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Million Dollar Listing SF - General Discussion

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Also, sorry san Fran...you don't have the real estate p o r n to compare to NT or LA.,,,,, or, if you do have it....we sure haven' seen it on this show (yet). And with out that, this show sucks.


I was just coming here to say how crappy the houses are. I just yawn when they show them. What the hell is Andrew thinking taking that listing with the chicken coops and crap next door... And for $3 million!

Also are techies the only buyers in SF? Not one just normal buyer? I'm sick of the word techies.

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None of the guys except maybe Andrew seem to have settled into their roles yet, but I am enjoying the different tone of this one with the jokey graphics and all. Must be a different set of producers who aren't afraid to give their cast a little zap in the ego.


This is how inured I've become because of the NY prices -- these houses all seem really cheap!


The Air BNB site puts a more positive spin on Bernal Heights than did Andrew. My family lived in the Portola district from '65 to '78, which is Bernal adjacent. :)

Edited by lordonia
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I thought the Mission house was still for sale?


So how did Justin make the sale?


Something smells fishy.


Maybe the developers and "buyers" just want to be on TV and play along with some scripted "sales" for the sake of the show.


I doubt everyone on those private tech buses are millionaires.  They may earn good salaries but a $2 million home would require $400k down payment and at 4% mortgage on a $1.6 million loan, they'd be paying over $9000 a month in after-tax money.

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Also , sorry San Fran...you don't have the real estate p o r n to compare to NY or LA......or, if you do have it....we sure haven't seen it on this show (yet). And with out that, this show sucks.


I was just coming here to say how crappy the houses are. I just yawn when they show them. What the hell is Andrew thinking taking that listing with the chicken coops and crap next door... And for $3 million!

Also are techies the only buyers in SF? Not one just normal buyer? I'm sick of the word techies.

ITA! I live across the Bay from SF, and I'm out. I don't know if I just haven't warmed to the brokers, or if the porn just isn't there. The questions coming from off-camera doesn't help either. Also, you won't find families looking for homes here. Too expensive for what you get (and not in a NY way).

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I think I'm done with the show too.  Could it be that the homes we really want to see in SF are owned by bluebloods who want no part of this show, similar to the UES'ers in NY.  


That house that Andrew was selling looked like a glorified, overpriced garden apartment.  

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Yeah there are definitely properties which go over $10 million, way over $10 million, in SF.


But there probably aren't as many of them and SF probably doesn't attract as large an international clientele as NY.


SF, as Andrew noted, isn't allowing developers to build skyscrapers left and right either, like those being built just south of Central Park, which will have apts. going for tens of millions.


Also, the producers don't seem to be familiar with the city so they're asking these brokers about different areas.  But they're depending on these 3 brokers to have access to the real high-end properties and that doesn't seem to be the case.


Especially if Andrew has to spend hours and hours on a measly $1.8 million property, which is overpriced to begin with.

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For me this show clearly proves MDL NY, and LA are enough. Bravo just need to come up with ANOTHER, DIFFERENT show.

Real Housewives was a concept that has worked, for whatever reason in six cities now. Washington, D.C. was the only flop...and working there...I KNEW it WOULD bomb...because they went the wrong direction with it, and cast it poorly, because no real power/society people in DC would deign to be on the show.....


So..for DC they should have gone more the Atlanta route and gotten wannabes or social climbers, because in DC -- the same socio-economic HWs they got for NY's show....wouldn't dare in on the DC show. Just a different social caste and MINDset altogether...in terms of being on a show like this.


I used those example to say that not all shows can be spun off or expanded 3 or 4 times in different cities. MDL is NOT a show that can do that. For all the great real estate San Fran DOES have.  CLEARLY MDL is not the show or showcase for it....or like the DC HW example......the REAL movers and shakers didn't want to be on the show.....I'd say wrong city AND perhaps wrong cast.


Something about these realtors are not enticing me. Maybe also I feel like it's overdose time on MDL...enough already. Perhaps if this show hadn't premiered RIGHT AFTER NY was over. It's like Bravo wants and feels it needs an MDL show on ALL. YEAR. ROUND. (like the Housewives).


Yo, Bravo...give me a chance to miss them...and WANT then to come back. (instead of not watching and wishing they were gone)

Edited by selhars
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standing on the sidewalk in the rain for hours seemed "made for tv".     that was work for an intern.    or gosh, sit in a car? 



producer didn't know about the shuttles?      I knew about them, and I didn't spend months getting ready for a San Francisco television show.



chickens.  awesome.   :)

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After Roh finally manages to track down the architect of his new listing, he now has an even harder task...selling the penthouse. Meanwhile, Justin takes a listing with his dentist, but quickly finds it to be more difficult than a root canal. Andrew's quest to find his clients a property in the up-and-coming neighborhood of Bernal Heights takes an unexpected turn.


