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S02.E14: 6 Months Later

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The ABCs of Season 2 (IMO)

Arranged was better




Editing Monkeys strike again

Failure to launch

Genuine Jessica?? Really??

How far do you live from...whoa!!!

I should stop watching this crap

Jaclyn = the only one that came with batteries (i.e., personality)

Keepsakes - toys, mattress, photos, and a fish

Laughed a lot, so thanks

Married at first fight

Never marry a stranger to avoid spending Christmas alone.

One Hundred Dollars

Puzzle therapy

Qualified these 6 out of 7,000...huh

Recapped to death


Talk is cheap




X wives unite

Yes, I will watch next season.


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When the "clown experts" were justifying the vetting decision and said they did background checks, I laughed so hard that my cats that I feed regularly, almost fell off my lap. 

Edited by rulesoftravel
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Oh, boy, so many great posts, and by the time I get to write this, there are probably a lot more. :D


I was pretty shocked how Levkoff couldn't keep her mouth shut while Davina was talking about Sean, and went on the attack about Davina not taking any responsibility. I agree with a lot of posters that said that most of the experts (except for Dr. Pepper) just seemed pissed and hurt about the participants not being wonderfully happy with the matches they'd made for them. There were also a lot of shared glances between Cr. C and Levkoff.


I think the experts were already pissed with Davina even before she came into the room because of all the posts she and her friend had been making on SM. So, besides Sean doing everything he could to seem like the victim and they eating it up, this was one reason why they had no sympathy at all for Davina. I don't like Davina that much, and I do think that a lot of negativity might have started with her SM activity, but I did like how she stood up for herself. She does have a lot of self confidence, I think.


Somebody mentioned that Ryan D looked much more flustered than in the previous shows. I noticed that, too. His face seemed flushed when he was talking to Kevin. I think he knew that he was going to be called out on his behavior and it made him nervous.

Him telling Jess that he'd put up with her for 6 weeks and now wanted some time to himself made it clear how much BS all his words about wanting to make it work had been. I think he said yes at decision time because he didn't want to look bad on camera.


I didn't like at all Jess's stunt with the $100 bill. She absolutely planned it in advance. I don't understand why she has to keep bringing it up. I think the verbal abuse was much more serious and more telling about Ryan D's personality than him taking that money. I don't think that Ryan is innocent and Jess asked for it by egging him on, but if she thought he was dangerous, why would she provoke him like this, knowing full well how angry he would get about it? I was glad that Dr. Pepper called her out on this.


I don't know whether Ryan did threaten Jess, but if he did, the first time might have been after this show. Which is not excusable in any way; he's a nutcase for sure. But I hope that all those words were just that: words in anger, and I hope that there's no real danger of him actually doing some physical harm to her.


My favorite, as usual, was Jaclyn. I'm so sorry that they'd matched her with Selfish Immature Momma's Boy Basement Ryan. After everything that has come out about him, I think he's a pig and Jaclyn should run far, far away from him.



Even when it was happening, I was so sure that Ryan R. was only caving into pressure by the experts to give it another chance with Jaclyn.  I doubt he has any intentions of doing that.  That poor girl is handling it very well.  I don't think I would have handled it as well as she did.  I think Jac is a class act and Ryan R. is a real jerk.  It was pearls before swine.  Jaclyn isn't too much for him, he's not enough for a real woman, IMHO.


Yes! I never once heard him say that he wanted another chance with Jaclyn until the experts began to pressure Jaclyn, not him (!!) to give it another shot. And I think that they just wanted at least one couple to stay together to salvage their show.


What a mess. I thought Logan's lips were going to disappear entirely there for a while.

I also love that Logan loves a strong woman who stands up for herself. Except Davina, that is.

The "experts" talk about accountability. But they took none themselves. They made good matches. The couples failed.


LOL, yes, Logan looked like she'd bitten into a lemon.


I loved the body language on that couch. He kept scooting closer to her and she was backed into the corner. I thought maybe she was going to sit on the armrest! :D

I think RyanR is invested in being the nice guy. Jaclyn tried to tell them that he says the right words, but he doesn't follow through, and they did not hear her at all. It was like she just said, "OK'" but she knows it's not going to happen because he won't do what he needs to do. It was kind of sad to see them push like that just because they needed some feel good for the show.


