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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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With the anonymity of social media, I don't think it's ever going to go away because it's just too easy to replying without thinking it through.


The only thing the cast can do is ignore it.  Replying to it, whether it's Bex saying 'don't do that' or KC's "haters gonnna hate hate hate" just gives tweeters more permission to get into the battle because now it's been legitimated as a form of communication. 

Exactly, they need to learn not to feed the trolls. I think the best thing they can do is to try to stay positive and not give attention to the hateful posts. I really don't understand the people that send hate tweets to actors, I don't care how much I think someone sucks as an actor, I have never felt the need to message them to be mean and put them down. It's one thing to have a polite discussion with other fans, but the other is just being hateful IMO.

Edited by willpwr
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No group of people who spread hate is worse than other groups, so to say F/O > O/L is just unfair. @willpwr hit the nail on the head. He's absolutely right! Why give people the power to get in your head like that? It'll only make them feel victorious. Kudos to the cast members who directly ignore this hate. 


On a lighter side, how adorable is David Ramsey? 



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Gotta post this, since Amell posted it on Facebook
"Hey WWE: How do I host Monday Night Raw? I'll wrestle and everything.



Come on WWE, make it happen.  Get Edge to make an appearance, have Christian make his Raw return, and DDP shows up and it's a Wrestlemania 6 reunion.

I don't understand or like the hateful tweets that any of the actors get - and I have no idea who gets more of them.  But I do think engaging with trolls is a bad idea - internet safety experts generally recommend ignoring hateful, seemingly-crazy people online.   I saw one person on Twitter in the past week who was saying she hoped that Oliver would die and that Stephen Amell is boring.  And she included him in her tweet.  I can only doubt she would not say that to his face if given the opportunity to do so.  The presumed anonymity of the internet seems to take social norms and niceities right off the table for some people.


In terms of KC, I think her respsonses (usually deleted soon after) show that she does get rattled or upset by negativity.  I follow EBR and CL on Twitter and neither of them, to the best of my knowledge, have posted stuff like the haters gonna hate stuff in response to rude stuff they've been presented with.  And CL has gotten some awful tweets, too.  If KC is indeed rattled by crap she's been given, then I'm surprised she's letting her irritation show - the internet has shown, consistently, that it can truly damage a wounded soul.  She's far more experienced with the ways of the industry than EBR and CL - I would have thought "Dealing with Mean Fans" was something she would have mastered by now.


SA on WWE - that would mark first time I'd watch it.

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I rolled my eyes when I saw that poster, and it had nothing to do with Laurel's placement. It had more to do with Diggle's removal from Oliver's side. Friends who texted me who are POCs say they felt like it was a marginalization. Diggle has been beside Oliver (or at least his head) in the past 2 season posters. First season had from L-R: Thea, Diggle, Oliver, Tommy, Laurel. The women were actually in front of Diggle and Tommy, but if you're just looking heads, that's the placement. Season 2 had Laurel, Slade, Felicity, Oliver, Diggle, Thea and Roy. Again, Diggle beside Oliver. So it was jarring to see this new poster and see Diggle on the far right, supplanted by a non-POC. And after all that "It's time we got back to [Team Arrow]" talk in the finale, a lot of people were expecting the main trio to stay front and center.

BTW, this is not directed at the poster I am responding to just me ranting about some comments I hear in general. Someone might have already answered to this but honestly I am kind of over the whole race issue being brought up when people are dissatisfied with the treatment of a certain character. (And before anyone embarrasses themselves by saying I am racist or unaware of the challenges of being a person of colour, I am black which is why it's always a major annoyance with me) Just say that the character deserves better than what they are offered as an opportunity for growth. The character of John Diggle and the actor David Ramsey are more than their skin colour. So treat them like individuals not avatars representing a group of people. If someone approaches the character as a "Black Character" (which just baffles me that this expression even exists) then of course they will see anything as a by-product of the character's race.

I do agree that Original Team Arrow being central would have been preferable. I also understand why the seemingly increased importance of Laurel would be distressing, I mean she just has been an incredibly inconsistently written character and it feels like there is a problem of connection between KC and the entire IMO. It seems a lot pf people don't like Laurel which as aforementioned is unsurprising since she has shown few attractive traits as a written character and as "person" to root for / empathise with. We are all in full speculation mode, the premiere is not too far away and promotional posters give an idea of who will be "important" in the upcoming season so I feel it's natural to worry about the characters you like/dislike. Whether you like/dislike Laurel/KC most people would agree that the writers have made a mess of things with her character. The problem gets bigger when it feels like they try to give her attributes of other characters to make her more popular.

