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S05.E10: Mother's Mercy

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I still don't get how Cersei was powerless and imprisoned by a bunch of religious nutjobs.


Where were her soldiers and that boy King? Couldn't they have killed all those religious fanatics?,...for her being a ruthless and powerful Queen, it makes no sense!!!


I really didn't expect seeing Jon Snow getting killed!,..kinda sad.


One thing we've learned from Mereen is that an army and a police force are two completely different concepts.  The tactics, the training, the skills needed.  A soldier may be far better trained and even a far better fighter.  But what use what say being an expert at using a lance be in an urban environment?


Cersei has put the religious fanatics in charge of the religious body that controls the faith believed by most Westerosi.  It is safe to assume they are very well funded as religion is a very profitable business.  They are no doubt being trained in urban warfare and getting better and better at it.  At this point they are probably a better fighting and perhaps even more skilled fighting force than the City Watch.  They certainly outnumber them.  Now soldiers can be used for strategic assaults.  Taking the building the High Sparrow is holed up in.  If you can capture him perhaps there is no one with the same charisma and organizational ability to replace him.  Or he escapes and you've just wasted your resources taking a building that you'll just lose again once you move on.


That all said we know in modern times there is one fighting force that can't be beaten.  Rambo.  And Cersei now has her own version of him.  Frankenmountain.  


Right now her more immediate challenge is toppling Kevan Lannister and Pycelle.  And I don't trust Qyburn either.  When he looked at Kevan and Pycelle it seemed more a wry smile than a look of disapproval. Rather than being her "friend" he may just be the one put in charge of "managing" her.


And what evidence do we have Mel can bring people back?  The powers of Thoros and those of Melisandre as far as we know don't interlap.  And given the horrible costs her blood magic seems to enact even if she could it may not necessarily be a good thing.  Melisandre is the guy in the van promising you candy.  Stepping inside for a treat is never a good idea.

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I figured she dropped the ring as a sign that was the way she'd gone, in case someone comes looking for her. Tiny chance of anyone seeing that ring in the grass, though.


Loved this episode. So much stuff happened! It'll be a long 9 months until the next season.

I just watched the GOT Behind-the-Scenes video that shows up on my FB feed, and the producers said that was exactly why Dany dropped the ring: it was a breadcrumb.  And the riders were definitely Dothraki, and she didn't know if they knew her but that she definitely knew what they could do to her. Wake up already, Drogon!

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That aerial shot of Ramsay's army marching on Stannis' group reminded me of the Total War games I've played.  You could tell not only from Ramsay's massive numbers advantage but also the precise formations  of his troops compared to Stannis' disorganized clump of men that it was going to be a slaughter.


So let's see where we're at with Jon Snow's murder and Stannis' epic fail.  The Boltons will remain unchallenged at Winterfell until the White Walkers decide to invade the south.  Arya's blind now, but even with good eyes her whole agenda is to just run around assassinating people for revenge, not reclaim Winterfell or anything.  Assuming Sansa survived her jump (and that jump clearly was not survivable unless there was a huge snowbank at the bottom of the wall, and the snow didn't look especially heavy that day...so pretty bad and implausibly written scene), she's just on the run again which is what she does best.  I thought she was going to man-up and poison Ramsay or kill him in his sleep, but no, she's still the helpless damsel.  Only this time she doesn't have Stannis' army coming to rescue her anymore and Jon is dead, and a couple of other Stark boys are off playing with the wood faeries because the writers forgot (or neglected) to write about them.


So as far as I can tell, the Starks are just done.  They're peripheral characters now and their remaining story lines will be about personal survival, but they won't impact the big picture much at all.  The writers decided a long time ago which characters they love and who are essentially untouchable, and it's the Lannister siblings, the blond with the dragons, and Littlefinger.  They're the ones who will drive the big events of the series through the end.  It's obvious that the writers are in love with the romantic notion of the blond with the dragons flying into King's Landing and sitting on the Iron Throne.  Whatever, it's just becoming a bit too obvious that the perception of bad things happening to characters in a random way without regard to their good or evil alignment - which has been a major theme of this series from the start - is really just an illusion perpetrated by the manipulations of writers who are assassinating characters with their own pens so that their personal favorites garner the screen time and come out on top.

