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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Oh Johnny Mac, I like you, but you are so, so stupid. You don't throw shit at final five when you are on the block. Where is the Johnny Mac that laughed incredulously when Shelli/Clay asked you not to use the veto you won on yourself? I want that guy back!


He is telling them he would. Doesn't mean he'd do it.


If he wasn't throwing POVs at week 4, there is no way he would at F5.

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I can't decide if I think John's actually throwing comps or if he's just bad at them and saving face tbh. But with how he's been acting the past couple weeks I think he's just throwing them as 'strategy.' Whoever said he's trying to be Dr. Will is right on, I believe. It's actually very embarrassing to watch. And helps me understand why I hate him so much. I hated Dr. Will, too.

I loved Dr. Will, but John's gameplay embarrasses me too. Will, at least, could read an audience. Vanessa, when relaying her conversation with John to Austin, was right when she said "What not to say to an HOH".  John literally told her, after a history of wanting to evict her, that his word means shit and she shouldn't trust him. Who does that? 

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Of all the former HG they bring back Frankie?!?!? I always liked John but after all this time I can't tell if he's a horrible player or a truly horrible horrible player?! He played the pawn to perfection and his DR's were hysterical but then he just went along with everyone else's game. He never played his own. The biggest question I have is he capable of winning an HOH or Veto or did he throw everything? Now, his "strategy" might cost him the game and a shot for the Final 2. Don't hate him but he really does perplex me to no end. LOL!!!

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I always liked John but after all this time I can't tell if he's a horrible player or a truly horrible horrible player?!




I just hope John doesn't win America's Fave now. But who am I kidding, he will.


I think the thing that really annoys me about John is actually his voting DRs. Why does he think acting like a dick to Julie is so cute? And, more importantly, why does Julie think it's so cute? I don't get it at all.

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I think the thing that really annoys me about John is actually his voting DRs. Why does he think acting like a dick to Julie is so cute? And, more importantly, why does Julie think it's so cute? I don't get it at all.

His goodbye message to Julia was a head-scratcher too. WTF is he doing?? I am as perplexed with his game as Vanessa and Austin are.

Edited by Ceeg
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Could Vanessa's real target here be Steve? The only two people voting are Austin and Liz, who want Steve out after last week. Maybe Vanessa is using them, in her patented convoluted way, to take him out.


Hear me out: So Vanessa tells everyone her target is JM; but then Steve doesn't win veto (this is the crux of the plan); Austin and Liz will come to realize - not on their own, of course - that they should vote Steve out; Vanessa gets minimum BOHH (sorry, can't say it).


It's the only way her keeping A&L makes any sense to me. Thank GOD this is a short HOH.

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That was definitely what I initially thought she would do. I don't even know anymore what she is trying to accomplish.


Me too. I think she might take the chance if he doesn't win Veto, but I guess she could keep him if she wants him to win HOH. But it's better for her if Austin or Liz win HOH so she doesn't end up with one of them on the block and the other making the decision on who to evict.


Austin and Liz wouldn't need much convincing - Liz was complaining about him yesterday: "Steve only cares about himself. It's literally been proven time and time again he'd say anything and do anything to save himself." I have a feeling Austin will try to sway Vanessa as soon as Veto is over.


Oh yes. I had forgotten about that. I literally said "What the fuck?" out loud to that. I'm thoroughly convinced he's trying to be Dr. Will.


He totally is - without the charisma or charm. I think it'd be smart to get rid of Steve, but I kind of hope John doesn't stay just to punish him for being so awful.


Of course they brought Frankie back. I can't stand him. Although I hope he gave them some tips on how to deal with backlash when they get out of the house - especially Liz. Vanessa's probably more used to public criticism.

Edited by mooses
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Could Vanessa's real target here be Steve? The only two people voting are Austin and Liz, who want Steve out after last week. Maybe Vanessa is using them, in her patented convoluted way, to take him out.


Hear me out: So Vanessa tells everyone her target is JM; but then Steve doesn't win veto (this is the crux of the plan); Austin and Liz will come to realize - not on their own, of course - that they should vote Steve out; Vanessa gets minimum BOHH (sorry, can't say it).


Wow, I think that is a serious miscalculation if that's the case. She'd essentially be keeping the goat in the house, and giving Austin or Liz a great excuse to vote her out at final 4 (if she doesn't win veto). Unless they legitimately don't want John at final 2, because of his friends in the jury? I suppose it could be said that John would save Vanessa over Austin/Liz if he has the sole vote, but...would he? He's unpredictable. I don't love Steve, but he's a numbers guy.