With regards to KC's tweet while I feel for her being harrased by people who "hate on" her, the woman consistently makes blunders on a public forum (be it online or in person). Also a lot of the frustration about her character comes from her interpretation so while it's inappropriate venting and hatred thrown at her, it's not necessarily just unfounded dislike, like people being mad at SA's wife for being his wife *eyeroll*. Which means that her tweets have to be more careful than others'.  Honestly I think someone needs to sit that woman down and give her directives about how to handle her public image. Also I take slight offense at people saying that anyone who doesn't like Laurel/KC is just some Olicity nut pissed at her for being in the way. The best Lauriver killers in the show are Laurel and Oliver themselves. I am not the shipping type and only thought that if Oliver must always be in some kind of romantic storyline, he and Felicity are the least fucked up and I genuinely enjoy seeing them interact so why not? And that was only after Season 2 and the Barry episodes. OTOH I started having very little patience for Laurel after 1/3 of season 1 episodes on Netflix. She was just all over the place. Outside of her Arrow related cringeworthiness I actually like KC so that actually made me more critical of Laurel because I was expecting a better performance from her and felt her character was handled poorly.

Anyhoo... Seems most people have closed the subject anyway but I am late to the party and wanted to say my piece. Hope that wasn't too annoying.

Edited by fantique
  • Love 9

BTW, this is not directed at the poster I am responding to just me ranting about some comments I hear in general. Someone might have already answered to this but honestly I am kind of over the whole race issue being brought up when people are dissatisfied with the treatment of a certain character. (And before anyone embarrasses themselves by saying I am racist or unaware of the challenges of being a person of colour, I am black which is why it's always a major annoyance with me) Just say that the character deserves better than what they are offered as an opportunity for growth. The character of John Diggle and the actor David Ramsey are more than their skin colour. So treat them like individuals not avatars representing a group of people. If someone approaches the character as a "Black Character" (which just baffles me that this expression even exists) then of course they will see anything as a by-product of the character's race.


+1000. Obviously, reasonable minds can differ on this issue, but I'm black as well, and I also chafed at the idea that Diggle is being marginalized for or because of his race. For one thing, I'd rather wait until the season begins before passing judgment on whether he's being marginalized at all. For another, we had that run of episodes last season when both he and Felicity were relegated to the background. As much as I hated it, that was a storyline decision, not a racial one. I'll save my outrage for real racial injustices, like what's happening in Ferguson, and not for a character's placement on a badly photoshopped poster. 


Also, I agree with your thoughts about Laurel/KC. I vehemently disagree with the concept of tweeting mean things to actors (or anyone, really), but Laurel is a failed character and KC only makes matters worse, both with her acting choices and her public interactions with fans.

Edited by KenyaJ
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So I was thinking about the Arrow gag reel and why it's a little underwhelming aside from it not being very long.  I compare it to the SPN gag reels which even if the outtakes are just silly mugging it's just plain fun because they have whimsical music to accompany the outtakes.  The music on the Arrow outtakes is just bizarre and not very much fun.  I also love that they include pictures of the crew at the end. It's just nice.

Edited by catrox14

Yeah I agree. I definitely think when it was just Ollie and Diggle they were still "team arrow" 

To me Oliver+Diggle = Original Team Hood


Oliver+Felicity+Diggle = Original Team Arrow. 


There's a difference. Team Hood was basically just them taking revenge to 'honor' Oliver's father. Whereas Team Arrow is completely different and has different goals, their goal is to save the city from whatever destruction lies ahead.


While SA said the first season finale was the solidification of team arrow, I think episode 1 of season 2 was the solidification of team arrow as both Felicity and Diggle were the ones who brought Oliver back, they both supported his decision not to kill anymore, and they both helped Oliver through the early stages to accomplish this. Felicity was the one who did the foundry makeover, Felicity was the one who custom made Oliver a new bow, with all of this, it was essentially a fresh start for all of them along with a new identity.


So while Diggle was sort of there at The Hood's conception, Felicity+Diggle+Oliver were there at the conception of Team Arrow. Does that sentence even make sense? good lord I'm tired. 

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 13

People posting modyfied version of the poster on his facebook. 



On a related note, don't send me alterations of the S3 poster. This page isn't a landing spot for negative assholes. You dinks have the rest of the internet. Leave us alone.

Edited by Velocity23

To me Oliver+Diggle = Original Team Hood


Oliver+Felicity+Diggle = Original Team Arrow. 


There's a difference. 

That's fair but imo most don't make that distinction. (Doesn't help when Oliver says things like "this begins with the three of us")



People posting modyfied version of the poster on his facebook. 

That and he seems a bit direct/angry with them.

LOL yeah I've seen a lot of modified posters with either only Ollie, Diggle and Felicity, Or Laurel edited out or Laurel and Diggle switched places. It's quite funny how crazy the Arrow fanbase can be haha. I can why it would be annoying. They're just spreading negativity. 