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Something that Game of Thrones did fairly well in its earlier seasons was to balance great defeats and great victories. The show was exhilarating to watch because for every hearbreaking tragedy (like a Stark's execution) there was a joyful "holy shit!" moment somewhere else (like the birth of the dragons) that left you with a feeling that anything was possible. This season has been all tragedy and no victory. Even the things that should seem like victories are not, or have not been treated that way. Theon and Sansa's escape from Ramsay, for example, should have felt like a "hell, yeah! Run for it, kids!" moment, but the way it was done to feel like a "did they survive the fall?" cliffhanger took that away. (And of course they did. They both grew up in that place and knew it intimately. The look they gave each other before jumping, they knew exactly what they were doing.) Brienne's fulfilment of her oath to kill Stannis should have felt triumphant and like a (even a small!) victory for her, but we don't even get the satisfaction of knowing whether or not she even did it! Arya doesn't get to revel in the triumph of having finally found the power to start crossing names off her list before she is punished (and blinded?) for it. Dany dramatically escapes assassination on Drogon's back, only to end up in more trouble somewhere else (taking her away from Mereen and further delaying/limiting the payoff to Tyrion joining up with her). I guess we were supposed to enjoy Cersei's comeuppance, but that's not a victory, that's celebrating someone else's misfortune, and honestly I was thinking about Margaery the whole time, wondering if she's going to have to endure the same thing (or already has) and dreading her suffering. Every storyline that could (should?) have ended on an "up" note leaving us breathless for next season, was resolved into a "down" before the end, and nothing made up for the potential loss of Jon Snow. If this show has lost the ability to delight me, then it's going to be hard to find a reason to keep watching. I'm going to need to see some real payoff from at least SOME storylines in order to keep going, but I am rapidly losing hope.


ITA with those who say this season has felt like mostly filler. It astonishes me that a show that has cut down so long and complex a story so drastically is STILL left with so much padding. The show needs to forget about GRRM if necessary, pick a direction and move the story toward it with confidence, rather than going in circles to buy time.

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I would love to know what was on the scrolls Jon was reading. News of Stannis's defeat? Wedding invite from Sam? Facebook friend request from the head White Walker?

Edited by mojoween
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The boy king was pouting in his room, there was no one to give orders to the soldiers. And even Cersei seems reluctant to order the mass slaughter of followers of the religion of the land.


WAS reluctant because she wasn't their target - they were ridding her of Tyrells.  Now, though?  I think all bets are off and Cersei will lose her mind plotting revenge.  I expect she'll want to lay waste to all the Sparrows.

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Also, how the hell did Jaime never learn of Cersei's arrest and Jon never learn of Sansa's marriage?


Jaime wouldn't know unless Doran told Jaime (similar to how Catelyn didn't know Robb was marching south until after Lysa told Catelyn).  So the question is "What did the Prince of Dorne know, and when did he know it?"  It seems odd that Doran doesn't know.  Even if a raven hadn't been sent because the Lannisters don't want to show weakness, ships from KL to Dorne back and forth all of the time.  If Doran does know, it might be even odder.  It's bad enough to send his heir to the clusterfuck that is KL, but it's worse when KL is more clustier than ever.


As for Jon, I'm not sure.  I'd think that Roose would send a raven to every ravenable lord in the North, including the Night's Watch.  Even if Jon hasn't had a chance to catch-up on his mail, I'd think that Sam would have given him a quick update (just as Davos starting reading Stannis's raven mail once Davos knew how to read).

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I would love to know what was on the scrolls Jon was reading. News of Stannis's defeat? Wedding invite from Sam? Facebook friend request from the head White Walker?

