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I am kinda giggling about LL stans arguing with Comic fans about DD, when called out on LLs flaws their default setting is to call them an 'Olicshitty', because that's what been going on for years- any critical thinking towards LL was dismissed as bitter shippers being biased. Only that habit is backfiring hilariously as comic dudebros who dare to defend DD to LL fans are getting called out for shipping Olicity. It gives me joy to see, it really does.

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51 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

So are the DD fans also LL fans but now hard core LL fans are fighting with them? Infighting?

From what I have seen yeah. People saying that other fans are not 'real' LL fans if the accept DD, or are betraying the comics if they just slap the name on anyone, and other comic fans calling out LL fans for not telling the truth about just how great she was (ie not great at all).

Some fans already blaming Olicity fans for attacking JH (which I haven't seen happening) in one sentence then declaiming the only ones defending DD must be Olicity fans doing it to discredit LL in the next sentence, so we are hilariously blamed for both positive and negative about DD. 

The LL zealots are finding themselves not quite as numerous as they thought, as many of the comic dudebro crowd that offered their support have done a 180 on LL now that they have a new comic canon hot chick in leather.

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The fun part here is that I can actualy imagine this in a world where Tommy became a doctor. Um, doctor, why are you in the OR in a tux instead of scrubs? -Because I look damn good in one.

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13 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

So are the DD fans also LL fans but now hard core LL fans are fighting with them? Infighting?

Basically there are these comics purists who easily accept a character based on comic canon name(the moment Tina was revealed to be Dinah they went from "kill her" to "its cool") and then there are those who embraced one particular character as their BC and find it insulting to so easily replace her with another.


I dislike both groups but at least the latter cares a little for show canon. 

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15 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

So are the DD fans also LL fans but now hard core LL fans are fighting with them? Infighting?

I haven't seen that much infighting. There are LL fans who stopped Watching the show and arent bothering with DD and there are LL  fans who stayed with the show who are willing to embrace DD. Both arent fans of how they treated LL/KC, half of em are just more accepting/forgiving.

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16 hours ago, Mellowyellow said:

So are the DD fans also LL fans but now hard core LL fans are fighting with them? Infighting?

You can check the comment section of the article from spoiler tv with the poll about what the viewers thought of the episode if you want to get an idea, LOL. Plenty of fighting in there. It's posted in the 5x11 thread.

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Why is EBR never at any Cons even though Felicity is so popular?

Wouldn't people totally lose their sh@t with excitement if she did as many Cons as the others? I see all these other randoms doing Cons but not her. It's not show related right? Is it like an extra job? The Flash cast don't  seem to do Cons either!

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The only con that is a part of their job is San Diego Comic Con as far as I know. The others they do in their free time and earn money by doing them. EBR is known to have anxiety issues in big crowds so she avoids them save for smaller ones in Europe. 

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7 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Why is EBR never at any Cons even though Felicity is so popular?

Wouldn't people totally lose their sh@t with excitement if she did as many Cons as the others? I see all these other randoms doing Cons but not her. It's not show related right? Is it like an extra job? The Flash cast don't  seem to do Cons either!

She said herself that she likes her time off to herself that's why she does them during the hiatus but  I am not sure if she'll do any at all this year.  Last con in London she took over a 1,000 photos so it's really not an easy task. They get paid well but I think she's not in to it for the money. 

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8 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Why is EBR never at any Cons even though Felicity is so popular?


The same reason Grant Gustin doesn't do them. EBR for the past 2 years did cons in Europe during their big summer hiatus.  She wasnt announced until February or March for those events. 

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20 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

Thanks guys! I always think "OMG she could make a killing at these things" seeing how popular Felicity is! 

She must, her lounges were sold out at COH2, I could have easily gotten SA if I wanted but went with DR.  Her autograph and photolines were insane. Her autograph wasn't included in the package so I paid an extra £35 and, I think she got £65 for her individual photo, plus she had the SA photo (unbelievable lines) and an SA/EBR/BR photo which had no lines. If they had done an OTA photo instead I couldn't even imagine the lines (that's what I wanted).

Incidentally, I got a package in the mail a week or so ago and it was my SA/EBR photo op,  bahahah I totally forgot about it. ?

Edited by Morrigan2575
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Just a quick question: If you want to write something on SA's facebook page do you have to post it directly to his wall in order for it to show? Or do you have to post in of the comments? I've never posted anything on it before. His page looks quite different than the last time I visited (like 3 months ago or so). Thanks. :-)

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8 minutes ago, Belinea said:

Just a quick question: If you want to write something on SA's facebook page do you have to post it directly to his wall in order for it to show? Or do you have to post in of the comments? I've never posted anything on it before. His page looks quite different than the last time I visited (like 3 months ago or so). Thanks. :-)

Near the top of his page there will be a box that says "write something on this Page..." and you can write your comment/post there and it will be posted to his wall in the "visitor posts" section. 