Yes, I noticed that, too. She tried to be as far away from him as she could, while Ryan took up most of the space on the loveseat. And I agree that it was all for show; he just wanted to demonstrate what a good guy he is.





So Jessica & Ryan stay married at the end of 6 weeks, but she goes to "his" apartment.  (Wonder if he and JoJo have a secret place).  Does anyone feel bad that Ryan D's behavior created a social media situation that made his mother cry?


The way I understood it from what Ryan D said about his mother crying, it was because of the things people had been saying about her son on SM - not about the way he was behaving and the way he treated Jessica.




Jaclyn sat there and told the experts many times that Ryan would not follow through.  She'd been down the road with him many times.  They kept saying bs like marriage is hard.  Sometime you don't like your spouse, etc. etc.   But none of them addressed the FOUR months that Ryan did not talk to her because as he put it, he was concentrating on himself.   Four months without any contact means he's not feeling it.  


Also I was disgusted with his "I always want Jacs in my life:   What nonsense! 


Exactly! They just kept pressuring Jaclyn, as if it was all because she wasn't willing to give wonderful Ryan a second chance, but I don't remember them calling him out on his behavior!


And yes, if he did want Jac in his life, then he wouldn't have ignored her for four months. Ignorant, nasally, bad-grammar asshole.



Edited by BunnySlippers
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Sean says that he was geeky and awkward as a child---and you can see it in just about everything he does as an adult. Not that I'm insulting, I sympathize with half of it and find the other half of it adorable.

  • He's very sensitive
  • easily brought to tears
  • seems very anxious in high emotion/pressure situations (speaks very fast and on the verge of tears),
  • he even walks and dresses like an awkward little kid. (a dress shirt, slacks and tie with tennis shoes)

He's basically still a geek in a really hot man's body who doesn't quite know how to move in it.

Edited by ralph
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That's not really fact though. That's from a no-name person who made statements on a message board.

I think after what we saw last night, that no-name person is Jessica.  And I also think Jessica is the one who made the fake iG post about Ryan.  She has the maturity of a Jr High girl.

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This is all consistent with the production insider.

Do you happen to have a link to this? The person I spoke to is a really close friend and he recently told me all this stuff. Im curious about the insider now. Also it's truly scary about how they are producing this show, you can tell a real difference from 1st and 2nd season in almost ever aspect. Thank you!

I think after what we saw last night, that no-name person is Jessica.  And I also think Jessica is the one who made the fake iG post about Ryan.  She has the maturity of a Jr High girl.

She just wants to be famous http://witsmag.com/2014/10/a-star-is-born-jessica-castro/)

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Ask for more details on Jessica's restraining order.  

Did they talk her out of a restraining order the first time she either asked of informed them?  And then did they provide her with security.  

Did the couples spend any time together at their apts outside of filming?  

Did Ryan storm out of reunion show at the mention of drugs.

 Did he yell that he was going to kill her and her family as he walked off stage? 

I know a few of these, ill get the rest when I talk to him.


On the last day of shooting, Ryan R didn't spend another night together as far I have heard. Ryan D that was his apartment and I know they spent a few scattered nights, but it was Jessica who went back to wherever she lived after another blow up they have over him being disrespectful. Then they hung out after V-day and she found the supposed other women's card.


I dont think it was the mention of drugs, it was reopening the argument of him taking the $100 bill and her plan to pull it out. Supposedly he was mic'd up and said some really bad things, but my friend is still waiting to see if he can hear the actual recording. Supposedly it was mention that when he got back to Brooklyn he was going to f------ kill her. This took place in the HUSBANDS green room and he said it to whoever was in there (I think maybe a few friends, but definitely the other husbands where there)

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  And as soon as the coast is clear and his relationship with Jac is damaged beyond all hope Lady Love will dump and move on.



It your scenario were the truth, I hope it would end like this, because he deserves it.

