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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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I feel bad for the five evicted HGs. They all wanted to play the game and are home watching JMac cry because one of his puppetmasters is leaving. Honestly, WTF have Clelli ever done for him besides ask him to throw competitions and not use the veto on himself? Given how brainwashed he is I'm actually surprised he didn't.

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Ugh I wish people would stop walking in on Julia/Vanessa I feel like they don't get to talk game enough and yet they have the same instincts re: strategy for Sixth Sense and F&G's. Julia seemed genuinely annoyed they offered up Steve up as a renom, girl get in these conversations, you too good to let Liz drive this bus, I know she got you on the show but whatevs.

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I don't get this at all. Clelli has done nothing but play a self-serving game and used anyone they could find as stepping stones.


Why are all of these people feeling so indebted to these vapid narcissists? Because they have controlled the game and didn't send YOU home? Oh my god, what kind and reasonable people.


The list of people I like is so small at this point. Thanks Liz and Julia for being twinsies and awesome. Thanks James, Vanessa and even Steve and Jackie at times(throwing them a bone) for at least not making me hate you.


The other 6(Clelli, Jecky, Austin, Meg) are so dead to me they are basically irredeemable.

Edited by MKL122788
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Ugh! No, Clay needs to get to steppin' because I have seen this show before and it's called last season and the season before that. And I am really not here for women taking out other women because "nobody comes between me and my hapless crush." Hey, Becky! Meg! Jackie! Liz! When you win the money, you can buy 10 Clays of your own and make them dance shirtless and mumble sweet nonsensical nothings into your ear. But a Clay in the house is worth nothing to your pocketbook.


I will never understand the logic of "She's so annoying and you can't trust her -- she might win this whole game!" "Yeah! Totally!" In a room of like...four or five people. Hey, geniuses -- exactly who do you think is voting for the winner? Are you afraid this jury will be secretly switched with a jury full of annoying, untrustworthy women? (:cue Takeover song:)


At least when Survivor contestants recognize someone is annoying and untrustworthy, they start seeing dollar signs. These Mensa candidates see (to them) a transparent scheming harpy and a super chill comp threat who's everybody's bestie, and in a game where a jury gets to decide who they like better, decide "The transparent scheming harpy is obviously the bigger threat!"


The bro alliance beast is stirring...

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Honestly, if I were them I'd keep Shelli just because Meg and Jackie obviously want Clay to stay. There's a reason for that, and it's because Clay will flip on a dime and target Austin and the twins after this week. Shelli is more malleable because of Vanessa.


I don't get this at all. Clelli has done nothing but play a self-serving game and used anyone they could find as stepping stones.


Why are all of these people feeling so indebted to these vapid narcissists? Because they have controlled the game and didn't send YOU home? Oh my god, what kind and reasonable people.

They all think Clay and Shelli are America's Sweethearts, so I think that's why some people try to work with so closely. The same reason Frankie overstayed his welcome last season. Also, Clay is very, very good looking - that seems to be the biggest advantage for a man in Big Brother. But John? I just don't know. I didn't even know he was so close with Clay until I saw his tears.



Meanwhile Austin and the twins are talking about targeting Johnny Mac. They think it's weird he was crying over Clelli.


I could see Vanessa and the Austwins targeting Johnny Mac and Becky if they win HOH - and backdooring Jackie if they get the chance. Becky and John wouldn't offend too many HGs as nominees - and they are rats, giving Vanessa that Reason she's always looking for. 

Edited by mooses
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Ugh! No, Clay needs to get to steppin' because I have seen this show before and it's called last season and the season before that. And I am really not here for women taking out other women because "nobody comes between me and my hapless crush." Hey, Becky! Meg! Jackie! Liz! When you win the money, you can buy 10 Clays of your own and make them dance shirtless and mumble sweet nonsensical nothings into your ear. But a Clay in the house is worth nothing to your pocketbook.



I don't really see this here.  Does Meg like Clay?  Sure, I'm not convinced its anything more then a friendship but yea she likes him.  Becky is just an idiot and the others haven't shown much of an interest.  I think they all see Clay as someone that is much more malleable to their wishes then Shelli and thats why they want to keep him.

