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S10.E04: Charity Case

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Ehh Meghan is there for dramaz. It's not like she actually would EVER be friends with these people. Jim is so disinterested. "Hey hun, you're young and beautiful but let's just have fun with all this." He's not serious about her whatsoever. I will say that seeing his ex-wife is sad only because she's sick and she seemed dare I say "normal"?


Totally weird to see Josh Hamilton's wife all around but not a housewife. Major editing because it's clear she was going to be featured.


I will say this, I liked the end with them being all together at the bar, that felt legit. For being "pretend friends" during filming. (Sorry but I refuse these ladies are life long friends and spend anytime outside filming)


Heather doesn't bother me but the money has to go from SOMEWHERE. You can be the best plastic surgon and not make anywhere near what they are spending. And naming a wine after your CHILD? Is that just weird or just me?


"Hey mom thanks for the wine"

  • Love 10
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:09 AM, emjohnson03 said:

Ehh Meghan is there for dramaz. It's not like she actually would EVER be friends with these people. Jim is so disinterested. "Hey hun, you're young and beautiful but let's just have fun with all this." He's not serious about her whatsoever. I will say that seeing his ex-wife is sad only because she's sick and she seemed dare I say "normal"?


Totally weird to see Josh Hamilton's wife all around but not a housewife. Major editing because it's clear she was going to be featured.


I will say this, I liked the end with them being all together at the bar, that felt legit. For being "pretend friends" during filming. (Sorry but I refuse these ladies are life long friends and spend anytime outside filming)


Heather doesn't bother me but the money has to go from SOMEWHERE. You can be the best plastic surgon and not make anywhere near what they are spending. And naming a wine after your CHILD? Is that just weird or just me?


"Hey mom thanks for the wine"

Terry was on that "Swan" reality show and the 1 that was for brides that wanted PS and add to that "Blotched" so he has and is bringing in big money from those shows, old and new,  as well as his practice. I don't think they are sweating the numbers at all.

  • Love 2

I found Shannon's explanation of her reaction to Meghan's call to be pretty believable. I like Shannon and I think we are still seeing the real Shannon.

We have all encountered a Meghan in our lives. I was really disgusted by how she spoke to Shannon. It was sport for her to speak to Shannon that way and based on the previews it appears, she goes after the other "older" castmate Vicki next.

  • Love 17
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:09 AM, emjohnson03 said:

Ehh Meghan is there for dramaz. It's not like she actually would EVER be friends with these people. Jim is so disinterested. "Hey hun, you're young and beautiful but let's just have fun with all this." He's not serious about her whatsoever. I will say that seeing his ex-wife is sad only because she's sick and she seemed dare I say "normal"?


Totally weird to see Josh Hamilton's wife all around but not a housewife. Major editing because it's clear she was going to be featured.


I will say this, I liked the end with them being all together at the bar, that felt legit. For being "pretend friends" during filming. (Sorry but I refuse these ladies are life long friends and spend anytime outside filming)


Heather doesn't bother me but the money has to go from SOMEWHERE. You can be the best plastic surgon and not make anywhere near what they are spending. And naming a wine after your CHILD? Is that just weird or just me?


"Hey mom thanks for the wine"

Terry's late brother, Kevin Dubrow, was the lead singer of a very popular 80's band called Quiet Riot.  They had three monster hits that are stilled played everywhere, from movies to commercials to classic radio, and the album they came off of, Metal Health, still sells.  Kevin was never married and had no kids, so I'm assuming his estate went to his mother and Terry.  They have Kevin's platinums displayed in their living room, so I think it's safe to say that they're getting a lot of checks in the mail, not to mention the bulk of his estate is probably sitting comfortably in their bank account, and paying for part of that house.


ETA - I'm sure they've invested well too.

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 16

There was tons to snark on this week. So much so that I'm only even going to touch on a tenth of what was shown.

Megan is starting to show her true colors this week. The patting of her assistants head for example was a nod in the wrong direction for starters. I still can't completely hate the girl (yet). Charity or not (she can cover the difference personally that Shannon's contribution would have made- out of her husbands check, naturally) i wouldn't want Shannon in my house either after what happened in Napa. No matter who was in the right I don't want you in my home if I have beef with you.

I'm a SAHM so I'm not snarking on her spending Jim's money, unlike Vicki. If that is the arrangement they have then, "oh the fuck well". You don't want people to judge you and Brooks then stop judging other people's relationships.

And Vicki, way to throw Shannon under the buss by proclaiming to Megan that she just showed up in full hair and makeup ready to attend a party she new the day before she wasn't invited to. Didn't happen. And yes, Vicki just contributed to "death con 4" with the lie and the party snub.

