be like if the TPTB & the writers didn't have to worry about writing for these younger demos. And every time I see a preschooler or young child at these events, I'm reminded that the show is not just for adults. And you know the writers see the same photos, so it must cross their minds that perhaps they should tame some stuff down for the kiddos. And it annoys me, because I think Arrow would be better if it was an adult show.

4 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

HVFF is very kid-friendly. It's not as rowdy as bigger cons, and there are bounce houses and midway-type games, along with the usual toy booths and people dressed up in costumes found at most cons. I'd actually say the kids have more fun stuff to do than the grown ups.

Thanks I didn't realize that. I guess for me it's more the cost and the attention span. But if there are games and bounce houses, perhaps it has enough to keep kids entertained. I just can't imagine having to manage young children during long lines and panels, without some way to entertain them and keep them well behaved. Or at least burn off that excess energy.

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9 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I dressed up as Supergirl when I was like 3 years old and I'm pretty sure I didn't know who that was at the time (even though Supergirl the movie came out the year I was born). I don't see an issue with it being more for the parents. Giving the kid a cute outfit is just a fun way to get them involved. Seems harmless to me.

I don't see it as an issue, if they are just letting the girl play dress up or perhaps inspiring her outfit choices with their own agenda of what they like. Gosh knows, I've given stuff to my nephews & niece because I liked it.

I'm just honestly curious if they are letting a preschooler watch Arrow. If the preschooler honestly picked out the outfit of her own volition. And if the girl is an actual fan of Arrow & FS, or is she just going to a fun place with her parents & dress-up.

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Just now, kismet said:

I'm just honestly curious if they are letting a preschooler watch Arrow. If the preschooler honestly picked out the outfit of her own volition. And if the girl is an actual fan of Arrow & FS, or is she just going to a fun place with her parents & dress-up.

I really doubt it? I would say the parents are Felicity fans and they're just dressing her up as a bit of harmless fun.

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Just now, kismet said:

But I wonder what the show would be like if the TPTB & the writers didn't have to worry about writing for these younger demos. And every time I see a preschooler or young child at these events, I'm reminded that the show is not just for adults. And you know the writers see the same photos, so it must cross their minds that perhaps they should tame some stuff down for the kiddos. And it annoys me, because I think Arrow would be better if it was an adult show.

I don't think the people on Arrow worry about the younger demos, since it's the parents' responsibility ultimately on what their kid watches and if they let their kid watch Arrow from the pilot (where Oliver's dad shooting himself is pretty there and straightforward) then that's on them. Plus, given episodes like 517, they don't seem like they ever plan on writing with a younger audience in mind. Now Flash's writers being concerned about the younger demos on the other hand... 

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I think in fandom we also enjoy shows on multiple platforms, twitter, tumblr, fanfic etc, so often kids pick up on what their parents enjoy by listening to conversations, looking at the manips or youtubes their parents are enjoying, and it would only take a few for a child to decide on a fave. 

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50 minutes ago, kismet said:

I don't see it as an issue, if they are just letting the girl play dress up or perhaps inspiring her outfit choices with their own agenda of what they like. Gosh knows, I've given stuff to my nephews & niece because I liked it.

I'm just honestly curious if they are letting a preschooler watch Arrow. If the preschooler honestly picked out the outfit of her own volition. And if the girl is an actual fan of Arrow & FS, or is she just going to a fun place with her parents & dress-up.

That's a great question and I have a very topical answer.   My co-worker is about 20 years older than me part time minister with kids aging from 7 to 15.  They don't watch live but use the weekends for a dctv marathon as a family kind of thing.  The younger kids without question get to watch the Flash and Supergirl every week but he does a mild speed through/ internet reaction to see if he needs the younger kids to have a 40 minute break for certain episodes and tells them what they missed.   LoT usually makes the cut,  last weeks Arrow did not. 

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One of my favorite things at Cons is parents bringing their kids dressed up. Especially if it's inappropriate, like a baby Punisher. I figure for that little girl's age, the parents probably showed her a pic of EBR as Felicity, said hey you wanna dress up like her, boom, cuteness happens. I hope these tiny cosplayers aren't actually watching what they are imitating. I could be wrong, but while I'm not a parent, I'd totally dress my kids up. 

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11 minutes ago, lemotomato said:

While knowing full well Caity was losing her job. Nice.

I like to think SA posted that to throw major shade at KC knowing that is her favorite moment and how shitty it was. But that's just me.

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10 minutes ago, Chaser said:

That's why it was her favorite moment.

I'll never get over the story she told at a con about her sneaking into CL's trailer to try on the mask. 

