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Late Night With Seth Meyers - General Discussion

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2 hours ago, cpcathy said:

Seth's expression during the scroll of Tweets made my night.

I think that might have been real alcohol!

It pains me to defend Trump, but as I recall, a lot of those tweets were made before he was president. They were still immature and ridiculous, but just the ramblings of a private citizen.

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I'm not ready to let him off the hook. For example, the one about Arnold Schwarzenegger was made just within the last few weeks. He's spent more time bitching about ratings and his daughter's clothing line than actually responding about important topics like the horrible incident in Quebec. That's something our President (whoever the President is, at any time in history) should immediately address. But this man has no sense of empathy, compassion or care for anything or anyone but himself.

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OMG, to be the intern that had to search the net for photos of trump in a bathrobe.  Was that really necessary to research?

I can't believe GoP senators are fine with DeVos "learning" about public schools "on the job."  Seriously.  The woman couldn't be anymore unqualified if she had never gone to any school.

I think Pelosi is getting old.  Term limits....

Between the tweets and the business conflicts and the bullying and the constant lies on stupid things, I really have to wonder wtf people were thinking with their votes.  Are they really happy with this as a president?

I guess trump is the 'jobs president' because the news media have to hire all these extra employees to search the archives to refute all the lies by him and his administration.

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Have to love how on one hand, it is unfair the Nordstrom is treating Ivanka so unfairly even though she constantly pushes Trump to do the "right thing", yet, it is unfair for Nordstrom to punish Ivanka for disagreeing with Trump's policy decisions (assuming it is true). So...is Trump now admitting that he is not doing the "right thing" and thus not doing what Ivanka is "pushing" him to do? Or is it that Trump is doing the "right thing" which is "pushed" by Ivanka, and thus by extension, Trump's policies are Ivanka's, and then why is it unfair for Nordstrom to divorce itself from Ivanka if they disagree with the policies? And maybe the complaint about how Ivanka shouldn't be affected by Trump policies wouldn't seem so empty if she didn't spend so much time in White House meetings.

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Yeah...New Hampshire and its 4 electoral votes were so important to the democrats, just like winning California's votes by an extra 3 million in votes (when a mere 400K would have been enough) instead of you know, all those swing states with double-digit electoral votes that they lost by mere thousands of votes.

I wish Seth had followed up a bit more in his interview with that conservative guy from Utah.* While it's heartening to see some people on the right trying to hold the Constitutional line against the current administration, I wanted to hear how he believes such opposition can be carried out. I know he talked about his non-profit but that's basically a lobbying group.

Seth usually does a good job with political guests but this one felt kind of like he was going through preset interview cards in his head.

I hadn't seen those clips of people in Utah booing/jeering at Chaffetz during his town hall meeting. Made me smile.


* Eh, looked it up -- Evan McMullin.

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10 hours ago, aradia22 said:

I liked Seth before but I'm really loving the "A Closer Look" segments now. But does anyone else think he needs to cool it on the "cheating on your wife" jokes?

Cheating wife is something everyone could theoretically relate to, which is what he's going for, trying to get everyone to relate to and understand the lying about russia contacts.

It was fun seeing Amber in that Detroiters clip! This is selfish, but I hope she doesn't get so successful elsewhere that she leaves the show any time soon. I enjoy all her bits.

Which reminds me, I guess Michelle Wolf has now moved permanently to The Daily Show as writer and correspondent?

I could have done without the Jennifer Lopez/shit your pants skit, but they can't all be hits. (I was going to say "winners" except that word is ruined now.)

Sorry, what? I was transfixed by the groovy CBO logo.

I wish the press corps wouldn't laugh when Spicer breaks out stuff like that bullshit about the unemployment stats. It's (bleakly) funny on "A Closer Look", but no journalist in that room should be chuckling when when it's coming out of the press secretary's mouth as his boss's ("quote[d]") answer to a legitimate question. When will they learn that enabling Drumpf's delusions of cleverness is like encouraging a 6-year-old to complete his quest to belch the entire alphabet at the dinner table?

Edited by spaceghostess
Irked myself by referring to Drumpf as "the president".
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