  • Love 8

Wow, that Meghen person is a piece of work. She was so rude to Shannon in her home and made it out that Shannon was flipping out? I thought her saying, "I'm done here" telling her why she was doen and walking away was the definition of de-escalation. I love Vicks for sticking by her friend. I really liked the end when everyone met at the bar. That party was so not Lizzy's scene. Everyone still seemed so gracious to Meghen though. Too bad no one gave her the brief on manners.

  • Love 11
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:24 AM, cherry slushie said:

Terry's brother, Kevin Dubrow, was the lead singer of a very popular 80's band called Quiet Riot.  They had three monster hits that are stilled played everywhere, from movies to commercials to classic radio, and the album they came off of, Metal Health, still sells.  Kevin was never married and had no kids, so I'm assuming his estate went to his mother and Terry.  They have Kevin's platinums displayed in their living room, so I think it's safe to say that they're getting a lot of checks in the mail, not to mention the bulk of his estate is probably sitting comfortably in their bank account, and paying for part of that house.

His brother was an addict that OD so I am not sure how much money he would have had left or how much in royalties he would get. I am not sure that Terry/mom would get those royalties, it would depend on how their contract was written, all of that could have gone to his band mates upon his death. Does anyone know for sure?

  • Love 11

She's petty!!! I'm sorry but she just made a mountain out of a mole hill about.the charity at Heather's champagne event. Now she doesn't invite Shannon because she was the one that poked the bear!


It's effin charity! I don't have to be your friend to collect a donation from you. The more money for the cause the bettee you'll look and be.

I hate using her age as a go to but I think Meghan must like messing with older ones in the cast because it's fun to her.


OK then, looks like we're gonna be gettin' a season full of Meghan acting like an asshole.  But this thing with Meghan not inviting Shannon really didn't make much sense.  I mean, sheesh, this was for charity.  Yeah, Shannon was not so great with Meghan, but Meghan was definitely instigating her.  Still, when it comes to charity, you fuckin' swallow it.  I mean, you're dealing with rich people with open wallets.  You do what you have to do & if you have to tolerate arrogant assholes, you do it -- if it's for charity, cuz you're supposedly trying to do good & help charity, right?  


But noooooo, asshole Meghan thought it was more important to not invite "that" to her home & thereby losing out on the wine Shannon would have donated (and the surely considerable money which would be brought in by that wine) to the charity Meghan was supposed to be helping.  So yeah, Meghan was absolutely a big huge fucking asshole by not inviting Shannon to this event & therefore bringing less money to the charity.


And Meghan's bullshit excuse that she was afraid of Shannon making a scene was pure bullshit.  But this makes me wonder what asshole Jimmy's part in this was.  Asshole Jimmy has mostly been pretty silent on camera.  Did he egg Meghan on to be an asshole & not invite Shannon?  Idk, last ep he looked pretty pissed off at the way Shannon snubbed Meghan when she called her.  Could all this asshole-ish behavior from Meghan actually be coming from asshole Jimmy?  Or is Meghan just an immature thoughtless asshole all on her own?  Hmmmm.


Btw, Meghan, hun -- Hashtag, you're an asshole!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 18

Shannon has her issues, we know from last season she was a hot mess and now we know why and can see now she is holding it together but has a lot of anxiety and stress from the situation with David-- even after the marriage retreat. I'm not really sure what Meghan was after as even after Shannon apologized to her, she decides that is not good enough, not "genuine" and refuses to accept it. Even after digs she makes to Shannon trying to get piss her off and get her going. This woman has no class. You can see in the other womens' faces they are incredulous at her behavior but don't want to get involved. When she finally gets the apology and says "that doesn't sound genuine" both Heather and the blond lady next to her could not believe it. I think if this were Tamra she said this to, she would have thrown her drink at her.

  • Love 15
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:00 AM, cherry slushie said:

Megan is a bully.  Bullies pick on the weakest link, and during filming, Shannon was the weakest link due to her marriage troubles.  Megan keeps pushing and pushing to set her off and make her look crazy, like Tamra and co. did during Lizzie's party last season.


I wanted to punch her in the face when she kept saying "Look at me, my face is over here." in the nastiest, most condescending tone ever. I'm praying Vicki puts the bitch in her place.


By the way, Tamra was licking her chops through all of this.  She is SO enjoying what Megan's doing to Shannon.