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Update: Shelli the Smug is full recovered from her death bed, she and Van have put their heads together and Vanessa will save her if she can, she believes she has the votes (I think she needs to shore up the twins), but they both agree Shelli should not campaign for herself so they don't signal James/ADC. If Vanessa doesn't have the votes she'll be "shocked". The funny thing is I don't think James actually really cares which one goes,and neither do Meg and Jackie, and if anything Jackie is more pissed at Clay. Vanessa can also reasonably count on Jecky though so Shelli should stay. Never count on anything until it happens in that house though.

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I want Shelli to stay. I would really love to see her and Vanessa work together post-Poopyhead (I will never forget she called Clay this). To me, she is a much more compelling player than he is. Yes, she's entitled and spoiled and smug and whiny and "wwwhhhy me" personified, but once Poopyhead exits, I hope she can regain some focus.


In addition, Poopyhead is the only houseguest I firmly dislike. I can't even listen to him. I have to mute him. And he slurps his coffee which ticks me off even more. Plus, if Shelli leaves, Meg, Jackie, John, Becky and gosh, everyone? will latch onto him to get him on their side. Poopyhead stays this week, Poopyhead gets to F3. I do not want Poopyhead in F3.

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Update: Shelli the Smug is full recovered from her death bed, she and Van have put their heads together and Vanessa will save her if she can, she believes she has the votes (I think she needs to shore up the twins), but they both agree Shelli should not campaign for herself so they don't signal James/ADC.


Shelli also said to Vanessa, "I won't campaign against Clay, but I am the better player..."

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I want Shelli to leave because that will cause more chaos.  If Shelli stays then I think her and Vanessa keep 6th sense alive and retain Becky/Jmac/Steve.  That means this is just a one week reprieve for ADC and I'd rather see the game turn on its head.  Maybe that doesn't happen either way but I think its much more likely with Clay around the Shelli.

Edited by MV007
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But John? I just don't know. I didn't even know he was so close with Clay until I saw his tears.

To be fair, I think JMac that evening was more likely crying over the demise of Cabernet Sauvignon than he was Clay Honeycutt.... ;)


Shelli also said to Vanessa, "I won't campaign against Clay, but I am the better player..."

Sure you're not setting that bar too high, Peachbuns...?

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Shelli deserves to stay, if for the simple fact Clay is an idiot who is willing to give up his game for a stranger. 


James/Jackie were always going to be in trouble after this week. They have no numbers. It was still the right play to split up Clelli. Even if he put Vanessa up it wouldn't have given them much breathing room. They're like Donnie, Nicole and Hayden last season. They're playing a zero sum game. Meg, OTOH, will likely skate deep into the game just because of her useless nature. 

Edited by Cutty
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I'm dying with the way the twins and Vanessa are defending their positions on the Clay versus Shelli eviction this afternoon. "I think Shelli has a heart, Clay is ruthless." "Clay is more cut-throat than her." 


Clay mumbles, doesn't do dishes, double dips his carrots into the jar of peanut butter, and is hilariously bad when it comes to talking game. But more cut-throat or ruthless? Suuuure.

Edited by Callaphera
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Clay mumbles, doesn't do dishes, double dips his carrots into the jar of peanut butter, and is hilariously bad when it comes to talking game. But more cut-throat or ruthless? Suuuure.

I do think that Clay is a lot less loyal. I know Shelli is the one who led the charge spilling the beans about Austin last night/this morning, but she did it out of desperation for her and her son. Clay, however, has no loyalty to anyone except Shelli.  Shelli keeps saying how they need Vanessa and they need the twins, but Clay doesn't care, and it's why most of us agree that if Shelli stays it would be good for the Sixth Sense, while if Clay stays, it'd be the end of it. 

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I have to thank you guys for making sure I get absolutely nothin else done the rest of the summer, lol. I check in here every day to keep up with my live feed spoilers and I saw someone mention that if you get the CBS All Access you can watch all the seasons. I'm now in the middle of the complete WTF that is Season 1. Not to mention jumping on the live feeds when I can too. Lol

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Clay mumbles, doesn't do dishes, double dips his carrots into the jar of peanut butter, and is hilariously bad when it comes to talking game. 


