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S09.E05: An Open Book

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I think they were very equal. Will does like books, but, strep throat and being forced to follow a script was hard on him.


They did sailboats for Will, horses for Zoey. Tea party for Zoey, books for Will. Still smiling from this episode. All this sweet is not good for my diet. 

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I think I must have zoned out when they decided Will had strep but needed to go to library anyway. Was that on the show or talked about in a blog?

It was mentioned on the show that both kids had strep and we saw Jen giving Will and Zoe medication at the hotel. Zoe went back to the hotel with Kate and Bill because she wasn't feeling well so Will got stuck going to the library.

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I think I must have zoned out when they decided Will had strep but needed to go to library anyway. Was that on the show or talked about in a blog? 

Jen said the kids were sick.  Will felt better then Zoey and she was tired, so Zoey went back to the hotel with Daddy, and Will got to go to the library.  Lucky Will.

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It's a tradition to make peach cobbler, or ice cream in the South.

Add some "sun" tea and you have my southern family. All this talk of peach cobbler is bringing back memories of picking the peaches off my grandparents peach trees and my grandma making peach cobblers or fritters.

I read about Zoey saying "Oh my gosh, Seriously" prior to watching and still smiled and laughed when I actually sa it.

I love the way Zoey calls Will, William instead of his nickname, Will often. I do the same with a couple aunts till this day.

I don't know why but the way Will said America at the library cracked me up.

Bill's love of his family is so touching. I believe him when he says he would rather hurt and suffer than for them to.

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I'll spring for a can of peaches with unauthorized cinnamon.

(for any Deadwood fans out there)


I laughed during the carriage ride when Jen said Zoey could become a veterinarian with a photography hobby, since she loves animals and taking pictures.

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I laughed during the carriage ride when Jen said Zoey could become a veterinarian with a photography hobby, since she loves animals and taking pictures.


Wow, now there's an adorable thought - Zoey taking care of horses. I don't think a step stool like her mom uses will be quite big enough. Perhaps a stepladder?  On the other hand, she'd be a great photographer for small animals. Too many people take a photo looking down at an animal - Zoey would be almost on their level.  She should be at ease around animals since she is growing up with dogs.  She's a smart little cookie - "seriously".

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Mmmmmm.......all this talk about "peaches" made me run right out to the grocery store to buy some for my smoothie last night!  


Love how Zoey's voice gets so high sometimes--precious!  And if I was a teacher, I would fight to get Zoey in my class--she truly loves to "do work."

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What happens when you eat peaches? I have never heard of a peach allergy!

Peaches, mangoes, plums, and pitted cherries. :( My lips turn into an unfortunate mix of Angelina Jolie and REALLY bad injections.

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Peaches, mangoes, plums, and pitted cherries. :( My lips turn into an unfortunate mix of Angelina Jolie and REALLY bad injections.

Mya, so you're allergic to STONE fruits? (Sorry)

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I'm sadly allergic to peaches. :(

I miss peach salsa.


Oh, for me that would be the worst! I absolutely love peaches and nectarines! My mother and I once had a 45-minute [!!!] conversation on fruit. A beautiful Summer night, working on a jigsaw puzzle on Mom's front porch - and we went back and forth on just about every fruit in Creation - ending with nectarines and peaches for both of us.

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I wonder if Jen and Bill have introduced the kids to ripe, juicy, FRESH peaches. I can just see them with the juice rolling off their chins. Will would be laughing and Zoey would be asking for more napkins.

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I wonder if Jen and Bill have introduced the kids to ripe, juicy, FRESH peaches. I can just see them with the juice rolling off their chins. Will would be laughing and Zoey would be asking for more napkins.

I feel like we're getting into fanfic territory here...

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I feel like we're getting into fanfic territory here...


I agree.    


Bill said he drank a lot in college and drinking goes hand in hand with depression more often than not.  I think many of us would be shocked to know how many of our own friends have had a similar moment.  Many suffer from depression and thankfully most get help in time usually in the form of medication and do not act out in a weak moment.  Comedians also admit how their backgrounds determined their future, they used comedy to help them fit in growing up.  Bill uses humor A LOT to the point of distraction in his TH's.  I thought Jen would smack him for trying to put spoons on his nose in an upscale tea shop.  


This show was geared to be a book tour episode by highlighting topics covered in the book to a large viewing audience.  

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
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I'm sadly allergic to peaches. :(

I miss peach salsa.

I feel incredibly sorry for you - I really really do.  I would just wither away and die if I couldn't eat peaches or cherries.



And I will not be opposed to someone sending me a delicious peach cobbler recipe!  I love peach cobbler....crisp...pie.....  recently tried a peach cobbler from pinterest and it was horrible. The shame I feel since I know peach cobbler is not hard. 