And how was Meghan supposed to know that Shannon was having marriage troubles? Is she also a mind reader? LOL Shannon was tweeting all about her "Happy, happy" marriage after the season ended last year, no one knew that David cheated on her unless she personally told them and since they did not know each other, I doubt that Meghan knew. Meghan is fulfilling her role...."bitch/trouble maker" and Shannon is once again playing the "victim" this season. I suspect that both Tamra and Heather said "NO" to fighting with Shannon a second season after the viewer beating they took last season, hence Meghan verses Shannon this season. I would rather watch Meghan and Shannon squabble over petty slights than having to listen to her punish David all season long.  JMO

  • Love 15
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:13 AM, WireWrap said:

Terry was on that "Swan" reality show and the 1 that was for brides that wanted PS and add to that "Blotched" so he has and is bringing in big money from those shows, old and new,  as well as his practice. I don't think they are sweating the numbers at all.

Surgeons make money off procedures.  Figure for Terry to make $3,000,000.00 a year he would have to do about $60,000.00 a week in procedures after overhead.  I am guessing he and Paul probably make $700,000.00 or so from Botched.   That might be a bit high.  Terry made big bank off their last house.  I don't know what he gets from his brother's estate but I will say this--they know how to spend it.

  • Love 6
  On 6/30/2015 at 1:07 AM, nexxie said:

Meghan is a conniving witch.

Heather couldn't wait to swoop in and paint Shannon as volatile.

Tamra chimes in with her toxic two cents.

These women creep me out!

So true!

When talking with Meghan, Heather and Tamra  agree with her that  Shannon in unstable and shouldn't be allowed out with the normal people.  Then,  when talking to Shannon,  both agree that Meghan excluding Shannon was unfair and crappy and unjustified.  I swear, it's like they are too dumb to remember they are being filmed. 

  • Love 12

I did not at all look into any negative motivations from Heather this episode. She tried to warn Meghan to not exclude Shannon but Meghan shut her right down. She was respectful and polite to her in her home. They all seem to be walking on eggshells around her and not addressing her bringing this up and making a mountain out of a molehill and perhaps being oversensitive.  So she's married to a retired professional sports athelete-- for 4 months -- so what? At the time she called, hadn't it been 2 months? 


I think Heather gives this chick too much credit. She is not handling anything except her shopping. The person taking care of everything is that cute personal assistant she was referring to as her "pet".

  • Love 5
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:37 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

OK then, looks like we're gonna be gettin' a season full of Meghan acting like an asshole.  But this thing with Meghan not inviting Shannon really didn't make much sense.  I mean, sheesh, this was for charity.  Yeah, Shannon was not so great with Meghan, but Meghan was definitely instigating her.  Still, when it comes to charity, you fuckin' swallow it.  I mean, you're dealing with rich people with open wallets.  You do what you have to do & if you have to tolerate arrogant assholes, you do it -- if it's for charity, cuz you're supposedly trying to do good & help charity, right?  


But noooooo, asshole Meghan thought it was more important to not invite "that" to her home & thereby losing out on the wine Shannon would have donated (and the surely considerable money which would brought in by that wine) to the charity Meghan was supposed to be helping.  So yeah, Meghan was absolutely a big huge fucking asshole by not inviting Shannon to this event & therefore bringing less money to the charity.


And Meghan's bullshit excuse that she was afraid of Shannon making a scene was pure bullshit.  But this makes me wonder what asshole Jimmy's part in this was.  Asshole Jimmy has mostly been pretty silent on camera.  Did he egg Meghan on to be an asshole & not invite Shannon?  Idk, last ep he looked pretty pissed off at the way Shannon snubbed Meghan when she called her.  Could all this asshole-ish behavior from Meghan actually be coming from asshole Jimmy?  Or is Meghan just an immature thoughtless asshole all on her own?  Hmmmm.


Btw, Meghan, hun -- Hashtag, you're an asshole!


Well, according to her blog, it was Jim that insisted she not invite Shannon/David to the charity event. LOL


  On 6/30/2015 at 2:37 AM, gimipizzauoldtroll said:

I think the will matters, not the contract. I don't see why he wouldn't get royalties for the albums he contributed to.

No, the business contract between the band mates/partners would come first. There are contracts that if 1 partner dies, his part of the business goes to the partners and not the family, so the business contract can make the difference.



  On 6/30/2015 at 2:41 AM, OhGromit said:

From Meghan's blog:  "LeAnn [wife #1] is very sick with cancer and looks extremely different than she did at the party. It's hard to watch her losing her battle but I'm glad to have a special moment between us caught on camera."  