I think it was Yul on Survivor who said you want to keep predictable players in the game. At this point, John seems like...the epitome of unpredictability.


I mean, if this happens through no fault of her own, I get her trying to make the most of it. But if she actively causes this to happen...sorry, Vanessa, this seems less like game theory and more like "crapshoot."

Edited by Eolivet
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I'm sorry to whoever is a Jmac fan, but I hope if Jmac throws his millionth comp today send his ass to jury. F5 and throwing comps??

Tired of him. Send his wannabe Dr Will ass out the door.

Liztin told Vanessa early this morning what Jmac was intending on doing. Im sure she's delighted with that. Jmac told her 2 weeks ago when she last was HOH "There will be no more throwing". If Steve wins pov, just throw up Austin. Vanessa will be honest with Steve that Jmac wants to send him to jury by throwing a comp to Liztin. Steve will definitely feel betrayed by Jmac since thats his buddy. Plus it will give Vanessa a reason not to break a tie on Tuesday.

Edited by BlackMamba
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Could Vanessa's real target here be Steve? The only two people voting are Austin and Liz, who want Steve out after last week. Maybe Vanessa is using them, in her patented convoluted way, to take him out.


That was definitely what I initially thought she would do. I don't even know anymore what she is trying to accomplish.

I actually think her target is really John, which at first seemed like the absolute last thing she would or should do, but I kind of get it now. As others have mentioned, I think she's trying to get out the goat that everyone would keep over her next week when she can't win HOH. This means F4 veto is not AS crucial for her to win. If Austin or Liz is the sole voter at F4, they will probably boot Steve, and if Steve is, he'll break up the showmance. It's really not a bad play, especially since Vanessa has Deals with Liztin/Steve (remains to be seen if they will keep them, but she's been working with them all game so she does and should trust them at least slightly more than JMac) and JMac's "campaign speech" was basically "you can't trust me, put me up." Okay.... yeah if he is actually trying to be Dr Will it's rather pathetic. 


ETA Frankie and Ariana Grande was supposed to be a reward?? I can see Ariana being a draw if the house was full of tweens, but regardless of how immature some of these HGs are I don't think any of them give a flying fuck about her. Frankie is a straight up punishment. If it wasn't so obvious production was trying to make Frankie happen (much like Jessie, I think we'll be seeing him for many seasons to come, ugh) I'd think it was their way of fucking with the hamsters. But apparently they got drunk and Liz thought Frankie was "fun." So I guess they had a good time? Ew. 

Edited by yankee1151
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I have no idea what's going on in JMac's head, but it seems to be working for him.  Why not just wing it.  The mighty Veto rules now.


I absolutely hated Dr. Will until I grew to love him once Booger was gone.  Based strictly on the broadcast, I didn;t read up on the feeds at the time.


The way he totally messed with everybody's minds; especially Nicole; yet they were all too stupid to see through the mist and vote him out while bitching about him the whole time.  Hated the obnoxious player, but loved his game.

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I think the thing that really annoys me about John is actually his voting DRs. Why does he think acting like a dick to Julie is so cute? And, more importantly, why does Julie think it's so cute? I don't get it at all.

I like John's interactions with Julie - that's what gives me hope he's more 'in the know' than he seems to be when he's "strategizing" in the house.  

I like it because it's unexpected and different - he changes it up each time.  He puts some thought and creativity into it.  

The rest of them have the exact same mannerisms and inflection in their voice each and every time.  It drives me crazy when they say hi to Julie with a tone of hope and expectation that Julie might ask them something other than "Who do you vote to evict?".  

Because I appreciate his creative effort, I give Johnny Mac a pass on whether his comments succeed or fail - though I've been okay with them because I think he's just trying to be humorous.


Of course they brought Frankie back. I can't stand him. Although I hope he gave them some tips on how to deal with backlash when they get out of the house - especially Liz. Vanessa's probably more used to public criticism.

Speaking of backlash - did Frankie even notice, do you think, that there was backlash?  

Every year I want houseguests I'm frustrated with to get their comeuppance and I'm rarely satisfied.  

Even the worst of them have enough of a fan base that they can ignore the negative attention and believe they're as great as they've always thought they were.  

