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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"


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IMO from a writing standpoint as well as chemistry...I don't think Oliver/Felicity is working. 

Huh, could you emphasize why? I just want to understand. And chemistry is all relative so I think we can agree to disagree on the chemistry standpoint. 

Edited by wonderwall

Because Oliver killed Malcolm and he magically reappeared. Most fans weren't thrilled with the Houdini act and the non-answer when asked by the writers and EPs. We are left to assume how he lived. Also it negates Oliver's abilities because he keeps killing people who are then "magically" alive. 


Olicity is working far more than any other pairing for Oliver IMO. If you want more information, I'll happily reply in the relationship thread. 

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According to the EPs they've planned this season better then any previous season...if they screw up the backhalf (again) because they got distracted by the shiny DC toys and lost the plot (again) I'm gonna have ta choke a bitch.

And yet, sadly I wouldn't be shocked if they did.

Speaking of promoting, I stopped watching The Blacklist after 3 episodes but I actually thought the show in S1 was predominantly about the female FBI Agent. She was the lead/hero as far as the story went while James Spader's character was definitely the more interesting/entertaining character (IMO) but not the lead.

And yet every single promo for S2 has been all about Red being an awesome, devious, badass, entertaining character. It got to the point I even asked a friend (who still watches) if they got rid of the FBI chick and just decided to center the story around Red.

The promos take the one thing that resonated the most with fans/critics and are pimping the shit out of it. To be honest it's certainly working for me, I actually added it back to my DVR list.

The CW/WB is doing the same thing in social media, promoting what's resonated the most with online fans. The difference is that they're not centering all of their promotion on Olicity, the official promo gave almost evry character a shoutout, and focused a lot on the action.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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And while they like to say that certain shows have great overseas ratings, i dont think i ever seen proof of that.



I don't have data on individual shows. I can say that official CBS financials show that CW shows in general earn far more overseas (first run and post views) than they do in the U.S. and Canada combined, with Brazil as the revenue lead.  

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Most fans weren't thrilled with the Houdini act and the non-answer when asked by the writers and EPs. We are left to assume how he lived. Also it negates Oliver's abilities because he keeps killing people who are then "magically" alive.


Well it was just one person. And yea we're left to assume...I don't have a problem with that...I like to fill in dots myself sometimes (I know many don't)But I thought the reaction to Malcolm's return was mostly positive. 


Huh, could you embellish why? I just want to understand.


Relationships thread.

Well it was just one person. And yea we're left to assume...I don't have a problem with that...I like to fill in dots myself sometimes (I know many don't)But I thought the reaction to Malcolm's return was mostly positive. 


Relationships thread.

Didn't Oliver think he killed Deadshot too?  I thought there were at least two or three when Malcolm suddenly appeared. There was a lot of talk about it at TWOP.

Didn't Oliver think he killed Deadshot too?  I thought there were at least two or three when Malcolm suddenly appeared. There was a lot of talk about it at TWOP.


Malcolm. Deadshot. Slade. Sara. There might have been more. I know there was concern that Oliver didn't understand what "dead" meant.

Edited by calliope1975
  • Love 5

Malcolm. Deadshot. Slade. Sara. There might have been more. I know there was concern that Oliver didn't understand what "dead" meant.


Thank you! I couldn't remember the full list. 


Oliver didn't kill Sara. However, she "died" twice and still ended up in SC a year after he did. 

Speaking of promoting, I stopped watching The Blacklist after 3 episodes but I actually thought the show in S1 was predominantly about the female FBI Agent. She was the lead/hero as far as the story went while James Spader's character was definitely the more interesting/entertaining character (IMO) but not the lead.


Ha!  This is exactly what I did.  I love Spader but I didn't warm up to the female lead and I want to go back for the Spader but it really wasn't about him.  What did your friend say?  Have they shifted the focus to Red?


Promotion is a tricky business.  I avoided both Friends and Gilmore Girls initially because I didn't like what I saw in the promos and in the end they became all time favorites.  I know with Arrow during the season half the time the promos completely were misleading.  Thank goodness for Spoilers. 

Malcolm. Deadshot. Slade. Sara. There might have been more. I know there was concern that Oliver didn't understand what "dead" meant.


Heh, now I have images of Mandy Patinkin showing up next time Oliver says "So-and-so is dead" and saying "I do not think that word means, what you think it means."


As for the promo being Olicity-heavy, I can see the reasoning.  It gets lots of buzz and also means that they can keep (hopefully) some pretty awesome developments in reserve (I'm thinking primarily of Malcolm and Thea).  "Look, look at this shiny thing over here!"


As the promos are cut by the WB monkeys, I don't see it having any bearing on the content of the show, which as far as I can see will remain an action/adventure/superhero show.