"Losing her battle."  -- who says that?  who says that about a sick person?  YOU DO NOT SAY THAT.  You hope, hope, hope for recovery, always, always.  I think the fact that she puts it that way -- "losing"-- shows her inner ugliness, and probably her real wishes, IMO.  I think she's really quite a vicious person.  

If the first wife is open about her illness and her impending death, then Meghan may be doing things as she wants. We don't know how they are handling this other than the 2 women BOTH say they are close. I will take the first wife's word on that.  JMO



  On 6/30/2015 at 2:42 AM, Lucelu said:

Shannon has her issues, we know from last season she was a hot mess and now we know why and can see now she is holding it together but has a lot of anxiety and stress from the situation with David-- even after the marriage retreat. I'm not really sure what Meghan was after as even after Shannon apologized to her, she decides that is not good enough, not "genuine" and refuses to accept it. Even after digs she makes to Shannon trying to get piss her off and get her going. This woman has no class. You can see in the other womens' faces they are incredulous at her behavior but don't want to get involved. When she finally gets the apology and says "that doesn't sound genuine" both Heather and the blond lady next to her could not believe it. I think if this were Tamra she said this to, she would have thrown her drink at her.

You mean that Meghan was as shitty about Shannon's apology as Shannon was Meghan's apology minutes before? LOL

  • Love 7
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:47 AM, zoeysmom said:

Surgeons make money off procedures.  Figure for Terry to make $3,000,000.00 a year he would have to do about $60,000.00 a week in procedures after overhead.  I am guessing he and Paul probably make $700,000.00 or so from Botched.   That might be a bit high.  Terry made big bank off their last house.  I don't know what he gets from his brother's estate but I will say this--they know how to spend it.


Considering that a face lift costs at least $30,000 and the fact that there's no shortage of potential patients in CA, I'm sure clearing $60,000 a week isn't that difficult.


I can't fault Heather for her over the top house.  If she can afford it, more power to her.  I couldn't possibly guess how many posts there have been on the HW's forums wishing Bravo would limit the drama and give us more house porn, fabulous vacations, black tie events, etc.   Heather's house sure does qualify as house porn in my book.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 12

Have they thrown a number out of how much this house is gonna cost?  15 mil?  20 mil?  I'm baffled where he's getting the money for this.  Maybe a big chunk of it is coming from the sale of the last house?  None of this make any sense.  And the more numbers they throw out at us, the less sense it makes.  This kind of bragging on a reality show -- especially this one, never ends well.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 10

So, this is hypocritical because I generally abhor the puerile groupthink cliques (for instance, Heather Thomson and her cohort or the Gretch-Heather-Tamra triumvirate) that inevitably arise on these programs, but I couldn't help but laugh appreciatively at Meghan's "I'm excluding Shannon so that she doesn't embarrass herself" argument because it was just so artlessly juvenile. Coupled with the vocal fry and West Coast accent, Meghan's passive aggressiveness is hilarious. To add to the aforementioned archetypes, she's the underhanded frenemy who drops hints that you're fat not to body shame you but because she's simply so concerned about your Zaftig proportions . . . That being said, I didn't think that her decision to not invite Shannon was logically problematic. As with Bethenny Frankel or Heather vis-a-vis certain events and Alexis, if you're the host, it's your prerogative to include whomever you so desire, particularly if the function in question is occurring in your home. The fourth-wall concerns in these situations inevitably make the meetups of the entire cast telegraph as contrived and unbelievable; if that dynamic persists, you end up with Atlanta and its really unenjoyable most recent season . . . Also, in her talking head, Shannon herself distanced herself from the charity, noting that she hosted a party for a magazine that just happened to be sponsoring/promoting JDRF the year that she chaired an annual event. So, although she's familiar with the staff at the foundation, it seems like her participation in said philanthropy occurred not from an extensive history with the organization but rather as a byproduct of her involvement with the magazine. So, she dismisses Meghan's outreach for involvement; says she was "offended" by her call because Meghan used a different surname, thought that Meghan was a telemarket, Meghan has a Missouri area code, and litany of other tangential reasons; and subsequently is on the receiving end of Meghan's refusal to drop the dispute. Why would she be surprised at not being welcomed into the Edmonds home and/or care about attending beyond fourth-wall considerations? And Lizzie's remark that "Shannon doesn't have outbursts at parties" was laughable because she said it so earnestly yet the past two seasons have been punctuated by footage of Shannon melting down/being histrionic in public spaces (justifiably and otherwise) more than any other Housewife I can recall in such a short span.

