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Unpopular Opinions: "I hate BLTs from Kelly's!"

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I just don't care about Kristina's fluidity. The issue that needs to be addressed is why she's been in school for 5 years in real time and is still nowhere near finished with undergrad and has dropped out yet again. There's more to life than having boyfriend or a girlfriend. Why aren't young people on soaps allowed to have goals anymore?


I don't ever recall the young set having goals on any soaps - except trying to land a girlfriend/boyfriend. Not to say it doesn't suck, but it's tried and true.

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I don't ever recall the young set having goals on any soaps - except trying to land a girlfriend/boyfriend. Not to say it doesn't suck, but it's tried and true.

Although they at least used to try a little harder to make the characters well rounded. Even loveable goof Blackie was focused on college and his band as well as adventure and cute girls.

And I remember even when young Robin's life was in turmoil because Stone was sick, people still cared about her education ... there was a nice scene once where Stone asked her why she worked so hard in school, like the poor kid was genuinely curious because nobody had ever encouraged that in him.

I think the Kristina stuff could be good story, but most of what they do with her is just pull her out of the woodwork to have some kind of high drama -- nearly getting blown up by dear old dad, getting beat up by her boyfriend, now this relationship with a professor. Kristina doesn't seem like a fully realized person to me ... but maybe it's just because I'm biased against SORAS-Ed kids.

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I think Molly is a good example of the younger set not just into having a boyfriend. She's always been very smart, focused and dedicated to school. She wrote a book, she taught herself sign language so she could teach it to Sam when she was deaf for two seconds, she tutored TJ, she babysat Danny a lot, and she's also comfortable with performing onstage whether it be at Maxie and Spinelli's non-wedding or at the Nurse's Ball. She seems to be well-rounded. If they showed that kind of stuff, I'm sure she was probably Valedictorian of her class. I really think she should be featured more, which I'm sure is an UO.


To me, Kristina is smart but she's also just very emotional. She has a tendency to make things all about her (hmm, wonder where she gets that from?) and the drama that comes from that just doesn't lend itself as well to her being just about school. We know she puts a lot of pressure on herself to presumably live up to her mom's expectations. She also has self-esteem issues, combined with those two things I'm surprised she's never had an eating disorder. [That's a storyline I wouldn't mind seeing tackled, although I also cringe at the possibilities of how bad it could be.]

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Kristina is someone who definitely needed to take a year or more off before going to college. If they wanted her onscreen, she could have worked at the MetroCourt or for Alexis or something. If they didn't want her onscreen, they could have sent her to work with Lucky in Africa (heh) or something like that. 


I'd rather have her drop out of college because it wasn't for her, not because she's propositioning her professors for better grades. 

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I just don't care about Kristina's fluidity. The issue that needs to be addressed is why she's been in school for 5 years in real time and is still nowhere near finished with undergrad and has dropped out yet again. There's more to life than having boyfriend or a girlfriend. Why aren't young people on soaps allowed to have goals anymore?

Has any soap ever tackled bi-sexuality before?

I think ite be far more interesting if told with a male, and truly told.

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Has any soap ever tackled bi-sexuality before?

I think ite be far more interesting if told with a male, and truly told.


Days briefly had a story in the 70's where both members of a married couple were attracted to Julie.




I've seen clips of the 2001/2002 era of GH and I generally don't mind it that much. 

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I've seen clips of the 2001/2002 era of GH and I generally don't mind it that much.


I liked a bit of 2000 to 2001 because of Zander/Emily. I know their popularity took the show by surprise. It's why Chad Brannon ended up sticking around.

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Kristina is someone who definitely needed to take a year or more off before going to college. If they wanted her onscreen, she could have worked at the MetroCourt or for Alexis or something. If they didn't want her onscreen, they could have sent her to work with Lucky in Africa (heh) or something like that. 


I'd rather have her drop out of college because it wasn't for her, not because she's propositioning her professors for better grades. 

Kristina has had time off though since she started school. Remember she started her first semester late and then only ended up staying for a few weeks anyway. They thought she was in school but she was really hanging out with Trey creating the reality show that never aired. So then she came back home and was off from school for basically a year. Then they said she went back to school and was doing summer and winter sessions to catch up.And this is supposed to be a character that was supposedly smart enough to go into school already with college credits. 

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I think Michael did her work for her. He can run a company, hold a stupid family together, and find people. He just can't make friends or find love. Because he doesn't know how to tell people no. Andre will have a big ass house off screen very soon.

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I don't care what Julian does to Alexis. Laura is still one of the most boring characters ever on this show. The woman has the personality and excitement of a piece of dehydrated fruit. I don't think MB is a horrible actor, but I also don't think GH has ever really had GREAT male actors. The women have always out performed the men, in just about any decade, in just about any story.

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1 hour ago, Rick Kitchen said:

Parry Shen said in the latest SOD that the worst thing his character has ever done is to try to pass off Britt's baby as his.  Really?  That's worse than trying to blackmail Michael into sex?

He probably forgot about that tbh.

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To be fair, at that point, you're basically comparing kidnapping to sexual harassment combined with blackmail.  You're pretty much flipping a coin to decide which is worse.  