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Embarrassed for Jac that the "experts" kept begging for a second chance for Ryan, but Ryan didn't. They seem better off as just friends. I think she'll come out of this fine as she was classy till the end. Lots of people will want to set her up with their brothers and guy friends.

First time I've seen Kevin and thought he was a very good host, waaaaaay better than Andy Cohen.


Yes, Jaclyn took the high road and came off classy. I don't think very many guys are going to want to date Jessica for her low blow with the $100 bill.

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I have several:


What about the drug allegations?  did jess ever accuse Ryan of being a drug addict/dealer?


what about the Order of Protection?  Is there legit reason to fear Ryan or is Jessica being overly dramatic for attention/symathy?


what about Sean?  is he really as a smarmy liar as he comes off on tv and as some people who claim to know him have said?

The allegations were supposedly made after the show wrapped up, so I cant give you an answer. There is a quote from her that drugs were never mentioned or crossed her lips. From what I heard of him at promo events, he never did drugs, but my opinion is that he might of smoke pot (he looks stoned and acts stoned sometimes on the show). He isnt a drug dealer and really does have his own business. Its sort an online payment processor lie e-pay or paypal called Paychex under the name Ryan Oehl.


About Sean - He went on this show because his friend Doug from season 1 was successful, but he lied when he was interviewed about a variety of things. The biggest one is moving away to be with his new wife. Besides that he didn't lie, but Im sure he made excused of why he couldnt spend more time with her and only stayed for 10 nights. How can you even keep a marriage alive with that effort. 


Im not sure if Ryan really has a temper, but there were times when she was okay with what he did and then when he did it she blew up. I think they are both to blame, but as far as this whole thing I think she wants more air-time. See my above posts regarding her acting career. Links at the end of the article has her "tv time".

Edited by inonomus
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This would explain Ryan's abrupt withdrawing from Jaclyn shortly after they consummated their relationship.  He was into her in the beginning and was eager for sex.  

This is a pretty good theory, and Ill ask my friend because he was taking weird calls sometimes. His last "girlfriend" does actually live in Canada though, but so what? Long distance relationships and MAFS arent as far-fetched as we think now.


Also with these reports of cheating might be true but the real kicker is that he was apologizing and being super nice, but had a look of worry that this "issue" would be brought up by either the Host or Jaclyn

Edited by inonomus
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What ATM spits out $100 bills? Did anyone else catch that? Ryan D is so full of it.



I was just going to post that! I don't give a flying fig whether he took some of the wedding money or not, but the story he told was complete horseshit. The five $20 bills I got from the ATM earlier today agree ;)

Go to a casino.

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This is a pretty good theory, and Ill ask my friend because he was taking weird calls sometimes. His last "girlfriend" does actually live in Canada though, but so what? Long distance relationships and MAFS arent as far-fetched as we think now.


Also with these reports of cheating might be true but the real kicker is that he was apologizing and being super nice, but had a look of worry that this "issue" would be brought up by either the Host or Jaclyn


Thank you for all the info!


I wish they had brought it up - I would have loved to hear his response.


Can you ask your friend if the allegations about Ryan R's mother actually wanting him to move out of her house because he just ate their food and didn't contribute any money to their expenses are true? Thanks! :)

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Thank you for all the info!


I wish they had brought it up - I would have loved to hear his response.


Can you ask your friend if the allegations about Ryan R's mother actually wanting him to move out of her house because he just ate their food and didn't contribute any money to their expenses are true? Thanks! :)


I answered that somewhere already. Regarding Ryan, they only shot at his mothers house for his introduction and Christmas. The cast and crew have never heard his mother ever say that and we have no way of knowing if he contributed to his household and the food thing. I find it hard to believe and someone just wanted to start drama that he was a Momma's boy whose momma didn't even want him. Would your mom push you out when you helped her around the house and spent time helping your orphaned niece? He really does love his family and his mom was initially concerned about the whole situation.

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I answered that somewhere already. Regarding Ryan, they only shot at his mothers house for his introduction and Christmas. The cast and crew have never heard his mother ever say that and we have no way of knowing if he contributed to his household and the food thing. I find it hard to believe and someone just wanted to start drama that he was a Momma's boy whose momma didn't even want him. Would your mom push you out when you helped her around the house and spent time helping your orphaned niece? He really does love his family and his mom was initially concerned about the whole situation.