  • Love 4

Actually, Shannon seemed fine about it. In her TH she did admit it felt bad to be singled out and left out (as it would for anyone) and she and Vicki were having a good time. She insisted the entire time at the restaurant that she was ok and not upset about not being in Meghan's circle.  And she did take Meghan's apology and just explained why she felt upset afterward but M. was spoiling to get back into "Round 2".  

  • Love 12
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:06 AM, ivygirl said:

I wanna add my "Meghan is...." ;)


Meghan is the boyfriend who dumps you unexpectedly in the middle of your favorite restaurant, then gets all, "WOAH, stop crying, don't make a scene..." And then goes and talks to all his buddies like "She's cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs."


If I knew someone like her, I'd steer super clear.  

Here's my "Meghan is a ..."


Two face-- and by that I mean, she can look pretty at certain angles,  but her smile????  The horror.The horror. I look away at the end of  every one of her THs (which she always ends with a big smile)  for fear I could be turned to stone!

  • Love 4
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:46 AM, WireWrap said:

And how was Meghan supposed to know that Shannon was having marriage troubles? Is she also a mind reader? LOL Shannon was tweeting all about her "Happy, happy" marriage after the season ended last year, no one knew that David cheated on her unless she personally told them and since they did not know each other, I doubt that Meghan knew. Meghan is fulfilling her role...."bitch/trouble maker" and Shannon is once again playing the "victim" this season. I suspect that both Tamra and Heather said "NO" to fighting with Shannon a second season after the viewer beating they took last season, hence Meghan verses Shannon this season. I would rather watch Meghan and Shannon squabble over petty slights than having to listen to her punish David all season long.  JMO

I never said Megan knew about her marriage troubles, although I can see how it looks that way from the way I typed it :). She could plainly see (like everyone else) that Shannon is/was an emotional wreck and easily set off.  I'm sure she watched Shannon last season and knew she was easy prey for drama and therefore, a story line for herself. 

Edited by cherry slushie
  • Love 3
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:58 AM, Katesus7 said:

Shannon worked my last nerve tonight. She was the 'victim' last year, she became incredibly popular, and now has decided to work that victim angle for all it's worth. Why on earth would she in a normal world with no TV cameras expect to get invited to this party? It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Obviously she expected to get invited because she is on a TV show with this other woman. A women she shrieked at for lying about how she got her "private" number (bitch, please, we all know she got it from the producers). She then proceeded to give a TH informing me that the event she held had NOTHING to do with what Meghan was doing, and hers was much bigger and better and awesome, and Meghan's party was pitiful. Great, fine, throw that shade. But then don't come at me with your bullshit tears and act all butthurt. Seriously.


Not to nit pick but aren't all cell phone numbers private or have I missed getting a cell phone # book? LOL

  • Love 14
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:22 AM, AttackTurtle said:

I found Shannon's explanation of her reaction to Meghan's call to be pretty believable. I like Shannon and I think we are still seeing the real Shannon.

We have all encountered a Meghan in our lives. I was really disgusted by how she spoke to Shannon. It was sport for her to speak to Shannon that way and based on the previews it appears, she goes after the other "older" castmate Vicki next.


I don't like Meghan - she seems like a typical entitled brat...I didn't like the way she kept cutting Shannon off during the argument at the Bello's home (which was gorgeous, btw....).  If I were Shannon, I probably would have told her to play that shit with her sorority sisters, but most mature women don't behave that way.


I get why Shannon didn't want to deal with someone who's phone number she didn't recognize - I don't ever answer a text or a phone call from a number I don't know (unless I know for sure I am expecting it).  Plus, Meghan didn't identify herself by the name that Shannon knows...she used her maiden name.


I think that Meghan is playing her part of "shit stirrer" very well...unfortunately, it seems like it comes very naturally to her.  


Tamra needs to watch out....her replacement is staring down at her from her long neck and 5 inch stilettos!!! 


I really liked that last scene, with them all at the restaurant - it almost looked like genuine friendships there.


ETA:  I hope they all had rides home from that bar - it looked like there may have been some serious drinking going on.  What happened to Shannon saying she only ever drinks ONE drink all night?  I guess now that she's mixing her vodka with club soda and cranberry juice, she can drink more?  (That is usually my drink of choice - the same way Shannon orders it - in a tall glass, single shot - but I cannot drink more than two over the course of a night out, and feel like I am okay to drive.)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 10
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:09 AM, cherry slushie said:

I never said Megan knew about her marriage troubles.  She could plainly see (like everyone else) that Shannon is/was an emotional wreck and easily set off.  I'm sure she watched Shannon last season and knew she was easy prey for drama and therefore, a story line for herself. 