It's so frustrating to me 'cause I think everyone should not like the same people I don't like (HA! :) )  

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I like it because it's unexpected and different - he changes it up each time.  He puts some thought and creativity into it.


It feels like the exact same thing every time to me. He always just sounds like he's screaming but he like busted his vocal chords or something so it's all strained. I just truly don't understand why he would be acting like a dick there. Does he think it's funny or something? His DRs are all very dickish now actually. It's such a contrast to how he used to behave so I find it very weird.


Liz was saying she wanted a tattoo and Austin told her she couldn't get one. Run, Liz, run!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I actually think her target is really John, which at first seemed like the absolute last thing she would or should do, but I kind of get it now. As others have mentioned, I think she's trying to get out the goat that everyone would keep over her next week when she can't win HOH. This means F4 veto is not AS crucial for her to win. If Austin or Liz is the sole voter at F4, they will probably boot Steve, and if Steve is, he'll break up the showmance. It's really not a bad play, especially since Vanessa has Deals with Liztin/Steve (remains to be seen if they will keep them, but she's been working with them all game so she does and should trust them at least slightly more than JMac) and JMac's "campaign speech" was basically "you can't trust me, put me up." Okay.... yeah if he is actually trying to be Dr Will it's rather pathetic. 


Yeah, I can see that. John and Vanessa are the only two players left that I can tolerate/root for, and I think that was clouding my judgment and throwing me into a spiral of wishful thinking, lol. My only hope right now is that JM was BSing A&L about throwing veto, and he wins and Vanessa has to put up one of A&L, and he somehow convinces her to vote one of them out in the tiebreaker. 


Yeah. I know.

Edited by gina64
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I just read that Austin told Vanessa about John saying he'd throw veto to Liz/Austin and that he wants to work with them. STOP BEING VANESSA'S BITCH, EVERYONE! Geesh! Although, I guess it's actually probably a good idea really because it makes Vanessa feel like she can trust Austin, which is good for him until after veto. But if Liz/Austin don't take Steve out if noms stay the same then they're idiots.

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It feels like the exact same thing every time to me. He always just sounds like he's screaming but he like busted his vocal chords or something so it's all strained. I just truly don't understand why he would be acting like a dick there. Does he think it's funny or something? His DRs are all very dickish now actually. It's such a contrast to how he used to behave so I find it very weird.


Liz was saying she wanted a tattoo and Austin told her she couldn't get one. Run, Liz, run!

I don't think he's acting like a dick at all. I think his sense of humor is very random and weird, which I like probably because I'm also random and weird, but I can see why others don't or don't "get him" (which is a lot of the people in the house too). I'm with Vicky on this. I look forward to his eviction votes because he does say something different each time. I vastly prefer his "HEY GURL," "Whaddya want?" and "He votes to evict Day" to Steve's eager, high-pitched "Hi, Julie!" and Clay's mumbling shout-outs to his family. Julie is clearly amused by him and the studio audience regularly laughs at his votes, sometimes even before he sits down.

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Yea, I don't get it at all. But then I've never got why John was popular. He's a terrible player and he just doesn't fit the mold of the usual popular HGs. 


I feel like he's suddenly become Dr. Will lite though. Like I don't remember him acting this way before. The comp throwing was always there, but his dickish DRs are new and I feel like he went, 'Hey, let me do a second rate Dr. Will impression' with 2 weeks left. I don't get it. But honestly I don't think he has any strategy at all and he's just doing random shit.


I hate when people act cute and try hard in the voting DRs. John, Steve, and Austin all do it. Vanessa does her cutesy face, which is annoying. Just say who you're voting out and leave.

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I don't think he thinks he's like Dr Will. He doesn't even attempt to be charming or flirty or any of the things that made Will's shtick work.

I think he knows he's outmatched in almost every way and frankly just doesn't care. It's not like he could suddenly turn on super strategy talk with any of these people and have them take him seriously. There was a conversation awhile back (around the time of the slip and slide HoH) where he was telling someone he was trying to win comps, but he couldn't. Sure he has thrown some (obvious one to Steve), but I just don't think he's that good.

I like him because the only person in the house who doesn't whine and freak out at every turn. He will try to win veto today, and if he does, he will not give two shits who goes. If he doesn't win, I don't know if he'd campaign against Steve, but he knows what he says is irrelevant to these people, so why not have a nap.

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I like him because the only person in the house who doesn't whine and freak out at every turn.