Sorry, I didn't see your post where you'd explained this already.


I'm glad to hear this. This was one thing that really bothered me and I didn't want to believe it. I said it  before in one of the threads that if his mother had wanted him to leave, then she wouldn't have been sad to see him go and she wouldn't have told him that Jac could come and live with them, too. And this was one of those things in the supposed insider post on the other forum that made me question the rest of those allegations, too. But when some of those allegations turned out to be true, I wondered about this one.


Anyway, thanks for the reply.

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Paychex is a company and Ryan doesn't down it. It's a huge organization that does payroll for small businesses

You're right he doesn't own it, but I think he is like a partner/franchisee. Basically he owns a location in Staten Island.

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I didn't get a chance to watch this trainwreck until lunchtime today, but I've enjoyed reading everyone's comments (and nodding my head in agreement).

I could not believe how aggressive Logan was. You'd think Davina had stolen all of her toys and kicked her puppy with the level of vitriol she directed at her, from the get-go. Totally unprofessional. When you only spend 11 nights together in all that time (and figure most of that was on the honeymoon!) there is plenty of blame to go around. Most of it lies at Sean's feet. The only thing that was frustrating to watch was Davina calling Sean a liar, but never getting specifics. Perhaps its on the editing room floor.

RyanDouche and Jess are both ragingly immature. Ryan is worse by far and he did nothing that surprised me. He's a petulant child when he doesn't get his way, as evidenced by their fights during the season and his stomping off tonight. Jess isn't exactly a beacon of maturity either - smashing watches, the $100 bill stunt. I've never bought the fact that he was interested in being (or staying) married and not living together and immediately cheating (if he hadn't been already) after the experiment just shows that even more.

JacRy was disappointing though not surprising. She is too much for him and he has a lot of growing up to do. They had potential and its sad that it didn't work out, but the experts need to shut their mouthes trying to push them back together. He's not ready and he may never be. He's going to run back to Mommy's basement, maybe meet a nice girl from his own area and buy a house next to Mommy, or if he really spreads his wings, maybe a house down the block.

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I can't quote for some reason.

Ryan R's ex does live in Canada. While he didn't cheat on Jaclyn during the six weeks of filming, he did admit to having sex with two other women when the filming was over. Why he told Jaclyn this information is unclear - maybe to make her jealous. It was brought up at the reunion and Ryan denied ever saying it. Was not aired probably because it would look really bad that 2 of the men were possible cheaters.

As far as Ryan's mother, she said on camera she wished Ryan would move out so she could get a renter in the basement to supplement income. Ryan's older brother also lives at home.

Edit above - Ryan's mother said this on camera, however, it was never aired of course.

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As much as I hated this season, there will be a void of me getting angry every Tuesday night to these five pinheads.  Why five?  Cause....


Jacklyn - Clearly the only class act of the bunch of arrested development head cases.  Notice how she was the only one to come in and great all of the experts one by one and even Kevin.  Yes, she judged Ryan by his appearance and mannerisms 'at first sight' but she always gave him a chance and the second she gave in to him, he pushed her away.


Basement Ryan - What a man-child....I don't know what's worse, complaining that she is too aggressive, too buddy buddy (she just MET you for chissakes!!!  I sincerely doubt that he has had experience of other women he has dated falling all over him madly in love the minute she met him) etc, or then trying to blame the distance, his 'responsibilities' to his mother and Kayla, and not knowing he hurt her because she didn't vocalize it (yet we SAW her vocalize it to him in the last few episodes).  I'm sure the producers thought they were getting another Doug and Jamie and while Jacklyn was up to the task of even bettering Jamie, Ryan is no Doug...and never will be. 