Wedding invite / announcement from Ramsey ? He had to catch up on his crow-mail after expedition to Hardhome

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Ok.  I'm having a hard time with this, but not because of who died.  For the past few seasons it's been harder and harder to watch this show and truthfully I became emotionally divested after last season, when the Mountain killed that dude from Dorne.  I was irate that they introduced a new character (taking time from the others that they've left hanging), gave him a personality, a backstory, an agenda, only to have him die at the hands of a bit player whose mother didn't even bother to give a real name. I even decided to stop watching it, but my cousin, who has read the books, told me to hang in because there was more coming from Dorne.  So I did.  And here we are...


I simply don't care what happens anymore.  I wasn't a huge Jon fan, so it isn't that.  I just feel like the showrunners don't have a story to tell although they clearly enjoy world building.  Nothing goes anywhere, they drag out the same crap for years until I forget who everybody is.  For instance, Jorah finds out in Season 5 that his father died in Season 1.  The White Walkers were introduced in Season 1, Episode 1 and we still don't know anything about them - what they are and why they want to take over things.  It took 5 seasons for Cersei to get some comeuppance but you could see in her eyes that we'll get a return to form starting next season.  For 5 years they have moved Sansa from frying pan to fire to bubbling oil to acid vat filled with man eating sharks.  Why?  So that she could jump off the roof with Theon.  I am SOOOOOOO tired of ubervillain Ramsay Bolton - so now he is some amazing soldier and tactician?  Where exactly did he learn those skills?  Hunting humans with his psychotic concubine, of course.  For 3 years we've seen Brienne blustering about avenging Renly only to find Stannis bleeding out next to a tree and "heroically" dispatching an already dying, suicidal man - anybody could have done that.  Also it didn't occur to her to sneak into the Castle while the all the males were distracted doing the war thing out back to save Sansa as she was SWORN (watch as my eyes roll out of my head and onto the floor) to do?  She's an idiot.  Speaking of Stannis, as I was, all of that bullcrap with war strategies, sex with witches, burning people alive, smoke babies, burning his own child, just to have him have his ass handed to him in five minutes flat?  And Dany doing the Westeros version of Groundhog's Day, living the same thing over and over and over.  And Jon, who bored me to tears for four straight seasons, teasing me with the fact that he might grow and evolve into a less boring, watchable (dare I say?) rootable man, who has learned from the mistakes of his father and brother and will be one of the last ones standing.  Nope, nevermind - he dies too.


I concluded last episode that there was no real point to the Game of Thrones, now I've concluded that there is no real point in watching Game of Thrones.  Nothing is ever resolved and there is never a satisfying payoff.  You can't root for any character because they are all expendable.  The show doesn't value it's players and most of all it doesn't value my time.  I, however, do.  I haven't decided definitively if I will be back for next season, but I have decided definitively that I am not looking forward to anymore seasons. If I watch, it will be out of curiosity about the welfare of the dragons and the direwolves, but I don't actually care what happens anymore, and I might not watch it real time and just catch up in spare moments.


My apologies if I have offended those who are in love with this show.

Edited by Timetoread
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Exactly. Kit is just doing good publicity for the show. Notice he says that as far as he knows that Jon is dead and it is up to D&D where the story goes next. He puts it on them. He can say later on that they changed their minds and that he was not lying when he is back next season. Unless I read that Kit has booked new projects for during the filming of Game of Thrones, I will remain confident that Jon will be brought back to life by Mellisandre next season. Why else is she back at the Wall?

Also, there was something about him keeping his hair long for other parts he "might get."  Riiiiiight.  He's gonna be back.

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I do agree with the many posters who said that this was a stone-cold bummer of a season. Having said that, I'm cool with it. For the entire series we've heard dire warnings of "Winter is coming!" Well, guess what? It's here, melon farmers! Winter ain't pretty, Winter doesn't show up on your terms, and this is only the beginning. Expect things to get much, much worse.

I, for one, am looking forward to seeing how "worse" plays out.

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If I watch, it will be out of curiosity about the welfare of the dragons and the direwolves, but I don't actually care what happens anymore


Timetoread, you said it perfectly. This show is going nowhere very, very slowly. You know you're in trouble when your viewers care more about what happens to the pets than any of the human characters! I'm right there with you.