This. As weird as he is, I like how even-keeled and low-key he is about everything. You can argue that's bad strategy, but I don't think he fancies himself a genius mastermind at the game, which he most definitely is not. He's thrown his share of comps, but I think he does want to stay/win; however, he's self-aware enough to know how he's perceived by everyone left and what's realistic and what's not. I think he's been burned for so long -- his closest allies are gone, he got evicted and everyone he's tried to work with has turned on him -- that he gives zero fucks now, so why not just put shit out there and see what might stick? It's better than hearing Austin grovel at Vanessa's feet for two hours. That's not his style.


He has never come off as a dick to me. Being a dick is the Austwins repeatedly taunting him behind his back about his laugh and back hair and convincing each other that he's a crazy psychopath because he listens to scream-o. The worst things JMac's done are, like, mocking Vanessa's crying and the twins kissing Steve's ass. Even Steve's DRs about Becky were meaner. YMMV, but I've always found JMac entertaining, weird, smart and thoughtful, and he'd be my first choice from this cast to be friends with in real life. (James is fun, but I don't think I could handle him on a constant basis.) The week Meg and James were on the block, after JMac left their convo, Meg said to James that JMac is a "really nice guy" in a really endearing, sweet way that you knew she was being genuine. James agreed and wistfully said he wished they had aligned with him earlier.

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I like him because the only person in the house who doesn't whine and freak out at every turn. He will try to win veto today, and if he does, he will not give two shits who goes. If he doesn't win, I don't know if he'd campaign against Steve, but he knows what he says is irrelevant to these people, so why not have a nap.

That's exactly why I can't stand him. He doesn't know if what he would say is irrelevant because he barely says anything. And if it is irrelevant, it's his fault because he saved all his energy for the DRs and basically shut down after Clelli left. He's had tons of information (and maybe a Julia throwing Vanessa UTB conversation) that he just hasn't used. And I would say, well, it worked so I can't judge - but he was already evicted!

He doesn't care - and not in a fun, let me mess with them way - so I don't care about him.

ETA: And by "I don't care about him" I mean I really, really don't like him ;)

Edited by mooses
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Even if Johnny Mack is evicted this week, he would still be better off than 2 of the remaining HGs if he wins Fan Favorite.



How does the money break down for winner, 2nd place and fan favorite?  

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I hate when people act cute and try hard in the voting DRs. John, Steve, and Austin all do it. Vanessa does her cutesy face, which is annoying. Just say who you're voting out and leave.

Well..we're not on the same page as far as Johnny Mac is concerned, but what about when the HouseGuests go into the voting DR, sit in the chair, put their arms up on the back of the chair like they're going to be there for a while?  That drives me bonkers!!!  You people know you're only going to be there for two seconds - you've been doing this for several weeks now - don't get comfortable!!!!!!!   :)

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If I am remembering correctly, and there is always a big chance I'm not, the 1st and 2nd place players get that award money in lieu of their stipend, but that the fan favorite gets that cash on top of their stipend, meaning a person winning fan favorite who is not in the final two makes almost as much as the second place winner.

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From Jokers:

Sat 2:03 AM BBT Liz: "Steve only cares about himself. It's literally been proven time and time again he'd say anything and do anything to save himself." NT - HumanFrailty


Who's he supposed to care about?  That's really rich coming from Liz, considering she's sleeping with the biggest sycophant in the house .


From Jokers

Sat 2:42 AM BBT Austin: "I wonder how many Liztin tributes are on youtube." He explains what youtube tributes are. Austin: "They always do that - HumanFrailty
for favorites."


I really hope no one has made any tributes to Liz and Austin's relationship.  I don't want to look 'cause then I might accidentally see one.  Blech.


From Jokers

Sat 3:18 AM BBT Austin: "We can never be that far apart ever, okay?" Liz: "Okay." NT - HumanFrailty

Sat 3:22 AM BBT Liz: "Goodnight I love you. I missed you today." (to Austin) NT - HumanFrailty

Sat 3:28 AM BBT Liz: "I love you kissing. I love you too." Austin: "I can't live without you." NT - HumanFrailty


Even though her parents love her, don't you think they must be cringing to see what's going on with Liz and Austin?  I wonder if Austin's family has reached out to Liz's family?  

Austin is so controlling and icky.

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I really hope no one has made any tributes to Liz and Austin's relationship.