3 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I like to think SA posted that to throw major shade at KC knowing that is her favorite moment and how shitty it was. But that's just me.

I just realized he never actually said anything in the tweet. So maybe you're onto something!

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14 minutes ago, catrox14 said:

I like to think SA posted that to throw major shade at KC knowing that is her favorite moment and how shitty it was. But that's just me.

Naw.  He probably wasn't as he's now angering parts of the fanbase on his friend's (KC's) behalf on his FB page.

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33 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

ohh what's happening?

Do tell?

He told people he didn't want to see negativity posted on his page and that if people want to right awful things that he will ban them.

Im guessing someone posted about the leaked photos about Katie maybe? 

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7 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

Im guessing someone posted about the leaked photos about Katie maybe? 

I didn't go through all of his visitor posts but I did see a few implying she got the job "on her knees" which is gross and disrespectful so good for him for banning people. But since his live video a bunch of people have wondered why he didn't come to Emily's defence when she or Olicity fans were getting harassed on his page. He's responded to a couple of posts saying he didn't see posts like that. I haven't either so I'm not sure. 

Interestingly he also shot down rumors that EBR isn't doing interviews this season because CW PR isn't booking them. Sounds like it's her choice. 


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LOL. A while ago someone posted a YouTube video with a long rant about Olicity and Felicity and he claimed EBR got her job on her knees and SA's response was to "keep being passionate!" He later went back on it claiming he didn't watch the video but he didn't ban the guy or say anything about negativity. So I'm not surprised by what's being said on his FB tbh. Apparently negativity is okay coming from comic stans!

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This is gross to me. Stephen himself talked to a guy who made a video saying EBR got her job on her knees and he told that part of the fandom to keep being passionate. 

But when it comes to KC they all have to baby her. So over this. 

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As I recently posted somewhere else I can't decide if it's a PR decision to not have Emily out there or her asking for less media but the first interview that girl gives is going to be the most shared retweeted and discussed  and disected interview for the season probably haha.

3 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

LOL. A while ago someone posted a YouTube video with a long rant about Olicity and Felicity and he claimed EBR got her job on her knees and SA's response was to "keep being passionate!" He later went back on it claiming he didn't watch the video but he didn't ban the guy or say anything about negativity. So I'm not surprised by what's being said on his FB tbh. Apparently negativity is okay coming from comic stans!

He responded to a video about something else. The "on the knees" part was in a different video that Stephen wasn't aware of and Im pretty sure he had harsh words for the guy when it was brought to his attention so I don't think it's wholey different.

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Maybe he's been ordered to be nice to KC. 

From their cute vids and mentions of salty forehead kisses I can't imagine him disliking EBR.

KC got back on Arrow didn't she? Maybe they are all ordered to play nice with her. 

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11 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I think it's about time for SA to go on another social media break. 

I agree. Things seem to have certainly spiraled quite a bit on his FB. *sigh* And, to think, last weekend's HVFF was mostly super fun times. Me @ Steve, after reading his responses to the posts with multiple valid points:


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31 minutes ago, LeighAn said:

He responded to a video about something else. The "on the knees" part was in a different video that Stephen wasn't aware of and Im pretty sure he had harsh words for the guy when it was brought to his attention so I don't think it's wholey different.

That's only one incident though and it's just a smaller part of a larger problem, IMO. There have been plenty of times where he's ignored harassment and hatred or just said "it's only an opinion!" And when fans have commented about it, he always misses the point and tells people to lighten up. I'm sorry but he doesn't get to pick and choose when he suddenly takes a stand against negativity. 

39 minutes ago, calliope1975 said:

I think it's about time for SA to go on another social media break. 

I wish he'd go on a permenant one. 

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Not having watched the live video, my first instinct is that Steve is plenty pissed about this development as is and he's resenting the fact that he's also having to play defense on the situation.

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I think it was pointless for people to complain on his FB page about KC coming back because what the heck is he supposed to do about it besides nod and smile and welcome her back? But as always, he picked the wrong way to respond. Instead of just ignoring them or deleting the more offensive posts, he calls out the negativity in a video, doubles down by insisting that he doesn't selectively call out people and then makes a huge mistake asking for receipts of times he's ignored abuse on his page.

I mean, it's great that he finally hired someone to moderate the page, installed content filters, and started banning people, but this was after at least 9 solid months of hateful garbage posted on his wall and in the replies to every Felicity/Olicity positive comment/meme/art and even the rare OTA photo, with him in denial that it was happening most of that time.

Edited by lemotomato
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