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Social Media and Behind the Scenes: AKA Everything Else Not "News and Media"

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2 minutes ago, thegirlsleuth said:

I've been annoyed by Amell putting his daughter in front of the camera so much.

This bothered me too, but luckily he's stopped posting about her. Just a few comments here and there.

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I saw screenshots of 'fans' belittling his wife's parenting, because someone who sat near them overheard her telling  her daughter to finish her chicken before eating bread. They tore her parenting and character to shreds, saying that she was so shallow and vain and pushing a diet on her child. They insinuated that correcting her child's eating habits and calling her 'Kiddo' showed that she didn't really care about her child. If I remember correctly this was a conversation on twitter by a few of the biggest Olicity blogs. They didn't tag SA or his wife, but all their followers saw their derision.

It was mean girls petty. I police my daughters eating habits, if she has been eating pleanty of carbs, then I will direct her towards fruit, veges or protein depending on what she's had earlier. It's called good parenting, and part of that is educations your child on fueling their bodies. What's wrong with someone calling their child kiddo?

Its the ugly part of the Olicity fandom that has called Stephens daughter a 'green card baby'.

I honestly don't care how big a fan they are, or how popular a blog they run. Crossing lines like that is wrong and reflects badly on the fandom.

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Yeah I agree, I have very little tolerance for that kind of thing, and not just in Arrow fandom.  People can think or say or ship whatever they want in their own spaces, but when you're going to someone else's space and spewing that kind of garbage about them and their family in their faces, don't act shocked when you get kicked out.  

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Everyone knows I'm a huge arrow/Stephen fan. But he's the one who shares the information of his daughter being sick. So when people see them posting themselves drinking and being out when their daughter is sick is really iffy territory and he's prone to being talked about because 1) he's a celebrity and 2) he puts it out there.

But, he also has the right to defend himself. It is just there's a certain pattern here.

Edited by EmilyBettFan
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I think fans sometimes forget they are just fans and not friends of the celebrities..this goes for negative and positive comments. There are some things that are personal and people that cross the line should definitely get blocked. I also don't like when celebrities share personal details of their lives though. I know they do it because they want a following but the more you get the idea they can know everything about you, the more likely it is to attract people that think they are entitled to act like more than just fans.

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1 hour ago, bijoux said:

Ah, I only know of him as the stunt coordinator on Arrow. Is his directing style as "cool" as Bamford's?

I don't remember anything in particular that bothered me in his episodes., but then again, Flash is a whole lot more conventional in directing/editing/cinematography than Arrow [there are so many VFX shots, there's probably no time for anyone to be ~experimenting with anything in 8 days].

If he tries something like an upside down camera 360º we'll know Arrow is actively encouraging directors to do pretentious film school shit on their sets.

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4 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

Yeah I agree, I have very little tolerance for that kind of thing, and not just in Arrow fandom.  People can think or say or ship whatever they want in their own spaces, but when you're going to someone else's space and spewing that kind of garbage about them and their family in their faces, don't act shocked when you get kicked out.


Yeah, I think keeping it in their own spaces is key. Gossiping about the latest blind item in DMs is one thing, but posting that stuff to his wall with the intent of him seeing it is odd. The post was well-written, seemed to come from a place of concern, and was more about her experience with alcoholic parents than his parenting, but it was all based on those drunk Super Bowl videos (that an acquaintance posted, not him) which he was probably mad about to begin with so of course he's going to get his back up. 

He tries to tread a weird line. He's so open about sharing stuff about his kid and responding to people on Facebook that fans think they know him and can talk to him like they are his friend. But they really aren't. 

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I think fans need to mind their business tbh. Like you said, it's one thing to have conversations that are untagged on twitter or other sm sites, it's another to bring it to his door. To think people won't talk or have opinions on the areas of his life he shares with fans is naive. I don't know what he did to receive such a post, & I don't really care. This conversation just reminded me of one time he did something that left such a bad taste in mouth, I unfollowed his fb. I've always thought that videos and pictures of his daughter were extra, but that's his kid and it's not my business. But one day I was watching a live video, and that little girl came on camera totally naked & kinda hung out for a few minutes. Now this is a man with 5 million followers, chances are there are quite a few sick people among them, and I was left shocked and disgusted. Nowadays, you're not allowed to post nude photos of your baby, it's unfortunate but there is GOOD reason for it. I think he should perhaps protect his child more, by not exposing her in such ways. I'm not a parent, but I am an aunt & photos of him are scrutinized before being posted online.