Davina - I know I am in the minority here but I dislike her even more than Sean (and I do dislike Sean).  And she NEVER did answer the question if she was to blame for anything.  Clearly she thought she wasn't, but then at least say that rather than to attack Sean even further


Sean - One thing I agree with Davina is that she, I, nor anyone else knows who this guy really is.  What a creepy enigma


Jessica - Also somewhat unlikeable and the $100 stunt was a little too planned and calculated, but she did not deserve the crap that Ryan spouted out during the course of the show.  But I also do love her impersonation of Ryan...although mine is better :)


King of all Douches...the Duke of Douche...Ryan - So he tries to rehabilitate his image where it CLEARLY took a beating where even mother douche is crying to him about it, and only manages to make himself out to be a bigger douche than we already thought.   Kevin had the best line...'are you truly sorry about how you acted or sorry how you came off'....clearly it was the latter.  Also, he prides himself on 'telling it like it is' and yet, EVERYTIME he is confronted, he runs away.  He not only did that last night but in the 'trashy' argument at the restaurant and the $100 argument at the apartment.  And ENOUGH about your friggin grandparents.  Hey guess what Ryan, a LOT of us ALSO loved our grandparents but didn't use them as an excuse or as a lifestyle template.  That said, I want a ringtone of Ryan saying 'grandparents'

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Ryan is being charged in family court with stalking, harassment, and menacing. They will have a hearing on July 13.

Court calendars are often accessible by the public, and the 7/13 date has been reported quite bit, but where does this other info come from? 


As a paralegal, I find it immensely disturbing that any information about a family court matter would be made public.  From the mentioned charges to specific quotes of threats Ryan is accused of making... nobody should have this information except the parties themselves.  We know what Ryan posted (the style of the case & Jess's signature on the Verification) - which party is leaking the other stuff?


Per New York code, "Family Court is governed by Section 166 of the Family Court Act, which provides that the records of any proceeding in Family Court are not open to indiscriminate public inspection."

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I totally agree with this post. I'll sit at the minority table with you too. I didn't sense that Ryan D. is an abuser, but I did get an abuser vibe from Sean, but that's jut me. I said before that the experts realized Davina had very strange ideals about what a man is supposed to do. Davina reminds me of someone who's read too many romance novels.

To me Jessica came off as someone who was pissed off that Ryan might have cheated on her. She would have stayed with him, anger issues and all, but when she saw that Valentine's Day card, she got pissed. Ryan though had no clue as to how to be a husband, as Kevin pointed out.

I really don't know what's true and what's untrue about the rumors, but one thing I do sense, most of them had no business on the show because they're not grown up enough to get married.

Edited by shopper73
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maybe in the minority but kind of get why the experts got really annoyed at davina ~ the woman acted like she made zero mistakes and everyone else is at fault. when she was talking about her expectations, you can almost see kevin rolling his eyes internally like she needs a reality check. as someone earlier said in the thread, she comes across as super judgmental that she would be hard to interact even as a colleague because you can feel her evaluating you and tagging you as "fail". while sean is a faker, she was even more unlikeable than him and she does come across as a bully who has to have things her way -- she is always right and the whole world has wronged her seems to be attitude...


but if you want to watch a version that worked and has genuinely nicer people with a sense of humour, watch the australian version. next week is the finale and we should know how it turned out... there is already baby rumours with two of the couples though one has denied it while the other refused to comment... )


The problem with Sean and Davina was this; Sean had checked out and Davina had unrealistic expectations.  It was doomed from the start.

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Ryan D is a drug user? Did any of the couples live together during filming? All truth to the rumors about Sean being gay?

I never saw him use drugs with my own eyes, but i wouldn't be surprised. Supposedly he not only uses coke but also sells it and someone has concrete proof. I can say he definitely has anger issues. 


The couples technically lived together, however, filming didn't stick around all night to witness it. The apartments were temporary anyway for just the 6 weeks of filming which is why it seemed like none of the couples were officially moved in. Had they decided to stay together once it was over, they would have needed to find a new place to live. Sean and Ryan R both went home almost every night. All three women stayed in their apartments.


As far as Sean being gay - I can't confirm, but my gaydar definitely went off. 

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I don't get the argument that Davina had expectation which were too high.  What about Jacquelin's? Are hers somehow forgiven because she "got over" not being instantly physically attracted to the guy? And Jessica? Her's were also OK and she's off the hook because the guy blew up at her?