Hang on. Carrots and peanut butter? Is this a normal thing people eat?

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Hang on. Carrots and peanut butter? Is this a normal thing people eat?


I've never heard of it. Shelli loves it and she got Clay into it. ngl I kinda wanna try it. It actually does sound good to me. But then I like peanut butter on pickles so my tastes are weird!

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Hang on. Carrots and peanut butter? Is this a normal thing people eat?

Keep in mind you're talking about Southerners.

We've enshrined peanut butter and banana sandwiches as a hallmark of royalty.

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I think it's headed for Vanessa vs.Shelli finale but I think they have actually played the game and it's too soon for it. The rest of the floaters and summer campers have played zero game and only just realized this week they were in the minority in the house. I would much prefer the non-players get booted first.

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Keep in mind you're talking about Southerners.

We've enshrined peanut butter and banana sandwiches as a hallmark of royalty.


Ha! I have been exposed to the Elvis. I'm into it. 


Seems like Clay is gonna hole up with Shelli until death takes him. Claims people don't want to talk to him or Shelli - maybe because you guys have been cuddling and sobbing all week? Awkward. Shelli seems too smart to let him tank her game, though.


ETA: Vanessa, Steve and the Austwins are just as baffled as we are about John crying - apparently he did again after the Veto competition. They wonder if he's related to Clay. Ha!

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Vanessa: "Have you ever noticed, whenever James wins HoH, he goes on a power trip around here?"


Either she has no self-awareness or she's upped her bullshit ten fold.


I wish Steve was the type of player that would tell Vanessa he'll vote Clay out with her and then come eviction night not do it. That would be funny as hell. Can you imagine how Vanessa would react if a vote didn't go the way she wanted it to? Feeds gold!


I'm going to need Jackie to win HOH next week. Vanessa is so high on herself and her chances right now and I just need her taken down several pegs.


ETA: Austin thinks something is going on with John because he gets called to the DR too much.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I'm Team Feeds this year. Whatever makes it more entertaining to watch. I have no favorite. Last year I was Team Ants because even the feeds were frustrating and I was hoping the ants would just overthrow everyone in the house. When you're rooting for Victoria to win it all in the end, you know something's fucked up. 


ETA: I'm also confused by the peanut butter and carrots thing. That just seems wrong.

Edited by Callaphera
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I'm Team Feeds this year. Whatever makes it more entertaining to watch. I have no favorite. Last year I was Team Ants because even the feeds were frustrating and I was hoping the ants would just overthrow everyone in the house. When you're rooting for Victoria to win it all in the end, you know something's fucked up. 


This. So much this.


Steve being so shocked that people think he's a floater is driving me fucking nuts. I really can't stand him.


I'm thinking maybe I want Becky to win the next HOH actually. Vanessa would lose her damn mind!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Keep in mind you're talking about Southerners.

We've enshrined peanut butter and banana sandwiches as a hallmark of royalty.

Can we deep fry that bad boy?

Edited by Way Wes Jr
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Yeah, I'd had a lot of seasons where I would get so mad I'd say I was cancelling my feeds... and then didn't.  Last year was the first time I actually did.  I'd have stuck around to watch the Ants win though.  

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Getting Clay out over Shelli is a no brainer for Vanessa's side. He has better relations with the others, in particular Meg and JMac, and he doesn't trust Vanessa anymore. Vanessa tried to tell Shelli that Becky has a crush on Clay. Shelli agreed because of course she did. 


They're not gonna blindside James with the vote. Austin was trying to brainstorm reasons to tell James why he has to vote Clay out. Austin and twins are the new Clelli...they're gonna try to play both sides as long as they can. 

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If Vanessa had any sense she would throw the next HOH as long as it's not to Jackie. Next week's eviction is almost certainly going to be a double. Those will be the first two in jury. If James or Jackie go next, she's a sitting duck if she can't play in that first HOH. 

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 Sure you're not setting that bar too high, Peachbuns...?


Well, she isn't wrong. Shelli is 1000% better than Clay in terms of playing the game. He just plain sucks all around, both at the social game, at the competitive aspect and the more rational aspect. Shelli, at least, is aware why they're being targeted. Clay is consistently dumbfounded.