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23 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

 The women have always out performed the men, in just about any decade, in just about any story.


Which says even more about how badly GH has treated its actresses over the years. 

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23 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

He probably forgot about that tbh.

I forget about Brad tbh.   When he's on, I'm like "Oh?  It's Brad.  Cool. "   He's not Sonny nor related to Sonny, so that helps a lot.  Plus, his character married Lucas instead of Felix, another win.  He also usually is in the hospital.   Plus, I dig Perry Shen.  So, eh.  I let that slide too.  Plus,  the show keeps on about Rocco/Ben, so yeah.   I can see him forgetting that.    

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Which says even more about how badly GH has treated its actresses over the years. 

Some of the actresses, not all of them. For instance, if I were NLG's boss, she would have been back burnered for a while after that Twitter stunt. Which one? Exactly. Every time she opens her mouth, she brings negative attention to the show-something it doesn't need. And yet as far as anyone watching the show is aware, other than maybe a bawling out, nothing happened to her. They've obviously been more than generous to Kirsten Storms with her issues, they let Finola have summer breaks similar to Geary's, etc. They write most of the women questionably, but Frank-or someone-seems to be far more understanding than past show runners.

They've even let Leslie Charleson out of the vet closet. I'd say right now is the best it's been in a while, to be an actress on GH. And while I have a hard time understanding the story directions of this writing regime, and the wimmin are still mostly about their men-they are, for the most part, stronger and more layered than the way they were written a decade ago. Far from perfect, but a vast improvement over much of the stuff Guza spewed out.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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2 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

they let Finola have summer breaks similar to Geary's

The salaries are/were vastly different, so it's not exactly the same thing. I think there's such a lack of storytelling effort that the writers and Frank figure, Why not give an actor some time off if requested? It means they don't have to deal with the character for a while. Anna's not driving any stories, and her JusticeForDuke campaign was a nonstarter from the get-go. I'll miss FH, but I won't miss Anna. 

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3 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

For instance, if I were NLG's boss, she would have been back burnered for a while after that Twitter stunt. Which one? Exactly. 



She's done some stupid things on Twitter, but what she said about Viola Davis was on another level, and got more attention because it involved another ABC employee, whose show is produced by arguably the most powerful person in the TV industry right now. Nancy is VERY lucky she survived that. 

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Straight up, I'd have fired her.  There are four soaps left with many talented, employable actors.  Everyone is replaceable.  Because she clearly has not learned from it and continues to rant on twitter in an embarrassing fashion.  

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I would have not only fired her, I would have written NLG and WdV off together, and I would have had them sign a clause that they could not speak of or print anything about their firings to the media, or on a public forum, or face a lawsuit. Buh-bye. And I always say I could never be "the boss" because I couldn't fire someone, but I think I'd make an exception in her case.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I think what NLG did was dumb as fuck and it made her and the show and network look bad, but hell, if Steve-O wasn't fucking fired for his pyramid juice scams along with Becky Herbst and Natalia Livingston, who were allegedly spilling spoilers at events for buying said juice (BH's hubby was into it, too), I say Nancy stays, too. Hell, the juice made ABC lose advertisers.

All for one, one for all.

It's why I'll forever adore Ingo Rademacher for his open letter to Steve.

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Meh, the backstage garbage is my least favorite part of watching any TV show. I don't really care to know, TBH. To this day, I know next to nothing about JuiceGate. I think the name of it was Monavie, wasn't it? And that's the extent of my knowledge. I don't know what Ingo's letter was, and don't care. I don't know who sold what to who-and don't care. *shrug* It's totally fine with me if NLG remains on this show until the end, because I don't watch her scenes.

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7 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

I would have not only fired her, I would have written NLG and WdV off together, and I would have had them sign a clause that they could not speak of or print anything about their firings to the media, or on a public forum, or face a lawsuit. Buh-bye. And I always say I could never be "the boss" because I couldn't fire someone, but I think I'd make an exception in her case.

I think, nay I know I'd put that no speaking to the media in Mo's contract as well.   I'd be like shut down the twitter or deuce out.  I'd be a Shonda Rhimes in chuck taylors.

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What I liked most about Ingo's letter was this line: "The minor celebrity status granted to all of us because of our involvement in a successful television show must always be considered a privilege, not a right and certainly not a commodity to be brokered for personal gain." He has some perspective. These days it's hard even to call GH "successful," but it had a somewhat larger audience in 2008. Ingo's soap experience all comes post OJ trial, so he never experienced being a soap actor when the genre was in its prime, but in his first stint (1996-2000), GH was much more successful than it is now. Even so, he's right. Only a very few soap actors are more than minor celebrities, and he and Burton are not among them. Soap actors shouldn't let fan gush at those events go to their heads, and try to squeeze more out of fans than they're already fortunate to be getting.    

Edited by Asp Burger
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I think, nay I know I'd put that no speaking to the media in Mo's contract as well.   I'd be like shut down the twitter or deuce out.  I'd be a Shonda Rhimes in chuck taylors.