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Ok.  I'm having a hard time with this, but not because of who died.  For the past few seasons it's been harder and harder to watch this show and truthfully I became emotionally divested after last season, when the Mountain killed that dude from Dorne.  I was irate that they introduced a new character (taking time from the others that they've left hanging), gave him a personality, a backstory, an agenda, only to have him die at the hands of a bit player whose mother didn't even bother to give a real name. I even decided to stop watching it, but my cousin, who has read the books, told me to hang in because there was more coming from Dorne.  So I did.  And here we are...


I simply don't care what happens anymore.  I wasn't a huge Jon fan, so it isn't that.  I just feel like the showrunners don't have a story to tell although they clearly enjoy world building.  Nothing goes anywhere, they drag out the same crap for years until I forget who everybody is.  For instance, Jorah finds out in Season 5 that his father died in Season 1.  The White Walkers were introduced in Season 1, Episode 1 and we still don't know anything about them - what they are and why they want to take over things.  It took 5 seasons for Cersei to get some comeuppance but you could see in her eyes that we'll get a return to form starting next season.  For 5 years they have moved Sansa from frying pan to fire to bubbling oil to acid vat filled with man eating sharks.  Why?  So that she could jump off the roof with Theon.  I am SOOOOOOO tired of ubervillain Ramsay Bolton - so now he is some amazing soldier and tactician?  Where exactly did he learn those skills?  Hunting humans with his psychotic concubine, of course.  For 3 years we've seen Brienne blustering about avenging Renly only to find Stannis bleeding out next to a tree and "heroically" dispatching an already dying, suicidal man - anybody could have done that.  Also it didn't occur to her to sneak into the Castle while the all the males were distracted doing the war thing out back?  She's an idiot.  Speaking of Stannis, as I was, all of that bullcrap with war strategies, sex with witches, burning people alive, smoke babies, burning your own child, to have him have his ass handed to him in five minutes flat?  And Dany doing the Westeros version of Groundhog's Day, living the same thing over and over and over.  And Jon, who bored me to tears for four straight seasons, teasing me with the fact that he might grow and evolve into a less boring, watchable (dare I say?) rootable man - to learn from the mistakes of his father and brother and be one of the last ones standing.  Nope, nevermind - he dies too.


I concluded last episode that there was no real point to the Game of Thrones, now I've concluded that there is no real point in watching Game of Thrones.  Nothing is ever resolved and there is never a satisfying payoff.  You can't root for any character because they are all expendable.  The show doesn't value it's players and most of all it doesn't value my time.  I, however, do.  I haven't decided definitively if I will be back for next season, but I have decided definitively that I am not looking forward to anymore seasons. If I watch, it will be out of curiosity about the welfare of the dragons and the direwolves, but I don't actually care what happens anymore, and I might not watch it real time and just catch up in spare moments.


My apologies if I have offended those who are in love with this show.

I understand all your reactions because I get them, too.  You have to keep in mind that the showrunners don't make up any of the significant story arcs, that's all laid down for them from GRRM.  I still think Jon and Dany ARE the major arc, and it will all come together starting next season.  Why have Dany in the story in the first place if she's not going to get there in time to fight the White Walkers?  And as someone else said, how do you advance the story at the Wall without Jon?  Their stories are going to meet in the next season, I feel fairly confident.  Yes, the story departs from usual tropes and tries to upend the fairy-tale style of other fantasies, but it is a story, and the baddies have been set up to get a fearsome comeuppance.  Even though it is possible there is no meaning to any of it, I just don't think that's where the story will go.  But we shall see!  I look forward to where things will go in Season 6.

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I'm pissed off/frustrated at George Martin and HBO. HBO knew that there were 16 years between book 1 and book 5. Why did they think he would start writing any faster? Martin must have some kind of contractual control over what they showrun vs the books because this entire season felt like filler while waiting for Martin to get book 6 done. When I saw the Dothraki come around for the second time, it enforced that nothing new had happened on this show for two seasons. They either need to get it in gear or I'm done. It's time to move this story along, with or without Martin. And to Martin, I would say this: you sold the rights to your story knowing that this might happen. If you want to be in charge of the characters, plot, and speed, then get your ass busy writing. If not, you signed it away just like an author to a movie script.

