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Season 17 Live Feed Discussion: Watch People Sleep All Day!

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Oh!  This is surprising!  John actually didn't throw it this time!  He actually tried to win!  But Jason sucked so hard at it!


Sounds like the BotB had something to do with smashing pumpkins ('90s Week tie-in).


Apparently, James and Jason smashed, like, sixty pumpkins looking for a key, while Jackie was shaking them instead and found the key they needed that way.


Sounds like Jason needs the Veto, or it's time for him to say goodbye.

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Audrey is really being Audrey today. Apparently in her nomination speech, Shelli said that Jeff and Audrey told her that Jason was going after her. Audrey freaked, and in a rather heated conversation, basically tried to lie to Shelli that she never said that. Shelli justifiably got pissed, because how ridiculous would it be to have this person sit there telling you she never said something - with NO one else in the room - when you know damn well she did. Audrey then got teary and guilted Shelli into apologizing (quite frankly, some good gameplay by Shelli).

Later, Audrey had some dream involving her yelling at Shelli, and apparently her dreams are a "thing" which come true. She told Vanessa and said she wanted to tell Shelli, and Vanessa said not to, that Shelli was finally getting some sleep. Well, Shelli was just telling James that Audrey actually did come up and wake her up right before the veto about this stupid dream.

Now, I'm sure Shelli and Clay are blowing smoke up James' ass right now about wanting to get Audrey out, and I'm sure Vanessa will talk for a million years and get her to keep Audrey, but I think if Jason somehow wins Veto, or John gets off the block? It could get interesting.

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Oh!  This is surprising!  John actually didn't throw it this time!  He actually tried to win!  But Jason sucked so hard at it!


Sounds like the BotB had something to do with smashing pumpkins ('90s Week tie-in).


Apparently, James and Jason smashed, like, sixty pumpkins looking for a key, while Jackie was shaking them instead and found the key they needed that way.


Sounds like Jason needs the Veto, or it's time for him to say goodbye.

Damnit, I wish I knew if that was because Jackie isn't ACTUALLY stupid (even if she's played this game like she is), or if it's just because she lucked into the right method and John didn't.


I mean if the game hang that "Smashing Pumpkins' title out in front of people it actually takes creative thinking to not smash them.

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It just hit me... does James know Steve voted against him? If he did win POV , he might actually give POV to Jason and work out something with Shelli to get Steve up as the replacement.

Nope.  Nobody believes he did it except Audrey and maybe Vanessa (who is covering for him if she does).  Oh, and Liz knows if she persuaded him to do it when the feeds were off... we never saw them have a private conversation since Austin was following her around, but I suspect he did it on his own.


James is throwing Audrey under the buss to Shelli atm.  Right now Shelli is intending to backdoor Audrey, but I bet she only goes through with it if Jason is taken off the block.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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{Curses the day some dipshit on this show--I don't remember which--came up with the phrase "blood on my hands" and how that shitty phrase has ruined the whole show, because it causes endless repeat nominations}

Yes! OMG I  HATE THAT PHRASE! I want anyone who says it be ejected from the game immediately. No warning, no second chance, just GONE (and, optional - replaced by a dog!)

Edited by looksee
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HAH! Audrey crying to Clay right now because everyone is so mean to her just because she's constantly lying and stuff (not her words, but that's pretty much it). She was upset because she thinks Vanessa thinks she doesn't completely trust Vanessa. Clay asked why she would think that, and Audrey kind of stutters "Well, because, because, I said that to Shelli". And she's worried that Shelli will tell Vanessa this. Clay assures her Shelli won't say anything, that Shelli would talk to Clay first. That Shelli would never throw Audrey under the bus.

Meanwhile, five minutes before this, Shelli told Vanessa up in the HOH exactly this.

Edited: now Audrey is telling Clay she's not sure about Vanessa, and don't tell Vanessa this. Yeah, Audrey is so freaking good at this game.

Edited by Katesus7
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Call me crazy but I think Vanessa is ready to build her all girls alliance. She's been hinting Austin should go. She put up two strong boys last week. But her convos are giving me that impression.

As for John, I know people love him but from a game standpoint hes been too ok being the pawn. I would whether for Jason to stay over John personally.

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Yeah, she's won me over. I fully reserve the right to go back to disliking her in a few days, but today? My MVP is Shelli. Quite frankly, I think she's who Vanessa thinks she is. She has Audrey's number, she has Austin's number, she has good relationships with a lot of the house. If she would just lose Clay, she could kick this game's ass.

Meanwhile, she's telling Vanessa all, and digging that grave for Audrey even deeper.

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I can't recall a HG quite like Audrey. Honestly, 95% of the game conversations in the house revolve around her. It's amazing.

The weak part of Shelli's game is she believes Vanessa's lies. She did have a F2 with Audrey and is working with Steve.

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Uh . . . huh?  Wording, @Katesus7?