I do think that Clay is a lot less loyal. I know Shelli is the one who led the charge spilling the beans about Austin last night/this morning, but she did it out of desperation for her and her son. Clay, however, has no loyalty to anyone except Shelli.  Shelli keeps saying how they need Vanessa and they need the twins, but Clay doesn't care, and it's why most of us agree that if Shelli stays it would be good for the Sixth Sense, while if Clay stays, it'd be the end of it. 


I agree with this. Clay also plays a lot more emotionally which makes him a dangerous player to keep around. He's willing to do things at a drop of a hat, even without all the information. Shelli is able to listen and to absorb all the information coming at her and then judge it for herself. She just becomes less smart when she's around Clay. I know it's better for Shelli to go but she's the one I want to see play her own game without Clay. Clay's the one throwing his game for Shelli. Meanwhile, Shelli has not even expressed any thoughts about wanting Clay to stay over her. The most she's said is that she's tired and might want to go home. Which, ok, stress can make you say things that you don't mean. But Clay's trying to gun for Shelli to stay which....boy, if you don't wanna be here anymore, then buh-bye. Shelli deserves to stay way more than you if you're willing to throw your game away like that.


Hang on. Carrots and peanut butter? Is this a normal thing people eat?


I've heard of it, sadly. I have never tried it myself.


As for the DE, I've done the math and it has to be next week. And, if my math is correct, Clay/Shelli's eviction this week will be the final before jury. 

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As for the DE, I've done the math and it has to be next week. And, if my math is correct, Clay/Shelli's eviction this week will be the final before jury.

If that is right it's too bad they didn't get rid of Austin. I feel badly for liz.

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I've never heard of it. Shelli loves it and she got Clay into it. ngl I kinda wanna try it. It actually does sound good to me. But then I like peanut butter on pickles so my tastes are weird!


A friend had me try her peanut butter and pickle sandwich and I liked it! And cold noodle salads with sesame or peanut dressing often have shredded carrots in them, and that's good, so I'm going to try carrot sticks with peanut butter. I'm just going to pretend I didn't get the idea from Clay.

Seems like Clay is gonna hole up with Shelli until death takes him. Claims people don't want to talk to him or Shelli - maybe because you guys have been cuddling and sobbing all week? Awkward. Shelli seems too smart to let him tank her game, though.

They've spent 75% of their time holed up in the HoH room or some other bedroom, deigning to allow the peons in to share their company from time to time, and Clay wonders why no one wants to talk to them? I am reminded of last night's episode, when Becky (grrrr) went in to warn them that they need to smile and mingle and be carefree. So what did Clay do? He was upset that Shelli wanted to go out and mingle instead of remaining isolated in the bedroom. Doofus.

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Shelli deserves to stay, if for the simple fact Clay is an idiot who is willing to give up his game for a stranger.

James/Jackie were always going to be in trouble after this week. They have no numbers. It was still the right play to split up Clelli. Even if he put Vanessa up it wouldn't have given them much breathing room. They're like Donnie, Nicole and Hayden last season. They're playing a zero sum game. Meg, OTOH, will likely skate deep into the game just because of her useless nature.

I disagree, shelli shouldn't have been cast after what she said earlier. She said she didn't know what the point of the big brither house was and she said she didn't know why she is even trying to stay that she has no reason to be there. That imo is the attitude of someone who didn't want to be there to begin with

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If that is right it's too bad they didn't get rid of Austin. I feel badly for liz.

Once they're in the jury house together, Liz has no reason to fake it with Austin. She can tell him to lay off without any consequence to anyone's game.

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Well waking up and reading all about last night was fun. I've always said that I never trust a plan made after midnight (although you have to adjust that to around 4am with these people), so I was never really worried that James would use veto, but I very much enjoyed Jackie going hard for Vanessa. Good to confirm my suspicion that she wasn't snowed at all by Vanessa last week. Unfortunately, I enjoy both and I think one way or another one will be gone shortly. And I have a sinking feeling that if she doesn't win HOH, it will be Jackie. Vanessa has this annoying tendency to get what she wants.