Martin and the showrunners all know what the overall arc is, where everyone will end up, who dies, etc.  It's not all published yet, but it's written down. 

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I can't imaging where Davos got the strength to restrain himself from outhright killing Melisandre.  What is he going to do know?



Realize he has no allegiance anymore and cut that bitch down with a quickness 5 seconds after she resurrects Dead Jon Snow. 


I think Kit Harrington is free to say that "Jon Snow" is dead because we've been told that those who return from death are never the same. Pay raises and contract stuff = whatever.

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an agenda, only to have him die at the hands of a bit player whose mother didn't even bother to give a real name.


The Mountain = Gregor Clegane, elder brother to The Hound, Sandor Clegane. This was all info given in the show.




 am SOOOOOOO tired of ubervillain Ramsay Bolton - so now he is some amazing soldier and tactician?  Where exactly did he learn those skills?  


What amazing soldiering and tactics did Ramsey show? He and some men snuck into Stannis's camp and burned his supplies, that's not exactly an out of the box maneuver. An army marches on it's stomach is an old adage. And then at the battle of Winterfell he (or more likely Roose) made the amazing tactical decision to attack Stannis' weakened army with an overwhelming force, that's the kind of move a 12 year old could figure out. People complaining of Ramsey's super warfare skills seem to be inventing them, cause the show surely isn't displaying any.

Edited by MrWhyt
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Ok.  I'm having a hard time with this, but not because of who died.  For the past few seasons it's been harder and harder to watch this show and truthfully I became emotionally divested after last season, when the Mountain killed that dude from Dorne.


I simply don't care what happens anymore. I just feel like the showrunners don't have a story to tell although they clearly enjoy world building.  Nothing goes anywhere, they drag out the same crap for years until I forget who everybody is. 


I concluded last episode that there was no real point to the Game of Thrones, now I've concluded that there is no real point in watching Game of Thrones.  Nothing is ever resolved and there is never a satisfying payoff.  You can't root for any character because they are all expendable.


Those are pretty much my feelings.  I thought that season five was shaping up to be the best season of the series.  It finally looked like they were tying all the threads together.  Stannis was going to march on Winterfell with Jon Snow by his side, Sansa was going to slit Ramsay's throat in his sleep, Dany was going to get her dragons prepped for the flight across the Narrow Sea, and a major triumph awaited us in the season finale.  But all is in disarray once more, as the people we rooted for either fall, make terrible mistakes, or go on the run.  Season six will begin with everyone in scramble mode.  Next year we can look forward to Dany retaking Mereen from the Harpies with the Dothraki, so you can put her return to Westeros on the shelf until at least season seven.  Sansa will be on the run with Theon all season.  Arya will spend the season learning how to fight like a blind monk.  Jamie will return to King's Landing and spend most of the season taking out the Sparrows with Cersei while plotting revenge on the Martels.  The White Walkers like Dany's dragons are still out there and still coming, but you might as well hold an office pool to guess which year they'll finally arrive.  And basically no one will make any attempt on the Iron Throne because they will be too distracted by their own subplots to move forward on the main plot...if there is one anymore.  GoT is the General Hospital of medieval fantasy.

Edited by Dobian
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Stannis forgot one very important thing...when you pay in blood, the gods take more than they give. He needed the ice and snow to melt for his troops survival, and it did. The price for that was his daughter, mutiny and his wife.

And his life, presumably. 

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As for Jon, I'm not sure.  I'd think that Roose would send a raven to every ravenable lord in the North, including the Night's Watch.  Even if Jon hasn't had a chance to catch-up on his mail, I'd think that Sam would have given him a quick update (just as Davos starting reading Stannis's raven mail once Davos knew how to read).