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I am puzzled as to why if 2 kids had strep throat would you still take them to NY, it seems they are putting filming the show ahead of good sense. I am glad to see that they are showing that they obviously need help with the kids now that Bill is out of commission for his back. Jen clearly can't handle both kids on her own. I am shocked to see that the episode tonight is the season finale but, past seasons their episodes were 30 minutes and they had maybe 15 or 16 so this makes sense and hopefully they will come back later on this year for another 5 episodes. It still irks my nerves how they narrate the activities, for example, Bill says after they went to Central Park they decided to go over to Simon and Schuester, or whatever it is called, when clearly they had an appointment, why not just say that. These little things, IMO, are the difference between reality and not reality. Speaking of the book, it was awesome, it takes a look into their lives from birth to present and it's really interesting. One thing that stuck out and I don't know if I can talk about it here because it wasn't in this episode. Bill and Jen, when adopting Will met with him before the footage we saw on "the best day yet" episode. When describing the encounter they state that Will recognized them immediately calling them mama and baba, this seemed odd to me when we saw his reaction on gotcha day.

I think I must have zoned out when they decided Will had strep but needed to go to library anyway. Was that on the show or talked about in a blog?

it is crazy to me but, Jen said they both had strep prior to leaving for NY and they went anyway.
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I am glad to see that they are showing that they obviously need help with the kids now that Bill is out of commission for his back. Jen clearly can't handle both kids on her own.


They've had Kate since before they adopted Zoey, so they've always had help.  If Kate isn't with them, then often Jen brings her mom (or both parents depending on what they're doing), especially when they first got the kids and they were younger (i.e., a little more unpredictable in behavior).

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Will is smart as a whip but why is he still talking like a robot. I am thinking it's because he was 2 years behind because of not being able to hear and having the ear tubes placed. I am hoping he catches up because of the possibility of being bullied because of his stature and his speech. He clearly knows what is going on and understands everything but his speech is just choppy. I would think that Bill and Jen would speak the correct sentence to him after he states it incorrectly but they don't. They seem to just ask him what he wants or what he is trying to say, for example, if he says "my book read" they should say "it's my book and I want to read it" and make him repeat it, instead they say "oh you want to read your book" which is ok but it's not how he would state what he wants.

I'm 55, and I STILL go to the library at least once a week and when I lived closer than I do now, I sometimes went everyday! Books, they're my greatest joy in life... :-)

I've always thought that Bill probably sowed several wild oats when he was younger, and that's okay! Thankfully, he lived thru it!

in the book he also discusses the time he lived with another woman, he is truly a regular guy that dated and lived before settling down.

I am not sure why my posts are connecting to my previous posts, sorry, I'm trying to figure this out.

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I'm not sure now, and I've already deleted the episode but I thought Jen said the children had symptoms "consistent with Strep throat."  Made it sound to me as if it was not confirmed or maybe precautionary to give them medicine.  I think if either one was sick with fever and a sore throat they would've stayed home and rescheduled or else Bill and Jen would have gone and left the children with her parents.  

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I'm not sure now, and I've already deleted the episode but I thought Jen said the children had symptoms "consistent with Strep throat." Made it sound to me as if it was not confirmed or maybe precautionary to give them medicine. I think if either one was sick with fever and a sore throat they would've stayed home and rescheduled or else Bill and Jen would have gone and left the children with her parents.

That's exactly what she said. Jen's not going to jeopardize her children's health for a trip to the library or tea.

They seemed fine (except Zoey got cranky & obviously not feeling the best).

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Will is smart as a whip but why is he still talking like a robot. I am thinking it's because he was 2 years behind because of not being able to hear and having the ear tubes placed. I am hoping he catches up because of the possibility of being bullied because of his stature and his speech. He clearly knows what is going on and understands everything but his speech is just choppy. I would think that Bill and Jen would speak the correct sentence to him after he states it incorrectly but they don't. They seem to just ask him what he wants or what he is trying to say, for example, if he says "my book read" they should say "it's my book and I want to read it" and make him repeat it, instead they say "oh you want to read your book" which is ok but it's not how he would state what he wants.

in the book he also discusses the time he lived with another woman, he is truly a regular guy that dated and lived before settling down.

I am not sure why my posts are connecting to my previous posts, sorry, I'm trying to figure this out.

I'm reasonably sure they're working with a speech and language pathologist and are probably responding to the children in the way that professional recommended. Will hasn't been speaking/understanding English long; plus, he suffered a hearing deficit. He'll likely catch up. Edited by Literata
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I'm reasonably sure they're working with a speech and language pathologist and are probably responding to the children in the way that professional recommended. Will hasn't been speaking/understanding English long; plus, he suffered a hearing deficit. He'll likely catch up.

Will's definitely (been) working with a Speech Therapist. They showed Bill & Jen taking him to 1 of his sessions (with a Therapist they called "Miss Anna", whom Will seems to like), in an episode that just repeated during the daytime in the last few days/the last week, while they took Zoey to get some blood drawn; after which they showed Will showing them what he learned & (I think) Jen helping him with some stuff he was given to practice after that lesson for his next lesson.

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