Let's say that after the wedding night, Davina and Sean were just not clicking. Let's say that she was trying her best to connect with him, etc, and to her, it just felt like he wasn't receptive, wasn't really attracted to her, etc... and let's say that just got worse as time goes on.... what exactly does Davina have to apologize for?


When the experts and "Kev" were giving their advice about ups and downs in marriage..... I was thinking.. yeah, in a long-term relationship, those things are true. But in the beginning of dating? I don't think so. I don't think people should have to work all that hard in the beginning, and I think a sign of a good relationship is that neither person has to work all that hard. This shows that there is some basic compatibility.


So this idea that these couples who have never seen each other before should have to work so hard just to get along.... doesn't really fly for me.


I guess though for the "experts" they have to put the focus back on the participants and tell them they just didn't work hard enough, because of course no one can question that these were "great" matches... and if the people would just work hard enough they would figure out how great the match is.



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I never saw him use drugs with my own eyes, but i wouldn't be surprised. Supposedly he not only uses coke but also sells it and someone has concrete proof. I can say he definitely has anger issues.

The couples technically lived together, however, filming didn't stick around all night to witness it. The apartments were temporary anyway for just the 6 weeks of filming which is why it seemed like none of the couples were officially moved in. Had they decided to stay together once it was over, they would have needed to find a new place to live. Sean and Ryan R both went home almost every night. All three women stayed in their apartments.

As far as Sean being gay - I can't confirm, but my gaydar definitely went off.

Interesting. Did Ryan d really take the $100 from the wedding money? I'm compelled to believe he did. If Ryan R never stayed over night, why was this never discussed on the show? I'm at a loss why production would allow them to return home. A true reality show typically has them live away from home. Is Davina really an ice princess or is that editing? And why the heck are the experts so salty at Davina but not the men for not sleeping in their apartments?

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Something smells like fish and chips all of a sudden.... Mushy peas anyone?


Oh and LK615 thanks for the info. My comment is definately not about you. YOU sound legit. 

Edited by moonxyz
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not only that... but think it is a matter of pot calling the kettle black. see, am indian and when she said she sees herself as white and she doesn't see herself as indian -- had to roll my eyes because what she is then doing on a show which is essentially an arranged marriage? no wonder her family didn't support her nonsense. she wanted fame just like him. the folks who don't want to be part of the indian culture etc stay far away from arranged marriages and all that entails... so yea, two fake people who want to analyze everything to death....

I do not recall Davina ever saying that she sees herself as white.  I recall her saying that she only dated caucasian men, and that because of her parents' divorce she was not embraced by the Indian culture and therefore lived in a white area (where the kids made fun of her)  I may be wrong in my recollection of that,   but I believe those issues only came up in the first 3 episodes....talking to the experts and then telling Sean at the reception and again on the honeymoon, that she only dates white men. 

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I'm compelled to believe he did. If Ryan R never stayed over night, why was this never discussed on the show? I'm at a loss why production would allow them to return home. A true reality show typically has them live away from home. Is Davina really an ice princess or is that editing? And why the heck are the experts so salty at Davina but not the men for not sleeping in their apartments?


I'm curious as well, particularly because in Season 1, it was made very clear just how much time Monet and Vaughn were not spending together. It was discussed and a point of contention.

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I am having trouble with quoting, but I agree with Christmas-Jones, above. The experts kept talking about "the work" but being together as a couple should definitely not feel like work! I just got married a year and a half ago, and agreeing, being together, etc. does not feel at all like work. I think down the road it is important to make your spouse number one in your life, but there is no work involved in being together. These couples were strangers, and without a mutual attraction and interest in being together and getting to know each other, no amount of work will make them stay married. That is why being matched because of love of family, or similar back stories, was so ridiculous to me. Also, the men can't feel pressured, and do need time and patience. I think this delivers a bride to them they didn't have to work for, and that is why the women become unattractive to them.

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Exactly! They just kept pressuring Jaclyn, as if it was all because she wasn't willing to give wonderful Ryan a second chance, but I don't remember them calling him out on his behavior!


And yes, if he did want Jac in his life, then he wouldn't have ignored her for four months. Ignorant, nasally, bad-grammar asshole.