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It would never occur to me to call Bernal Heights "up and coming" it's been fairly solid professional couples with young families (and a lot of lesbian couples with families) for quite some time.

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I was just coming here to say how crappy the houses are. I just yawn when they show them. What the hell is Andrew thinking taking that listing with the chicken coops and crap next door... And for $3 million!

Also are techies the only buyers in SF? Not one just normal buyer? I'm sick of the word techies.

        We play the drinking game at our house with this show. Every time one of these guys utters the word "tech", bottoms up! We're loving this show!

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producer didn't know about the shuttles?  I knew about them, and I didn't spend months getting ready for a San Francisco television show.


chickens.  awesome.   :)


The chickens were a nice touch. Despite numerous shots of it, I had no idea what kind of vacuum cleaner hose attachment thingie was hanging 3' out the window of that neighboring house.


I left the Bay Area in 1987 so am decades out of the loop and didn't know about the shuttles. Used to be people would live in the South Bay suburbs and commute to San Franciso, so having these tech wienies prefer to live in the city and commute to jobs in the Santa Clara valley made me snort a little.


And hey! What's wrong with Mountain View? There's an, uh, thriving, uh... downtown Castro Street with some restaurants and a library. And Starbucks! The Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts has some world fam... well. It's Palo Alto adjacent and there are, like, uh, lots of academic types there. What more could a 20-something geek hipster want?

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"tech"    is overmentioned.       drink away!   


maybe it is mentioned so much, because they think it explains why people would pay so much for standard houses in SF.   ??



I read a little t*ch news and business news.     I read about the shuttles a couple of years ago.  they have their own wireless internet connections.   :)       

last year, they were in the news because protestors were blocking them to bring attention to the shortage of low-income housing in SF.





Despite numerous shots of it, I had no idea what kind of vacuum cleaner hose attachment thingie was hanging 3' out the window of that neighboring house.


I didn't pay much attention to it.   but could it have been an exhaust tube for a clothes dryer?

Edited by clod
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Also, sorry San Fran...you don't have the real estate p o r n to compare to NY or LA......or, if you do have it....we sure haven' seen it on this show (yet). And with out that, this show sucks.

To really get our real estate porn they would need different, truly high end brokers and focus on SF and surrounding areas.  These guys are run of the mill, nothing special.  So we are seeing fairly typical SF properties.  The prices are going up quite rapidly in a several areas of the city.  However, that means you see not very exciting looking properties that go for much more money than people would spend for something similar elsewhere.  I agree; it's disappointing.


I thought the Mission house was still for sale?


So how did Justin make the sale?


Something smells fishy.


Maybe the developers and "buyers" just want to be on TV and play along with some scripted "sales" for the sake of the show.


I doubt everyone on those private tech buses are millionaires.  They may earn good salaries but a $2 million home would require $400k down payment and at 4% mortgage on a $1.6 million loan, they'd be paying over $9000 a month in after-tax money.

Shenanigans!  Shenanigans I say!  The Mission house is still for sale.  There was no $3.5 million cash offer that was accepted.  I was at the open house just 10 days ago.  the house was poorly remodeled and no one was gushing about it at the open house.  It will sell but it won't be a big win.  And no one that I saw was concerned about the lack of outdoor space.


Bernal Heights is an established neighborhood.  It does differ on the two sides of the hill.  This listing is on the less desirable side.  Doesn't mean it won't sell.  It's a cute house. (Just checked, this house sold on 2/27/15 for $1.9 million.)  Most people in SF understand that the neighbors' houses may not all be up to how you would like them to look.  They keep showing houses in the changing neighborhoods.  


The tech shuttles are not exactly a big secret to people who live here, especially if you live in the Mission.  You see them all the time.  Of course, they don't just stop everywhere, but it's not hard to find out where they go.  


There are people with serious money moving in.  Our neighbors just bought the house next door to theirs for $1.625 million cash for their parents to stay in when they visit.  But the majority of buyers are putting all of their income into their homes.  


This show is just disappointing.  The realtors aren't particularly interesting.  The properties are nothing special.  And so much of it is clearly manufactured.  I guess it is much easier for me to suspend disbelief when it's a different city.