Edited by JJ928
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This is a very touchy subject for me because of what I do for a living.  I see children exploited everyday.  I am very protective of my children.  No one is allowed to post a single picture of my children on any social media I don't care if you are family or a friend.  Is it extreme, yes, but I am not willing to take a chance.  SA can do what ever he wants but his child is not a celebrity and did not choose this life -he did. So I wish I knew nothing about his daughter.  That said no one has the right to judge his parenting.  It is hard enough to be a parent without people giving their 2 cents worth. 

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I can't stand Steve but it would literally never occur to me to go on his SM and critique his parenting or drinking. In DMs, maybe, although I mostly don't care enough to talk about his family crap even there, but directly addressed to him? Lord no. I send him snarky Tweets about Lethal Weapon whooping Arrow and respond to his idiotic comments about, e.g., sexual velociraptors, but not his family life.

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I read that post yesterday and I have to agree with SA on this one. It crossed a line. Don't talk about his kid or his drinking habits. That's a step too far. 

But I'm also kind of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ about it because he's the one who has opened himself up to this. He's allowed fans to see into his life. He encourages it tbh, both by posting pics and vids of his family and wanting an open dialogue with his fans - to the point where some seem to think they're friends with him. The trouble is he only really wants praise so when he gets the opposite he reacts harshly. So IDK. Personally I think he should just stick to posting promo about the show and leave everything else out of it but I think he likes the attention too much. So it's a catch-22.

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This feels super similar to how KC was treated in S3/4. No interviews and not invited to things? Wasn't EBR also either not invited or uninvited to the upfronts in 2016? I hope to get an interview with EBR soon because I always appreciate what she has to say about her character-- she always seems to have her own head canons for storylines  and I love it.  But I think she was kinda unhappy with what happened in s4 and how they handled Felicity being paralyzed and I think that showed some??

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26 minutes ago, AyChihuahua said:

If TPTB have heard the spec that she's leaving they certainly aren't doing anything to tamp it down.

Why would TPTB address spec that's completely baseless?

Interviews with the Arrow cast have been few and far between this year in general. The only ones from the main cast that have done any press were Echo, Rick, David, and Stephen. If we're to assume who's staying on the show and who's leaving based on press and who's promoting the show via social media, I guess the only ones that are sticking around are those 4.

Edited by lemotomato
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1 hour ago, HighHopes said:

This feels super similar to how KC was treated in S3/4. No interviews and not invited to things? Wasn't EBR also either not invited or uninvited to the upfronts in 2016?

KC was invited to Paleyfest in 2015/season 3 and went to the upfronts in 2015. No one from the Arrow cast was invited to Upfronts in 2016 except for SA. 

Edited by lemotomato
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Unpopular opinion, some of this is on Emily.  Main example the?Party.  I saw a couple of videos where reporters tried to talk to her and then Colton, Madison, and one or 2 others walked up and she was too busy greeting them and ignoring whoever she had been talking to. She also tends to answer honestly instead of PR wise. Saying it's too soon to have a boyfriend doesn't sell the Felicity has a boyfriend storyline.  

Most new characters or big guest stars get promo. I'm surprised JH hasn't been out there already.  I also think some of RG & EK's were more about them than Arrow.  Maybe their people arranged some of it.

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SA's facebook q&a on Feb. 7...


Justen Ganson I never get to comment in time for a response, but I always enjoy readin them.... its cool that you yourself get on here and connect with fans and people around the world, instead of just some "media officer" that posts random stuff. Also, loving this season of Arrow, seems like its finally getting back to where I always hoped itd be!
323 · 19 hrs
.  .  .
Stephen Amell
Stephen Amell Just so you're aware. Absolutely everyone agrees with you about S5. And by agrees with you, I mean they don't agree with you. People either love this season or they find the most polite ways possible to tell me I'm ruining their lives.
1,432 · 19 hrs
*  *  *
Mark G Richardson Not much...so, how do you feel about the talk going around that Marvel's Iron Fist looks a lot like Season 1 of Arrow? Do you agree/ disagree?
29 · 20 hrs
.  .  .
Stephen Amell
Stephen Amell I could care less!
212 · 19 hrs

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