Even if Meghan watched last season, Shannon made sure everyone knew, at the reunion, that she was "Happy, Happy, Happy" and that ALL was fine in her marriage/life! LOL IMO, Shannon is a walking raw nerve no matter what is going on, she LOVES the victim role and refuses to see herself as anything else. Meghan is a twit, to be sure but Shannon is far more cunning on this show than most think IMO.

  • Love 11
Well, according to her blog, it was Jim that insisted she not invite Shannon/David to the charity event. LOL


I haven't read her blog yet, but I'm not surprised.  We already know what an asshole Jimmy is & this does totally seem like his style.  He's arrogant as hell & I could see him thinking it's more important to snub someone who he didn't think bowed down to him (or his wife that he barely acknowledges) than how such a snub would affect a charity he's supposed to be helping.  Look, I don't know asshole Jimmy from shit, but I'm already convinced the man is an asshole thru & thru.


Now, we find out Meghan is an asshole too.  And she's trying to put the blame (for not inviting Shannon) on Jimmy?  Sorry, Meghan, you still acted like an immature thoughtless asshole.  Ah, so that's what your marriage is like, eh, Meghan?  Ole asshole Jimmy regularly insists on making you do tons of asshole stuff, right?  So remind us again, hun, why you married this unpleasant asshole, who ignores you & treats you like shit on camera & insists you do asshole stuff.  Sure you don't wanna go back to that swell gig you bragged about having back in St. Louis?

  • Love 10

I was confused about the timeline of Jim's marriages myself prior to perusing Wikipedia a couple of days ago. When Allison backed out of season 8, it was misreported by several Housewives sites that it was she who was ailing. Apparently, Allison aka "wife number 2" is fine and was just astute enough not to let her husband offload her on national television a la Camille Grammer. Lee Ann evidently is friendly with Meghan enough that she helped craft those "chintzy" wine glasses that Meghan gave to everyone. So Meghan's expertise-by-proxy argument about Brooks and Jim's lightning-speed marriage is considerably less icky (if still somewhat troubling) once one realizes that Allison is okay . . . don't doubt that Shannon has contributed - and probably contributed generously for an event that she chaired - but her talking head made it seem as if she partnered with the magazine and supported the charity that they had decided to champion that year (and, the way it was articulated, it sounds like the magazine rotates the philanthropies it promotes). It was bad form to forego any donation to the organization over a picayune point of contention. But Shannon registered just as myopic and petty with her declaration that *her* party was three times bigger! Both women are really ungracious in this context; but if Shannon is committed to the cause, she will donate in turn to JCRF and I still think Meghan can edit the guests to whom she's opening up her home . . .

  • Love 6
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:14 AM, njbchlover said:

I don't like Meghan - she seems like a typical entitled brat...I didn't like the way she kept cutting Shannon off during the argument at the Bello's home (which was gorgeous, btw....).  If I were Shannon, I probably would have told her to play that shit with her sorority sisters, but most mature women don't behave that way.


I get why Shannon didn't want to deal with someone who's phone number she didn't recognize - I don't ever answer a text or a phone call from a number I don't know (unless I know for sure I am expecting it).  Plus, Meghan didn't identify herself by the name that Shannon knows...she used her maiden name.


I think that Meghan is playing her part of "shit stirrer" very well...unfortunately, it seems like it comes very naturally to her.  


Tamra needs to watch out....her replacement is staring down at her from her long neck and 5 inch stilettos!!! 


I really liked that last scene, with them all at the restaurant - it almost looked like genuine friendships there.


I agree with your take on Meghan.  I don't answer my cell or my home phone if I don't recognize the name/number either.   Meghan did say that she texted Shannon after that call giving her married name and Shannon didn't bother to call her or text back.   


Tamara already called Meghan her "mini-me."  

  • Love 5
  On 6/30/2015 at 2:13 AM, WireWrap said:

Terry was on that "Swan" reality show and the 1 that was for brides that wanted PS and add to that "Blotched" so he has and is bringing in big money from those shows, old and new,  as well as his practice. I don't think they are sweating the numbers at all.

I think the big money came from the sale of their house. I don't doubt they aren't sweating the numbers, but how much could he have made from those shows? $250,000 here, $500,000 there, only adds up to a million or so. Not enough to finance a million in tile or whatever for the new house.

I don't begrudge their fancy house, but lord they need to stop talking about how much everything COSTS!

  • Love 9
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:18 AM, zoeysmom said:

No, but you can look them up on the internetarrow-10x10.png.  Maybe Shannon's number doesn't come up when she calls.   We have friends whose number comes up private.

