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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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All cons have the "Talent is subject to change" clause on the website and when you purchase tickets. Most cancel because of filming and most are last minute. So I don't think it was some huge conspiracy, it happens all the time. Happened to me at almost all the cons I've attended. They want to be there but they can't, their job comes first. 


I don't think CL was officially announced as a panelist for SDCC Arrow panel. A fan asked her on her twitter and her response was "Maybe". KC was official though. 

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Thank you, John Barrowman is having his own panel at the Chicago con, probably because he has enough energy and charisma for 5 people and he wants it on tape. 


Cassidy is doing her panel with Michael Jai White at the same time as the Guardians of the Galaxy panel which is the one I'd rather be at so I won't be able to find out if she says anything cringe worthy.

Edited by Sakura12
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My favorite part is Bats saying "call me!" to Felicity after Oliver has to forcibly drag her away from the shiny gadgets in that illustration. I firmly believe that Selina/Catwoman is his One True Love but I can easily buy Felicity as a viable alternative due to sheer awesomeness.

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I love that there's an almost naked studly guy with his bucket. So John Barrowman.

That's Barrowman's husband

Colton should do something today, hopefully and people have already start begging him on Twitter to nominate EBR next.

Edited by Morrigan2575
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I knew it was colored but figured they were 20s...well I knew once I remembered they were in Canada, before that...oh look how funny CH and EBR are they're joking around with monopoly money ..lol

Edited by Morrigan2575
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John Barrowman is a national treasure lol - probably of multiple countries. I'm sure that's what gave him the idea to hit Colton and Emily twice, heh. So who nominated Emily the first time if Katrina's was the second nomination?

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The CH/EBR ones seems planned it out, the first part at least.  Colton said that they didn't have enough time to do it, Emily added "or friends to do it", splash, and then Barrowman pops up and  says "That's what friends are for".  It looks like the second one pail was a total surprise.  It does seem like they have a lot of fun on the set.


Kudos to  Colton and Emily though. That's the first ALS Ice Bucket Challenge vid I'd seen that emphasized donating to the charity.

I knew it was colored but figured they were 20s...well I knew once I remembered they were in Canada, before that...oh look how funny CH and EBR are they're joking around with monopoly money ..lol

As one of our comics said, we have coloured money because our beer has alcohol.  ... grin.

Edited by statsgirl
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This is the person who first nominated both Emily and Colton for the challenge




I feel that  EMTON challenge is special for various reasons.

a) They actually donated the money to charity.

b) They did it together.

c) Their videographer is JOHN BARROWMAN

d) and his husband Scott poured water on them.

e) The video was so much fun.

f) They must have raided multiple ATMs to get hold of so many 100 Canadian dollar bills.

g) It has Emily and everything is infinitely better when it has Emily.

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Their videographer is JOHN BARROWMAN

which is epic enough in itself.


I'm just waiting for someone, ANYONE! to nominate George Clooney for it. I know, totally not connected to Arrow but... yea, a soaking wet Clooney is always a good thing in my opinion. and it's for a good cause.

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