There was a scene earlier where Sam made send a message to the Boltons asking for help, and I just don't get what the point of that was if Ramsay wasn't going to send a taunting reply saying "hahaha guess who just deflowered your sister? Also I'm not a Snow now but you always will be, loser." I also feel like his knowing of the marriage and wavering in his commitment to duty over family would have better set up his Caesaring, since he told Olly to forget about his family grudges and would look like a hypocrite as well as a traitor if he couldn't do the same.


If Jon really is dead, who gets Longclaw?

I hope it's Tormund the bear fooker and his glorious ginger beard! (I recently noticed that the actor's sigil in the opening is a bear paw print, so I just wanted an excuse to share that.)


Also, there was something about him keeping his hair long for other parts he "might get."  Riiiiiight.  He's gonna be back.

Lol, Kit loves bitching about new being able to have short hair. I imagine that's the first thing he'd do if he really was done with the show.


Here's the scene where Mel meets Thoros and Beric, which gives me chills now. I feel like it had to have been shown for a reason, since the actual selling of Gendry was kept offscreen.


It sounds like Thoros had no idea this power existed either, he was just trying to give Beric some LOL-style last rites and ended up resurrecting him instead.


Timetoread, don't worry, I don't think any of us are really that in love with the show anymore. I'm obviously way too invested in this stupid series, but that's mainly residual affection for a few characters. 

Edited by Lady S.
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Timetoread, don't worry, I don't think any of us are really that in love with the show anymore.


I continue to love Games of Thrones. If anything, I like it a whole lot more now. I recognize the shows' flaws, but simply do not share the outrage over every single thing that occurs here and elsewhere on Internet every week. I am thoroughly entertained which all I expect from a tv show. Then again, I am huge a Walking Dead fan, relentless misery and brutal deaths are my thing.

Edited by SimoneS
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I was never invested in this season, even though I enjoyed seasons 1-4. Now, I watch only to see what happens to Tyrion. Some of the plots have gotten a little too weird for my taste. The bit last episode with Dany and the dragon rescue was too obvious and predictable.
Watching all the season finale deaths, I just thought ‘so, these are the people who wanted pay increases.’

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The Mountain = Gregor Clegane, elder brother to The Hound, Sandor Clegane. This was all info given in the show.


Oh I must have forgotten when they said it five years ago.  What does it matter, he's had what, like 5 lines right?  Something along the lines of "Hulk smash, hulk bash."


People complaining of Ramsey's super warfare skills seem to be inventing them, cause the show surely isn't displaying any.


I don't care enough about the character to invent anything.  If I were to invent something, it would be an actual conclusion of one of the 5,000 storylines left dangling for half a decade.

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I continue to love Games of Thrones. If anything, I like a whole lot more now. I recognize the shows' flaws, but simply do not share the outrage over every single thing that occurs here and elsewhere on Internet every week. I am thoroughly entertained which all I expect from a tv show. Then again, I am huge Walking Dead fan, relentless misery and brutal deaths are my thing.


Hi SimoneS!!  Fellow WD lover.  The problem for me is that I am NOT outraged about what occurs - I am indifferent.  I should probably tune out - but I do love those wacky dragons and wolves.  I would even tune in to root for the White Walkers if we saw them more than once a year. 

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I continue to love Games of Thrones. If anything, I like a whole lot more now. I recognize the shows' flaws, but simply do not share the outrage over every single thing that occurs here and elsewhere on Internet every week. I am thoroughly entertained which all I expect from a tv show. Then again, I am huge Walking Dead fan, relentless misery and brutal deaths are my thing.


I'm a big Walking Dead fan too, but the thing that Walking Dead does a lot better than GoT is that Walking Dead gives some really satisfying payoffs and actually closes out story arcs.  Maybe not the main story arc, but the seasonal arcs.  GoT just rambles on like a long soap opera.

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I fanwank Ghost is making sure Sam and Gilly can safely travel pass the northern badlands (or whatever you call the area between the Wall and Hightower)

Please let them solve mysteries. "Ruh roh, Ram! Rice rombies!"

Aren't the soldiers who left Stannis' army deserters and not mutineers?  Trivial point, but it bugged me nonetheless.