Jaclyn was quite willing to do anything to make that relationship work including giving Ryan a 2nd, 3rd and 4th chance, and all the "experts" could do was address HER like SHE was the one not putting enough effort into it.  I think they totally know they messed up with the men this time but keep trying to make the women responsible.  Except for Jessica, that is.  They seem to sweep her faults under the rug.

Edited by Snarklepuss
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Does anyone know if its a song or what is being sung, when "Married at First Sight" with the little bride and groom characters appears on the screen?


It is played when the show comes back from a commercial.


I've been trying to figure this out all season!

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The problem with Sean and Davina was this; Sean had checked out and Davina had unrealistic expectations.  It was doomed from the start.


I've never seen Davina as having unrealistic expectations.  I think she has a right to want to live where she wants to live (which she was up front about) and to have a man that enters into the process and pays a certain kind of attention to her.  Sean was just not the right guy for her.  Now, I never saw Season 1 but I'd be willing to bet she'd have been more happy with one of those guys.  If she were happier with the guy no one would have called her expectations unrealistic.  But when you're seeing her reactions to putz Sean of course she's going to look like her expectations are high - Because his ability to satisfy a woman in a real relationship is very low.  I couldn't see myself with a guy like that and I'm pretty low maintenance.

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Interesting. Did Ryan d really take the $100 from the wedding money? I'm compelled to believe he did. If Ryan R never stayed over night, why was this never discussed on the show? I'm at a loss why production would allow them to return home. A true reality show typically has them live away from home. Is Davina really an ice princess or is that editing? And why the heck are the experts so salty at Davina but not the men for not sleeping in their apartments?

The $100 is a he sad/she said thing since it was not actually filmed. My guess is going to be yes since I've never seen a $100 bill come from a NY ATM. He's sheisty. 


Production couldn't lock them in their apartments. Once filming was done for the day, it was up to the participants what they wanted to do. They were technically moved in to their new apartments, but the agreement was for the 6 weeks only. 


Davina is unfairly portrayed. Each couple's producer has most of the control over the editing since they are there day in and day out. Sean and Davina's producer was drinking the Kool-Aid Sean was selling as were the experts. Apparently, Jamie and Doug from Season 1 did not want any affiliation with Sean because they think he's off and he just name dropped to get on the show. Sean said (or thought he said) the right things on camera, but did not follow up with any action. It comes across as Davina making it all about herself, but I believe she is justified in her response. She picked up immediately she wasn't matched up with someone all there and the experts knew it. 

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Yes, I noticed that, too. She (Jac) tried to be as far away from him as she could, while Ryan took up most of the space on the loveseat. And I agree that it was all for show; he just wanted to demonstrate what a good guy he is.


I noticed all the way through the season that Ryan R. has a wicked case of manspreading whenever he sits.  He takes up at least 4 feet spreading his legs out.  He can't blame needing to air his balls out -- in my opinion he has none.

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Court calendars are often accessible by the public, and the 7/13 date has been reported quite bit, but where does this other info come from?

It's been all over main stream media.  People, etc.    It's coming possibly from Jessica's attorney.

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I think that most people watch this show because most people are smart enough to know that, unless the couple has a marriage arranged through family for traditional reasons, blind-matching couples pulled out of lineup of applicants just doesn't work. Married at First Sight isn't even as 'workable' as arranged marriages. They are in a situation where it is a forced marriage. But for all intents and purposes, these couples did freely and anxiously give their consent. Even though the couples they are not 'forced' per se, the couples are under intense pressure by mitigating factors such as money, exposure, notoriety and career aspirations.


I didn't like any of the matches, they were doomed from the altar. But as far as Jessica goes yes, she's a bit immature. But I had some fears for her safety. It's obvious that Ryan De Nino has some serious issues and it's not only with drugs or other women, it goes deeper and darker. It's a place that I'd never want to have to be close to. I hope the producers take all precautions when coupling two strangers. There have been many good looking, well spoken men that have psychological issues and flip out then kill people. I know that they are supposed to undergo psychological screening but I doubt very much that it's to any great extent. When the producers and clown-psychologists see someone they think is attractive and well-spoken, I'm sure they'll do whatever they can to make sure that person is one of the selected few.