Edited by Muffyn
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I like Justin - the only one who really knows San Francisco.

No wonder Andrew is selling houses in Alamo - he's based in Pleasanton, which is definitely not in San Francisco.

Roh - lives in Hayward, also not San Francisco.  He also kept on saying "St. Francis Woods" weird. 

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Thing is, if Andrew has had commissions on $4 billion worth of real estate, that's $240 million at 6%.

Even if he gets 1/10 of that, which would be like getting only 1/5 of the buyers or sellers commission, which would be low for a star broker, that would be $24 million.

Of course after taxes and living expenses, he could still have around $10 million.

Bravo doesn't pay that much so either the $4 billion figure is inflated or he's doing the show for reasons other than money.

So the sellers are difficult again, what else is new. But looks like Roh gets two deals done.

People must really want to be on TV. Or maybe these buyers they're showing are actors? They're rich but they'd appear on a cable TV show?

Even Kathy Hilton mugged for the cameras this episode.

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Thing is, if Andrew has had commissions on $4 billion worth of real estate, that's $240 million at 6%.


I've noticed on Mil $ Listing SF & NYC--think LA too, the agents seem to get 3% comissions and I've always wondered why not the more common 6%

Edited by sheetmoss
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6% is the total that both agents get, the one representing the seller and the one representing the buyer.


From that 3% cut, the agent has to pay for agency overhead, like office space and so on.  Not sure what she ends up getting out of that 3%.  It may be that star brokers get a higher cut of it than others.


And on higher end properties, it may be the case that the seller demands and gets a lower total commissions percentage, though in a hot market, maybe this doesn't happen.


Still if he really represented sellers or buyers in $4 billion worth of real estate, he should have millions after taxes, possibly tens of millions.

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Why do the producers think we want to see phony drama between the agents? I quit watching LA because of the bs manufactured drama. I love NY, but they are pushing it with egg requests. Just show us house porn and lose the bs. Including the phony back and forth with asshole sellers and buyers.

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 Are these 3 not the most high end brokers in SF? I think maybe they are not. That woman looked at that house at night and never went back in the daytime? 


I find myself drifting off during this show!

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I'm not sure they are even middle of the road.  The show might be better if they focused on new brokers trying to break into the business rather than trying to sell these guys as being top agents.  

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What is it it with Bravo and shows in the Bay Area? They all stink. I think it's because they don't really know the area that well... and while in theory it's an awesome place to feature on TV, it's lost in translation because they don't know what to feature.

That Silicon Valley show made me want to tear my hair out, mostly because they featured the *actual* Silicon Valley about fifteen minutes out of the whole season (fourteen minutes of which were of that girl that lived in the Palo Alto Four Seasons). Most of it was shot in SF (which, yes, many *now* consider part of "Silicon Valley," but it's not, really--though of course there's tons of tech and startups).

So I think, personally, they should have flip-flopped the concepts: "hip" "techie" twentysomethings in SF, and real estate in the peninsula/south bay. Sure, you'll find mansions in SF, but most of the drool-worthy houses are further south.

Part of what makes bay area real estate so insane is not that it's so gorgeous... it's the prices. It would be a more enjoyable show if they featured what *little* you get for your money.... yet (as someone mentioned) it'd be even MORE of a HGTV show... many of which are (somewhat ironically) filmed here. I enjoy playing "guess the price" with those!

I left the Bay Area in 1987 so am decades out of the loop and didn't know about the shuttles. Used to be people would live in the South Bay suburbs and commute to San Franciso, so having these tech wienies prefer to live in the city and commute to jobs in the Santa Clara valley made me snort a little.


And hey! What's wrong with Mountain View? There's an, uh, thriving, uh... downtown Castro Street with some restaurants and a library. And Starbucks! The Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts has some world fam... well. It's Palo Alto adjacent and there are, like, uh, lots of academic types there. What more could a 20-something geek hipster want?

Tons of techies do live in the south bay (and hang out on Castro and University!)--but there's also a tremendous "reverse" commute, given that many of the people who work at Google, Apple, Facebook, and the like want to live in the city. Hence the shuttles (AKA "Google buses"), overcrowded transit, and craptastic traffic.

And yes there's a TON more hipster stuff in the south bay now. Foodie culture EVERYWHERE. You can't throw a rock without hitting a ramen joint, a craft-cocktail bar, or gastropub. :)

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This house is also listed at 1946 square feet.  That may not include the square footage for the lower unit.  Even with that added, it is no where close to the 3,000 square feet they tried to claim on the show. 