I want Shelli to stay for my own personal enjoyment, plus I've disliked and rooted against Clay since before the season started, and nothing about him has changed that opinion since watching him on the feeds. Hopefully once he leaves, some of these people will wake up and get back to playing the game.

I wouldn't mind Austin/Liz/Julia getting broken up next week - hopefully by Austin leaving. I think if that happened, the rest of the season has all kinds of possibilities! I mean, I'm an eternal optimist but even I was thinking that when Jason left the sixth sense would dominate until the end, everyone would help Shelli and Clay get to the final two, and I would be bored out of my mind. But that's the beauty of a single HOH. It only takes one week for things to get interesting,

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Liz: "We're the last showmance standing." 

Austin: "Well, we'll have to... uh... honour that for the feedsters."


Please don't.

Yeah really honoring the showmance by Austin's hand between Liz's legs as they lay on the lounge by the pool.  I can't.

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Can we deep fry that bad boy?

Yep - and it's good.

Maybe not deep-fried Snickers good, but still pretty good.


Well, she isn't wrong. Shelli is 1000% better than Clay in terms of playing the game. He just plain sucks all around, both at the social game, at the competitive aspect and the more rational aspect. Shelli, at least, is aware why they're being targeted. Clay is consistently dumbfounded.

That was kinda my point. My coffee cup has more gaming acumen than Honeybuns.

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If that is right it's too bad they didn't get rid of Austin. I feel badly for liz.

There were two gifs floating around Twitter last night. One was of Austin rubbing Liz's legs with one arm, while the other was wrapping around her.

The other gif showed Liz stroking his hair at the same time.

Take that as you will.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
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I want Shelli to be sent packing this week. I don't think Clay will have a clue how to behave without his mommy telling him how to floss his teeth, comb his hair, snuggle with her, and calm down, and how/when to interact with other people so I think he would have a short life span left here anyway - he'll dig his own grave in a matter of minutes regardless of how hot he seems to think he is.


Shelli, on the other hand, I just can't stand even looking at. I can't stand her smug, orange face with the over whitened teeth that are several sizes too big for her head, especially as she has absolutely no upper lip. The baby talking thankfully will be gone (hopefully regardless of who leaves) but I really want whichever one of them is sent out to realize how stupid they looked on camera/feeds and how Clay was treated just as though he were Shelli's little child and completely incapable of making any decisions of his own. She more or less emasculated him, so without her there I think he's harmless to the game and a pretty easy boot - especially if people remember how entitled he thought he and Shelli were and how he would throw anyone under the bus.


I would also love for Shelli to see how much "Clelli" made America sick to their stomachs and how she should find someone her own age and how making a "showmance" on day one of the game is almost sure to get you booted early. She also needs to wake up realize that Clay isn't even going to remember her name a week or two after he or she is out of the house. She tanked her own game, especially when every time she made a case to stay it was for both she AND Clay. That is the ultimate kiss of death in this game - particularly when they were playing for HoH on the Wall and told James to keep her AND Clay safe. What does that say to the other HG's, especially all those she's supposed to be in alliance with? She's a dumb, superficial, hateful, judgmental, selfish, ugly orange bitch and needs to be sent packing.


Part of me would have loved for a face off between her and Van, but at this point Van bugs me nearly as much with her manic attitude and waffling.

Edited by Rapunzel
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Wait seriously people don't know about eating carrots with peanut butter? It's delicious, and you can have it in salad form too!


Earlier when Vanessa touched base with Steve about who to vote out, they had a fairly funny exchange about the game, and her plan to keep Shelli. 


Steve: Okay, but James can't find out

Vanessa: No shit Sherlock!


Hee, she was annoyed that Steve would think she hadn't consider ALL the angles. 

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Shelli, on the other hand, I just can't stand even looking at. I can't stand her smug, orange face with the over whitened teeth that are several sizes too big for her head, especially as she has absolutely no upper lip.




She's a dumb, superficial, hateful, judgmental, selfish, ugly orange bitch and needs to be sent packing.

Aw c'mon now.

Don't hold back.

Tell us how you really feel.

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