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The $100 is a he sad/she said thing since it was not actually filmed. My guess is going to be yes since I've never seen a $100 bill come from a NY ATM. He's sheisty.

Production couldn't lock them in their apartments. Once filming was done for the day, it was up to the participants what they wanted to do. They were technically moved in to their new apartments, but the agreement was for the 6 weeks only.

Davina is unfairly portrayed. Each couple's producer has most of the control over the editing since they are there day in and day out. Sean and Davina's producer was drinking the Kool-Aid Sean was selling as were the experts. Apparently, Jamie and Doug from Season 1 did not want any affiliation with Sean because they think he's off and he just name dropped to get on the show. Sean said (or thought he said) the right things on camera, but did not follow up with any action. It comes across as Davina making it all about herself, but I believe she is justified in her response. She picked up immediately she wasn't matched up with someone all there and the experts knew it.

Even when Jamie was interviewed she said they didn't think he was a good fit for the show. She said he'd never had a serious relationship. I'm compelled to believe Davina was made the villain. I don't know why the experts were so angry with her. Why be angry with her but not the guys? Makes zero sense
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I've never seen Davina as having unrealistic expectations.  I think she has a right to want to live where she wants to live (which she was up front about) and to have a man that enters into the process and pays a certain kind of attention to her.  Sean was just not the right guy for her.  Now, I never saw Season 1 but I'd be willing to bet she'd have been more happy with one of those guys.  If she were happier with the guy no one would have called her expectations unrealistic.  But when you're seeing her reactions to putz Sean of course she's going to look like her expectations are high - Because his ability to satisfy a woman in a real relationship is very low.  I couldn't see myself with a guy like that and I'm pretty low maintenance.

I think Davina would be more suited to a man with a strong personality, one that is smart and knows that he's getting a very high-maintenance woman. He needs to control that in order not to be controlled by her. She needs someone of her career caliber, someone professional that lives or works in the city. Any man that's soft, or wishy-washy like Sean was will never satisfy her.

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Now before you say anything,  I agree it does not line up with him saying he wanted to stay married.  But then again.. why did he??  He never saw her again or contacted her again after that.  There is nothing preventing him from staying closer as friends if he is still free and single.    But he wants no part of it, despite the fact that he does like Jac.  It's too strange and suspicious for it to be just him not really wanting to be married.  


  And as soon as the coast is clear and his relationship with Jac is damaged beyond all hope Lady Love will dump and move on.


This is not something Ryan could ever talk about openly.  I think he's a pretty okay guy overall but this situation is too embarrassing to admit to.   


Seasick, this gets my vote for all time best post on this show!  You think like I do, LOL.  I believed the rumor that he still had an ex lurking around in the wings because it would explain his strange behavior.  But you went a step further and actually figured out the exact scenario that would explain it from start to finish..  I wish I had put all of this together myself, it's genius!  And I am sold on it now as the most plausible explanation for Ryan's strange behavior.  If you leave anything out his behavior doesn't make as much sense.  I also think Jac knows enough about this situation that she realizes why he's been acting this way.  If she didn't know, she might have acted more exasperated and confused.  His guilt is obvious, it's on his face.  He looks tortured at times like he's got a person in the wings that's interfering with him giving Jac a fair chance.  And I thought all along that he was using the niece and his mom as a cover for that guilt, like he was feeling guilty about leaving THEM when it's really this woman he's being tortured by. 


I actually had a relationship with a guy like Ryan once a long time ago - He eventually dumped me for the other woman, who lured him back into her snare.  She had moved away but all the while he was seeing me she was jealous and threatening to come back.  Well, she eventually did and he managed to convince her to get back with him.

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Does anyone know if its a song or what is being sung, when "Married at First Sight" with the little bride and groom characters appears on the screen?


It is played when the show comes back from a commercial.


I've been trying to figure this out all season!

I think it's 'You're a sucker for watching this...' :)  I too have been trying to figure it out (and I HATE it....how can they make this a 'signature' when its unintelligible)

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