Wow. When Stannis gets sloppy with his grammar, you know it's over.

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I continue to love Games of Thrones. If anything, I like a whole lot more now. I recognize the shows' flaws, but simply do not share the outrage over every single thing that occurs here and elsewhere on Internet every week. I am thoroughly entertained which all I expect from a tv show. Then again, I am huge Walking Dead fan, relentless misery and brutal deaths are my thing.


I've loved  this season too.  The only thing I wasn't wild about was Dorne but otherwise I think it's been awesome.  I'm more curious about the fate of characters and who will sit on the Iron Throne, then ever before.   And I just yawn at the supposed outrage.  Tiresome and unimpressive.


Highlights for me this season were, Cersei, Sansa, Ramsay, Roose, Theon and Jon Snow.

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Someone helps me reconcile this whole Myrcella poisoned by the Sand Snake thing.  Is it just me or it is very dumb for Ellaria to use a poison that takes mere 1/2 to 1 hour to activate ?  Wouldn't the prince of Dorne aboard the ship immediately figure out that aunty dearest had poisoned his lover ?  Who else touched Myrcella and could benefit from her dying ? Neither Jaime or the young prince benefited from Myrcella's death.  The ship was so close to the port, they should turn around and arrest the Sand Snakes immediately.  I am going to be so disappointed if next year they do not do this.


Seriously, being poison expert, at least she should have used some super slow poison that could kill AFTER they had reached King's Landing.

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Wouldn't the prince of Dorne aboard the ship immediately figure out that aunty dearest had poisoned his lover ?


Since Myrcella died while with Jamie, Trystane could just as easily assume Jamie killed her.  No, of course there's no reason for him to do so, and it would be supremely stupid of him to do so, but people don't ask a lot of questions on this show.  In his grief, I can see him blaming Jamie for it.  And since he's on a Dorne ship, Jamie could end up a prisoner back in Dorne, or dead.

Edited by izabella
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Dorne is the biggest s/l fail of the series.

Bronn might have some antidote left, did he keep the vial?

If so, Mycella can be saved.

I am fairly certain he drank the whole bottle. Mycella is going to die and it is going to really start the war. No way Mycella's fiance is going to live to tell the tale...

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I am fairly certain he drank the whole bottle. Mycella is going to die and it is going to really start the war. No way Mycella's fiance is going to live to tell the tale...


Who would fight in this war?  The Lannisters have zero money now, and there is no leadership there.  I guess there's still a Lannister army, but no one else is going to go to war over the death of a girl bastard of twincest.

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Since Myrcella died while with Jamie, Trystane could just as easily assume Jamie killed her.  No, of course there's no reason for him to do so, and it would be supremely stupid of him to do so, but people don't ask a lot of questions on this show.  In his grief, I can see him blaming Jamie for it.  And since he's on a Dorne ship, Jamie could end up a prisoner back in Dorne, or dead.

Even if that is the case, how would that exactly start a war ? Nobody knew Jaime was there except for Cersei. Plus, who would seriously believe that a father/uncle who risked his life to save his daughter/niece did all of that just so he could kill her ?

Edited by DarkRaichu
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Even if that is the case, how would that exactly start a war ? Nobody knew Jaime was there except for Cersei. Plus, who would seriously believe that a father/uncle who risked his life to save his daughter/niece did all of that to just kill her ?


I'm not the one saying Myrcella's death will start a war.  I don't think there will be a war over Myrcella at all.  I think it's just another rock dropped into an ocean.


Why do people think this will start a war?  By whom against whom?

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I'm still struggling with how the Dornish Secret Service knows so little about poison. Oberyn's nickname was the fucking Viper, for seven's sake! If in doubt, smash any suspicious vials that you see the Pussysnakes carrying around. It's not even like they're particularly sneaky. I guess it could just be that if your entire royal security force is just one guy with an axe,he gets a little tired after a while. Or maybe there's something in the Dornish constitution about the right to bear toxins.

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         Where the hell was he, when they started stabbing Jon?


         That really bugged me.


Agreed!  What's the point of having a direwolf if he's never around ?