Audrey is upset that Vanessa might think that Audrey doesn't completely trust Vanessa. The reason Audrey is worried about this is because Audrey told Shelli that Audrey does not completely trust Vanessa. And after blubbering about this to Clay, Audrey then told Clay that Audrey does not completely trust Vanessa.

Sorry, after listening to these people constantly talk about "well, she told him that I don't trust her, which is stupid, because I already told you that he doesn't trust her" all the time, sometimes I forget to add all the necessary names.

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Well, right now, Clay and Shelli have decided to go through with an Audrey backdoor, after all, but they're gonna wait to call her out after the Veto Competition or even at the Veto Ceremony.


. . . Though at the same time, I can't help but believe that this is just Shelli rambling and, after some time, she'll continue to wuss out on actually nominating Audrey.

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The weak part of Shelli's game is she believes Vanessa's lies. She did have a F2 with Audrey and is working with Steve.

Yeah, Vanessa is gearing up to go after Shelli/Clay down the road but they aren't even thinking about her yet.  Vanessa suggesting putting up Steve earlier to them is paying off.  She also told Steve she did that to hide their alliance since she knew they wouldn't put him up, so if it gets back to him he'll still trust her.


She also said Austin was an emotional player and criticized him for pursuing Liz, even though Vanessa played a big part in setting that up.


If Audrey is selected for the veto and somehow wins I'll think the fix is in.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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And, then CBS will quickly return Audrey to the BB House. How they exactly they do it I don't know. LOL!!


Via a BB Takeover of course -- and the challenge will be that each houseguest has to hold their breath for 5 minutes -- and if any one individual doesn't last 5 minutes, Audrey gets back in the house.  </sarcasm>

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I hope it's with that hot tub full of garbage challenge that Amy won to get back into the house. That's my all-time favorite.

Amy got back into the BB3 house with a houseguest vote.  The hot tub competition was an HoH Competition she won after winning her way back in.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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If she actually goes through with a backdoor (I'll believe it when I see it) Shelli will come out smelling like roses to Jason, Meg, James. And Vanessa is still the bad guy for what happened the previous week. It's kind of not the greatest move for Vanessa.

Also, if I hear Vanessa say "straight up lied to my face" one more time I might take an ice pick to my eardrums.

Edited by Cutty
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Shelli will only think about backdooring Audrey if someone pulls themself off the block. If Jason does, I think she absolutely would put up Audrey. Or Becky. She really seems to like John, and wants to work with him, but her alliance is convinced Becky is somehow powerful. If John comes off the block, I think Vanessa will be in her ear to still get rid of Jason, so I'm not sure what she would do. I think Becky would be in trouble in either scenario. So what I want is for Becky to be picked, win the POV...no, she would save John and then Jason would probably be gone. Damn it, I no longer know what I want to happen.

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I would hate Becky to go home. She seems so nice & normal. She isn't great TV which is ironic because she hardly been shown on TV. Then you have Audrey who is crazy TV. I don't know if she's playing crazy or she really is that crazy but Shelli would probably gain a lot of favor if she nominated her. Personally, I want Austin out. He's gross and I think he would be totally embarrassed if he got evicted. Now, that would be good TV. LOL!!!!

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As for John, I know people love him but from a game standpoint hes been too ok being the pawn. I would whether for Jason to stay over John personally.


THIS! And I actually hate Jason and like John but I am SO over John's 'strategy.'


I want Audrey to win veto and then DR to get her to use it on Jason just to piss off everyone. I'm rooting more so for people's plans to be fucked up than anything else at this point.


And then I hope John goes because he's making everything super predictable and boring. I'm sure someone else will just take his place as perpetual pawn that throws every BOB though.

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Damnit, I wish I knew if that was because Jackie isn't ACTUALLY stupid (even if she's played this game like she is), or if it's just because she lucked into the right method and John didn't.


I mean if the game hang that "Smashing Pumpkins' title out in front of people it actually takes creative thinking to not smash them.


Well, she has already been on a game show that had A LOT of challenges where you had to figure out how to do them quickly and not give into the stress. 


(But I actually don't think she is that stupid, she just doesn't know the right strategy for BB. Had she ever even watched it?)

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Clay wants to "restructure" their alliance without Austin and the twins. Align with a twin then boot them from your alliance just as the other one is about the enter. Cool story, bro.

Vanessa will shut down any talk of backdooring Austin. Not even getting my hopes up about that one.

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I think it's really a pretty big mistake for Shelli's personal game to backdoor Audrey. And I think she knows that. It'll be interesting to see if she gives in to Clay's crusade or if she tries to get people on board for something else. I imagine she's just gonna hope Audrey can get picked for and win veto because then she won't have to worry about it.