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In SoMa, Justin's client Stephanie is an old friend, who he hopes might turn into something more if he can make the sale. In Nopa, Andrew has his hands full with a neurotic client whose bowtie may be tied a little too tight. Meanwhile, Roh takes a co-listing in the Marina with a colleague who isn't as co-operative as he would like.


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This episode was marginally better than the last few.  It was still boring.  At least they went to some decent restaurants.  Although I did enjoy the one agent telling Justin that he could have just called her with the offer.  

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I'm pretty sure the producers are feeding the other characters lines, egging them on to be confrontational, really shit on these brokers.

I see similar things in the last season of MDLNY too.

And of course, the sellers always want more than the brokers are willing to list at. Well that part is probably true, at least in hot markets. But they want to play up that initial conflict, so later, they can argue about whether they should accept an offer.

It makes no sense that the buyers increased their offers without other bidders, because the sellers just wanted more, especially the full ask offers.

Oh and you wouldn't pronounce the 's' at the end of moules in French.

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Justin takes a listing with an old friend, but quickly realizes that mixing business with his personal life is not a good combination. Outside of the city, Andrew snags an amazing winery estate, and now just needs to pair it with the right buyer. Roh's newest listing has everything an agent could want, and the one thing no agent ever wants: a messy tenant already renting the unit.


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This show is just the fakest of the fake.  You have 45 days to identify potential replacement properties for a 1031 exchange and 180 days to close on the new property.  Every conversation is Seller: "I think it's worth this much,"  Agent:  "I think it's worth less", Agent TH: "There is no way to get what the client wants."  Then they supposedly get an offer within a few weeks at most.  What a waste.

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Muffyn you beat me to it. I worked for a real estate attorney so my ears perked up when I heard 1031 exchange. What a load of crap that was. All 3 had idiot sellers last night. What a depressing and stupid episode. The producers are starting to stray from a tried and true formula into stupid land.

Edited by NYGirl
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Yeah and that other broker was ridiculous, with the whole look she had and then she was shitting on the apt. and immediately comes up from $1 million to $1.25 after saying she wouldn't let her client pay a dime over $1 million?


The other people who came to look at the apt. were making the same kind of comments, obviously coached and egged on by the producers.


Then the fake events.  I can see a NY property having a "fashion show" but in SF?  In a 1600 square foot apt?  And that high rise is worth more because it's a celebrity building?  How ridiculous.  Not like the pro athletes are going to socialize with their high rise neighbors.  What do they expect, free tickets to games?


Then the winery.  Maybe I missed it when Livermore became trendy or desirable.  44 miles from SF and 37 miles from Silicon Valley, over a lot of traffic in both directions.  Nobody who works is making that commute.  If they have money for a $4 million property and they still have to work, they're buying closer or at least a place with a shuttle.


Who footed the $20k bill for the open house there?  It looked like they were mostly serving Livermore wine, which you'd probably need truckfuls of to amount to that much.  They weren't serving $300 bottles of champagne there.  They certainly got a lot of the lookieloos drunk to go on and on about the house.

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Then the winery. Maybe I missed it when Livermore became trendy or desirable.


Seriously. Unless you're fascinated by the world's longest-lasting light bulb or work at the Lawrence Livermore Lab. If someone wanted to blow money on a vanity vineyard, they'd go to Napa/Sonoma/Mendocino. Not sure if the house really has dead end corridors and doors that led nowhere or if Andrew was making jokes because he was lost.


Anyway, normal sellers would call their brokers immediately if they decided to take their house of the market, so pretending to ignore numerous calls and texts for more than a week is insulting to me as a viewer.

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Well that sucked.  What is with all the nasty sellers wanting more money then the property is worth?  Ok say you do get 3M for the crappy looking property and the appraisal comes in at the buyers original offer of 2.8M?  The buyer has the option to walk away if the appraisal comes in for less or at least if they are borrowing money to buy it they do.


And the female agent with the terrible wreak of a hairdo tries to make a cool exit but forgot her phone.  Now THAT was funny.  Just so I get this right her client was all pissed off  because the seller wanted the money for sale of home, what , that DAY instead of 5 days later?  I get that she did not want to do that but why was she at a 10 from the start?  And her agent went from 0 to 10 in a Nano second too.  And I agree with poster up thread that you have more than a couple of days to use money from the sale to reinvest before you are in jeopardy of paying taxes on it.  BS drama. 

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