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I'm not the one saying Myrcella's death will start a war.  I don't think there will be a war over Myrcella at all.  I think it's just another rock dropped into an ocean.


Why do people think this will start a war?  By whom against whom?

Ellaria's original plan was to kill Myrcella while she was under protection of Doran, thus creating a war between Lannisters and Dorne.  


I will admit the whole Sand Snake plot was handled badly :D

I'm still struggling with how the Dornish Secret Service knows so little about poison. Oberyn's nickname was the fucking Viper, for seven's sake! If in doubt, smash any suspicious vials that you see the Pussysnakes carrying around. It's not even like they're particularly sneaky. I guess it could just be that if your entire royal security force is just one guy with an axe,he gets a little tired after a while. Or maybe there's something in the Dornish constitution about the right to bear toxins.

Lol and as soon as Doran heard that Myrcella died of poison, shouldn't he immediately suspect Ellaria ? Isn't the whole thing too obvious ?

Edited by DarkRaichu
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Ellaria's original plan was to kill Myrcella while she was under protection of Doran, thus creating a war between Lannisters and Dorne.  


Thing is, a lot of things have changed for the Lannisters since then.  Dead Tywin changed the game.  Imprisoning the Kings' wife and brother-in-law and Cersei's downfall changed the game.  At this point, the remaining Lannisters are barely hanging on to the Throne, and we're likely to see Tommen's downfall and death as soon as Cersei's trial happens unless they rid the world of Sparrows before then.  Even then, all those folks in KL calling Cersei a brother-fucker aren't going to forget that Tommen is a bastard.  


The Lannisters have bigger fish to fry in the form of staying alive.  I don't think they are capable of launching any kind of war, even against tiny Dorne. 

Edited by izabella
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If Jon really is dead, who gets Longclaw?

Realistically, you'd expect Thorne to claim it, but they'll probably give the damned thing to fucking Olly, because everybody on the show seems to want to treat the kid like he's Wesley Crusher or something. Except Wesley was the son of an important officer, so at least it was understandable why they pretended to like him. Olly, by contrast, is just an orphan with a sad violent backstory.

" Wahhh.... My parents got killed by cannibals!"

"Well, at least they died easy. My family got killed by Gregor Clegane's men!"

"Oh, listen to you crybabies! My family was killed by Ramsay Bolton!"

There's just nothing about Olly that explains why they think he's so special. Unless they just like having him around to bugger.

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Ellaria got on my damn nerves this season.



Oberyn volunteered to rep Tyrion in Trial by Combat and died in battle.


I could see if he won, killed Mountain and was slaughtered by the King's Guard afterwards. 


So much for what he told Cersei last season.


"We don't hurt little girls in Dorne."



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Nothing against the kid who plays Olly as I am sure he is a lovely fellow but Olly is such a fucking cypher he makes me want to slug him. He sucks the energy out of everyone and everything around him. I mean, even the "TRAITOR" sign was leaning in despair.

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Thing is, a lot of things have changed for the Lannisters since then.  Dead Tywin changed the game.  Imprisoning the Kings' wife and brother-in-law and Cersei's downfall changed the game.  At this point, the remaining Lannisters are barely hanging on to the Throne, and we're likely to see Tommen's downfall and death as soon as Cersei's trial happens unless they rid the world of Sparrows before then.  Even then, all those folks in KL calling Cersei a brother-fucker aren't going to forget that Tommen is a bastard.  


The Lannisters have bigger fish to fry in the form of staying alive.  I don't think they are capable of launching any kind of war, even against tiny Dorne. 

We knew that, even Doran might know that, but I doubt the desperate for revenge Ellaria knew or even cared about those political "stuffs" 

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Ellaria got on my damn nerves this season.


Oberyn volunteered to rep Tyrion in Trial by Combat and died in battle.


I could see if he won, killed Mountain and was slaughtered by the King's Guard afterwards. 


Yeah, died because of his own hubris, giving his long monologue that he must have practiced for several nights before the fight, instead of finishing the Mountain off first.

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