Ohhh, I'm pretty sure there are "tributes", but not the kind that Austin is thinking of!!:)  Note, I am stating this without seeking evidence because, as you said, blech.

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Well, I certainly was wrong about why the feeds were down for so long yesterday! Never even occurred to me that they'd shut the feeds down all day for Liz and Vanessa's outing. And what a terrible terrible outing it has to have been. Why would they have Frankie come back? Does he have fans? Do people like him? I cannot even.

John is so polarizing! I think he's an interesting and amusing person, more so than anyone else left (and I looooaaaathe Austin). I will hate to see him leave, not because he's playing a great game but because I can barely stand to watch three of the other four remaining HGs. I don't even know whether or not he's playing a good game; sometimes I think he's got a decent strategy, other times I think he's reached don't-give-a-fuck status, and still other times I think he's horrible. My suspicion is that he's probably an average player, just like most people.

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I like John and Steve because they're both non-standard. Most seasons, I lose interest halfway through because it's often the same boring cookie cutter houseguests, or the more interesting people are voted out early on. This year I've kept an interest in what happens with these two weirdos so I'm still watching. One of them is probably leaving Tuesday so at least that will free up half the brain cells I devote to Big Brother for more useful endeavors.

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And by "I don't care about him" I mean I really, really don't like him ;)


At least I'm not alone! John haters unite!


That being said, I hope he wins veto so Vanessa will have another meltdown. But it's John and he can't win a comp to save his life, so I doubt it'll happen.


Speaking of veto, we've passed the 3 hour mark. I'm so over these long ass vetos!


Does anyone remember if we get to see part 1 of final HOH on the feeds anymore? 

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I'm pretty sure we do, wasn't last year with Derrick/Victoria/Cody on the wall balancing with water shooting at them, and wasn't the year before Spencer/Andy/Gina Maria doing a rollerskating thing with a spectacular fall by Spencer?


As for John winning veto, I think that would be the most interesting.  I'm pretty much indifferent if John/Steve goes, Steve has been playing on my last nerve lately.  I do wonder if the temptation to get out Liz (I assume that is who would go up, she volunteered (deep sigh)) would be too great for Vanessa to resist.

Edited by pennben
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I'm pretty sure we do, wasn't last year with Derrick/Victoria/Cody on the wall balancing with water shooting at them, and wasn't the year before Spencer/Andy/Gina Maria doing a rollerskating thing with a spectacular fall by Spencer?

Yea, those were the comps. I thought I remembered seeing the rollerskating one on the feeds. I forget everything about last season lol. I just wasn't sure if we still see them since they don't actually start them at the end of the last live eviction ep anymore.


I do wonder if the temptation to get out Liz (I assume that is who would go up, she volunteered (deep sigh)) would be too great for Vanessa to resist.

This is the reason why I'm kinda torn on John winning veto. It would be the only thing that would really be dramatic, but I do believe Liz would get evicted in that case and I don't want that.


So what makes people think john is rude to Julie in his dr? Just wondering bc I've never thought of him as rude and wanna know what ppl see that I dont.

Well, the "Whaddya want?" one comes to mind. I mean he's obviously joking with his schtick now, but it's being a dick to be funny and it's just very annoying to me.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I would laugh and laugh if John makes it to the finals and he stands up to make his speech and he's all normal and he's been playing a character the whole season.

For some reason I'm half expecting that exact thing of Steve.

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Well, the "Whaddya want?" one comes to mind. I mean he's obviously joking with his schtick now, but it's being a dick to be funny and it's just very annoying to me.

I suspect production has let him know the audience liked it in the past and to keep it up. It does seem a bit forced now.

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John is my favorite house guest and I'd love to see him go all the way.  Yes, I know he's not the best game player.  I just like him.  He makes me laugh.  Maybe I'd feel differently if I watched the feeds, but just watching him on the show amuses me no end.  

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John is my favorite house guest and I'd love to see him go all the way.  Yes, I know he's not the best game player.  I just like him.  He makes me laugh.  Maybe I'd feel differently if I watched the feeds, but just watching him on the show amuses me no end.  

I rarely see him do anything on the feeds anymore. He's usually sleeping or staring into space by himself.

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I rarely see him do anything on the feeds anymore. He's usually sleeping or staring into space by himself.


LMAO. That's pretty much all he's done since day 1. The show itself has always made him out to be so much more than he really was.


After the show I really hope someone asks John why he was so attached to Clay. That's still such a head scratcher for me.

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