Edited by ban1o

I think this is relevant to this thread  because it was on Arrow's official page but here are examples of alternate posters lol 



Edited by ban1o

I could see why he would be mad. I don't buy into the theory that KC doesn't get along with her cast mates. She may not be BFFs with all of them, but I think they are cool. What is he saying?


I'm good with people posting their own version of a S3 poster, but they should be posting the whole cast not just eliminating a cast member/character.


SA was asked the Team Arrow question he said that he felt the end of S2 when Diggle and Felicity refused to leave during the Undertaking was when Team Arrow solidified. Personally I like that theory.

I like the one where its just him and half is Oliver and half is Arrow. You get the theme in there and no extra drama.


That's fair but imo most don't make that distinction. (Doesn't help when Oliver says things like "this begins with the three of us"

I'm not sure how anyone would know what MOST people think of it as. I, for one, thought Team Arrow was born with this:


Roy: Does this group have a name? Like team Arrow, or something?

Oliver: We don't call ourselves that.

Felicity: I do. Occasionally.


So to me since the dialogue acknowledges that Felicity called it Team Arrow before Roy said it means that it became Team Arrow when Felicity joined vs The Hood Duo when it was just Ollie and Diggle. 

Edited by catrox14

That's fair but imo most don't make that distinction. (Doesn't help when Oliver says things like "this begins with the three of us")

But didn't it start with the three of them though? Oliver's journey in becoming a hero? Oliver trying to save the city from bad guys and not just the 1%ers? Surely Oliver's hero journey didn't start in season 1, because back then he was just a rich boy with the proclivity for vengeance. It makes sense to me that he said that. 

Yeah it would be different if people were actually making cool alternate posters with the whole cast or in different action shots but the majority of posters that were posted on Arrow's page were just Laurel edited out/cut out or with a lampost in-front of her in a really bad photoshop way.  I can 100% understand why he wouldn`t want that on his facebook page and why he made it clear. I`m sure he gets along with KC. 


I could see why he would be mad. I don't buy into the theory that KC doesn't get along with her cast mates. She may not be BFFs with all of them, but I think they are cool. What is he saying?

I'm good with people posting their own version of a S3 poster, but they should be posting the whole cast not just eliminating a cast member/character.


Edited by ban1o
  • Love 2
I'm not sure how anyone would know what MOST people think of it as. I, for one, thought Team Arrow was born with this:


Just my opinion, based on what I've seen. 


But didn't it start with the three of them though? Oliver's journey in becoming a hero? Oliver trying to save the city from bad guys and not just the 1%ers? Surely Oliver's hero journey didn't start in season 1, because back then he was just a rich boy with the proclivity for vengeance. It makes sense to me that he said that.


No because he did help people beyond the list before Felicity...at Diggle's persistence in fact. It wasn't often but it happened.


Wait, what is this about SA acting out because of the poster? Did he say anything or...? I'm so confused, can someone help?





Getting an early start on #FanArtFriday. Go for it!!

On a related note, don't send me alterations of the S3 poster. This page isn't a landing spot for negative assholes. You dinks have the rest of the internet. Leave us alone.

Edited by wingster55

Wait, what is this about SA acting out because of the poster? Did he say anything or...? I'm so confused, can someone help?

He was asking people to post Arrow fan art but made it clear he didn't want to see alternate posters. I posted a link above of the type of posters people were posting on Arrow`s official facebook page but here is Stephen Ammell`s post  if you want to see it https://www.facebook.com/stephenamell

Edited by ban1o

I think this is relevant to this thread  because it was on Arrow's official page but here are examples of alternate posters lol 




Ouch.  People certainly don't hold back.  Interesting that it's not just the Olicity fangirls either.  

No because he did help people beyond the list before Felicity...at Diggle's persistence in fact. It wasn't often but it happened.


Wait, when did this happen? Sorry, I'm not very well versed with Season 1. Maybe respond in team arrow page? This one is getting a little clustered :p Also, it wasn't Oliver's goal to do this. Even though Felicity (as well) made him go beyond the list, I still don't think of Oliver started his hero journey back then. He was doing it because others told him to and not because he wanted to. It's like being told to do your chores, it doesn't count. 

  • Love 1

Wait, when did this happen? Sorry, I'm not very well versed with Season 1. Maybe respond in team arrow page? This one is getting a little clustered :p Also, it wasn't Oliver's goal to do this. Even though Felicity (as well) made him go beyond the list, I still don't think of Oliver started his hero journey back then. He was doing it because others told him to and not because he wanted to. It's like being told to do your chores, it doesn't count. 

Ok I'll take it there.

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