I have never seen my cell phone number, or my husbands, sons or DIL's listed on any web site. Also, when we got our phones, no one's number showed their name until we entered them, name/number, into the phone list. LOL


  On 6/30/2015 at 3:20 AM, AnnA said:

I agree with your take on Meghan.  I don't answer my cell or my home phone if I don't recognize the name/number either.   Meghan did say that she texted Shannon after that call giving her married name and Shannon didn't bother to call her or text back.   


Tamara already called Meghan her "mini-me."  

I agree, if you don't recognize the #, why answer the phone to begin with?  Shannon even stated she does not answer calls from unknown numbers so why did she answer that call from Meghan then? It still does not excuse her ignoring the text message when she got that because she then knew it came from the newbie. Unless of course, she needed a storyline outside David's cheating storyline! LOL

  On 6/30/2015 at 3:31 AM, heatherchandler said:

I think the big money came from the sale of their house. I don't doubt they aren't sweating the numbers, but how much could he have made from those shows? $250,000 here, $500,000 there, only adds up to a million or so. Not enough to finance a million in tile or whatever for the new house.

I don't begrudge their fancy house, but lord they need to stop talking about how much everything COSTS!

The cost doesn't bother me, nor their talking about it. I say, bring on the house porn!!!!! LOL

  • Love 6
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:04 AM, Lucelu said:

Actually, Shannon seemed fine about it. In her TH she did admit it felt bad to be singled out and left out (as it would for anyone) and she and Vicki were having a good time. She insisted the entire time at the restaurant that she was ok and not upset about not being in Meghan's circle.  And she did take Meghan's apology and just explained why she felt upset afterward but M. was spoiling to get back into "Round 2".  


Least Shannon is holding onto her hair appointment for another chartiable day.  That was one of the more funnier lines of the night.

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  On 6/30/2015 at 2:59 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Have they thrown a number out of how much this house is gonna cost?  15 mil?  20 mil?  I'm baffled where he's getting the moneyarrow-10x10.png for this.  Maybe a big chunk of it is coming from the sale of the last house?  None of this make any sense.  And the more numbers they throw out at us, the less sense it makes.  This kind of bragging on a reality show -- especially this one, never ends well.


I think they paid $4,000,000.00 for the lot and figure maybe $1,500.00 a square foot if all the figures they are droping are accurate 22,000 square feet.  I think they made about 6 million over what they paid and put into the last house.  My other theory is one of the roomsarrow-10x10.png under the Porte Corchere is a printing press and they print their own money.


I agreearrow-10x10.png about the bragging but they seem to really enjoy it.

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  On 6/30/2015 at 2:24 AM, cherry slushie said:

Terry's late brother, Kevin Dubrow, was the lead singer of a very popular 80's band called Quiet Riot.  They had three monster hits that are stilled played everywhere, from movies to commercials to classic radio, and the album they came off of, Metal Health, still sells.  Kevin was never married and had no kids, so I'm assuming his estate went to his mother and Terry.  They have Kevin's platinums displayed in their living room, so I think it's safe to say that they're getting a lot of checks in the mail, not to mention the bulk of his estate is probably sitting comfortably in their bank account, and paying for part of that house.


ETA - I'm sure they've invested well too.

I have a feeling Kevin Dubrow or hits former bandmates didn't end up with a big financial cushion. Like someone else mentioned, Kevin had a drug problem, which I'm sure was very expensive and the 2 biggest hits out of the 3 were cover songs written by members of a band called Slade who were very popular in the UK.

Funny with that one episode a couple years ago, when they were at the 80's party, Terry walked in looking just like his late bro. 

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As someone who doesn't have an abstract problem with the term "bullying" vis-a-vis these programs (I thought it occurred on NY and with respect to Alexis), I subjectively/personally don't think Meghan's exchanges with Shannon qualify as such. Shannon is a 50-year-old woman; I don't think it's anyone's responsibility to account for the fact that she's "easily set off" (and if she can't control her composure then maybe Meghan did do her a favor by not providing a forum for a "you're making me look like a bitch!"-esque instance of scenery chewing). There's no reason for anyone to think that Shannon is "weak" either, imo. She laid Tamra and Heather out last season and talked at the reunion about how she and David - the primary source of turmoil we've seen for her - were "closer than the day they got married." . . . I wish Tamra the best on her spiritual journey and am happy for her if she has genuinely embraced Christianity. Narratively, however, her new leaf doesn't work. If she's not the villain that viewers love to hate, what role does she fulfill? Heather, Shannon, Meghan, Vicki, Katie, and Lizzie all have substantially more money. Katie has talked about faith in a much more compelling fashion than Tams in a few clips that haven't even been more than a few seconds long. She really has no function or relationship with the rest of the cast now that her friendship with Vicki is more or less beyond anything than superficial repair.