I don't think they should have to shut down their Twitters, or even be prohibited from making comments about the show. I do think they should be made aware that any inappropriate or negative comments about any public figures, whether they be co stars or someone running for public office, should be nipped in the bud. Being a television actor shouldn't be carte blanche to just say or do whatever you want without repercussions. On the flip side, many things said on social media are intended to be harmless and truly blown completely out of proportion, to the point where some are afraid to speak at all. And that's not good, either.

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11 hours ago, Tiger said:

Quick, someone find that Robert Redford quote about Stevie B being a bad actor!

Did he actually say that? I mean, SBu really was awful. Stiff as a board and monotone when he did speak. But I've never heard that Redford didn't like him...interesting!

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1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

Did he actually say that? I mean, SBu really was awful. Stiff as a board and monotone when he did speak. But I've never heard that Redford didn't like him...interesting!

Yup!  Redford said something akin to thinking Steve was a mannequin because he was so stiff.

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I really want to see the Ingo letter.

And I'd do what WWE does.  Actors have a controlled account for interacting with fans where you don't act like a douche canoe and embarrass the product.  You have your private account for your own crap.  Fire Nathan Varni and hire a legit publicist for the Daytime Division and announce to everyone that things are changing.   Rehire promo guy from SoapNet.  Start making actual promos.  My legit favorite promo was the one from the AJ Quartermaine Murder fallout with no faces in it, just quotes on screen and voices.  It had suspense and sold the story.  Because then the story was the fucking selling point.  Not this actor, that stunt.  The actual story.  Like holy shit balls, you guys, we are going there.  We are really doing stuff now.  And they did.   

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I really want to see the Ingo letter.

“We often ask a lot of our fans and certainly they are responsible for their own choices and have the freedom to make them but I believe we must be very careful not to push the bounds of decency and cross lines that should not be crossed. There have a been slew of fans, as well as several media outlets who have expressed outrage and disappointment in what they feel is a widespread campaign by cast members on this show to exploit their dedicated and loyal fanbase by asking their participation in a multilevel marketing venture that ensures windfalls for those lucky enough to be at the top with little reward (if any) for those entering on the bottom. The minor celebrity status granted to all of us because of our involvement in a successful television show must always be considered a privilege, not a right and certainly not a commodity to be brokered for personal gain. I truly believe the long term detriment to our reputation as a whole cast and crew far outweighs and is further reaching than the short-term profits gained by a select few.”

It's been in the "News" thread here once, more than a year ago (ulkis brought it over), and it was on Rademacher's website at the time and was copied onto various GH fan forums when the story break.  

Edited by Asp Burger
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When GH did the "After School Special" episode(s) about racial profiling with TJ, I thought they should have gone all in and had Dante shoot TJ.  Not that I hate either character, but they way they handled it was pointless.

Hell they could have even brought in a friend for TJ and a partner for Dante just for that storyline if they were too chicken for it to be Dante shooting TJ, but with no one getting shot was a waste of time.

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On ‎4‎/‎8‎/‎2016 at 9:01 AM, tvgoddess said:

I think Molly is a good example of the younger set not just into having a boyfriend. She's always been very smart, focused and dedicated to school. She wrote a book, she taught herself sign language so she could teach it to Sam when she was deaf for two seconds, she tutored TJ, she babysat Danny a lot, and she's also comfortable with performing onstage whether it be at Maxie and Spinelli's non-wedding or at the Nurse's Ball. She seems to be well-rounded. If they showed that kind of stuff, I'm sure she was probably Valedictorian of her class. I really think she should be featured more, which I'm sure is an UO.


A recent post brought me to this thread, but I read the whole page, and this post caught my attention.

I think that most of Molly's character development was during the Guza era, and that the subsequent regimes have been coasting on that characterization.

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35 minutes ago, Francie said:

I think that most of Molly's character development was during the Guza era, and that the subsequent regimes have been coasting on that characterization.

Character development has been dead for quite a while. There's nothing special about the new ones, either.

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3 hours ago, Francie said:

A recent post brought me to this thread, but I read the whole page, and this post caught my attention.

I think that most of Molly's character development was during the Guza era, and that the subsequent regimes have been coasting on that characterization.

Although, to be fair, in this case I think it's a good thing, because it means she's actively considered a smart character. 

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I prefer newNik to Tyler's sweaty, bloaty Nik. I think newNik is a better actor than TC. TC's tattoo's never fit the character of Nik. I wouldn't miss TC at all if he didn't come back.

I hate all of Alexis's kids. If I had ever talked to my mother the way Molly talks to Alexis, I wouldn't be here to post due to my extreme deadness. I'm only exaggerating slightly. I would have a) gotten my mouth washed out with soap, b) smacked, c) all of the above and then some.   

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22 minutes ago, magnolia11 said:

I don't think they painted them -- NuNik has real tats of his own, it seems.


Ugh. I was hoping they were painted on. They practically glow in the dark!

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I hate all of Alexis's kids

I don't hate Sam, she just bores me most of the time. Molly is irrelevant. Kristina? UGH

And yeah if I dared talk to either of my parents the way Kristina or Molly have, I wouldn't have skin left on my backside.

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