Sorry, I never meant to imply that Oliver had killed Sara, just that she was among the list of people he thought were dead but then turned up alive. Yes, like soap operas, most characters in comics refuse to stay dead when killed. (I suspect this new Death of Wolverine story line will last maybe 6 months.) When watching a show though, if you want me to believe the characters are actually in peril, most need to stay dead. Supernatural is one of the worst at this. It's no longer shocking or emotionally resonant when someone dies. I don't care anymore. As much as I would love love love to have Tommy (or Moira) back, it means more to me that when he died he stayed dead. It's a delicate balance though. For shows where everyone is in peril all the time (e.g. Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead,) knowing someone might die at any moment makes it hard to invest or care about a character. 

Ha! This is exactly what I did. I love Spader but I didn't warm up to the female lead and I want to go back for the Spader but it really wasn't about him. What did your friend say? Have they shifted the focus to Red?

She said there was a shakeup on the show the FBI team was broken up and Red was kind of an independent operator in the season finale. The female FBI Agent is still around but she doesn't care about her either, she watches for Spader.

Sorry, I never meant to imply that Oliver had killed Sara, just that she was among the list of people he thought were dead but then turned up alive. Yes, like soap operas, most characters in comics refuse to stay dead when killed. (I suspect this new Death of Wolverine story line will last maybe 6 months.)

Reply in Bitterness Thread.

You guys crack me up :) I don't think we need to worry about Sally disappearing from Oliver (and our) lives just yet. If I remember the layout correctly, she should be closer to the top left hand corner (right in front of the other set of Felicity's computers).


I do hope if they're keeping the lair in the foundry that they point up security improvements that have been made. Maybe it needs a fingerprint and retina scan to keep unwanted people out ;)

Oliver using a sledge hammer on the giant tire has to be one of the most random things from last season.  I mean the tire showed up out of nowhere for one episode and Oliver just decided to put it right next to Felicity's computers so he could have a conversation with her while he's using it. So hilarious!

  • Love 4

It kinda reminds me of 1x14 (pretty sure thats the one), when they lay him down on the table and he doesn't have a shirt on but does have the jacket on. Like huh?? 


When asked why, EBR couldn't think of a reason so she said something to the affect of 'his abs needed to be freed'. Lol

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Looking at the guidebook for NYCC, it doesn't seem like Arrow has a panel.  SA is still listed as a guest but nothing is mentioned in terms of capacity.  He's listed as there for Fri - Sun.  DC will have a lot going on with the 75th anniversary of Batman.  There's also a panel for the digital stuff, including Arrow 2.5.  Looks like Geoff Johns will be at the Batman stuff, and MG is there for Arrow 2.5.


It's baffling - the show will have premiered earlier that week, so why isn't there a panel?  And why bother having SA come to NYC if he's not being used.

I didn't really know where to put this, but I guess this place seems most appropriate. 



ETA: Full Blooper Reel on youtube :) I still think the David and Emily bloopers are the best! Add Manu to that too :p Dude is awesome

Edited by wonderwall
  • Love 1

I don't know if I should put this here but...


http://purecraziness.tumblr.com/ has uploaded the gagreel and deleted scenes onto mediafire, which means that you can download it if you want.

The link is here - https://www.mediafire.com/folder/jo78h1yxzvods/Season_2

Manu dancing was the only really entertaining part of the gag reel.  Well that and Caity Lotz slipping when she ran out of the cave.  


I'm probably just really spoiled by Supernatural but these just weren't that entertaining, IMO.


I had the same reaction.  Nice to see, but SPN gag reels are so good, I was expecting more.  

I am sure there must have been other entertaining scenes that they did not include, for instance the scene from finale where Emily knocked a solid one on Manu when she tried to inject him with cure. Just the fact that a tiny teeny girl did that should have been funny enough.

In addition, the scene where Felicity quits after she was made secretary, that scene must have been a goldmine of bloopers because there were quite a lot of dialogues and Team Arrow usually just talk about mission of resurrected formerly dead people, Felicity was particularly sassy in that episode and I am certain that it must have produced some awesome gag material. Same goes for the two episodes with Barry Allen.

I wish they had included both of those scenes, the Felicity/Sara one showed us their friendship while also giving us some Felicity backstory. The Quentin and Sara scene was just a nice family scene between father and daughter, where no one tried to make it about themselves. 


I know Laurel didn't know Quentin knew about Sara being the Canary, but if she supposed to be the smart one and she knows that Oliver and Sara are vigilantes together. You'd think she would've figured that one out when Quentin refused to turn the Arrow in. Because turning the Arrow in could also turn Sara in as an accomplice. 

  • Love 3

The Quentin/Sara one was sweet.  The Sara/Felicity was too but it also might have changed the tone of the episode a bit.  That one was from Time of Death, wasn't it?  That was the episode that Felicity was supposed to be (not)  jealous of Oliver and Sara hooking up together, and having Sara comfort her, especially physically could have put a different dynamic on it. On the other hand, there is already a ton of Oliver/Sara/Felicity fanfic so maybe it really wasn't needed.

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