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Deepcon 18, April 6-9, 2017 (Fiuggi, Italy)
David Nykl

Entries for the DeepCon 18 with David Nykl are open
(English translation)


The  Deepcon 18, the convention is dedicated to all the science fiction, fantasy and horror, a manifestation of which is FantasyMagazine media web partners, will be held at the Congress Centre Ambassadors of Fiuggi (FR) from  6 to 9 April 2017 , 

The first guest is announced  David Nykl , known for the roles of Dr. Radek Zelenka on  Stargate Atlantis  and Anatoly Knyazev in  Arrow . It 'also appeared in  Seven Days, Dead Zone, Cold Squad, Masters of Horror, Stargate SG-1, Eureka, Sanctuary, Fringe and Mortal Kombat: Legacy . We will have in Italy for the first time an actor of the series Arrow , and will also be the occasion to celebrate the twentieth anniversary of the series Stargate .

The form to register for the convention is available on the website of ' Cultural Association DS1 .

Edited by tv echo
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6 hours ago, tv echo said:

roles of Dr. Radek Zelenka on  Stargate Atlantis  and Anatoly Knyazev in  Arrow

I can't believe it took me this long to realize they were the same person.  No wonder I liked him right away. 

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SA talked about O/F's on-screen chemistry backstage at the 2014 People's Choice Awards (just published on youtube)...

"Arrow's" Stephen Amell Talks Oliver and Felicity's Chemistry
Published on Feb 5, 2017, by People's Choice TV

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It's weird because I usually hate the eps he thinks are "exceptional" or otherwise worthy of standout praise, so this should be exciting since he's so clearly not excited. But everything I've read about the eps in question makes me not want to watch, so...dilemma!

Edited by apinknightmare
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I'm the same. I always hate episodes he raves about but seeing as he's about as enthusiastic as a dead fish, maybe they're good? IDK. Is he trying to use reverse psychology on us?!! Haha.

Eh, whatever. I hadn't planned to watch again until later in the season anyway. 

Edited by Guest
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Well, 515 does have this spoiler...

-- Per fan report from Wizard World New Orleans: "Stephen- opted to answer my question with a spoiler so….. last warning….. Okee Dokee… he said that around episode 15 or so that Felicity’s character was going to parallel Olivers in that she will have a secret that she will be keeping and other people will know about it. Oliver will be kept out of the loop… and que the spec!!!" (Wizard World New Orleans, Jan. 8, 2017: bekaoperetta blog post, page 51 of Spoilers thread and page 1289 of Spoiler Discussion thread)

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5 minutes ago, Tazmania said:

Do we know what's this all about? 


I am curious too. I have seen a comic fan that sometimes gets a little ott in comment sections, who always goes by 'Shannon'.

But one of the reasons that I took a massive step back from the tumblr Olicity fandom was all the nasty and often incredibly petty things that was said about SAs marriage and wife. Some of the most popular Olicity blogs got caught out via screenshots being very bitchy. I wonder if they posted something more 'out in the open'?

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28 minutes ago, Tazmania said:

Do we know what's this all about? 


That girl crossed the line by making a post about him getting drunk on SB weekend and how she's worried about his drinking habits then brought his daughter into it insinuating he's being a bad parent...

IDK if that's true or not, but that's not an OK thing to post on his FB wall. She should've remained blocked. 

Edited by wonderwall
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I don't know the people involved or the whole story  but from what I've read Stephen got drunk/tipsy after the Super Bowl and went out celebrating with his wife and friends and some fans posted on his wall implying that his partying/drinking could affect his child and her upbringing. Basically critiquing, or what he took to be critiquing, his parenting skills.

Stephen had the post removed and banned the user and then rethought and reinstated them. 

I sympathise with the user because I think she is genuinely a big fan of the show and Stephen and I don't know whether she meant any malice, but at the same time Im also not sure what response they expected Stephen to have. He clearly loves his daughter he's not going to take too kindly to what he perceived as an attack on him as a father and his love for his daughter whether that was the intention or not. And I think he has the right to draw the line when it comes to his daughter. He's a public figure, she's not *shrug*. 

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Coming out of (perpetual) lurkdom (Hi, everybody!) for a second: I think the issue in this case also revolves around the timing. I think it was pretty recently that he (and his wife) got shellacked by some people online for going out drinking and singing karaoke when their daughter was ill and had been for some time. From what I saw, he was the recipient of quite a few intensely negative comments about his parenting. (I don't know if those comments made it to his FB or other accounts, but they were certainly elsewhere online.)

So regardless of what Shannon said or intended to say, I think he's still smarting from that debacle and being criticized re: the kind of father he is, so he reacted, as he is prone to do, at times. He can be very thin-skinned, but I think LeighAn is right in that he's really drawing a line now when people go after him (or he even just thinks that they are) in terms of his daughter, how he is as a parent, etc. 

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As a person who prefers to know absolutely nothing about the personal lives of the actors I like I've been annoyed by Amell putting his daughter in front of the camera so much. It's actually the reason I avoid his Facebook page.  She's completely adorable, but she may decide in one year or five or fifteen that she does not want any sort of public life, and he's sort of put it all out there.  That said, I side with Amell on this one.  Honestly, no one can know the real situation from a few minute video or a photo, and to try to psycho-analyze someone and tell them they are a bad parent based on the most superficial of readings is presumptuous and rude. 

That said, everyone should feel free to continue confronting him about his boneheaded statements about Arrow.

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