Shelli is hands-down the best player right now, but Clay is dragging her down. Both game wise and like character wise. I wish there was a chance Clay would be booted soon so Shelli could play without him, but I don't see that happening in the near future.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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First off, these people are the worst. The most interesting action always seems to happen between 3am and 5am my time. That is unacceptable. I love the fact that Shelli is contemplating backdooring either Audrey or Austin. I hate the fact that she insists on running everything by Vanessa. I thought it was interesting to read about Steve talking to himself and saying he would use the veto if he won on Jason (??) and would try to convince Shelli to backdoor Audrey. He should, Audrey is totally gunning for him, but I wonder how he came to this decision. He's such an enigma to me.

All I know is I am incredibly invested in who plays in the Veto comp and who wins. I really, really want someone to use it. Two days of Shelli freaking out over the replacement nom could be awesome. Just as long as it's not Becky. I need a little normal in this house, and she's pretty much it at this point.

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Shelli and Vanessa do make a good combination when they game talk alone. However, Vanessa knows better than to keep someone like Shelli around to the end. Vanessa has fanned the showmance flames for Austin/Liz and he fell for it big time. His mind so over-occupied with Liz and his feelings. I don't think Liz is as into it and she's just stringing him along until Julia comes in the house.


I think Vanessa is trying to set up the game pieces to implode her alliance once the targets from the other side of the house are gone. She's riding the middle between her alliances so she won't be a target when they start taking swipes. It was very smart of her to deflect her Steve alliance. Shelli was the one pushing to keep Steve so she'll never believe what Audrey says even when she's actually telling the truth for once. Too bad Audrey blew up all her credibility with everyone. I still think the best way to get out Audrey is in a Double Eviction and hopefully Austin can go then too. I would love if the twins were the ones to nominate Austin.


I'm still rooting for Vanessa/Steve endgame.

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I can't believe it's only been three evictions and I already can't stand most of these people. I was thinking earlier who I would like at the end and I can't even come up with anything. I mostly just want to see Clay and Austin get voted out. I can't stand Vanessa and her Cabbage Patch Kids wardrobe and constant overtalk but she's preferable to Clay/Shelli. Though I do think Shelli is playing an excellent social game. 

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I can't believe it's only been three evictions and I already can't stand most of these people.


LOL! I think it might have happened faster than last season for me. But honestly I don't even think I actually hate anyone. The problem is I don't really like anyone either.


At least it's not already painfully obvious who's going to win the whole game. It's better than last season in that regard.

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Never thought I'd say this but I'm actually rooting for Jackie to get into power soon. She's one of the only people in the house who I could see putting up both Clay and Shelli.

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Goes without saying but really bad move by Audrey exposing her F2 with Vanessa. It served no purpose. Audrey really misjudged how close the three of them are (Shelli/Clay/Vanessa).

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Shelli is in bed bawling. DR already going to work on her about Audrey.

Vanessa comes up to the HOH room. "I can’t think until I get my meds." No kidding.

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Clay really wants Audrey gone. I hate myself for this, but I want him to get what he wants. I actually kind of enjoy most of the people in the house right now. Audrey can be incredibly entertaining, but she's also exhausting and is starting to suck the life out of the house. I'm pretty much done with her crying, "poor me, everyone is so mean to me", passive aggressive rants.

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The house obsession with Audrey is exhausting. I'm fine with her going this week but was hoping we'd see her as HOH one time. Vanessa should tread lightly though. With Audrey gone she is going to be the one the other HGs call crazy.

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I like Audrey from a entertainment standpoint, but once she's gone, it will be interesting to see the house without Public Enemy #1 to deflect everything on.

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The house obsession with Audrey is exhausting. I'm fine with her going this week but was hoping we'd see her as HOH one time. Vanessa should tread lightly though. With Audrey gone she is going to be the one the other HGs call crazy.


All of this.


I like Audrey from a entertainment standpoint, but once she's gone, it will be interesting to see the house without Public Enemy #1 to deflect everything on.


It always seems like it'll be interesting, but more than likely it'll just be Clay/Shelli running the game, no one ever targeting them, and the same 6 people being nommed every single week.

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But honestly Audrey OTB outta be super fun. She will be like new levels of insane. And if she's against Jason it would probably be a blood bath. 


It's suspicious to me that they haven't announced the Takeover yet. Now they can just pull something out of their asses to save Audrey.

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It seems like almost everyone is on board to take Jason off the block and put Audrey in his place. Meg, Vanessa, and James are the other Veto players. Shelli is reluctant (she said she's not going to try to win the Veto), but she sounds like she's gonna cave to peer pressure. 

Edited by Ceeg
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It seems like almost everyone is on board to take Jason off the block and put Audrey in his place.


I hope John wins veto then because Audrey vs. Jason would be insane!


Pretty sure the week will end in Audrey somehow safe anyway. They're about to pull out a rewind!

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Never thought I'd say this but I'm actually rooting for Jackie to get into power soon. She's one of the only people in the house who I could see putting up both Clay and Shelli.

You're actually right about that.  She told Jeff as much before his eviction.  She knows they're full of shit and will be targeting them.  I have no doubt she would've if she'd won one of the HoHs this week.

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