  • Love 7

No one needs to walk on eggshells around Shannon. However Meghan came on very strong over something really incidental. She could have done that to anybody and they probably would have (maybe not gone upstairs to cry-- which I think she tried to do discreetly and then came down after she regained her composure and declined to discuss it with anyone)-- told Meghan to find another tree to piss on so to speak. She was butthurt over some perceived cellphone slight. Not everyone has to respond to a text from a stranger-- no matter who you are married to. I don't even know if Shannon had any idea who Jim Edmunds is.. I certainly didn't.  I'm not into sports and could care less who a professional ball player is. I bet she wanted Shannon's personal guest list-- seeing how she hadn't moved to the OC yet but committed herself to a fundraiser.  Shannon likely knew what she wanted and did not want to give it to her and with good reason. Plus she was pissed at her for calling her private cell.


Of course the first wife likes Meghan. Meghan is the karma she wished on wifey #2.

  • Love 19

It is my inference that Shannon knew who Jim is and was possibly acquainted with him. She made a point of emphasizing that Meghan had used a different surname than Edmonds and had thus contributed to Shannon's confusion (the deductive being that if Meghan had referred to herself as Meghan Edmonds, then Shannon would have known who she was).

  • Love 3
  On 6/29/2015 at 5:06 PM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Meghan is an asshole.  That's it.

She's just not that likeable.  And she's so midwestern sorority girl.  Looks just like a pharmaceutical sales rep.  Would have been interesting if last season we had Edmonds wife # 2 and this season, the current wife.  He could rotate a wife every season or 2.  That'd keep it fresh.

  • Love 17
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:14 AM, WireWrap said:

Even if Meghan watched last season, Shannon made sure everyone knew, at the reunion, that she was "Happy, Happy, Happy" and that ALL was fine in her marriage/life! LOL IMO, Shannon is a walking raw nerve no matter what is going on, she LOVES the victim role and refuses to see herself as anything else. Meghan is a twit, to be sure but Shannon is far more cunning on this show than most think IMO.

I edited my original post to let you know I could see how it looked like I said that by the way I typed it :-).  


Yes, Shannon IS a raw nerve and if you so much as brush against it, she bristles, but Megan is pinching and pulling on that nerve relentlessly.  A bully can sniff a weak or damaged person a mile away, and Megan is taking advantage of her sense of smell.  You can tell she's always been a bully by the way she suavely delivers her bullyisms. It takes years of practice to be that comfortable on that level of bitchitude.


Oh my gosh, so much more to say, like how I loved Vicki calling Megan out on how she says  everything is "hers" when it's all Jimmy's, and how she landed her cash cow, and how entitled she is after only 4 months of marriage  (nailed it!). But I've already posted too much and everyone is covering everything perfectly. so now I'm just going to enjoy reading! :)

  • Love 15
  On 6/30/2015 at 3:34 AM, WireWrap said:

I have never seen my cell phonearrow-10x10.png number, or my husbands, sons or DIL's listed on any web site. Also, when we got our phones, no one's number showed their name until we entered them, name/number, into the phone list. LOL


I agree, if you don't recognize the #, why answer the phone to beginarrow-10x10.png with?  Shannon even stated she does not answer calls from unknown numbersarrow-10x10.png so why did she answer that call from Meghan then? It still does not excuse her ignoring the text message when she got that because she then knew it came from the newbie. Unless of course, she needed a storyline outside David's cheating storyline! LOL

The cost doesn't bother me, nor their talking about it. I say, bring on the house porn!!!!! LOL


It may be something more west coast.  I know I get contact information for people and it is their cell phone number. I think it comes more from people who just use their cell phone and may not have another phone.


Vicki said she got a call as well from Meghan about the wine party.  I want to hear all these calls she made.  I would ignore Mehgan's text. If it were that important someone from JDRF should have made the call and introduced Mehgan.

  On 6/30/2015 at 3:07 AM, BluishGreen said:

Here's my "Meghan is a ..."


Two face-- and by that I mean, she can look pretty at certain angles,  but her smile????  The horror.The horror. I look away at the end of  every one of her THs (which she always ends with a big smile)  for fear I could be turned to stone!

Well, it's a good thing she's not a low-talker... or else someone might end up wearing a puffy shirt at the reunion! :) 

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